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GLOBAL hs What | feel about the ‘Bharat narrative’ in India - By Zang Jiadong India's domestic and foreign situation have changed tremendously compared to four years ago. India has achieved outstanding results in economic development and social governance, and its great power strategy has moved from dream to reality. However, potential risks and crises have also begun to unfold. India has made great achievements in economic development and social governance. Its economy has gained momentum and is on track to becoming one of the fastest-growing major economies. Meanwhile, New Delhi has made progress in urban governance. The public environment in New Delhi has improved somewhat. The attitude of Indian representatives toward Chinese scholars is now more relaxed and moderate, instead of being stubborn at times. For example, when discussing the "trade imbalance" between China and India, Indian scholars used to primarily focus on China's measures to reduce the trade imbalance. But now they are placing more emphasis on India's export potential, actively seeking to reduce the trade deficit with China by taking the initiative and increasing Chinese imports from India. Furthermore, with its rapid economic and social development, India has become more strategically confident and more proactive in creating and developing a "Bharat narrative." In the diplomatic sphere, India has rapidly shifted toward a great power strategy. Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi assumed power, he has advocated for a multi-alignment strategy, promoting India's relations with the US, Japan, Russia and other countries and regional organizations. Now, India's strategic thinking in foreign policy has undergone another change and is clearly moving toward a great power strategy. Regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict, India has distanced itself from the West and aligned itself more closely to the developing world. At the same time, India's reservations about Western powers have significantly diminished, and its activities within Western countries have become more frequent, extending beyond organizing large-scale diaspora events. In the political and cultural spheres, India has moved from emphasizing its democratic consensus with the West to highlighting the "Indian feature" of democratic politics. Currently, there is even more emphasis on the Indian origins of democratic politics. In December 2023, the Indian Council for Cultural Relations organized the first "Knowledge India Visitors Programme," which brought together more than 77 scholars from 35 countries. Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar emphasized the importance of building a strong "Bharat narrative" and explained the "Bharat narrative" in terms of economics, development, politics, and culture. Obviously, India no longer only regards cultural tradition as a channel to achieve its own interests or as a symbol to attract foreign tourists, but also sees it as one of the pillars of India's status as a great power. India has always considered itself a world power. However, it has only been less than 10 years since India shifted from multi-balancing to multi-alignment, and now it is rapidly transforming toward a strategy of becoming a pole in the multipolar world. The speed of such changes is rarely seen in the history of international relations. India is indeed a major power, and rapid changes in internal and external strategies pose challenges to both itself and the international community. It appears that a transformed, stronger, and more assertive India has become a new geopolitical factor that many countries need to consider. What I feel about the ‘Bharat narrative’ in India - By Zang Jiadong and & are sik facet Wea A aR Ae Feet h FHS AAAS Saas BT SI Se a 3iTfeay FAART Ve social governance & Arat WX aera atehtat etfeer Faw s HN TAA great power strategy HAT Oat few we 8) FUR, se are-are Genie shear Hk arc st BUETY 311 OT BI ana & aifiten farepre HW social governance & AlAet A HS get sueteerat etter Hr | Tach weearaeay a THAN vas re sk ag wad colt saRch var gape TSTIEM Sotot AAT ZT HTH FST ate, aS Perot a ered wet & Hrae F aft Soctachs wars ATS ag foe A arcsec Arete HS ee Th AER ESTE Chinese scholars &% Ufet Indian representatives I Yaa HfSaet Srey TART Ha Hel sew Tea He SareaTd at aa B| SATE & Fer, ane Se ther & ster cavay sregeret WL Tat ALA WAT Indian scholars 3 GN OL CTU sreideet HT aH ae a few chet Sort Wy caret Ha HS I) AEN Has NS A feral aay aftr ar wz, isa oh