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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish

HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

HKDSE English Language 2023-2024

Elite / Regular Course Phase 4 (Lesson 1)
Table of Content
Sample Writing 1: 2013 DSE Part A (Contributed by King’s College Ryan Yung) ............................. 2
Sample Writing 2: 2024 Sample Paper (Contributed by Tessa Wong from SPCC) ........................... 6
Sample Writing 3: 2016 Sports Communications (Contributed by Wind Kwok from True Light Girls’
College) ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Sample Essay 4: Complaint Letter ............................................................................................... 13
Sample Essay 5: Artificial Intelligence (2023 DSE) ....................................................................... 16
ARGUMENTATION SKILLS: (2) availability of alternatives ........................................................... 31

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Sample Wri3ng 1: 2013 DSE Part A

(Contributed by King’s College Ryan Yung)
You are taking part in a photo exhibition called “My memories”. As a part of the photo exhibition,
you have presented two photos. Now you need to give a title to each and a brief explanation of why
these photos are meaningful to you.

Sample Essay Points to note

Appreciating the resources we are bestowed with
The little girl in the photo was me, taking part in a voluntary service trip
to a poverty-stricken region in Yunnan. In the past, I was an immature
girl who was never grateful for the assets I was endowed with. Though
I possessed a host of exquisite toys, I never felt thankful and took them
for granted. Though I had the privilege to study in a comfortable
learning environment, I never made good use of it. Though I was only
required to excel in my studies, I turned a blind eye to it and immersed
myself fully in the video games. However, the voluntary service trip to
impoverished villages in Yunnan transformed the immature girl into a
conscientious individual who cherishes the resources surrounding her.

I could still replay the episodes when I participated in the programme

organized by the Community Youth Club of my school. As a part of the
event, I was given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the
penurious areas in Yunnan and teach the primary school students. To
my astonishment, the learning environment of the students there was
much worse than I expected – The classroom with poor ventilation was
swarmed with more than 50 students. They had no choice but to share

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

the rotted wooden desks and chairs. Worse still, not all of them had
pencils or erasers, so lamentably they had to share with each other.
“That’s so pathetic!” I murmured. Yet, however miserable their
learning environment was, what astonished me was their unyielding
flame to learn, which could be seen from their eyes. When I was writing
math questions on the blackboard with the chalk, all of them stared at
the board enthusiastically in such a hot and dismaying classroom. They
never slept during class, played games with their peers, or skipped any
of the assignments. Not only was their unquenchable thirst for
knowledge astonishing, but their rock-solid determination was also
indelibly ingrained in my mind. Several of them, living in such an
impoverished district, had to spend their time on the farm under the
hot sun for a whole day. For all the difficulties, they still persisted in
attending my lesson, not to mention the additional questions they
voluntarily did! A ripple was caused in my heart when I heard about it.

My day during the service trip was deeply engraved on my mind. The
little kids, with such an unwavering determination in an upsetting
environment, are like the phoenix that could rise from the ashes. So
unfortunate was it that they did not have the luxury to rejoice over
material comforts, like me, but their craving for knowledge was never
encumbered by any obstacles. The program has also morphed me into
a more responsible person – we are the fortunate ones in the world.
Why don’t we cherish the invaluable resources that we possess?
Instead of moaning about the trivial items, the girl has finally grown up,
appreciating the fortunes and the assets she is endowed with.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Uniting in solidarity, igniting limitless possibilities

Time flies in the blink of an eye, and the little girl begins to take up
important roles at her school. Drifting back to the spring five years ago,
I ventured into the unknown as the chairman of the school’s open-day
ad-hoc committee. The photo taken before the open day, in which we
put our hands together, sends me pangs of nostalgia, reminding me of
the importance of team spirit.

