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Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish

HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

HKDSE English Language 2023-2024

Elite / Regular Course Phase 5 (Lesson 1)
Table of Content
Speaking: Group Interaction Skills ................................................................................................ 2
Integrated Skills Training (Report & Text) ................................................................................... 13
Integrated Skills Mock Exam Practice: Editorial .......................................................................... 42
Additional 5** Sample Essays for reference ................................................................................ 48
Useful vocabulary for writing and speaking ................................................................................ 56

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Speaking: Group Interaction Skills

HKDSE 2023
Topic 1: Arranging Harborside Concert Series for school students

- Whether Harbourside Concert Series featuring classical music would be popular with young
- Ways to promote the event in school
- Other possible ac?vi?es to promote classical music in school

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Candidate Script Points to note

(Level for
Candidate D: So I’m sure you guys have heard of the Harborside
(5**) Concert Series, right? Well, just by looking at the
name of it, I actually feel like that’s quite aOrac?ve,
as in, like, just think about it: at the Harborside, we
are just picnicking on the grassland in the West
Kowloon District, with all the breezing and cozy wind
– I feel like it’s quite a nice environment for us to
start listening to classical music. But we have to
think about who our target audience are, because I
think a lot of audience, such as students like us are
actually not very interested in classical music
because we all have our own preferences of music,
for example there is like K-pop or R&B, and that may
mean that there may be fewer people interested in
classical music. So just imagine yourself being
introduced to this event, will you guys want to go to
this event?

Candidate A: So I certainly see your point about how there will

(5**) be contradicLng views from students and I think
that really determines the level of popularity of the
event, like on the one hand, I agree with you that
the whole seaside and with friends is really cozy and
the atmosphere will be a big aOrac?on point to

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

students, but on the other hand I believe that

classical music may not be that welcomed by
students as they probably don’t always listen to
classical music, and I think the point about classical
music is that they tend to have adult or more
calming melodies and that would not provoke
students’ aOen?on and their excitement, so I think
this is one of the points we have to consider when
it comes to whether the event will be considered
by students.

Candidate B: Yes I certainly see your point about how classical

(5*) music may not be appreciated by students because
they are not like k-pop or rock music that students
can hype to it. However, in our genera?on, many
students have been learning instruments such as
piano, flute or violin, and they have obtained really
high grades in those examina?ons. So take me as an
example. I have obtained a grade 8 piano cer?ficate
last year, so I think they have been in this really nice
music environment, so I think this has also
contributed to their ability to appreciate such
classical music. Do you also agree with me that
classical music is actually appreciated by students?
Candidate C: C: Umm I think you have a point about how a
(5**) parLcular group of students acknowledge the
importance of classical music, but I can’t resonate
with your point about all students having an interest
in classical music because, to be honest me myself I

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

don’t have a strong background in classical music,

and I don’t really have a fond interest in pursuing
instruments either. Only a par?cular group of
students will be interested and this event will only
be exclusive to this group. Like to be honest if you
ask yourself whether you want to aOend concerts
to listen to BTS’ dynamite or classical music such as
Chopin or Mozart; you will definitely choose the
former right? I think this shows a very stark
difference between the Korean pop and classical
music. So do you think we should move on to how
the programme should be promoted in our school?

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Topic 2: Arranging cleaning sessions for students (Group 1)

- The advantages of adding cleaning sessions to the ?metable

- Problems that might arise from the cleaning session
- Suggest some cleaning tasks that are suitable for students

Candidate Script Points to note

(Level for
Candidate B: One of the advantages is that it trains up students’
(Level 4) discipline. Students partaking in the cleaning
sessions have more self-control; they will be more
thoughdul and considerate. it also cul?vates a sense
of belonging, because with the task they are
included, they feel they are valued, they think they
can actually contribute to the classroom instead of
just sieng back doing their own things.

Candidate C: That’s really a good point. Actually I remember back

(Level 5) then in pr we also had some cleaning sessions. As
you know, the Kong kid is so serious that kids don’t
have basic life skills, let alone cleaning their room.
When I was in primary school, those sessions
actually helped me acquire life skills; like for
example, how to clean the classroom, or develop
the things so that I can develop personal spaces or
public spaces more organised; so do you think that
actually developing life skills is one of the

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

advantages, or training of self-disicpline, is one of

the advantages of those training sessions?

Candidate A Let’s talk about the problems of the cleaning
(Level 3-4) sessions. For me, it would be a burden. Because of
the study, we focus on our academic results; they
ohen consider themselves losers if their results do
not live up to the expecta?ons of parents or
teachers, so students work hard; if we require the
cleaning sessions, it will be a burden for them and
increase the unnecessary pressure on them.
Candidate C actually under exam-oriented system in Hong Kong,
(Level 5) schools ohen have to focus on preparing students
for their public exam such as the DSE; so probably
teachers have a lack of ?me for teaching stuff in
order to catch up with the dse syllabus, let alone
arranging those cleaning sessions. So one of the
problems that may arise, as candidate A has just
men?oned, is that there may not be enough ?me for
us to impose cleaning sessions, given that students
are so burdened by their academic studies, and they
will just be exhausted or weary or ?red aher class;
so probably they might not even feel mo?vated to
do so. So do you think that umm the educa?on
system nowadays is one of the problems that we
might need to consider when imposing those
cleaning sessions in our ?metable?

