Final Report Example

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• Introduction:

Every modern country in the world is defined and judged based on

its development and infrastructure. One of the most important
aspects of this very important infra structure is electricity. Since it
was first invented, electricity became an inseparable part of any
civilized country in the world. Our lives depend on the existence of it
and we cannot operate or achieve without it.

This report is about my training at one of the most important

companies in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Electricity
Company (i.e. SEC ). Throughout the pages of this report, I will
explain in some detail the stages of my training and the departments
in which I trained in. I will also explain the advantages gained from
my training and some of the problems I faced.

Before I discuss my training, I would like to start with an overview of

SEC and some statements about their mission which are all quoted
from the company’s website.

• SEC:

- About SEC:

SEC was first established in 1420 by orders of King FAHAD BIN

ABDULAZIZ through the merger of the ten electricity companies
that provide service in the kingdom. The council of ministers in its
decision number 169 , 11/8/1419 defined some features and
obligations of this company as follows:
- The company will take what ever measures needed and
regular systematic steps toward achieving the best
service available according to standards with the least
expenses possible.
- Enable the private sector from carrying put power
projects through out the kingdom.
- The company may establish or own a sub company in the
fields of transporting and distributing electricity.
- The company may own or collaborate with other
companies, foreign or Saudi, with similar type of
business to help achieve their objectives.

- Mission:

EC is dedicated to serving its customers with safe & reliable electric

energy, caring for its employees, and meeting the expectations of its
shareholders, through optimum utilization of available resources.

Chapter One: The Training

1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Training Objectives.
1.3 The Training.
1.4 Programs trained on.

1.1 Introduction:

Every theoretical knowledge should find its way in real life

application or it will be rendered worthless. Through my years of
study at the university, I have gained the theoretical knowledge that
will enable me to pursue my career. I still lacked the essential
component that will make my knowledge really useful. It was the
practice in a real life situation.

That’s why for a period of 28 weeks I was fortunate to have my

practice at SEC. during this practice period I moved back and forth
between departments related to my major in order to gain the best
possible experience that will give me insights on how to work in the
real word, how to depend on my self and how to be a team player.

In each step during this training, I had a cooperative employee who

provided me with the needed information to carry out my job to the
fullest in each department I trained. I have also made friends along
the way and benefited from their experience each in his line of work.

In general, this experience has been fruitful and inspiring. The

results are larger than expected and provided me with advantages
beyond the real first hand practice. The following sections of my
report will summarize the nature and procedures of my training in
some detail. A list of my training objectives will also be provided in
addition to some of programs used in the company on which I have
been trained on.

1.2 Training Objectives:

In order for this training to be marked successful, a number of

objectives had to be set both on the personal and professional level.
These objectives are as follows:

1- Apply the theoretical knowledge in real life situations.

2- Apply problem solving skills to each problem faced during
the course of practice.
3- Gain experience in dealing with the public through direct
contact with subscribers.
4- Gain experience in dealing with other staff members in the
same or other work environment.
5- Learn how to be a good team player and cooperate with
other staff members in achieving work objectives.
6- Accuracy in terms of time and dead lines when it comes to
carrying out specific assignments.
7- Gain self control and discipline when working under
8- Gain self dependence and resourcefulness when being
assigned to tasks or when there's a problem at hand.
9- Apply managerial skills when being assigned certain
10- Acquire planning skills that helped in giving me a prior
vision of how is works is to be done and what to expect or
even in some cases don’t expect.

1.3 The Training:

As I mentioned before, the training procedure went through a period

of 28 weeks. During this time, I worked with different departments
and was assigned different tasks related to my major. The following
lines will give you detailed view of these departments and the tasks I
was assigned to carry out.

1.3.1 General tour of the company:

For the first two weeks, my only task was to get introduced to the
different departments working in the company. I visited almost every
section of this company and observed how they work independently,
and how they relate to each other in order to achieve the pre set

I also took a tour in the near by branches to observe their work, the
services they provided, the way in which they carried out their tasks,
the technologies they used, the way they related back to headquarters
and the channels of communication through which they connected in
the branch and with other branches.

These observations helped me in obtaining some insights on the

nature of the work environment and the general atmosphere of work
in the company. Through these first weeks I gathered information
and tried to understand what is going to take place in the following
later weeks of the training process.

