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Source of Nutri ve Value- Source:

Indian Food Composi on Tables, NIN – 2017;

Nutri ve value of Indian Foods, NIN – 2007, USDA (2019)
Source for millet informa on:
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Millets- The Nutri-Cereals of India

Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.)
What are millets?
Millets are small cereal grains that belong to the grass family. Resilient in harsh environments, it’s commonly cultivated in
Asian and African countries. The word millet is derived from the French word “mille” which means that a handful of millet
contains thousands of seed grains (Taylor and Emmambux 2008).

Did you know?

Globally, India is the largest grower of millets with 26.6% of the world and 83% of Asia’s millet cropping area. In India, millets Common name: Vernacular names: Cul va on areas:
have been an integral part of tribal food in the states of Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Karnataka, and Bajra Spiked millet or Pearl millet (English), Rajasthan,
Uttarakhand (Sood et al. 2019) Bajra (Bengali, Hindi, Oriya, Punjabi, Urdu), Maharashtra,
What are the benefits of Millet?
Bajree (Rajasthani, Gujara , Marathi), Gujarat,
• Millets are highly adaptive to a wide range of ecological conditions and thrive well in rain-fed; arid Sajje (Kannada), Kambu (Tamil), U ar Pradesh and
• climate and they have minimal requirement of water, fertilizers, and pesticides. Sajja (Telugu) Haryana
• Millets have many nutritional, nutraceutical and health promoting properties especially the high Nutri onal Profile:
• fibre content. They are good source of minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium.
Highest niacin content amongst It is the sixth major cereal in terms of area and produc on and has the
• Millets have a low Glycemic Index (GI) and also associated with the prevention of diabetes.
• Millets are gluten-free and can be consumed by celiac disease patients.
all cereals; rich in protein and highest drought tolerance poten al of all millets. Pearl millet is the
• Niacin in millet can help lower cholesterol. Millet has a beneficial effect on the management and dietary fiber. most widely cul vated cereal in India a er rice and wheat.
• prevention of hyperlipidemia and risk of CVD. NUTRIENTS VALUE PER Health benefits:
• Millets are found to be helpful with the reduction of weight, BMI, and high blood pressure. 100 GRAMS
• Reduces cholesterol
• In India, Millet is generally consumed with legumes, which creates mutual supplementation of Energy (Kcal) 347
• Promotes bone health
• protein, increases the amino acid content, and enhances the overall digestibility of protein. Protein (g) 10.9
• All millet varieties show high antioxidant activity. • Beneficial in trea ng stomach ulcers
• Millet cultivation helps to reduce the carbon footprint.
Fat (g) 5.43
• Promotes heart health
Carbohydrate (g) 61.8
How much millet to Eat per day? • Aids in weight loss
Ca (mg) 27.4
According to the ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition the quantity of millet should be around 33% of the total cereal Uses: DKhichdi, Ro , Upma, Idli, Khakhra, Parathas
consumption during the day. For example, for a reference man with sedentary activity 275 g of cereals is recommended
Fe (mg) 6.4
including Nutri-Cereals(Millets). So, if you are taking millets then you 5 can take about 1/3rd or 33% (90-100gm of millets per Folic Acid (µg) 36.1
day) of the recommended quantity .
Side effects of millets only occur if it is consumed excessively. A balanced diet can help in lowering these adverse millets’
side effects. Furthermore, if millet is soaked overnight, rinsed, and then cooked, the antinutrient content can be decreased

How to include millets in our diet?

Millets can be used in preparing many dishes. Cereals can be replaced with millets for any preparation like roti, dosas,
cheela, cookies, cakes, porridges, upma, biscuits, idli, pancakes, tikki, salad, ladoo, pulao, payasam, breads etc. Also note
that the proportion of essential amino acids in millets and legumes complement each other. So, combinations provide a
higher quality of complete protein. It is recommended to add legumes (Pulses) to millets in the ratio of 3:1(Millets: Pulses).
What are the types of millets?
The major millets include sorghum (jowar) and pearl millet (bajra). The finger millet (ragi/mandua), foxtail millet
(kangni/Italian millet), little millet (kutki), kodo millet, barnyard millet (sawan/jhangora), proso millet (cheena/common
millet), and brown top millet (korale) are categorized under minor millets.