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Topic 2: Arranging cleaning sessions for students (Group 2)

- The advantages of adding cleaning sessions to the ?metable

- Problems that might arise from the cleaning session
- Suggest some cleaning tasks that are suitable for students

Candidate Script Points to note

(Level for
Candidate B So today, I believe you've all known that there is an
(Level 5**) upcoming environment improvement campaign in
our school. And we are here to discuss whether
including a cleaning session in our school's
?metable will be suitable and prac?cal in our school.
So let's start by talking about the posiLve impact
that will be brought by such cleaning sessions, shall
we? So I believe that for students, it is really
beneficial as it will nurture the sense of
responsibility. Because seldom do students
understand their responsibility as a student and as
a part of our school while they're using and enjoying
the right to use our school facili?es. So I believe that
such acts will actually raise their awareness of their
role of a student and to contribute to our school and
in turn contribute to the society. Don't you guys

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

agree that this would be an important virtue for

students to learn?

Candidate A: So I think all of you have men?oned a lot of good
points just now. So first, I want to add on Candidate
B's point about developing their inner quali?es of
children. I also think that doing chores really helps
develop children's moral and good quali?es, such as
being responsible, and also they tend to help out the
whole family and set up good rela?onships with
their parents just as Kennedy has men?oned. And
also, I ohen agree on Candidate C point about
children can learn how to do chores because they
tend to be very dependent on their parents and it is
very unlikely for children to ac?vely help their
parents nowadays. So I think adding doing chores to
this ac?vity in school will mo?vate children to learn
about it and help their own homes.
Candidate B Yes, so I certainly see your point. Just now you
(Level 5**) mentioned how actually cleaning would also be
a lifelong skill that students will have to acquire
and they can put it into use even at home. And
I really agree that this point will actually help
enhance the family relationship between
students and family. So for myself, for
example, sometimes when I do housework with
my mom, I think it's really a chance for us to
actually cooperate and also increase our
bonding together. So now let's move on to the
second point about the potential concerns that

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

may arise from these cleaning sessions. I think

one concern is may arise from parents because
they may be worried about their children's safety
at school. For example, when they are cleaning
the windows, there may be potential risk. So
what do you guys think about the potential
… and those form students can do some easy
choices such as wiping tables or the blackboard. I
see your point. Besides talking about the risk, the
risk about the student may get hurt or something I
would like to talk about beside most of the people,
most of the students, maybe some of the students
will ignore the clearing session in the school. Maybe
they will play using the minutes in the clearing
session. For example, they will play some crack on
their friends or something else. This will not
properly clear the classroom will have some
negaBve effects. Your point is good. They will play in
the classroom, use something to clean, they will
throw away that thing. For example, they will throw
away to the window and hit someone outside.
Candidate B Yes, I guess what you are trying to imply is that
(5**) students' parBcipaBon and how they are not
reluctant to such acts is really important. And that's
why I think we should talk about how we can
actually allocate the students and allocate different
cleaning tasks to different forms. I think for junior
forms, I agree that they should actually take up

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

some light tasks, for example, like just cleaning their

own desk, or even just mopping the floor around in
their classrooms, while I think for senior forms, they
have the right, they have the ability to take up
heavier tasks, for example, like mopping the public
areas, or even taking care of the hall, the school hall,
to Bdy up the desk or the chairs, or something like
that. I think this would be a good allocaBon for all
students to enjoy this acBvity.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Integrated Skills Training (Report & Text)

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Points to note

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Task 8 Sample 1:
Lv 4 Lv 5**

Report on the Brighthouse Cinema in Sha Tak



The screening of ‘The Electronic Durian’ will be held on

This report summarises the key defects
19th June, 2019 (Wed). Upon preliminary investigation
of Brighthouse Cinema:
and research, we have discovered that Brighthouse

Cinema has got a considerable number of defects and

it is thus recommended that we do not consider the

cinema for our filming purpose. This report summarises

the key defects of Brighthouse Cinema:

1. No wheelchair ramp

The first problem is the wheelchair ramp The first major problem of the cinema is that it has no

access onto the stage. Luna will be on wheelchair ramp access onto the stage. However,

stage for discussion purposes aYer considering that the filmmaker Isabel Luna will be on

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

screening. She just had an accident and stage for discussion purposes after screening, having a

is currently sicng on a wheelchair. wheelchair ramp is necessary. Having had an accident,

Luna is currently sitting on a wheelchair. Therefore, in

light of her current immobile conditions, ramp access is

more than necessary.

2. The Brighthouse Cinema’s failure in a government

inspection now and before

Brighthouse Cinema failed government Another reason why Brighthouse Cinema should not be

inspecBon in 2016 and lost its license for chosen has to do with its failure to comply with the law.

12 months. Besides, cinemas must be By virtue of its failure in the government hygiene

cleaned at once per day. Besides, while inspection in 2016, its license was lost for 12 months

the government requires that the since then. Besides, their recent violation of the

cinema be cleaned at least once per day, regulations also lowers our confidence towards their

Brighthouse Cinema is only cleaned cinema. They only have cleaners to clean the cinema

once per two days. once per two days, despite the government regulation’s

stipulation that the cinema must be cleaned at least

once per day.