1.3.2 Customer Service:

The next stage of my training was stationed in the customer service

department which constitutes the direct link between the company
and subscribers. In this department, I was assigned different tasks
and had direct contact with both employees and the public. Some of
these tasks were:

1) Receive calls from customers regardless of the

purpose of the call.
2) Provide customers with information needed based on
the purpose of their call.
3) Face to face encounters and meetings with customers
to comply to their needs and provide the needed
4) Use and train on the programs used in this
department which are related to financial and
personal details about customers to help answer their
5) Receive complaints from customers and report them
to related departments accordingly.
6) Inform customers when theirs a problem that needs
power cut off in order to be solved.
7) Handle bill's payments after power cut off due to
exceeding the permitted period since bills cannot be
paid over the ATM service in this case.

These programs contain vital information about customers. Thus, no pictures can be provided.

1.3.3 IT department:

This department is considered to be the heart of communications in

the company. My training at this department constituted the largest
part of the training process. Several sub departments were part of
my training. These departments are: networks (administration,
planning, installation and application, maintenance and technical
support), system administration, server administration, main systems
administration ( exchange server and active directory ), data base
administration and system development departments which are all
sub departments of the IT department. The following section of this
report explains my training in each and every department. Networks:

In this section I will discuss the details of my training at the networks

department which is considered the link that connects all
departments inside or outside the company together. This
department is divided to several other departments. The following
sections of this report will explain the work of every department and
the tasks which were assigned to me.

A) Network Administration:

This department is responsible for all activities and departments

related to networks. Some of the tasks I assumed in this section were:

1) Supervise all other network department activities.

2) Decide departments that need new networks installation.

3) Decide departments that need networks repair or upgrade.
4) Decide where expansion is needed.
5) Receive and carefully study offers from contractors
concerning networks installation and maintenance.

B) Networks Planning:

Planning is always the first step before any work is carried out. Like
any other task planning is needed before a network is installed or
expanded or even repaired. The following are some of the tasks I was
responsible for in this department.

1) Decide where new networks are needed and report the

results to the administration.
2) Decide the type of the network to be installed.
3) Supervise installation process.
4) Making sure that the new network installed is specification
5) Decide the places where new expansions are needed.
6) Supervise all other activities related to networks.

C) Installation and Application:

After deciding where new networks are needed and the type of
network to be installed, an installation must be in order. The
installation department has many obligations and tasks. The work in
this department depends on team effort. some of the tasks that were
assigned to me in this department are:

1) Installation of cabling system that will link computers
2) Connecting the network's cables to switches and hubs.
3) Prepare cable's plugs to be installed.
4) Assign each group of computers to a certain work groups.
5) Install computer units in the needed areas.
6) Organize the power source that will feed each group of
7) Assign IP addresses to each computer on the network.
8) Assign a number of peripherals to each work group ( i.e.
scanners, printers…etc ).
9) Install software and programs needed according to the
nature of work of each department.
10) Connect new networks to other existing ones.

D) Maintenance:

Every piece of equipment, hardware or even software suffers from

errors and malfunctions through the period of time it is being used
in. this is why maintenance is a very important and crucial
department in any company. Technicians should be well trained and
well equipped to deal with any problems 24/7. In this department I
was assigned many tasks. Some of them were:

1) perform a periodical check on systems and devices.

2) Perform a periodical check on networks and their
3) Reinstall any corrupted software in the least period of time

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4) Replace network's cables, plugs, hubs and switches where
5) Replace computer parts that need replacement with new
specification compliant parts.
6) Perform maintenance procedures on the number of
peripherals available.
7) Perform a periodical upgrade where needed and when
8) Replace old software with other new more useful software
according to the needs of each department.
9) Distribute manuals and instructions on employees on how to
use new hardware.
10) Setup on the job work shops for employees regarding the
proper practices and usage of new hardware.

E) Technical Support:

Any errors or malfunctions may affect the course of work.