Organizing the school’s open day was never a piece of cake. Having to
make so many amendments in the open-day proposal, I was too
lethargic and strained my eyes to the computer screen from dawn to
dusk. Organizing over 60 booths of clubs and societies, I drained all my
time into the work, and I was extremely frazzled. Every tick of the clock
was bringing the start of the open day closer, and I was having
butterflies in my stomach, worrying if any accidents will occur during
the event. The pressure was as heavy as a wall of bricks, plunging me
into the bottomless pit of negativities. Nonetheless, it is the unity and
relentless support of my committee members that allowed us to sail
against the wind. With a myriad of documents to complete, my
members never procrastinated and finished the tasks with high quality.
Gathering loads of innovative ideas for the souvenirs, we had meetings
every day to select and design the gifts in exchange for the betterment
of our event. Fearing if there were any blemishes in the venue
arrangement, we, though being drained out, we checked the school
thoroughly around the clock to ensure the smooth sailing of the event.
Accomplishing the open day was always an arduous task, but with
solidarity, we finally climbed over the insurmountable obstacles. I can
totally feel the young swagger in my team, and the blood, sweat, and

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

tears we invested together have transformed into the success of the

school’s annual open day. Seeing that, we were all on cloud nine,
thinking that the moment was like a shimmering mirage.

Looking back to such a sweet memory, it was the team spirit among us
that pulled us together and contributed to the stellar success of the
open day. Had there not been the relentless support of my teammates,
we could not have made this. Regardless of how fierce the storm is, our
cohesion and unbreakable bonds could still overcome all the hurdles
and help us climb to the summit of success. The individual endeavors
might seem to be minuscule and insignificant at first sight, but when
they accumulate and interplay together, we can navigate all the
obstacles. The beautiful memory is deeply ingrained in my heart,
forever empowering me to move forward with team spirit.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Sample Wri3ng 2: 2024 Sample Paper

(Contributed by Tessa Wong from SPCC)
A significant proportion of Hong Kong land is developed for residential or commercial purposes.
You strongly believe that more land should be used for open space and recreation.

The Town Planning Board is inviting the public to express their views. Write a letter to the board and
support your arguments with reasons.

Sample Essay Points to note

Dear member of Town Planning Board,

I am writing to express my concerns as to how to utilise a piece of newly

developed land for the prosperity of our city. The government,
endeavouring to provide adequate housing supply and bringing about
a boom in its economic development, has built a plethora of
residential and commercial buildings on the land. However, I hold an
opposing view. For the sake of improving the well-being of our beloved
residents, it is incumbent on the government to take advantage of its
empty land for open space and recreation.

In this day and age, most of the citizens in our city are trapped in vicious
cycle of stress and anxiety, working their fingers to the bone to earn a
livelihood from day to night. In such a fast-paced city, many give
precedence to their work over their health, hoping to earn as much
money to fend for themselves as possible. Their prolonged exposure
to the screens of laptop and the countless hours spent on handling piles
of work documents lead to their sedentary lifestyle. This might
provoke problematic health issues such as obesity, while taking a toll

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

on their cardiovascular system. According to a study conducted by the

Department of Exercise and Health, many citizens ascribe their few
exercising chances to the lack of sports venues. They comment that
they do hope to ameliorate their physical health by working out in their
spare time. Lamentably, hardly can they locate such sports facilities in
their neighbourhood. With more land for recreational purposes in the
neighbourhood, people can avail themselves of the open spaces to
exercise, ranging from jogging to stretching. With the provision of
ample open spaces, residents can be safeguarded from the potential
harm triggered by physical inactivity. Better still, spending time in such
open areas is beneficial to the mental well-being of citizens as well.
Going for a walk when they feel stressed, playing on the slide, seesaw
and swing like what an innocent kid does, as well as appreciating the
beauty of the blue sky in the park – all these serve as a perfect respite
from their tremendous work, extricating one from their overwhelming

Another benefit brought by the increased supply of open area is the

improvement in environment. In light of the exorbitant industrial
activities and the fast-paced development in Hong Kong, a vast amount
of greenhouse gases, for example, methane and carbon dioxide, are
emitted from an array of economic activities. From the construction of
skyscrapers to the air-conditioning rooms in offices, all these wreak
havoc on our air quality. Not only does the high level of air pollution
lead to photochemical smog which lowers our visibility, but it also
prompts a change in the weather patterns. What piles on the gloom is
that the intemperate amount of greenhouse gases will lead to our
increased susceptibility to respiratory diseases. However, the plants,
trees, flowers and fauna in the parks can carry out photosynthesis,

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

absorb carbon dioxide in air and release oxygen. This will improve the
balance of gases in the atmosphere, while enhancing biodiversity
simultaneously. In addition, it was reported by various research that
looking at green plants helps soothe our souls and reduce our stress
levels, bringing an additional benefit to the residents living nearby.