Taylor JRN, Emmambux MN (2008) Gluten-free cereal products and beverages. In: Arendt EK,Bello FD (eds) Gluten-free foods and
beverages from millets. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p 464.
Sood S, Joshi DC, Chandra AK, Kumar A (2019) Phenomics and genomics of finger millet: currentstatus and future prospects. Planta
h ps://
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ICMR-NIN Expert Group on Nutrient Requirement for Indians, Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) and Es mated Average
Requirements (EAR) -2020.
Sorghum Little Millet (Panicum sumatrense L.)
Common name: Vernacular names: Cul va on areas: Common name: Vernacular names: Cul va on areas:
Jwari (Marathi), Juar (Bengali, Gujara ), Maharashtra, Kutki Kutki, Shavan (Hindi), Sava, Kutki (Marathi), Madhya Pradesh,
Jowar (Hindi), Same, Save (Kannada), Samalu (Telugu), Orissa,
Great millet Jola (Kannada), Cholam (Malayalam, Tamil), Karnataka and
Janha (Oriya), Jonnalu (Telugu), Tamil Nadu Samai (Tamil), Sama (Bengali), Jharkhand, and
Other names: Milo, Char Gajro, Kuri (Gujara ), Suan (Oriya), U ar Pradesh.
Swank (Punjabi)

Nutri onal Profile: Nutri onal Profile:

