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Nama : Zulkipli

No. Matric : M20221000199

Kode : DMG60604



1 Title Research Article
Effects of VR instructional approaches and textual cues
on performance, cognitive load, and learning experience
Definition of virtual reality Virtual reality (VR) refers to a computer-generated Education Tech Research Dev
simulation or recreation of a three-dimensional environment
that can be interacted with and explored by a user. It 10313-1 1 3
typically involves the use of specialized equipment, such as
Hui Zhang1
headsets or goggles, that provide a visual and auditory
· Yi Zhang2
immersive experience. VR technology aims to create a sense · Tao Xu2
of presence and immersion, allowing users to feel as if they · Yun Zhou1 (2023)
are physically present in the virtual environment. This
technology has various applications, including Accepted: 10 October 2023
entertainment, gaming, training, education, and simulations, © Association for Educational
and it has the potential to enhance learning experiences by Communications and Technology
providing realistic and interactive virtual environments. 2023
History of virtual reality Virtual reality (VR) has a history that dates back several decades.
The concept of VR was first introduced in the 1960s, with the
development of the Sensorama by Morton Heilig. The Sensorama
was a mechanical device that provided a multisensory experience,
including visuals, sound, and even smells, to create an immersive

In the 1980s, the term "virtual reality" was coined by Jaron Lanier,
who founded VPL Research, a company that developed and sold
VR equipment. During this time, VR technology was primarily
used for research and military training purposes.

In the 1990s, VR gained popularity in the gaming industry with

the release of consumer VR headsets such as the Virtual Boy by
Nintendo. However, due to technical limitations and high costs,
VR did not become mainstream at that time.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in VR

technology. Advancements in computing power, graphics, and
display technologies have made VR more accessible and
affordable. Companies like Oculus (acquired by Facebook) and
HTC Vive have released consumer-friendly VR headsets, leading
to a growing market for VR gaming and entertainment.

Beyond gaming, VR has found applications in various fields,

including education, healthcare, architecture, and training. It is
being used to create realistic simulations, virtual tours, and
immersive learning experiences.

Overall, the history of VR showcases the evolution of technology

and its increasing potential to create immersive and interactive
virtual environments. As technology continues to advance, VR is
expected to play a significant role in shaping the future of various
industries and experiences.
Field of study using virtual reality The field of study that utilizes virtual reality (VR) includes
various disciplines, such as education, healthcare, engineering,
architecture, and entertainment. VR technology has been applied
in these fields to enhance learning experiences, simulate real-
world scenarios, improve training effectiveness, and create
immersive environments. In education, VR is used for virtual
classrooms, interactive simulations, and immersive learning
experiences. In healthcare, VR is utilized for medical training,
surgical simulations, and therapy. In engineering and architecture,
VR is employed for design visualization, prototyping, and virtual
walkthroughs. In the entertainment industry, VR is used for
gaming, virtual tours, and immersive storytelling. Overall, the
field of study using virtual reality spans across multiple domains,
aiming to leverage the immersive and interactive capabilities of
VR technology for various purposes.
2 Title Research Article- Improving student learning outcomes using narrative virtual Virtual Reality (2023) 27:2633–2648
reality as pre‑training

James Calvert 1;
Margee Hume2;

Received: 8 December 2022 /

Accepted: 21 June 2023 / Published
online: 13 July 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive
licence to Springer-Verlag London
Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2023
Definition of virtual reality Virtual reality (VR) refers to a computer-generated simulation or
recreation of a three-dimensional environment that can be
interacted with and explored by a user through the use of
specialized electronic devices, such as head-mounted displays
(HMDs) or handheld controllers. VR technology aims to create a
sense of presence and immersion, allowing users to feel as if they
are physically present in the virtual environment. It typically
involves the use of visual and auditory stimuli to create a realistic
and interactive experience, often incorporating elements of
interactivity, motion tracking, and spatial sound to enhance the
user's perception and engagement. VR has applications in various
fields, including entertainment, gaming, education, training,
healthcare, and architecture, among others.
History of virtual reality Virtual reality (VR) has a history that dates back several decades.
The concept of VR was first introduced in the 1960s, with the
development of the Sensorama by Morton Heilig. The Sensorama
was a mechanical device that provided a multisensory experience,
including stereoscopic 3D visuals, stereo sound, and even smells
and vibrations. However, it was not until the 1980s and 1990s that
VR technology started to gain more attention and advancements
were made.

