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Coordinating Conjuctions (Koordine eden bağlaçlar)

• Bu bağlaçlar; iki cümle, isim, fiil, sıfat veya zarf arasında koordinasyonu sağlamaya yardımcıdır.
• İki cümlenin arasına girdiğinde kendinden önceki cümlenin bitiminde virgül kullanılır.
• Aynı doğrultuda, zıtlık belirtmede veya seçenek sunarken kullanımı tercih edilir.
• And, or, but, so, yet, for, nor bunlara örnektir.

And: (ve) paralellik. We were tired and hungry.

But: (ama, fakat, ancak) zıtlık belirtir. I'd drive you there, but I don't have my car.
Or: (veya, ya da) seçenek sunar. Would you like toast or cereal?
Yet: (halbuki ancak, yine de, oysa) His solution was simple yet effective.
So: (bu yüzden) sonuç belirtir. I was tired so I went to bed.
For: (çünkü, zira) Don't bring me any flowers, for I will never forgive you.
Nor: (ne de) olumsuzluk belirtir. She couldn't speak a word of Italian and nor could I.

Subordinating Conjuctions (Zarf bağlaçları):

• Bir ana ve bir yan cümlenin arasındaki ilişkiyi belirtmede kullanılır.
• Ana cümleden önce gelirse; ana cümlenin bitiminde virgül kullanılır ve ardından yan cümle gelir.
• Ana cümleden sonra, yani yan cümlenin önünde gelirse virgül kullanılmaz.
• Zarf bağlaçları (subordinating) koşul, neden-sonuç, zaman, amaç, durum şeklinde gruplandırılabilir.
• Because, although, as soon as, when, however, just as, even if, by the time, while, in order that, whereas vb. bunlara örnektir.
1. Zaman Belirtenler:
After: (sonra, -dan sonra, -dikten sonra) She did voluntary work in a hospital after she graduated.
After that: (bunun sonrasında) We broke up a last year; after that, I never saw him again. / Let's finish the meeting. After that, we can have coffee.
As: (iken, olduğu gibi) They arrived as we were leaving.
As long as: (eğer -se, sürece) As long as the waves are high enough, we can go surfing.
As soon as: (hemen, -ince, yapar yapmaz, en kısa sürede) We always have an ice cream as soon as we get to the beach.
Before: (önce, -den önce) Brush your teeth before you go to bed!
By the time: (-e kadar, -dığı zaman) By the time a child reaches school age he ought to be able to dress himself fairly quickly.
During: (boyunca) His grandfather fought in the army during the First World War.
Henceforth: (bundan böyle, bundan sonra) Henceforth, attendance will be taken in all classes.
Immediately: (hemen, derhal) The plane began to turn to the left almost immediately after takeoff.
Finally: (sonunda, en sonunda, nihayet) After months of looking he finally found a job. / Finally, we need to consider the broader economic issues.
Eventually: (neticede, nihayet, sonunda) I looked everywhere for my keys, and eventually found them inside one of my shoes!
Meanwhile: (bu arada, aynı anda) It’s going to take several days for my car to be repaired – meanwhile I’m renting one.
No sooner.. then: (-mesi ile -mesi bir oldu) No sooner had I started mowing the lawn than it started raining.
Just as: (tam -dığında, tam -iken) He called me just as I was getting out of the car. / We got to the check-in desk just as they were about to close.
Now: (şimdi) She used to be a teacher, but now she works in publishing.
Once: (olur olmaz) They always close their curtains once they get home in the evening.
Since: (-den beri) I’ve been very busy since I started my new job.
Till: (-e kadar) Tell him to take it easy till we get there.
The moment: (anında) The moment (that) I get the money I'll send the ticket.
Then: (sonra) Let me finish this job, then we'll go.
When: (-diği zaman, -dığında) She was in a bad car accident when she was young. / I was washing the dishes when you called.
Whenever: (-dığında, -dığı zaman) I blush whenever I think about it. / I try to use olive oil whenever possible.
While: (iken, sırasında, buna karşın) No one left the cinema while the movie was on. / I read it while you were drying your hair.
Until: (-e kadar, -inceye kadar) I’m going to wait until the January sales start to buy a new jacket.
2. Neden-Sonuç Belirtenler:
As: (...olduğundan, … sebebiyle) I went to bed at 9 pm as I had a plane to catch at 6 am.
As a result: (sonuç olarak) He couldn’t get money from the bank. As a result he couldn’t buy a house.
As a result of: (sonucu olarak) The size of demographic groups will change over time as a result of economic, cultural and political circumstances.
Because: (çünkü, dolayı, yüzünden) She spoke quietly because she didn’t want Catherine to hear.
Because of: (nedeni ile) There were so many people in the shop because of the sale. / Because of the rain, the tennis match was stopped.
Consequently: (bu nedenle, sonuç olarak) All the shops were closed, and consequently we couldn't buy any food.
Due to: (sebebiyle, yüzünden) There is a serious decline in our sales due to harsh economic conditions.
Due to the fact that: (sebebiyle, yüzünden) The experiment was halted due to the fact that funding was withdrawn.