Presence of prolamin makes it High Dietary fiber and Li le millet is grown throughout India and is one of the tradi onal crops. It
easily diges ble on cooking- helps Sorghum is tradi onal staple food of the dry land regions of the an oxidant ac vi es along with is mostly mix cropped with other millets, pulses and oilseeds. Li le millet
certain dietary groups; rich in ß- world, a warm season crop intolerant to low temperatures, resistant high iron content; appears related to proso but is generally shorter, has smaller panicles and
carotene, folic acid, and riboflavin; to pests/diseases and highly nutri ous. It ranks fi h in cereals NUTRIENTS VALUE PER seeds, and is grown on a limited scale voluntarily or with minimum care on
produced world-wide and fourth in India. 100 GRAMS
NUTRIENTS VALUE PER poor lands. Li le millet matures quickly and withstands both drought and
100 GRAMS Energy (Kcal) 346 water logging. It is generally consumed as rice and any recipe that
Energy (Kcal) 334 Health benefits: Protein (g) 10.1 demands staple rice can be prepared using li le millet.
Protein (g) 9.9 • Helps in enhancing bowel movement Fat (g) 5.89
• An -inflammatory&an -carcinogenic proper es
Health benefits:
Fat (g) 1.73 Carbohydrate (g) 65.5 • Rich in an oxidants
• Helps in improving blood circula on Ca (mg) 16.1
Carbohydrate (g) 67.7 • Helps in decreasing blood cholesterol levels
• Aids in cell regenera on • Helps in regula ng blood sugar levels
Ca (mg) 27.6 Fe (mg) 1.2
• Aids in weight loss • Improves respiratory ailments
Fe (mg) 3.9 Folic Acid (µg) 36.2
Folic Acid (µg) 39.4 Uses: Dosa, Upma, Ro , Cookies, Rice, Salads
Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus)
Common name: Vernacular names: Cul va on areas: Common name: Vernacular names: Cul va on areas:
Chena, Hena, Barri (Hindi), Vari (Marathi), Northern states Rajgira Hena, Barri (Hindi), Vari (Marathi), Kerala,
Common Millet, Baragu (Kannada), Variga (Telugu), of India Baragu (Kannada), Variga (Telugu), Tamil Nadu,
Brown-corn millet Pani Varagu (Tamil), Cheena (Bengali), Pani Varagu (Tamil), Cheena (Bengali), Karnataka and
Cheno (Gujra ), Bacharibagmu (Oriya), Cheno (Gujra ), Bacharibagmu (Oriya), Maharashtra
Cheena (Punjabi) Cheena (Punjabi)
Nutri onal Profile: Nutri onal Profile:
Highest protein content with high A pseudo millet, carrier of amino Amaranth is one of the ancient groups of plants and has great
Proso millet is a short season crop that grows in low rainfall areas.
calcium; lowers the risk of heart acids and other bioac ve pep des; poten al for comba ng under-nutri on and malnutri on. Amaranth
This millet can be cul vated along with red gram, maize and
diseases by reducing cholesterol sorghum. Proso millet is well suited for many soil types and climate having cancer-preven ve and is an edible plant adaptable to tropical and subtropical climates; its
levels; condi ons. Proso millet is highly drought-resistant, which makes it of an hypertensive proper es; culture possesses valuable characteris cs, such as fast growth and
NUTRIENTS VALUE PER interest to regions with low water availability and longer periods NUTRIENTS VALUE PER cul va on under water deficit. Amaranth leaves and grain have good
100 GRAMS without rain. 100 GRAMS nutri onal value.
Energy (Kcal) 341 Energy (Kcal) 356
Health benefits: Health benefits:
Protein (g) 12.5 Protein (g) 13.3 • Helps in decreasing blood cholesterol levels
• Helps in bone growth and maintenance Fat (g) 5.6
Fat (g) 2.55 • Helps s mulate the immune system
• Helps in smooth func oning of nervous system
Carbohydrate (g) 70.4 Carbohydrate (g) 61 • Helps reduce risk of osteoporosis
• Good for skin • Helps reduce anemia
Ca (mg) 14 Ca (mg) 162
• Helps in strengthening bones • An allergic and an oxidant proper es
Fe (mg) 0.2 Fe (mg) 8
Uses: Idli, Khaja, Burfi, Samosa Folic Acid (µg) 24.7 Uses: Ro , Tikkis, Salads, Cupcakes, Cookies, Chikki and Laddoo
Kodo Millet (Paspalums crobiculatum L.) Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.)
Common name: Vernacular names: Cul va on areas: Common name: Vernacular names: Cul va on areas:
Kodo Kodon (Hindi), Kodra (Marathi), Odisha, Ragi Ragi, Mandika, Marwah, Mandua (Hindi), Karnataka,
Harka (Kannada), Arikelu, Arika (Telugu), Madhya Pradesh, Nagli, Nachni (Marathi), Ragi (Kannada), Rajasthan,
Varagu (Tamil), Kodo (Bengali), Karnataka and Ragulu, Chodi (Telugu), Keppai, Kelvaragu (Tamil), Andhra Pradesh,
Kodra (Gujra ), Kodua (Oriya), Marwa (Bengali), Nagli, Bavto (Gujra ), and Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu
Mandia (Oriya), Mandhuka, Mandhal (Punjabi)
Kodra (Punjabi) Nutri onal Profile:
Nutri onal Profile:
High an oxidant ac vity; one of It is an important primary food especially for the rural popula ons of
Rich in niacin, pyridoxine, folic Kodo millet was domes cated in India almost 3000 years ago. It is Southern India and East & Central Africa. Finger millet or ragi can be
the best sources of calcium;
