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FR Planning Survey 2017

Warmest Christian greetings!

In order to be successful in implementing fund-raising activities and achieve optimum result, it is

necessary to plan.

But being new to Fund-Raising, planning for your FR programs might not come that easy. This
FR Planning Survey will guide you and give you some ground about the current status of your
organization and programs, assessment of your supporters, evaluation of your current fund-
raising activities, your budget, and how you fulfill your case.

You might need some legitimate information to accomplish this. Numbers will definitely matter.
Take your time. Seek help and retrieve numbers as needed.

1. Is your mission clear to every member of your organization? How about the need to fulfill
this mission? How do you plan to communicate these across the organization to build

2. Is it acceptable to your board that Fund-Raising is necessary to answer the needs of

your ministry? __________________________________________________________

3. Who is responsible for your Fund-Raising? How do you involve the board and your

a. How many volunteers do you have to do Fund-Raising? ___________________

b. Do you provide them Fund-Raising training/education/guidelines? ___________

4. Build your pie. What percent of your FR effort and result came from a particular segment
of your organization? Board, your ministry heads, volunteers, general members, non-


1 Mylene Santillan-Sardinia, Fund-Raising Planner, Consultant & Educator

FR Planning Survey 2017
5. Basic as it may seem, it is certain that you received money from supporter, whether you
asked for it or it was given voluntarily. Please describe the experience/s.

6. What is your most recent fund-raising activity? Please describe.


a. How many people were asked to give? _________________________________

b. How many actually gave? ___________________________________________
c. Were you able to achieve the amount needed for your case? ________________
d. If not, why do you think it failed? ______________________________________
e. How many new donors were acquired by this activity? _____________________

7. Please list down fund development activities that has been successful as well as those
who are not.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

8. Assuming you maintain a donor database (if you don’t, better start now) for relationship
and response management of your supporters:
a. How many donors are in your database? _______________________________
b. How many are one-time giver? _______________________________________
c. How many are regular givers? _______________________________________
d. How many are major donors? ________________________________________
e. How many are lapsed donors, meaning they have not given gifts for the past 6
months? _________________________________________________________
f. Do you know their demographic information? ____________________________

9. What is your monthly average gift per donor? Is it enough to cater to your ministry’s
current needs/programs?


2 Mylene Santillan-Sardinia, Fund-Raising Planner, Consultant & Educator

FR Planning Survey 2017

10. Fill up your donor tree. Who are your donors? Where are they from? What method did
you use to attract them to give?

Church Members
(Direct Mail)

(Face to Face)

11. How many new donors do you acquire every month? How do you acquire them?

12. How do you intend to communicate your case to your current and potential donors?
What channel (newsletter, bulletins, group presentation, broadcast media, internet, etc.)
are you planning to use or is currently available to use?

3 Mylene Santillan-Sardinia, Fund-Raising Planner, Consultant & Educator

FR Planning Survey 2017
13. List down FR Campaigns that you want to undertake. Of course, your Case Statement
will be your most valuable resource. Identify your specific FR goal, methods/activities,
target audience, timeframe and in-charge. Dream big! List as many as you can.

For example: FR Campaign: Journey into Light

Goal: To generate P250,000 for support of Prison Ministry 2009
Methods/Target Audience: Appeal Letters – General Public/Non-Donors
Regular Donors
Personal Solicitation – Upgrade/Major Donors
Corporate Solicitation – Companies
Face2Face Presentation – Groups, Volunteers

Timeframe: July-September (FR Campaign)

December (Fulfillment)
In-Charge: Joan Sample

FR Campaign 1: ____________________________________________________
Goal: ____________________________________________________
Methods/ ____________________________________________________
Target Audience: ____________________________________________________
Timeframe: ____________________________________________________

FR Campaign 2: ____________________________________________________
Goal: ____________________________________________________
Methods/ ____________________________________________________
Target Audience: ____________________________________________________
Timeframe: ____________________________________________________
In-Charge: ____________________________________________________

FR Campaign 3: ____________________________________________________
Goal: ____________________________________________________
Methods/ ____________________________________________________
Target Audience: ____________________________________________________
Timeframe: ____________________________________________________
In-Charge: ____________________________________________________

14. You have to spend money to raise money. With that said, how much is available to
spend? Based on your answer to Question #13, what items would you need to budget?

4 Mylene Santillan-Sardinia, Fund-Raising Planner, Consultant & Educator

FR Planning Survey 2017

15. Aside from donations, do you have any other source of income, products to sell?

16. Volunteerism cuts down a big chunk in expenses. How do you plan to involve people to
help you ministry in terms of time and talent? __________________________________

17. Once donations are obtained.

a. Is there a structure in place to handle them? _____________________________
b. Other than cash, do you have payment facility to receive checks, direct deposit,
credit card debit and other forms of gifts? _______________________________
c. How do you acknowledge and thank donors? ____________________________
d. Do you record their gifts in the donor’s database? ________________________
e. What other benefits could you offer to your donors? _______________________

18. Who will evaluate your programs? How often will you evaluate your program? ________

19. How will you report this back to your supporters? _______________________________

20. Overall, how do you think Fund-Raising will impact your ministry? __________________

a. Are you willing to continually educate yourself, your staff and even your board in
fund development? ________________________________________________
b. Are you willing to seek help of fund-raising professionals to help you plan and
ensure success of your programs? ____________________________________
c. Are you willing to create brand, tools and other FR necessities? _____________


5 Mylene Santillan-Sardinia, Fund-Raising Planner, Consultant & Educator

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