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2023 – 2024


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Submitted for AISSCE 2023-2024, ENGLISH Practical examination on


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Resilient attitude 5

Traits and Characteristics of a 6-7

Resilient Person

How Personal Choices Help or 8
Hinder Resilience?

Tips for Building or Cultivating 9


Importance of a resilient attitude 10

Resilience- Skill? or Character 11


The Seven C’s of Resilience 12

Types of Resilience 13-14

Example: Deep Water and 15-16


Resilient People- Some Examples. 17-20

Bibliography 21


Resilient Attitude:

A resilient attitude refers to the ability to bounce back from
challenges, setbacks, and adversity. It involves approaching life
with a positive mindset, adaptability, and the capacity to overcome
difficulties without being overwhelmed.

Here are key aspects of a resilient


Positive Mindset: Embracing a

positive outlook on life, even in the
face of challenges.
Emotional Resilience: Effectively
managing and regulating emotions. Bouncing back from emotional
setbacks and maintaining emotional well-being.
Self-Efficacy: Believing in one's ability to overcome challenges, face
difficulties and achieve goals.
Responsible Decision-Making: Taking responsibility for one's
actions and decisions. Making informed and constructive choices,
especially during challenging times.
Learning and Growth: Viewing challenges as opportunities for
learning and personal growth. Extracting lessons from experiences
to enhance future resilience.

Traits and Characteristics of a Resilient

Optimism: It is a mental attitude characterized by a hopeful and
positive outlook on life, even in the face of challenges and
adversity. It involves the expectation that good things happen and
the belief that situations can improve. Optimistic individuals tend
to focus on the positive aspects, anticipate favourable outcomes,
and maintain a constructive mindset Resilient individuals tend to
maintain a positive outlook.

Adaptability: Adaptability is the ability to adjust, change, and

thrive in diverse and evolving circumstances. It involves being open
to new ideas, being flexible in response to change, and effectively
navigating through transitions. In a world that is constantly
evolving, adaptability is a valuable skill that allows individuals to
cope with uncertainty, learn from experiences, and embrace new
challenges. Resilient people are flexible and can adjust to changing

Perseverance: Perseverance, also known as persistence, is the

steadfast and determined pursuit of goals or objectives despite
facing obstacles, difficulties, or setbacks. It involves the
commitment to endure and overcome challenges, demonstrating
resilience and a strong work ethic. Perseverance is a key factor in
achieving long-term success and personal growth. Resilient people
exhibit determination and persistence.

Self-Awareness: Problem-solving
skills are a set of cognitive abilities
and processes that enable individuals
to identify, analyse, and develop
effective solutions to complex issues
or challenges. These skills are crucial
in various aspects of life, from
personal decision-making to
professional success. Understanding
one's emotions and reactions is
crucial for resilience.

Problem-Solving Skills: Strong problem-solving skills empower

individuals to navigate complexities, overcome challenges, and
contribute positively to their personal and professional
environments. The continuous cultivation of these skills is key to
adaptability and success in a rapidly changing world Resilient
individuals are adept at finding solutions.

Social Support: Social support refers to the network of

relationships and the emotional, practical, and informational
assistance provided by others. It plays a crucial role in an
individual's well-being, resilience, and ability to cope with life's
challenges. Social support can come from various sources,
including family, friends, colleagues, and community networks.
Building and maintaining strong connections with others
contributes to resilience

How Personal Choices Help or Hinder

Personal choices play a crucial role in shaping resilience.

Adopting healthy habits like exercising, eating healthy, and

sleeping well, Maintaining a positive mindset practising gratitude
and optimism, Proactive problem-solving by seeking solutions and
facing challenges head-on, Building a strong support system with
good social connections and taking professional help, Being self-
aware setting realistic goals and understanding one’s emotions,
and Adapting to change implementing
flexibility and learning from experiences
contributes to resilience.

Negative habits involving unhealthy life

choices and poor time management,
Avoidance of difficult conversations or
showing denial, Defeatist mindset where Pessimism and
helplessness are dominant, Isolation where social withdrawal and
refusal to seek help are prominent, and Rigid thinking by resisting
change and being inflexible can impede the development of

Awareness of these choices allows individuals to make intentional

decisions that foster their ability to bounce back from challenges.

