2022 2023 Homeroom Guidance Sheet

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7028 Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines

“The School for Better Future”


Homeroom Guidance is the student participation to classroom and home chores. A student is required to have a
minimum of Twenty Five (25) Hours for every grading to attend to work inside the house. Specific hours are given grade.
Legend is at the bottom of this sheet.
Name of Student:_________________________________Grade and Section:___________________________


Date Work Done Hours Parent’s Signature

No. of Hours and Corresponding Grade

25-98 17-90 9-82

24-97 16-89 8-81
23-96 15-88 7-80
22-95 14-87 6-79
21-94 13-86 5-78
20-93 12-85 4-77
19-92 11-84 3-76
18-91 10-83 1-2-75

In the children and youth an ambition should be awakened to take their exercise in doing something that will be
beneficial to themselves and helpful to others. The exercise that develops mind and character, that teaches the hands to
be useful, that trains the youth to bear their share of life's burdens, is that which gives physical strength and quickens
every faculty. And there is a reward in virtuous industry, in the cultivation of the habit of living to do- EG White,Child
Guidance, p. 346

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