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Form No HU-QMS-F-12/11

Issue No 01
Pre-rubric & Post-rubric Assessment Form Issue Date 01-09-2016
For the Intended Learning Outcomes Matrix
at the Course Level Rev. No 00

Structural Mechanics
College CE Course Title
& Code
Engineering CE 203


Semester 191 Academic

Checked by
2019/2020 Dr. Ahmed Al-Naghi

Evaluation Observations/
No Evaluation Elements To some Recommendati
Complete Not Complete
extent ons
First: Pre-rubric Assessment Form For the Intended Learning Outcomes Matrix at the Course Level
The Intended Learning Cutcomes mentioned in the Course
1 
Specification have been placed in front of The CLOs.
The Intended Learning Cutcomes mentioned in the Program
Matrix related to this Course have been placed in front of The 
The course topics numbers mentioned in the Course

3 Specification have been placed in front of Course Topics.

Form No HU-QMS-F-12/11
Issue No 01
Pre-rubric & Post-rubric Assessment Form Issue Date 01-09-2016
For the Intended Learning Outcomes Matrix
at the Course Level Rev. No 00

Evaluation Observations/
No Evaluation Elements To some Recommendati
Complete Not Complete
extent ons
Teaching strategies out of which all Educational Objective could

4 be realized are placed in the Course Specification.
The assessment methods included in the Course Description

5 have been placed in front of the Assessment Methods.
The Form covers all learning domains included in the course
6 
The targeted level of performance was determined in a realistic

7 manner commensurate with human and material potential.
The three verification levels were covered: Poor, Acceptable,

8 Ideal
Phrases that describe verification levels are formulated in a

9 measurable manner in the Rubrics.
The logical gradient was taken into account when formulating
10 
expressions that describe Rubrics
The form was signed by the instructor and the head of the

11 department. 

Form No HU-QMS-F-12/11
Issue No 01
Pre-rubric & Post-rubric Assessment Form Issue Date 01-09-2016
For the Intended Learning Outcomes Matrix
at the Course Level Rev. No 00

Evaluation Observations/
No Evaluation Elements To some Recommendati
Complete Not Complete
extent ons
Second: Post-rubric Assessment Form For the Intended Learning Outcomes Matrix at the Course Level
The Intended Learning Cutcomes mentioned in the Course

1 Specification have been placed in front of The CLOs.
The Intended Learning Cutcomes mentioned in the Program
Matrix related to this Course have been placed in front of The 
The numbers of students were placed under each rating level
3 
Poor, Acceptable, Ideal.
4 All Learning Outcomes in the Form were measured. 

The measurement results were calculated in all evaluation

5 
methods in the Form.
Measurement results were calculated for all students who
6 
completed the course.
The statistical equation was applied in accordance with the
7 
directives of the Deanship of Quality and Development.

Form No HU-QMS-F-12/11
Issue No 01
Pre-rubric & Post-rubric Assessment Form Issue Date 01-09-2016
For the Intended Learning Outcomes Matrix
at the Course Level Rev. No 00

Evaluation Observations/
No Evaluation Elements To some Recommendati
Complete Not Complete
extent ons
The gap between the actual measurement result and the
8 
targeted performance level was calculated correctly.
9 The reasons item for the gap was clearly met. 
10 Provision of evidences and indicators for measurement. 
The form was signed by the instructor and the Head of the
11 

Name of reviewer: Signature of reviewer: Date:

Dr. Ahmed Al-Naghi 23/01/2020

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