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Antenna Compendium
Volume 3

About the Cover:

Editor C l o c k w i s e f r o m t o p left: Beginning on page 79, Steve Powlishen,
Gerald L. (Jerry) Hall, K 1 T D K 1 F O , takes aim at the E M E polarization-mismatch problem with a 4 3 2 -
M H z rear-mount Yagi array. T h e drawing shows the calculated H-plane
Assistant Editors pattern for 4 x 14-element Y a g i s stacked 4 9 inches apart.
Joel P. Kleinman, N 1 B K E Three antenna experimenters collaborated on a 160-meter antenna for
B o b Schetgen, K U 7 G small lots, " T h e Square-Four Receiving Array." It's described in the article
Larry D. Wolfgang, W R 1 B beginning on page 33. This view is the calculated azimuth radiation pattern
J i m Kearman, K R 1 S when the array is operated in a square configuration. (It can also operate as a
Steve Ford, W B 8 I M Y diamond.)
T h e calculated three-dimensional pattern o f a commercial antenna—the
Production 20-meter Hy-Gain 2 0 5 C A , 7 0 feet above real earth.
Jean Wilson
J o e Shea

Technical Illustrations
Dianna Roy
David Pingree, N I N A S

Cover Design
Sue Fagan
Copyright © 1992 by

The American Radio Relay League Inc

Copyright secured under the Pan-

American Convention

This work is publication No. 162 of the

Radio Amateur's Librarv. DUblished bv the

ISBN: 0-87259-401-7

First Edition
Second Printing, 1993
The Triband Triangle 8
Robert J. Zavrel, Jr, W7SX
Making Tower-Mounted Half Slopers Work for You 12
Duane R. Sanderson, W0TID
The Double Cross Vertical Antenna 15
Robert Wilson, AL7KK
Ground Planes, Radial Systems, and Asymmetric Dipoles 19
L. A. Moxon, G6XN
Phased Arrays for the Low Bands 28
A1 Christman, KB8I
The Square-Four Receiving Array 33
Gary Nichols, KD9SV, John C. Goller, K9UWA, and Roy W. Lewallen, W7EL
Phased Verticals with Continuous Phase Control 37
Peter H. Anderson, KZ3K
The High Profile Beam—
A High Performance Vertical Antenna with No Radials 42
Ed Suominen, NM7T


A Miniature Ground-Independent Dipole for 40 through 10 Meters 50
Jack Kuecken, KE2QJ
An 80/40/17-Meter Super-Trap Dipole* 54
Albert C. Buxton, W8NX
Trap Dipoles with Specified Harmonic Operation* 58
Albert C. Buxton, W8NX
How to Design Off-Center-Fed Multiband Wire Antennas
Using that Invisible Transformer in the Sky 66
Frank Witt, AI1H

The K4VX 10-Meter Elephant Gun Yagi 76
Lew Gordon, K4VX
Rear-Mount Yagi Arrays for 432-MHz EME:
Solving the EME Polarization Problem 79
Steve Powlishen, K1FO
Loop Antennas: The Facts, Not the Fiction 99
A. J. Henk, G4XVF
Fun With Small Loop Antennas on 80 Meters 108
James E. Taylor, W20ZH

| 12-Meter Quad 114
I Howard G. Hawkins, WB81GU


The Log Periodic Loop Array (LPLA) Antenna* 115
Duane Allen, N6JPO
The K4EWG Log Periodic Array 118
Peter D. Rhodes, K4EWG


I A Streamlined Mobile HF Antenna for Vehicles with Fiberglass Tops

Steve Cerwin, WA5FRF


I A Simple Seeker Direction Finder

Dave Geiser, WA2ANU


The CCD A n t e n n a -
Improved, Ready-to-Use Construction Data 131
Harry Mills, W4FD, and Gene Brizendine, W4ATE
Controlled-Current-Distribution Antenna Performance: By Analysis 134
Bill Shanney, KJ6GR


The Cross Antenna 137
R. P. Haviland, W4MB
The Skeleton Discone 140
D. Wilson Cooke, WA4RHT
The T-L DX Antenna 144
Robert Wilson, AL7KK


I A Beginner's Guide to Using Computer Antenna Modeling Programs

L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
Modeling HF Antennas with MININEC—
Guidelines and Tips from a Code User's Notebook 156
John S. Belrose, VE2CV

Smith Chart Impedance Matching on your PC* 165

Lynn A. Gerig, WA9GFR

Horizontal Antennas and the Compound Reflection Coefficient 175
I Charles J. Michaels, W 7 X C


Quadro-Line: The Ideal UHF Transmission Line 185
Karol Dillnberger, DL7SS

Efficient Feed for Sky Hooks 188

Stan Gibilisco, W1GV


The Z-Match Coupler—Revisited and Revised 191
Charles A. Lofgren. W 6 J J Z

Fixed Inductor Variable Impedance Matching Networks 196

Robert F. White, W 6 P Y

A Precision Tuner for Antenna Couplers 205

Jack Kuecken, KE2QJ

A New Way to Tree a Wire 211
I Stan Gibilisco, W1GV

Front-End Overload, A Worst Case Example 214
I John Stanley, K4ERO


A Remote Field-Strength Metering System 218
John Svoboda, W6MIT

The Hybrid Junction Admittance Bridge 223

Wilfred N. Caron

I VHF/UHF Ray Tracing with Computer Graphics* 231
I John H. Priedigkeit, W 6 Z G N

*Software to accompany this article is available for the IBM PC or compatible computers on a separate diskette.

This book contains 40 previously unpublished articles on antennas,

transmission lines, computer modeling and other related subjects. Some, like
Steve Cerwin's HF mobile antenna, are practical and straightforward. Others,
like Frank Witt's discussion of off-center-fed multiband wire antennas, stress
the theoretical bases for more-complex types of antennas.
Regardless of your level of expertise, you'll find much of interest in this
book. There's something for everyone in Volume 3 of The ARRL Antenna
Have an antenna-related project in mind? We'd appreciate the opportunity
to review it for possible publication in Volume 4.

David Sumner, K1ZZ

Executive Vice President
Newington, Connecticut
December 1992

Please note: Throughout this book, notes and references appear at the end
of each article.
Diskette Availability

Programs for five papers in this book are available in IBM and IBM-
compatible format on an optional diskette offered by the ARRL. (The papers
with accompanying programs are denoted with asterisks in the table of contents.)
The diskette is copyrighted but not copy protected.
The program files have been supplied by authors of corresponding papers,
and filenames have been assigned to resemble the paper titles. There are four
BASIC programs and one spreadsheet file in Quattro and Lotus 1-2-3 WK1
format. The diskette is made available as a convenience to the purchaser. The
ARRL has verified that the programs run properly, but does not warrant program
operation or the results of any calculations.
Diskettes are available in both 5y4-inch (ARRL Order No. 4033) and
3V2-inch (ARRL Order No. 4041) formats.
The Triband Triangle
B y R o b e r t J. Z a v r e l , Jr, W 7 S X
117 Locatelli Lane
Scotts Valley, CA 95066

have been interested in phased-array tion. 1 Many of these designs require exten-

I vertical antennas for many years.

These antennas have a low radiation
angle. The ability to steer these arrays elec-
sive impedance matching and phasing
systems for single-band operation. Build-
ing multiband, multidirectional matching
2 0 ' Vertical

trically makes them even more attractive. and switching circuits could make it diffi-
Much of the experimental work has con- cult to achieve my goals o f providing
centrated on the low-frequency bands, simple impedance matching, low cost and
where practical Yagi antennas become a bit easy installation. E x a c t l e n g t h of
out of reach for most hams. At the peaks of t r a n s m i s s i o n line
Several of my goals seemed to indicate
m i g h t need p r u n i n g
sunspot cycles, phased verticals might be the possibility of using multiple phased for a good m a t c h
useful at the higher frequencies (14-30 ground-plane antennas. I decided to do on all bands. Two
different lengths
MHz). The cost of towers, rotators, and some experimental work with these an- showed no p r o b l e m s
triband trap Yagis can easily top several tenna systems. To achieve maximum for t h e Johnson
thousand dollars. Additional factors such Matchbox
H-plane gain, I chose a Vs-A. antenna for the on 1 0 - 1 5 - 2 0 . Reloy
as aesthetics, occupied real estate, and highest operating frequency (28 MHz). Box
safety turn me off towers. Yagis and quads This should add about 3 dB to any direc-
can be set on roof-mounted tripods and tional gain a c h i e v e d on 10 meters.
provide good results. R o o f - m o u n t e d Multiband operation seemed to mandate
ground-plane antennas produce good D X in-the-shack tuning of the array. I have an
results for a fraction o f the cost of a roof- old Johnson Kilowatt Matchbox, so I de-
mounted Yagi or quad. cided to use that with the antenna system.
My goal for this project was to take By keeping the feed impedances high at the
advantage of the economic, mechanical, antennas and choosing my feed-line Triband Triangle Radials
n o t shown for c l a r i t y
and performance characteristics of a roof- lengths properly, I would obtain a proper
mounted ground-plane antenna. I wanted match with the tuner. For several months I
to achieve multiband operation and some experimented with a single antenna at dif- Fig 1—The Triband Triangle consists of
gain with my antenna system, while keep- ferent lengths and with various feed-line three 20-foot-long elements, spaced 10
ing c o s t and c o m p l e x i t y down. lengths. I also did extensive experiments feet apart at the corners of an equilateral
P e r f o r m a n c e c o m p a r a b l e to a r o o f - with ground-radial systems. Each step in- triangle. The radial system is shown in
Fig 4.
mounted Yagi or quad should be possible volved on-the-air testing with D X stations.
at a substantial savings. Several design
goals were defined: System Configuration
1) A low-angle radiation pattern Multiple, identical ground-plane anten- front-to-back ratios. The switching net-
2 ) Multiband operation (10, 15, and 20 nas seemed to work best, but I had to decide work for this array is somewhat complex,
meters) what configuration to use. Should I use two, however, violating one of my design goals.
3) Small size three, or four elements? Simple switching Three elements arranged at the corners
4 ) Simple impedance matching and impedance matching required either 0 of an equilateral triangle provide a solution
5) Low cost or 180° phasing. That is easily accom- to all ten goals. Two of the three elements
6) Easy installation plished for multiband operation. are selected and fed 180° out of phase,
7) Gain on all frequencies Two elements would provide gain, but providing three switchable bidirectional
8) Patterns steerable to cover 360° achieving multiband operation with a patterns. Fig 1 shows how the antenna is
9) Simple electrical steering from the steerable pattern covering 360° becomes a laid out.
shack difficult trade-off. Each vertical element is 20 feet long,
10) Elimination of parasitic effects Four elements at the corners of a square and the sides of the equilateral triangle are
One of the striking features of articles form an attractive arrangement. The "four- 10 feet. I chose a length slightly shorter
written about phased vertical arrays is that square array" provides four switchable than 5/« X at 28 MHz to avoid resonance at
they usually offer only monoband opera- unidirectional patterns with excellent 21 MHz. The high self-resonant base im-


Control Line
to SI \
in Shack I All Reloys
Shown " O f f '


Control Line
to S2 ]_ » Control Line
In Shock C~ I 1 - J to S3

i t
In Shack

T ' Feed Line

Common Control Line
, .. . "''oy Bo* on Roof to Tuner and
to Shack at the Center of the Array Radio in shack

Fig 2—Three DPDT relays select the vertical elements and phasing to steer the Triband Triangle. A common wire can be used to all
three relays. The switches are SPST types that connect each relay coil to the required control voltage supply.

pedance might make it difficult to feed the difficult since the S W R was very high.
array at 21 MHz, so I used a 20-foot length. Hams may want to pay more attention to
I chose 10-foot spacing to raise the feed- 3 0 0 - Q tubular line! T h e optimum feed-line
point i m p e d a n c e on 2 0 m e t e r s to an length to the transmitter depends on the
acceptable value while maintaining gain characteristics o f the tuner to be used in the
over the range from 14 to 2 8 MHz. One shack, such as the range o f impedances the
might call this array a "switchable ground- tuner can match.
plane W 8 J K , " but ' T r i b a n d Triangle" is
more succinct. The two active elements Switching and Phasing Considerations
induce equal signals 180° out o f phase in On a trip to a local surplus dealer, I
the unused third element. There is no cur- secured some 120-V ac D P D T relays for
rent in the unused element, and no pattern S 1 . 5 0 each (Struthers-Dunn type 4 2 5 X B X ) .
distortion results. I use three D P D T relays to switch between Looking Down on Arroy
the three possible antenna combinations.
Feed-Line Considerations Fig 2 shows a wiring diagram. A plastic Truth Table
I tried several feed-line configurations. weatherproof box houses the relays, which Relays
are mounted on a '/4-inch-thick piece o f Pattern 1 2 3
Calculations from the Smith Chart, mutual
impedances, and element self-impedances plywood inside the box. A big advantage o f
together yielded relatively low common using a plastic box is that all the R F termi- NW-SE X OFF ON
feed-point impedances. Open-wire line nals can be m a c h i n e screws and nuts
was desirable to reduce losses, but the char- mounted through holes drilled in the box. Fig 3 — T h e possible directions you can
Multiconductor control cable may be the steer the array. These directions assume
acteristic impedances are quite high. Then
elements B and C are aligned on an
I discovered 3 0 0 - f l tubular T V twin-lead. most expensive part of the array! Three east-west line and element A is due north
Since the system is always fed out o f phase, toggle switches in the shack control the of the center point between them. The
it can be treated as a balanced system. W e relays. Fig 3 shows a truth table for the truth table shows switch positions to
switch settings. One word o f caution; if you select each desired pattern direction; X =
can ignore coaxial cable, with its high
don't care.
losses. All transmission lines are 3 0 0 - Q use a common conductor for the relays it
tubular cable, which costs about 5 cents per must be able to handle the total relay cur-
foot. In earlier tests I tried R G - 8 coax and rent. You may want to consider using 12-V
6 0 0 - f i open-wire line. Losses with the co- relays if you don't like the idea o f 120-V o f f all power to the relays before working
axial cable were high. With homemade lines running to your antenna, but that re- on the box!
open-wire line, the high characteristic im- quires heavier control cable and a power S i n c e phasing is always 180°, phasing
pedance ( 6 0 0 fl) made matching more supply. In either case, remember to switch switches are simply cross-wired relays.
V' y
>/ 10'

20' \fy / 10' 20'

BH •He

- /V \ / \

7 f -

Fig 4 — A top view of the radial system

used with the Triband Triangle. The
radials should form a plane parallel to
level ground or tilt downward from the
Fig 5 — ELNEC was used to compare the Triband Triangle (curve A) with a 20-foot-long
array symmetrically.
vertical antenna (curve B) and a V4-X vertical (curve C) on 10 meters. This is the
elevation plot for all three patterns. The graph is scaled to show the Triband Triangle
maximum gain at 0 dB. This 0-dB reference is actually 5.34 dBi. The elevation angles of
maximum response for the three antennas are 11,18 and 26°.

This system is inherently broadbanded.

Although my antenna works on 10, 15
and 2 0 meters, this array should also work with new ideas for radial systems. Previous make it more difficult to match the imped-
on 24 and 18 M H z . T h e array should also " c o n v e n t i o n a l w i s d o m " is c o l l a p s i n g ance. Array b a l a n c e may also be m o r e
serve as a good S W L antenna, covering the under the weight of new ideas and models difficult to achieve. T h e s e potential prob-
bands between 14 and 28 M H z . A suitable that seem to work quite well in practice. lems are certainly not insurmountable.
antenna tuner in the shack is all that you 1 tried several ground systems in my
need to tune the array to any frequency over experiments. I tried no ground, different G a i n Calculations
the octave for transmitting. grounds for each antenna, and a c o m m o n Antenna gain is o f t e n given relative to
ground. By far the most effective and elec- reference isotropic or dipole antennas. It
Antenna Elements t r i c a l l y s t a b l e a p p r o a c h is a c o m m o n seems more reasonable to use a single Vi-'k
You can m a k e the twenty-foot vertical ground. N o violation of conventional wis- ground-plane antenna as the reference for
elements from many different materials. d o m here! A rule of thumb seems to be that the T r i b a n d T r i a n g l e . Be c a r e f u l about
A l u m i n u m electrical conduit c o m e s in 10- a more extensive radial system is better. c o m p a r i n g the Triband Triangle gain fig-
foot lengths, so you can use six of these, S o m e advantage in pattern symmetry seems u r e s with horizontally polarized arrays
with couplings to thread them together. I to result when the radial lengths are equal such as Yagis and quads. Such c o m p a r i s o n s
used thin-wall tubing guyed with heavy- to the vertical element height. Fig 4 shows may be misleading. M a n y factors influ-
duty nylon twine. (I found tubing sections an overhead view of the radial system. ence E- and H-plane gain characteristics.
that telescoped together in progressively T h e s e include the Brewster angle, nearby
smaller sizes from 11/4 inches in diameter O t h e r Configurations objects and antenna characteristics. K e e p
at the bottom to '/2-inch diameter at the This array could be extended to 20-foot in mind that optimum azimuth gain with
top.) I anchored the guy lines using small spacing and 40-foot verticals for a 20, 30, Yagis and quads is achievable only with
hooks screwed into my wooden shake- a n d 4 0 - m e t e r array. Additional scaling high antennas. 4 That w o u l d violate my
shingle roof. Guy lines should be insulated should be possible for 4 0 and 80 or 80 and goals of small size, low cost and easy in-
material. I paid $3 for all the twine required 160-meter operation. It may be possible to stallation. It is interesting to c o m p a r e the
for the array. T h e hooks cost $5. Three use the Triband Triangle in conjunction Fig 5A graph with Yagi-antenna patterns
ceramic stand-off insulators serve as base with elevated vertical techniques to pro- f r o m Chapter 5 of Yagi Antenna Design.
mounts for the 20-foot pipes. Small glass vide multiband l o w - f r e q u e n c y systems. Using a single lA-X ground-plane an-
bottles will do nicely as base insulators if T h e variations seem endless, and this work tenna as a reference, the favored-direction
ceramic is not available. A good base insu- may serve as a model for other low-band gain is
lator is important since the voltages here systems. • 6.4 dB at 10 meters (3.4 d B phased-
can be quite high in this array. This array might work over 1.5 octaves. array gain + 3.0 d B gain from increased
For example, three 33-foot verticals with element length)
Ground System 20-foot spacing could be used between 7 • 5.6 d B at 15 meters (3.6 dB phased-
Any discussion of ground systems for and 21 M H z . There are two areas of con- array gain + 2.0 d B gain from increased
vertical antennas brings u p work on ele- cern that should be noted for such an array. element length)
vated verticals by Arch Doty ( K 8 C F U ) and T h e shorter element lengths at 7 M H z will • 4.0 d B at 2 0 meters (3.8 d B phased-
A1 Christman (KB8I). 2 ' 3 Four slightly ele- lower the feed-point impedance, making it array gain + 0.2 d B gain from increased
vated radials are as effective as 120 buried m o r e difficult to match. At 14 M H z , the element length)
radials. "Slightly elevated" can b e 15 feet lengths approach </> X, raising the input T h e higher gain figures at the higher
at 1.8 M H z . Many hams are experimenting impedance to a high level. This may also frequencies result from the longer electrical
length of the elements. The phased-array inches inside the relay box!) compare with high Yagis or quads, but will
gain figures are taken from The ARRL An- 2) The three elements should be compete admirably against the more com-
tenna Book.5 [Computer gain calculations mounted as far away from other objects as mon roof-mounted Yagis and quads.
indicate the figures given above may be possible (walls, trees, power lines, and the
somewhat optimistic.—Ed.] Fig 5 shows like). Notes
elevation-plane radiation patterns on 10 3) The ground-radial system should be ' j . Hall, Ed, The ARRL Antenna Book, 15th ed
meters, calculated using ELNEC, a method ( N e w i n g t o n : A R R L , 1988), Chapter 29,
as symmetrical as possible. This means
"Topical Bibliography on Antennas." See
of moments analysis program. This plot identical radial lengths laid out at identical the "Phased Array" topic, p 29-17.
compares the gain of a V4-X vertical, a 20- angles around each element. 2
A . C. Doty, Jr, J. A. Frey and H. J. Mills,
foot vertical and the Triband Triangle. 4) The vertical elements should be per- "Efficient Ground Systems for Vertical An-
fectly vertical. tennas," QST, Feb 1983, pp 20-25.
Impedance Matching 3
A . Christman, "Elevated Vertical Antenna Sys-
Take care to make the system symmet- Conclusions tems," QST, August 1988, pp 35-42.
Lawson, Yagi Antenna Design (Newington:
rical. Antenna tuning should be consistent This antenna is relatively easy to build.
A R R L , 1986), Chapter 5, "The Effects of
for all three directional settings. An exact Construction requires a minimum of time, G r o u n d . " See the " A n t e n n a Performance
match may be difficult to obtain, but a money, and materials. The design is inher- O v e r G r o u n d " and "Best Height" sections,
near-ideal compromise setting can be ently broadband over at least one octave. It p p 5 - 6 to 5-14.
found for all three direction settings corre- is advisable to erect a simple single-ele- 5
J . Hall, Ed, The ARRL Antenna Book, 16th ed
sponding to the phone and CW bands. I ment ground-plane antenna to check your (Newington: A R R L , 1991), pp 8 - 6 and 8-7.
obtained an SWR of 1.5:1 or better over the location for noise before considering the ( S o m e gain figures in previous editions are
in error.)
desired bandwidths for all three directions. Triband Triangle. Vertical antennas are 6
Accurate gain measurements can be made with
This permits switching directions without more susceptible to noise pickup than hori- the receiver A G C " o f f , " as long as the re-
requiring me to adjust the matching net- zontally polarized antennas. A ceiver is operating in its linear response
work. Of course with some "tweaking" of disadvantage of this array is the lack of region (usually signals less than S9). Simply
the tuner, you can optimize the match to front-to-back rejection when receiving, al- measure the detected audio voltages and take
squeeze out that last fraction of a dB. though I measured 20-dB side nulls on ten the ratios.

