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Founded 1863 | A Lee Enterprises newspaper
Napa Valley Register, 1615 Soscol Ave., Napa, CA 94559

Editorial Board
DAN EVANS Executive Editor
SARAH DOWLING Editorial Writer
KEVIN COURTNEY Community Member
LILEA DURÁN Community Member
STEPHEN CORLEY Community Member
EVY WARSHAWSKI Community Member
DONNA ALTES Community Member
CINDY WEBBER Community Member


Jackie and ‘The Chief ’

or my parents, Dec. 7 was Communists who’d been jailed the new president. It is unclear Citing former Justice Owen But as I write this, I look down
the seminal date of the by the House Un-American whether they knew Mrs. Ken- J. Roberts’ involvement in the at two letters from Mrs. Ken-
Greatest Generation. For to- Activities Committee) — and of nedy was on the plane. Roberts Commission on Pearl nedy (entrusted to me by Mama
day’s generation it is Sept. 11. But course, Brown v. Board of Educa- What is clear is that he did not Harbor, Papa Warren politely Warren). I reread the words she
for us baby boomers, Nov. 22 will tion, which desegregated public expect to see the woman he’d declined. He was savvy. He knew wrote Dec. 15, 1964. She was
always live in infamy. schools. Papa Warren always felt recently sat next to during dinner the pitfalls. giving Papa Warren a picture
On Nov. 22, 1963, President Ike should have thrown the moral emerge from the plane with her On Thursday LBJ called him of the president as a Christmas
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was weight of the White House be- husband’s blood on her hands over to the White House and as present:
assassinated in Dealey Plaza in hind Brown. and dress. commander in chief essentially “None of the people he was
Dallas. Ike, on the other hand, felt Saturday was a blur. The court ordered him “to don a uniform closest to have pictures of him,”
Outside of the Kennedy family appointing Papa Warren to the was ordered down to the U.S. and pick up a gun in defense of she writes. “I do not know you
itself, perhaps no man was more Supreme Court was “the biggest Capitol rotunda (where the pres- his country.” that well — though I feel I know
personally affected damn fool mistake” he’d ever ident lay in state) for a private “Somehow, that just got to you profoundly — but I will al-
than President made. viewing of the casket. Saturday me,” Papa Warren would often ways love you because I think
JEFFREY Kennedy’s close President Kennedy had a dif- night around 9 p.m. the phone say afterward. you loved President Kennedy.”
EARL friend, my grand- ferent view. That’s why he threw rang. It was Mrs. Kennedy. The rest is history. Despite In another she wrote:
WARREN father, Chief Jus- the dinner in the court’s honor. Would Papa Warren speak on what conspiracy fanatics like “He admired you inordinately
tice Earl Warren, On Thursday, the president national TV the next day at the Oliver Stone and Liberty Lobby long before he was President
the man who spent flew to Fort Worth, Texas. Friday rotunda? loyalists like Jim Garrison tried and you always sustained him. I
his Christmases right here in St. he went to Dallas. There was a reason she chose to do via MTV-style fiction in the remember him saying one night
Helena, on our ranch out in Conn While down at the court that him. What could he say? movie “JFK,” and the efforts of when he was quite upset about
Valley. fateful Friday, Papa Warren was Speeches were not his long literally thousands of conspiracy what was happening in Con-
That’s because just days before alerted that the unthinkable suit. Try as he would, no words junkies, the boring, mundane gress, ‘but the Republicans, how
Papa Warren heard the news of was being broadcast on the ra- came Saturday night. He awoke fact remains: No credible evi- can you hope for anything from
the gunshots, he had been dining dio. Papa Warren went home to before dawn Sunday morning, dence has surfaced to counter the them. They nominated Dewey
at the White House as a guest of watch the events unfold on TV. and as the morning stretched on essential premise of the Warren and Nixon when they could have
the president. Within hours, he received a call the right words failed to come. Commission — that Lee Har- had Earl Warren.’”
He had been sitting next to telling him to report to Andrews Then Lee Harvey Oswald was vey Oswald pulled the trigger in When he was attorney general
Mrs. Kennedy, as her husband Air Force Base to join other gov- gunned down on national TV by Dealey Plaza. And that he acted of California, Papa Warren’s
lifted his glass and toasted the ernment officials in a sign of Jack Ruby. alone. own father had been the victim
man he so admired, “The Chief.” solidarity by greeting the arrival Papa Warren was devastated — In fact, new computerized ani- of an unsolved murder. He knew
As Mrs. Kennedy wrote (in of the new president, the hastily almost physically incapacitated. mation (as featured on Peter Jen- firsthand the pain inherent in an
hand) to Papa Warren less than sworn-in former vice president, But he did his duty, showed up nings’ TV special “Beyond Con- unsolved crime.
a month after the assassination, Lyndon Baines Johnson. at the rotunda and spoke briefly spiracy” — Google it) has proven When you add that to the
“He (Jack) always loved you so The vice president was flying and eloquently. beyond a reasonable doubt that mutual personal affection he
much. He admired you inordi- back to the capital to show the Monday, of course, was the the three bullets came from the and the president had for one
nately, long before he was Presi- government was still functioning funeral. sixth floor of the Texas School another and what occurred those
dent — and you always sustained despite the assassination. (Re- The next day, Deputy Attorney Book Depository and the bullets’ last few days, it is patently obvi-
him.” member, it was the height of the General Nicholas Katzenbach trajectories were hardly “magic.” ous that he would have gone to
Their affection for one another Cold War, and originally, most and Archibald Cox approached There are lots of half-truths the ends of the earth to find the
was mutual — and long-lived. Americans believed it was Rus- him and said President Johnson and sexy theories. And yes, in- killer of his friend — and he did.
You see, President Eisenhower sians or Cubans who had pulled needed the man Life magazine formation that is now known to Case closed.
had disagreed vehemently with the trigger.) had called the “most trusted man the general public was not made
Papa Warren over the Watkins Papa and Mama Warren were in America” to head up a com- available to the Warren Commis- Jeffrey Earl Warren lives in
decision (the one freeing accused expected to pay their respects to mission. sion. St. Helena.