acid, and other minerals; consists reputed to be extremely hardy, drought resistant and grows on stony sulphur-rich amino acids make it grown under wide range of adapta on ie from sea level to hilly regions of
of lecithin known to strengthen or gravelly soils which would not support other crops. It is rela vely Himalayas but thrives best under well drained, loamy type of soils. About
ideal weaning food;
the nervous system; long in dura on requiring four to six months to mature compared 60% of finger millet is produced by the state of Karnataka which is about
with two to four months for the other miIlets. Short dura on 100 GRAMS
34% of global produc on. Finger millet is a dwarf, highly llering plant
varie es have now been developed. It is an annual tu ed grass that with characteris c finger like terminal in florescences. The height of a
100 GRAMS Energy (Kcal) 320
grows up to 90 cm high. The grain may vary in colour from light red to mature plant ranges from 30-150 cm and the seeds are very small like
Energy (Kcal) 331 dark grey. It has the highest dietary fiber among stall the millets. Protein (g) 7.2 mustard and are light brown, or dark brown or white in colour.
Protein (g) 8.9 Health benefits: Fat (g) 1.92 Health benefits:
Fat (g) 2.55 • Prevents cons pa on Carbohydrate (g) 66.8 • Reduce blood glucose levels • An microbial proper es
• Strengthens nervous system Ca (mg) 364 • Promotes bone health • Revive skin and hair health
Carbohydrate (g) 66.2
• Helps in blood sugar control Fe (mg) 4.6 • Repair injured muscle ssues
Ca (mg) 15.3 • Beneficial for postmenopausal women sufferingfrom any
Folic Acid (µg) 34.7
Fe (mg) 2.3 metabolic diseases Uses: Ro , Dosas, Cheela, Cookies, Cakes, Porridges, Upma
Folic Acid (µg) 39.5 Uses: Chapa , Idli, Porridge, Cheela, Khichdi, Dal & Pulao
Barnyard Millet (Echinochloa frumentacea L.) Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L.)
Common name: Vernacular names: Cul va on areas: Common name: Vernacular names: Cul va on areas:
Sawan Sanwa, Jhangora (Hindi), U arakhand, Kakun Kangni, Kakum (Hindi), Kang, Rala (Marathi), Meghalaya,
Bhagar (Marathi), Oodalu (Kannada), Tamil Nadu, Navane (Kannada), Korra (Telugu), Keppai, Karnataka,
Udhalu, Kodisama (Telugu), Andhra Pradesh, Thenai (Tamil), Kaon (Bengali), Kang (Gujra ), Andhra Pradesh,
Kanghu, Kangam, Kora (Oriya), Kangani (Punjabi) Telangana and
Kuthiraivali (Tamil), Shyama (Bengali), and Karnataka Rajasthan
Khira (Oriya), Swank (Punjabi) Nutri onal Profile:
Nutri onal Profile: One of the best diges ble and non- Foxtail millet is one of the oldest cul vated millets. It is the third largest
Presence of gamma amino butyric It is predominantly cul vated in India, China, Japan, and Korea for allergic grains with a nu y flavor crop among the millets, cul vated for food in semi-arid tropics of Asia and
food as well as fodder. Japanese and Indian species of this millet are and high content of copper and as forage in Europe, North America, Australia, and North Africa. Foxtail or
acid (GABA) and beta-glucan
iron; Italian millet may well have unrealized poten al for grain produc on. It
contents reduce blood lipid levels; vigorous and have a wide adapta on in terms of soil and moisture forms a slender, erect, leafy stem varying in height from 1-5 feet. Seeds
good source of crude fiber and requirements. They grow well in different seasons and at higher NUTRIENTS VALUE PER are borne in a spike-like, compressed panicle resembling yellow foxtail,
iron; eleva ons, but require three to four months for matura on. It is 100 GRAMS green foxtail, or giant foxtail. The grains are very similar to paddy rice in
cul vated on marginal lands where rice and other crops will not grow Energy (Kcal) 331 grain structure. They contain an outer husk, which needs to be removed in
well. Barnyard millet is an erect plant 60-130 cm tall and are order to be used. It matures in 65-70 days. Three to four decades ago,
brownish to purple. Protein (g) 12.3 foxtail millet was consumed as the staple food. It has double quan ty of
Energy (Kcal) 307 Fat (g) 4.3 protein content compared to rice.
Health benefits:
Protein (g) 11.2 Carbohydrate (g) 60.1 Health benefits:
• Rich source of fibre - both soluble and insoluble • Proper func oning of the nervous system
Fat (g) 2.2 • An mutagenic, an inflammatory & an oxidantproper es Ca (mg) 31 • Helps in maintaining bone and muscle health
• Prevents cons pa on and high blood pressure Fe (mg) 2.8 • Good for cardiac health
Carbohydrate (g) 65.5
• Helps in controlling blood glucose levelsand lipid levels. • Good for skin and hair growth
Ca (mg) 11 Folic Acid (µg) 15 • Improves immunity
metabolic diseases
Fe (mg) 15.2 Uses: Dosas, Cheelas, Chapa s, Breads, Kheer/Pudding & Pancakes
Uses: Porridges, Dosas, Idlis, Upma, Chapa s, Khichdi, Cutlets, Payasam & Pulao
Teff Millet (Eragrostis tef) Browntop Millet (Panicum ramose L.)
Common name: Cul va on areas: Common name: Vernacular names: Cul va on areas:
Abyssinian Karnataka Dixie signalgrass Korale (Kannada), Karnataka and
lovegrass Andukorralu (Telugu) Andhra Pradesh