Follow these guidelines for the best sys- meters.6 The DX performance-per-dollar Other References
tem symmetry. ratio of this antenna system is hard to beat
J. Devoldere, O N 4 U N , Low Band DXing (New-
1) The feed lines to each element should if you have a location that is relatively free ington: A R R L , 1988).
be identical. (Remember to count the from electrical noise. This array will not
Making Tower-Mounted Half
Slopers Work for You
By Duane R. Sanderson, W0TID
3735 SE Stanley Rd
Tecumseh, KS 66542

mateur Radio, like most things totally destroyed my home and my anten- to keep in mind when considering the use

A in life, tends to follow trends.

T h e c u r r e n t trend in station
equipment typically involves factory-built
nas, creating the need to literally rebuild
everything from the ground up. Despite the
bleak task that confronted me, I realized
of tower-mounted half slopers.
As you physically view any tower, you
are looking at a metal structure projecting
transceivers, amplifiers and antennas. To- that I could use the opportunity to correct above the earth. The bottom is usually
day's amateur equipment has advanced to some of the shortcomings in my original grounded, making it the low-impedance
a high level of performance and sophisti- antenna layout. The result is a beam and end. As you progress up the tower, the
cation. In fact, we have nearly reached the half-sloper combination that provides very impedance increases significantly. If you
point where average hams cannot create satisfying results to this day. are about to install a half sloper and you
anything of similar quality on their own. select an operating frequency that is close
There are many amateurs, however, The Tower to the resonant frequency of the tower, you
who still possess that inner desire to create Since I have been a ham for over forty will quickly discover that you can't feed it!
at least a portion of their station layout with years, enough time has passed to reduce my The impedance mismatch is so bad, the low
their own two hands. enthusiasm for climbing towers. There- coax impedance (52 ohms) c a n ' t even
With this idea in mind, the station an- fore, I chose a tower that permitted a begin to transfer power to the tower/sloper
tenna system provides a great opportunity ground-level work position. My require- combination. The impedance on the tower
for creative experimentation and discovery ments included is just too high. Small wonder that so many
without the need for elaborate and expen- 1) a tilt-over type design approximately amateurs have had so much difficulty with
sive test equipment. This is especially true 50 feet high with hand-crank operation, tower-mounted half slopers!
for various types of wire antennas. Sooner 2) multi-level guying capability, It is a very frustrating experience to
or later, however, most amateurs feel the 3) a large poured-concrete base, and search endlessly for the resonant frequency
need to erect a tower. 4) a multiple ground-rod system with of the half sloper you have just put up,
The typical project will often include a each rod driven deeply into the earth. unable to find a point where your pruning
tower, a triband beam or monobanders, and All of these requirements are fairly will drop the SWR to an acceptable value.
additional antennas for V H F and other common considerations and were achieved The grim fact is, a high feed-point imped-
bands. I occasionally work amateurs on 10, with standard hardware construction tech- ance creates a large S W R reading that
15, or 20 meters who have towers and niques. masks any efforts to prune the sloper for a
beams. When the discussion shifts to the resonant frequency.
topic of working the lower bands, I usually Guy Wires and Overall Tower Obviously, low tower resonance is a
hear responses such as, "I don't work the Resonance must for successful operation of half sloper
lower frequency bands. I don't have room I deviated from the standard practice of antennas. The benefits of this approach
for larger antennas," or, "Yeah, I tried some breaking up guy wires with insulators. Ac- s h o u l d b e c o m e c l e a r as we p r o g r e s s
slopers on my tower, but I couldn't get a tually, I did not place insulators in any of through the tune-up and usage of the slop-
decent SWR. It was a waste of time." the guy wires. All of the guys make direct ers.
Despite such a pessimistic assessment, metal-to-metal contact at their attachment
I can assure you that it is possible to create p o i n t s w i t h t h e t o w e r and w i t h t h e Other Advantages of Uninsulated
an all-band antenna system, on one tower, grounded guy anchors. This is an important Guy Wires
in a backyard situation. The result can be step in lowering the natural resonant fre- There are two other advantages of the
an antenna array that performs very well quency of the tower to its lowest possible uninsulated guy wire approach: It creates a
without adding a great deal of time and point. By enlarging the electrical size and large ground footprint which helps to dis-
expense to a basic tower project. cross section as much as possible, the s i p a t e direct l i g h t n i n g strikes, and it
The motivation to begin my own project tower, the beam and the guy wires combine p r o d u c e s a large R F ground footprint
came one spring evening about a year ago, to form a large vertical mass with its own which enhances the ground return of any
when a tornado devastated my QTH. It resonant frequency. This is a crucial point antenna connected to the tower.
A Word of Caution
T h e guy wires should be maintained in
a reasonably taut condition. This insures
that the metal-to-metal contact is constant,
eliminating any noise that may result from
loose connections. My installation is com-
pletely noise-free in this regard.

Antenna System Goals

T h e following criteria were established
for the antennas on my tower:
1) the provision to operate on all H F
bands from one tower,
2) coax feeds that do not require coils
or traps,
3) survivability in severe weather and
high wind conditions,
4 ) b r o a d b a n d operation w i t h o u t the
need for a tuner,
5) good p e r f o r m a n c e day and night, and
6) no additional towers or supporting
masts required.
This is a fairly d e m a n d i n g list! How-
ever, with the successful installation of half
slopers. all of the requirements were met.

Past Experience
O v e r the years, 1 have tried most of the
H F a n t e n n a s d e s c r i b e d in The ARRL
Antenna Book. T h e sloper type antenna
usually gives better performance than hori-
zontal dipoles and has demonstrated good
DX ability as well.
T h e shortcomings of a sloping dipole
have been evident at my Q T H in terms of
wind and weather survival. T h e sloping
dipole has a hanging coax connected to its
center. Not only does the coax whip around
in the wind, but it is also subject to the
stresses of ice loading. T h e result has been
the frustration of watching the coax break
off in the middle of a winter storm when Fig 1—The upper half of the tower with guy lines and sloper wires visible.
it's not possible to do anything about it
until good weather returns! T h e half sloper
does not have this problem.
I would like to say at this point that a
collection of half slopers is not the only antenna formula (/ft = 234/fMHz). I cut my sloper wires. All insulators were made
antenna arrangement that will provide all- slopers several inches long so that I could from l '/2-inch schedule 4 0 P V C pipe.
band p e r f o r m a n c e on a single tower. A prune them d o w n to the desired resonant
center-fed Z e p p with a tuner would accom- frequency. This is a lot easier than solder- Interaction...And A Bonus!
plish the same for many amateurs. ing small lengths of wire onto a short If you were to look d o w n on my tower
However, considering the six goals I listed sloper! I used R G 8 X mini-foam coax to f r o m a helicopter, it would look like a
earlier, the half sloper is the best choice. feed the slopers. While I prefer the smaller spoked wheel without a tire. T h e slopers
diameter and greater flexibility of R G 8 X , and guy wires fan out around the entire
Putting It All Together R G 8 is obviously the more durable coax. tower (see Fig 1). T h e horizontal separa-
A half sloper is a '/t-X. wire fed with 52- I used stainless-steel hose clamps to tion angles between adjacent slopers varies
o h m coax at the top end where it is at- secure the coax braids to the tower. I sol- f r o m 15° to 30°. T h e vertical slope of each
tached, with an insulator, to the top of the dered the center conductors of the coax wire is about 45° with the exception of the
tower. T h e braid of the coax is connected directly to the sloper wires. Be sure to use 160-meter antenna, which is long enough
to the tower and the center conductor is a good quality moisture sealant on the ex- to require a much flatter angle. With this
c o n n e c t e d to the sloping wire. posed coax opening around the braid and arrangement there is virtually no interac-
T h e length of any half sloper is c o m - center conductor insulation. Twelve-gauge tion b e t w e e n the slopers. T h e r e is one
p u t e d u s i n g the s t a n d a r d q u a r t e r - w a v e solid copper house wiring w a s used for the exception—that I use to my advantage!
It seems that most amateurs usually progress downward. This permits a sloper pears to be a very small amount of direc-
have to cope with the old problem of 75 to be positioned within inches of a guy at tivity in the direction of the slope.
versus 80 meters. After all, everyone wants the top of the tower with no noticeable I have made comparisons at my station
an antenna that will work both ends of that effect. The bottom ends of all my slopers between an 80-meter full-wave horizontal
band. A tuner could be used to alleviate the are tied off past the end insulators to metal loop and a sloper. Daytime performance
problem, but my goal was to create a layout fence posts driven into the soil. The loca- slightly favors the loop. At night, the sloper
that would not depend on a tuner to operate tions of the metal posts were chosen to will be generally one to two S units better.
properly. provide the direction, spacing and 45°
While the half slopers on my tower were slope angle mentioned above. Band Coverage
fairly broad-banded, I shared the same 75- As of this writing, I have erected tower-
versus 80-meter dilemma. So, I put up two Planning for the Worst mounted half slopers for the following
slopers, one for 75 and one for 80. The The coaxial feed lines are taped to the bands: 160, 80, 75, 40, 30 and 17 meters.
75-meter sloper resonated at 3800 kHz and tower legs at one-foot intervals all the way The 75- and 40-meter slopers are fed by
the 80-meter sloper resonated at 3580 kHz. up the tower. This is my own standard for the same coax, as are the 80- and 17-meter
Unfortunately, pruning either sloper had securing coax since I don't want to see slopers. The 40-meter sloper has a low
some effect on the other. I tried positioning anything moving in a 50-mi/h wind. S W R on 15 meters and operates as a -V4-X.
them on opposite sides of the tower, but the Midwest ice storms can take down all antenna on that band. I usually use my
interaction still existed. With a little experi- but the strongest of antennas. Even so, triband beam on 15 meters, so the choice is
m e n t a t i o n I f o u n d that p r u n i n g the ice-loaded sloping wires are mechanically optional.
80-meter antenna produced a greater effect more durable and will survive better than I have left one band out: 12 meters. In
on the 75-meter antenna than vice versa. horizontal wires. The strain load on the my case, 12 meters happens to be a band of
That was when I made a discovery that tower is generally downward and balanced low interest. However, it's just a matter of
turned out to be a real bonus. with a reduced likelihood of tower damage connecting one more wire to the array and
With the 75-meter sloper connected to from excessive sideload stress. choosing an existing sloper as its mate so
the transceiver, I shorted the 80-meter coax that both can be fed from the same cable. I
in the shack with a wire connected between T\ine-Up will probably connect it to the 80/17-meter
the braid and the center conductor. As I did Without exception, every one of my half pair, feeding three slopers with one coax.
so, the 75-meter sloper jumped upward in slopers was resonated to the spot in the
resonant frequency to 3850 kHz. At the band I wanted, and produced a 1:1 SWR. Interaction from the Tribander Beam
same time, the signals received from the A small amount of pruning was necessary Rotation of the tribander beam on the
east suddenly increased about 5 dB on the on most bands to locate the optimum reso- top of the tower does not have a significant
S meter. nant frequency. The only serious deviation effect on any of the slopers. I would expect
My 75-meter sloper is on the east side from the VA-X formula was on the 160- a full-size 20-meter Yagi to produce some
of the tower. The 80-meter sloper is on the meter band. The 126-foot formula length noticeable effects. Certainly a 40-meter
west side of the tower. The shorted 80- proved to be too long for resonance at 1850 Yagi would create a large overhang of over-
meter sloper became a reflector for the kHz. Since it was so near to the earth's all tower mass that would influence the
75-meter antenna, effectively creating a surface, I suspected that the low fractional radiation angle significantly.
two element vertical beam! wavelength on the vertical position of this Other half-sloper users have reported
sloper was effectively lowering the reso- that changes in sloper directivity become
Another Bonus nant frequency. I had to prune off several very noticeable when big Yagis are rotated.
Believe it or not, you can feed two or feet to bring it on frequency. The difference between the ends of the
more half slopers with the same coax line. Yagi elements hanging over the slopers
It's not a complicated procedure. Just tie SWR Measurements versus the broadside portions of the ele-
the top ends of the slopers to the same coax All half slopers will produce a 1:1 SWR ments in the same position appears to be
center conductor. As of this writing, I have at their resonant frequencies. The band- the mechanism that varies performance. It
not tried to feed more than two slopers with widths vary, with the 160,80 and 75-meter can be readily seen that the angle of radia-
one coax. Two slopers fed by one coax are slopers covering at least half of the band tion w o u l d be m o d i f i e d in this case.
best suited for a common feed when they with a 1.5:1 SWR. The 40-meter sloper Investigation of this p h e n o m e n o n will
are positioned next to each other. covers 200 kHz of the band with a 1.5:1 probably be a future adventure at my QTH.
I advise against trying to feed both the S W R . The higher frequency slopers cover
75- and 80-meter slopers with the same their entire bands with a 1.5:1 SWR. Conclusion
coax. I tried it and soon realized that I was I have been using half slopers in the
going through an endless and unsuccessful How Well Do They Work? windy and turbulent midwest for eight
attempt to unscramble the interaction. H o w well do they work? Very well— years now. No other antenna has demon-
both day and night! strated their combined survivability and
Interaction With Guy Wires Half slopers are more or less vertically performance. It is a good feeling to look
The guy wires appear to be neutral as polarized, which is excellent for low-angle out the window on the morning after a big
far as any noticeable disturbance to nearby nighttime propagation. Some propagation storm and see that the sloper farm is still in
slopers. The guy wires at the top of the experts suggest that vertically polarized one piece. Give these half slopers a try on
tower slope downward at about 25°. A signals are tilted off the vertical plane when your tower. If you can keep the tornadoes
sloper trailing away from the tower at 45° they travel near the earth's surface. This tilt away, you'll have the same satisfying view
has a considerable distance developing be- condition would help explain why all types from your window too!
tween itself and the guy as the wires of slopers perform so well. There also ap-
The Double Cross Vertical
By Robert W i l s o n , AL7KK
Box 110955
Anchorage, AK 99511

ntennas have been part of my the best bandwidth. The angle does not

A business for years and I have

placed my designs at large sta-
tions in a number of countries. (Money is
have to be extremely precise. Angles from
about 60 to 110 degrees do little to change
the feed impedance. (The impedance re-
no object with the big commercial arrays.) mains about 30 to 35 £2 over these angles.)
Even though I design antennas for a living, The mid-line between the V wires is a null
I still like to play with them at home. Part line. This permits the support pole and coax
of the fun of antenna construction is pro- feeder harness to be mounted in the center
ducing a high quality, efficient antenna that line area with no problems.
is truly low in cost. The angle of the V apex is set easily by
One snowy Alaskan afternoon I was adjusting the tip-to-tip spacing of the V
inspired to design a home-brew antenna elements. On paper and in actual practice
project. Simplicity was the primary consid- it seems to be reasonably noncritical. For
eration. It had to be something I could build example, a tip-to-tip error of ±5% seems to
with just a couple of coax connectors, a few make little difference in the operation of
coat hangers and my trusty soldering iron. the antenna.
It also had to be theoretically feasible and It also occurred to me that grounding the
efficient. Despite my best intentions, my topmost elements on the antenna would
antennas have a tendency to grow like rab- offer lightning protection for the receiver.
bits. Within a short period of time my living Turning the top dipole upside down and
room was filled with paper and wire! mounting the hot element of the next lower
dipole upward also seemed to be a neat
T h e Double C r o s s Design symmetrical method to balance the antenna
W h e r e would antenna designers be currents. Feeding the dipoles 180° out of
without computers? After a bit of work at phase is all that is required for both protec-
my keyboard I soon developed the " X " tion a n d b a l a n c e . This can be easily
antenna. As I examined the design I noticed accomplished by adjusting the length of the
a unique property of the "X": It could be feed harness (see Fig 2).
mounted on a metal pole with almost no Old hams told me that using two wires
interaction. (The vertical center line be- in a V would not give a circular pattern
tween e l e m e n t s w a s also a null line.) because it was not balanced. This "old
Stacking the antenna seemed natural, and ham's tale" is simply not true; the pattern
after looking at the result (see Fig 1) the of the Double Cross is only 0.5 dB out of
name "Double Cross" seemed natural too! round. For the sake of a little irregularity
This antenna is a variation on a vertical there isn't a compelling reason to increase
dipole. Imagine two V-shaped wires, one the complexity by adding more wires. To
opening upward and one downward. Now prove that more complex designs were not
imagine that both V wires are connected to necessary, I constructed a three-dimen-
a coax cable at their apexes. The coax sional version of the antenna and found it
shield is soldered to one V and the coax was indeed very difficult to handle. After a
center wire to the other V. The 2-meter experimental version of the thorough examination of the calculations
By adjusting the angle of the V to 70°, Double Cross antenna made with no. 10 and construction of the flat " X " antenna, I
the antenna can be made to resonate at the wire, coax, silicone glue and a 2 x 4 proved that a two-dimensional design was
desired frequency and that angle will give board. entirely sufficient.
Table 1
Double Cross Antenna Lengths for Amateur Bands

All dimensions are in feet. "Bandwidth" shows the lower and upper 2:1-SWR
frequencies, MHz.
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
Band Freq. Element Tip-tip Spacing Coax 1 Coax 2 Diam. Bandwidth
160 1.90 111.05 127.38 323.68 256.36 85.45 3.04 1.7—2.1
80 3.70 57.03 65.41 166.22 131.64 43.88 1.56 3.3—4.1
75 3.90 54.10 62.06 157.69 124.89 41.63 1.48 3.5—4.3
40 7.15 29.51 33.85 86.01 68.12 22.71 0.81 6.4—7.9
30 10.13 20.84 23.90 60.74 48.11 16.04 0.57 9.1—11.1
20 14.18 14.89 17.07 43.39 34.36 11.45 0.41 12.8—15.6
17 18.11 11.65 13.36 33.96 26.90 8.97 0.32 16.3—19.9
15 21.23 9.94 11.40 28.98 22.95 7.65 0.27 19.1—23.3
12 24.93 8.46 9.71 24.67 19.54 6.51 0.23 22.4—27.4
10 28.50 7.40 8.49 21.58 17.09 5.70 0.20 25.7—31.4
6 50.10 4.21 4.83 12.28 9.72 3.24 0.12 45.1—55.1
2 146.00 1.45 1.66 4.21 3.34 1.11 0.04 131.4—160.6

Table 2
Fig 1—Double Cross antenna design. Double Cross Antenna Lengths for Various SWL Bands

All dimensions are in feet. "Bandwidth" shows the lower and upper 2:1-SWR
frequencies, MHz
After I built the first coat-hanger " X "
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
antenna I also discovered that the measured
Band Freq. Element Tip-tip Spacing Coax 1 Coax 2 Diam. Bandwidth
bandwidth was better than expected. The
element diameter was increased to ]fl inch 1 1.00 211.00 242.02 615.00 487.08 162.36 5.77 0.9—1.1
on the 2-meter theoretical model and this 2 1.20 175.83 201.68 512.50 405.90 135.30 4.81 1.1—1.3
allowed the antenna to cover more than the 3 1.44 146.53 168.07 427.08 338.25 112.75 4.01 1.3—1.6
full band. 4 1.73 121.97 139.89 355.49 281.55 93.85 3.34 1.6—1.9
Table 1 provides element lengths, tip-
5 2.07 101.93 116.92 297.10 235.30 78.43 2.79 1.9—2.3
to-tip spacings, element diameters and
phasing-line information for most ham 6 2.49 84.74 97.20 246.99 195.61 65.20 2.32 2.2—2.7
bands. Table 2 offers the same information 7 2.99 70.57 80.94 205.69 162.90 54.30 1.93 2.7—3.3
for 1 to 30 MHz in arbitrarily numbered 8 3.58 58.94 67.60 171.79 136.06 45.35 1.61 3.2—3.9
bands. Incidentally, using wire for the ele- 9 4.30 49.07 56.28 143.02 113.27 37.76 1.34 3.9—4.7
ments is quite acceptable even though
10 5.16 40.89 46.90 119.19 94.40 31.47 1.12 4.6—5.7
tubing is indicated. For ham operation a
11 6.19 34.09 39.10 99.35 78.69 26.23 0.93 5.6—6.8
sufficient bandwidth can be obtained by
using thin wire elements. 12 7.43 28.40 32.57 82.77 65.56 21.85 0.78 6.7—8.2
A single stacked "X" dipole could be 13 8.92 23.65 27.13 68.95 54.61 18.20 0.65 8.0—9.8
strung between two trees for low-fre- 14 10.70 19.72 22.62 57.48 45.52 15.17 0.54 9.6—11.8
quency operation. Attempting the Double 15 12.84 16.43 18.85 47.90 37.93 12.64 0.45 11.6—14.1
Cross stacking arrangement on 80 or 160
16 15.41 13.69 15.71 39.91 31.61 10.54 0.37 13.9—17.0
meters would be unreasonable, but a single
unstacked " X " would perform as an excel- 17 18.49 11.41 13.09 33.26 26.34 8.78 0.31 16.6—20.3
lent wide-band vertical on these bands. 18 22.19 9.51 10.91 27.72 21.95 7.32 0.26 20.0—24.4
It may be a good idea to employ a 19 26.62 7.93 9.09 23.10 18.30 6.10 0.22 24.0—29.3
matching transformer between the 50-Q 20 31.95 6.60 7.57 19.25 15.25 5.08 0.18 28.8—35.1
coax and the antenna. Such an RF trans-
former can be made by using a high quality,
high frequency powdered core with a cross
section of at least Vi by lA inch for 150 wire with Teflon insulation, wrapping the a heavy layerof clearsilicone glue. A p r o p -
watts. For the H F bands the 50-Q primary first winding and then interlacing the sec- erly constructed transformer should last up
should be 10 turns and the 30-fll secondary ond. I also like to tie down the ends with to 50 years—if it doesn't take a direct
should be 8 turns. I prefer to use 18 gauge fishing line and coat the transformer with lightning strike!
Design Calculations
--Ground on t o p
A simple four-function calculator can
be used to calculate the antenna dimen-
1) The lengths of each leg of the V
elements (LI):
64.2 meters 211 feet
LI =
MHz f

2) The tip-to-tip distance (L2) of the

open end of the V element gives a 70° apex

L2 = 1.147 x L1 (results in either feet or

meters, according to the original LI
3) The separation of two "X" elements ( 2 pieces of 70 0 coax)

is 5/& A. or L3:
187.0 meters 615 feet
fiM H z f,M H z
4) L4 represents the length of the 50-C2
solid polyethylene dielectric coax (veloc-
ity factor 0.66) from the upper dipole to
the summing junction where upper and • 5 0 !1

lower dipoles are connected:

224.4 meters x 0.66 738 feet x 0.66 5 0 !1 Coax
f f
MHz Any L e n g t h

5) L5 represents the length of 50-£2

solid polyethylene dielectric coax from the
lower dipole to the summing junction men- - G r o u n d on B o t t o m to Transmitter
tioned above, and the length of the two
parallel 70-£i coaxial cables used for im-
pedance matching: Fig 2—Double Cross coax harness.