Maintenance may not be always available instantly. Some problems
are too simple for the maintenance department to interfere and can
be solved immediately by the employee with a little guidance and
help. Technical support is one of the most important departments in
any company that depends on computers and networks in carrying
out its work. Some of the assignments I assumed in this company

1) Receive calls from employees asking about certain


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2) Provide employees with needed information based on their
3) Go with employees step by step until the problem is solved.
4) Report the problem to related departments if it cannot be
solved over the phone.
5) Receive complaints from employees regarding the working
6) Call the internet service provider to ask about the reason
and the period of internet disconnection if there was any.
7) Receive feed back from employees on the newly installed
systems and devices. Systems Administration:

Every organizational matrix in the world depends on the existence of

several units that refer back to one main unit that is responsible for
making managerial and organizational decisions concerning these
units. My main task in this department was at the beginning to
observe the work in this department and how the process of decision
making is carried out.

Other tasks that were assigned to me in this department were

participating in managerial activities concerning the working systems
in this company. Some of these decisions concerned the needs and
requirement of each working department and the budget assigned to
each department.

Each decision making process was carried out through a team effort
and with consolidation with other more experienced staff members.

- 12 - Server Administration:

Servers are the heart of any working network. They are the main and
most important components of the network. The server organizes the
way other computers on the network access the internet and other
devices on the network, and they allow immediate and easy access to
any files any where on the network. Some of the tasks assigned to me
in this department where:

1) Decide the position of servers on the working network.

2) Install Windows Server 2003 on theses devices.
3) Define each number of work groups that are linked to a
certain server.
4) Set up IP addresses for computer related to a certain server.
5) Maintain server's software whenever needed.
6) Connect newly established servers to other existing servers
on the network.
7) Perform the needed upgrade on the installed servers when
ever needed. Main Systems Administration:

Main systems administration is different from systems

administration in that it is only concerned with two main components
which are : Exchange Server and Active Directory. The following
subsections will provide information about each component along
with the duties and tasks assigned to me in each section of this

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A) Exchange Server:

Exchange Server, the Microsoft messaging and collaboration server,

is software that runs on servers that enables you to send and receive
electronic mail and other forms of interactive communication
through computer networks. Designed to interoperate with a
software client application such as Microsoft Outlook, Exchange
Server also interoperates with Outlook Express and other e-mail
client applications.

Meet the requirements for small and large organizations and get easy
administration, support, and reliability with Exchange Server.
Readily available deployment and support tools also make Exchange
Server easy to manage.

E-mail messages are sent and received through what is commonly

referred to as a client device such as a personal computer,
workstation, or a mobile device including mobile phones or Pocket
PCs. The client typically connects to a network of centralized
computer systems comprised of servers or mainframe computers
where the e-mail mailboxes are stored. The centralized e-mail servers
connect to the Internet and private networks where e-mail messages
are sent to and received from other e-mail users.

My main task under this section was to formulate and assign official
E-mail addresses to employees working in the company. My task was
also to deal with any problems concerning these addresses such as a
forgotten password or a problem logging in or out of the theses
addresses through which work was carried out.

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B) Active Directory Service:

Active Directory (AD) is an implementation of LDAP directory

services by Microsoft for use primarily in Windows environments. Its
main purpose is to provide central authentication and authorization
services for Windows based computers. Active Directory also allows
administrators to assign policies, deploy software, and apply critical
updates to an organization. Active Directory stores information and
settings in a central database. Active Directory networks can vary
from a small installation with a few hundred objects, to a large
installation with millions of objects.

Active Directory was previewed in 1996, released first with Windows

2000 Server edition, and revised to extend functionality and improve
administration in Windows Server 2003. Additional improvements
were made in both Windows Server 2003 R2 and Windows Server

Active Directory was called NTDS (NT Directory Service) in older

Microsoft documents. This name can still be seen in some AD

There is a common misconception that Active Directory provides

software distribution. Software distribution is run by a separate
service that uses additional proprietary schema attributes that work
in conjunction with the LDAP protocol. Active Directory does not
automate software distribution, but provides a mechanism in which
other services can provide software distribution.

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My main task under this section was to assign access authorizations
to employees on a need basis. My tasks also included assign policies,
deploy software, and apply critical updates to an organization. The
existence of this service is crucial and very important to any
organization depending on an working with computers. Data base Administration:

Whenever there is a big number of employees and subscribers

involved in the work of any company, a data base is always needed.
The data base contains the vital and very important information
about both employees and customer. These information include:
financial, personal and work related details. There are a number of
programs used to establish and deal with data bases. The main two
programs used in this company are Access and SQL. My tasks in this
department were as follows:

1) Data base entry of new information.