Oe Geet aL FT SAAT ETS Ht HT Ro TEAS HN sa B tall ar HAT Tare AY MIA HL EI Me Hea, sXe dot S ant se araion fears ara ae arate ate oe gt after confident gt aa 81 are et ag aI Fore UE narrative ager HAA Fi shh wet a1felas ashe ey areas Reciticas Hrs ox aff SINT UH great power strategy At 3 Ast S PERT TA Fl Ta S venasistt weg AA a Gar Garrett &, seater HARK, ATT, BH Ue sea Sait Hy Sala Gareatt a eer area Gael wr agra eat a Fore wep age corset Bt serar Rar B1 aa, fader ae & area A sia Ht arate ate A ven He Tee HRT Bl Safere sa SHIT aK IX Wah great power strategy HY 3 aS TTI SGT TH Russia-Ukraine GES Hr Aare S a ANE A Te wt TA a ax fer sik we at areca sare & eer wet ade fereat & sits ferer 31 are &, Tae erferaat a art A area Ar arate sft art wa at aS FI Uae Veit & ama Hr afafafear ag Carel ox Sane anreisnat & srreitorer B amet Sat as TATE Tarte sit ahepian art ox sna oftea & are atecifta Beas oe sie 8a B any aga atwaifter covet $ amet fagsarsit at Saray at oa 81 Paget ctencifies copia a ache Fer wet ads a Rar aT ETSI feaex 2023 H Indian Council for Cultural Relations ¥ Year Knowledge India Visitors Programme 31atfetat fear, fart 35 eit & 77 & afew scholars va Aa WX Be sme) secre fader aa SAIL a Ua ASTTT Bharat narrative AIK wee H AEST AL fear! Seslet eerea, fercnrer, Taree Ud BEpia & Past A Bharat narrative eh COREA AY! eX & feb SNA 3a Tieeplctes TENTS HT a aac aaa fect at arent ar fade cat wt arate at Uden & wo 4 cea ¢, afew ae sa Ue Agraria H ae Wy ae AT feafct & va yaya iar wo aH at ea S| aN SAM Te wt va fees afer Arete Wer Sl AER, ANT BT multi- balancing & multi alignment @f 3X El ALA EW 318it 10 Aer Saft cat THT GaN 8 ae Ha aH aU afer a UH MaRS eis aaa ft AY HT Sa B arse BI Bia adel sieges a Mt wea AY AE THAT MAS ST a HY aT BI SING areca A Usp Gap aise 1 Sa sah Ud are re ferat A dail 8 al tel deena Ye Sah HN sieRisSa aS areht ahath faw gatfeai der axa tear ara aaa EST, aan sik wet sites AEE SINE Ua AT aL aTareA ees RR wer aro FT Te aan dat at rare aed HI sae E Business Standard India to become largest economic superpower by end of century: CEBR- By Ruchika Chitravanshi India will emerge as the largest economic superpower by the end of the century, with gross domestic product (GDP) 90 per cent larger than China’s and 30 per cent larger than the US, Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) said in its latest World Economic League Table report. The report said that India will sustain robust growth, averaging 6.5 per cent from 2024 to 2028, to surpass Japan and Germany as the world’s third-largest economy by 2032. “India is expected to overtake both China and the US after 2080, based on demographic estimates and projections,” the report added The country’s large and youthful population, a growing middle class, a dynamic entrepreneurial sector, and increasing global economic integration will be some key drivers of growth. India recorded a strong GDP growth of 7.2 per cent in 2022-23. CEBR anticipates a slight moderation in growth at 6.4 per cent for 2023-24, resulting in output surpassing pre-pandemic levels by 17.2 per cent. e The CEBR report has projected the inflation to close at around 5.5 per cent in 2023, despite robust output growth due to food and energy price shocks. The report also said that 2024 holds significance for India with the upcoming general elections expected to shape the country's political trajectory for the next five years. India to become largest economic superpower by end of century: CEBR- By Ruchika Chitravanshi ana aden wel & anfex cer qt gierar a wast aay antes Hereita serene S3HtT, rah Gop sa HE let FT GP B 90 yfaert HR safer Fr Gop & 30 ofaeret arf&en etait Be ata Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) @ 31Ueft atdtetetAT ‘World Economic League Table’ Rate F HET S| sa Rare A wer ara & fer stra FA ay 2024 B Sar at 2028 aH saa 6.5 ofaere # aren after fase ax eat RANT eat aik ana av 2032 ae Aare Ue aateh BT Tes Slerer ay Aree Bae ast HAAN Tat STAT ga Rate H ag ara B, ‘demographic Hepat Be arrewotet STITT Wael se Tas oT eT S fH sia TT 2080 & ae chat HT ART Aett S Set ferewet STAT’ ana Fr fare yar srarét, Tear Hea at, sexi dynamic entrepreneurial sector, 31% global aX W ASaT economic integration aad afte feere fafa dat eee A anh Aaa aia eh aa A aF 2022-23 & ahret 7.2 viele HT SASK GDP growth rate aot fara ae! CeBR AF ae AEM & FH a¥ 2023-24 FH GDP growth rate Ala aay erax 6.4 ofa we one, fer GROTAEAHT FA output HAT pre-pandemic level F 17.2 wawt aftr et ares CEBR fRUte F Grex Tareit 3H energy at Haat ANT oe ae sre SRT Hol ScUea A ANA Taha H aragyS