There are some voices suggesting that the fundamental responsibility

of the government is to ensure the well-being of citizens. Thus, it is
imperative that the government provide sufficient housings for its
residents. It is undeniable that the government should not breach their
duties, yet whether the government has failed to live up to such duties
is truly questionable. If we take a look at the root cause behind the
seemingly inadequate housing in our city, we will realise that it is the
unaffordable prices of the houses, rather than the lack of housing
supply, that contribute to the plight of the underprivileged who lack
access to the residential flats. It has been reported by SCMP and New
York Times that the property price in Hong Kong is the highest around
the globe. Hardly can a typical citizen afford the price of the current
housing market. To address the problem from its root, it is highly
recommended that the government lower the market prices of
housings and provide subsidies to youngsters who wish to buy
properties. Thus, more people can afford housings and climb up the
social ladder more quickly. It is also suggested that the government
strike a balance between building residential flats and creating areas
for recreational use, as the physical needs and mental well-being of
citizens are equally important. We should not give priority to the
housing needs of a minority group of citizens to the detriment of
others’ mental well-being.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

In conclusion, in the hope of improving citizen’s physical health and

protecting the vulnerable environment, the government should use
more land for open space and recreation. It is my firm conviction that
this move can forge our pathway towards a cleaner and healthier

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Sample Wri3ng 3: 2016 Sports

Communica3ons (Contributed by Wind Kwok
from True Light Girls’ College)
Because of the lack of sports facilities, some people in your community have suggested schools should allow
the public to use their sports facilities after school hours.
Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily stating your opinion. Support your opinion with three

Sample Essay Points to note

Dear Editor,

In light of the lack of sports facilities in the community, the issue of

whether schools should lend sports facilities for public use after school
has aroused wide concern among various circles and provoked a stir
among the locals. The advocates paint a rosy picture that the above
practice is a crucial catalyst for increasing the activity level of citizens,
while the skeptics ring an alarm bell by claiming that it will pose a
menace to students. Divergent as the arguments are, I fervently
believe that on no account should schools lend sports facilities for
public use.

Contributory to my opposition is that lending sports facilities to the

public is tantamount to depriving students of their access to the
facilities. If the above policy is implemented, it is difficult, if not
impossible, for sports activities to be conducted smoothly, not least
when a considerable number of sports activities are conducted after
school. This, however, saps students' enthusiasm for exercising, which
is a heavy blow to their all-rounded development. What piles on the

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

gloom is that students nowadays are slackened of time to exercise

already. Should schools lend sports facilities to the public, it can be
anticipated that students’ physical and mental health will be on the
verge of collapse. According to Professor Wong from the University of
Hong Kong, it is estimated that students’ exercising time will plummet
by 40% by virtue of the above practice. I suppose we do not need an
expert to convince us that having an adequate amount of exercise is
the cornerstone of dissipating one’s stress and maintaining a good
body shape. In light of this, lending sports facilities to the public will rob
students of their right to use the sports facilities, taking a terrible toll
on their all-round development and health.

Alongside denying students their rights, under no circumstances should

we overlook the fact that lending sports facilities to the public is
synonymous with putting students’ safety in peril. What is worth
noting is that the above practice creates a seamless opportunity for
crimes to occur. Considering that anyone can enter the school with
ease as a result of the loosened security, there is a great tendency for
crimes to occur, whether it be sexual harassment or violence. The
tragic news that happened in Good Hope School recently is a walking
portrayal. According to a news report from the SCMP, a man was
arrested for taking snapshots of students in the toilets while disguising
himself as one of the students by wearing their uniform. By the same
token, were schools to lend sports facilities to the public, there would
be a possibility that the bad guys would exploit this loophole to carry
out similar crimes at schools. Coupled with the fact that students are
so immature and vulnerable that they lack the capacity to distinguish
between right and wrong, they are highly susceptible to these crimes.
What adds fuel to the fire is that schools' reputations will also be
tarnished if any safety issues arise. Seen in this light, by no means

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

should schools lend sports facilities to the public, for it puts students'
safety at risk.

