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‫المركزالوطني للتقويم واالعتماد األكاديمي‬

National Center for Academic Accreditatio

n and Evaluation



Course Specifications
Institution: University of Hail Date: 13/02/2019
College/Department :College of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department

A. Course Identification and General Information

1. Course title and code: Energy Efficiency GS400 Semester :

2. Credit hours: 3
3. Program(s) in which the course is offered.
(If general elective available in many programs indicate this rather than list programs)
BSc in Civil Engineering
4. Name of faculty member responsible for the course

5. Level/year at which this course is offered: Senior

6. Pre-requisites for this course (if any): EE202

7. Co-requisites for this course (if any): None

8. Location if not on main campus: Engineering College, Building 14, Main Campus

9. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply):

a. traditional classroom  What percentage?

b. blended (traditional and online)  What percentage? 20%

c. e-learning What percentage?

d. correspondence What percentage?

f. other What percentage?


Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 2

B Objectives
1. What is the main purpose for this course?
1- Basic concepts of energy, energy efficiency, energy strategies and policies.
2- Major types of energy source systems and demand response actions.
3- Economics of energy efficiency and demand response and their role in an integrated energy
4- Methods to evaluating energy efficiency, energy generation, and energy demand.
5- Ability to effectively relate critical concepts in energy efficiency and energy management.

2. Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the course that are being implemented.
(e.g. increased use of IT or web based reference material, changes in content as a result of new
research in the field)

The students can download the complete lectures and assignments from the web site, the latest version
of the following book in SI units is used as a text book for the subject and it is available for the students
as a soft and hard copies. Martinez, D., Ebenhack, B. W., & Wagner, T. (2019). Energy Efficiency:
Concepts and Calculations. Elsevier Science.. The students can also download the problem solutions
after the completion of each chapter. Further improvement of the course is in progress considering the
feedback from students’ survey and all the stakeholders of the course.

C. Course Description (Note: General description in the form used in Bulletin or handbook)
Course Description:

This course is intended to provide students with real-world information on energy efficiency and
management from a practitioner's perspective with a particular focus on the implications of energy
sustainability. Through lectures, problem sets, and readings students will acquire the knowledge and
skills necessary for analyzing and calculating the energy efficiency of equipment and services as
well as for the design of energy saving measures and the improvement of energy efficiency in
different sectors: industrial, commercial, residential and transportation.

1. Topics to be Covered

No. of
List of Topics Contact hours

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 3

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of Energy
1.1 Defining Energy, Energy Use and Energy Consumption
1.2 Energy Analysis Basics: The Global Energy System
1 3 hours
1.3 Energy Efficiency Basics: Technology vs. Behavior
1.4 Economic Sector Efficiencies
1.5 Energy Efficiency Strategies and Policies
Chapter 2: Energy Units and Statistics
2.1 Common units and unit conversions in energy analysis
2.2 Energy and Power 3 hours
2.3. Primary Energy and Secondary Energy
2.4 Heating Values
2.5 Energy Statistics
Chapter 3: Energy Supply and Energy Demand
3.1 Fossil Energy Flows
3.2 Renewable Energy Flows 3-4 6 hours
3.4 Energy Functions and Energy Services
3.5 Energy Transfer Diagrams
Chapter 4: Energy Economics, Lifecycle Analysis, and Carbon Management
4.1 Cost-Benefit Analysis
4.2 Net Present Value 5-6 6 hours
4.3 Life cycle energy analysis
4.4 Carbon Management
Chapter 5: Quantifying Energy Efficiency for Policy
5.1 Energy Intensity and Efficiency 6 hours
5.2 Efficiency Indicators
5.3 Policy Instruments: Regulations, Incentives, and Education
Chapter 6: Energy use and Efficiency in the Electric Power
6.1 The System: Customers, Sources, Delivery 9 - 10 6 hours
6.2 The Grid: Power plants, Transmission lines, Distribution
Chapter 7: Energy Use and Efficiency in Industrial Sector
7.1 Petroleum
11 3 hours
7.2 Chemicals
7.3 Steel/Aluminum
Chapter 8: Energy Use and Efficiency in Commercial and Residential Sector
8.1 Space Heating and Cooling
8.2 Water Heating 12 - 13 6 hours
8.3 Lighting
8.4 Office Machines and Electronics
Chapter 9: Energy Use and Efficiency in Transportation
9.1 Fuels Used
9.2 Vehicle Efficiency 14 - 15 6 hours
9.3 Distance Traveled
9.4 Overall efficiency of transportation operations