2) Inquiry on data upon request from other departments.
3) Update data bases on a periodical basis.
4) Design new data bases whenever needed based on each
departments needs.
5) Link new established data bases to the old formed ones.
6) Design inquiry interfaces that other employees can use to
inquire about data.
7) Decide each employee's access to the data bases according
to the need of the department and the position of the

- 16 - System Development Administration:

Part of any organization success is the long term and short term
planning and development. This is why a development
administration is always needed in any technology based
organization. In this department a number of teams work round the
clock to bring what is best and what is most up to date to this
organization. Some of the assignments that were given to me in this
department were:

1) Research and look for any updates or upgrades available

that can be applied to our systems.
2) Review the existing systems and decide the level of their
functionality and success.
3) Recommend changes where performance is observed to be
less than needed.
4) Recommend staff members courses and work shops to train
them on newly acquired technologies.
5) Report to related departments concerning the changes to

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1.4 Programs Trained on:

Through my training at SEC, there were a number of programs that

I trained on. In this section of this report I will provide a brief
explanation of some of the programs I trained on along with
illustrations. Theses programs are as follows:


SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard interactive and

programming language for getting information from and updating a
database. Although SQL is both an ANSI and an ISO standard,
many database products support SQL with proprietary extensions to
the standard language. Queries take the form of a command
language that lets you select, insert, update, find out the location of
data, and so forth. There is also a programming interface.

Figure (1)

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B) Macromedia Flash:

Flash is a modern interactive platform, with a powerful design and

animation authoring tool, an object-oriented type-safe dynamic
scripting engine, bitmap rendering with antialiasing and sub pixel
precision, and advanced video and audio playback features.

Figure (2)

C) Visual Basic:

A programming language and environment developed by Microsoft.

Based on the BASIC language, Visual Basic was one of the first
products to provide a graphical programming environment and a
paint metaphor for developing user interfaces. Instead of worrying
about syntax details, the Visual Basic programmer can add a
substantial amount of code simply by dragging and dropping
controls, such as buttons and dialog boxes, and then defining their
appearance and behavior.

- 19 -
Figure (3)

D) Front Page:

Microsoft FrontPage is a site building and management tool

appropriate for intermediate to advanced users that allows you to
create and edit web pages using a graphical interface that will be
familiar to users of Microsoft Office products.

Figure (4)

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E) PhotoShop:

Photoshop is an image editing application that has a wide range of

tools and commands that alter an image digitally. Photoshop uses
bitmap images for editing. A bit map image consists of a rectangular
grid, called a raster, which is made up of pixels or dots of color; the
image is like a digital mosaic. When editing a bitmap, you are editing
the color the color values of each individual pixel. Photoshop can be
used for a variety of reasons. For instance, it can be used to edit
color, retouching, correcting red eye and other mistakes and for
compositing. It can also be used creatively in the field of graphic arts
to create visually attractive images. It can also be used to alter images
for advertising or publication. Photoshop can be used by
professionals and amateurs alike.

Figure (5)

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Chapter Two: Problems Faced

2.1 Hardware Problems

2.2 Software Problems
2.3 Personal Problems

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Through the course of training, I faced many problems that needed
immediate solutions in order for work to be carried out more
smoothly and efficiently. In this part of this report I will list some
problems I faced on both work and personal levels. These problems
will be divided into three sections: hardware problems, software
problems and personal problems.

2.1 Hardware Problems:

Most of the problems I faced were related to hardware. In this

section, I will list some of the main problems I faced that concerned
hardware. The answers to these problems will be explained in the
final chapter of this report. These problems were as follows:

a) Internet disconnection:

When there is no internet connection, ( for reasons other than

disconnection from the service provider), a number of reasons can be
involved and a number of procedures should be carried out to resolve
this problem. The reasons that may cause an internet disconnection

1) Network cables damage.

