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how many years of past papers should I solve my teacher is making us do past papers of

1990s I have solved 10 years of P papers what now my teacher says you shouldn't do PA
papers and just focus on Concepts asum everyone I hope you guys are doing well so as you
saw there are a lot of questions related to ppers that you guys have so in this video I will try
and answer all of those questions but before we get into that there is a small announcement
that I'd like to make and that is my team and I have been working on comp filing detailed
posi Solutions of Ole math and igsc math and you can buy them at a very minimal price so if
you're interested remember it's for o Lev math and igcc math from 2018 to 2023 all papers
and all variants so if you're interested in buying that at a very minimal price you'll find a link
to it in the description now let's get into the questions and I will also be sharing with you guys
some strategy and some tips and tricks that you need to follow when solving fast whippers I
have my notes right over here just so that I don't miss anything so the first thing you need to
focus on is completing the paper now this is something you'll find me emphasizing on over
and over again that is do not worry about the marks do not worry about the time just
complete the paper whatever you have to do in fact if you have to refer to your notes go
ahead if you have to I don't know maybe watch a video here and there then go ahead and
there is something that I will encourage you to do and that is a sneak peek now let me
explain what that means so basically if let's say you've decided that you're solving a pass
paper of May June 2018 so what I'd like you to do is open the fast paper and just have a
look at the topics that are tested in that paper okay and then practice those topics revise all
the concepts revise all the notes go through the notes whatever it is maybe class recordings
whatever just go over all of that and then attempt the past paper so this way you will be
slightly more prepared now I know this is not something you can do in the actual exam but
remember that's not what our main focus is right now our main focus is just sort of find a
rhythm and you know get into the practice of solving paer questions so don't worry about the
time time to however time yourself in the sense that how long you take because that's
important for you so that you can keep track and you can see the time coming down so for
example if let's say initially it takes you 4 hours to complete a paper two which is usually 2
hours and 30 minutes that's fine nothing to worry about okay but do keep track of time and
another important thing that is complete the paper in one sitting what do I mean so if you've
started a pause paper then don't just solve a couple of questions take a break you know eat
watch Netflix and all that don't do that just complete in one sitting just so that you can see
exactly how long you take but remember don't Focus don't worry about the time too much
even if it's 4 hours 5 hours just let that be that's not what your main objective is your main
objective is that through Pass papers you can revise all the concepts and like I said initially
you can find your Rhythm tip number two that is replicate the exam environment so don't
listen to music while solving fast rppers and don't do it on a separate notebook don't have
you have the paper open in front of you on a laptop or your iPad or your your phone that's
even worse have the paper printed out and solve it on the question paper because number
one you need to get used to the exam environment and number two you need to be able to
solve the paper in the space that's provided because if you're solving it on a notebook
separately then chances are that you might I mean you'll have the freedom of taking as
much space as you like so again you're not exactly getting used to how you will be doing it in
the actual exam so print the paper and do it on the question paper itself then sit on a proper
desk or if you have have like a study corner and then solve it again the idea here is a lot of
times you'll hear from students that you know I freaked out in the exam or I just panicked in
the exam now this is not like a 100% solution for that but trying to replicate the exam
environment trying to sort of create that pressure that you will be going through while solving
the actual exam is a way to try and overcome that okay so just put yourself in that state
where you can kind of imagine you being in the examination hall and then solve the past
paper so yeah this is is important so that you can learn how to perform well under pressure
then number three and that is use threshold now threshold is something that you've heard
me talk about over and over again A lot of times it's become a matter of debate that you
know why is the threshold so high why is the threshold so low if you've given even just one
exam one o Lev or igcs or any CI exam for that matter you would know exactly what
threshold is I've made a video about it I'll share a link to it check it out and what do I mean by
use the threshold use the threshold to calculate the grade that you're getting after you know
the threshold is applied basically so I made a video about it in detail talking about what it is
and how you can use it I even shared an Excel sheet which you can use all you have to do is
just enter your marks and the sheet will calculate your grade for you after the threshold is
