Q2 - G7 - Science Q2 Test - TQs 2023 2024

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao City
Barangay Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City
Learner’s Name Score
Gr. Level & Section School


Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following instruments is used to view microorganisms like plant cell and animal
A. Telescope C. Microscope
B. Stethoscope D. Periscope
2. What is the correct way of carrying a microscope?
A. Hold the arm in one hand and the C. Hold the nosepiece in one hand and the base on
base on the other hand. the other hand.
B. Hold the body tube in one hand and D. Hold the eyepiece in one hand and the base on
the base on the other hand. the other hand.
3. Which of the following shows the letter “e” seen under the mechanical microscope?
A. C.

B. e D. e
What part of the mechanical microscope is used to tilt for more comfortable viewing?
A. Diaphragm C. Inclination joint
B. Coarse adjustment knob D. Arm
5. What is the function of the labeled part X of the given microscope?
A. It holds the glass slide in C. It allows one to see a clear and X
place. magnified image.
B. It shines light on the D. It supports the body tube and it
glass slide. is where the microscope is held.
6. Which will you adjust if what you are observing under the HPO is not clear?
A. Eyepiece C. Fine Adjustment knob
B. Inclination joint D. Coarse adjustment knob
7. Which is the correct sequence – from biggest to smallest, of the levels of organization in an
A. cell  organ  organ system  tissue  organism
B. tissue  organism  cell, organ  organ system
C. organism  organ system  organ  tissue  cell
D. organ  organ system  tissue  organism  cell

8. Animals need water, radiant energy, minerals, oxygen, and carbon dioxide to live. This statement
shows that an organism depends on which of the following?
A. Climate C. Minerals
B. Abiotic components D. Biotic components
9. Dr. Alucard's recent laboratory result revealed that his white blood cells and pus cells are too
many which shows that he has UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). Which organ system has a problem
in this situation?
A. Circulatory System C. Excretory System
B. Respiratory System D. Reproductive System
10. What will happen to the plant cell in the absence of a vacuole?
A. There will be no supply of energy for the C. Nothing will control the entry and exit of
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao City
Barangay Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City
cell materials from and into the cell
B. Nothing will control the cellular activities D. There will be no storage of food, water, and
other organic matter to be used by the cell
11. What will happen to the plant cell if the chloroplasts are damaged?
A. Cannot protect the cell C. Cannot excrete waste material
B. Cannot make food for the cell D. Cannot give instruction for cell to reproduce
12. Which organelle is responsible for photosynthesis and is only present in plant cells?
A. Nucleus C. Chloroplast
B. Golgi Apparatus D. Lysosome
13. Which of the following is PRESENT in both plant cells and animal cells?
A. Mitochondria B. Cell Wall C. Centriole D. Chloroplast
14. Which of the following organelles is PRESENT only in animal cells?
A. Nucleus C. Centriole
B. Mitochondria D. Golgi Apparatus
15. Which of the following is NOT part of a plant cell?
A. Nucleus C. Cell Wall
B. Mitochondria D. Centriole
16. Which of the following statements about the importance of cells are TRUE?
I. A cell is the smallest unit of life.
II. Not all living things are made up of cells.
III. Different cells have different shapes and functions.
IV. As an organism grows bigger, the cells in the body increase in size.
A. I and III C. I, II and IV
B. II and IV D. I, II, III and IV
17. Which microorganism is commonly used in the production of antibiotics, playing a beneficial role
in medicine?
A. Amoeba C. Bacteria
B. Protists D. Viruses
18. What is a harmful impact of certain fungi on crops, leading to plant diseases?
A. Nitrogen fixation C. Pathogenic infection
B. Mycorrhizal association D. Photosynthesis
19. Protists are known to play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems by:
A. Causing water pollution C. Contributing to nitrogen fixation
B. Serving as decomposers D. Enhancing soil fertility
20. Layla is planning to propagate potato plants. Which method should she use?
A. Asexual because it can produce fast C. Unisexual because it requires cross
pollination for reproduction
B. Sexual because it is easy and convenient D. Nonsexual because its few and easy
21. What type of reproduction has occurred when an organism is produced from only one parent?
A. Sexual C. Unisexual
B. Asexual D. Nonsexual
22. Which of the following organisms reproduce asexually?
A. Rats C. Bacteria
B. Mosquitoes D. Salmon
23. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the sexual reproduction for flowering plants?
I. Development of gametes
II. Fertilization
III. Fruit development
IV. Pollination
V. Seed germination

