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Ruling limits who can Earth speeding toward
file Voting Rights suits global warming limit
WASHINGTON — A divided According to a United Na-
federal appeals court on Mon- tions report issued Monday,
day ruled that private individ- Earth is speeding to 4.5 to 5.2
uals and groups such as the degrees Fahrenheit of global
NAACP do not have the abil- warming since preindustrial
ity to sue under a key section of times and will likely blow well
the federal Voting Rights Act. past the agreed-upon inter-
The 2-1 decision by a panel national climate threshold.
of the 8th Circuit Court of Ap- To have an even money shot
peals based in St. Louis found at keeping warming to the 2.7
that only the U.S. attorney degrees Fahrenheit limit ad-
general can enforce Section 2 opted by the 2015 Paris cli-
of the Voting Rights Act, which mate agreement, countries
requires political maps to in- must slash their emissions by
clude districts where minority 42% by 2030, said the U.N.
populations’ preferred candi- Environment Programme’s
dates can win elections. Emissions Gap report. Carbon
The majority said other emissions from the burning of
coal, oil and gas rose 1.2% last
1964 Civil Rights Act, make it year, the report said.
clear when private groups can US DEFENSE SECRETARY PAYS SURPRISE VISIT TO UKRAINE Through the end of Sep-
sue but said similar wording Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, left, greets U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Monday in tember, the daily global aver-
is not found in the voting law. Kyiv, Ukraine. Austin made the unannounced visit in a high-profile push to keep money and weapons flowing age temperature exceeded 1.5
to Ukraine even as U.S. and international resources are stretched by the new global risks raised by the Israel- degrees Celsius above mid-
ROSALYNN CARTER (1927- Hamas conflict. Austin announced the Pentagon would send an additional $100 million in weapons to Ukraine 19th century levels on 86 days
2023): Former first lady Rosa- from U.S. existing stockpiles, including artillery and munitions for air defense systems. “We count on your this year, the report said.
lynn Carter, the closest adviser support,” Zelenskyy said, thanking Congress and the American people.
to Jimmy Carter during his one NIAGARA FALLS: A vehicle ex-
term as U.S. president and ploded at a checkpoint on the
their four decades thereafter as American side of a U.S.-Can-
global humanitarians, died last BIG NUMBER THE WATER COOLER ada bridge Wednesday in Ni-
Sunday at age 96 after many agara Falls, leaving two people
months of declining health.
ONLINE SAFETY: Senate Ju- 28% Americans
who worry fre-
quently or occasionally that
Liberty and Bell have new ap-
preciation for the phrase “Let
MISS UNIVERSE: Miss Nicaragua
Sheynnis Palacios won the Miss
Universe competition Nov. 18 in
dead and prompting the clos-
ing of four border crossings in
the area, authorities said.
diciary Committee Chair-
man Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and they will be murdered, ac- freedom ring.” The Thanksgiving El Salvador, the first to wear the
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey cording to a new Gallup poll, birds were pardoned Monday in crown from her country.Palacios,
rea claimed Wednesday to
Graham, the top Republi- a near-record high. Addition- the annual White House tradi- a 23-year-old communicologist,
have successfully placed a
can on the panel, announced ally, 72% worry they will fall tion that this year coincided with wants to promote mental health
spy satellite into orbit with
Monday they issued biparti- victim to identity theft, ac- President Joe Biden’s 81st birth- after suffering debilitating bouts
its third launch attempt this
san subpoenas to the CEOs cording to the poll. day. Hundreds of guests watched of anxiety. Miss Thailand, Ann-
year, demonstrating the na-
of Discord, Snap and X, de- from the South Lawn as Biden tonia Porsild, was first runner-up
tion’s determination to build
manding that the heads of HE SAID ... kicked off the unofficial start of and Miss Australia, Moraya Wil-
a space-based surveillance

Washington’s holiday season. son, the second runner-up.
the three companies testify at system during protracted ten-
We are at war, and we
a December hearing on pro- sions with the United States.
will continue the war. SHAKIRA: After having main- BONAPARTE’S HAT: A faded and
tecting children online.
We will continue until we tained her innocence for nearly cracked felt bicorne hat worn HUNTER BIDEN: House Repub-
HOME SALES: Existing home achieve all our goals.” five years, pop star Shakira by Napoléon Bonaparte sold for licans issued a subpoena Tues-
sales fell 4.1% in October from — Israeli Prime Minister struck a last-minute deal Mon- $2.1 million at an auction last day to Lesley Wolf, a senior
September to a seasonally Benjamin Netanyahu, day in her tax fraud trial in Bar- Sunday of the French emperor’s federal prosecutor involved in
adjusted annual rate of 3.79 after Israel’s Cabinet on celona to avoid the risk of going belongings. The signature broad, the criminal investigation into
million, the National Associ- Wednesday approved a to prison. Shakira answered black hat — one of a handful Hunter Biden, demanding an-
ation of Realtors said Tuesday. four-day cease-fire with “yes” to confirm her acknowl- still in existence that Napoléon swers for what they allege was
That’s weaker than the 3.90 Hamas to allow for the edgment of six counts of failing wore when he ruled 19th-cen- Justice Department interfer-
million sales pace economists release of some hostages to pay the Spanish government tury France and waged war in ence in the yearslong case into
were expecting, according to being held in the about $15.8 million in taxes be- Europe — was initially valued at the president’s son.
FactSet. Gaza Strip. tween 2012 and 2014. $650,000 to $870,000. — Associated Press