Biden has been an in his closet. is vital in not only protecting the Letters & commentaries policy
effective president Dianne Weyna physical safety and wellbeing of
Napa children, but in protecting their Letters to the editor should be submitted online at https://napavalleyreg-
This is in response to the mental health as well. and are published in the order
letter written by Linda Bolin Thank you Napa Raising a family in our commu- received unless held for fact-checking.
stating that the focus should nity is not easy. No matter what Publication is not guaranteed, and letters may be rejected for, among
Valley Vintners other issues, unsubstantiated statements of fact, ad hominem (i.e., name
not be on Trump but on Biden. our circumstances, parenting
Scandals of long ago (Trumps) For more than 20 years, Cope is one of the hardest things we calling) attacks, or mean-spiritedness. If a letter writer's opinion is criticized
are still with us — he is in a trial Family Center has been privi- will ever do. And many in our by a second person, the original writer may respond, but debate is cut off
in New York right now regard- leged to have the support of the community face additional chal- after that point.
ing his financial shenanigans. Napa Valley Vintners which has lenges that make it harder to be Letters should be no more than 800 words, and submitted no more than
Hunter Biden’s problems are his contributed almost $5 million the parent we want to be. Sharp once each month.
own, not the president’s. in that time. This generosity inflation, a shortage of afford- “Community Voice” commentaries are written by a group of individuals
The U.S. House of Repre- has transformed the lives of able housing, and destructive in the community who have been chosen for their experience or expertise
sentatives, one of the least thousands of children and their wildfires, for example, take a toll in a particular area. Such commentaries are normally between 800 and
productive in modern history families and helped build a on the whole family. Household 1,000 words, and may appear up to twice per month. To be considered for
(passing less than 20 pieces of stronger community for all. We stressors like domestic violence, inclusion in this group, please email Executive Editor Dan Evans at devans@
legislation) is wasting time on are grateful to report that NVV substance use, and mental health
an impeachment inquiry. How- recently announced their sup- issues can make parenting espe-
ever, they stopped the inquiry port will continue with a grant cially challenging, and families miss school, be suspended or ex- today, we decrease the amount
into the January 6 riots. This is of $250,000. experiencing structural inequal- pelled, earn poor grades, and drop of trauma the whole family faces.
not a group I trust with any se- By renewing their investment ities and discrimination like out of school altogether. Young And that makes it possible for
rious work. in Cope’s family support and racism may face additional chal- children are also more likely to children to learn more, be more
Joe Biden has passed the strengthening services, NVV lenges in meeting their children’s exhibit aggressive behavior and mentally and physically healthy,
American Rescue Plan, Infra- demonstrates their understand- physical and emotional needs. have poor relationships with their and lead more robust and fulfill-
structure Bill, CHIPS act, and ing of the importance of pro- Research shows that adverse peers. ing lives.
Inflation Reduction act along moting the health and wellbeing childhood experiences (ACEs), As scary as these facts may Thank you to the Napa Valley
with supporting unions. He of Napa’s children; investing like these create toxic stress in seem, we are fortunate to have the Vintners for their philanthropic
has been a very productive in families today will create a the body, which can change brain generous support of many donors leadership, and for partnering
president yet has “obvious de- safer, healthier, and more equi- development and affect how and community partners like with Cope Family Center for so
mentia?” Are you a psychiatrist table community for tomorrow. one responds to stress. Children NVV. With their support, Cope many years. We are grateful for
and have you personally tested Stress and trauma can have and youth who experience four can continue to provide the vital your continued support in creat-
Biden? The focus should abso- drastic health consequences or more ACEs have been shown services that help families get ing a stronger and healthier com-
lutely be on a person who is a for children and for the adults to have increased rates of de- through everyday stressors and munity for Napa Valley’s families.
front runner for the GOP nomi- they grow up to be, which is pression, anxiety, and suicidal challenging times with programs Thank you!
nation and seems to have many why prevention is so important. ideation, placing them at risk for like parenting classes; home vis- Jessica Silverman,
more than a few skeletons Preventing childhood trauma unsafe behaviors like smoking, iting; emergency assistance like Executive Director
heavy drinking, and self-harm. diapers, baby formula, wipes, Cope Family Center
In addition to emotional dis- and grocery and gas gift cards;
JOIN THE DISCUSSION tress, mental health disorders development and mental health SOUND OFF: To
in children and youth can have screenings; and connections to submit a Letter to the
Want to see and discuss the latest editorials, cartoons, letters and far-reaching consequences resources for additional support. Editor, point your
commentaries from the Napa Valley Register and its related papers? both socially and academically. The power of prevention can- smartphone camera at
Join us on Facebook today: Napa Valley Register Opinions and Children and youth with mental not be overstated: by reducing the QR code, then tap the link.
Editorials, health disorders are more likely to stress for families and children


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