Shamal Manual

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‘A few words of warning! {2 ha eatemaly easy fo peet the fe balance of st ‘ngs that carol the overal perfomance oe ie CConsstnoy is dopendent pon the right bance otwoer oping pressures vate apennge tir re. ‘ol and transfer pot se. Aloratone To anyone of these without consderaicn forthe thers wi make then ofectivey unusable Iisa vary anus etlonce to be possession of a fear wihout an appropriate toons. In he ey of te law an aif Rib ove the bit sa tran and to diferent toa fl Bown hgh powsrea weapon ‘Capable of considerably higher muzie energies Tomaks adusiments— Remove acton From stock (the tigger quard must be removed tet Remove blankeng plug (1005) and king row (112). ‘Usng same allon kay tum adjuster cocrwise toncrease Andanicockwige to duce patel veloc ‘Tew shoud never be need fo move the agusor more than al atu ether way to gt he desited resus, More than ths wil hel upoe ho blaree mentioned in nto fa Fiepace me lacking screw snd check the velocity Areugrout recharge, ‘Ail you fhe ile 0 approx, 125 bar and sat the ‘eli 129-10 Ip below ho mt forthe poet you ws {use the seting should natbetoo fou. 24 BARREL ALIGNMENT ‘Te arrel shouldbe paral to he clndr. Agustmont can be made as follows: {cover tne two screws (1020) sacueng the font lam fan careuly urn fn tha daced recto belo t= ‘tomenng, To check algnmant— & fat surface and two paratls spprox 25mm ih wil be required. ‘emia kichon worktop and two peoes of troom fandia wil just about do tho job * more sutabe eau nent isnot avaiable, Remove the acon fom the stock, place the parallels Undor both he Datel and jndor jst bend te nt {fam gndin oot ofthe bok howsng. are and onder Sout ioueh each peal ‘TRIGGER ADJUSTMENT ‘The tigger nas adjustment for travel and weight on both stages ese diagram). Sear engagements determined by nd stage ave, Tod much oreo Ite weight applied 'S fh second stato wa cause the operation Toe nar {ent tis obvousy shouldbe avoided, Extremely emall nd stage rave! ry froat the sites touch, Cae | [b — the nfo to ‘A roasonabio staring point is to cock the mocharism {winost a peel) and aust he 2 stage travel sere, Socom, very tomy unt te ie es, Row agus ant ‘ore one tur, ‘The tat stage travel can be acusted out comelety i esi, hein eect il gue engl stage Wager This posse to increase the weight of Tet stage and ‘deeeaae the weight of ne 2nd sage fo pont whore Me {st stage wi overcomethe 2nd stage FILLING INSTRUCTIONS Ir some reason tha fle resrvo Is completely empty thevile nas tobe cocked enable ng. re Connect tein pete he gun, Do net overtightn, ‘Make sure bleed va on clam body's shut. (Open main valve on ling ylnder slow Clee tho valve when gauge inate the prose Slatd ons rent page otis handbook. (Open bed valve ema Detach ling pp. Do not bea the ing pipe eo tightly or reduced operat: ‘ng aw eau, “The numberof shots ach fila produce andthe number of rts the ar bottle wil provide fs doperdort von ‘Sovera variables. The Tolowng can be goneraly 20 opts. Each shuld provide 5060 usable shots between the ‘esormendod ting pressure ad eling pressure ihe 12 i AIR ARMS bot charged to 232 bari used then sOrefila aus be eotanasie, LOADING INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Tum leacingbot anti-clockwise 90° 2. Oraw dacewar unt gge clicks into engagement {When you raw to bol back the ist part of Waves tee, inesocand par under sping pressure) Load politinto bara. 44 Push bl uly forward 5. Tumboltclockwise 90" int locked positon ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Toretease aie fom ile, sew a roleaso nut ono tread Attront of ito. Tho fst fw treads wil tur easly, once feelstane sot turn slowly and ar wi stato vlase. 