For: (nedeniyle, dolayı) I don't eat meat for various reasons. / She did 15 years in prison for murder.
For this reason: (bu yüzden) You never get enough sleep when you watch TV late at night. And for this reason - you won't watch TV anymore.
For that reason: (o yüzden) He changed his hair and lost a lot of weight; and for that reason I did not recognise him.
In that case: (öyleyse, o hâlde) There's no coffee left? In that case I'll have tea.
Now that: (-dığından, madem) Now that I live only a few blocks from work, I walk to work and enjoy it.
On account of: (yüzünden, uğruna) He doesn't drink alcohol on account of his poor health.
Owing to: (yüzünden, dolayı, nedeniyle) The concert has been cancelled owing to lack of interest.
Seeing that: (madem ki, olduğuna göre) We may as well go to the concert, seeing as we've already paid for the tickets.
Since: (-dığı için, edeli, olalı) They’re rather expensive, since they’re quite hard to find. Since we've got a few minutes, let's have a cup of coffee.
So: (bu yüzden, diye, yani, dolayısıyla) I got here late. It was a long journey, so I’m really tired now.
That’s why: (bu nedenle, bu yüzden) We have had our third child last month. That’s why we moved house; we needed more space.
Therefore: (onun için, bu nedenle, bu yüzden) We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.
The evidence was destroyed in the fire. Thus it was impossible to prove him guilty. /
Thus: (nitekim, böylece)
They diluted the drug, thus reducing its effectiveness.
3. Durum-Koşul Belirtenler:
As if: (sanki, imiş gibi) The floods were rising and it was as if it was the end of the world.
As long as: (müddetçe) You are allowed to go as long as you let us know when you arrive.
As much as: (kadar) I hope you have as much fun as I did. / Judy loved ice-skating as much as Doug loved surfing.
As though: (sanki, imiş gibi) They felt as though they had been given the wrong information.
But for: (olmasa) But for the wind, the fire wouldn't have spread at such a fast speed.
Even if: (-se bile) Champions believe in themselves, even if no one else does.
If: (eğer, ise) I'll pay you double if you get the work finished by Friday. / If you don’t book now, you won’t get good tickets.
If only: (keşke) If only she'd listen to what he's saying, I'm sure they could solve the problem.
Indeed: (cidden, gerçekten, aslında) Indeed, it could be the worst environmental disaster in Europe this century.
In case: (olursa diye) Bring a map in case you get lost.
In fact: (aslına bakarsan, hatta) I know the mayor really well. In fact, I had dinner with her last week.
In case: (olursa diye, ihtimaline karşı) Let’s take our swimming costumes in case there’s a pool at the hotel.
In case of: (olması hâlinde, durumunda) In case of fire, please press the alarm button and call this number.
In the event of: (olması durumunda, olduğu takdirde) In the event of a strike, the army will take over responsibility for firefighting.
Just in case: (olursa diye, olması hâlinde) I’ll make some sandwiches, just in case we get hungry later on.
On condition that: (şartıyla) They spoke on condition that their names would not be used in the article.
Only if: (yalnızca, şartıyla, ancak ... olursa) The rebels say they are ready to stop fighting, but only if the prisoners are released.
Provided that: (olursa, yapması koşuluyla) The pollution of the air in the area can only be prevented provided that factories obey the laws.
Providing (that): (koşuluyla, şartıyla) You can borrow the car, providing I can have it back by six o'clock.
Rather than: (-dansa, -mektense) Doug chose to quit rather than admit that he’d made a mistake. / Talk to your husband rather than criticizing him.
So as to: (yapmak için, yapma(mak) amacıyla) I drove at a steady 50 mph so as to save fuel. / We went along silently on tiptoe so as not to disturb anyone.
So long as: (müddetçe, eğer) You can borrow the car so long as you don’t drive too fast. / You can go out to play as long as you stay in the yard.
Suppose (that): (varsayalım ki) Suppose you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Supposing (that): (varsayıldığında) Supposing she really is sick, what will you do?
Unless: (olmazsa, olmadıkça) Unless some extra money is found, the theatre will close. / He won’t go to sleep unless you tell him a story.
Whereas: (buna karşın, -mesine karşın, oysa) The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.
Without: (-meksizin, -medikçe) He can't go out without his parents' permission. / No one can succeed in business without taking certain risks.
4. Yer / Konum Belirtenler:
As far as: (olabildiğince uzağa) The road stretched into the distance as far as the eye could see.
Where: (-dığı yerde) Where you find a lot of water, you will also find these beautiful insects.
Wherever: (nerede olursa, her -dığı yerde) Wherever you live, you have the right to a good postal service.

