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Department of Education

Region 02
Schools Division of ISABELA


True or False. Read and analyze each statement below. Write down the word True if the
statement is correct. On the other hand, write the word False if it implies a wrong statement.
__________ 1. To avoid injury, one should warm up before exercising and cool down after
__________ 2. When deciding on an exercise program, people need to consider their own
abilities, interest, and needs.
__________ 3. Maximum heart rate is not directly affected by age.
__________ 4. Target heart rate must be maintained for 20 minutes or longer to be effective.
__________ 5. An indoor bike burns more calories than riding an outdoor bike.
__________ 6. Endurance activities are especially beneficial for your heart, lungs, and
circulatory system.
__________ 7. If you can’t quite meet the physical activity guidelines, it is a waste of your time
to do any physical activity.
__________ 8. You don’t get health benefits from exercise unless you are exercising
__________ 9. Body composition is the ratio of fat to lean body tissue, such as bone, muscle,
and fluid.
__________ 10. Heart and lung endurance can be measured by finding out how much weight
you can lift at one time.
__________ 11. Morning is considered to be the best time of day to exercise.
__________ 12. Weight loss should be the most important goal of fitness and exercise.
__________ 13. When deciding on an exercise program, people need to consider their own
abilities, interest, and needs.
__________ 14. The best way to develop skill-related fitness components is through practice.
__________ 15. Assessments are part of designing an exercise program.

Multiple Choice. Read and analyze each question carefully. Choose the correct answer for each
question. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.

_____ 16. Where is the largest and often injured tendon in the body?
a. neck b. back c. ankle d. shoulder

_____ 17. What's the exact cause of muscle cramps?

a. Injury b. dehydration c. deficiency d. unknown

_____ 18. A sprain is an injury of?

a. tendon b. ligament c. muscle d. nerves

_____ 19. What does R.I.C.E. treatment means?

a. Rest, Ice, Crutches, elevation c. Rest, Ibuprofen, Crutches Exercise
b. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation d. Reinforcement, Ice, Cut, Elevation

_____ 20. What is the benefit of a good warm-up?

a. Increase blood flow c. boost your breathing
b. Warm our muscles d. all of the above
_____ 21. Which of the following is a sign of heat exhaustion?
a. really fast heart beat c. coma
b. dizziness d. continuous heavy sweating

_____ 22. With an open fracture, the skin is:

a. Intact b. damaged c. bruised d. fair

_____ 23. Which of the following are signs and symptoms of fracture?
a. Deformity b. swelling c. crepitus d. all of the above

_____ 24. Which of the following should be used to treat muscle cramps?
a. gently stretch the muscle c. massage the muscle
b. drink lightly salted water d. all of the above

_____ 25. The recommended treatment for muscle strain is:

a. moist heat packs c. dry heat packs
b. R.I.C.E. principle d. gentle stretching and massage

DIRECTION: Identify the word/s described in each number. Write your answer on the blank.

______226. It is the ability of the official to settle complaints and disputes in the game.

______27. A hand signal by the referee doing a grasp wrist downward.

______28. A violation by showing 3 fingers with an arm extended.

______29. The interruption of the game requested by coach.

______30. An important quality of an official by knowing the rules and penalties of the game.

______31. It is a measure of body fat based on height and weight.

______32. The emotional attribute of an official of being oneself and decisive in a given situation.

______33. Points given in the foul on the act of shooting by a player.

______34. A violation of time by fingers touching the shoulders.

______35. Type of foul, as the official hand’s signal is hands are both on hips.

1. T 16. C 26.Social
2. T 17. D 27.Holding
3. F 18. B 28.3 seconds
4. T 19. B 29.Time-out
5. F 20. D 30.Mental
6. T 21. D 31.BMI
7. F 22. B 32.Confidence
8. F 23. D 33.Two
9. T 24. D 34.24 Seconds
10. F 25. B 35.Blocking
11. T
12. F
13. T
14. T
15. T

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