TF 2023 BATA AA AGIMS GX AMET 5.5 HAA TEA HT HAST STAT FT | Reale & ae aft et are Fe aT 2024 se a fale GRA Ae Cea &, waif seve sat Gera are via ast & fav eer Ft arava Peer at ers awe WTeT ee A THIS EI Global Headwinds In 2023 Fail To Stop India's Growth Trajectory; India To Remain Fastest-Growing Economy In 2024 - Mohammad Haris Despite the global economy facing widespread pessimism amid a worsening geopolitical situation, the Indian economy withstood the headwinds in 2023 and remained as the world’s fastest-growing major economy. The country was able to grow at the fastest pace among the major economies in the world on the back of growing demand, moderate inflation, stable interest rate regime and robust foreign exchange reserves. India recorded a gross domestic product (GDP) expansion of 6.1 per cent in the March 2023 quarter. The growth moved up to 7.8 per cent in the June 2023 quarter and was 7.6 per cent in the September 2023 quarter. For the first six months of this fiscal, the growth was 7.7 per cent. The growth momentum is expected to sustain in the December quarter, making India the fastest-growing major economy in the world much ahead of China. According to the latest growth projections of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which appear conservative, India will record a growth of 6.3 per cent in 2023, ahead of China and Brazil at 5.2 per cent and 3 per cent, respectively. For 2024, the OECD expects India to grow at 6.1 per cent. On the other hand, major economies, including the US, UK and Japan, are likely to witness either deceleration or very nominal increase in economic growth rates in the coming year. India’s performance on the economic front in 2023 appears even better when viewed from a global perspective. As per the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) World Economic Outlook, global growth is estimated to decelerate from 3.5 per cent in 2022 to 3 per cent in 2023 and further to 2.9 per cent in 2024. Also on the external front, the current account deficit showed remarkable improvement, and it narrowed sharply to 1 per cent of GDP in the September 2023 quarter against 3.8 per cent in the year-ago period. Global Headwinds In 2023 Fail To Stop India's Growth Trajectory; India To Remain Fastest-Growing Economy In 2024 - Mohammad Haris fersct fasiiefers & dtr dan aieraee + cama PRIMATE ST Mee ALY GH sag, areca seomaeAM at 2023 facta oRfeerteat a areten fever aie afore Fr was aah S sec wep Herre ae TE Growing demand, moderate inflation, stable interest rate regime 31 Haida fagelt Her sien & ERT aa gira Mt wap Horses Hae Tat Ae AGH HATA TET | SN a AE 2023 Fare A Geet OS Sea HF 6.1 Geert Hr Fae Got HT] Sat 2023 ATER H Gah aaa 7.8 wererat Vt ag SH Pca 2023 FATE A UE 7.6 MATA WET | 3a fad af & age oe Aelett A fare ax 7.7 wfaera al fear faarél a face A aie aI tea A SHH F, ras ana ar amet art Gferear At aad aot B sect Ta HCAS Set ATT | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) & arferar Faanre srefstiatt a HPA HINT 2023 F 6.3 wfererct aA Gafer at ater, ait chet ate araitar @ wae: 5.2 weer sik 3 vias a ait etal 2024 & fey, oEcDaT sate & fer se 6.1 Vide At aT easel gett six, after, freer ste cravat afta veya arlenaearsit a Bi are a A ann Pare ax A ar at a Aah or Ba 8 aT aE Arh gate cat st wart F1 aan oie & faa wx 2023 F after abet oe sia ahr eater Site at dec Pas STE HRI Har wry dh solar getatieen HiseqH He, saw gafe 2022 F 3.5 wider A Tea 2023 A 3 atc Stk 2024 F 2.9 wicaret Bley aT HATA | aetl ref oy sf, Ue Ud & are H Seckecia TaN gat HK ae Faeiax 2023 Farex a eth a 1 feteret cw aH Bt TAT, TAR Ua Bret Tee Ar safer a ag 3.8 wae ATI a iv v 7 6 mint From UK to Peru, every nation wants to sign FTA with India to gain access to growing market, says report India's rapidly growing market and economy have made it a lucrative option for developed as well as developing countries for free-trade agreements (FTAs), and countries such as Oman, Peru, Europe, and the UK are keen on signing the pact, according to a report by economic think tank Global Trade Research Initiative (GTRI). The economic think tank said that a trade deal with India would let countries get access to the Indian market with less or no import duties on substantial trade, GTRI said in its report. The agreement will also give their companies an advantage over getting access to the Indian market. Another reason that makes FTA an appealing option for other countries is the import India does from other countries without a trade agreement. The report highlighted that India does over 75% of