In spite of the cogent arguments raised, some skeptics may oppose my

view, asserting that the general public is in desperate need of sports
facilities and thus schools should lend a helping hand to them. While
the initiative of the above suggestion is commendable itself, it should
be noted that the onus of schools is to ensure that the welfare of
students is well preserved, whether it be their all-round development
or their safety. In stark contrast, the lending of sports facilities to the
public is equivalent to depriving students of their welfare, which is
incompatible with schools’ primary responsibility. With the
implementation of the above proposal, hardly can students seize their
after-school time to cultivate their interests and unwind. What is also
worth noting is that it is not the school’s responsibility but the
government's responsibility to ensure the sufficiency of sports
facilities in the community. In light of this, under no circumstances can
we be so barbarous to assume that schools should shoulder the
responsibility of entertaining the public and never should the general
public’s interests prevail over students’ welfare.

In a nutshell, I believe that the above policy is well-intentioned but ill-

conceived. Not only does it hamper students’ health but it also stifles
their opportunity to nurture their interests. It is hoped that schools
could think twice before deciding to implement the policy, lest
students’ welfare and safety be put in peril.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Sample Essay 4: Complaint LePer

You are the chairperson of the school band. Your school recently took part in a competition
at another school. You feel that the competition was very badly organised and that the result
of the competition was unfair. Write a letter of complaint to the principal of the school which
hosted the competition. Explain what made the competition so unfair.

Sample Essay Points to note

Dear Principal Chan,

I am writing to express my utter disappointment with the poorly

organised competition our School Band recently took part in. Not only
were the logistics arranged in a poor manner, but we also found the
results unjust. We hope the following letter thoroughly addresses our

To begin with, the most intolerable issue has to be the unfair judge
ratio. We are frustrated by the fact that all judges were the
representatives from your school, with the judging panel comprising
your music teachers, alumni and principal. We thought this was a
negligible factor at first but the situation was exacerbated afterwards,
with the judges continuously mumbling and even giggling with each
other admist our band performance. Having devoted all unrelenting
effort towards the preparation of the band competition half a year
prior to the contest, we found such arrangements outrageously
unreasonable. The atrocious and arrogant behaviour of the judging
panel was nothing short of a sign of disrespect to us, the dedicated
members of our school’s band. To some of our members, this
competition is their only opportunity to perform on stage and their
dedication was poured down the drain without any acknowledgement.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Even in the feedback session, the judges left disparaging comments

that not only lacked constructiveness but plummeted our members’
confidence in their performance skills. We sincerely believe that as
educators, teachers should always mind their own behavior,
demonstrating a minimum level of courtesy and respect to all people.
After all, they are the role model of students, who will mimic their
behavior and deem such disrespectful acts reasonable.

Alongside the problem of unfair judges, the PA system also

malfunctioned during our performance, undermining our performance
greatly. We were all gleefully performing the excerpt of our piece
when our performance was abruptly halted by an announcement by
the emcees, indicating the entrance of the next participating team.
Although the representatives of the IT team apologised to us after the
performance, our members still had to restart from the very beginning.
This certainly left a poor and unsatisfactory impression on the
adjudicators, not to mention how anxious and helpless we felt when
such unexpected problems occurred. All these undermined our
performance, which was not an accurate representative of our ability
at all.

Last but not least, we would like to address the ungracious behaviour
of the spectators. Given that the competition was held in your school,
all the spectators happened to be the students of your school. Akin to
the judging panel who caused a disturbance to our members’
performance, the students seated in the auditorium were chanting
supportive slogans for their own team, even when our team was
performing. Again, we found this act intimidating and unacceptable
for the prime reason that such behaviour is disrespectful to our team.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

We sincerely hope that representatives from the corresponding school

may offer their words of apology to our students, for they deserve a
chance at a fair competition in which they are equally respected as not
only musicians but individuals too.