75 meters x 0.66 246 feet x 0.66

L5 =
f,M H z f
glued in place with silicone adhesive. lent match, but it is possible to substitute
6) L6 represents the diameter of the V There is no question that this was a mini- one length of 95-S2 coax if you need to
legs required for the indicated bandwidth. mum cost antenna! Once again, everything improve the match further. Examples of
However, ordinary wire also works well for worked fine and the SWR was 1.1:1 over 95-Q coax are RG-180B or RG-195A. Al-
practical ham antennas: the entire 2-meter band. ternatively, it is possible to build short
1.759 meters 69.2 in. 5.77 ft The stacking harness shown in Fig 2 is pieces of 42-fi coax from brass hobby tub-
L6 = designed for a 180° phase reversal. The ing. The inner conductor needs to be 0.217
^MHz fMHz f>M H z
shield of the -V4-A. section of 50-£> coax inch or about 7/32 inch, and the outer con-
Double Cross Construction goes to the top V. This is length L4. The ductor's inner diameter should be 0.5 inch.
Construction of the first "X" antenna shield of the '/4-A. 50-fl coax section goes However, I recommend starting with two
was accomplished with coat-hanger wire to the bottom V. This is length L5. parallel 70-Q coax cables first.
soldered to a coax connector. The coax line The two 50-CI phasing lines are sol- All harness connections should be kept
was connected and the free end was pulled dered together at a common point. The short. I prefer to connect all center conduc-
through a '/2-inch support pipe for testing. impedance at this point becomes about 36 tors first. Make one last check against Fig
The results were excellent. The SWR was Q because there are two 50-fl lines in 2 to be sure that everything is correctly
low and the bandwidth was exactly as cal- parallel. connected. Then smooth the joints and
culated. Matching is easy with a "Q" section, a wrap them tightly with Teflon plumber's
The next step was construction of a 'A-X series matching section made from tape. Now connect the shields, taking care
stacked 2-meter Double Cross antenna 42-Q coax. Two pieces of solid polyethyl- not to melt the polyethylene insulation. A
with a complete coaxial feed harness. This ene coax are cut to length L5 and soldered wet cloth will quickly cool the joint after
was done using no. 10 Copperweld wire in parallel (shield to shield and center to soldering. Let it cool for several minutes
salvaged from an open-wire telephone sys- center) to make the "Q" section. I used two because the polyethylene core cools much
tem. It was screwed to a 2 x 4 board and pieces of 70-£2 coax and achieved an excel- more slowly than copper. The joint can
then be dried and coated with silicone glue exhibit an infinite resistance (open circuit). These Double Cross stacked dipoles
to make it waterproof. If you insist on a The path from the center conductor to the have given me the extra low-angle gain
neater appearance, slide some shrink tub- two inside V elements should show a short. necessary for improved 2-meter coverage.
ing over the joint b e f o r e the silicone The resistance from the coaxial shield to I keep thinking about how well a long
hardens and shrink it. Wipe off the extra the outside V elements should also indicate dipole stack would perform on the U H F
silicone for a first-class job. a short. bands and how nicely a 20-meter Double
The final step is to use a V O M and make Route all coax straight down the middle Cross could work—if I could only get two
a resistance check of the antenna with the line of the antenna. Secure it in place so that tall trees to grow in my muskeg swamp!
coax in place. The path from the center wind, ice and time will not change its loca-
conductor of the coax to the shield should tion.
Ground Planes, Radial Systems,
and Asymmetric Dipoles
By L. A. Moxon, B Sc, C Eng, MIEE, G6XN
Gorse Hill, Tilford Road
Hindhead, Surrey GU26 6SJ England

everal years have elapsed since I

S first drew attention to the advan-

tages of replacing A/4 radials by
much shorter ones sharing a common load-
ing inductance. 1 This greatly reduces the
space occupied without adding signifi-
cantly to the losses, and through being
"shrunk" in this way a "ground plane an-
tenna" (GPA) becomes ideally suitable as
a parasitic element for use in close-spaced
beams (which can be fully assembled,
tested, and used at or near ground level).
This also overcomes another problem: that
of ensuring equal current amplitudes and
correct phasing when resonant wires of
high Q (and subject to finite tolerances) are
connected in parallel.
Unfortunately this topic has remained
clouded by controversy. It is obvious that
a true ground plane could hardly continue
Fig 1—A comparison of ideal and real GPAs. At A, the ideal. AX/4 radiator is located
functioning after "shrinking" in such fash- above a solid, conductive plane that extends several wavelengths in all directions. The
ion. Consider such a ground plane: a flat radiating element is not visible, electrically, from the shadow of the plane. B shows a
metal sheet extending for a sufficient dis- typical GPA installation; the A/4 radiator is located above several A/4 wire or tubing
tance from the antenna base, as in Fig 1A. radials. The antenna is electrically visible from all points on the ground.
The antenna would then have a radiation
resistance, R r , of 36 Q independent of its
height above true ground (from which it between short and A/2 dipoles; this brings appear to cancel), the "center of gravity" of
would be shielded by the ground plane). it up to about 19.5 £2. As height decreases, the current distribution more accurately
When a ground plane is replaced by a set the free-space value of R fluctuates in the represents the true height, and the graph
of A/4 radial wires (Fig 1B), no such shield normal manner (as a consequence of has been drawn accordingly. (To obtain the
exists. We have an antenna with two poles. ground reflections) and rises to the usual mutual resistances, 0.08 A was subtracted
One (the radials, collectively) is con- value of 36 Q at zero height. This is shown from the heights used.) Illustrating this,
structed in a way that prevents it from in Fig 2, which was derived from mutual- mutual resistance is zero and R r is therefore
radiating. The other is a short wire that (like impedance data (assuming perfect ground equal to its free-space value of 19.5 Q for
any other such wire) produces a symmetri- and treating the antenna with its image as separations o f 0.7 and 1.2 A between
cal cos 0 radiation pattern that is not a collinear pair). Despite approximations sources (corresponding to radial heights of
influenced by the presence of the radials. and although the heights plotted are those 0.27 and 0.52 A).
Since the radiating element is only half the of the feed point, this is almost identical Recognition o f the GPA as an asymmet-
length of a A/2 dipole, it follows that the with r e s u l t s o b t a i n e d by F l e t c h e r , rical dipole is at odds with much "conven-
GPA R r is equal to that of a dipole divided V K 2 B B F , on the basis of rigorous mathe- tional wisdom." It requires both convinc-
by 4, not 2, other things being equal. There- matical analysis. 2 As Fletcher points out, ing proof and answers to a number of
fore, it has a value of 18 i i (remote from the height at which the impedance changes questions before the opportunities can be
ground influences) plus a small correction to its "elevated" value is remarkably low. fully grasped. For example, it is well
to recognize the 0.4-dB gain difference Except at very low heights (where errors known that significant inductive loading
Short Wire, Loaded
t o Bring the Overoll
L e n g t h t o Resononce

- \

„ ¥
Coupling Loop

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.a 1.0
Radial Height ( X )
To T r a n s m i t t e r
(equal t o hp — 0 . 0 8 X )
( 5 0 0)

Fig 2—Radiation resistance, R r , versus Fig 4—An asymmetric horizontal dipole

feed-point height for a UA GPA over used to verify current distribution with the
perfect ground. The calculation was equivalent of very short radials.
performed for a pair of point sources — T
separated by 2hD, where hp is the height
measured to the center of current i
distribution. The marked points are those !
for which R r should equal its free-space This was the starting point for what
value of 19.5 Q (see text), as derived by
rigorous mathematical analysis. Note the eventually b e c a m e a protracted investiga-
agreement between this chart and that in tion covering all aspects of asymmetric
Ref 1. dipoles, including an extension of short-
radial principles. Most of the observations
i can be explained on the basis of equivalent
seriously degrades the efficiency and band- circuits and relatively well-established be-
width of dipole antennas, so why should havior of horizontal wires close to earth.
GPAs be e x e m p t ? What are the best meth- T h e r e were three m a j o r topics, as follow.
ods, the limitations, and the penalties? (B) Radial lengths: Predictably, radial
What are the ground influences and the lengths can be varied between extremely
implications for feeder systems? Are these w i d e limits (from XJ4 to "KJ20) with no
questions interrelated, or can they be con- significant effect on S W R or field strength,
sidered independently? Are there implica- and only about 5 0 % reduction of band-
tions for other types of antennas? Armed width. Less obviously, the radial height
with a few of the answers and a belief that below which losses f r o m currents in the
the others were within easy reach, I set out ground b e c o m e appreciable is extremely
in search of a complete set of guidelines, low a n d i n d e p e n d e n t of radial l e n g t h .
encountering a number of setbacks and not T h e r e were no discernible losses in para-
a few surprises before the main objectives sitic elements. Attention w a s also directed
were achieved. to the need for nonresonant radial wires, in
Since the radials have no screening or order to avoid unequal current amplitudes
reflecting properties and form no part of and phases.
the radiating system, they can be reduced End-fed A/2 dipoles: T h e results indi-
in length without any direct influence on cated that half-wave dipoles can be e n d fed
efficiency. Nonetheless, we must take due with coaxial cable, without losses, feed-
account of losses in any loading c o m p o - line radiation or b a n d w i d t h restrictions
nents needed to maintain resonance, and characteristic of other methods of end feed-
the radials must not be hindered in dis- ing. Bandwidth has proved to be readily
charging their proper functions: providing calculable, but other problems can arise
the only return path for the antenna cur- and have been identified.
r e n t s and a n c h o r i n g the c o a x i a l c a b l e Resonance of loaded horizontal anten-
shield firmly at ground potential. nas: Other aspects include the discovery of
As stated in the text of Ref l, initial a close link between height and resonant
experience with such arrangements w a s frequency of loaded horizontal wires at low
encouraging (including their use as para- heights. T h e link has been analyzed and
sitic e l e m e n t s ) , t h o u g h at that t i m e a used to determine the height above which
number of questions relating to ( l ) basic ground losses can be neglected.
limitations and (2) the influence on band-
width had not been fully resolved. Further, Fig 3—Loading of radials. A and B show a Radial L o a d i n g
there appeared to be no reliable informa- full-size GPA antenna and a vertically Fig 3A shows a so-called GPA in free
tion on ground losses and none at all on oriented full-size dipole, respectively. C
space with only two radials. Fig 3B shows
and D show similar antennas that have
how these might be affected by reducing a X12 dipole with an R r of 73 Q ; its radiation
been reduced in size by inductive loading.
the length of radials. pattern approximates a cos 0 curve. Since



0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Radial Length ( X )

Fig 5—Variation of X/Zo and AX/Zo with

radial length, where Zo is the approximate
characteristic impedance of a single radial
or the antenna.

Fig 6—Variation of bandwidth with number and length of radials. A set of four A/4 radials
is taken as standard. All conductors have the same diameter.
nearly all radiation from the antenna in Fig
3A comes from wire AB, the pattern also
approximates cos 0; the field strength at
any point in space is the same for both the coax shield (because the power level drops were caused by radiation from the
antennas. Because the length is halved in was too low) such current was later found A/4 radials at one extreme and losses in the
Fig 3A, R r is divided by 4, not by 2 as to be the cause of the trouble. Because the loading coil at the other. It is interesting to
commonly assumed. This implies an initial direction of shield current flow is opposite note that radiation from radials decreases
disadvantage in terms of bandwidth and to that in the antenna, field strengths are no very rapidly with their length. This results
efficiency, but there is one other very im- longer directly related to the current in the in part from their smaller "current x
portant and rather less obvious difference radiator, and the feed-point impedance is length" product, but the main cause is
between the two antennas. Perhaps it can augmented by additional losses so that closer spacing of the antiphased sources.
be best appreciated by trying to fit each complete suppression of shield currents is
antenna into a small space as illustrated in critical (as described later). Estimation of Bandwidth
Figs 3C and D. For the dipole, R r drops Prior to the shield-current discovery, a The following calculations assume
sharply to about 7 £2; whereas the GPA nonsinusoidal current distribution was three or five conductors (a radiator, and two
radiator(AB) is unchanged, and R r remains thought to be a plausible explanation (in or four radials) of equal diameter. Imped-
at some value between about 18 and 36 £2, view of the very small size of one antenna ances (and their variations with frequency)
depending on its height above ground. In pole). This was difficult to test because were read from the outer scale of a Smith
principle, the shortening process can con- most of the vertical element was out of Chart and plotted in Fig 5 (which is valid
tinue until the resistance of the loading coil reach. After a precarious balancing act for any value of characteristic impedance,
becomes comparable with R r , which could failed to produce a conclusive result, a Zo), For each 1 % of detuning, the radiator
mean a radial length of about 0.015 A at horizontal model of the antenna was set up generates a reactance 2itZo/400 £2 (to
14 MHz. as shown in Fig 4. This restored confidence which must be added A X r /n for the radials
Though this option is emphatically dis- in short radials and eventually provided the and 0.01 Xr/n for the loading coil). From
couraged, it is less strange than it appears, pattern for more efficient methods of end the Smith Chart, we also find that when R r
and correct operation was nearly achieved feeding horizontal antennas. is matched, the SWR rises to 2 when the
with a single helically wound radial only Placement of the feed point is extremely reactance equals 0.7 R, so the percentage
slightly longer than 0.015 A. Adjustments, critical, in proof of my contention else- half-bandwidth is given by
though, were much too critical. I suspect where that asymmetric feeding of antennas
that the coax shield was making an "un- is viable if, but only if, resonance is estab-
0.7 x R
authorized" contribution to the ground lished in both directions from the feed (Eq 1)
system. Lengths of A/8 to A/12 are recom- AXr + 0.01 X r
point (see Ref 1, p 42). Otherwise, the 2jiZo +
mended, and considerably shorter radials feeder inevitably becomes part of the radi-
(X/16 to A/20) have been used successfully ating system.
as follows. Another experiment at 14 MHz used Based on a set of four A/4 radials as
When a pair of A/16 radials were substi- two radials, with lengths varying from A/4 standard, Fig 6 shows the extent to which
tuted for A/4 radials, antenna current to A/16 while observing SWR, bandwidth bandwidth is degraded by decreasing the
appeared to increase marginally. Nonethe- and the current induced in another vertical number and/or length of radials. Note that
less, the signal induced in a nearby vertical antenna at a range of some 50 meters (164 a set of four A/10 radials yields the same
antenna dropped by about 2 dB. What ft). There was little change apart from de- bandwidth as a pair of A/4 radials. For a Zo
caused this? The radial currents appeared creases in bandwidth (in line with that of 500 £2) and an R r of 36 £2, the standard
to be more than half of the antenna current. shown Fig 6) and a just-perceptible drop in bandwidth is 5.4% and the worst case in-
Although there was no apparent current on field strength at each end of the range. The cluded in Fig 6 (a pair of A/25 radials) is



100 •—.
80 * *
^Iry) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
s «
60 Height (inches)
© d also 'ollows this
40 if l curve close iy
from h > 0 4 Fig 8—Variation of ground losses with
20 radial height. Curve A is a crude estimate
J* based on dividing the values of curve 2 in
•.. y
r- Tig 7 by four. Curve B was plotted from
0 0.05 C.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 rough measurements at 14 MHz (with
h/X various radial lengths). The measured
values were obtained by subtracting R r
(36 Si in this case) from the total
Fig 7—Comparison between perfect ground (Ref 5) and measured results for typical resistance at the feed point. Note the
ground (Ref 4) showing the steep rise in feed-point resistance of horizontal dipoles at convergence of the two curves towards a
very low heights and the effect of a ground screen (mesh = 0.0003 A.), curves 1, 2 and similar high value at zero height.
3, respectively. Calculations for dielectric ground (curve 4, k = 5) show good agreement
with curve 2, except as indicated (when h < 0.2 X). Curve 3 checks closely with theory
putting k = Curve 5 illustrates the effect of wet weather. Note that the difference
between curves 1 and 2 below h = A/4 consists of ground losses.
T h e antenna starts to resemble a pair of
series-connected unbalanced lines. This is
where C2 and C3 take over from C1. T h e
1.9%, which is more than enough to cover when a GPA is excited parasitically. impedance of each line (see Ref 5, p 174)
the 20-m phone band. So, faced with the 2) A horizontal A/2 dipole within about is given by
previously mentioned problems of critical an inch of the ground was found to have an 12h
adjustments and feed-line radiation, band- R r of 140 CI, which would be expected to Zo = 138 log — (Eq 3)
width is probably the least of one's worries a
translate into a value of 35 Q if its center
if the reduction of radial length is carried is used as a ground connection. That is In terms of the equivalent circuit, this is
to its ultimate limit consisting probably of what happened. The variation with height equal to X l / 2 . For a given conductor of
a pair of short whiskers loaded by a very is plotted as the lower curve in Fig 8. Com- radius "a" near ground level, Zo is depend-
large coil. paring this with the upper curve, we can see ent solely on height. (Remote from ground
that the disappearance of ground loss with influences, Zo depends only on length.) As
Ground Losses increasing height is much more rapid than an example, let us take a 20-m dipole for
When a A/2 horizontal antenna is moved with horizontal dipoles. In conjunction which 2 / = 10 m and assume, in anticipation
down towards ground from a height of 7J4, with Fig 11 (described later), this is con- of Fig 11, a height of 1 m. Typical values
R r at first closely follows the curve for vincing evidence that ground effects (other of " a " range from 0.5 mm for an "invisible"
perfect ground, but it departs (increasing) than as described by Fig 2) disappear com- wire dipole to 10 mm for a typical rotatable
from the curve at about 0.17 A.. At ground pletely at radial heights exceeding about dipole. Corresponding values of XL (given
level, R r reaches about twice the free-space A/16—a result entirely to b e expected. by the free-space formula) range f r o m
value, as illustrated in Fig 7. That figure is To explain this, it is helpful to start by 1067 to 708 Q and (from the low-height
based on Ref 3, which mentions good agree- considering a A/4 transmission line in free formula) 911 to 635 Q . These last two
ment between measurements at 50 MHz space, Fig 9. If this line is unfolded to make figures are extremely height dependent.
and theory based on the assumption of di- a dipole, its characteristic impedance in- This has interesting practical conse-
electric ground, but questions the validity creases to a value given by 5 quences as demonstrated by the lower
of this assumption at lower frequencies (experimental) curve in Fig 11. That curve
(particularly below 7 MHz and at very low ie \
Zo = 276 log — - 120 (Eq 2) illustrates the above behavior and reveals
heights), though the findings seem to be in a
a method to determine the presence of
good accord with Ref 4 and my own obser- Except for the acquisition of R r , it re- g r o u n d losses with no instrumentation
vations. m a i n s o t h e r w i s e u n c h a n g e d . Like any other than a dip meter. As a dipole is short-
I have been unable to find similar results other A/4 resonator, it can be approximated ened and resonance is restored by inductive
with respect to vertical antennas. Nonethe- by an inductive reactance, XL, equal to Zo loading, the required inductance is propor-
less, two observations point strongly to the and tuned by the capacitance between the tional to the 7c of the dipole. Where ground
conclusion that there are no significant conductors. We can therefore construct the losses are present, Zo is height dependent
ground losses associated with vertical an- equivalent circuit shown in Fig 10 (minus and antenna resonant frequency varies with
tennas as such, only in ground connections C 2 and C3 for the moment). height. (The height-dependent formula
and radial systems consisting in the main A s the line approaches ground level, it considers the return path through ground.
of horizontal wires, which may be analyzed reaches a point where the capacitance from If it ceases to apply, it is reasonable to
in the same way as horizontal antennas: each pole to ground provides an easier conclude the absence of ground losses.)
1) Failure to observe any ground loss current path than that between the. poles. Note from Fig 11 that nearly all fre-
Fig 9—Derivations of equivalent circuits of antennas. A typical feed line is shown at A. B shows the conventional representation of
such a line in terms of lumped constants. C shows the same line opened out to form a dipole.

