Assignment 2 - 11178140

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Surname: Archary

Name: Brendan
Student Number: 11178140
Module Code: ICT2622 - Object-Oriented Analysis
Assignment: 885106 - ICT2622/103/0/2022
Question 1:


Learning from the modeling process

Reducing complexity by abstraction

Remembering all the details

Communicating with other development team members

Communicating with a variety of users and stakeholders


1. Gather detailed information – meet with users to understand the business processes and needs

2. Define requirements – document findings by building models such as use case diagram and class

3. Prioritize requirements – decide which requirements (such as use cases) should be done first

4. Develop user-interface dialogs – work with the users to define exactly how they will use the system
and what interactions with the system are required

5. Evaluate requirements with users – ensure that the requirements are complete, accurate, and
prioritized correctly
Question 2
1 – customer cannot receive items unless it has been paid for
2 – each dispenser must hold it respective item only i.e.: candies, chips, gum, and cookies
3 – based on the selection from the customer and payment received, the vending machine
must dispense the desired item
4 – based on the amount paid and the item selected, the machine should dispense the correct
change if required
5 – the item dispensed should correspond to the item selected by the customer


customer VendingMachine
+ ChooseItem -Item
+ InputMoney * 1…* -MoneyReturned

+ ConfirmRecieved +Selection
+ CancelSale +Money
+ RetrieveGood +Confirmation
+ CollectChange 1…*

Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Use case name: Purchase order requests
Scenario: process requests for the purchase of products
Triggering event: Over R1500
Brief description: Estate agent receives new listings, find an additional agent and add to the
real estate agent
Actors: Customers, purchasing department
Related use case: None
Stakeholders: vendors
Preconditions: Products available, qty ordered
Post conditions: Write purchase order, send out bid
Flow of activities: Actor System
1. make a purchase request 1.1 receive request
1.2 if bid is less than R1500,
purchase order is written and bid
is sent out
1.3 if bid is over R1500, a bid is
requested to vendor. Vendor will
develop and return bid. A
purchase order is written and bid
is sent out

Exception none

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