'Sbestnotto alow he ato bo leased 00 api. [Al Sharmas are fied wih enoxod bare, wo harlore ‘Sse hat plastic sted polis should ot be used. ‘The.22barelis box suted 0 5.5mm dameter poets. Muzzle enargy is calculated trom voloaty using the fl Towing ermal ‘muzzle energy inl = VEX, ‘a2 whore V = volt in Ree W = woight of poet ingrains. 1 gram = 15432 gins The curent egal muzzle energy lt is 12 bs. fer ar tes, Stempel erp tntearn ene AI AIR AR) USERS HANDBOOK Pneumatic. Sporting & Target Rifles Treated with the care that any precision instrument warrants, tis air rifle will give you {900d sport and service overmany thousands of shot. Please read this manual belore you use your ‘new gun, it contain information to help you keep your gun in top condition. Always be,aware that Your actions will be under the scrutiny of other mambers of the public who may not share your enthusiasm for rifles, Bad practices promote bad publicty ~ remember the Safety Code. cAUTION ‘THE AIR RESERVOIRS A HIGHLY PRESSURISED UNIT; DONOT ATTEMPT'TO MODIFY OR MACHINE INANY WAY. DONOT RECHARGE IF THERE ARE LARGE ABRA- ‘SIONS OR DENTS INITS SURFACE. 100 NOT STORE THE RIFLE IN PLACES SUBJECT ‘TOEXCESSVE HEAT. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DISMANTLE WHEN PRESS- URISED. SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY MAY RE- ‘SULT. [ANY UNAUTHORISED DISMANTLING OR MODIFL ‘CATIONWILL INVALIDATE YOUR GUARANTEE. D0 NOTRECHARGE BEYOND 206 bar. ONLY USE CLEAN FILTERED AIR, Le. FOR DVINGIBREATIS ING APPARATUS. NEVER USE COMPRESSED OXYGEN. Congratulations — you are now the owner of one of the Air Arms range of fine air rifles. ‘SAFETY CODE 4. Treat all ai-weaponiasif loaded 2 Never point an are at anyone, even fit is unloaded. 3. Never leave your rile cockedor loaded. 4. Always be sure what lies beyond your tar get 5. Always conduct yourgell—in-e- sports: manlike manner. ——— Warning — unauth yur gun willinvalidat ‘THIS INFORMATION IS IMPORTANT FOR ANY FUTURE. CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING YOUR RIFLE PLEASE KEEPIN SAFE PLACE. ‘THE RIFLE No. MUST BE QUOTED WHEN ORDERING SPARE PARTS OR REQUESTING INFORMATION. — ) = oo 40 LUBRICATION Lubrication of any plece of precision equipment is ‘escent fors long and vouble ree Ife. AIR ARMS Srritesare no excepoon his ne. ‘ue to Hs coniguraton tho Shama has relatively gh Tending applied to cont areas, the moans tat the Nfoatonrequred is minima Oveehabeaton wl ate fly reduc he porormance ate gun [simpossbieo lay down set ules fr ubrestion quant: tie and fraquoncee borauso of he ved Usages ae ‘perang conctions. The most inpocart ingredient ‘mmen senso. the ea! ef the covkng ana Tn Sequence changes othe pefomanco suadenly Jou ‘as from he orm, fs Goud incest rend To Wt aon, SPECIFICLUBRICATION POINTS 11. STRIKER ASSEMBLY “The tee movement af he strker nthe valve body tubes tal to tha overall parermance and conten of he tite. Ths ree movorart canbe elec by ove bia ton use ofan a hats oo hek. sistacecorosion on he Siar andor tube wall and srgress of dus or fragn pares. ‘Tha stor is coated with a PTFE based fim which re: ees the need for horton amest entry However it 'S important to prevent corosion and soa minimum [Sout of