3. Inadequate signage

To ensure the audience’s safety, all exits Another problem is associated with its insufficient

should should have the word “Exit” in signage. With a view to ensuring safety of the

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

English and Chinese. However, only audience, the law provides that any cinemas should

English Language was seen on the signs have exits all indicated by illuminated signs with the

in Brighthouse Cinema. word “Exit” in English and Chinese. Despite so, only

English Language was seen on the signs in Brighthouse

Cinema. With their recklessness, it may be unsafe for

us to choose their venue for the screening.

3. No outside food is allowed in the cinema

One key fun element of the movie is that

Their food and beverage policy does not meet our
the audience will eat noodles with their
requirement either. Considering that one key fun
3D headsets on. However, it does not
element of the movie is that the audience will eat
allow us to bring outside food.
noodles with their 3D headsets on, it is necessary for us

to bring outside food to the cinema. However, it

prohibits any outside food, making this highlight activity

impossible to be launched.

4. Insufficient number of staff members

The audience will have to wear 3D

The last factor we have to consider is their insufficient
headsets for the show. We need at least
number of staff members. Given that the audience will
10 ushers. However, Brighthouse
have to wear 3D headsets for the show, having sufficient
Cinema only has four ushers.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

staff members plays a pivotal role as they have to

distribute the 3D headsets to the audience in time.

While at least 10 ushers are needed to accommodate

the large capacity of audience, Brighthouse Cinema has

only has four ushers. This will give rise to a high degree

of inconvenience for the screening.

The problems of Brighthouse Cinema

are summarised in the above. The problems of Brighthouse Cinema are summarised

in the above. With so many problems arising from

Brighthouse Cinema, we should refrain from choosing

it for the screening purpose.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Task 8 Sample 2:

Sample Answer Points to note

Report on Brighthouse Cinema

Screening of The Electronic Durian will be held on 19th June 2019.
However, upon site visit performed by Alia on 5th April 2019, it is
found that the Brighthouse Cinema is not in conformity with our
requirements. It is suggested not taking the cinema as the choice of
venue for the screening. This report summarizes shortcomings of
the Brighthouse Cinema.

1. Absence of wheelchair
First and foremost, one major reason why the Brighthouse
Cinema is unsuitable has much to do with the lack of
wheelchair ramp access onto the stage. As a result of the
serious accident, Isabel Luna, our guest of honor, is now in
her wheelchair and unable to walk. In light of her immobile
condiBon, it is more than essenBal to have wheelchair

2. Insufficient staff members

Another reason why it should not be chosen is its inadequate
ushers. In an ajempt to create sound experience for the
audience, 10 ushers are required to distribute 3D headsets
to them. yet, the Brighthouse cinema only has 4, which is far
from our expectaBon.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

3. ProhibiBon of foreign food

With the metal noodle scene being the key fun element of
the movie, audience will be given noodles to eat during the
movie. By virtue of its prohibiBon of outside food, it is
impossible for us to provide noodles.

4. Failure to meet governments inspecBon

The hygiene condiBon of the Brighthouse cinema is far from
saBsfactory. For one, failing the government hygiene
inspecBon in 2016, it lost its license for 12 months. For
another, in spite of the government’s sBpulaBon that
cleaning has to be done at least once a day, the Brighthouse
cinema only cleans once every two days. It is suggested that
we not taking the Brighthouse cinema as the venue choice
owing to its poor hygiene.

5. Safety concern
The last factor we have to consider is its level of safety.
Despite being required by the law that all exits signs should
be in both Chinese and English, the signages in the cinema
are only shown in English. In other words, it may slow down
the evacuaBon in case of any emergency.

It is hoped that we do not consider the Brighthouse cinema
considering the great number of defects it has in various aspects. We
should think and discuss thoroughly before coming to a decision of
the venue choice.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Task 9 Sample 1

Sample Answer Points to note

‘The Electronic Durian’ from the Visual Media FesBval programme,

directed by Isabel Luna, is an exhilaraBng one that everyone has
been anBcipaBng. If you are not enBrely sure what the film is about
and whether it sparks your interest, keep reading to find out more.

Why is ‘The Electronic Durian’ deemed as one of the best films

produced by far? Well, for a start, so intriguing is the theme that it
caters the film preferences of audience from a wide variety of age
groups! Set in 2030, ‘The Electronic Durian’ is a film that gives
viewers, who are apparently living in reality, to have a sneak peek of
what life is like when people are blinded by evil corporaBons. The
film portrayed how such corporaBons compel people into seeing the
world in the way they want us to see it. This overall storyline and
theme of the film is truly thought-provoking, which is why you can’t
miss out on the plot.

Up next, it has a fascinaBng plot which you are going to find

unpredictable! At the beginning of the show, Sammi starts her first
day of work at the company. Just when you think it must be such a
refreshing and eye-opening new beginning, guess what? The
corporaBon then tricks its employees including Sammi into wearing
its lenses. Only when Rebecca takes off the lenses can she eventually
see the real world again, not the ideal world created by the
corporaBon. You must be curious: What are Sammi’s whereabouts?
What happened next? Watch the film to solve the mystery!