Yours sincerely,
Chris Wong
Chairperson of the School Band

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Sample Essay 5:
Ar3ficial Intelligence (2023 DSE)

Sample Essay Points to note

Dear Editor,

Gone are the days when people only listened to songs composed by

humans. In this day and age, more and more technology have

penetrated into our lives, infiltrating every aspect of our lives. Now AI

has triumphed over human beings and taken over the music industry,

with AI becoming the champion via song-writing competitions. There is

thus a recent backlash against the use of AI in competitions with human

beings, in the belief that its use has gone over the top and will cause

unfairness to humans. However, it is my firm conviction that AI should

be allowed. My reasons are threefold.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

To commence with, my stance is largely attributed to the fact that AI

can generate advanced songs with a higher complexity. Rewind back to

the past, the songs generated by humans, however creative and

innovative, are limited by certain elements. These elements include

constraints in song speed which is caused by physical limitations. A

striking illustration would be guitar riffs. Given the physical length of

the guitar, it is virtually impossible to play a note on the first fret and

immediately, follow it with a note on the sixteenth fret. Not only is it

challenging, but not pragmatic as well. Yet, with AI, such issues will not

continue to arise. The computer can generate any sounds in any

consecutive orders, for they have no physical limitations. Had humans

strictly adhere to traditional methods of composing music, then master

pieces created by AI would never have existed. Through the use of

technology, the speed, range and complexity of music can all be

heightened. Another vivid illustration is rap music. Professional as

artists are, there is still a limit to the number of syllables they can say

in one second. What makes AI so appealing is that the music they

compose is not constrained by such limitations. While the most skilled

rappers in the world can say 8 syllables in one second, AI technology

can lift the bar much higher. As such, the quality of the competitions

can be enhanced, further boosting the enjoyment for the viewers.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Thus, only by allowing AI to participate in competitions can the music

quality and competition quality be enhanced.

Alongside song quality, another factor recurring to my mind is the

widened variety of songs. For all these years, humans have only

listened to the music created by our own species. More often than not,

the content is centred around love and human troubles, which is

becoming increasingly repetitive. Hardly can we find music that leaves

us bewildered. However, when it comes to AI, the content in the lyrics

may drastically differ from what is used conventionally. This viewpoint

is exemplified by the works of new AI models, chatGPT. This new AI

technology is able to write novel songs about trivial matters. What’s so

intriguing about it is that it can think in perspectives that human beigns

do not usually ponder about. Some critics comment that since AI is

developed and trained with data pockets made by humans, it is limited

by our cognitive thinking. But, due to AI’s self-learning nature, it can

easily surpass human abilities. By using AI in competitions, the variety

and genre of songs can become diversified. No longer will songs with

comeptitions be inundated with songs of the same kind.

Some people contend that AI should not be allowed. Their stance

largely boils down to the fact that it has a lack of human participation.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

They claim that participants who utilise AI will be put at an advantage,

as they can be spared from any individual efforts to produce a good

music piece. However, I believe that humans do play an instrumental

role in the music production despite the handy assistance from AI

robots. Let’s take ChatGPT as an example. We are the ones who input

the data in the ChatGPT for it to generate a musical piece that is unique

to our own instructions. Had human composers not been capable of

giving AI a clear direction and the theme of the music, AI would not

have been able to generate such music. I believe that the use of AI and

human effort are not mutually exclusive. It is the collective effort that

lifts the quality of the music production.

All in all, judging from the above well-documented analysis, it is

sufficient to say that AI should be granted the permission to partake in

the competitions. For the betterment of the industry and the

enjoyment of the public, AI participation should be allowed.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選


Illustration 1: Whether to hold more exchange programmes for secondary students.

Counter-argument: That youngsters will only be having fun with their peers.

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

5** Sample paragraph Points to note

Some may believe that overseas exchange programmes stand
in the way of kids’ learning, given that students will simply have
fun with their peers, wasting their precious learning time. They
claim that the school should not prioritise kids’ entertainment
needs to the detriment of their studies or learning. It is true that
kids can seek respite from their burdensome work and have fun
with their peers during the exchange programmes. However, it
does not necessarily mean that they will not gain an edge by
participating in such exchange programmes. Indeed, enjoying
their time with peers and acquiring soft skills through
immersing themselves in such exchange programme are not
mutually exclusive at all. Chatting with the foreigners, kids will
have the opportunity to brush up their language proficiency.
Having to take care of themselves during the trip, kids can
learn to be independent and cultivate their self-care skills,
helping them step out of their comfort zone. Studying in an
environment they are unfamiliar with, they will learn to adapt
to changes effortlessly. All these are significant, if not
irreplaceable soft skills one will acquire while simultaneously
enjoying their time with friends. Had there not been such
overseas exchange programmes, adolescents would not have
been given the possibility to nurture these techniques in Hong
Kong. Given the numerous fruits reaped from the exchange
programmes, isn’t it a blanket statement for one to conclude
that exchange programmes are nothing but wastage of

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Illustration 2: Whether secondary students should be discouraged from dating.