imports from other countries without FTA. The report stated that countries such as the UK and Canada could benefit more from the FTAs, as they will be able to sell their products in India without the high duties that it imposes on other nations. “To reduce the impact of FTA on local businesses, the report mentioned six steps the government can take while negotiating these déals. These steps include the creation of a common exclusion list for merchandise trade negotiations, and focusing on obtaining real market access on the ground. Another suggestion focuses on sectoral agreements with poor and developing nations instead of trade deals involving goods, services, and investments. From UK to Peru, every nation wants to sign FTA with India to gain access to growing market, says report aia fa aH Global Trade Research Initiative (GTRI) AY va RUE & HR ANd & ast A aed aan ak sicqaean at set free-trade agreements (FTAs) & few fanfetar atx facet gait fore var strate Paes gan fear 81 sitet, Oe, ato cer fata ar SIRT & ATF free-trade agreements HU & FeGH E | aifites Ris te Grrl a oeit Role a Her fee aa & MA cA wage & gait HF substantial trade WX Hat AT Fee import duties & UAE STAIN cieh Iga Sets Bt Heat | waste & sah choterat At sft acta ara aw vee aleft| ster eet oh Faw set GT FTA aXe Beh eT gel aT UH eT RO import &, SY aa fae Peet cova aasila & sea eet a XAT SI RINE F aHeT ara S Fes sa, Heer Veit B Perr FTA 75% S HH import FAT EI Rave F er sar & fee faeet HT Hest AS Veit aH FTAs S arp OUST Bt Aaa B, Fates S He Sat I Hes GAY TAH high can Fae ANE FA Tet SoHE TT AAT eure caaerat WX FTA Waa wt HA ALY H fae Rote Ae Heat aT Sooke fear TT g, at GLH sat Shel oe aera HAT SAE Sor THAT SI Sat HEAT A merchandise trade negotiations & Fere common exclusion list SAR Aa HX Teel FAL OR area STAR IGT ST A A Tet SHAR HLT TPBET S| Uh Hea Yea, Ale, Sar SH feraer A GS trade deals Tara INT Hk fecpreetier ait a are sectoral agreements WX afer E neycontrol UPI transactions cross 100-billion mark in 2023 Transactions through the unified payments interface (UPI) platform crossed the 100 billion-mark in calendar year 2023 to close at around 118 billion, as per the data shared by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). This marks a 60 percent growth as compared to 74 billion UPI transactions recorded in 2022. During August 2023, UPI had crossed the milestone of 10 billion transactions a month for the first time and continued to do so in the following months. In December, UPI recorded 12 billion transactions with a cumulative value of Rs 18.23 lakh crore. The total value of UPI transactions in 2003 stood at around Rs 182 lakh crore, higher by 44 percent as compared to Rs 126 lakh crore in 2022. The per-day UPI transactions recorded in December numbered around 387 million, as per the NPCI data. UPI is expected to surpass Mastercard's daily transaction volume of 440 million sometime this year going by the 60 percent growth rate. Visa, the world's largest card network, processes an average of 750 million transactions per day. While there are around 9.6 crore credit cards in India, the value of transactions on the platform is around Rs 1.6 lakh crore, which is less than a tenth of what UPI does in a month. There are more than 300 million UPI payment users in the country. UPI transactions cross 100-billion mark in 2023 National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) @aRT GSM fee ae Hiest & sePHR Belsx TF 2023 F unified payments interface (UP!) TACHI HF HTH S TARA 100 billion HT HHS I HL HTT 118 billion 4 aq FHT We 2022 A ast Fe aA 74 billion UPI transactions AT grat 4 60 oferera Fr geht cetter 81 BATE 2023 & Sheet, UPI A Set AK Fa ATE 10 billion H Hier HT transactions B= al STASU eTiaret A TS Mt BH aH SE Hatt Hef tar & ord wer! esse A, url & aera a 18.23 TS aS 7a FI cumulative value % TY 12 billion transactions FU aT 2023 Hf Aaa Fa 182 ARG AS TA ST UPI transactions E31 2, BHT 2022 & 126 ore aay BIS Hr Tore H 44 Trae ses EI Nel & atenst & separ, fear H wfafeer oa1sT 387 million UPI transactions §& 21 Sale & far ga ae url, 60 Wererct Fr Fahey ax a ATT Mastercard AT 440 million fer transactions TI HL SCAT Slave a AT aS HS Acah, Visa & ART wa fet HhAat 750 million transactions feat Hare BNA A Aes 9.6 HVS Hise His S HN Fa HIS WT Aa 1.6 ARG HIS STF FH transactions ela &, St UP! TART TH Heer A PT Get ATor transactions & aad ERs S st Ha S1 eer A 30S a Sarer up| ie Be S1 Modi premium: Every 3rd PSU stock up 100% in 2023, what’s in store for New Year?