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

ExciBng, right? Indeed, but that was not the most exciBng part of the
film! The most hilarious part of the film has got to be the metal
noodles scene. It is deemed as one of the most hilarious scenes of
the film. Want to know what the scene is all about? Well, I won’t be
spoiling you with too many details. Go watch the film yourself and
you will be astonished.

Be it the theme, the plot, or the metal noodle scene, the Electronic
Durian is more than mesmerizing! What are you waiBng for? Come
join our Visual Media FesBval and watch this hilarious movie in no

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Task 9 Sample 2

Sample Answer Points to note

Looking for a science ficBon thriller? I’m sure “The Electronic Durian”
will be your cup of tea! Being named the best movie of this
millennium, “The Electronic Durian” is definitely a movie you can’t
miss in our annual Visual Media FesBval in June.

What makes the movie highly recommended by its viewers is its

unique and inspiring theme. The movie does reflect the world we
are living in, making viewers realise all these evil corporaBons make
us see the world the way they want us to see it. Being leY with a
lasBng impact, viewers see the world in a different perspecBve.

Pucng aside the main theme of the movie, the plot is interesBng as
well. The plot is set in 2030 with a girl named Sammi. StarBng the
movie with the scene where it’s Sammi’s first day at her first job at
the operaBon, it is shown that she had a normal life at the start.
What comes aYer is the scene showing how the corporaBon tricked
its employees into wearing its lenses. Guess what? From the
moment onwards, they were in the ideal world created by the
corporaBon. It was not unBl Sammi took the lenses off, and here
comes the turning point of the movie! She suddenly saw the real
world, not the one the corporaBon created, kicking off her troubles.
Looking for more spoilers? Go check the remaining plot yourself in
our annual Visual Media FesBval!

It is the “metal noodles scene” everyone has found so hilarious (9.8)

that they think it is the best scene in the movie. It is definitely not to

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

be missed, so be sure to join our Visual Media FesBval to join the


“The Electronic Durian” is undoubtedly a worth-watching movie.

What are you sBll waiBng for? Sign up for our annual Visual Media
fesBval now! Hope to see you there and share the viewing
experience together!

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Integrated Skills Mock Exam Practice: Editorial

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Sample Script Points to note

MeditaLon — A pure blessing to our well-being

With the arrival of a “Mindful RevoluBon”, meditaBon is

promisingly proven that it is beneficial to our well-being.
Nonetheless, Mr Kevin Hui has recently expressed his
strong reluctance to pracBse meditaBon. What he claimed
is that meditaBon is nothing more than a waste of Bme,
giving oneself an excuse to relax and chill. In the following,
the posiBve effects of meditaBon are elucidated.

With respect to Mr Keven Hui’s accusaBon, on no account

should we overlook that meditaBon actually allows us to
have a deep self-reflecBon and make improvements. Not
only does meditaBon give us Bme to reflect on our own
strengths and weaknesses, but it also helps increase our
self-awareness by allowing us to examine our own thoughts
and feelings.

Alongside the opportunity to have self-reflecBon, pracBsing

meditaBon paves the way for us to understand more about
our emoBons. Through mindfulness pracBce, we can follow
the wave of our emoBons – let them exist and hold space
for them. For instance, when we feel upset seeing others’
achievements and status, doing meditaBon actually helps
us get rid of all anxious and miserable thoughts. In the long
run, meditaBon could improve our mental well-being by
making us more peaceful and more content with ourselves.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Last but not least, meditaBon boosts our producBvity and

overall performance. Thanks to the peaceful state of mind
stemming from meditaBon, we could then think raBonally
and perform stably regardless of the huge amount of stress
we have to cope with.

All in all, meditaBon brings countless benefits to our life and

it is never a waste of Bme. Doing self-reflecBon, improving
our mental being and boosBng our producBvity is nothing
short of the striking examples of the advantages of
meditaBon. Let us all live a bejer life by starBng to pracBse

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Additional 5** Sample Essays for reference

Sample Essay 1

You are a secondary 6 student who has been thinking about what to pursue upon gradua;on. Everyone in
society has been telling you that it is important to get into university, as it is the only way to acquire

·write an ar;cle to be published in your magazine

·Discuss whether you think university educa;on is necessary for one to acquire success.

·Include a ;tle for the ar;cle

Sample Answer Points to note

Hello students! Do you want to get into university? Are you plagued
by insurmountable stress, worrying about whether you can get into
university? Soaked in a uBlitarian society, we oYen hold a delusional
belief that entering university is the only path to success but I am
here to dispel this erroneous myth! Read on and delve into this
arBcle! I'm sure that you will feel reassured aYer reading this.

While it is indisputable that acquiring a university degree is a catalyst

for steering you towards success, it should not be deemed as the
only way for you to acquire success. Leung Kin Pang, a master's
graduate from CUHK would be a walking portrayal illustraBng this.
For all the qualificaBons he has acquired, he failed to get a job offer
more than 200 Bmes. Sending out an avalanche of applicaBon lejers
but ending up with no response, he resorted to applying for social
security assistance. As we can see, gecng into the university is not
tantamount to acquiring success. In the absence of essenBal life
skills, ranging from interpersonal skills to determinaBon, hardly can
one prevail over other candidates in the workplace. On the contrary,
one’s perseverance and determinaBon could propel one towards

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

success in the absence of a university educaBon, with Rex Tso being

a striking illustraBon. Despite gecng zero marks in his HKCEE, Rex
unearthed his interest in boxing. Thanks to the tons of blood, sweat,
and tears he devoted to boxing, he morphed into the most
successful and popular boxer in Hong Kong. AYer all, perseverance
and diligence are more contributory to one’s success and one could
shine with his trajectory in the dearth of university educaBon.