Counter-argument: They cannot balance studies and romantic relationships at the same time.

Points to note

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and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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5** Sample paragraph Points to note

Some claim that teenagers should not date because it will
undoubtedly undermine their academic results. They will spend
more time dating than doing revision. Worse still, their
emotional well-being will fluctuate easily subject to the
romantic relationship. However, it is worth noting that attaining
outstanding academic results and maintaining romantic
relationships well are not mutually exclusive, but instead, can
logically exist together. It is a blanket statement to conclude
that all youngsters cannot handle both studies and romantic
relationships well. To say so is to deny the versatility of the
adolescents. We see tons of youngsters who are capable of
balancing a great variety of extra-curricular activities and
studies simultaneously: one can be a team captain of the
basketball team, the chairperson of the student union, and the
champion of music festivals while acquiring first in form in many
subjects at the same time. Likewise, being engaged in a
romantic relationship along with studies is not a problem to
many students either, so long as one can stay rational and
devote their time wisely to both activities. Better still, in some
well-developed romantic relationships, partners can motivate
each other to perform better, which may in turn enhance their
academic results.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Illustration 3: Whether schools should abolish class ranking.

Counter-argument: Exam score is already sufficient for students to recognize their exam

Points to note

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and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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5** Sample paragraph Points to note

Those who are skeptical of the value of the class ranking regime
may assert that as the announcement of examination results
itself is sufficient for students to understand their own
performance, the ranking regime serves no useful purpose and
thus can be abolished. However, our side believes that the
ranking and publication of exam scores are not mutually
exclusive, and should co-exist simultaneously. We should
recognize the imperfections of the exam score, which often
varies in accordance with the level of difficulty of the test paper.
Students, putting undue emphasis on the exam scores, may
then form a distorted perception as to their actual
performance. With the publication of ranking, however,
students will know whether they are performing good enough
compared to their counterparts, which is perhaps a more
accurate indicator than the exam score itself. In addition to the
accuracy issue, the ranking system also serves an additional
purpose – to motivate students to study. It goes without saying
that competition gives room for improvement: while the poorly
performed students may become more ambitious after
recognizing their own imperfections, those ranking at the top
position may be more motivated to study so as to maintain a
ranking as high as before. As we can see, ranking should indeed
co-exist with the unveiling of exam scores, in the hope of
arousing students’ motivation in studies.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Illustration 4: whether parents should install monitoring apps on kids’ phones (HKDSE 2016)

5** Sample paragraph Points to note

Some may believe that education is a better alternative to
educate students how to use their phones responsibly. They
claim that it is parents’ fundamental responsibility to educate
kids how to discern right from wrong, and that the installation
of monitoring apps while sidestepping the education process
simply goes against the primary responsibility of parents.
However, I believe that the use of monitoring apps and
education are both equally efficient means to mould kids into
responsible phone users, and these two approaches are simply
not mutually exclusive. Each of them simply serves a different
purpose, addressing the problem from a different angle. As for
the use of monitoring apps, they pose an immediate deterrent
effect that prohibits kids from using the phone excessively. Kids
who are in lack of self-discipline should be monitored tightly. As
for education, it is a long-term policy which enhances kids’
awareness to use the internet responsibly and safely. Parents
can gradually instil the concept of having reasonable screentime
into children, indoctrinating into kids the sinister consequences
of behaving cowardly on the Internet, such as leaving critical
and harsh comments on forums without regard for others’
feelings. Only with the concerted efforts of both control apps
and long-term education can the problem be stamped out.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Illustration 5: Whether PE lessons should be abolished. (2012 Practice Paper)

Points to note

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and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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5** Sample paragraph Points to note