quency change in a 2 8 - M H z A/4 loaded can be expected to result in a considerable its length.
horizontal w i r e t a k e s p l a c e at h e i g h t s reduction of ground loss (except at zero T h o u g h intriguing, the practical value
below two feet. R o u g h tests have indicated height, as already indicated). This is d e m - of this discovery is limited. From the evi-
that this figure is proportional to wave- onstrated dramatically by the lower curve dence of Figs 8 and 11, the radial heights
length but independent of radial length. (which is based on measurements of feed- at which ground losses occur are very low.
It is well k n o w n that the resonant fre- point impedance) even when allowance is (They are m o r e suitable for a system of
quency at very low heights is influenced by m a d e for inaccuracies. trip-wires than antennas compatible with
the dielectric properties of the ground, but I n a c c u r a c i e s inspired a search f o r a domestic harmony!) It also appears that
this effect is very much smaller than the " m o r e accurate" method of measurement. ground loss, particularly with short radials,
one i l l u s t r a t e d by the c u r v e s a n t e n n a T h i s took the form of parasitic excitation should be readily avoidable with the help
height. An e x a m p l e is shown as a single f r o m a remote antenna, observing the effect of a small earth mat that covers the area of
point in Fig 11. You can see that, in the case on current from the insertion of known ground subject to fields generated by the
of the unsymmetrical dipole (Fig 10B), resistances. It w a s here that matters got radials. (See R e f s 3 and 4).
reducing radial length must decrease C I really interesting: The expected height de- In this context, an interesting point has
and increase Zo. pendence was nonexistent. This was in line emerged that tends to reconcile the find-
T h e top curve in Fig 8 was a first at- with observations dating from many years ings of myself and others: There is no
tempt to relate the ground losses of radial earlier and hitherto unexplained. It leads to s i g n i f i c a n t a d v a n t a g e in increasing the
systems to the relatively well-established the conclusion that for parasitic excitation n u m b e r of radials f r o m two to three or four,
behavior of horizontal dipoles. T h e dipoles of a GPA, there are no significant ground despite advice f r o m s o m e quarters (such as
were " c o n v e r t e d " into radials b y using losses even at a height of only an inch or Ref 6) to use very large numbers (up to a
their centers as ground connections. F r o m so. In retrospect, this is less surprising: In hundred or more at low heights). As height
inspection and for a given efficiency, lower a base-fed element at ground level, the a b o v e a ground screen approaches zero, the
heights are acceptable in the case of radials, antenna current must return to the source radials can be perceived as merging into it.
but this is pessimistic. It ignores the field via the ground, whereas the signal injection T h e r e appears to b e no reason why the
cancellation that prevents radiation, and of a parasitic element is distributed along screen itself should not be constructed as a
Fig 9 (continued)—Derivations of equivalent circuits of antennas. D is the equivalent circuit of Fig 9C (see previous page, which differs
from B only to the extent that L and Zo are larger, C is smaller, and radiation resistance (not shown) has been acquired. E, F and G
illustrate simpler versions of the equivalent circuit for the special case of / = A74. The inner half of the line is replaced by a single
inductance for which toL = 1/coC = Zo. The voltage ratio E/Eo is given in all three cases by Zo/R or coL/R, where R is the internal
impedance of the generator or, in the case of an antenna, the radiation resistance R r .

set of radial wires, provided that mesh-size without removing it. I strongly r e c o m m e n d point (so as to maintain the coax shield at
requirements are met. Assuming a radius of that short vertical radiators at low height ground potential) cannot be too strongly
U A and a mesh size of 0.01 X (which, f r o m should be rearranged as symmetrical end- emphasized. To this end, a radiator length
Ref 3, is sufficient to give a result almost l o a d e d d i p o l e s . Very s u c c e s s f u l b e a m s of A/4, as thus far assumed, is a step in the
identical with curve 3 of Fig 7) the required constructed on this basis have been de- right direction, since with the further as-
number of radials is 79. T h e m a x i m u m s c r i b e d b y m e (Ref 1, p 193) a n d by sumption of overall resonance the required
useful mesh size is about 0.07 X . With less G 0 G S F / Z S 6 B K W (Ref 7), w h o used the condition should be fully met.
than 10 radials, no significant improve- M I N I N E C c o m p u t e r program to take the Shortened radial procedures can be ap-
ment can be expected. Nevertheless, Fig 8 guesswork out of the design. A f t e r adding plied to other radiator lengths, horizontal
shows a simpler solution, at least for the the experience recorded in these references as well as vertical, subject to suitable tun-
higher f r e q u e n c i e s : I n c r e a s e the height to the observations with parasitic elements ing. M e t h o d s of loading short radiators
slightly (so the radials cease to function recorded above, this appears to be a simple have received extensive coverage, and the
a l s o as t r i p - w i r e s ) . D e m a n d s for e v e n and effective way of eliminating ground reader should find little difficulty in relat-
greater heights are impossible to reconcile losses. ing them to the use of shortened radials.
with well-established properties of wires Arrangements such as in Fig 12 appear
c l o s e to ground (as already discussed). Other Unsymmetrical Dipoles to be new, however, and could be of s o m e
They may b e attributable to feed-line radia- Unsymmetrical dipoles along the lines importance as they extend the idea of "end-
tion. of Fig 4, or possibly with two "radials," are feeding with c o a x " to X / 2 elements (see Ref
Alternative feed possibilities include one solution to the problem of end feeding 8). Fig 13, prepared f r o m a Smith Chart,
link coupling into loading coils with no horizontal dipoles, half-wave verticals and s h o w s how this can be achieved by m o v i n g
direct connection. T h o u g h used success- the like with coax. T h e necessity to ensure inwards from one end a short distance, AX,
fully, this merely alters the problem resonance in both directions f r o m the feed to find a resistive impedance suitable for

Deduced from Single-Wire Formula

Z 0 = 138 log (r = 0.5 m m )

Resonant Frequency Measured

with Dip Meter (f «. 28 MHz)

O Symmetrical Loading
Asymmetrical Loading _ n n m _

Height ( f t )

1.6 log(h/h0)

Fig 11—Resonant frequency versus height of an inductively loaded A/4 horizontal dipole.

Ferrite Transformer
9:1 Impedance Rotio
12 20

IT Tl l( ^
rr n
f mm
Loading Coil to
Resonote with
X i- Counterpoise
(A) 4) To
'///////////,&?/////// Transmitter 160 ,
(50 n)

Fig 10—Equivalent circuits for

symmetrical (A) and unsymmetrical (B)
dipoles. The feed-line shield will radiate
unless maintained close to ground j K r Y r r \ _ r _ n n n r i 0.05 - 0.45 X
potential. C shows why the ground
current, IG, might be reasonably expected
to disappear in the case of a
ground-plane antenna with parasitic (B)
excitation or if the transmitter were to be Alternate Counterpoise.
incorporated in the antenna. To Wires Must Run at Right
Transmitter Angles to Antenna
(50 tl) and Feeder.

matching to coax with the help of a suitable Fig 12—A is a dipole that is end fed with coaxial feed line. The length AB depends on Ft
transformer. T h e relatively large value of and Zo (see Fig 13). With a 9:1 transformer, options include single-wire feed line (typical
series inductance is easy to tune out by a Zo of 500 £2 giving an SWR of about 1.1:1). A 4:1 transformer may be used in place of
small capacitor, as illustrated in Fig 12. the 9:1 unit. Then AB must be reduced to 0.405 X .
This t e c h n i q u e is readily adaptable f o r
other types of radiator such as the inverted
GPA, Fig 14A, or " M a y p o l e " b e a m ele- Fig 13 is plotted for t w o v a l u e s of center-fed dipole. T h e broad bandwidth
ments, Fig 14B (see Ref 1, p 190, and Ref matching impedance; 500 Ci is suitable for typical of widely spaced parallel wires, Fig
9). single-wire feeders, though the method of 14B, was fully evident in marked contrast
For Maypoles, the use of short Win- Fig 12 is much to be preferred. T h e design to narrow bandwidths previously imposed
dom-like inserts o v e r c o m e s the problem of of the transformer for this value of imped- by the use of Z e p p feeders.
high R F voltages that normally make it ance posed p r o b l e m s initially, but these
difficult to switch the ends of A/2 elements. w e r e o v e r c o m e for m o n o b a n d operation by Equalization of Currents in Radial
A counterpoise or radial system is essential using trifilar windings (which were self Systems
but, because of the relatively large values resonated by varying the amount of core T h e almost universal use, hitherto, of
of resistance, even less d e m a n d i n g than in insertion). In Fig 12, the bandwidth w a s resonant radial systems raises issues that
the case of the GPA. virtually identical to that for a conventional h a v e been left till last in view of inherent
M t - " H
\<r- Not y (see Fig 15)

/ 0.11
2.0 L -
z - 20 ) c 0.10

y 0.09

0-08 *
i . i.5
i 0.07 |
1 a
(A) Capacitor
0.06 S u b s t i t u t e for A X
i 0.05 | 4 : 1 or 9 : 1
Ferrite T r a n s f o r m e r
-200 a 0.04


i 1 1 0.02
10 20 30 40 50 60
Radiation Resistance (R), in Ohms
To _mm
Transmitter fa
Fig 13—Matching data for single wires
V -
This can be replaced
by a full set of
that are end fed with coaxial cable. radials ( n o t A / 6 ) .

d i f f i c u l t i e s a n d lack of d i r e c t b e a r i n g o n
other matters. Away f r o m ground influ- Light Support
e n c e s , t h e Q of t h e radial s y s t e m is likely (such as o fishing r o d )

t o b e e x t r e m e l y h i g h . T h e s i g n i f i c a n c e of
t h i s is a p p a r e n t f r o m F i g 15, w h i c h c o n -
trasts the w a y that p h a s e varies along
perfectly matched and completely mis-
m a t c h e d lines. In t h e a b s e n c e o f l o s s e s
( w h i c h a r e n e v e r s p e c i f i e d ) , this i m p l i e s
phase reversals over a frequency range cor-
r e s p o n d i n g to t h e r a d i a l - l e n g t h t o l e r a n c e s
( w h i c h a r e a l w a y s finite). T h i s p r o b l e m is
not c o n f i n e d to radial s y s t e m s . I h a v e f o u n d
(to m y c o s t ) that it t e n d s to c r o p u p ( h e a v i l y
disguised and with devastating effect)
w h e n least e x p e c t e d u n l e s s d u e r e s p e c t is
p a i d to t h e f o l l o w i n g a x i o m : If l o s s - f r e e
resonant conductors connected in paral-
lel are required to carry equal currents,
they must not be connected solely at
points of maximum current.
T h e s i g n i f i c a n c e o f t h i s in t h e c o n t e x t
of r e s o n a n t r a d i a l s is h a r d t o e s t i m a t e . A n y
i m b a l a n c e r e s u l t s in r a d i a t i o n f r o m r a d i a l s
and from any feed system, hence degrading
t h e Q a n d t e n d i n g to r e m o v e t h e c a u s e .
Four Radials
A f t e r e x p e r i e n c i n g p r o b l e m s of e q u a l i z a - (essential for s y m m e t r y )
tion e v e n at g r o u n d level, a n d g i v e n t h e
ease with which such problems can be
avoided (by detuning the individual radials
a n d r e s t o r i n g r e s o n a n c e b y m e a n s o f a re-
Fig 14—An inverted GPA (A) can give a useful increase in height. Depending on the
a c t a n c e c o m m o n to all of t h e m ) , it s e e m s
length, AB, of the flat top, R and therefore both C and A \ can vary between wide limits.
c l e a r : A radial l e n g t h of X/4, f a r f r o m b e i n g For design assistance see Fig 13. Length ED, loaded by AB, is short of resonance by
m a n d a t o r y , is the o n e l e n g t h t o b e a v o i d e d ! AX, as defined in Fig 13. At B, the Maypole array uses four wires QJ2) that hang from a
single pole and are switched in adjacent pairs; the sketch shows the driven element
Practical Aspects only. The reflector (tuned by 60-100 pF in series, for 14 MHz) uses the same ground
B e c a u s e vertical a n t e n n a s are inher-
e n t l y u n s y m m c t r i c a l , s p e c i a l c a r e is
needed for the prevention of feeder radia- a s t h o s e a d v i s e d in R e f 4 ( p 2 6 - 6 ) u s u a l l y alert t o a p r o b l e m that c a n m a k e m a t t e r s
tion. E x t r e m e s h o r t e n i n g of radials suffice. w o r s e : T h e t r a p s c a n e s t a b l i s h a " m a t c h " to
a g g r a v a t e s the p r o b l e m , but within the L i n e a r t r a p s ( s e e F i g 16) h a v e b e e n t h e c o a x s h i e l d . T h i s s h o u l d be c h e c k e d
limits recommended here, m e a s u r e s such f o u n d v e r y e f f e c t i v e , b u t t h e u s e r m u s t be w i t h a s e n s i t i v e p r o b e at t w o o r m o r e
w i t h short l o a d e d radials have b e e n d e -
Complete Mlsmotch
( e f f e c t of losses s c r i b e d e l s e w h e r e ( R e f I, p 190). Particular
shown d o t t e d )
a d v a n t a g e s o f this type o f e l e m e n t i n c l u d e
( I ) portability, ( 2 ) easy a c c e s s , and ( 3 ) the
ability to o p t i m i z e c o u p l i n g b e t w e e n re-
f l e c t o r s and driven e l e m e n t s (in o r d e r to
a c h i e v e d e e p nulls b y e q u a l i z a t i o n o f cur-
rents; s e e R e f 9 ) .
T h e a b o v e height gains a p p l y e q u a l l y to
b e a m s . T h e M a y p o l e array ( a l s o featured
D i s t a n c e f r o m Open End
in the r e f e r e n c e s ) tends to b e m o r e attrac-
tive, particularly if the p r o b l e m s of
Fig 15—Variation of current phase along directional s w i t c h i n g are r e s o l v e d in a c -
transmission lines. c o r d a n c e with the p o s s i b i l i t i e s s u g g e s t e d
b y F i g 1 4 B : T h e extra height gain is o b t a i n -
able without the f e e d p o i n t becoming
Fig 16—Traps for eliminating antenna
points. Minimum current o n the coax current on coaxial cable shields. The inaccessible.
s h i e l d is the best i n d i c a t o r f o r correct values and dimensions shown are for
tuning o f the radials. A d j u s t the radiator f o r 14 MHz, but they are not critical. Current References
m i n i m u m S W R , and repeat the p r o c e s s if
should be zero at points marked X, but it ' L . Moxon, G 6 X N . HF Antennas for All Loca-
may be large within the loops. At A, a tions (Potters Bar, Herts: RSGB, 1982 and
necessary. T u n e radials b y altering either tuned wire is connected directly to the 1986), pp 44, 104, 156, 186-196.
their length o r the i n d u c t a n c e o f the l o a d i n g shield to form a loop with the shield as 2 G . Fletcher, VK2BBF, "The Feed Impedance
c o i l . With this m e t h o d o f l o a d i n g , there is part of the loop. At B, a complete tuned
o f an Elevated Vertical Antenna,"
no need for accurate equalization of
loop is taped to the cable jacket. The loop Amateur
Radio (Australia), Aug-Oct 1984.
couples to the shield through the jacket,
lengths. and jacket damage is avoided. Proctor, "Input Impedance o f Horizontal
In s o m e c a s e s , a s i n g l e short radial (at Dipole Aerials at L o w Heights A b o v e the
right a n g l e s to the radiator) m a y b e a c c e p t - Ground," Part 3, Proceedings of the IEE,
May 1950.
able. S i n c e the inner e n d s o f l o a d e d radials
4 15th ed., The ARRL Antenna Book (Newington:
are at h i g h R F potential, it is essential to multiband operation, buried grounds have
A R R L , 1988), p 3-11.
ensure that they are w e l l insulated. E x i s t - o b v i o u s attractions if s o m e extra l o s s is 5 F. E. Terman, Radio Engineers' Handbook, 1st
ing G P A s can be c h e c k e d for current acceptable. T h e amount o f loss should be ed. (New York, London: McGraw-Hill Book
equality w i t h a p r o b e c o n s i s t i n g o f a small e a s y to d e t e r m i n e b y c o m p a r a t i v e field- C o , 1943) p 864.
l o o p c o n n e c t e d to a rectifier and meter; strength m e a s u r e m e n t s using a t e m p o r a r y 6 W . Orr, W 6 S A I , Antenna Handbook (Wilton,
guard against the p o s s i b i l i t y o f current re- pair o f radials. CT: Radio Publications. Inc. 1980), p 93.
7 B . Austin, G0GSF/ZS6BKW, Radio Communi-
versals by c h e c k i n g at m o r e than one It is i m p l i c i t f r o m the d e c r e a s e in R r
cation, Sep 1989. p 44.
frequency. illustrated in Fig 2 that an increase o f base
""Technical Topics," Radio Communication,
Since (as indicated above) radial h e i g h t to a b o u t X / 4 s h o u l d result in a
May 1991.
lengths c a n b e varied b e t w e e n w i d e limits, " h e i g h t g a i n " o f s o m e 2 to 3 d B at l o w
yL. Moxon, "Two-Element HF Beams," Ham
tuning by alteration o f the inductance a n g l e s . A n additional b e n e f i t m a y a c c r u e
Radio, May 1987.
s h o u l d b e f e a s i b l e o v e r a range u p to t w o f r o m the c l e a r i n g o f o b s t r u c t i o n s .
o c t a v e s , but this has not yet b e e n tried. F o r B e a m s based on ground-plane elements
Phased Arrays for the
Low Bands
By A1 Christman, KB8I
EE Department, Grove City College
100 Campus Drive
Grove City, PA 16127-2104

uring a conversation with Dr.

D Jim Breakall, WA3FET, who

teaches Electrical Engineering
at Penn State, I learned we had both been
modeling phased arrays of inverted-V an-
tennas lor the 40-metcr band. We ended up
c o m p a r i n g notes. Jim mentioned that
Floyd Koontz, WA2WVL, had found a way
to get excellent front-to-back ratio from a
three-clement driven array by optimizing
the phase angles of the feed currents.
Jim, who lives in central Pennsylvania,
wanted to put up a 40-meter wire beam
firing northeast and southwest. He had
planned to construct a Yagi using three
inverted-V elements, with the center ele-
ment driven. The outer two elements would
be switchable parasitic elements capable of
functioning either as reflectors or directors.
Now, however, the promise of terrific
front-to-back ratios, which seemed to be
available from an all-driven array, had
caused him to change his plans.
I had recently obtained a copy of
ELNEC, an antenna-modeling program for
PC-compatible computers, 1 and this news
prompted me to investigate further. The
results are contained in this article.
Fig 1—Radiation patterns for the Fig 2—Radiation patterns for the 3-in-line
Background four-square array of vertical monopoles, array of vertical monopoles, using VA-'K
using Vt,-\ spacing and 90° current spacing and 90° current phasing. At A, the
A two-clement phased array of vertical phasing. At A, the elevation-plane pattern; elevation plane; at B, the azimuthal plane
monopoles can generate a number of dif- at B, the azimuthal plane at a 24° at a 25° elevation angle. The 0-dB
ferent and useful radiation patterns that elevation angle. The 0-dB reference is 5.4 reference is 4.1 dBi.
provide azimulhal directivity, such as the dBi.
familiar bidirectional broadside and end-
fire configurations, or the well-known and provides excellent coverage in any of four K2BT, described the excellent front-to-
very popular cardioid pattern, with its pro- quadrants, with a broad frontal lobe having back ratio obtainable from an in-line array
nounced rear null. With the proper current an azimuthal beam width of about 100°, of three elements, using VA-X spacing and
phasing, a major lobe of radiation can be and rear rejection of 25 dB or better. See feed currents of I / 90°, 2 / 0° and 1 / 90°
placed in any compass direction, although Fig 1. (All plots in this article were calcu- (Fig 2)?
there arc often unwanted sidelobes of sig- lated with the antenna located over "real" Note the improvement in front-to-back
nificant magnitude. earth having a conductivity of 5 mS/m and ratio with the 3-in-line array as compared
The widely used four-square array 2 a dielectric constant of 13.) Forrest Gehrke, to the four-square (Figs 1B and 2B). How-
1 6
J0 Z X X A / t n A J / £ >

Fig 5—Elevation-plane radiation patterns

for the Cross or five-square array of
vertical monopoles with V4-X spacing
when used in the omnidirectional mode.
The 0-dB reference is 0.8 dBi. Pattern A
results from driving only the center
element, and pattern B results when all
four outer elements are driven in phase.
Unused elements are open-circuited at
their bases in either case.

