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Electromagnetic Radiation is an electric and magnetic disturbance traveling through space at the
speed of light (3,00 × 108 𝑚. 𝑠 −1 ).

Some types of radiation such as radio waves, light and X-rays have similar properties. E.g. they travel
at the same speed through a vacuum.

They are called Electromagnetic Radiation (EM Radiation) or Electromagnetic Waves.

The most common example of electromagnetic (EM) radiation is visible light.

In everyday experience, light doesn’t seem to have many special properties but it does:

A huge spectrum: The light we can see (visible EM radiation) is only a small part of all of the EM
radiation (electromagnetic spectrum) that exists.

Nature’s speed limit: Nothing moves faster than the speed of light.

Wave nature: All EM radiation has the ability to behave like a wave which we call wave-like

Particle nature: All EM radiation has the ability to behave like a particle which we call particle-like

No medium required: EM radiation can propagate without a medium through which to move even
though they are waves.

Two important things to notice, we have mentioned

- Waves without a medium and

- Being both a particle and a wave.

The nature of Electromagnetic Radiation

Propagation of Waves in a Vacuum

We have seen that a sound wave requires a medium consisting of particles.

However some types of energy can also travel across empty space.

Much of this energy transfer is invisible and is a type of radiation.

Dual Nature of Electromagnetic Radiation

We cannot see what is going on in electromagnetic radiation, so we use scientific models to help us
to understand its behaviour.

Wave model of EM radiation

When we want to explain how light passes through the lens of an eye, the wave model of matter
gives a good explanation.
The lens of the eye bends waves of light so that they form an image on the retina at the back of the

Particle model of EM radiation

To explain how light transfer energy to the cells in the retina, a particle model of how small
quantities of energy activate the cells is useful.

Wave – particle duality

Some aspects of the behaviour of electromagnetic radiation can best be explained using a wave
model, while other aspects can best be explained using a particle model. This is the dual nature of
electromagnetic radiation.

If we can explain a phenomenon with the wave model of EM radiation, the particle model does not
do so, and vice versa.

Source of Electromagnetic Waves

The source of electromagnetic radiation is accelerating electric charge.

Accelerate is rate of change of velocity, involves a change of speed and kinetic energy.

Electric Charge is property of some particles that gives rise to electrical phenomena.

Magnetic field is a region or space where a magnet or ferromagnetic materials will experience a

An electric charge that is moving has a magnetic field around it. But if it accelerates, it disturbs the
electric and magnetic fields around it.

This causes the fields to oscillate and produce electromagnetic radiation.

Examples of this are electrons lose energy in an atom or electrons are made to oscillate by a TV
Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves

Diagram above shows an electromagnetic wave that is travelling in a straight line.

At right angles to the direction of propagation is a Electric field. It is oscillating with a transverse
wave motion and at right angles to it is an oscillating magnetic field.

But how does the wave keep going? The oscillating electric field in the one plane produces the
oscillating magnetic field at right angles to it. This, in turn, produces the oscillating electric field and
the wave motion repeats itself and keeps moving onwards.

They are mutually regenerating fields. This means that they keep on producing each other. This is
why they do not need a medium with particles for propagation.

Speed of Electromagnetic Waves

In space, all electromagnetic waves travel at 3,00 × 108 𝑚. 𝑠 −1 . This is also called the speed of light
in a vacuum. The speed of light is represented by the symbol 𝑐.

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