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computing history

John von Neumann is an American mathematician.

In 1954, the scien st Neumann and a group of his collaborators laid out basic structurer
principles in which the computer works until now.

Known for " Von Neumann Architecture "

Neumann divided the computer into four parts:


input output
CPU Memory
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The foundation of Von Neumann's Architecture

Computer Architecture
It is the fragmentation of the computer into different parts, each part having a special task.




Internal Memory
It has been divided into small units called cells and each cell bears an address.

[Address: "is a special number that distinguishes each cell from cell."]

computing history

The cell
It is the smallest unit that carries information and a value of tow values (0 or 1)

0 1 1 0 1 Bit

Computer parts in Von Neumann Architecture

Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
It is the unit responsible for carrying out two types of operations

1. Arithmetic operation
2. Logic operation

Control unit (CU)

It is one of components of the processor responsible for reading the entered data and
organizing their implementation inside the processor

CU responsible for decoding commands.

It sends the result back to memory to be stored or displayed on an output device such as a
monitor or printer.

Input and Output Units (I /o units)

Such as (Keyboard, mouse, screen and printer)

Von Neumann architecture mechanism

Data or commands
entered by the user to
be stored in Random
Access Memory (RAM)

The control unit (CU)

tasks commands to do
operation processing

CU outputs data and

commands to output
devices such as a
monitor or printer…et


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