Fig 3—Radiation patterns for the 3-in-line Fig 4—Radiation patterns for the Cross or
array of vertical monopoles, using Va-X five-square array of vertical monopoles,
spacing and improved current phasing. At using V4-A. spacing and improved current
A, the elevation plane; at B, the azimuthal phasing. At A, the elevation plane; at B,
plane at a 24° elevation angle. The O-dB the azimuthal plane at a 24° elevation
reference is 5.0 dBi. angle. The 0-dB reference is 5.0 dBi.

ever, the 3 - i n - l i n e array has l o w e r f o r w a r d l o w - b a n d o p e r a t o r s with s u f f i c i e n t s p a c e

gain and a b r o a d e r a z i m u t h a l b e a m w i d t h . f o r a larger a n t e n n a h a v i n g better rejection
o f f the b a c k .
Changing the Current Phasing O m n i d i r e c t i o n a l radiation m a y be o b -
Fig 3 s h o w s w h a t is p o s s i b l e with a tained f r o m t h e C r o s s by using e i t h e r of t w o
3 - i n - l i n e array w h e n the current p h a s e an- d i f f e r e n t feed m e t h o d s . All f o u r of the out-
g l e s are " a d j u s t e d . " R e j e c t i o n o f f the back r i g g e r e l e m e n t s can be o p e n circuited and
is m u c h i m p r o v e d , and the gain has in- o n l y the c e n t e r m o n o p o l e d r i v e n , o r the
c r e a s e d by a b o u t I d B o v e r the standard c e n t e r vertical c a n b e o p e n circuited and all
version. T h i s w a s a c h i e v e d on 4 0 m e t e r s f o u r of the o u t e r e l e m e n t s driven in p h a s e ,
( 7 . 1 5 M H z ) using 3 4 . 2 - f o o t vertical ele- w h i c h yields s o m e additional g a i n and bet-
m e n t s s p a c e d 3 4 . 4 feet apart ('/4 A,), with ter c o v e r a g e of high takeoff angles. Both
Fig 6—Radiation patterns for the Cross or
b a s e c u r r e n t s o f 1 / 117°, 2 / 0 ° , a n d p a t t e r n s are plotted in Fig 5. five-square array of vertical monopoles
1 / - 1 1 6 ° . T h i s a n t e n n a is a l m o s t as g o o d F o r t h e t h r e e a c t i v e e l e m e n t s of t h e using 1/8-X spacing and improved current
as the f o u r - s q u a r e in t e r m s of f o r w a r d g a i n , C r o s s , E L N E C g i v e s i n p u t - i m p e d a n c e val- phasing. At A, the elevation plane; at B,
the azimuthal plane at a 22° elevation
and its f r o n t - t o - b a c k ratio is far superior. u e s of Z , = 9.8 + j 0 . 4 £2, Z2 = 2 7 . 5 + j'23.5
angle. The 0-dB reference is 5.5 dBi.
A n a l y s i s with E L N E C i n d i c a t e s that £2, and Z3 = 4 5 . 6 + 782.5 £2. M I N I N E C and
t w o of t h e s e m o d i f i e d 3 - i n - l i n e a r r a y s can its d e r i v a t i v e p r o g r a m s , i n c l u d i n g E L N E C ,
be c o m b i n e d in t h e f o r m of a c r o s s with the c a l c u l a t e input i m p e d a n c e s b a s e d u p o n
c e n t e r e l e m e n t d r i v e n at all times. T h e t w o " p e r f e c t e a r t h " b e n e a t h t h e a n t e n n a , so j 17.4 £2, a n d Z 3 = - 2 2 . 9 + j33.2 £2. F o r the
u n u s e d o u t r i g g e r e l e m e n t s are o p e n cir- t h e s e m a g n i t u d e values m a y not be a b s o - '/Si-A, e l e m e n t s p a c i n g , c u r r e n t s of 1 / 146°,
cuited at their feed p o i n t s to f o r c e their b a s e lutely a c c u r a t e . 2 / 0 ° and 1 / - 1 4 9 ° w e r e used.
c u r r e n t s to zero. A s a result, these f l o a t i n g T h e C r o s s can a l s o be c o n s t r u c t e d u s i n g N o t i c e that, for an e l e m e n t s p a c i n g of
9 0 ° e l e m e n t s are then essentially d e t u n e d an e l e m e n t s p a c i n g of Mi X (17.2 ft), and o n l y Vs A., t h e f r o n t - t o - b a c k ratio deterio-
and are a l m o s t invisible electrically. F i g 4 t h e s e p a t t e r n s are s h o w n in F i g 6. T h e r a t e s c o n s i d e r a b l y w h e n t w o of the
s h o w s t h e radiation patterns, w h i c h are closer spacing increases mutual coupling; 3 - i n - l i n e a r r a y s are c o m b i n e d t o f o r m a
very s i m i l a r to t h o s e in Fig 3. T h i s " C r o s s " t h e i n p u t i m p e d a n c e s c a l c u l a t e d by cross, d r o p p i n g f r o m 3 1 . 4 d B to only 2 4 . 7
or " f i v e - s q u a r e " array m a y b e attractive to E L N E C are Zi = 1.9 - y 3 . 4 £2, Z 2 = 11.6 + d B . In contrast, for an e l e m e n t s p a c i n g of
Fig 7—Elevation-plane radiation patterns
for the Cross or five-square array of
vertical monopoles with V&-X spacing, (A)

when used in the omnidirectional mode.

The O-dB reference is 0.1 dBi. Pattern A
results from driving only the center
element, and pattern B when all four outer
elements are driven in phase (bases of
unused elements open). 90 90

A X , the front-to-back ratio decreases just
I dB (from 33.8 dB to 32.8 dB) when the
two extra vertical elements are added. If the
extra room is available, it appears that V \ - X
spacing is definitely superior.
Omnidirectional low-angle radiation
can be obtained either by feeding the center
element alone, or by feeding all of the outer
elements in phase, as discussed previously.
Fig 8—Elevation-plane radiation patterns Fig 9—Elevation-plane radiation patterns
Fig 7 displays the results for both cases. for a two-element array of inverted Vs for a two-element array of inverted Vs
with an apex height of 36 feet, using VB-X with an apex height of 36 feet, using WA.
Elevated Antennas spacing and equal-amplitude currents. spacing and equal-amplitude currents.
MININEC-based programs don't ade- The 0-dB reference is 8.7 dBi. The The 0-dB reference is 8.7 dBi. The
current phase angles for the patterns are current phase angles for the patterns are
quately model horizontal wires near the A: 0°, B: -90°, C: -135°, D: -145°, E: A: 0°, B: -75°, C: -90°, D: -110°, E:
earth (in terms of wavelength), so I didn't -150°, F: -160°, G: -170°, and H: -180°. -120°, F: -140°, G: -160°, and H: -180°.
model any of these arrays as elevated ver-
ticals with elevated radials. I am told that
at least one elevated four-square is pre-
sently being used on 80 meters with good The legs were 33.65 feet long, and the = 34.1 - ; 3 7 . 6 n , Z2 = 45.3 + y'22.4 Q, and
results, and I know Paul Bittner, W0AIH is included angle between the legs was 120°. Z 3 = 0 . 7 + 7 I I O . 8 Q.
very pleased with his single full-size ele- The results of this analysis, for '/a-X. spac- An element spacing of X (17.2 ft) can
vated 14-A. vertical on 160. Based on these ing, are summarized in Fig 8, while the also be used with three radiators (Fig 11).
reports, I assume the vertical-monopole ar- plots for VA-X spacing are shown in Fig 9. The driving-point currents are 1 / 146°,
rays described in this article will work well Figs 8 and 9 reveal that in-phase cur- 2 l_0° and 1 / - 1 4 9 ° , yielding impedances
when properly phased and elevated above rents produce a major lobe at the zenith, o f Z i = 13.7-745.4 ft, Z 2 = 15.9 + y2.3 Q,
ground. while antiphase currents yield two equal and Z3 = - 4 5 . 7 - 71.6 Q at the antenna
To my knowledge, the only disadvan- lobes pointing in opposite directions. For inputs.
tage of elevated vertical arrays is that the equal-amplitude currents, adjusting the It is possible to feed just the center
null at the zenith, which is present in all phase to some intermediate angle between element of these inverted-V arrays (or both
ground-mounted vertical antennas, disap- 0° and - 1 8 0 ° produces a rear null. The null of the outer elements, in phase) to produce
pears when the array is elevated. [This is can be placed at any desired elevation high-angle radiation in all compass direc-
caused by horizontally polarized radiation angle, depending upon the amount of phase tions. The plots for VA- and VS-X spacing
from the radial wires.—Ed] The exception shift between the two currents. There is, are shown in Figs 12 and 13 respectively.
is when all elements of the elevated array however, always a significant amount of Examining the various radiation-pat-
have symmetrically disposed radials and radiation off the back of the array. The null tern plots shows that the two-element
identical currents. is rather deep and is very sharp. It attenu- inverted-V antenna arrays have somewhat
ates signals only over a narrow range of less forward gain than the 3-element ver-
Arrays of Inverted-V Elements arrival angles. sions (7.4 to 8.8 dBi versus 9.5 to 9.8 dBi),
I modeled several 2-element phased ar- Performance is much better if a three- and it appears that the extra radiator im-
rays of inverted Vs on 40 meters (7.15 e l e m e n t driven array is used. Fig 10 proves front-to-back ratio considerably.
MHz), using spacings of either V& A. (17.2 displays the radiation patterns for an array
ft) or '/4 X (34.4 ft). In each case, the apex with VA-X (34.4 ft) spacing and currents of Comparisons
of the V was at 36 feet (36-foot pushup 1 /J_17°, 2 / 0 ° and 1 / - 1 1 6 " . The driving- For comparison, the plots in Fig 14
masts are available from Radio Shack). point impedances given by ELNEC are Zi show the elevation-plane radiation patterns

6 •—L
\1— 1 / / Yso

1 1 — - I a ' T V "

Fig 12—Elevation-plane patterns for the

3-in-line array of inverted V s with an apex
height of 3 6 feet, using spacing and
operating in the omnidirectional mode.
T h e 0 - d B reference is 7 . 8 dBi. Pattern A
results from driving only the center
element, pattern B from driving all four
outer elements in phase (unused
elements o p e n e d at the base).

6 0 ^ 8^60

V -6 —1
30 / yi— \ 1 / \ 30

Fig 13—Elevation-plane patterns for the

Fig 10—Radiation patterns for the Fig 11—Radiation patterns for the 3-in-line array of inverted V s with V&-X
3-in-line array of inverted V antennas with 3-in-line array of inverted V s with an apex spacing, w h e n used in the omnidirectional
an apex height of 3 6 feet, using 1/4-X height of 3 6 feet, using V s - A . spacing a n d mode. T h e 0-dB reference is 6 . 2 dBi.
spacing and improved current phasing. At improved current phasing. At A, the Pattern A results from driving only the
A, the elevation plane; at B, the azimuthal elevation plane; at B, the azimuthal plane center element; pattern B results w h e n all
plane at a 4 3 ° elevation angle. T h e 0 - d B at a 3 9 ° elevation angle. T h e 0 - d B four outer elements are driven in phase
reference is 9.8 dBi. reference is 9.5 dBi. (unused elements o p e n e d at the base).

of a 3-in-line vertical-monopole array and both cases, the spacing between individual
a three-element inverted-V array. Both elements within a subarray is ' A X .
cases use VA-X spacing. As expected, the
verticals hold the edge at very low takeoff Other Bands
angles, while the inverted Vs are superior Any of these antennas can be used on
everywhere else, with peak values of for- 75/80 or 160 meters, by simply scaling all
ward gain as much as 10 dB higher at some dimensions by an appropriate factor (equal
angles. to 7.15 MHz divided by the desired fre-
From another perspective, one could quency). Changing the element spacing at Fig 14—Elevation-plane radiation
patterns for two types of 3-in-line arrays
say that the (ground-mounted) vertical a given frequency within a particular band,
with 1/4-X spacing and improved current
array rejects all high-angle signals, however, requires an adjustment in the cur- phasing. Pattern A is for an array of
whether they come toward the front, back, rent phasing. The height of the masts may vertical monopoles, pattern B for an array
or sides of the antenna. If you want the be varied at will, and the elements can be of inverted Vs. T h e 0 - d B reference is 9.8
erected as horizontal dipoles rather than dBi
ability to select wave polarization (hori-
zontal or vertical), or to have a choice of inverted Vs.
elevation angles, you may decide to build Remember that the current phase angles
both types of array. given here are probably not optimum.
Other combinations of element spacings Network Design
Arrays of Arrays and driving-point currents may well pro- I have not discussed the design or con-
For additional gain, two (or more) of duce better results. No attempt was made struction of passive networks required to
these three-element arrays may be con- to alter the current amplitudes. For that achieve a specific set of current magni-
structed side by side and fed in phase. The reason, it is likely that improvements in tudes and phases. This topic has been
spacing between subarrays should be 0.5 to forward gain and front-to-back ratio can be covered extensively in the amateur litera-
0.625 X . Figs 15 and 16 display the radia- made by adjusting both the amplitude and ture, with excellent articles by Gehrke,4,
tion patterns for six-element arrays of the phase of the feed-point currents. I pre- Lewallen 5 and others, 6 as well as a book by
vertical monopoles and inverted Vs, using sently have no software to facilitate this John Devoldere, ON4UN, 7 which provides
a spacing between subarrays of L/> X\ in process. detailed analysis of many array types.
I h o p e this report serves as f o o d for
thought for those with an interest in an-
tenna design and construction. Perhaps
s o m e enterprising h a m will m a n u f a c t u r e
and sell a " p h a s e b o x , " w h i c h will allow us
to e x p e r i m e n t m o r e easily with three- or
four-element driven arrays. A n accurate
and inexpensive antenna i m p e d a n c e bridge
would also be helpful.

'ELNEC, a program based on MININEC3 and
permitting use of true current sources, is
available commercially from Roy Lewallen,
W7EL, PO Box 6658, Beaverton, OR 97007.
D. W. Atchley, Jr. "Switchable 4-Element 80-
Meter Phased Array, QST, Mar 1965, pp
48-52, and "Updating Phased Array Tech-
nology," QST, Aug 1978, pp 22-25.
F. Gehrke, "Vertical Phased Arrays," Ham
Radio, May, Jun, Jul, Oct and Dec 1983. and
May 1984.
See Note 3.
R. Lewallen, W7EL, "The Simplest Phased-
Array Feed System...That Works," ARRL
Antenna Compendium, Volume 2 (Newing-
ton: ARRL, 1989).
See Chapter 8, The ARRL Antenna Book, 15th
or 16th eds (Newington: ARRL, 1988 or
Fig 15—Radiation patterns for two Fig 16—Radiation patterns for two 1991).
3-in-line arrays of vertical monopoles with 3-in-line arrays of inverted Vs with V4-X 7
V4-X spacing and improved current spacing and improved current phasing. J. Devoldere, ON4UN, Low-Band DXing
phasing. These arrays are placed side by These arrays are placed side by side, V2 (Newington: ARRL, 1987).
side, Vfc X apart, and fed in phase. At A, A. apart, and fed in phase. At A, the
the elevation plane; at B, the azimuthal elevation plane; at B, the azimuthal plane
plane at a 24° elevation angle. The 0-dB at a 43° elevation angle. The O-dB
reference is 7.7 dBi. reference is 11.6 dBi.
The Square-Four Receiving
By Gary R. Nichols, KD9SV John C. Goller, K9UWA Roy W. Lewallen, W7EL
4100 Fahlsing Rd 4836 Ranch Rd 5470 S W 1 5 2 Ave
Woodburn, IN 46797 Leo, IN 46765 Beaverton, OR 97007

his article presents a new and in-

T novative solution to low-band re-

ception on a small lot without
beverage receiving antennas. The system
was conceived by John and built by Gary,
with a lot of technical assistance from Roy.
John came up with the original idea of a
miniature receiving antenna system, one
that would have good front-to-back ratio
and be switchable in directions.
With the inception of antenna modeling
programs for PCs, it became possible to
look at many antenna systems, vary all of
the parameters, and in a few minutes see
what the design does and what the radiation
patterns look like. All the modeling for this
antenna was done using ELNEC. 1 As low-
band enthusiasts, John and Gary were
looking for better, quieter receiving anten-
nas that would fit on an average size lot and
still hear well enough to work D X on 160
meters. The system described here has con-
sistently heard as well as or better than an
800-foot beverage antenna in the directions
that have a clear shot toward the horizon.
The basic system consists of four self-
supporting electrical half-wave vertical
dipoles for 160 meters, center fed, and they
are only twenty feet high. Fig 1 shows the Fig 1—The Square-Four 160-m direction-switching receiving array. Four 20-foot
antenna system. The elements are used as elements are constructed of telescoping aluminum tubing. The coaxial feeder enters the
a nonresonant vertical dipole array, center base of each element and exits at the center feed point. Ferrite-core chokes are used at
loaded so they exhibit a -jX or capacitive the base for decoupling, shown in the inset.
input, and then are artificially tuned to zero
reactance at the feed point so the phasing
will work properly. The elements are very ances, as well as a dual-trace oscilloscope of the element with a high permeability
close spaced, less than V& X, and are fed to set up the phase delays and currents. ferrite toroid. The elements are insulated at
both as a diamond and square-four con- the center with a fiberglass rod. A 4-in.
figuration, which enables switching the Physical Description ferrite rod is used for a center-loading coil
array in eight directions. The elements are made of telescoping of about 6 8 0 0 Q reactance, Fig 2. The feed
At this point let us emphasize that this sizes of 6 0 6 1 - T 6 aluminum. The elements line is link coupled to the loading coil for
array is very difficult to build and phase are placed in a square, 4 2 ft 5 in. on a side, impedance matching, and a small toroid
correctly, and should not be attempted or 3 0 ft from center for a diagonal of 6 0 coil is placed in series at the feed point to
without the means of proper test equipment feet. The feed line goes up the inside of tune out the capacitive reactance. Gary
for measuring input reactances and imped- each element and is decoupled at the base used 93-£2 coax, although any coax could
3 / 8 x 4 - inch ferrite rod 33 material
No. 22 wire, 90 turns X L = 6800 0 at 1.84 MHz (588 j i H )
Nylon Cable Clamp

FT 50—61 core Grooved slot 93 tl coax

15 turns fcr coax
3 / 4 ' 00 Solid fiberglas:
12' ong

Fig 2—Center insulator and feed arrangement for elements. The small toroidal inductor is located alongside the fiberglass rod.

be used and the n u m b e r of turns on the link Square-Four m o r e often than the d i a m o n d
adjusted to match the characteristic imped- configuration, since the square has about C1 0UT
ance of the coax. 10 d B more gain. Probably four switch O- —O
Direction switching is d o n e with twelve positions would be a d e q u a t e instead of
small 12-V dc D P D T relays, and both sides eight. This would simplify the switching
of the coax are switched. T h e phase delays networks by eliminating the diamond con-
are L - C n e t w o r k s and provide delays of figuration, and would also make the array
155° and 310°. T h e 3 1 0 ° delay is built as a m u c h less phase sensitive. Plus or minus 5°
50°-lead high-pass network. S e e Figs 3 (on still gives an acceptable pattern on the
the next page) and 4. Square-Four.
LI 256 0 X L CI 60 n X c N0M.
A year of using this antenna indicates it L2 300 (1 X L C2 2000 pF COMP. TRIM.
Builders Comments is a good system for people w h o h a v e lim-
T h i s a n t e n n a system, being nonreso- ited space and want an effective 160-m (A)
nant, has an extremely w i d e bandwidth of receiving array. Probably other systems of
about 75 k H z for a 2 5 - d B front-to-back this type will be c o m i n g f r o m many authors C4
ratio. Because the element length is very w h o use c o m p u t e r modeling, and we have
small c o m p a r e d to a full-size dipole, the just scratched the surface.
A C3 C5
mutual coupling normally associated with 7- r
a phased array is very near nonexistent. C o m m e n t s f r o m Roy
Gary could look at one element through a Several factors a l w a y s must be consid
half-wavelength of coax with the vector ered in the design of a phased array. A m o n g L3 91 0 X L C3 2000 pF
impedance meter and see very little change these, the effects of mutual coupling are L4 127 0 X L C4 COMP. TRIM.
when the other elements were laid down on C5
perhaps the most important. Mutual cou-
the ground. T h i s lack of interaction is prob- pling causes the element feed-point (B)
ably the only reason it is possible to build i m p e d a n c e s to c h a n g e , complicating the
an array of this size and m a k e it work problem of delivering the correct currents
properly. to the elements. T h e s e e f f e c t s are covered Fig 4—Delay networks. At A, 310° delay
in detail in The ARRL Antenna Book.2 (actually a 50° lead). At B, 155° delay.
User C o m m e n t s A close look at this antenna provides
Calculated azimuth radiation patterns insight into some of the factors that need to
are shown in Fig 5. Gary used this array be considered. It also reveals some of the
through the winter and f o u n d it to c o m p a r e f a c t o r s playing a m a j o r role in the an- resistance in series with a large capacitive
very closely with his 800-foot beverages. t e n n a ' s operation that a r e n ' t immediately reactance. This is entirely characteristic of
Close-in stations with signals c o m i n g in at obvious. a short dipole. If w e then were to mount
high angles are greatly attenuated with this T h e First factor to consider is the effect four e l e m e n t s and feed t h e m with currents
system, as there is no high-angle response of mutual coupling. Let's see how it e f f e c t s as done in this array, the feed-point imped-
in the antenna patterns. T h i s can be a bless- this antenna. If we w e r e to take a single ances w o u l d b e c o m e
ing when trying to work D X , or a curse if element, without the feed system, mount it
you are trying to work stateside; it all de- o n e foot above the ground, and look at the - 1 . 3 - y ' 4 9 0 0 £2 for the leading element
pends on your receiving requirements. i m p e d a n c e at its center, w e w o u l d see 1.2 - y ' 4 9 0 0 £} for the lagging element
Gary f o u n d h o w e v e r , that he used the about 0.5 j 4 9 0 0 £1—a very low radiation 0.06 - y 4 9 0 0 Q for the middle e l e m e n t s
El #1 = +X = NE Corner Direction Config. Relays Activated
El #2 = - X = SW Corner NE diamond 1 6 11 12
El #3 = +Y = NW Corner E square 9 12 6 7
El #4 = - Y = SE Corner SE diamond 4 7 9 10
S square 10 5 12 7
5-pole 8-position switch SW diamond 2 5 11 12
1 st pole runs LEDs W square 10 11 5 8
2nd pole runs 1 st ant relays NW diamond 3 8 9 10
3rd pole runs 2nd ant relays N square 9 6 11 8
4th pole runs 3rd ant relays
K1 Ant. #
5th pole runs 4th ant relays
-L N
_ n r r r \ .