What’s more, the term success is subjecBve. While others may deem
acquiring monetary gains as acquiring success, it is generally
acceptable if your opinions are against the mainstream. As opposed
to adhering to society’s stereotypical beliefs to study around the
clock, isn't it more meaningful to do something that you are truly
fond of? In terms of monetary rewards, you may even acquire an
astronomical amount of money, with the YouTuber Emi Wong being
a striking illustraBon. Feeling weary of the rigid work of her job, Emi
Wong abandoned her tradiBonal 9-5 job, stepping into the unknown
to start her YouTube channel. Believe it or not, she transformed into
one of the most renowned YouTubers in Hong Kong by filming her
workout rouBne and traveling vlogs, earning approximately
$300,000 per month. This sounds very cool, doesn't it? On the
contrary, if studying is not your cup of tea, you will be trapped in a
vicious cycle of academic pressure and despair for your enBre
university life. Envisage yourself studying QuanBtaBve Finance at
UST, which is notorious for its fierce compeBBon and boredom. For
all the fame and fortune that you have acquired, you wake up to the
fact that your enBre four years have gone down the drain in studying
something that you are fed up with. Don’t you feel demoralized? So,

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

students, bear in mind that all roads lead to Rome, and never should
you pursue university educaBon if you are reluctant to do so.

Steve Jobs once said, “Life is short, it bejer be worth it”. Remember
that you only live once and never should pursuing a path that does
not belong to the mainstream and be deemed as inferior. So,
students, don't be afraid. Swallow your trepidaBons, leave your ivory
towers, and venture into the unknown in no Bme! While the slope
ahead is steep and the road ahead is long, you are not the lijle birds
that are doomed to demise but the eagles that are desBned to soar!
However inBmidaBng the obstacles ahead are, all the pains will be
seared with your rock-solid determinaBon. Remember that
Everyone can become a shining diamond as long as he pursues his

AYer all, society values diversity and you can dazzle with your own
trajectory. It is not the end of the day even if you fail to get into
university. So, what are you waiBng for? Embark on your dream and
become the next dream catcher before you regret it!

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Sample Essay 2
The following comment appeared in the editorial of Hong Kong Post:

Young people today lack interest in traditional art forms such as

lion dance, calligraphy or the art of tea drinking.

You are the chairperson of your school’s Heritage Club. Express your views by writing a letter to the editor of Hong Kong Post.

Sample Answer Points to note

Dear Editor,

The topic of the loss of craYsmanship has hit the headline, with
criBcs lambasLng teenagers for their apatheBc actude towards
tradiBonal arBstry. Despite such fierce denunciaBon, it is my strong
convicBon that there are sBll other contributors to this issue, so the
young are never the only one under fire. In the following, I am going
to shed light on the reasons for the lack in interest of adolescents
towards age-old art forms, and my suggesBons to address this

First and foremost, the lack of promoBon of tradiBonal arBstry is the

hindrance to the appreciaBon of these art forms by the adolescents.
Gone are the days when performing convenBonal arts prevailed in
the community, ranging from having lion dance performance
whenever a shop embarks on its operaBon to performing peking
opera on TV shows. Constantly exposed to such tradiLonal arts,
teenagers could appreciate the charm of these art forms
effortlessly, whether it be the sophisBcaBon in tea drinking or the
hidden allure of these hidden gems. In the modern era of
uBlitarianism, rarely can the youngsters be exposed to these cultural
acBviBes, which are oaen deemed unprofitable with gloomy

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

prospects. This phenomenon can be illustrated in three realms: As

for TV shows, ciBzens oYen prefer dramas with intriguing plots to
informaBve documentaries about local arts. As for subsidies,
financial insBtuBons are prioriLsed to those art performers. As for
school educaLon, academic tutorials are favoured over cultural-
related workshops. On account of the adolescents’ deficient
immersion in such precious arBstry in this day and age, it is sheerly
impossible to sBr up teenagers’ engrossment in these alien cultures.
In dearth of ample inducement, we could hardly reproach them for
their apatheBc actude towards these tradiBonal art forms.

In addiBon to insufficient promoBon, teenagers’ indifferent actude

towards tradiBonal arts can also be ajributed to the paradigm shia
in social actude towards craYmanship. Ever since the 1990s, the
pendulum in Hong Kong has swung away, shiYing its emphasis from
the manufacturing industry to the terBary industry. This significant
change is definitely a heavy blow to local craYsmanship. Bearing
witness to the contribuBon of terBary industry to the Gross
DomesBc Product in Hong Kong ascending to the new summit, most
individuals in Hong Kong have a preference to working in banks,
restaurants or hospitals, instead of performing arBsanal skills. The
SCMP interviewed Mr Kevin Chan, an experienced mahjong
handcraYer who has been teaching interest classes organised by the
Leisure and Cultural Services Department for 40 years, last year. Mr
Chan sighed, “Before 2000s, people flocked to enroll in the classes,
because the secondary industry was sBll lucraBve and capBvaBng.
With the influx of mulBnaBonal corporaBon in the 21st century,
there are barely a handful of learners in my class now.” In other

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

words, our society is not giving any fresh impetus to the tradiBonal
performing arts.