2) Switch or hub malfunction resulting in disconnection.
3) Wrong IP address and proxy definitions.
4) Malfunctioned Ethernet cards that result in disconnection.
5) Wrong cables connection to both ends ( computer or switch)

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b) PC failure to start up:

When there's a computer failure to startup, a number of causes may

be inspected to figure out this problem and solve it provided that
software is working properly. These causes may include:

1) There's no power feeding the unit whether from the original

power supply or due to a damaged power supply.
2) Damaged hard drives that will prevent the PC from starting
3) Damaged motherboard which contains all the main other
4) Damaged CPU which is the brain of any working PC.

2.2 Software Problems:

software problems compose another large portion of problems that

any IT department will face during its course of work. Most of these
problems are really simple and can be solved with the least amount of
effort. The main software problems were:

1) Expired license that will prevent the program from functioning

any more.
2) Damaged execution files that cause software corruption.
3) Lack of upgrade that may sometimes cause the program to
cease functioning.
4) Software corruption due to miss installation
5) Main operation platform damage ( i.e. windows ).

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2.3 Personal Problems:

Along the course of work, I also faced some personal problems

that needed a self effort to be resolved. These problems needed
more personal effort and organizational skills to be resolved.
These problems were:

1) Difficulties working under pressure.

2) Time management problems concerning the tasks assigned.
3) Adjusting with work assignments in each department.
4) Understand the chain of command in which work is
carried out through.
5) General work problems which needed a decisive decision

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Chapter Three : Conclusion

3.1 Conclusion
3.2 Problem Solutions

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3.1 Conclusion:

This report constituted the fruit of my experience and training at

SEC. Through the pages of this report I listed the training
departments in which my training took place during a period of 28

I also listed the tasks I undertook through that period of time in

addition to a brief explanation of each task and department. These
tasks were distributed over the training period and are explained in
the weekly report too. Each task was carried out under supervision
and guidance of cooperate staff members. There was also a brief
description along with illustrations on some of the programs I trained

A second part of this report explained the problems I went through

or faced during training time. These problems were divided into
three groups: hardware problems, software problems and personal

The last part of this report will provide the solutions to the previously
mentioned problem since it was view to include these answers here
rather than providing a separate chapter for them which will
conclude this report.

Finally I would like to thank all parties involved in making this

training possible and giving me the chance to gain this wonderful

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3.2 Problem Solutions:

In this last part of the report, the answers to each one of the
previously mentioned problems will be listed in the same and
exact order.

3.2.1 Hardware problems:

Each hardware problem required a thorough examination and

then decide the procedure that will be undertaken to resolve the
problem. The answers to each problem are as follows:

a) Internet disconnection:

1) Replace damaged network cables whenever they were

2) Perform maintenance or even replace malfunctioned hubs
or switches.
3) Redefine IP addresses and proxy sittings on each computer
incase of disconnection.
4) Replace malfunctioned Ethernet cards with other new
5) Recheck wiring and cable to both ends computer and
network and arrange them in the correct order.

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b) Computer failure to startup :

1) Check power supply in the computer and point of

connection where the computer is stationed.
2) Check hard drives and replace then in case of damage.
3) Check motherboards and replace them if necessary.
4) Replace damaged CPU whenever needed.

3.2.2 Software Problems:

Most software problems are really easy to solve as I mentioned

earlier. In any case and whatever the problem was a
reinstallation of the program will take care of the problem along
with making sure of proper settings. Another possible answer to
theses problems might be to perform a repair procedure which
comes installed with most CDs. A third answer would be making
sure that all software installed is original with an extended
license agreement.

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3.2.3 Personal Problems:

Most of my personal problems concerned my organizational

skills. Since it was my first time in a real job environment, a
number of steps needed to be formulated in order for me to over
come these problems. These steps were:
1) Formulate a work plan for every task in each department
to ease the pressure and carry out work more efficiently.
2) Acquire time management skills from other staff members
experience to over come time restraints.
3) Use theoretical problem solving skills to over come
difficulties relating to problems and assignments.
4) Benefit from other staff members experience regarding the
chain of command and the way in which paper work is
carried out.
5) Consolidate with other staff members on problems related
to work and gain from their experience the best way to
resolve these problems.
6) Develop my interpersonal skills and gain friend from
whom I benefited the most.
7) Develop my organizational and problem solving skills to
over come any other problems faced along the way.

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