Some may think that having PE lessons is tantamount to wasting
students’ valuable lesson time for other academic subjects, and thus
should be eliminated from the school curriculum. They claim that,
many secondary students these days are so overwhelmed with
studies that they would like to make the most out of their school
hours for doing revision. However, it is worth noting that having PE
lessons and doing well in academic studies are not mutually
exclusive at all. After all, students only need to attend a two-hour
PE lesson per week, with the remaining lesson time all being
allocated to the academic subjects of the DSE exam. According to
an internal survey conducted by the Student Union of our school,
almost 90% students are opposed to the abolishment of PE lessons,
and almost all the academically capable students suggested that
they enjoy partaking in PE lessons a lot. In the survey, many students
commented that PE lessons serve as a perfect respite from studies,
and it is the stretching exercise and their chances to engage in
sports competitions with peers that add joy to their monotonous
and dull school life. In other words, one can enjoy the PE lessons
while allocating ample time for revision and achieving remarkable
academic results. PE lessons are even one of the best supplements
that give a boost to students’ academic results. Moreover, the
Education Secretary Choi Yuk Lin once commented in a Press
Release concerning students’ mental well-being that engaging in
sports activities releases endorphin, which goes a long way
towards improving one's mood and boosting one's mental well-
being. She even suggested school principals to encourage students
to exercise more often, as this can indirectly benefit their academic

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Illustration 6: Whether computer-generated songs should be allowed to compete in song-writing

competitions [2023 DSE]

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

5** Sample paragraph Points to note

Some may perceive that only human contestants should be
qualified to partake in such competitions, in the belief that only
musical productions that are made by human beings are original,
while any other computer-generated songs are not. However,
instead of arguing the trivial question as to whether the songs
written with the help of AI are original or not, we should give
priority to the overall quality of music productions. I believe that
only with the concerted effort of AI and human beings can quality
music be produced. After all, the efforts of AI and human beings
are never mutually exclusive. Each of them simply plays a
different role so as to make the music more innovative and
creative. While AI can handle the background music with the use
of drums, guitars or violins, human beings can put more focus on
the creation parts, ranging from the writing of lyrics to their own
vocal skills, from writing the melodies to feeding more specific
instructions to the AI. Had AI been strictly prohibited from such
contests, the various instruments could not have been
incorporated in such music, thus making the overall music quality
more monotonous. As we can see, their roles are not mutually
exclusive at all, as they both contribute to the betterment of the
overall music industry. Thus, the use of AI should not be

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

(2) availability of alternaDves
Topic: Give your views as to whether it is appropriate to perform plastic surgery.
Points to note

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and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

5** Sample Points to note

Those who sing praise of plastic surgery contend that outer beauty is of
overwhelming importance when it comes to job hunting. They reckon that
people tend to judge a book by its cover, particularly in a utilitarian society like
Hong Kong. While our side does not deny that one’s physical beauty can be a
relevant consideration from employers’ perspectives, we believe that this is
nothing more than a trivial factor that carries little weight to a company –
instead, it is one’s holistic qualities and capabilities that determine if he is the
right candidate. Rather than resorting to cosmetic surgery for a more appealing
appearance just to enhance his chance of being hired, one should put greater
attention on improving his skill set and experience. Brushing up one’s
communication skills, enhancing one’s academic qualifications, and being
more ambitious to enrich his work experience are much better and practical
means to lift one’s overall skills. In the absence of such important virtues,
hardly can an individual attract the employers’ attention, despite having an
aesthetic appearance with double eyelids, tall noses and small faces. As we can
see, cosmetic surgery is merely a superficial means that renders one’s cover
page more appealing – only through strengthening one’s overall qualities can
he genuinely triumph over other candidates.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Illustration: Whether teenagers aged below 18 should be prohibited from playing online games on