Nutri onal Profile: Nutri onal Profile:

High polyphenols suitable to aid It is a high-eleva on (up to 2700 meters) cereal confined largely to A good source of zinc, iron and A na ve millet of India, has rela vely limited cul va on to the parts
people with celiac disease; the highlands of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Tef is more like a grass, can be fibre; of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, though its occurrence as a weed is
NUTRIENTS VALUE PER grown under a wide range of condi ons, including situa ons not NUTRIENTS VALUE PER noted in all states of India. It is primarily used as a food crop in India. It
100 GRAMS suitable for other cereals. Teff also thrives in both waterlogged soils 100 GRAMS can be grown even in less fer le sandy loam soils and matures in 60-
and during droughts. It bears very ny seeds which are highly 80 days and is the most inexpensive crop to grow and does not need
Energy (Kcal) 367 nutri ous, especially in protein content. This crop needs minimum Energy (Kcal) 338 weeding and has no serious pests and diseases.
Protein (g) 13.3 llage to cul vate, though produc vity is less. A handful of teff is Protein (g) 11.5
enough to sow a typical field, and it cooks quickly, using less fuel than Health benefits:
Fat (g) 2.38 other foods. Fat (g) 1.89 • Promotes diges on.
Carbohydrate (g) 7.13 Health benefits: Carbohydrate (g) 71.3 • Helps in maintaining blood glucose level.
Ca (mg) 180 • Excellent source of amino acids, especially lysine which is
Ca (mg) 0.01 • Helps in strengthening of bones and muscles.
deficient in cereals.
Fe (mg) 7.63 • Rich in fiber and iron. Fe (mg) 0.65 • Op mising heart health and lowering the risk of developing
• Helps in absorp on of calcium
Uses: Ro , Pasta, Bread and Cookies
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
Common name: Cul va on areas:
Ku u Jammu & Kashmir, U arakhand,
Himachal Pradesh and Chha sgarh

Nutri onal Profile: Pearl Millet Sorghum

A pseudo millet with lysine and Buckwheat can grow on infer le, poorly drained soil and is rela vely
polyphenol compounds which well suited for rough land. Globally, buckwheat is a minor crop and is
controls blood pressure; o en planted as a crop cover in order to protect soil from erosion
between plan ng seasons. Its short growth period offers the
100 GRAMS flexibility of plan ng late in the season, and its deep root system
helps prevent erosion. Buckwheat further benefits a farmer's field by
Energy (Kcal) 343 smothering weeds and a rac ng beneficial insects.
Protein (g) 13.3 Health benefits:
Fat (g) 3.4 • Aids in weight loss.
• It helps in lowering blood pressure and improvingcardiovascular
Carbohydrate (g) 71.5 health. Little Millet Proso Millet
Ca (mg) 18 • Having low glycemic index helps in improving bloodsugar
Fe (mg) 2.2
Uses: Khichdi, Chapa s, Dosas, Puri, Laddoo, Sandwich,
Halwa, Cutlets & Cheela

Amaranth Kodo Millet

Finger Millet Barnyard Millet

Foxtail Millet Buckwheat

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