applied this is important so that you know you stay motivated because what happens is if
let's say you solve a really difficult exam then obviously the chances are in fact it's very likely
that in order to get an A in that particular paper you need to score a lot less compared to an
easy paper so again all of this that I'm talking about I've covered it in a detailed video I'll
share a link to it so do check it out and do use the threshold so that you stay motivated how
many years of fer should you solve so again there's no magic number there are a couple of
things to keep in mind I will talk about that in a minute but just keep on solving till you feel
confident till you feel like yes you've understood the paper pattern yes you've understood the
kind of questions that you will be tested on the kind of Concepts that you will be tested on
and just keep your eyes and ears open why because you'll notice that the examiner sort of
likes to test a few things in a certain certain topic okay so don't just look at a question and
just brainlessly start solving it like I said keep your eyes and ears open focus on the concept
that's being tested rather than you know just writing down the formula and start solving it
because the more you try and understand the nature of the questions the pattern of the
paper the better you will be able to tackle the more difficult questions and a couple of things
to keep in mind when you're planning your fast paper solving routine or whatever it is that is
to keep the syllabus changes now if you're an oleev math student then remember in 2018
the syllabus was changed slightly so whatever passers you're solving just make sure if
you're going in a chronological order then I would suggest start from 2018 or if let's say
you're starting from recent years which is something I always suggest then start from 2023
and then do till 2018 and then go back and do all the other variants again variants is
something I've talked about in a different video I'll share a link to it check it out but this is for
o Lev math for igcc math there was a major change in your syllabus in 2020 so again start
from 2023 then do it till 2020 and then go back and do the variants then 2020 for ad maths
as well doesn't matter whether it's O level or IGCSE and 2020 for a level math as well okay
so remember first focus on the years after the syllabus was changed and then of course you
can solve papers before that there's no limit to it but obviously don't get a teacher to help you
out don't end up attempting questions of topics that are not in your syllabus anymore lastly
just give it some time okay now one or two bad papers is not the end of the world in fact
when you're starting out chances are you will do horrible in a a couple of papers 2 3 4
perhaps even more than that it's not the end of the world it takes a decent amount of time to
find that Rhythm to find that momentum so just be consistent and make sure that you keep
track of your error so that you're conscious so if let's say you have a habit of making a sign
error then just make a list of it in fact that's something that I always suggest my students
make a list of all your errors and keep it in front of you so that you're looking at it every day
and you know exactly the potential errors that you could make so that will help you to be
more more aware be more conscious and next time when you're solving a question which
has a possibility of you making that error you know be more Vigilant that's the whole idea
there's nothing fancy going on here it's just so that you're more conscious and you're more
aware and you know exactly all the errors that you've made in the past so that you don't end
up repeating them lastly I would say that don't waste your time trying to look for shortcuts I
have a lot of students dozens in fact hundreds of students who reach out to me and ask me
about the perfect strategy that what strategy should I follow or how many hours should I give
to math or like what is the best way of getting an a star now my answer to all those students
is very simple and that is there is no best strategy the best strategy is just be consistent
that's it Go oldfashioned ways start putting in the hours you'll realize what works for you what
doesn't work for you just be productive make sure that you have a good routine sleep well
have a healthy diet all that stuff that goes without saying but other than that there is no
specific strategy just keep putting in the hours be consistent if you don't have the tendency
of putting in long hours every day that's fine just put like an hour or two every day but just be
consistent don't let there be a long Gap because the thing about math is that you will and not
just math with other subjects as well that you will forget everything okay and then you know
the time to sort of go back and then do your revision first and then trying to again find that
momentum find that Rhythm doing that will cost you a lot of time so just make sure that you
stay consistent and yeah that's it just keep solving POS papers keep practicing so if you like
this video then make sure to give it a thumbs up and do subscribe to the channel also don't
forget to share this video with your friends classmates and whoever you think can possibly
benefit from it so that's it for this video I'll see you guys in the next one until then take care
[Music] [Music] bye-bye how many years of past papers should I solve my teacher is making