- By Amit Mudgill One out of every three PSU stocks on the BSE PSU index delivered over 100 per cent return in a year marked by a dream run for battered PSU names, buoyed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's push for infrastructure capex, defence indigenisation and 'Make in India’ in manufacturing, resulting in a re-rating on PSUs as a pack on strong future prospects. If one go by analysts,RSU-shares'still have foam for further upside. Shares of power sector lenders REC and Power Finance Corporation have climbed 252 per cent and 241 per cent, respectively, in 2023, so far. Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd, which is engaged in raising financial resources for railways expansion, climbed 197 per cent during the same period. Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd, which is among leading defence public sector undertaking shipyard, surged 195 per cent while lignite producer NLC India jumped 193 per cent during the same period. ITI Ltd, Ircon International Ltd, SJVN Ltd, Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd and Cochin Shipyard Ltd soared 154-190 per cent while Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Housing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd, Hindustan Copper Ltd, Engineers India Ltd and NBCC (India) Ltd were some other stocks delivering multibagger returns in 2023. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd, Bharat Dynamics Ltd, NTPC Ltd, Oil India Ltd and Bharat Electronics Ltd gained 80-90 per cent in 2023. Banks such as Punjab National Bank, Bank Of Maharashtra, Union Bank Of India, Indian Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Canara Bank, Punjab & Sind Bank, UCO Bank, Bank of India and Bank of Baroda delivered 25-62 per cent returns for the year. Modi premium: Every 3rd PSU stock up 100% in 2023, what's in store for New Year?- By Amit Mudgill areas dreay sre wy et diet drag et AS wep a UH at 100 Wfereret & srftren ar Peet fear, sit fer tor st ws dreary & fore va aoet Sher ar) eae gfetardt ate a Swregaay hore, Tear Facet ke AagthraRer A Aw set sisar' & fee yerereist ate Atel & cara S Seared M1 Fa TROTATAST HA AT Tat: dear at aarger srfasa Ht Saracens Hai aa AE fagersant hr aret ot Creag dat A sraht atx taht A aforser 1 fateh ata & ase REC Si Power Finance Corporation SX 2023 Fa Te HA: 252 Taare BH 241 reat AS TS | Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd, AY tera TEAR & Fore fartret eeeret ere A va EHT &, SA HAL & Chet 197 HAA AE AA! sepa fatiea crea ferrars HB wa Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd 195 vider At gale ertar at, safe fereatse ferATar NLC India a gah arate & chat 193 weed A wetiat was | ITI Ltd, Ircon International Ltd, SJVN Ltd, Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd 310 Cochin Shipyard Ltd 154-190 Ufaeret a, sTafes Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Ltd, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Housing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd, Hindustan Copper Ltd, Engineers India Ltd aur NBC (India) Ltd 2023 FA aa Ret aot Te HE HHT ETH TE | Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd, Bharat Dynamics Ltd, NTPC Ltd, Oil India Ltd 3H Bharat Electronics Ltd 2023 4 80-90 Ufeterat At sect BIT rl Bite SfBar stk Sam ait aster ste Sent at 25-62 threat Rees Ra Hindustan Times India becomes stock market superpower; NSE cross $4 trillion mark after 25% growth- By Vaishnawi Sinha Despite geopolitical disturbances and the impact of the Covid pandemic over the last couple of years, the Indian stock market has achieved a new feat by crossing the $4 trillion valuation mark recently, closing in on the value of the Hong Kong stock exchange. Now, India has joined the ranks of stock market superpowers across the world, a title which was only held by the United States, China, and Japan. Being the fifth highest stock market in the world, India now only ranks behind these through countries. The Indian stock market has been up by around 25 percent this year, crossing the overall market valuation of $4.16 trillion. Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index has plunged nearly 19% this year, likely to fall behind India soon. India is the fifth largest economy in the world, and its stock market valuation is currently only behind US, China, Japan and Hong Kong, joining the ranks of superpower in the financial world. India's market growth in 2023 is the sharpest it has ever seen in the last three years. India's two stock market exchanges - Nifty and Sensex - have shown stellar growth this year, touching new highs. Nifty has shown a growth of 18.5 percent this year while the benchmark Sensex has grown by 17.3 percent in 2023. A report by Ernst and Young shows that the Indian stock market had over 150 listings of new companies in first nine months, while Hong Kong had just 42. While US and India saw a boost in their stock exchanges by over 20 percent each, the second largest market in the world - China - fell by around 9 percent in 2023, as the economy of the country struggled to cope with the Covid pandemic. India becomes stock market superpower; NSE cross $4 trillion mark after 25% growth- By Vaishnawi Sinha Taeor at ast a geopolitical disturbances & AAA Covid ABTART apr oictepet Warra aft SIN Tet a aTEATS eT NAL ATA a ETT F 4 fefersat Stax & market valuation & Fax Fl UN AH SH Sa Be St Brae Eeleh THAT BH FT market valuation a ary wer TGTAL Veh aS OATS STOEL BAT AY S| gee ore et ana so Bl afetar A fercteft aff ‘stock market superpowers’ @ sacht Auf A enfaa a aa &, ae sore are aa dae Hae Tee aie, Aes, A srraret wr a as et] gfe a dat Was ss MA TSN Sly H aa ARG Ha Sa AHS A Hae sat Sat AAAS esl af 2023 a sche VaR STA SATA 25 aera Ht Hel Gee aT GTS, HAT Het market valuation 31a 4.16 feferaet store & IT Tet TAT S1 SH AT, SeTHIAT HT Hang Seng Index AY 2023 A HesTaT 19% Few FANG, He ses St NA es sted A aaa BI ac Gferar Fr ‘fifth largest economy’ &, 31 SAAT stock market valuation Gale Ft aot SARE, Tet, aoa, i ereTHIaT a HAS, @ ak ae ure Sf ANE HF financial world 4Y superpowers #1 AH A Onfater BY aT Bl Ber aNt, TT 2023 F aA A market growth Freer cha ast 4 ara ae aot A 7S Gas Jat growth #1 HN & Mt WAT Me AUST & Index Aft Nifty 3T Sensex at aT 2023 F ener gare got Hs atk sas ae A as Sagat aS ferat 1 Nifty 7 TF 2023 a 18.5 widera AY eran aoa aeits Z, srafee benchmark Sensex a AY 2023 4 17.3 oferta A Seah waier wars Ernst and Young &l Uh Rate S Gar det # as 2023 H ued at welt & acre sax arait Ft iso & aft afte as Hofeat Fr listings GS eit, tafe gtarentar A ear 42 aS ap aferatt Hr ST listings FS aff Ser Ue 3 HART HR Ne & Fels Vat 20-20 wicerat S af aaftrem Br aire Gottar oraTet H HTT W, TET TAL 3A Gera HT GQN Fae IST VAL STAN Arh eter HT Eels VT aT 2023 J eprarT 9 Wider agen star, aallfer ater Ar srteaaee wr covid ARTA & fotcat & Fore FATA ATA STA TST Tar Economic Ties Milestone unlocked: Annual passenger vehicle sales in India surpass 4 million mark in CY23- By Sharmistha Mukherjee Sales of cars, sedans and utility vehicles ended on a strong note last month helping annual volumes breach the four million mark for the first time in 2023. As per industry estimates about 4.1 million passenger vehicles were sold in the local market in the last calendar year, which is an increase of around 8.2% over 3.79 million units sold in the same period the year before. Carmakers reported a growth of 4.4% to dispatch 287,904 units from factories to dealerships last month, highest-ever reported for the month of December, historically. Retail sales were substantially higher at 442,800 units helping bring down stocks in the industry. Carmakers started the new year with an inventory of 176,500 units in the channel. Maruti Suzuki - which registered cumulative sales (domestic and exports) of more than 2 million units for the first time in 2023 - has a share of over 20% in this fast-evolving segment. Overall, carmakers expect demand momentum in the market to remain healthy and sales to go up in single-digits, on a high base, in 2024. Honda Cars India sold 7,902 units last month, an increase of 12% over Dec 2022. Meanwhile, at Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) sales last month went up by 24% to 35,171 units. For the full calendar year, Japanese auto major Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM) too reported best-ever domestic sales of 221,356 units. At MG Motor India, retails grew 18% to 56,902 units in the same period. In the two-wheeler segment, sales remained healthy last month. Chennai-based TVS Motor Company grew volumes by a third to sell 214,988 units in the local market in December. Sales of commercial vehicles remained subdued, declining by 1% at market leader Tata Motors to 32,668 units. Milestone unlocked: Annual passenger vehicle sales in India surpass 4 million mark in CY23- By Sharmistha Mukherjee Cars, Sedans 3K utility vehicles 1 fash foe Hele Var Aarge ae W HIE &, Fae 2023 Ugdt aN vaste Wan alaet aT faite & sas at oR ae ah Se Seah H sre H STAN Pree Helse ay F earehte ara saree 4.1 fest tian eerpat Fe ary, sit fe reset ae hy Barat safe a seh 1S 3.79 PAferarat Barca F TIT 8.2% HH an daqthane a Pact Hell thecal & stenfea