ol shoud be occasional apie, Is essen: fal at the of aod stn and of typo tall not {ten in use. JENOLITE GUN OIL i use a the fatoy, {Eutonly ightamaar Inourexperonce aya os er ‘hose containing sean sre NOT sutatle ‘Access for oing the kot gained by remeving the Sankng pug (1279) Lay tho se ont sco, neo then turn rile upright ttng the bral ord up a approx 445" Alow afew moments fr fe alto flow. Ore of WO ‘rope oto souls be suticient, every S000 sets, How ‘ever asad ener here can boo hard and ast ues. FFyou use to tes lt andor unfavourable conitons te dampness ete, mote frequent ubrcaton may be rooossary. 112 LOADING BOLT “Te most important inlcaton for lubrication of he oa ing bot ie the eo! af ts optaron ats apoarance. I the eporation of he ol sts or fos ough Mis & Sure Sign, es a very ry appearance useate by maving the bat repeatedly tom ced to {pan poston puting a sop of oon extn end ofthe bl Iie advisable to insert ot nto theopon ond ofthe bolt using or tough the Blanking pug ole as ary excess ‘wnt way down ent fe sik and Poesy ‘test ts teestave: ‘he type and hickness of ol uses not so impotent as that Used forthe ster, bat 9 thicker of wil maka the operation ster We recommend JENOLITE GUN OIL o¢ Sim. Vary oecasionaly puta smal drop of ol onthe Bart sate (1920, 1825, 130), 13 CHASSIS/TRIGGER HOUSING “Te senalivty af he tigger aparaton can ceed en the amount and ype of bean apoted ‘tuck ows male he scton sug and nthe extome Inaskthe aston othe fet stage. ‘Too mucho wil overtaly tun down onto the bigger Dade Zeal the ob taning the rite upside down an puting a ‘Sal crop on each sige and fo te Font oage of he ‘gg. Alow a few moments fort oo fur ilo the chasis excessive amounts ao apled ft coud nds ‘tay ono the ster and elon prioemance t= a | ils —— ae 14 ceneni ‘To prasrve the posed fish on he extemal uraces, ony wpe ever tha sotrag Soaked n ou Tis shoud ‘dona mmediaey afer each te tha is usod. the use 2 nfequont ort eo be sated away, @ much avr im shoul be apphie, ‘vie storng thee a gun bag. Any damoss pre ‘ont wilbe sedan and accelerate cores. 2.0 MAINTENANCE Aga Yon letonproseaes he matonnce(e- fuels mia 21 BARREL SEALS (ccasonally inspect the bare seas for damage. Should replacement be. needed. crcl Ga ough thom witha stanley knife ana oplace, tng te lrg se Fret tolowod by he sal sal 22 FIXINGSCREWS Chock te tgninest of al thing bots and sows. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. Une a sping ia, tvoads dont have to borightonodto account obo 23, MUZZLE ENERGY ‘The muzzle energy has been set corform to statutory ‘equremants usrg the pelos sated onthe ret page o {hs handbook trary oe pelts are used tho stings ‘may havete bo atored, Pelt vary so much, nat onl between manstacturors but ‘oven types ror the Same manufacture thal ts mposs ‘le fo guarantee tht al of he pots avai an ne ‘art wil rutin th gal use he le. its tnreore essential to chee to muzzieeneray #25 Intnced to use anyother than te tated pelt Adjustments provided shoul be found to be neces ay Wagusiments are made tho rile must be checked thoughout is entre range using a relate chronograph, ‘ver soveralcxarges, ee ay me ton 1 oC how a9 . 1 RED 179 WH ME rH G tae a ( NOTE PAAT NUMBERS MUST BE QUOTED WHEN ORDERING SPARES i eyapnrie freee ‘October 968, 1R8 from 1S) Teeth Bok Seen EEESEEDBEREEEREEEEEEEREDEDREREREDESE ¥ EEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEESEDEEED! a 2 o fH

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