5. Zıtlık Belirtenler:
Although: (buna rağmen, -e karşın) Everyone enjoyed the trip to the final although we lost the match!
Conversely: (tersine, aksine) American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely, British buyers like brown eggs.
Despite: (karşın, rağmen) Despite all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.
Despite the fact that: (karşın, rağmen) She went to Spain despite the fact that her doctor had told her to rest.
Even so: (olsa bile, durum böyleyken bile, buna rağmen) Try to run on a soft surface, such as grass. Even so, you may start having knee problems.
Even though: (olsa bile) I still feel hungry even though I had a big lunch.
However: (her ne şekilde, ..olsa da..) This is a cheap and simple process. However, there are dangers.
In contrast to: (-in aksine) The stock lost 60 cents a share, in contrast to last year, when it gained 21 cents.
In spite of: (rağmen) We went out in spite of the rain.
In spite of the fact that: (karşın, rağmen) Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.
Nevertheless: (bununla beraber, yine de, buna rağmen) I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless.
Nonetheless: (yine de, her şeye rağmen) Security at the event has been tightened since last year. Nonetheless, about 1000 managed to get in without tickets.
No matter: (ne kadar x olursa olsun) No matter where she looked, she could not find the missing paper.
Otherwise: (yoksa, aksi hâlde) We’d better send it express, otherwise it’ll take days.
Though: (-duğu hâlde, fakat) They're coming next week, though I don't know which day.
Unlike: (aksine, farklı olarak) Unlike you, I'm not a great dancer.
Whether or not: (olup olmadığı, olsa da olmasa da) Whether or not you like it, I’m going out tonight. / Whether he wants to or not, he'll have to clean his room.
6. Aynı Fikri Belirtenler, Ekleme Yapanlar:
Additionally: (bundan başka, ayrıca) Every staff member will get a new car. Additionally, they will get a bonus.
Alongside: (yanında, yanı sıra) I find it difficult to cope with this illness alongside all my other problems.
Also: (ayrıca) She sings beautifully and also plays the flute and piano.
As well: (onu da, ayrıca) We look forward very much to seeing you again and to meeting your wife as well.
As well as: (-e ilave olarak, birlikte, yanısıra) When they go to Austria, they like walking as well as skiing.
Besides: (yanı sıra, üstelik, hem, ayrıca) People choose jobs for other reasons besides money. / I don't mind going shopping. Besides, the walk will do me good.
Except that: (ama, yapmadı çünkü) Liz would have run, except that she didn’t want to appear to be in a hurry.
Furthermore: (dahası) The house is beautiful. Furthermore, it's in a great location.
In addition: (ayrıca, ilaveten, üstüne üstlük) All employees receive paid holiday and sick leave. In addition, we offer a range of benefits for new parents.
In addition to: (ek olarak, ilaveten) In addition to his apartment in Manhattan, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.
Moreover: (dahası) The rent is reasonable and, moreover, the location is perfect.
What's more: (dahası) The rent is reasonable and, what’s more, the location is perfect.

7. Örnekleme Yaparken Kullanılanlar:

For example: (örnek olarak, örneğin, mesela) Car prices can vary a lot. For example, in Belgium the VW Golf costs $1,000 less than in Britain.
For instance: (mesela, örnek olarak) We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.
Just as: (en az onun kadar, onun gibi) You need regular exercise, but a healthy diet is just as important.

8. İstisna Durumlarda Kullanılanlar:

Apart from: (-dışında, -başka, haricinde) We didn’t see anyone all day, apart from a couple of kids on the beach.
Aside from: (-den başka, haricinde) Aside from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns a chain of sports shops.
Except: (haricinde, -dışında) The office is open every day except Sundays. / I have earrings just like those, except they’re blue.
9. Amaç Belirtenler:
For the purpose of: (amacıyla) He learnt Chinese for the express purpose of starting a business there.
With the purpose of: (amacıyla) I went to the conference with the sole purpose of advertising our services.
In order to: (amacıyla, yapmak için) He came home early in order to see the children before they went to bed.
In order that: (olması için, -sin diye) In order that you can sign the form, please print it out and mail it to this address.
So that: (amacıyla, onun için, -mesi için, -sin diye) He put his glasses on so that he could see the television better.

Correlative Conjuctions (İlişki sağlayan bağlaçlar):

• Benzer bağlaçlar; iki nesneyi, özneyi, fiili veya cümleyi bağlar.
• İkili kalıplardan meydana gelirler ve her iki cümlede de bulunurlar.
• Neither..nor.., not only..but also.., either..or.., both..and .., bunlara örnektir.

Both.. and..: (hem.. hem de..) Both James and Emma saw what happened.
Either.. or..: (ya.. ya da..) Either call me tonight or I'll speak to you tomorrow.
Neither.. nor..: (ne.. ne de..) Strangely, neither James nor Emma saw what happened. / He neither spoke nor moved.

I identified with Denzel Washington not only as an actor but as a person. /The car not only is economical but also feels
Not only.. but also: (sadece değil.. ayrıca..) good to drive. / Not only did he turn up late, he also forgot his books. / Not only will they paint the outside of the house
but also the inside./ The car not only is economical but also feels good to drive. /

Whether.. or..: (şu ya da bu, öyle mi böyle mi) I can’t decide whether to paint the wall green or blue. / She didn’t know whether he was laughing or crying.

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