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Business Accounting QUARTER 3 | S.Y.


☆ Opening and Managing self-owned

Lesson 1: Entrepreneurship business
⤷ Businesses that are being
☆ It is a process of actions of an managed by others for the benefit
entrepreneur who is always in search of of the owners do not fall within the
something new to exploit new ideas into sphere of entrepreneurship.
gainful opportunities by accepting the risk
and uncertainty of the enterprise (De
Guzman, 2018) TYPES OF BUSINESS: Forms of
★ It is a science of converting ideas into Ownership
business (Abad, 2009)

Sole Proprietorship (Reg. w/ DTI)

Business vs Entrepreneurship
★ The simplest and easiest business to
● Businesses focus more on providing
products or services for the purpose of
☆ Controlled and owned by an
making profit (not wealth-creating
★ The owner is the sole responsible of all the
● Entrepreneurship on the contrary
liabilities of the business
focuses on generating new value, and
☆ The sole proprietors are considered single
this value could be social, emotional,
aesthetic, and/or financial.
★ Single ownership
☆ No sharing of profit and loss
Salient Features of Entrepreneurship
★ One man’s capital
☆ Art of Correct Practices
☆ Unlimited Liability
⤷ There is constant change which
★ Less legal formalities
denotes movements and
☆ One man control
☆ Wealth-Creating Venture
Partnership (Reg. w/ SEC)
⤷ Entrepreneurship is operating within
★ It is owned by two or more persons who
the concept of wealth creation
contribute resources into the entity
rather than profit generation.
☆ Partners divide the the profits of the
☆ Provides Valuable Goods and Services
business among themselves
⤷ The entrepreneur defines value
★ They have mutual agreement on how the
from the perspective of the buyers
decisions will be made and on how future
and not only from his/her own
partners will be admitted and how
because what is valuable to the
arguments will be resolved.
entrepreneur may not be of any
☆ Partnerships can be general or limited
value to the customers.

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Corporation (Reg. w/ SEC) How significant is Entrepreneurship in the
★ It has a distinct legal personality separate economy of the country?
from its owners. ☆ It encourages competitiveness and
☆ Private corporations may have a minimum thereby challenges entrepreneurs to keep
of five members with at least one member improving their products and services.
which is a natural born Filipino and a ★ It helps find an entrepreneurial niche in the
citizen of the country. world market.
★ It is owned and established under the ☆ It helps hasten the economic recovery
Corporation Code of the Philippines and process of the Philippines during financial
regulated by the SEC. turmoil or crackdown.
☆ The minimum paid-up capital required of ★ It facilitates the smooth flow of money in
corporations in the Philippines is PHP the local market.
5,000.00. ☆ It assists the national government in its
★ Types of Corporation desire to have favorable economic ratings
⤷ Stock Corporation in the world market.
⤷ Non-stock Corporation

Cooperative (Reg. w/ CDA)

Types of Business according to the
★ A cooperative is a business organization Nature of Activities
owned by a group of individuals and is
operated for their mutual benefit. ● Service Business - this provides intangible
☆ The persons making up the group are goods or services to customers.
called members. ☆ ex: accounting firms, law firms
★ Cooperatives may be incorporated or ○ Merchandising Business - usually generate
unincorporated profit by providing markup price on their
goods available for sale.
RA no. 9501 - An Act to promote Entrepreneurship by - sell tangible products; buy and sell
Strengthening Development and Assistance Programs - buys finished or almost finished
to Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises goods from their supplier then
resells them to customers
SEC. 3. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as ☆ ex: bookstores, clothing stores,
Beneficiaries. —
department stores, grocery
MSMEs shall be defined as any business activity or
● Manufacturing Business - manufacturers
enterprise engaged in industry, agribusiness and/or or producers
services, whether single proprietorship, cooperative,
- buy materials, convert them into
partnership or corporation whose total assets, inclusive
products, and then sell the
of those arising from loans but exclusive of the land on
products to other companies or to
which the particular business entity’s office, plant and
equipment are situated, must have value falling under the final customers
the following categories: ☆ ex: URC, Susie’s Cuisine, San
Miguel Corp, furniture businesses,
Micro : not more than ₱3,000,000 shoe makers, potteries
Small : ₱3,000,001 - ₱15,000,000 ○ Agriculture and Mining Companies - these
Medium : ₱15,000,001 - ₱100,000,000 companies are engaged in producing or
exploration of raw or natural materials
such as plants.