2 4


_ n r r r \ _ Fig 5—Radiation patterns of the
Delay Four-Square array. At A, the pattern when
Network switched to operate as a diamond, and at
B the pattern when operated as a square.
The calculated gain of the square
arrangement exceeds that of the diamond
K12 by approximately 9.6 dB.

(The negative resistance of the first ele-

Pole 1 Pole 2 Pole 3 ment isn't a misprint. This can, and does,
N LED 8-9 8-6
occur in phased arrays. It simply means
that, if power were applied to the array, the
negative-resistance element delivers
W LED O O E LED 6-10 O O 2-9 6-11 O O 2-12 power back to the feed system. It gets this
_ +12 V „ +12 V „ „ +12 V „ power through coupling to the other ele-
SW LED ° o SE LED 5 - 2 ° o 5-5 O Q 03_7 ments.) If we were to design a lossless
matching system for this array, the differ-
ent element resistances would have to be
Pole 4 Pole 5 accounted for. But, of course, we can't
8-11 8-8 design a matching system with no loss.
QI-11 And, since this array is to be used for HF
receiving only, there's no real need to keep
5-5 O O 2-6 6-8 O O 2-7 losses low anyway.
„ +12 V _ n +12 V
The equivalent circuit of a single ele-
5-11° o 5-12 O 3 - 1 0
ment is s h o w n in Fig 6. T h e center
loading/matching transformer provides a
relatively large amount of loss. Theferrite-
Fig 3—Relay switching arrangement for the Square-Four array. Both sides of the
coaxial feeders are switched, shield and center conductor. Only one side is shown here core w i n d i n g ' s measured reactance of
for simplicity. Twelve 12-V dc DPDT relays and a 5-pole 8-position switch are used. 6800 £2 and Q of 32 translate to an equiva-
1190 - y ' 3 7 9 0 Q with the " d e c o u p l e d " coax
c o m i n g f r o m the e n d — q u i t e a c h a n g e from
0 . 5 - J 4 9 0 0 w i t h o u t it! T h e increased resis-
tance represents increased loss; indeed, the
c o m p u t e r s h o w s another 3 0 d B loss in the
decoupling c h o k e . H o w well has the cur-
rent o n t h e f e e d line been r e d u c e d ? T h e
c o m p u t e r analysis shows the current on the
Loading i n d u c t o r outside of the feed line to be % the current
f l o w i n g at the center of t h e dipole! Even
so, the i m p e d a n c e at the center of the ele-
ment is significantly d i f f e r e n t with and
without the choke.
1l94-j3792 5317— i 6 1 7 0 C o n s i d e r i n g the vastly c h a n g e d element
impedance, the effects of mutual coupling
• 213
should be reinvestigated. H o w e v e r , again
9 5 . 5 2 + j 0.3 due to losses, the e l e m e n t s maintain nearly
( » 9 3 + jO) the s a m e i m p e d a n c e s w h e n f e d together as
larger winding each does w h e n isolated.
10' W h e n d e s i g n i n g the e l e m e n t s for
phased arrays, shunt networks at the feed
points generally should be a v o i d e d . T h e
reason is as f o l l o w s . Feed s y s t e m s are

I - 2080 + j 420
designed to deliver the correct currents to
the f e e d points. Since e l e m e n t s generally
have d i f f e r e n t feed-point i m p e d a n c e s be-
Decoupling c h o k e
I I and Feeder Shield
cause of m u t u a l coupling, identical shunt
networks will divert differing proportions
of the current f r o m each e l e m e n t , disturb-
ing the desired current balance. However,
Fig 6—The equivalent circuit of a single element of the Four-Square array. Resistances in this array the i m p e d a n c e s of all e l e m e n t s
and reactances are in ohms.
are nearly the s a m e , b e c a u s e of losses, and
the shunt transformer impedance won't
cause a p r o b l e m .
lent series resistance of 2 1 3 Q . Although by c o m p u t e r m o d e l i n g , and the c o m p u t e r T h e m e t h o d of having the feed line exit
the t r a n s f o r m e r i m p e d a n c e a p p e a r s in par- w a s put to w o r k on t h e d e c o u p l i n g system t h e e l e m e n t at the end is t h e m o s t serious
allel with that of the e l e m e n t , the effect of used in this antenna. T h e c h o k e i m p e d a n c e problem to a n y o n e trying to duplicate this
the loss is to raise the c o m b i n e d resistance is k n o w n to be about 1000 + j 0 £2, but an antenna. With this method, the outside of
of the element and t r a n s f o r m e r by 1400 u n k n o w n is t h e i m p e d a n c e looking along the f e e d line b e c o m e s a very significant
£2(!), and to m a k e it very insensitive to t h e t h e outside of the f e e d line that is lying o n part of t h e a n t e n n a system. G r o u n d charac-
actual element resistance. T h i s illustrates t h e ground. T h e latter i m p e d a n c e is de- teristics and p l a c e m e n t of the feed line will
an important point in the design of phased p e n d e n t on the feed-line length and the alter the e l e m e n t feed-point impedances,
arrays: In the presence of a large amount of characteristics of the ground, so it is diffi- but correction can be made to s o m e degree
loss, the effects of mutual c o u p l i n g can b e cult to predict. T h e r e f o r e , a " b a c k w a r d " by readjusting the phasing n e t w o r k s . More
disregarded. a p p r o a c h was used. Various load i m p e d - serious is the possibility of the fields from
B e f o r e d o i n g any f u r t h e r analysis of t h e a n c e s w e r e connected to the bottom of t h e t h e feed lines contributing to the pattern,
feed method, it is necessary to look m o r e element until the c o m p u t e r model s h o w e d making d e e p nulls impossible. If duplica-
closely at the decoupling of t h e feed line. the k n o w n center i m p e d a n c e . T h e resulting tion is a t t e m p t e d , careful attention must be
In this design, the feed line exits the ele- l o a d w a s 2 0 8 0 + y'420 Q . Fairly large paid to feed-line placement.
m e n t at its e n d , r a t h e r t h a n m o r e c h a n g e s to the load i m p e d a n c e m a d e rela-
conventionally at its center. Without any t i v e l y small c h a n g e s to the f e e d - p o i n t Notes
decoupling, this causes the outside of the i m p e d a n c e , so the result is only approxi- 1
All computer modeling was done with ELNEC,
coax to b e c o m e an extension of the ele- mate. However, it is k n o w n to be at least an analysis program based on MIN1NEC and
ment, with substantial current f l o w along 1000 Q , and p r o b a b l y not more than 2000, commercially available from Roy Lewallen,
the coax. Experience at W 7 E L has shown so the result is in the ballpark. W7EL, PO Box 6658, Beaverton. OR 97007.
(The ARRL in no way warrants this offer.)
that c o n v e n t i o n a l d e c o u p l i n g m e t h o d s , A s suspected, the i m p e d a n c e of t h e fer- 2
G. Hall. Ed., 15th or 16th cds.. The ARRL
such as ferrite cores or c h o k e s , are totally rite c h o k e is inadequate to decouple t h e Antenna Book (Newington: ARRL, 1988 or
inadequate for reducing this f l o w to an coax f e e d line. T h e impedance of an ele- 1991), Chapter 8.
acceptable level. This has been c o n f i r m e d ment (without the transformer) is about
Phased Verticals with
Continuous Phase Control
By Peter H. Anderson, KZ3K
Department of Electrical Engineering
Morgan State University
Cold Spring Lane & Hillen Rd
Baltimore M D 21239

his p a p e r d e s c r i b e s a simple I have two Butternut verticals spaced has a 160-meter coil and the other has a

T a r r a n g e m e n t for p h a s i n g iwo
verticals. The arrangement util-
izes a simple symmetrical pi network to
about 60 feet apart. They were erected
without plans for future phasing and were
tuned to different frequencies on the 80-
30-meter coil. As a result, I have no idea of
the relative electrical lengths from the
shack to the antennas, which of course will
provide a continuous phase delay and meter band. The possibility of phasing vary from band to band. Under the circum-
avoid the inconvenience of switching them was posed to my undergraduate elec- stances it seemed as though the benefits of
transmission-line sections. trical engineering design class. T h e y phasing were clearly reserved for amateurs
The continuous phasing arrangement seized upon the idea and soon developed a who possessed two identical antennas, lots
may be used on several bands. In fact, 1 workable system. When we put the cir- of coaxial cable, and a great deal of leisure
have used this circuit to great advantage on cuitry on the air, we were pleasantly time.
80. 40 and 20 meters. By changing the surprised with the results. Fortunately for the rest of us, this rea-
angle, or "steering" the array. I have been Most phasing arrangements are pre- soning is flawed. By adding a 0° to 90°
able to consistently vary signals by as sented on the premise that the user can feed variable phase lag to either of the two an-
much as 20 dB. The required parts are the antennas in phase. In my installation, tennas, and by reversing the phase as
inexpensive and readily available. Con- the relative lengths of the coaxial runs is necessary, it is possible to adjust the rela-
struction is straightforward and simple. unknown. In addition, one of the verticals tive phase of one antenna to the other by a

Fig 1—An abbreviated circuit diagram. The phase of the input to the phase shift network may be inverted using DPDT toggle switch
S2. S1, used to interchange the antennas, is part of a larger function switch discussed in the text.
Ferrite Rod
(Covered with 12 Bifilar Turns
S c o t c h No. 2 7 Tape) ( 3 Shown)

c A c
-O o - - o

o— - o


(A) (B)

Fig 2—Details of transformers T1 and T2. Both transformers use a 71/6-inch ferrite rod (Amidon R61 -050-750). The rods are first taped
using Scotch no. 27 glass cloth electrical tape. The no. 14 AWG thermaleze wire is available from Amidon. T1, shown at A, consists of
eight trifilar turns connected as illustrated. The three conductors should be tightly bound together, either by twisting or by using small
pieces of tape. (The length of each conductor is about 18 inches.) To prevent the rod from moving within the coil, small pieces of tape
or epoxy may be used. T2, at B, consists of 12 bifilar turns which are similarly wound on a ferrite rod. The length of each conductor is
about 24 inches. Amidon offers a special kit consisting of the two rods, 10 feet of wire and a 66-foot roll of Scotch no. 27 tape. When
contacting Amidon, refer to this article by title and author. (See note 5.)

full 360°. The fact that the actual phase lag

is unknown is unimportant. With the sys-
tem described in this article, the user will
be free to vary the phase so as to effectively
feed the antennas b r o a d s i d e , end fed
toward element no. 1, or end fed toward
element no. 2. By using the phase circuitry
to "peak" the antenna system for maximum
received signal strength, the user will opti-
mize the transmitted signal pattern as well.

Overall Configuration
Fig 3—The phase-shift network. This symmetrical pi network may be used to add phase
An abbreviated circuit diagram is illus- delay while maintaining an input impedance that is close to the 52-fl load resistance.
trated in Fig 1. Transformer T 2 "floats" one Using S3, C2 and C3 may be switched in to provide a 0- to 1000-pF range for use on
of the antennas, permitting the antennas to 80 meters.
be fed in series. Therefore, assuming that C1—Dual ganged 0-500 pF air variable capacitor.
both antennas are at 52 £1, the impedance C2, C3—500-pF doorknob type capacitor.
of the series pair is 104 Q. A simple 2:3 L1—See Fig 6 for construction details.
turns-ratio transformer ( T l ) transforms
53—DPST toggle.
this impedance to 4/9 x 104 or 46 £2. Use
of these broadband transformers permits 54—Single pole rotary switch with multiple positions to switch in the desired inductance.
the same circuitry to be used on many
different frequencies. The construction de-
tails of TI and T2 are presented in F i g 2 . However, you can use Fig 4 for any fre- roller inductor, variable between 0 and
A symmetrical pi network of the type quency by simply scaling the values. 1.18 (iH, and a dual-ganged capacitor
illustrated in Fig 3 is used to provide a For example, assume that the frequency having a range of 0 to 425 pF. With the
phase shift while maintaining the 52-Q is 3.905 MHz and 45° of phase lag is appropriate settings, any phase in the range
input impedance. Note that the capacitors desired. of 0 to 90° could be obtained. By scaling
on either side of the inductor are equal. the values of L and C as shown in Table 1,
Fig 4 may be used to determine the val- L = 7 . 1 / 3 . 9 x 0 . 8 = 1.45 nH the network could be used on any amateur
ues of C (on each side of the inductor) and band.
L to provide any phase in the range of 0° to C = 7.1/3.9 x 175 = 320 pF I started the project with a roller induc-
90°. For example, to obtain a phase shift of tor and a dual-ganged 0-500 pF variable
45° at 7.1 MHz, the L and C values are At f = 14.2 MHz, you would simply capacitor (with the capability of switching
determined to be slightly more than 0.8 |iH halve the values at 7.1 MHz; L = 0.4 |iH in an extra 500 pF for 0 - 1 0 0 0 pF on
and 175 pF. Note that Fig 4 was developed and C = 87 pF. 80 meters). However, roller inductors are a
for a frequency of7.1 M H z a n d i t i s reason- Note that you could construct such a considerable expense for many amateurs.
ably accurate for the entire 40-mctcr band. network for use on 40 meters by using a To make mailers worse, I found the whole
(A) (B)

Fig 4—Phase shift versus inductance and capacitance at 7.1 MHz, for a load of 52 £2. These plots may be used to determine the
values of L and C in a symmetrical pi network to provide any phase delay in the range of 0 to 90°. The L and C values may be scaled
for frequencies other than 7.1 MHz. (See text.)

Table 1 Table 2
L and C Network Values for Phase Shifts at 7.1 MHz with
Various Amateur Bands Fixed Inductance

Freq L C Fixed L C range Phase Range

(MHz) m (PF) m (pF) (degrees)
3.55 0-2.4 0-950 0.12 0-50 3.1 - 9 . 5
7.1 0-1.2 0-425 0.25 25-100 9.5-19
0 10 2 0 3 0 40 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 100 10.1 0-0.85 0-300 0.50 50-150 19-32
Phase Shift. Degrees
14.2 0-0.6 0-210 0.75 100-200 32-46
18.1 0-0.5 0-166 1.0 150 - 300 46-65
Fig 5—Capacitance versus phase for
switched inductance at 7.1 MHz, for a 21.3 0-0.4 0-140 1.18 250 - 500 65-98
load of 52 £1. The phase may be adjusted
by varying capacitor C over a limited
range with an SWR of better than 1.2:1.
For example, with an L of 1.18 (iH, the
phase delay may be varied from 65 to 98°
Table 3 Table 4
by adjusting C in the range of 250 to Phase Shifts at 3.5 MHz with Phase Shifts at 14.2 MHz with
500 pF. Fixed Inductance Fixed Inductance

Fixed L C range Pfiase Range Fixed L C range Phase Range

arrangement to be too c o n f u s i n g to use on
(HH) (PF) (degrees) m (PF) (degrees)
all bands.
With this deficiency in m i n d , I began to 0.25 0-100 3.1 - 9 . 5 0.06 0-25 3.1 - 9 . 5
explore a switched-inductor arrangement. 0.50 50 - 200 9.5-19 0.12 12-50 9.5-19
I f o u n d that with a fixed L, the C could be 0.75 100-300 19-32 0.25 25-75 19-32
varied within a limited range, achieving a
1.0 200 - 400 32-46 0.37 50-100 32-46
variable phase while maintaining an S W R
1.18 250 - GOO 46-65 0.50 75 - 150 46-05
of less than 1.2. This is summarized in
Table 2 and is presented graphically in 2.36 5 0 0 - 1000 65-98 0.60 125-250 65-98
Fig 5. N o t e that all values are at 7.1 M H z .
T h e results are significant. By using a
small s w i t c h e d inductor, a d u a l - g a n g e d You could d e v e l o p a switched inductor tapped coils, one for each band, the con-
0 - 5 0 0 p F variable capacitor and a very n e t w o r k for any or all of the three bands. struction data can be easily adapted.)
simple six-position switch, any phase in O n e simple technique I used w a s to de-
the r a n g e of 0 to 90° can be obtained. T h e r e velop a single tapped inductor (actually Operation
are no c u m b e r s o m e transmission-line sec- three inductors in series) as illustrated in R e f e r to the detailed schematic shown
tions to insert! Further, the pi network Fig 6. This arrangement provides taps at in Fig 7. SI (multiposition) permits the
values can be easily scaled to p r o v i d e simi- 0 . 0 6 2 , 0 . 1 2 5 , 0 . 2 5 , 0 . 3 7 , 0 . 5 , 0 . 6 , 0 . 7 5 , 1.0, user to f e e d only element no. 1 or no. 2.
lar p h a s e shifts on either 80 or 2 0 meters 1.18 and 2.36 jlH, and m a y be used on all T h e s e switch positions also allow the user
(see Tables 3 and 4). three bands. (If you desire three separate to assure that both antennas present the
same impedance to the phasing network.
Two other positions on S1 insert the phase-
shift network in element no. 1 or no. 2. 0.125 0.37
0.062 0.25 0.5 0.6 0.75 1.0 1.18 U 2.36
These are the primary operating positions
a n d a r e l a b e l e d PHASE I a n d PHASE 2 . An
additional position (TUNE) is provided to
connect the input (through the phasing net-
work) to a dummy load. This is especially
helpful when tuning the phasing network.
Another position connects the input di-
rectly to a dummy load. Fig 6—Construction of the tapped phase shift inductor. L1 is tapped at 1.5 turns (0.062
After the impedance to both antennas HH), 2.25 lurns (0.125 nH), 3.75 turns (0.25 nH), 5 turns (0.37 ^H), 6.5 turns (0.5 (iH),
7.5 turns (0.6 nH) and 9 turns (0.75 |iH). The 1.0 nH tap is at the junction of L1 and L2.
has been verified to be roughly equal and
L2 is tapped at 4.25 turns (1.18 |iH). The combination of L1, L2 and L3 provides the
the transmitter has been loaded using the 2.36 |iH tap. Note that in using a single switched inductor, the lower five settings are
dummy load, the phasing network can be used for 20 meters. All but the highest tap may be used on 40 meters and ali settings
adjusted. With SI in the TUNE position, a may be used on 80 meters. Some of the phase settings will overlap on 40 and 80
particular L value is selected and C is ad- meters.
justed for minimum SWR. By repeating L1, L3—Barker & Williamson 804T, 1 inch diameter, 4 turns per inch, length 3 inches.
this procedure at various L values, you can (See note 5.)
quickly build a table of the C values corre- L2—Barker & Williamson 604T, 3A inch diameter, 4 turns per inch, length 2 inches.
sponding to the L setting for each band. S4—Centralab PA-2001,1 pole, 2 to 12 position rotary switch (Newark). (See note 7.)
You will also note that there is a range of