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao City
Barangay Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City
A. I, II, III, IV and V C. II, III, IV, V and I
B. I, IV, II, V and III D. IV, V, I, II and III
24. A plant that grows a new plant from a piece of the stem has which type of reproduction?
A. Sexual C. Unisexual
B. Asexual D. Nonsexual
25. Which is the correct order of sexual reproduction?
A. gametes  fertilization  embryo  zygote
B. gametes  embryo  zygote  fertilization
C. zygote  gametes  fertilization  embryo
D. fertilization  gametes  zygote  embryo
26. Which of the following statements describe the process of fertilization?
A. It is the process by which an egg cell C. It gives rise to offspring which are
inherits the genes of the parents. genetically different from their siblings.
B. It involves the union of an egg cell and D. It occurs only in humans.
sperm cell producing a zygote.
27. Which of the following shows an interaction between an abiotic and biotic factor?
A. bird singing in the cage C. plant getting water from the soil after a rain
B. cow lying on a grass field D. cat hunting a mouse
28. A forest ecosystem has experienced a significant decrease in decomposer activity due to
environmental disturbances. Explain how this disturbance might impact the nutrient cycling in
the ecosystem and suggest a potential solution to restore the balance.
A. Increase the number of herbivores in the C. Implement a reforestation program to
ecosystem. enhance plant growth.
B. Introduce more carnivores to control the D. Introduce specific decomposer species to
herbivore population. boost decomposition rates.
29. Which of the following plays an important role in returning nutrients back to the soil when an
organism dies?
A. Producers C. Carnivores
B. Omnivore D. Decomposers
30. All of the following are considered abiotic components of an ecosystem EXCEPT ONE. Which one
is it?
A. Temperature C. Soil
B. Trees D. Air
31. In a grassland ecosystem, the population of herbivores has significantly increased due to the
removal of their main predators. What do you think might happen to the plants in this area?
A. Increased plant diversity C. No change in the plant population
B. Decreased plant population D. Increased competition among herbivores
32. Two bird species share the same ecological niche and compete for the same food resources. What
do you think might happen to these birds because they're competing for the same food and
ecological niche?
A. Both bird species will thrive and coexist C. No change in the plant population
B. Decreased plant population D. Increased competition among herbivores
33. A symbiotic relationship is observed between a flowering plant and a species of bees, where the
bees pollinate the flowers in exchange for nectar. Apply your knowledge of ecological relationships
and identify the type of symbiotic relationship exhibited.
A. Mutualism C. Parasitism
B. Commensalism D. Competition
34. What best defines an ecosystem?
A. A group of people living in the same area. C. A group of organisms of the same species
living in a particular area.
B. A community of living organisms D. The sum of populations living within a
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao City
Barangay Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City
interacting with their physical certain area.
35. Which abiotic factor helps organisms avoid dehydration?
A. Temperature C. Soil
B. Water D. Light
36. Which of the following plays an important role in returning nutrients back to the soil when an
organism dies?
A. Producer C. Carnivores
B. Omnivore D. Decomposers
37. Which of the following only lists abiotic components?
A. rain, temperature, sun, soil C. rain, plants, mouse, bird
B. soil, water, sun, grasses D. soil, water, sun, rocks
38. In a forest, the number of rabbits suddenly increases because their main predator, foxes, are
absent. What do you think will likely happen to the plants in the forest?
A. The plants will start growing faster. C. The plants will stay the same.
B. The number of plants will decrease. D. The plants will have more flowers.
39. If the population of frogs decreases in a pond due to pollution, what effect might this have on the
population of mosquitoes in the same pond?
A. The mosquito population will decrease. C. The mosquito population will stay the same
B. The mosquito population will increase. D. The mosquitoes will start eating the frogs.
40. In a meadow, the population of butterflies decreases significantly because their favorite flowers
are removed. Considering that butterflies are an important food source for birds, what is a likely
consequence on the bird population in that meadow?
A. The number of birds will decrease due to C. The birds will adapt by eating different
a loss of a food source. types of insects.
B. The number of birds will increase as they D. The birds will develop a symbiotic
search for new prey. relationship with other pollinators



Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao City
Barangay Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City
1. C 22. C
2. A 23. B
3. B 24 A
4. C 25. A
5. D 26. B
6. C 27. C
7. C 28. D
8. B 29. D
9. C 30. B
10. D 31. B
11. B 32. B
12. C 33. A
13. A 34. B
14. C 35. B
15. D 36. D
16. A 37. A
17. C 38. B
18. C 39. B
19. B 40. A
20. A

21. B

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