ch 287,904 Barer at START 4.4% AT FCL STAB, aT VST wT a aa wera & fae aad sit 81 Ree Set Hr ates 442,800 Bferca Ww on, Fores Sealer & eee ea are A Hee Hen are feratarait a ater H 176,500 aferem ht SeaeN Fy HTT AT Ta AT CRSA | Hretel Gas. Fake 2023 A ose ae 2 Perferara B afew aaree AL Fash (ata att Bata) ast A sr dol a awa oe aac SF refer Ht 20% 8 aitren AY VEE et frareny, HN ferAtarait Ht Seahe & fe 2024 A arom A Bats aie aor Watt A See Se OR fash Rave Bisre a aaah eat art sar a exe ae 7,902 afetce eet, sit feetax 2022 Ft aert F 12% afew 1 sa ara, afear Us Afar (watsway Ay PAT Treret Helet 24% TSHT 35,171 SHTS eT ATS | W these ah & fore, soar sited ww atelier Prefer alex (Qeee a 3H 221,356 ate A ara ae A ae ae Oe AT at #1) vast atex san gait arafft af fete Ber 19% seat 56,902 afere et S| olen Werte J eet Heer Pah aredt er Gears Fea Sewer Aree ahuehh at Fea A eeTeAs ATA F 214,988 Ufetee Tat FAT attra a was Perens ft gee ty areata areal At Fae area A, STS HY AST TreT Ae Hr FAHY 1% TEA 32,668 Alele TE ATS Business Standard India fastest growing premium smartphone market globally in 2023: Report China, India, Middle East and Africa regions, and Latin America are likely to see a new record for premium market sales, with India being the fastest-growing premium ‘market globally, noted the industry tracker Counterpoint in its repoft-an global premium smartphone market in 2023. According to the ‘report, it is the ultra-premium segment that is driving the growth ~ $1,000 and above price segment has captured over one-third of the total premium market sales in 2023. Top Smartphone OEMs’ Share in Premium Market, 2022 vs 2023 % 41% India fastest growing premium smartphone market globally in 2023: Report URAL industry tracker Counterpoint * 2023 4 global premium smartphone market 1X Heit Rate A Her & fey aia, ANA, Middle East 31% Africa regions T&T Afeat HART A Maer aro F ashr ar aren Rawls ST ST UehaT &, Fale SN Bach Cae wR aS aol Saget aren Aa sai #1 Redte & span ae sega Basie F ait facprea ar afer & LET F - $1,000 He Tae afer ET aret Sarele at 2023 A spor Nee aro FAA & wan felens B Hie #T capture FX TATE ‘Top Smartphone OEMs’ Share in Premium Market, 2022 vs 2023 1% 2022 2023 Grasse 9 Business Standard Indian real estate in 2023 saw highest investment inflows since 2020- By Raghav Agarwal In 2023, Indian real estate witnessed the highest level of investment inflows since 2020, according to real estate consultancy Colliers. These inflows in 2023 were $5.4 billion, 10 per cent higher as compared to 2022. In the sector, the office sector continued to be the most significant contributor for 2023 with a 56 per cent share in total inflows. The leading sources of foreign capital in Indian real estate were Canada and Singapore. These two countries accounted for 78 per cent of the global real estate inflows into India during 2023. Moreover, inflows from Asia-Pacific countries have been rising every year and have surged to 3.6 times in 2023 compared to 2020. "Investors continue to view India favourably, owing to strong economic performance, improved regulatory framework, and sustained demand across various real estate segments," it said. In 2023, India also witnessed the highest allocation towards office space. It accounted for $3 billion out of the total $5.4 billion investments in the sector. The second-highest inflows were witnessed in the industrial and warehousing asset class. As compared to $421.8 million in 2022, the inflows in the segment were up 108 per cent in 2023 at $877.6 million. This has been attributed to the expansion of the industrial sector, thriving on heightened consumption levels. The third-highest allocations were made towards the residential asset class. At $788-9 million in 2023, the inflows were 20 per cent higher as compared to $655.6 million in 2022. Indian real estate in 2023 saw highest investment inflows since 2020- By Raghav Agarwal Real estate consultancy Colliers & HAAR, Ae 2023 & ahrat srt Reaet veda H rae 2020 & are Tae Hew ETI TE Hse 2023 F 5.4 BRT Ste Wl, SY 2022 & Hepraet 10 wfaera afew S1 Ret TRE A office sector & 2023 aH Hae aie ahereret Fre athe ra ferder A Saar ateraret 56 Wiaerat TET anda Raat wees A feel Goh & vege ater aorrsr athe Raa a HTH 2023 a eter srr & Raat Cee Oa A BT Ga FARM Sera gat at eit ar aharera 78 wiser Tel Sa stare, URIS aett & fae HX Aa FS WET Sl Sa 2023 A ePar-veria eit S Haar 2020 & Heprach 3.6 Te FE TAT Real estate teueiy Colliers % Hea ferdera sitet HY Saar Aoigg aifte vaste, agat frarahre ad stk Rae vete Hf Palen MPa a Rea ar & aor Tider TE HATS TTT