Training Needs Analysis Checklist

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OHS Training Needs Analysis Checklist

A. Worker details
Name of worker:
ID Number or E-mail:
Date TNA conducted:
The TNA is to be completed by the Performance Supervisor or their delegate in accordance with the OHS
Induction and Training Procedure - Section 5. The intention of this process is to identify training required,
not track its completion. Completion of OHS training as listed in Sections B - E is recorded in
Records of any local training must be kept using the Local OHSTraining Records proforma or other suitable
All workers must complete the Monash Online OHS Induction and Ergonomic Principles training.

B. Supervisory Role
Mandatory Training required
Will the worker be supervising workplaces No
or people? Yes OHS for Managers and Supervisors
C. Safety Role
Will the worker be performing a health No If No, proceed to section D.
and safety role? Yes If Yes, please proceed to the next question
Which safety related roles will they hold? Mandatory Training required
Safety Officer No
Yes OHS for Managers and Supervisors
OHS for Safety Officers
Safety Officer (Biosafety) No Biosafety Basic Principles
Yes Biosafety Module 2*
*if overseeing OGTR certified/Quarantine spaces
OHS Risk Assessment
Safety Officer (Radiation) No
Yes Radiation Safety Officer Training

Training Needs Analysis Checklist, v2.1 Responsible Officer: Group Manager, Health Safety & Wellbeing Page 1 of
Date of first issue: August 2020 Date of last review: July 2023 Date of next review: 2026

For the latest version of this document please go to:

Radiation Safety Principles
Unsealed Radioactive Materials Safety Principles
OHS Risk Assessment
Safety Officer (Lasers) No
Yes Laser Safety Officer Training
Laser Safety Principles
OHS Risk Assessment

Building* Warden No
Yes Floor Warden Training
Building Warden Training
*Building Wardens are encouraged to complete the
Operating an Emergency Warning &
Intercommunication System (EWIS panel) training.
Floor Warden No
Yes Floor Warden Training
First Aider No
Yes Provide First Aid
First Aider in remote environments No
Yes Provide First Aid in Remote or Isolated Sites
Event Manager No
Yes Event Risk Management
Running Events Safely
OHS Risk Assessment*
*Event Managers who have completed 'OHS for
Managers and Supervisors' training for their main
Monash role are not required to complete 'OHS Risk
Assessment training'.
Event Safety Marshal No
Yes Running Events Safely
Chemwatch Administrator No
Yes Chemwatch Monash Administrator
D. Specific OHS training
Training Needs Analysis Checklist, v2.1 Responsible Officer: Group Manager, Health Safety & Wellbeing Page 2 of
Date of first issue: August 2020 Date of last review: July 2023 Date of next review: 2026

For the latest version of this document please go to:

Will the worker be expected to perform No If No, proceed to section F.
unsupervised tasks and activities that Yes If Yes, please proceed to the next question.
require OHS training?

Training Needs Analysis Checklist, v2.1 Responsible Officer: Group Manager, Health Safety & Wellbeing Page 3 of
Date of first issue: August 2020 Date of last review: July 2023 Date of next review: 2026

For the latest version of this document please go to:

If the work involves any of the following hazards, Mandatory Training required
direct workers to complete the respective training:
Chemicals and hazardous substances No
Yes Dangerous Goods & Hazardous Substances Basic
Chemwatch SDS and Chemical Register

● Gas Cylinders No
Yes Gas Cylinders Basic Safety Principles
Cryogenics No
Yes Cryogenic Material Basic Safety Principles

● Hydrofluoric acid No
Yes Hydrofluoric Acid Safety Principles
Hazardous biological materials No
Yes Biosafety Basic Principles
Biosafety Module 2 (where relevant to work space,
i.e. OGTR certified/Quarantine)
Hazardous manual handling No
Yes Manual Handling Basic Principles
Ionising radiation No
Yes Ionising Radiation Safety Principles
Unsealed sources of ionising radiation No
Yes Unsealed Radioactive Materials Safety Principles
Lasers No
Yes Laser Safety Principles
E. Risk assessment training
Mandatory Training required
Will the worker be expected to write their No If No, proceed to section F
own OHS risk assessments? Yes OHS Risk Assessment (if staff); or
OHS Risk Assessment for Student Projects (if
Note: Workers who have completed OHS student)
for Managers and Supervisors training are
Training Needs Analysis Checklist, v2.1 Responsible Officer: Group Manager, Health Safety & Wellbeing Page 4 of
Date of first issue: August 2020 Date of last review: July 2023 Date of next review: 2026

For the latest version of this document please go to:

not required to complete the OHS Risk
Assessment training.

If the work involves any of the following hazards, Mandatory Training required
these additional Risk assessment training courses are
Ionising radiation No
Yes Radiation Safety Risk Assessment Training
Lasers No
Yes Laser Risk Assessment Training
F. Local OHS training requirements
Will the worker be performing any tasks No If No, proceed to section G
that require local OHS training? Yes If Yes, please complete information on the next
Please list the local OHS training identified, using the Local OHS Training Requirements proforma at the
end of this document.
G. Sign Off
Signature of Worker: Date:

Signature of Supervisor: Date:

Signature of Delegate: Date:

This form must be kept as a local record that the above has completed their TNA.

Training Needs Analysis Checklist, v2.1 Responsible Officer: Group Manager, Health Safety & Wellbeing Page 5 of
Date of first issue: August 2020 Date of last review: July 2023 Date of next review: 2026

For the latest version of this document please go to:

Local OHS Training Requirements
Local OHS training required: Date requested
List name of training

Training Needs Analysis Checklist, v2.1 Responsible Officer: Group Manager, Health Safety & Wellbeing Page 6 of
Date of first issue: August 2020 Date of last review: July 2023 Date of next review: 2026

For the latest version of this document please go to:

Training Needs Analysis Checklist, v2.1 Responsible Officer: Group Manager, Health Safety & Wellbeing Page 7 of
Date of first issue: August 2020 Date of last review: July 2023 Date of next review: 2026

For the latest version of this document please go to:

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