lyrical legacy LBJ Library curator Lara Hall
stands with displays Nov. 6 in the “Lady
Bird: Beyond the Wildflowers” exhibit at
the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas.

Projects in her own voice offer “She did all of these things and
new looks at the late first lady she didn’t ask for credit, but she
deserves the credit,” Porter said.
The couple’s daughter Luci
Baines Johnson can still remem-

JAMIE STENGLE | Associated Press multuous days after her husband ber the frustration she felt as a
exas college student Jade became president following the 16-year-old when she saw the
Emerson found herself assassination of President John message hanging on the door-
entranced as she worked F. Kennedy in Dallas on Nov. 22, knob to her mother’s room that
on a podcast about Lady 1963. The library released that read: “I want to be alone.” Lady
Bird Johnson, listening to hour audio about a decade after her Bird Johnson would spend that
upon hour of the former first lady death. It adds to recorded inter- time working on her audio tapes,
recounting everything from her views she did following her hus- Various attire worn by Lady Bird Johnson is compiling her thoughts from
childhood memories to ad- band’s presidency and home displayed Nov. 6 at the “Lady Bird: Beyond the photographs, letters and other
vising her husband in the movies she narrated. Wildflowers” exhibit at the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas. information that might strike
White House. “I don’t know that her memory.
“I fell in love very people appreciated or “She was just begging for the
quickly,” said Emer- realized how much Johnson did with presidential viewers through the White world to give her the time to do
son, host and pro- she was doing behind library staff over the decades House years. From advising her what she’d been uniquely trained
ducer of the Univer- the scenes and I think after her husband left the White husband on strategy to critiqu- to do,” said Baines Johnson, who
sity of Texas podcast that’s the part that’s House in 1969. ing his speeches, her influence is noted that her mother had de-
“Lady Bird.” “She kept only just now really “Just to have her telling her quickly seen. grees in both history and journal-
surprising me.” Lady Bird
starting to come out,” own story was so fascinating,” Porter also notes that Johnson ism from the University of Texas.
The podcast, which Johnson
said Lara Hall, LBJ Pres- Emerson said. “And she just was “a fierce environmentalist” “She was just beyond, beyond
was released earlier this idential Library curator. kept surprising me. Like during and an advocate for women. She and beyond,” she said. “She
year, is among several recent “Lady Bird: Beyond the Wild- World War II when LBJ was off was also a skilled campaigner, thought a day without learning
projects using Johnson’s own flowers” shows library visitors serving, she was the one who ran Porter said. Among events the was a day that was wasted.”
lyrical voice to offer a new look the myriad ways Johnson made his congressional office in the documentary recounts is John- Emerson called her work on
at the first lady who died in 2007. an impact. Hall said the exhibit, 1940s. She had bought a radio son’s tour of the South aboard a the podcast “a huge gift” as she
Other projects include a docu- which closes at the end of the station in Austin and went down train named the “Lady Bird Spe- “spent more time with Lady Bird
mentary titled “The Lady Bird year, has been so popular that to Austin to renovate it and get it cial” before the 1964 election. than I did with anyone else in my
Diaries” premiering on Hulu and the library hopes to integrate going again.” With racial tensions simmer- college years.”
an exhibit in Austin at the pres- parts of it into its permanent The new documentary from ing following the passage of the “She’s taught me a lot about
idential library for her husband, display. filmmaker Dawn Porter, based Civil Rights Act, President John- just what type of legacy I’d like
Lyndon B. Johnson, who died in In making her podcast, Emer- on Julia Sweig’s 2021 biogra- son sent his wife as his surrogate. to leave with my own life and just
1973. son, who graduated from UT in phy “Lady Bird Johnson: Hid- “She does that whistle-stop tour how to treat people.”
Lady Bird Johnson began re- May with a journalism degree, ing in Plain Sight” and a pod- in the very hostile South and “Every time I hear her voice, I
cording an audio diary in the tu- relied heavily on the interviews cast hosted by the author, takes does it beautifully,” Porter said. start to smile,” she said.

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