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Students ID: SCKD2100112

Organizational Behavior Tutorial
Recently, Unprecedented calamities that had been happened in our nation Malaysia, This
pandemic has changed our lives to adapt to the new environment, and most of the employees
will feel unconducive in the workplace has been changed. To quote a few examples, Before
starting MCO or EMCO employees are able to work in an office and can chit chat with
colleagues yet after occurring MCO and EMCO government give an announcement regarding
whether we should work at home so it may be said without fear of contradiction to say, P&A
Logistics Sdn Bhd managing director, Mrs. Chua Alan is concerned the job satisfaction of the
employee. Research has shown that the atmosphere in the team and at the office is peaceful
and good. This is because a prominent company should have a good leader but also a good
listener to treat employees like a member of the family without any hesitation so that
employees will feel comfortable in the organization. Besides, P&A Logistics Sdn Bhd also
emphasizes the welfare of the employee and lets the employee be willing to devote themselves
and manifest their value to the company. For Instance, At the end of every year, the company
will organize an annual dinner at a luxurious hotel at the same time we will carry out a game
that seems like a lucky draw letting them join the game and win it. In addition, The company
will issue the ‘ employee of the month ‘ award to employees who possess good performance
and strive. The company will send employees to attend the training course to enhance
themselves all of the course fees will be paid by the company but the way employees just need
to focus on the course and gain knowledge.
To be frank, Job involvement is a significant point that we should discuss. This is in light of the
fact that Most of the employees will feel unpassionate and did not have any motivation and
waste their career to carry out their job in the unplanned and undeveloped organization.
Another side of reason is the behavior of the employer to pressure employee without reasoning
and condemned them. Job Involvement will affect the future and productivity of an
organization whether sustainable development or downfall. The decision made by an employer.
The managing director of P&A Logistics Sdn Bhd always gives an encouraging and tolerance to
his employee. This is due to the fact that employees will feel like getting respected and then
the employee will show their results and the quality of themselves to the organization. The
most vital component that an organization should have is the motivation for all of the
employees. This is because when they felt gloomy the employer just needs to share with them
some inspirational words and quotes to stimulate their desire to fight for their goal meanwhile
the sales of the organization also keep increasing.
Last but not empathetically least, Psychological empowerment is the major component that an
organization should focus on. To quote a few examples, meaningfulness, self – determination,
and job security. What is the meaningfulness of an employee let’s talk about it as the saying
goes, meaningfulness is defined as ‘ the value of a work goal or purpose, judged in relation to
an individual’s idea. Meaningfulness results from the feeling that job tasks are valuable and
make a difference. People are creative and self-expressive, therefore they look for jobs that
allow them to act in ways that reflect their self-concepts. Work responsibilities and activities
that fit with how people view themselves should be linked to more fulfilling work experiences.
Employees that feel more empowered get more significance from their work. Besides, Self –
determination is a behavior in that employees can set up a goal and achieve it without any
hesitation and they will try their level best to do it better as well as their can. Self-
determination is an opportunity to show their ability through the work one had been done.

In the nutshell, An better organization will let their employee feel their job are security will not
be facing sacked by the company. No denying to said that nobody will keep staying with a
company that doesn’t have any job security that will be wasted their time and passion
regarding the job is not secure at all.

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