él Wet 2023 & aNtet HINA Fi office space H AT aS Hier aide st oa TAT Fa aa A EU Hers. 4 3a Sion & ferder J office space AT ahrerat 3 ata sto Teri GERI Bas aif feraer Wars industrial Tt warehousing asset class F earl sa Ao A Grr 2023 & ahrer 87.76 ats Stow aT fader eT, ait 2022 Fee 42.18 alg Sex h ATT 108 Wfereret stew e1 Be ape ate ae cree SaHT a Ure shasta ats Fi aca St ae Tera ART Tae 31a Heeat residential asset class H EI Aer 2023 aheet get Ah F 78.8 F 78.9 ALS Sere HT Peraer FIT Gt 2022 FET 65.56 FAIS STA HHTTS 20 Wher gre HHA | FPIs Inject Rs 1.7 Lakh Crore into Indian Equities in 2023- By Mohammad Haris In a remarkable comeback, foreign portfolio investors (FPls) have pumped Rs 1.7 lakh crore into the Indian equity markets in 2023, propelled by confidence in the country’s robust economic fundamentals amid a challenging global landscape. The year 2023 has witnessed massive investment by FPls, thanks to the sharp uptick in inflows of Rs 66,134 crore in December. In 2023, FPls made a net investment of Rs 1.71 lakh crore in equities and Rs 68,663 crore in the debt markets. Together, they infused Rs 2.4 lakh crore into the capital market, as per the data available with the depositories. The latest flow came after Indian equities witnessed a worst net outflow of Rs 1.21 lakh crore by FPIs in 2022 on aggressive rate hikes by the central banks globally, Before the outflow, FPls invested money in the last three years. Of Rs 1.71 lakh crore inflow this year, more than Rs 66,000 crore has been invested in December, following the enhanced political stability, owing to the BJP’s success in recent elections across three significant states. This landmark inclusion, scheduled for June 2024, is anticipated to benefit India by attracting around USD 20-40 billion in the subsequent 18 to 24 months. In terms of sectors, FPIs preferred the financial, IT, pharma, and energy sectors, owing to the country’s strength in technology and healthcare and commitment to sustainable development contributed to the appeal for foreign investors. FPIs Inject Rs 1.7 Lakh Crore into Indian Equities in 2023- By Mohammad Haris Uh TARGET ATTA HF BT F, foreign portfolio investors (FPls) & 2023 A and sieaat arant 4 1.7 ore aris weet ar feraer Pear v1 goitdrget setae oRfeafeat a dre eer a saree afeien gfeterey faerict a Paeare a Biter eters ae 2023 FF epi carer as Say a feraer Ser sar S| SAT Aa fasaT F 66,134 aris VAY H YaTe F aa agadt a star 81 2023 & wpiss a sfradl 4 1.71 are ads was sik de are A 68,663 FUS BY Hi ae sedeedic fHar| Saifsreht H oy sooty Hiei 3G, Seelet rae Goll aay A 2.4 ae aS BY HT gedecse fran! aete Fat aac Tax oy Gea Sent can tow AF TAH TSA & HRT 2022 A UHisMs cant ARs shar J 1.21 are ats VAT H Tas BE ae 3iisevet & aE sar 3) sscreHh Saget Reset Het are F vais of at care z | chet Hecaget uset & greta aerat F sore Ar eRe & NOT adt Tareas Rear & ae, SH Ale 1.71 aN ais BIS & feraer FA 66,000 avs STA S HfelH or feraer ax A ar sas . eT 2024 F Sorat & aE A Hao 18 S 24 Helett AH AaTHT 20-40 Faferaat TARA Stor sepia HL ANA HY SST Slat AT SFA SI aat & dest A, undtarg a facta, 38, wat ate Salt at ar wreftearn cy, Fafa Caeitcitoh six career Bar al eer aA arenat sik Hata feenner & ofa afcaatren a faelt ferderceh ar srenher ey A arena fare Business Standard Foreign investments into Indian bonds reached six-year high in 2023 Foreign investment in Indian government bonds saw a remarkable jump in the last three months of 2023, with JPMorgan's decision to add the debt to its indexes boosting inflows to a six-year high. Overseas investors net bought government bonds worth 350 billion rupees ($4.2 billion) in October-December, pushing the full-year tally to 598 billion rupees, the highest since 2017, clearing house data showed. Fund managers expect more inflows in the New Year. In September, JPMorgan announced it will include some Indian bonds in the Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets and its index suite from June. This should lead to incremental inflows of around $25 billion into bonds, according to analysts. Indian bonds under the so-called fully accessible route received the bulk of flows late last year, with foreign holdings in them more than doubling from a year earlier to 1.3 trillion rupees, clearing house data showed. Foreign investments into Indian bonds reached six-year high in 2023 2023 & 3ifaa cet Feta F, iPMorgan a 31ael Brats A debt sr anfarer ara & fale Ror eaTy, secita arent sist 4 faeett ferder st dat qalel g, oft Be let h ToT TA RK ET TSI

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