Now that many factors have contributed to this issue, it is of

paramount importance for all of us to do away with this
predicament before the situaBon goes beyond remedy.

As for the government, it is suggested that the authority invite

veteran tradiBonal craYsmen to conduct talks and workshops to
teenagers in schools. The crux of the lack of interest in arBsanal skills
among the young lies in the dissociaBon between these art
performers and adolescents. Subsidised by the government, the
veterans with proficient arBstry can visit a vast array of local schools,
imparBng relevant knowledge to the future pillars. Compared to
promoBon via television programmes, such interacBon allows the
experienced to have in-depth discussion with students, who can in
turn raise quesBons and receive immediate response. In addiBon to
talks, students have the privilege to follow the instrucBons of the
veteran in workshops, learning the experBses step-by-step. Only by
acquiring first-person experience can their passion about these
cultures be awakened. The EducaBon Bureau once introduced a
pilot scheme in cooperaBon with two calligraphers, who are
subsidised to conduct calligraphy workshops in five primary schools
in Kowloon City. With vivid illustraBons by the craYsmen, many
teenaged parBcipants have become so passionate about this art
form that four of the schools invited the mentor to conduct regular
courses with the students. By scaling up this measure to the majority

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

of schools in Hong Kong, it can definitely arouse the interest of a

wider coverage of youngsters.

Apart from the government, social media influencers may also take
advantage of their high visibility to aid promoBon. Considering that
adolescents lack connecBons with the sole-remaining craYsmen in
Hong Kong, it is crucial to offer a channel to link between youngsters
and art performers. Thanks to the prompt advancement in
technology, social media plaworms have thrived to have ajracted
tens of millions of users in Hong Kong. According to the
quesBonnaire conducted by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau in
late August this year, which surveyed youngsters aged below 30,
68% of the respondents reported spending more than 3 hours on
social media. It is the best testament to the influence of these
plaworms. Given that the youngsters are inclined to abandon
themselves in scrolling Instagram reels and YouTube shorts, Key
Opinion Leaders can avail themselves of this trend to promote
tradiBonal art forms. Videos with first-hand experiences serve as a
catalyst for their curiosity and enthusiasm, which can be prolonged
by further messaging with the influencers. The Standard
commented, “SaBsfying youngsters’ curiosity is the prerequisite to
encouraging them to pursue these age-old yet valuable cultures.” It
goes beyond disputes that social media is a bridge between
teenagers and convenBonal arBstry.

To conclude, the indifferent actude of teenagers towards

convenBonal craYsmanship has much to do with a mulBple of
reasons, and teenagers should not be the one under scathing
criBcism. Instead of figuring out the culprit of this saddening

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

phenomenon, it is imperaBve for all stakeholders in the community,

whether they be the government or non-government organisaBons,
renowned celebriBes or youngsters themselves, to go to great
lengths to miBgate this plight. Only with our concerted effort can
these irreplaceable cultures be perpetuated and passed down.

Yours faithfully,

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

Useful vocabulary for writing and speaking

1. (sb) is hooked on (sth) / is absorbed in (sth)
o Example: AYer watching the first episode of the drama, she got so hooked on it that
she finished the whole drama all at once.

o Exercise
1. (2022 Q9) 學生們沉迷於電子遊戲到深夜,以至於他們經常不得不熬夜才能

2. (2020 Q9) 華麗的服裝、有趣的情節、美妙的歌聲,讓我沉浸在京劇中,渾


2. Be wary of something / be cauBous about / be on (your) guard against something

o Example
Please be wary of / on your guard against / be cauBous about covering too much
informaBon in one lesson, or else students cannot absorb it, which will cause
counterproducBve effects.

o Exercise
3. (2019 Q2) 隨著越來越多的國際人才而非本地畢業生被聘用,本地人民對自

4. (2018 Q7) 人們對他人的態度和判斷保持防備。因此,他們不會在日常穿搭

Individuals are on guard against others’ actudes and judgements. As a result,
they refrain from wearing yoga pants and leggings for everyday wear.

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

3. (Sth) ajracts backlash from (sb) // (Sth) provokes / triggers backlash.

o Example
1. This company has received / ajracted a backlash from many of his clients, who
opine that quality of service is far from saBsfactory.
2. This company’s differenBal treatment has provoked backlash from many of his

o Exercise
5. (2021 Q5) 社群媒體影響者的不實評論會引起粉絲的強烈抵制,導致粉絲數

6. (2020 Q7) 儘管她在社交媒體平台上的直言不諱經常引發網友的強烈批判,


4. (Sb) joins / combines forces with (sb)

o Example
The government has combined forces with the business sector in order to ajract
more new talent.

o Exercise
7. (2020 Q2) 最近,南山邨與彩虹邨及益昌大廈一起躋身香港十大最適合
Instagram 拍照的地點。

8. (2022 Q5) 有些人提出把傳統藝術與社交媒體結合,以提高在年輕一代中的


A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

5. (Sb) laments (over) something

o Example
Many teachers lament over students’ decline of moral standards in this day and age.