us do past papers of 1990s I have solved 10 years of P papers what now my teacher says
you shouldn't do PA papers and just focus on Concepts asum everyone I hope you guys are
doing well so as you saw there are a lot of questions related to ppers that you guys have so
in this video I will try and answer all of those questions but before we get into that there is a
small announcement that I'd like to make and that is my team and I have been working on
comp filing detailed posi Solutions of Ole math and igsc math and you can buy them at a
very minimal price so if you're interested remember it's for o Lev math and igcc math from
2018 to 2023 all papers and all variants so if you're interested in buying that at a very
minimal price you'll find a link to it in the description now let's get into the questions and I will
also be sharing with you guys some strategy and some tips and tricks that you need to follow
when solving fast whippers I have my notes right over here just so that I don't miss anything
so the first thing you need to focus on is completing the paper now this is something you'll
find me emphasizing on over and over again that is do not worry about the marks do not
worry about the time just complete the paper whatever you have to do in fact if you have to
refer to your notes go ahead if you have to I don't know maybe watch a video here and there
then go ahead and there is something that I will encourage you to do and that is a sneak
peek now let me explain what that means so basically if let's say you've decided that you're
solving a pass paper of May June 2018 so what I'd like you to do is open the fast paper and
just have a look at the topics that are tested in that paper okay and then practice those
topics revise all the concepts revise all the notes go through the notes whatever it is maybe
class recordings whatever just go over all of that and then attempt the past paper so this way
you will be slightly more prepared now I know this is not something you can do in the actual
exam but remember that's not what our main focus is right now our main focus is just sort of
find a rhythm and you know get into the practice of solving paer questions so don't worry
about the time time to however time yourself in the sense that how long you take because
that's important for you so that you can keep track and you can see the time coming down
so for example if let's say initially it takes you 4 hours to complete a paper two which is
usually 2 hours and 30 minutes that's fine nothing to worry about okay but do keep track of
time and another important thing that is complete the paper in one sitting what do I mean so
if you've started a pause paper then don't just solve a couple of questions take a break you
know eat watch Netflix and all that don't do that just complete in one sitting just so that you
can see exactly how long you take but remember don't Focus don't worry about the time too
much even if it's 4 hours 5 hours just let that be that's not what your main objective is your
main objective is that through Pass papers you can revise all the concepts and like I said
initially you can find your Rhythm tip number two that is replicate the exam environment so
don't listen to music while solving fast rppers and don't do it on a separate notebook don't
have you have the paper open in front of you on a laptop or your iPad or your your phone
that's even worse have the paper printed out and solve it on the question paper because
number one you need to get used to the exam environment and number two you need to be
able to solve the paper in the space that's provided because if you're solving it on a
notebook separately then chances are that you might I mean you'll have the freedom of
taking as much space as you like so again you're not exactly getting used to how you will be
doing it in the actual exam so print the paper and do it on the question paper itself then sit on
a proper desk or if you have have like a study corner and then solve it again the idea here is
a lot of times you'll hear from students that you know I freaked out in the exam or I just
panicked in the exam now this is not like a 100% solution for that but trying to replicate the
exam environment trying to sort of create that pressure that you will be going through while
solving the actual exam is a way to try and overcome that okay so just put yourself in that
state where you can kind of imagine you being in the examination hall and then solve the
past paper so yeah this is is important so that you can learn how to perform well under
pressure then number three and that is use threshold now threshold is something that you've
heard me talk about over and over again A lot of times it's become a matter of debate that
you know why is the threshold so high why is the threshold so low if you've given even just
one exam one o Lev or igcs or any CI exam for that matter you would know exactly what
threshold is I've made a video about it I'll share a link to it check it out and what do I mean by
use the threshold use the threshold to calculate the grade that you're getting after you know
the threshold is applied basically so I made a video about it in detail talking about what it is
and how you can use it I even shared an Excel sheet which you can use all you have to do is
just enter your marks and the sheet will calculate your grade for you after the threshold is
applied this is important so that you know you stay motivated because what happens is if