Fig 7—Detailed overall schematic diagram. See text for details on switching capabilities.
M1—SWR/power meter; see text.
M2, M 3 — R F ammeters; see text.
51—Centralab PA-2013, 4 pole, 2 to 12 position rotary switch (Newark).
5 2 — D P D T toggle.
5 3 — D P S T toggle.
Phase-shift network—See Figs 3 and 6.
T1, T2—See text and Fig 2.
C which gives you a low S W R . This range land. (Note that the settings vary from band and T2. It is important that the inductive
should be substantial for the highest L set- to band.) I can switch from one band to rcactance associated with a winding be
ting associated with each band, providing another and be fully operational within 30 greater than the terminating resistance by
the ability to continuously m o d i f y the seconds. a factor greater than five. Thus, the self-
phase for a particular L setting. I continuously monitor the S W R and inductance must be greater than 22 (J.H
With the table in hand, turn on the re- p o w e r while utilizing the network cir- (250 a at 1.8 MHz). This translates to 21
ceiver and listen. Find a distant signal (not cuitry. This fact is not emphasized in Fig 7. or more bifilar or trifilar windings on the
sky wave) and set the PHASE REV switch for I repackaged a Heath HM-102 S WR/power Amidon R61-050-750 rods, or a total of
whichever setting provides the weakest meter into the unit (shown as M l on the over 60 conductor turns for T l . If this
signal. N o w switch through the various L schematic) to provide this capability. Two guideline is observed, the phasing arrange-
settings, carefully adjusting capacitor C R F ammeters (M2 and M3) were also used ment should work on the top band. I would
until the signal is at its absolute weakest to continuously monitor power to each an- greatly appreciate any feedback on efforts
point. Throw the PHASE REV switch to the tenna. These are luxuries; you should be to use this design on 160 meters.
opposite position and you should find that able to live with a single SWR and power
the signal has increased to its strongest meter between the rig and this circuit, Notes and References
possible level. provided you are careful when adjusting ' B . Alexander, "Steerablc Array for the Low
If you wish to work Scandinavia from the C setting to agree with the L setting. Bands," ARRL Antenna Compendium, Vol-
Use of the S1 TUNE position is a great aid ume 2 ( N e w i n g t o n : A R R L , 1989), pp 10-15.
the US with a beam, you might adjust the 2
in quickly performing this adjustment. P. H. Anderson, "Impedance Matching Trans-
rotator to 25°, depending on where you formers and Ladder Line," Ham Radio, May,
live. This is one type of degree setting. It is 1989.
important to understand that in using the Components 3
L . A. M o x o n , HF Antennas for All Locations
phase network arrangement, you can vary Note that switches S1 and S4 are rela- (Potters Bar, Herts: RSGB, 1982 and 1986).
the phase of one antenna by a full 360°re- tively expensive if purchased new. You T h e author lias a number of C language (Bor-
lative to t h e other a n d , in d o i n g so, land Turbo C ) and spreadsheets (Borland
should be able to find all the switches, the
Quattro Pro) w h i c h were used to analyze the
dramatically change the directivity of the variable capacitor and the 500-pF door- pi network and to calculate the physical char-
array. However, 25° of phase lag is not the knob capacitors at a hamfest. a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e i n d u c t o r s . T h e y are
same as the bearing to Scandinavia. In- available o n a 5'/t-inch, 360k disk in M S /
stead, you "steer" the array by changing the 160-Meter Considerations D O S format. Please include $ 2 . 0 0 to cover
phase lag and experimentally determining I do not have two 160-meter verticals postage and handling. (The A R R L in no way
the best settings to hear Scandinavia. Dc warrants this offer.)
and, therefore, I was not able to lest the 5
A m i d o n Associates, PO Box 9 5 6 , Torrance, CA
sure to log the settings for future reference. network on that band. T h e phase-shift net- 90508.
This may sound very complex, but it is work may be simply scaled by a factor of 6
Barker and Williamson, 10 Canal St, Bristol,
not. I hunt counties on all three bands and two from Table 3, the 3.5-MHz table. Note PA 19007.
consult a simple table for the settings that that a dual 0-2000 p F variable capacitor 7
N e w a r k Electronics, Administrative O f f i c e s ,
favor New England, Florida, Texas and the and an inductance of 4.72 (xH are required. 4801 North R a v e n w o o d St, C h i c a g o , IL
Northwest from my QTH here in Mary- T h e limiting factors are transformers T1 60101.
The High Profile Beam—
A High Performance Vertical
Antenna with No Radials
By Ed Suominen, NM7T
16529 28th Avenue West, Apt A
Lynnwood, WA 98037

ertical phased arrays are excel- The same gain and directive pattern can occurs. The wave from one element has

V lent DX performers for hams in-

terested in specific areas of the
world. Low-angle radiation comes naturally
be obtained by feeding the elements with
opposite phases and spacing them very
close together (about '/& A.). The operation
begun to reverse again when it reaches the
other. The cancellation is not complete and
some radiation takes place.
to a vertically polarized antenna over an of the antenna in this configuration is a bit Although the antenna is experiencing
expanse of very good ground or near sea more complex. cancellation, it still needs to get rid of the
water, even when ground-mounted. With In this case, the wave fronts cancel energy being fed to it. It responds by low-
proper phasing and spacing, excellent gain when viewed from the side because they ering its radiation resistance, which in-
and a clean directive pattern can be are of opposite phases. When viewed from creases the current in the elements. Since
achieved. Although the beam is fixed, it is the end, however, the same delay effect current is what actually causes radiation.
bidirectional. Therefore, amateurs must
choose an orientation that covers their
areas of interest.
Verifying the Directive Pattern of a Fixed Beam
Such arrays are not without problems.
Two quarter-wave verticals each require Verifying the directive pattern of a rotary beam is easy; the signal
their own structural supports and effective strength from a fixed source is measured while the beam is rotated. With a
ground systems. Hundreds of feet of radials fixed beam such as the High Profile Beam, signals from many sources
are required in order to avoid ground must be compared to get an idea of its pattern. This presented a problem
losses, a problem made worse by the low- for me. My original wire vertical was too close to the beam and parasitically
ered radiation resistance of the phased coupled to it. The result was poor, but equal, performance from both anten-
elements. These radial systems and the typi- nas. To see what the High Profile Beam could really do, I needed to remove
cal -VSt-A. spacing take up a lot of backyard! the wire vertical and compare the beam to something else.
Enter the High Profile Beam, Fig 1. By A second receiver with a small omnidirectional antenna was used to pro-
joining the phased verticals into one an- vide a comparison. It was placed on a table to the right of my station
tenna and feed point, we get all of the receiver and I sat between them. This created a stereo effect, with signals
advantages of two elements with the sim- from the beam heard on my left side and signals from the small omni an-
plicity of a single antenna. tenna audible to my right. The results were dramatic!
While listening to DX QSOs, the station in Europe or Western Asia was
The High Profile Beam as an End-Fire heard from the left side (the beam), with only a faint signal coming from the
Array other receiver. When the stateside station responded from off the side of
The usual method of feeding two verti-
the beam, the signal was always heard from the right (the small omni an-
tenna). This stereo effect was especially entertaining during pileups with
cals is in a broadside array, with equal
the DX station on the beam. The hordes of stateside suitors were heard
phases and spaced about Vi X apart. This
from the center and right, heightening the effect of their signals coming in
provides gain and directivity because the
from all different directions. When the DX station responded, however, the
wave fronts add when viewed from the side
signal was always heard clearly coming from the left, plucked out of the
(they're in phase), but cancel from the end.
crowd by the beam.
The wave from one element has reversed
by the time it gets to the other and very little This technique has convinced me that the High Profile Beam has consid-
radiation takes place from the end of the erable gain, low-angle radiation, and a clean directive pattern.—Ed
array. Suominen, NM7T
6 " Fishing line

Fig 1—The High Profile Beam: a two element end-fire array with a single feed point. The elements are made of two 10-foot lengths of
VHnch copper pipe, supported by wood ground stakes and nonconductive guy lines. All descriptions given are for the 20-meter
version built by the author, but the measurements can be scaled for other bands as well.

the partial cancellation is overcome. In The end-fire array is not often used with caused by the conductors, which can be
fact, because of the complete cancellation quarter-wave verticals because of its ex- very efficient if made of tubing.
from the side, radiation from the end is tremely low radiation resistance. (Ground How can we remove ground from a
actually greater than from an individual losses become very significant.) If we can vertical antenna? Earth ground is only used
element. This gives the array an end-fire take ground out of the circuit entirely, how- as an infinite sink of electrons to allow
pattern, and as much gain as a broadside ever, we don't need to worry about its loss current to flow and create a closed circuit.
array.1 resistance. The only remaining loss is In a balanced antenna such as a dipole, a
closed circuit is formed by opposite cur-
rents flowing in each leg. The High Profile
Beam is a balanced antenna with the oppo-
site currents in each vertical leg forming a
Vertical L e g Vertical L e g
180° phased end-fire array.
no. 1 X/8 no. 2

Two Half Waves Out of Phase

The balanced antenna that is folded to Horizontal Leg
make this array could have been a dipole, Feed
but there are serious problems involved.
Let's take a look at the antenna current
curve. M/mmMMMB,
I = sin ( / )

Radio waves are sine waves, and when

they zip along a wire prior to launch they
form a sine current curve. This means that
the amount of current flowing in an antenna
half-wave element (nearly all antennas are
made of portions or groups of half-wave
elements) is zero at the end and maximum Vertical Leg no. 1
in the center. With this simple formula we
can tell a great deal about which parts of an Radions Radians
o 8
antenna are really important for radiation.
By using a bit of calculus, we can mea-
sure the area under this antenna current
= f/2 f 2
curve and find out how much current there Wea I sin I di — —cos = cos J.1 — cos 1 •
is in a certain part of an antenna. Since only
current causes radiation, this will provide Example:
a general indication of how much work that = cos cos
Total I Area ® ~ n = 2
part does.
Fig 2A s h o w s us that a substantial 1
Area (Vertical Leg no.1) = c o s 0 - c o s 8^ = 0.62
amount of the total current is flowing in the
bottom horizontal leg of the folded dipole
(only a foot high). The radiation from this
current is almost completely canceled by Fig 2 A — T h e antenna current curve for a folded dipole.
the lossy earth ground. Whatever radiation
does occur will fill the nulls in the end-fire
pattern. take a look at the antenna as a leaky trans- then travels another 180° on the return trip.
Instead of using a single half wave, mission line section. Once again, the result is equal applied and
we'll use two, as shown in Fig 2B. This T h e most familiar transmission line sec- reflected waves, and infinite impedance at
gives two current maxima nearly halfway tion is the shorted quarter wave. An infinite the feed.
up the vertical elements, where they be- impedance will appear at the feed point In both of these cases, a perfect trans-
long. The amount of undesirable radiation when the line is shorted a quarter wave- mission line with no loss was assumed.
in the bottom leg is now much less. Most length away. This results from the applied With loss, however, the reflected wave will
of what is radiated is healthy, vertically wave reflecting from the short with oppo- not completely oppose the applied wave
polarized RF! site phase, and reversing phase again in the and the impedance will not be infinite. As
The use of two half-wave elements has transit time to and from the sliorl. This the loss increases the reflected wave and
another advantage. Since the current max- gives the reflected wave the same phase as feed impedance will decrease.
ima are farther from ground, low radiation the applied wave, and they oppose each This can be illustrated with a half-wave
angles will be favored even more. A small other to give an infinite impedance. This section of open-wire line. Here the loss
amount of additional gain can be expected principle works so well with low-loss lines results mainly from radiation as the con-
from this improved vertical pattern. 2 that V H F insulators are sometimes made of ductors are spaced farther apart. The wave
metal in the form of quarter-wave sec- fronts from the opposing conductors do not
The Antenna as a Leaky Transmission tions. 3 cancel completely and the line begins to act
Line Section If the line is made a half-wavelength like an end-fire array. More power is used
The High Profile Beam has just been long, an impedance repeater is formed. An in the line and more current will be drawn
described as a folded, balanced antenna infinite impedance at one end will look like at the feed point.
working as an end-fire array. There is, how- a short in the center (after traveling '/4 X ) If this wide spacing is taken to ex-
e v e r , an e n t i r e l y d i f f e r e n t w a y of and will repeat to an infinite impedance at tremes, the very high impedance at the feed
visualizing the antenna which will help to the end. Here the wave travels 180° and point will be brought down to a level that
explain a few of its characteristics. Let's reflects with no reversal from the open end, can be matched and fed with real power.
All of that power will "leak" from the
Horizontal section as end-fire radiation. This leaky
Section no. 2
half-wave section, with conductors stretched
apart and mostly bent vertically, becomes
an efficient radiator—the High Profile
Although its feed impedance is not the
theoretical infinity of an open half-wave
Vert i col Vertical
Section no. 1 Section no. 2
section, the antenna still acts much like one
and its impedance will remain quite high,
around 11,000 £2. The Vfe-A. conductor spac-
ing is narrow enough to retain much of the
Section no. 1 wave applied to the feed and create a re-
Feed flection that largely opposes it. Properly
i r feeding the antenna requires matching the
high impedance to overcome this reflected
mm® W3M, To put it another way, the wave fed to
• . Resonating Section
I ' (No radiation) the antenna needs to reflect back and forth
quite a few times before it all leaks out.
This doesn't mean that the antenna is inef-
ficient, but it does result in high impedance
Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Hoiiiuntul
and another drawback: high Q.
Section no. 2 Section no. 1 Section no. 1 Section no. 2
Q is the ratio of reactance, or "tuning"
Vertical Resonant Verticol part of a circuit, over the resistance, or
Section no. 1~ Section Section no. 2
"working" part. Higher Q gives narrower
bandwidths, since there is more tuning for
less work. With an antenna that acts like a
tuned transmission line section, high Q is
an unfortunate fact of life. The High Profile
Beam has a Q of nearly 60, calculated from
a m e a s u r e d 1.5:1 S W R b a n d w i d t h of
100 kHz on 20 meters.

Feeding and Twining

Since the antenna is not quite a full
wavelength, it is resonated with a Vil-X
open-ended section of 600-S2 ladder line
attached to the feed. This completes the
Fig 2B—The antenna current curve for the High Profile Beam. Percentages shown are sine curve by allowing the voltage maxima
general indicators of radiation from each antenna section and do not take into account to move out to the end of the section. In a
coupling between the sections and ground. matching network, this section may be re-
placed by additional shunt capacitance.
The best way to feed the antenna's
somewhat awkward 11,000-Q impedance
Cl: 5 - 5 0 p F Coils: Tapped 5.5 fjH is with 600-800 Q ladder line to a good
balanced tuner. 4 This allows coverage of
the entire band and is the easiest system to
The S W R on a 6 0 0 - f i feed line will be
nearly 20:1, so its length should be a mul-
tiple of a half wavelength to preserve the
nonreactive high impedance at the tuner
terminals. With this high SWR, even ladder
line will develop loss and should be limited
to 1 or 2 half-wavelengths (34 feet or 68
feet at 14.1 MHz).
With this system, operation on other
bands near the design frequency (such as
17 meters and 15 meters for a 20-meter
antenna) should be possible, although the
nonresonant length of the feed line and
Fig 3—A balanced L-network matching circuit. Values given are for 20 meters.
antenna will present a complex impedance
600 0 Ladder Line; keep ot least 1' off ground. to the tuner. This may result in a more
No. 18 AWG wire spaced 3 " apart. difficult, less efficient match than that ob-
tained at the design frequency.
If the tuner to be used has a balun on its
output (as is the case with most commer-
c i a l l y a v a i l a b l e m o d e l s ) , it will not
efficiently match very high impedances. 5
Resonating Section
A 1/4-X transformer section of 600-800 Q
Adjust systen frequency —«v (0.086 X) ladder line will bring the impedance down
with length 6 . 0 ' a t U . 1 MHz
very close to 52 CI, enabling almost any
tuner to do the job. The '/4-X. section should
Antenno be connected between the antenna and the
Bottom Leg
5 2 - f i coaxial feed line to the tuner. Ten feet
of the. coax should be coiled up at the
connection to the ladder line to form a
choke balun. Although this feed will work
only on a single band, the loss from SWR
on the coaxial feed line will remain insig-
nificant across that entire band.
With either of these two methods, the
resonating section may be made part of the
34.0' at 14.1 MHz ladder line leading to the tuner, lengthening
it by 3/32 X. This would, for example, make
the '/4-X. transformer' Vl2 X long.
If no tuner is available, an impedance
match needs to be made at the antenna feed.
Two methods were tested, and worked
equally well.
Equivalent Circuit
The balanced L network shown in Fig 3
Choke eliminates the need for ladder line. The
i 50 0 coax Balun
/ 13" resonating section is absorbed into the
T7 at 14.1 MHz shunt capacitance. A servo motor on the
capacitor would allow easier coverage of
the entire band.
L Experimentally determined for the
The "bare bones" feed method uses a
Resonate Quarter-wove section
2 0 - m e t e r antenna; can be scaled for by itself, then adjust entire shorted '/4-A. section of 600-Q ladder line
other bands but only as o starting system to resonance. as a resonant transformer. The open end of
point for adjustment.
the section is connected to the antennas,
and the coaxial feed line (with a choke
Fig 4—The "bare bones" feed with dimensions for 20 meters.

Wind Drag 6 : D = C 0 p A V 2 / 2
Where: D = wind drag in pounds
Co = drag coefficient (0.5 for a perfect sphere. UPWINO ELEMENT
Assumed the same for round elements.) In worst cose, vectors on
p = oir density (0.00233 s l u g s / f t 3 ) guys 1 and 2 add up to
A = cross-secticnat area (0.8 f t 2 ) 3 times each wind vector.
V = wind velocity in f t / s e c
This causes 3 times the
Inserting the constants and using m i / h r instead of
compression of a single
f t / s e c results in:
guy opposing the wind.

V2 mi/h
Guy 980
( x 3.6) (30)2
Compression At 30 m i / h , — = 0.92 pound DOWNWIND ELEMENT
980 Vector on guy no. 3 is
less thon the wind force;
the downwind element
At the worst wind directory the guys ex«rt lateral forcec
mostly "hangs on* t o
3 times the wind force on the upwind element. Tie
the upwind element.
compression placed on the copper pipes is 3.5 times
t h s force (10.5 D).

Opposing force At 30 m i / h , the compression equals 9.7 pounds

(XI) (10.5 x 0 . 9 2 ) Wind drag

Fig 5—Calculating the compression on the elements under wind loading.


n o

E y e bolt

- Bowline Knot

Petroleum jelly In joint

to protect connection


3 ' Stainless steel

Hose clomp ( 2 places)
t x J


n o
t x J


n o
Fender wosher
and wing nut

3/16" x 2"
Eye bolt
Sleeve insulator:
No. 10 x 2 "
Part of drinking
Machine screw 2"
c x j straw .

1 / 8 " plastic core

cotton line

Enameled wires

Solder ring terminals

Bowline knot
(see o sailing handbook for instructions)

Fig 6—Construction details for the High Profile Beam.

balun) is tapped to a point near the shorted washer on the opposite side. length of the top scction must be exactly
end for a match to 5 0 Q. Although the Only one hole is drilled in the ground 9 feet, with both wires of equal length.
resonating section could be made part of mounting stakes at this time, since all three Attach the ends of the wire to the top ends
the VA-X section, it is preferable to lead it would probably not line up with their coun- o f the elements by bending an inch of wire
from the antenna feed point in the opposite terparts in the copper pipe. Drill the center under a hose clamp. With all electrical con-
direction to allow easier adjustment of hole 5 inches from the top of the stakes. nections, take the same precautions of
resonance. The guy anchor stakes should receive at sanding and cleaning the contact surfaces,
least two coats of varnish. The ground and covering them with petroleum jelly
Mechanical Design mounts are also used as insulators and at and duct tape.
The vertical elements have two guy least three coats are recommended to keep The bottom wire section is best mea-
lines each and a connecting line between the wood absolutely dry. Marine spar var- sured at this point but should not be
them. The use of a guyed support system nish allows for some flexing of the wood attached until the antenna is raised. It con-
eliminates the severe stresses which would and is probably the best for the job. sists o f two (or more) strands of insulated
otherwise be encountered under wind load- The elements are formed from two 10- wire twisted together to form a conductor
ing. Instead, a simple compressive force is foot lengths of >/>-inch copper pipe, jointed of lower R F resistance than a single larger
placed on the elements. This allows the use at a 6-inch overlap with a pair of hose wire. (There is considerable R F current
of light copper pipe and simple 1 x 2 wood clamps. The pipe surfaces which will make flowing in the bottom section, and skin
stakes for the ground mount. electrical contact in the overlap should be effect limits the conductivity of a single
Calculations o f wind loading 6 and the finely sanded and cleaned just before wire.) Measure 25 feet of the wire and
vectors associated with the guy lines clamping them together. Petroleum jelly double it back on itself. Tie the loose ends
showed the compression on the upwind ele- should then be applied to the area around down, and insert the bend at the other end
ment (which bears most of the burden for the connection, followed by a wrapping of of the doubled wire into the chuck of a drill.
both elements) to be about 10 lb in a 30-mi/h duct tape. (This treatment should also be Now use the drill to twist the pair until it
wind. This force increases with the square given to all fasteners used on the antenna to looks stable. Cut the twisted pair into two
of the wind speed, to about 2 0 lb at 45 mi/h prevent corrosion.) Before fully tightening lengths of 8 feet, 2 inches. This allows 4
and nearly 4 0 lb at 6 0 mi/h. Although the the hose clamps, sight down the end of the inches for an adjustable fishing-line insu-
maximum allowable compression was not pipes to ensure that they are straight with lator which will be used to apply tension to
known, 4 0 lb would certainly seem to be the respect to each other. Also make sure that the bottom section. The ends of the section
most a thin copper pipe could handle before the eye bolts and mounting bolts will point will be attached to the bottom through-
bending severely. This would put the maxi- in the same direction. Five lengths of non- bolts on the elements with ring terminals.
mum wind speed at 6 0 mi/h. Observation of conductive line and two lengths of wire This will be a high- current electrical con-
the antenna in strong winds shows that this attach to the elements. The four guy lines nection, so prepare it accordingly.
is a safe wind speed to use as an upper limit. can be cut with little regard for accuracy, but
The mechanical connection between
During 30-mi/h gusts, hardly any bending the other measurements are more critical.
the elements is made with a length of the
or swinging was noticed in the elements, The top section of 18-gauge wire needs same nonconductive line used in the guys.
although a good deal of tension could be felt to be jtist a bit longer than the distance Accuratc measurement is important here,
in the upwind guy lines. between the elements to keep it from bend- as this line maintains tension on the entire
ing their tops inward. Make a 6-inch guying system. The line should measure
Construction Details fishing line insulator, then cut two wires exactly 8 feet, 9 inches from the eye bolt
T h i s c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o c e d u r e was and attach them to the insulator. The total when the ends arc tied. This allows an inch
planned for simplicity. T h e materials
needed for construction are listed in
Table 1. All materials except the fishing
line can be purchased at a hardware store Table 1
and no special tools are required. The ele- List of Materials for the High-profile Beam
ments, ground mounting stakes and guy
anchor stakes are identical and can be Four lengths of 1 /2-inch x 10-foot copper pipe
worked on together in assembly-line fash- Two 1 x 2 stakes, 3 1 /2 feet long (suitable for pounding)
ion. Four 1 x 2 stakes, 2 feet long (suitable for pounding)
The first step in construction is to drill 70 feet of light nonconductive line (Ve inch plastic-core cotton line is recommended)
all of the holes. Drill three n /i6-inch holes 35 feet of fishing line
at distances of 1 inch, 3 inches, and 5 inches 30 feet of insulated copper wire (#18 AWG enamel is recommended)
from one end of two pipes. These will Two 3 /i6-inch x 2-inch eye bolts with washers and hex nuts
become the bottom sections of the ele- Six #10 machine screws with fender washers and wing nuts
ments. Take the other two pipes (the top Four 3 /i6 inch x 11/2-inch eye bolts with fender washers and hex nuts (for guy anchors)
sections), and drill a single Vi6-inch hole Four 2-inch stainless-steel hose clamps
exactly 2 feet from one end of each. (This Two s/e-inch stainless-steel hose clamps
will be the bottom end of the top section.) Two #10 solder ring terminals
Fasten the eye bolt and its hardware here, Six flexible drinking straws
as shown in Fig 6. Plenty of petroleum jelly and duct tape
Drill a single hole in each guy anchor Marine spar varnish (V2 pint can)
stake, 2 inches from the top. Fasten an eye Materials for whatever feed system is to be used
bolt through each stake using a fender
f a s t e n i n g the rest of the through-bolts.
Then attach the bottom wire section and
whatever feed system is to be used.

