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Group and Team Communication

Team development process involves forming a group that learns to work together. It is a

process comprising five stages, starting with the forming step where members socially interact

and understand one another. This is followed by the storming stage, where the team starts

moving towards its goals, including setting individual members’ roles and tasks, and it is for this

reason that conflicts become common as personalities clash (Hitt et al., 2018). Norming is the

third stage in the team development process. At this point, group members find ways to work

together, recognizing the important role that every individual is playing, which reduces conflicts

(Hitt et al., 2018; Tuckman, 1965). Norming is followed by the performing stage, where the

members develop working consensus and cooperation to achieve the team’s mission (Tuckman,

1965). In the last step, the group is adjourned as most of the team’s goals have been achieved,

and members can start looking at the next assignments.


Hitt, M. A., Miller, C. C., Colella, A., & Triana, M. (2018). Organizational behavior (5th ed.).


Tuckman, B. W. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63(6),


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