In the 1980s, companies like Atari and Sega released VR gaming

consoles, but these early attempts at VR were limited in terms of
technology and user experience. It was also during this time that
the term "virtual reality" was coined by Jaron Lanier, a computer
scientist and entrepreneur.

In the 1990s, VR saw a surge in popularity with the release of

consumer-grade VR devices such as the Virtual Boy by Nintendo.
However, these devices were not well-received due to issues like
discomfort and limited graphics.

In the early 2010s, the development of more advanced VR

devices, such as the Oculus Rift, marked a significant milestone
in VR technology. These devices offered higher-quality visuals,
improved tracking, and more immersive experiences. This led to
a resurgence of interest in VR, with companies like HTC, Sony,
and Samsung also entering the market with their own VR devices.

Today, VR technology continues to evolve and improve. Modern

VR devices, such as the Oculus Quest and HTC Vive, offer high-
resolution displays, precise motion tracking, and intuitive
controllers, providing users with highly immersive and interactive
experiences. VR is now being used in various fields, including
gaming, entertainment, education, healthcare, architecture, and
training, among others. The potential applications of VR are vast,
and ongoing research and development are pushing the
boundaries of what is possible in virtual reality.
Field of study using virtual reality The field of study that is explored in the research paper is the use
of virtual reality (VR) in education, specifically in the context of
improving student learning outcomes. The researchers investigate
the effectiveness of using narrative immersive virtual reality
(IVR) as pre-training material in a classroom setting. They focus
on the cognitive and affective benefits of using a narrative-based
IVR experience called Thin Ice VR to teach polar history and
climate change. The study aims to understand how the use of
narrative IVR can enhance learning for high school students when
used as a pre-training tool before a multimedia lesson.
3 Title Research Article- Applying Gamification Technique and Virtual Reality for
Prehistoric Learning toward the Metaverse
Definition of virtual reality In the current digital era, educators are expected to be creative and International Journal of Information
can integrate technology into the learning process that combines and Education Technology,
content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge (TPACK), so that Vol. 13, No. 2, February 2023
the learning process becomes fun and meaningful [5]. An http:doi:10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.2.1802
educational game or often called Gamification is a form of 247
educational game that can provide a learning experience for the Ketut Agustini 1*, I Made Putrama,2
players and particularly involves students. Gamification is useful Dessy Seri Wahyuni,3 and I Nengah
to enhance the motivation and performance of the students in the Eka Mertayasa4
learning process in the formal and informal contexts [6].
Gamification is also related to the technique of playing applied in
a project, learning, or particular situation.
History of virtual reality History is one of subjects that must focus on many scientific
sources and also real objects to get better experience and
knowledge [3]. That is why, the historians suggest that the great
method for the students to get better experience and knowledge is
by visiting historical places or known as study tour [3]. Yet, it is
hard to be done because
there are many preparations namely, we need a lot of parties
and fund for supporting this activity [3]. Furthermore,
Covid-19 still becomes the big problem, we have to do many
health protocols if we want to do this activity
Field of study using virtual reality One of the solutions can be given is by providing interesting
learning media. Videos are often used as media in providing
material in the form of illustrations or dynamic
visuals and audio. Based on the observation that had been
done at History Department, Universitas Pendidikan
Ganesha (UNDIKSHA) showed that the learning media in
the form of video for Prehistory Course was quite difficult to be
found because there was no video documentation at all. Several
researchers created 3D animation videos to represent the
prehistoric era both in terms of human life to its prehistoric objects
to add insight to students but it did not give maximum results.
Prehistory Course must be increased by implementing the
technology development which can be in the form of real
observational and experience effect so that the learning process
can be more interesting and effective. Furthermore, technology
can give interactions between the players (students) and the
content or learning material to improve their understanding
towards the learning material
[4].In the current digital era, educators are expected to be creative
and can integrate technology into the learning rocess that
combines content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge
(TPACK), so that the learning process becomes fun and
meaningful [5]. An educational game or often called Gamification
is a form of educational game that can provide a learning
experience for the players and particularly involves students.
Gamification is useful to enhance the motivation and performance
of the students in the learning process in the formal and informal
contexts [6]. Gamification is also related to the technique of
playing applied in a project, learning, or particular situation [7, 8].
There are various studies have been undertaken to implement
educational games, one of them is educational games for early
childhood education. Although the game results created have not
been varied enough and the environments have not been detailed
but the other educational games for early childhood education
have also been created, but still on the Android platform [9, 10

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