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How has technology affected day-to-day life in the past 25 years?

Do you believe that the

increased reliance on technology is ultimately a good thing for humanity and the planet?

When you look back in time and compare it to now, you can see that technology truly evolves
with us humans. Technology has improved the quality of our lives and made them more
manageable. We can tell it affects us more than we can describe because it becomes an asset in
our daily lives. Technology improves the adaptability of the entire industry, economy,
government, and health department. Its advantages are indisputable, and they continue to
grow as humans raise the bar for creation and innovation, making discoveries and creating
innovations that were previously unthinkable. We can't help but be amazed at how far
technology can progress. As time passes and another invention is introduced, we can see that
technology is gradually invading us, but it is always the result of our intelligent inventors. I can't
say if all of us become reliant on technology, but almost all of us become reliant on it and want
to be a part of it on purpose. However, it is not as good as we once thought because the
number of jobs or employment is decreasing as some companies and industries do not require
a large number of people to work. Because of workplace that has technology, some work does
not need to be done manually by a large number of workers. Some jobs are truly being
replaced by technology, and we cannot stop it because everything has become competitive. I
hope that technology can continue to collaborate with humans rather than replace us in the
near future.

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