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● Hybrid Business - multinational businesses
are companies that may be classified in
more than one type of business
☆ ex: restaurants, salons

☆ Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) -

business and name registration
★ Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) -
business tax
☆ Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) - registration and supervision of
corporations and securities
★ Cooperative Development Authority
(CDA) - register all types of cooperatives

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★ Accounting is a tool to measure the
Lesson 2: Accounting financial position of any entity involved in
The American Institution of Certified Public economic activity. Accounting is an aid to
Accountants (AICPA) defines accounting as.. management. It is a system that keeps
⤷ The art of recording, classifying, and record of financial events and analyzes
summarizing in a significant manner and them for presenting reports of the financial
in terms of money, transactions and results and position of an economic entity.
events which are, in part at least of
financial character, and interpreting the
result thereof.
● Board of Directors
Accounting - a service to business/organizations. ○ Owners & Managers
● Employees
○ Business Partners & Stake-holders
● Creditors/Lenders
○ Government Agencies

Financial Financial Info Non-financial / invalid

★ Monetary value
Gasoline of delivery vehicle Purchase Request
⤷ Tangible
⤷ Intangible Electric consumption Savings of the workers
Example: Supermarket
☆ Tangible - cash/check/products Payment for the Kitchen Salary of the workers
★ Intangible - services of the supplies

employees/right to use space

AC units of the business

Functions of Accounting in Business

★ Accounting is a discipline, well-equipped
with techniques and methods through
which all types of transactions measurable
in terms of money or money’s worth can
be recorded, classified and summarized in
a proper and systematic way.
☆ Accounting helps present and explain
income, expenditure, profit-loss and
asset-liabilities of a particular period and
helps the management and investors to
be provided with necessary information
and statements.

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06. Accounting Period
Lesson 3: GAAP
★ This principle entails a business to
The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles complete the whole accounting
➔ According to De Guzman, 2018, GAAP is a process over a specific time period.
framework and guidelines of the 07. Conservatism
accounting profession. Its purpose is to ★ The principle of conservatism gives
standard accounting concepts, principles guidance on how to record
and procedures. uncertain events and estimates.
The principle of conservatism
states that one should always
consider any error on the most
01. Business Entity conservative side of any
★ A business is considered a separate transaction.
entity from the owner(s) and 08. Consistency
should be treated separately. ★ This principle states that
02. Going Concern companies should use the same
★ It assumes that an entity will accounting treatment for similar
continue to operate independently. events and transactions overtime.
03. Monetary Unit 09. Materiality Concept
★ The business financial transactions ★ This materiality concept, also called
recorded and reported should be in the materiality constraint, states
the monetary unit, such as that financial information is
Philippine peso, US dollar, Canadian material to the financial statements
dollar, etc. Thus, any non-financial if it would change the opinion or
or non-monetary information that view of a reasonable person.
cannot be measured in a monetary 10. Objectivity
unit is not recorded in the ★ This principle states that
accounting books, but instead, a accounting information and
memorandum will be used. financial reporting should be
04. Historical Cost independent and supported with
★ All business resources acquired unbiased evidence. This means
should be valued and recorded that accounting information must
based on the actual cash be based on research and facts,
equivalent or original cost of not merely a preparer's opinion.
acquisition, not the prevailing 11. Revenue Recognition Principle
market value or future value. ★ This states that revenue should be
05. Matching Concept recognized and recorded when it is
★ This principle requires that revenue realized or realizable and when it is
recorded, in a given accounting earned.
period, should be an equivalent
expense recorded, in order to show
the true profit of the business.

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