let's say you solve a really difficult exam then obviously the chances are in fact it's very likely
that in order to get an A in that particular paper you need to score a lot less compared to an
easy paper so again all of this that I'm talking about I've covered it in a detailed video I'll
share a link to it so do check it out and do use the threshold so that you stay motivated how
many years of fer should you solve so again there's no magic number there are a couple of
things to keep in mind I will talk about that in a minute but just keep on solving till you feel
confident till you feel like yes you've understood the paper pattern yes you've understood the
kind of questions that you will be tested on the kind of Concepts that you will be tested on
and just keep your eyes and ears open why because you'll notice that the examiner sort of
likes to test a few things in a certain certain topic okay so don't just look at a question and
just brainlessly start solving it like I said keep your eyes and ears open focus on the concept
that's being tested rather than you know just writing down the formula and start solving it
because the more you try and understand the nature of the questions the pattern of the
paper the better you will be able to tackle the more difficult questions and a couple of things
to keep in mind when you're planning your fast paper solving routine or whatever it is that is
to keep the syllabus changes now if you're an oleev math student then remember in 2018
the syllabus was changed slightly so whatever passers you're solving just make sure if
you're going in a chronological order then I would suggest start from 2018 or if let's say
you're starting from recent years which is something I always suggest then start from 2023
and then do till 2018 and then go back and do all the other variants again variants is
something I've talked about in a different video I'll share a link to it check it out but this is for
o Lev math for igcc math there was a major change in your syllabus in 2020 so again start
from 2023 then do it till 2020 and then go back and do the variants then 2020 for ad maths
as well doesn't matter whether it's O level or IGCSE and 2020 for a level math as well okay
so remember first focus on the years after the syllabus was changed and then of course you
can solve papers before that there's no limit to it but obviously don't get a teacher to help you
out don't end up attempting questions of topics that are not in your syllabus anymore lastly
just give it some time okay now one or two bad papers is not the end of the world in fact
when you're starting out chances are you will do horrible in a a couple of papers 2 3 4
perhaps even more than that it's not the end of the world it takes a decent amount of time to
find that Rhythm to find that momentum so just be consistent and make sure that you keep
track of your error so that you're conscious so if let's say you have a habit of making a sign
error then just make a list of it in fact that's something that I always suggest my students
make a list of all your errors and keep it in front of you so that you're looking at it every day
and you know exactly the potential errors that you could make so that will help you to be
more more aware be more conscious and next time when you're solving a question which
has a possibility of you making that error you know be more Vigilant that's the whole idea
there's nothing fancy going on here it's just so that you're more conscious and you're more
aware and you know exactly all the errors that you've made in the past so that you don't end
up repeating them lastly I would say that don't waste your time trying to look for shortcuts I
have a lot of students dozens in fact hundreds of students who reach out to me and ask me
about the perfect strategy that what strategy should I follow or how many hours should I give
to math or like what is the best way of getting an a star now my answer to all those students
is very simple and that is there is no best strategy the best strategy is just be consistent
that's it Go oldfashioned ways start putting in the hours you'll realize what works for you what
doesn't work for you just be productive make sure that you have a good routine sleep well
have a healthy diet all that stuff that goes without saying but other than that there is no
specific strategy just keep putting in the hours be consistent if you don't have the tendency
of putting in long hours every day that's fine just put like an hour or two every day but just be
consistent don't let there be a long Gap because the thing about math is that you will and not
just math with other subjects as well that you will forget everything okay and then you know
the time to sort of go back and then do your revision first and then trying to again find that
momentum find that Rhythm doing that will cost you a lot of time so just make sure that you
stay consistent and yeah that's it just keep solving POS papers keep practicing so if you like
this video then make sure to give it a thumbs up and do subscribe to the channel also don't
forget to share this video with your friends classmates and whoever you think can possibly
benefit from it so that's it for this video I'll see you guys in the next one until then take care
[Music] [Music] bye-bye
hello everyone hope you guys are doing well in this video I will be sharing with you five