Tips for Building and Cultivating

Building Coping Strategies: Developing healthy coping mechanisms

for managing stress and adversity. Engaging in activities that
promote emotional well-being.
Setting Realistic Goals: Breaking
larger goals into smaller,
achievable steps. Celebrating small
Seeking Professional Help:
Consulting with therapists or
counsellors during challenging
times. Utilizing professional
guidance for building resilience.
Fostering Positive Relationships:
Building and maintaining strong
social connections. Surrounding
oneself with supportive and
positive individuals.
Learning from Experiences: Reflecting on past experiences and
identifying areas for improvement. Applying lessons learned to
future challenges.

Maintaining Physical Health: Prioritizing regular exercise, proper
nutrition, and sufficient rest. Recognizing the link between physical
and mental well-being.

Importance of a Resilient Attitude:

A resilient attitude is a valuable asset that empowers individuals to

face life's uncertainties and adversities with courage, strength, and
a belief in their ability to overcome obstacles. Cultivating resilience
is an ongoing process that involves self-awareness, learning, and a
proactive approach to personal development.

Enhanced Coping Skills: Enables individuals to cope effectively with

life's challenges.
Emotional Well-Being: Promotes emotional resilience and stability
Improved Problem-Solving: Enhances problem-solving skills and
Increased Mental Strength: Strengthens mental fortitude and
capacity to handle stress.
Positive Impact on Health: Contributes to better physical and
mental health outcomes.
Career Success: Fosters professional growth and success by
navigating challenges in the workplace.
Positive Impact on Relationships: Builds stronger and more
resilient relationships with others.

Life Satisfaction: Contributes to an overall sense of life satisfaction
and fulfillment.

Resilience - Skill or Character Strength?

Resilience as a Skill: A significant portion of respondents (55%)

agreed that resilience is primarily a skill that can be developed
through practice.

Resilience as a Character Strength: Around 45% of participants

agreed that resilience is an inherent character strength that varies
among individuals.

External Factors' Influence: The majority of respondents (75%)

agreed that external factors, such as social support and
environment, significantly influence an individual's resilience.

Learnability of Resilience: A substantial portion (60%) believed that

resilience can be improved over time.

Additional Thoughts: Participants provided diverse additional

comments. Some emphasized the importance of a supportive

environment, while others highlighted personal growth through
overcoming challenges.

The Seven C’s of Resilience:

(Coined by Dr. Ginsburg)

Competence: Developing skills to cope with challenges.

Confidence: Believing in one's abilities.
Connection: Building and maintaining strong relationships.
Character: Upholding ethical and moral principles.
Contribution: Engaging in activities that contribute to a larger
Coping: Developing effective coping strategies.

Control: Recognizing what can be controlled and managing it.

Types of Resilience:

Psychological Resilience: The ability to bounce back from adversity,

trauma, or stress, maintaining mental and emotional well-being.
Characteristics: Positive mindset, adaptability, emotional
regulation, and coping skills.

Emotional Resilience: The capacity to manage and regulate

emotions effectively, even in challenging situations.
Characteristics: Emotional awareness, self-regulation, and the
ability to bounce back from emotional setbacks.

Social Resilience: The ability to maintain and nurture positive

social relationships, even in the face of adversity or conflict.
Characteristics: Building and sustaining strong social connections,
seeking and offering support, and effective communication.

Physical Resilience: The ability to maintain physical well-being and

recover from any sort of illness, injury, or physical stress.
Characteristics: Healthy lifestyle choices, exercise, and nutrition.

Community Resilience: The collective ability of a community to
respond, adapt, and recover from challenges, disasters, or crises.
Characteristics: Collaborative problem-solving, community
cohesion, and effective communication.

Crisis Resilience: The ability to cope and adapt in the face of

sudden and severe disasters, pandemics, or accidents.
Characteristics: Preparedness, effective response mechanisms, and
community support

Educational Resilience: The ability of students and educators to

overcome challenges in the educational environment.
Characteristics: Perseverance, motivation, effective learning
strategies, and a growth mindset.

Financial Resilience: Definition: The ability to navigate and recover

from financial challenges, setbacks, or economic uncertainties.
Characteristics: Financial planning, budgeting, and adaptability to
changing financial circumstances.

Spiritual Resilience: The capacity to maintain a sense of purpose,

meaning, and inner strength during challenging times.
Characteristics: Connection to personal values, spiritual practices,
and a sense of transcendence.