o Exercise
9. (2018 Q3) 上週我收到了一些同事的來信,信中表達了他們對在辦公室外收

10. (2019 Q3) 許多網友感嘆社群媒體平台失去了邏輯和理性,再不是那個充滿


6. (Sb) has an unshaken belief

o Example
Many ciBzens hold an unshaken belief that the property market in Hong Kong will
slump in the coming years or so.

o Exercise
11. (2022 Q3) 如果您有堅定不移的信念,您將能夠克服遇到的任何挑戰,無論

12. (2020 Q6) 許多市民堅信,貼上食品警示標籤就等於可以改變人們的飲食習


A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

7. Make for something = make something possible / result in something

o Example
Easy resources make for / lead to / give rise to weak performances.

o Exercise
13. (2018 Q4) 我對動物發自內心的熱愛使我立志成為一名獸醫。

14. (2021 Q2) 遺憾的是,電動車的環保特性並沒有為其帶來高銷量,這與城市


8. Spur something (to something) 激勵,鞭策;促進

o Examples
1. The cessaBon of the social-distancing rules has spurred the economy to a faster
2. Spurred (= moBvated) by her earlier success in running the business, she went on
to expand her business and open five more stores.

o Exercise
15. (2018 Q5) 家長和老師往往只是想盡辦法令學生的學業成績再創新高,而犧

16. (2019 Q7) 推行同儕互評政策是為了提升社員的藝術修養。

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

9. Open the door to something

Pave the way for something
Unlocking (something) with a key
o Example
By secng high expectaBons and believing in your abiliBes to achieve greatness, you
are opening the door to / paving the way for endless possibiliBes / unlocking
endless possibiliBes with a key.

o Exercise
17. (2022 Q2) 我在主持 Teen Chat 的過程中上到最大的一課是,一旦你踏出了第

18. (2019 Q4) St George’s School 在本賽季未嘗敗績,以此鋪平了通往決賽的道

路。另一方面,Royal College 經過上週與 Smith’s School 的激戰後,成功奪得

10. Prolong / perpetuate / extend / elongate / lengthen

o Example
Running away from challenges only prolongs our suffering.

o Exercise
19. (2021 Q6) 每天在感恩日記中記下我感激的事情,每次翻閱感恩日記時,我

20. (2017 Q9) 應屆畢業生最備受爭議的一點是,他們比老一輩更重視工作與生


A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

11. Encumbrance
• Despite the encumbrance of the absence of a stage and an array of realistic props, it
was still an ecstatic experience.
• (由於缺乏家人的支持,我成為一名飛行員的職業抱負受到了阻礙。)



12. Leeway

• This school is reputable for granting students a high degree of leeway.

• 修改公司政策後,員工在個性化日程安排和選擇所需的工作環境方面擁有了更高的自



13. Culminate
• Years of hard work and dedication culminated in his achieving the prestigious award.
• (如果沒有團隊的通力合作,完美的表演不可能在觀眾面前達到高潮。)



14. (sth) sends shock waves across ... industry.

• The devastatingly high death toll caused by the catastrophic earthquake in Japan
has sent shock waves across the globe.
• (韓國演員疑似自殺身亡的消息震驚了全球娛樂圈。)

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選



15. Pay homage to someone // have great respect for someone

• As dress watches saw more time in the spotlight this year, one of the great shifts
we noticed here at Style was that formal timepieces are often paying more overt
homage to days gone by.
• (親自參觀過長城後,我對無數為了保護國家而不遺餘力建造長城的人們表示了更大



16. Point (sb) to (sth)

• Your past experience has pointed you to the education field.
• (你過去的挫折實際上為你指明了未來的一些最大的勝利。)



17. Inoculate somebody from / against something = prevent someone from

something 給…作預防注射

• Giving thanks for outrageous abundance inoculates us from / against the sense of
fear, failure and discontent we sometimes experience. Better still, it creates a path
towards success, joy and fulfilment.
• (監控應用程式只是預防孩子上網時受到可能遇到的各種危險。)



A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

18. Face the problem squarely / head-on / directly // don’t beat around the bush /
dodge the issue.
• Your inability in completing the work boils down to the fact that you constantly beat
around the bush.
• (正視問題,才是找到妥善解決方法、不斷進步的良藥。)



19. Put something on the back burner = not dealing with something now because it is
less urgent
• Never put your priorities on the back burner just because of fear. Your
insecurities will just make for failure.
• (他把家庭放在次要地位,以換取名聲和成功。)



20. Metaphor: Resting is just like putting fuel in the tank // filling a vehicle with fuel
• Do not feel guilty when you take rest from the overwhelming work you are dealing
with. Resting is just like filling a vehicle with fuel, without which you cannot progress
or even experience burnout easily.
• (就像給汽車加滿油一樣,休息可以補充能量,這對我們堅持不懈地繼續長途跋涉尤其



21. Pat yourself on the back = congratulate yourself / give yourself a little praise
• Thanks to our collective endeavour to practice for this competition, we have finally
claimed our well-earned champion! Let’s pat ourselves on the back because we did
• (出色地通過 DSE 考試並不容易,但你做到了!你真的應該稱讚一下自己!)