simple steps which you need to follow if you want an A or an a star so without wasting any
more time let's get straight into it and as always if you're new here make sure to subscribe to
the channel and do share this video with your friends classmates whoever you think can
possibly benefit from it now let's get straight into it so the first step is that you should be
focusing on Concepts rather than memorizing now what a lot of students do is they have this
approach which I like to call if this then that approach so what that means is that if you have
this this and this and the question that means you do this this and that okay now this barely
works in maps because we're not memorizing here so this might work in out of 10 let's say
seven questions okay in fact not even seven I would say out of ten maybe five questions so
this approach might work 50 of the time but 50 of the time you got to make sure that what
you're counting on is not on your memory but rather on your Concepts so whenever you are
presented with a concept do not try and memorize it try and go deeper try and see where the
concept is coming from where the formula is coming from so what that will do is that will help
you understand it better and once you have a solid understanding of it then you can solve
whatever question there is that you're presented with step number two is make sure that you
do past papers okay now I cannot emphasize how important this is a lot of times students
come to me and they tell me that they're not doing well in math and when I sort of dig deeper
and peel away uh to understand what the reason is it turns out that they didn't practice
passwords now doing questions from the book is very important okay it helps you it sort of
takes you step by step concept by concept but once you're done with the whole topic make
sure that you solve past papers step number three is focus on the basics now a lot of times
when parents come to me they have this uh this simple request is that you know work on the
basics of my child and it's understandable because if you have a weak Foundation if your
Basics are weak then you can't understand the complex concept so for example if your
arithmetic is weak okay if you don't know your way with percentages ratios and all that then
you can't do complex topics such as interest simple interest compound interest and just like
that if your basic geometry is weak then you can't do complex topics such as menstruation
where you're presented with such complex shapes and you have to work out the volume and
surface area so all in all you could say that there are four major areas in maths you know
arithmetic there is geometry there's algebra and there's statistics okay so make sure that
before you deal with the complex topic make sure that your Basics or whatever it is whatever
the prerequisites of that topic or those are in line and you have those well covered before
you take on that complex like step number four is don't waste too much time trying to find the
perfect strategy now this is something I like to call analysis paralysis this is something that
we all suffer from at different levels you know even when I have to learn a new skill I try to
think of you know the perfect strategy I try to divide my time but honestly Sometimes the
best way is the old-fashioned way okay so if you want to learn math don't look for the perfect
strategy just pick up a book decide a concept that you're going to cover watch videos on it
and just start putting in the hours you know just start grinding and gradually you'll get the
hang of it you'll start picking up Concepts and you don't be another way to go about it first do
concepts from the book and then do past papers but please this is something that I get
asked a lot you know especially towards the end of the weeks I mean not towards the end
but like especially when the exams are really close students come up to me and ask me
what is the perfect strategy you know how many possible should I be doing and how many
topics should I be covering in a day how many hours should I be giving to math you know
that's that's all Bs honestly just pick up a book if you really want to do I'll just pick up a book
and start studying we can pick up a concept and start studying start putting in the hours and
you will see that the results will start to show inshallah very soon a lot of times students have
this thing that they work hard for a single test and they don't get the result that they were
hoping for and they think that it's just not their thing okay it's just not possible for them to do
well in it you know that is honestly not the case the thing with math is that you need to give it
some time the results will show just make sure that you're putting in the required effort and
do not expect you know that you're gonna turn into an a star student overnight that is not
gonna happen let me assure you but gradually slowly but surely you will see the change that
you're looking for you will see Improvement you just have to be patient and you just have to
be consistent and if you consistently put in efforts definitely definitely the results will speak
for itself so that's it these are the five steps that you need to follow and if you follow these
five steps inshallah inshallah you will get the grade that you're aiming for which like I said
hopefully is an A or an a star so that's it for this video I'll see you guys in the next one until
then take care bye

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