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

5** Sample Points to note

Some believe that this policy is ruthless to teenagers, as it is nothing more than
depriving kids of their only entertainment means, which they claim are
necessary for one to cope with the overwhelming study pressure they are faced
with. While I do not deny that entertainment plays a paramount role in
alleviating one’s stress, I hold the perception that there are many other better
alternatives that can have this purpose well-fulfilled. Exercising regularly such
as jogging and playing basketball, kids feel more relieved and energetic as a
result of the endorphins released by their body. This is more conducive than
playing online games, given that the former recharges our body and allows us
to work in a more productive manner while the latter will consume our energy,
resulting in our reluctance to study afterwards. Alternatively, learning new
interests in their spare time in lieu of playing online games is another splendid
way to mitigate stress as well. Immersing themselves in the interests they love,
kids will feel gratified, and the happiness derived from it can further lift their
motivation in studies. Compared to gaming to which kids will be easily addicted,
the alternative of learning new interests provides much greater value and
meaning. Apart from that, one can even hang out or have deep chats with their
peers, all of which go a long way towards relieving kids’ stress. As we can see,
playing online games is not the only necessary means to mitigate stress.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
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Illustration: Abolishment of class ranking

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
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5** Sample Points to note

Some contend that the abolishment of class ranking shall not be
considered by our school, given that class ranking can better reflect
students’ authentic performance in the actual examination. They claim
that because scores can be deceptive sometimes, which very much
depend on the level of difficulties of the test papers, class ranking should
be disclosed to students as well. However, it should be noted that there
are other better alternatives which are sufficient enough to provide an
accurate prediction of students’ genuine performance in the exam. One
of the most effective means will be the disclosure of predicted grades to
students. Teachers have the expertise to judge what grades students are
likely going to acquire in the exam, and so long as that is disclosed to
students, it already serves the purpose of offering students a more
concrete picture of their actual performance in the public exam.
Likewise, the examination score itself is an accurate indicator reflecting
students’ performance in the public exam as well. All these are better
than making a direct comparison between students, which inevitably
puts students in an unnecessarily fierce and competitive environment.
In other words, if the sole purpose of revealing one’s class ranking is
solely to offer students a better picture of their examination
performance, it is simply unnecessary, given that there are many better
alternatives which can have the purpose well achieved.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

VS VERSUS: The alternatives are not sufficient enough / not effective enough

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

5** Sample Points to note

Some cast doubt on the necessity of the monitoring apps, claiming that
education from parents and teachers is already sufficient in preventing
students from using the devices responsibly. While I do not deny that
education may be a long-term solution to enable youngsters to
recognize the essence of spending less time on electronic devices, they
are simply inadequate to shape kids’ responsible behavior on the use of
electronic devices. While many of you must have heard of warning from
your parents or teachers that you should spend less time on electronic
devices, have you really adhered to their suggestions and managed to
put aside the cell phones to prevent yourself from getting addicted to
the cell phones? Were the lessons from parents alone that useful, we
would not be falling prey to the temptations from cell phones so easily,
chatting with friends on Whatsapp all the time and monitoring the news
feed of Instagram to check friends’ update of stories or posts. We must
recognize that we youngsters lack proper self-discipline. Given excessive
amount of freedom, hardly can we control ourselves well. Monitoring
apps simply serve the purpose of fixing kids’ lack of self- discipline
problem by limiting our daily use of social media, or prohibiting our visits
to violent or indecent websites.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Illustration 2: Write an essay to argue for or against the effect of food warning labels on people’s
eating habits. [HKDSE 2020]

5** Sample Points to note

Some hold the perception that the nutrition labels currently available at
the back of the food packaging are already sufficient for consumers to
appreciate the food content of snacks. Consumers can thereby gain
adequate knowledge about whether the food is healthy upon a close
reading of the labels. However, answer yourself a question frankly – do
you really study the labels thoroughly before deciding whether to
purchase the food? Unless you are so conscious of health or on diet, it is
unrealistic to expect you to deliberately examine the amount of sodium,
carbohydrates or proteins each food consists of. For one thing, the small
labels which are positioned at the back are not easy for consumers to be
aware of. For another, the labels can be difficult for laymen without
health-related knowledge to comprehend, given that it only contains a
chain of figures which do not reveal anything to the consumers. The food
warning labels placed on clearly visible places on the food packaging will
draw consumers’ attention certainly. What’s more, it is much easier for
consumers to comprehend, given that it is a standard benchmark, which
directly reveal that the food is unhealthy. As we can see, the current
nutrition labels are insufficient for promoting consumers’ healthy eating
habits, and labels should be put on the food packaging.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
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