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 4

2. Course components (total contact hours and credits per semester):

Lecture Tutorial Practical Other: Total
Contact Planed 30 15 45
Hours Actual 30 15 45
Planed 3 3
Actual 3 3

3. Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week. 4

4. Course Learning Outcomes in NQF Domains of Learning and Alignment with Assessment
Methods and Teaching Strategy

On the table below are the five NQF Learning Domains, numbered in the left column.

First, insert the suitable and measurable course learning outcomes required in the appropriate
learning domains (see suggestions below the table). Second, insert supporting teaching
strategies that fit and align with the assessment methods and intended learning outcomes. Third,
insert appropriate assessment methods that accurately measure and evaluate the learning
outcome. Each course learning outcomes, assessment method, and teaching strategy ought to
reasonably fit and flow together as an integrated learning and teaching process. (Courses are not
required to include learning outcomes from each domain.)
Code NQF Learning Domains Course Teaching Course Assessment
# And Course Learning Outcomes Strategies Methods
1.0 Knowledge
Use recent textbooks -Written, oral exams
Know the engineering principles, basic science, (at least 2 majors and
1.1 and mathematics to model and analyze energy and electronic
one final per
components or processes. materials semester).
-Use modern and -Quizzes.
1.2 problem based
Understand a system component or process to -Tutorials.
meet desired needs. teaching methods.
-Update the course
materials to include
recent innovations
and developments.
-Use the latest
software and
computer based
programs to boost
-Use a combination
of lectures, tutorials

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 5

and individual and
group student
assignments to
enhance teaching.
2.0 Cognitive Skills
2.1 Evaluate alternative energy sources with a -Random questioning -Quizzes: to assess
recognition of their impact on the proposed of students during problem solving
solutions in a global and social context. lecture sessions force skills.
2.2 Design solutions for complex engineering students to pay -Assess case study
problems in their area of specialization using attention. creative thinking
principles of mathematics and engineering -The students are ability.
sciences. required to memorize -Assess group
2.3 Understanding how to solve manufacturing basic equations, and discussions
problems by employing methods to evaluate energy problem solving capability to apply
efficiency, energy generation, and energy demand skills.
in design and process improvement of -Students are faced -Final and Major
manufacturing systems problems by the during Exams: to assess
exams, creative thinking
graphical and analytical methods lectures with some and problem
unfamiliar civil solving skills.
engineering systems -Assess group mini
and ideas that require project capability
logical thinking and to apply skills,
reasoning in order to creative thinking
solve the problems in and problem
a timely manner. solving skills.

3.0 Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility

Show the responsibility for their self-learning, Encourage the spirit Questions are
3.1 which requires the use of the tools of search for of team work by directed towards
new information. projects and students during
Evaluate the team working and leadership discussion sessions the tutorials in
qualities such as taking initiative, critical to get all the order to test and
thinking, listening effectively, and motivating
thoughts from evaluate their
students. interpersonal
Need to act ethically and consistently with high skills such as
3.3 moral standards in personal and public forums. leadership,
teamwork, and
presentation skills.
4.0 Communication, Information Technology, Numerical
4.1 Illustrate the ability to communicate effectively The teaching program Assignments and
in oral and written form is totally applied for reports
this course: Lectures,
assignments, and
exams are done
through the website
which improves the

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 6

technology and
numerical skills.



5. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester

Assessment task (i.e., essay, test, quizzes, group project, Proportion of Total
Week Due
examination, speech, oral presentation, etc.) Assessment
1 First Quiz 4th week 5%
2 First midterm exam 6th week 20%
3 Assignment 1 7th week 5%
4 2nd Quiz 8th week 5%
5 Second midterm exam 10th week 20%
6 Assignment 2 11th week 5%
7 Final Exam 14th week 40%
Total 100 %

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 7

D. Student Academic Counseling and Support
1. Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice. (include amount of time teaching staff are expected to be
available each week)
1. Each faculty is required to be available in his office to devote at least 4 hrs. /week for students’
consultation and academic advice.
2. Teaching assistance taking the tutorial is required to devote 1hr/week for helping.

E Learning Resources
1. List Required Textbooks
Martinez, D., Ebenhack, B. W., & Wagner, T. (2019). Energy Efficiency: Concepts and
Calculations. Elsevier Science.
2. List Essential References Materials (Journals, Reports, etc.)
 Goswami, D. Y. & Kreith, F. (2018). Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Handbook. CRC Press.
 Yang, M. & Yu, X. (2015). Energy Efficiency: Benefits for Environment and Society.
3. List Electronic Materials, Web Sites, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

 Lecture notes will be available on the web with enough material to cover the topics that will
be given during that week.
 Searching the web for sites that deal with structural mechanics in general.
4. Other learning material such as computer-based programs/CD, professional standards or
regulations and software.

Black board is used as e-learning tool.

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 8

F. Facilities Required
Indicate requirements for the course including size of classrooms and laboratories (i.e. number of
seats in classrooms and laboratories, extent of computer access,etc.)
1. Accommodation (Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration rooms/labs, etc.)
Lecture room
- Classrooms need to be large enough to accommodate maximum of 30 students.
- Classrooms need to be equipped with smart boards, head projectors and fixed computer
for slide show presentations.
- Mechanical and Electrical laboratories.

2. Technology resources (AV, data show, Smart Board, software, etc.)

Data show
A computer lab that can accommodate maximum of 20 students need to be equipped with updated
computers and energy efficiency software.
- Computer labs need to be operated at extended hours so that students can have easy access.
3. Other resources (specify, e.g. if specific laboratory equipment is required, list requirements or
attach list)

- Equipped mechanical and electrical laboratory including

1- Heat transfer equipment
2- Solar Panel equipment
3- Electric Power equipment

G Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes

1. Strategies for Obtaining Student Feedback on Effectiveness of Teaching

Student feedback is taken near the end of the course via the format sent by the ministry of education
(student survey).
2. Other Strategies for Evaluation of Teaching by the Instructor or by the Department
 Faculty assessment of the course and effectiveness of teaching delivery.
 Periodic self- assessment of the program.

3. Processes for Improvement of Teaching

 Committees will review deficiencies based on student’s evaluation, faculty input, course file,
and program assessment.
 Organizing workshop on effective teaching methods to enable instructors improve their
teaching skill.
 Teaching method will focus on students’ learning and on course learning outcomes.
 Using different learning sources and teaching methods such as e-learning programs.
4. Processes for Verifying Standards of Student Achievement (e.g. check marking by an
independent member teaching staff of a sample of student work, periodic exchange and
remarking of tests or a sample of assignments with staff at another institution)

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 9

 Internal Committees will review samples of student work in this course to check on the
standard of grades and achievements.
 A faculty member from a reputable university will evaluate the course material and the
student’s work to compare the standard of grades and achievements with students at his
5. Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing course effectiveness and
planning for improvement.
The course is reviewed and improved every year according to the results of students’ survey and to
the external assessment by the invited faculty member. The feedback received from these
assessments will be used to plan for further improvement in the course syllabus, teaching method,
and delivery of course materials.

Name of Course Instructor: TBA

Signature: ______________________ Date Specification Completed: 13/02/2019

Program Coordinator: ________TBA__________________

Signature: _________________________ Date Received:________________

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 10

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