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選



22. Keep pace with

• Our school curriculum does not keep pace with society’s fast-paced development at
all – while the real world is all about how we deal with human beings, the school
serves as an ivory tower that merely instills theoretical academic knowledge that is
impractical in our society.
• (我們的工作場所設計根本沒有跟上不斷變化的員工期望。)



23. Woo: trying to charm / support / seek the favour of somebody

• China has been trying to woo foreign investment throughout the years.
• (由於誤導性廣告成功吸引了許多人,他們成為了金融詐欺的受害者。)



24. Rise to challenge / rise to occasion

• Although the village was in disarray after the flood, villagers rallied together and rose
to the challenge of reconstructing.
• (儘管她在青少年時期遇到了種種困難,但她仍然勇敢地面對挑戰,並過著了成功的生



A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

25. Fuel (somebody’s) determination

• His success has fueled others’ determination to reach new heights.
• (教練的鼓勵之言增強了她的決心,讓她決心應對在成為職業運動員的道路上可能出



A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

1. Students are too hooked on playing video games until late hours that they often have to stay up late
to finish their schoolwork.
2. Thanks to the gorgeous costumes, interesting plot and wonderful singing, I was so absorbed in the
Chinese opera that I lost track of time.
3. With more international talents being recruited instead of local graduates, people from the local
community are wary of their competitiveness in today’s global economy.
4. Individuals are on guard against others’ attitudes and judgements. As a result, they refrain
from wearing yoga pants and leggings for everyday wear.
5. A dishonest review from a social media influencer will attract backlash from fans, leading to
a rapid fall in number of followers.
6. Although her outspokenness on social media platforms often triggers backlash from
netizens, she still wins the hearts of many fans with her unique music.
7. Recently, Nam Shan Estate joins Choi Hung Estate and Yik Cheong Building in the list of top
10 places in Hong Kong to take Instagram photos.
8. Some suggest traditional arts combine forces with social media in an effort to increase
penetration in the young generation.
9. I received letters from some colleagues last week expressing their concerns about emails
received out of office and lamenting over the lack of company policy to address this issue.
10. I received letters from some colleagues last week expressing their concerns about emails
received out of office and lamenting over the lack of company policy to address this issue.
11. If you have an unshaken belief, you will be able to overcome any challenges that come in
your way, be they financial constraints or fierce competitions in the market.
12. Many citizens hold an unshaken belief that putting on food warning labels is tantamount to
changing people’s eating habits, yet I am not entirely convinced.
13. My love for animals from the very bottom of my heart makes for my aspiration to be a vet.
14. Lamentably, the environmental friendliness of electric vehicles did not make for high sales
figures, and this has much to do with the lack of charging facilities in the city.
15. Parents and teachers often only look for ways to spur students’ academic results to new
heights at the expense of their physical and mental wellness.
16. The policy to review each other’s work is implemented with the aim to spur club members
to be cultivated individuals.
17. The biggest lesson I have learnt in the process of hosting “Teen Chat” is that once you have
taken the first step, you are already opening the door to achieving your goal.
18. St George’s School paved the way for the finals with no lost games in this season. On the
other hand, Royal College unlocked the final game with a key after fighting tooth and nail
against Smith’s School last week.
19. Jotting down things that I am grateful for every day, my happiness is perpetuated every time
I flip through my journal.
20. The most controversial point of fresh graduates is that they value work-life balance more
than the older generation, who would always extend their work hours to out of office

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com
Alvin DSE English alvindseenglish
HKU LAW | 100% Exam-oriented | 5 科 5**探花/神科/傳統名校同學之選

21. (#11) Given the lack of support from my family, my career aspirations of becoming a
pilot were encumbered.
22. (#12) Having amended the company’s policy, workers are provided with a higher
degree of leeway in personalizing their schedule and choosing their desired working
23. (#13) But for the team’s collaboration, a flawlessly executed performance would not have
reached its culmination in front of the audience.
24. (#14) News of the death of Korean actor in an apparent suicide has sent shock
waves across the global entertainment industry.
25. (#15) Having personally visited the Great Wall, I have paid greater homage to the
myriad of individuals who spared no pains in constructing it in hopes of protecting
their country.
26. (#16) Your frustrations in the past are actually pointing you to some of your biggest
wins in the future.
27. (#17) The monitoring apps simply inoculate kids against all sorts of danger they may
encounter while surfing the Internet.
28. (#18) Facing the problem squarely / head-on / directly is the panacea of finding an
appropriate solution and moving forward with progress.
29. (#19) He put his family on the back burner in exchange for fame and success.
30. (#20) As if filling a vehicle with fuel, resting replenishes our energy, which is the
prerequisite to continuing our long odyssey relentlessly.
31. (#21) It’s not easy to pass the DSE exam with flying colors but you made it! You
should really pat yourself on the back!
32. (#22) Our workplace design has not kept pace with the changing employee
expectations at all.
33. (#23) Many fell victim to financial fraud given the misleading advertisements which
had successfully wooed them.
34. (#24) Despite all the odds that she encountered during her teenage years, she still
managed to rise to challenge and live a successful life.
35. (#25) The encouraging words from her coach fueled her determination to wrestle
with forthcoming challenges that may arise from her path to becoming a professional

A li%le more persistence, a li%le more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Purchased by a52662416@gmail.com

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