Cultural Resilience: The ability of communities to preserve their
cultural identity in the face of external challenges or changes.
Characteristics: Cultural pride, adaptation, and the ability to
maintain traditions.

Example: Deep Water and Resilience:

Consider a person facing a significant life challenge. This scenario

can be linked to finding oneself in deep water—unfamiliar and
potentially overwhelming. Let's explore how resilience comes into

Positive Mindset (Stay Afloat): Resilient individuals approach the

challenge with a positive mindset, seeing it as an opportunity for
growth rather than a sinking ship. They focus on staying afloat
despite the deep waters.

Adaptability (Swimming Skills): Like a skilled swimmer, resilient

individuals adapt to new circumstances. They develop the
necessary "swimming skills" by acquiring new skills and exploring
alternative paths.

Social Support (Lifebuoy): Resilience often involves reaching out
for support, just as a person in deep water might grab a lifebuoy.
William received his support from himself and his mentor.

Problem-Solving Skills (Navigation): Resilient individuals navigate

the deep waters by employing problem-solving skills. We see that
Douglas chooses to train himself to swim slowly.

Self-Awareness (Understanding the Depth): Understanding the

depth of the challenge is key. Resilient individuals are self-aware,
recognizing their emotions, acknowledging the difficulty of the
situation, and actively managing their responses.

Continuous Learning (Floating Device): Resilience involves

continuous learning, using knowledge as a floating device. Even
after learning to swim, we see that Douglas continues to practise
his skill and improve it.

Proactive Approach (Swimming Against the Current): Resilient

individuals adopt a proactive approach, swimming against the
current of adversity, and actively seek opportunities rather than
passively drifting.

Reflection and Learning from Experiences (Treading Water): In the
process, they tread water, reflecting on past experiences and
learning from both successes and failures. Mr. William continues to
swim in different water bodies as a way of reflection.

Resilient People, Some Examples:

Oprah Winfrey: Despite a challenging

upbringing marked by poverty and abuse,
Oprah Winfrey overcame these obstacles to
become one of the most influential media
moguls. Her resilience and determination
are evident in her rise from a troubled past to
a successful career as a talk show host,
actress, and philanthropist.

Steve Jobs: The co-founder of Apple, Steve

Jobs faced numerous setbacks, including being
ousted from his own company. However, his
resilience and innovative spirit led to his return
to Apple and the creation of revolutionary

products like the iPhone and iPad, shaping the technology

J.K. Rowling: Before achieving immense

success with the "Harry Potter" series, J.K.
Rowling faced personal and financial
challenges. She overcame adversity,
including being a single mother on
welfare, to become one of the best-selling
authors in history.

Nelson Mandela: Imprisoned for 27 years for his

anti-apartheid activities, Nelson Mandela
emerged from prison with a spirit of forgiveness
and reconciliation. He went on to become the
first black president of South Africa, promoting
unity and social justice.

Serena Williams: One of the greatest tennis

players of all time, Serena Williams faced
setbacks and health challenges throughout her
career, including injuries and life-threatening
complications during childbirth. Her resilience
and dedication to the sport have resulted in
numerous Grand Slam titles.

Mary Kom: Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom,
a boxer from Manipur, faced financial
constraints and gender biases but persevered
to become a six-time world champion. Her
resilience and dedication to the sport have
inspired many aspiring athletes.

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: The former President of

India, overcame humble beginnings to
become a renowned aerospace engineer
and a respected figure in Indian politics. His
resilience and commitment to education
made him popularly known as the "People's

P.V. Sindhu: Pusarla Venkata Sindhu,

the badminton player, faced intense
competition and pressure in the
sports arena. She exhibited resilience
by becoming the first Indian woman

to win an Olympic silver medal in badminton at the 2016 Rio

M.S. Dhoni: The former captain of the

Indian cricket team, faced skepticism early in
his career. His calm demeanour under
pressure and strategic leadership
showcased his resilience, leading India to
numerous victories.

Kiran Bedi: Kiran Bedi, the first

woman Indian Police Service (IPS)
officer, faced gender bias and
challenges in her career. She
demonstrated resilience by breaking
barriers and becoming a symbol of
woman empowerment.

These examples showcase the diverse ways in which individuals

from various fields have demonstrated resilience, turning adversity
into opportunities for growth and success.


Books Referred:

Ikigai by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia.

CBSE Grade 12- Flamingo Textbook.



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