On-the-Air Performance
At my Q T H , the antenna p e r f o r m s as an
end-fire array should, with a noticeable
North-south line
sighted by shodow i m p r o v e m e n t of the European signals it's
of S1 at local noon pointed at. T h e signal reports are consistent
or north star
with the relative power of the stations giv-
8.7 cos (Azimuth angle)
ing them, indicating that the antenna is
Azimuth angles and L for coverage
radiating most of the power fed to it. T h e
of Europe, middle east, and south high measured Q is also a good sign of
pacific within - 1 dB points of beam
radiation efficiency.
Azimuth T h e real indicator of this antenna's per-
angle f o r m a n c e as a beam is on the received
Eastern U.S. 45" 6' 2" signals, w h e r e a dramatic improvement is
Central U.S. 35 0 7' 2"
noticed. Signals barely audible on an om-
Western U.S. 25" 7' 11"
nidirectional a n t e n n a are clearly copied on
All guy anchors 5' from stakes. the H i g h Profile Beam. Strong Q R M off
4 5 " o f f line connecting them. the side of the b e a m is cut d o w n by a few
"BOX" with ground anchors at corners S units, a l l o w i n g the very e n j o y a b l e expe-
measures 15' 8 ' long by T wide. rience of hearing European and stateside
Stake S1 is starting point; sight
stations with c o m p a r a b l e signal strengths
north—south line from It. much of the time.

Fig 7—Staking out the antenna. S p e c i a l t h a n k s go to Stan O e h m e n ,
K7BZ, w h o introduced a curious teenager
to A m a t e u r R a d i o and g a v e years of patient
instruction on the mysteries of R F and an-
of slack, which is taken u p by the fishing- on this line, 3 feet, 6 inches from the refer- tennas. Without his service as an "Elmer,"
line tensioner shown in Fig 1. T h e four guy e n c e point. this article w o u l d not h a v e been possible. I
lines should b e cut to lengths of 15 feet and B e f o r e raising the elements, loosely tie would also like to thank Neil Hill, K 7 N H
tied to the e y e bolts. d o w n t h e guy lines. T h e elements must be and Mark S m y t h e , W A 7 U R J , for loaning
To reduce the effects of weather, the w a l k e d up at the s a m e time and this will their e q u i p m e n t for the project.
connecting line and g u y s should h a v c s o m e require two sets of hands. O n c e the ele-
insulation f r o m the e l e m e n t s . Fig 6 illus- m e n t s are vertical, they should be fastened Notes
trates the use of a piece of f l e x i b l e drinking to the mounting stakes by slipping a bolt G. L. Hall, The ARRL Antenna Book, 14th ed.
through the center hole on the bottom of (Newington, CT: ARRL, 1987), p 6-5.
straw on the loop of a b o w l i n e knot. 2
e a c h . M a k e sure that the eye bolts point The ARRL Antenna Book, 14th ed., p 2-23.
N o w that the e l e m e n t s are ready, the 3
toward each o t h e r and lead the g u y s a w a y The ARRL Antenna Book, 14th ed., p 15-25.
s u p p o r t i n g stakes should b e driven into the
Shows an example of this in the standard-
ground in the layout s h o w n in Fig 7. T h e f r o m either side. T h e n both partners should
gain antenna.
southwest element m o u n t i n g stake is the w a l k away f r o m the elements, holding t h e 4
For an excellent ai tide describing what makes
starting point; the other is located 8 feet, 8 guy lines to k e e p t h e m steady. Tighten the a "good balanced tuner," and why most
inches f r o m it, in the direction of m a x i m u m g u y s o n e at a time until the elements are aren't, see R. L. Measures, "A Balanced
radiation. Locate the g u y anchors by find- vertical. The w h o l e system is tensioned by Balanced Antenna Tuner," QST, February
tightening the fishing line on the connect- 1990, pp 28-32.
ing a reference point 3 feet, 6 inches f r o m 5
ing line. See Note 4.
each m o u n t i n g stake on the line connecting
them, a n d r u n n i n g a p e r p e n d i c u l a r line D. Halliday and R. Resnick, Fundamentals of
C o m p l e t e the j o b by drilling t h e top and Physics, 3rd ed. (New York, NY: John Wiley
f r o m that point. Drive in the guy anchors b o t t o m holes in the mounting stakes and and Sons, 1988), p 109.
A Miniature Ground-
Independent Dipole for
40 through 10 Meters
By Jack Kuecken, KE2QJ
2 Round Trail
Pittsford, NY 14534

ou may not have the space or the

Y privilege of erecting a full sized

antenna. Or, it may be impossible
to get a good R F ground at your location.
7 . 5 ' Mobile Whip 7.5' Mobile Whip

A second- or third-story apartment, fiber-

glass boat, camper or recreational vehicle,
are typical examples. S o m e hams use mo-
bile whip antennas in such locations. This
solution often makes equipment cabinets
"hot" with RF, causing annoying R F tin-
gles from the mike, and RFI problems. My
miniature dipole solves these problems.
One way to avoid RF in the shack is to
use a balanced antenna, like an ordinary
dipole. If the dipole is fed with coax and a
balun is used at the feed point, the feed line
will not be "hot." However, the impedance
of a dipole considerably smaller than a
half-wave is so high that it is difficult to
construct an adequate balun.
Note that, as the a n t e n n a b e c o m e s
shorter, its radiation resistance falls but its
capacitive reactance rises. To make the
balun reactance five times that of the an-
tenna, an a n t e n n a w i t h —yl250 Q of
reactance requires a balun reactance of
+j6250 Q. [t is almost impossible to ohtain
a reactance greater than +y'2500 Q from any
inductor because the large stray capaci-
tance in the winding resonates with the
inductance.' If the balun is resonated lo
obtain the required reactance, its resonant
bandwidth is too narrow to be practical.
The impedance of electrically small an- Fig 1—Schematic diagram of the remotely tuned miniature dipole.
tennas is difficult to match. A 0.1-A. dipole
C1, C2—30- to 290-pF variable, 0.050-in. spacing, ball-bearing shafts.
has an impedance of about 12 - j 1250 £1
L1, L2— 28 turns, no. 14 enameled, on 1.5-inch diameter white P V C pipe (10 turns/in.).
When used with 50-i2 feed line, the result- See text for tap information.
ing SWR would be 2609:1! Even if a L3—Roller inductor, 16 turns, 10 ^iH (E. F. Johnson 229-201).
Transmatch is used in the shack, even a S1—Lever-actuated switch (turns counting).
slightly lossy feed line would excessively T1—15 trifilar turns, no. 18 Teflon-insulated hookup wire, on three FT-114-61 cores
\ J U U U - ^ - W

Fig 2—Smith Chart depiction of impedance matching to the miniature dipole. Fig 3—Fixed Wheatstone bridge used for
adjusting the antenna at reduced power

reduce radiated power. To get any effi- loaded CB whip. Note that coupler symme- restore the power factor). T1 transforms the
ciency at all from such an antenna, you try is m a i n t a i n e d right to the o u t p u t impedance up to 5 0 + y'0. This matching
have to match the impedance at the antenna transformer. path is shown schematically on the Smith
itself. LI and L2 represent (wo base-loading Chart (Fig 2).
For example, if you insert a coil of coils. They are not coupled magnetically. I put taps on LI and L2 so I could
j 1250 Q reactance at the antenna, the SWR T h e inductances are remotely switch them for band changing.
will be reduced to about 4:1. While this In practice however, I found the antenna
value is still too high for coax line, it is Full 14.4 (J.H can be tuned from about 6 through 30 MHz
considerably better than the previous ex- Tap 1 12.4 with tap 2 set at 8.8 |iH. L3 is a roller
ample. Of course, with a real inductor, you Tap 2 8.8 inductor. Fig 3 is the schematic of a Wheat-
expect a finite Q and some losses. Suppose Tap 3 4.9 stone bridge I use to tune the dipole at low
we can achieve a Q of 208 in the coil. Now Tap 4 1.7 power levels.
the loss resistance of the coil is 6 £2 and the
overall system is 66% efficient, assuming C1 a n d C 2 are 30 to 290 pF transmitting Motor Drives
no other losses. capacitors with about 0.050-in. spacing. I used small, permanent-magnet dc mo-
Some mobile antennas and many 160- The capacitors should be capable of con- tors with a speed-reducing gear head in this
meter antennas are end loaded, giving a tinuous rotation (more than 360°). The and other remote-tuning couplers. Output
substantial lower section with high current. capacitors should be identical and should shaft speed should be about 20 r/min, and
Such end loading is more efficient than be locked together at the same capacitance the motor should run equally well in both
base loading if the coils are of equal Q. 2 setting. directions. You reverse drive direction by
However, the presence of a large loading T h e capacitors I used are f r o m the reversing the power supply polarity. New
coil near the end of the radiator poses cer- B C - 4 5 8 A " C o m m a n d Set" t r a n s m i t t e r motors from Globe or Pittman in a full
tain physical problems, particularly if the (C67). They were used as a fixed padder in MIL-SPEC temperature range are quite ex-
antenna is to be tunable over a wide range the final amplifier tank circuit. Their shafts pensive. Surplus dealers however, may
of frequencies. In some military applica- have ball bearings, although the shafts have suitable motors for a few dollars
tions the antenna must be tunable from 2 to were locked in place at the factory. L3 apiece. Remember, the motors must run
30 MHz. These applications use a simple could actually be the antenna loading coil outdoors in whatever weather your area
whip, tuned with an a n t e n n a coupler. from the same set (L5). I had already used experiences. Automotive-type motors used
Naturally, the tuner must be remotely ad- L 5 in a mobile antenna coupler. T1 is a for electric windows and antennas will usu-
justed or automatically adjust itself. 12.5- to 5 0 - i l transformer. ally operate over a wide temperature range.
LI and L2 take some of the curse off the Fig 4 shows how I drove the roller in-
A Practical Mini Dipole antenna at the low end of the coupler band. ductor (L3). S1 and S2 are microswitchcs
The basic diagram for the miniature di- They greatly reduce the maximum value of installed at opposite ends of L3. When the
pole is shown in Fig 1. T h e radiating L3 required at the bottom of the band. roller wheel opens one of the switches, the
elements are two 7.5-ft stainless-steel Shunt coil L3 transforms the impedance to motor stops. D1 and D2 permit reverse-
whips. You can use a fiberglass whip of 12.5 + y'XXX Q and the series capacitors polarity current to flow around the open
similar size, but d o n ' t use a helically C I and C2 cancel they'XXX term (ie, they switch so the coil can turn in the opposite
m o rTi

Fig 4—Schematic diagram of the

roller-inductor drive-notor circuit. S1 and
S2 are limit switches. Select D1 and D2
for the current required by the motor. S3
is a DPDT toggle. The motor is a 12-V dc
Control Input
WM\N Output Waveform

reversible gear motor.

Control Input

direction. Both ends of L3 are above RF

ground, so the coil shaft must be insulated
from the motor and the switches must be Fig 5—Schematic diagram of the simple pulse-width motor-speed-control circuit. Select
R1 and C1 to suit the motor used.
insulated from the roller.
For the capacitor drive, a motor speed
adequate for the searching is too fast for
fine tuning. The circuit of Fig 5 slows the 6 - 3 2 Tap

motor so that it can be "tweaked" into

position. I don't recommend a series resis-
tor, as it doesn't allow sufficient starting or
running torque, especially in cold weather.
I have had much more success and satisfac-
tion using this full-voltage pulse-width-
modulated circuit. The first half of the 556
sets the pulse rate, and the second half sets
3 / 8 - 24 Tap
the pulse width. Starting torque is superior
1 ' OD 1/16 Wall Al. Alloy
with this circuit, since the full voltage is G - 1 0 Tube
available to overcome the voltage drop in
the motor brushes.
Fig 6—The dipole center insulator.
If the capacitors you use have a shaft on
one end only (like the ones I used), join
them with insulated couplings and use a fit the ends, and epoxied them in place. The few coats of white latex house paint.
drive gear on a shaft between them. The % - 2 4 thread is used on many mobile The coupler parts are mounted on a
motor will then need a drive gear to mesh whips. Two pairs of maple trunnions clamp large Plexiglas plate, '/4-in. thick. The plate
with the gear on the capacitors. Note that the insulator to the top of the case. is secured in the box with four screws. For
the capacitors have RF voltage on both A pair of G-10 feedthroughs are glued servicing, the entire works can be removed.
their rotors and stators, although the volt- in the back of the case, with a downward The horizontal whips droop about 5 in.
age is much lower at the 12.5-fi end than slope. The antenna connecting wires are at the tips. The droop has little effect on
at the L3 end. When setting up the drive, routed through them from the top of the performance, and has the advantage that
make sure both capacitors are set to the coils, and up to the aluminum plugs into rainwater runs off the tips, rather than to
same capacitance, to maintain circuit bal- which the radiators screw. A drip loop is the center and across the insulator.
ance. arranged in each wire. RF enters through a close-fit hole
The case itself is half-inch weather- around the PL-259. The control cable fits
Construction of the Dipole proof plywood, with a door opening on the through a notch in the doorjamb. Make sure
Fig 6 shows the dipole center insulator, broad face. Build a doorjamb inside the no significant holes are open to the outside;
which I made from a piece of thin-wall box, on the sides and top. The door over- otherwise you'll find wasps the next time
G-10 tubing. I turned down a maple dowel laps the bottom so that any water inside the you open the box!
to fit and cpoxied it in place, to prevent box runs out alongside the door. While the The box has a NURAIL fitting on the
crushing the tubing. Then 1 turned down a seal isn't perfect, 1 have never found mois- back to clamp it to a 2-in. aluminum mast,
pair of aluminum plugs threaded 3/H-24 to ture inside the box. I gave the entire box a which is hinged at the bottom. The mast is
3) Jog L3 out, one turn at a time, until 1.5 k W P E P into it with no signs of arcing.
you see the S W R start to drop. T h e r e will Compared with a 36-foot vcrticul with
b e t w o dips per capacitor revolution. nine buried radials, t h e d i p o l e is much "less
4) Stop the capacitor motor from hot." W h e n I installed the vertical, I had to
searching and j o g the capacitors for mini- put ferrite cores on the control cables and
mum SWR. the feed coax, to keep RF off the micro-
5 ) F i n e tune L 3 and the capacitor until p h o n e a n d o t h e r e q u i p m e n t . N o such
t h e S W R is 1:1. treatment was required with the dipole.
F r o m this description you can see your T h e miniature dipole should have a
transmitter will be e x p o s e d to a very high slight disadvantage in radiation efficiency,
S W R during tuneup. For this reason, I use c o m p a r e d to the vertical. On 4 0 meters,
the circuit of Fig 3 for tune-up. T h e fixed e f f i c i e n c y probably does not exceed 66%
W h e a t s t o n e bridge detects a matched con- or - 1 . 8 d B . Nevertheless, in several months
dition on the antenna. T h e detector output of operation I found that either antenna can
is proportional to the voltage-reflection co- be better on a given path at a given time. I
Fig 7—Mounting the center insulator to
the box containing the tuning capacitors efficient, and goes to zero at 50 + jO £1. T h e do find the dipole is a considerably quieter
and inductors. p a d d e r isolates the transmitter and attenu- receiving antenna than the vertical, how-
ates the signal to the antenna by about ever (typically 5 to 6 dB), particularly in
3 0 d B . This action protects your transmit- the presence of locally generated noise.
about 2 0 feet long. With the hinge and the ter, and the relatively quiet tuning will be All in all, I am quite pleased with the
box extension, the dipoles wind u p about appreciated by other h a m s . p e r f o r m a n c e of this antenna. I recommend
24 ft a b o v e ground. I c o n s t r u c t e d m y d u m m y load f r o m it to a n y o n e with space or grounding limi-
2 - w a t t c o m p o s i t i o n resistors in series- tations.
Tuning Up parallel. Once the antenna is tuned, the pad
T h e c a m on the inductor shaft actuates is bypassed by a switch not shown in the Notes
a turns counter. The L E D flashes once per diagram. ' j . A. Kuecken, Antennas and Transmission
revolution. T h e tune-up p r o c e d u r e follows. Lines (Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams), Ch
Results 24, "Reactive Elements and Impedance Lim-
1) R u n L 3 to the low-inductance end its."
stop. I h a v e used the antenna for s o m e t i m e 2
G . L. Hall, Ed., The ARRL Antenna Hook (New-
2) Turn on the capacitor drive motor so on 4 0 through 10 meters. I use it most o f t e n inglon: A R R L , 19X2).
that C I and C 2 continuously rotate. on 4 0 and 20. I h a v e p u m p e d as m u c h as
An 80/40/17-Meter
Super-Trap Dipole
By A l b e r t C . B u x t o n , W 8 N X
2225 W o o d p a r k R d
A k r o n , O H 44333

any hams now realize what a

M great band 17 meters is for

worldwide DX. But getting on
the air with an antenna better than a simple 14.9'
21 ^ H
21 p H

dipole without the cost and complexity of

a rotary type is difficult. One of the better 24 pF 24 pF
low-cost options which can be home-
brewed is a third-harmonic dipole. It has
four major radiation lobes providing a
bow-tie radiation pattern and a pair of
minor lobes. It has better low-angle radia- RG-11
tion than a dipole and a small gain. It also
has the low receiving noise level of hori-
zontal polarization. For hams in the US this
antenna, when installed running east/west, Fig 1—The trap dipole for 80, 40 and 17-meter coverage. See text and Figs 2 and 3 for
gives good coverage of Europe, Russia, Super-Trap construction.
Africa, South Pacific, Japan and South
America with its major lobes. Its minor
lobes pick up Asia. India and the polar
length is about 95 feet, some 15 feet longer
regions. The length of such an antenna is
than a true ^i-X 17-meter antenna. This is
about 80 feet, about 25 or 30 feet shorter
because the traps behave like capacitors on
than a typical 80/40 trap dipole. Would it
17 meters and their reactance must be offset
be possible to build an 80/40 trap dipole
by additional length of the dipole. However,
with very high L/C ratio traps so it could
the radiation pattern is not significantly al-
be shortened enough to also work in a
tered by the added length, except for a
third-harmonic mode on 17 meters? This
beneficial small increase in gain and a slight /
article shows one way to do that.
outward shift in the direction of the major
Fig 1 shows the 80/40/17 trap-dipole lobes. No new lobes are added.
configuration. It is recommended that the
antenna be fed with a 1:1 current balun and Super-Traps
Fig 2—The Super-Trap assembly before
75-12 feed line. The radiating elements are Fig 2 shows the trap before wrapping it wrapping it in tape for weatherproofing. All
no. 12 or no. 14 stranded copper wire. The in tape for weatherproofing. The trap con- connections are made inside the form.
antenna resonates very closely to the design sists of 7.0 turns of RG-58 coax cable
frequencies of 3.75, 7.15 and 18.1 MHz. (Bclden 8240) and 5.1 overlay turns of the
However, the antenna has about 125 Q inner core of RG-58. The "inner core" is with the feedback connections of the wind-
input impedance on 17 meters and the SWR simply RG-58 with the rubber sheath and ings. Crimp-style connectors are used to
may shift the apparent resonant frequency shield braid stripped away. The windings eliminate the tough j o b of soldering in the
at the feed point, depending on feed-line are on a PVC form, 2 ' / t inches outside interior of the trap. The input terminal is
length. SWR is no problem at the design diameter by 2 % inches long, available at the ccnter conductor of the coax on the left,
frequencies on 40 and 80 meters, but the plumbing suppliers. Note the black electri- marked A, and the output terminal is the
bandwidths arc somewhat limited as for all cal tape to hold the windings in place end of the overlay winding on the right, B.
trap dipoles. You may wish to use an an- before adding the weatherproofing cover Dip-meter tests indicate a trap resonant
tenna tuner to extend the bandwidths, of tape. frequency of 7.15 MHz as it sets on the lab
especially on 80 meters. Note the overall table free from adjaccnt equipment. The
Fig 3 shows details of the trap interior
Center Conductor

Coax— o

T< ;c T

O v e r a y Winding OUT OUT

Fig 3—Details of the Super-Trap interior (B) (C)

with the feedback connections of the

windings. The end marked A is connected
Fig 4—Development of the trap equivalent circuit.
to the inner portion of the dipole.

pigtails of the trap lower its frequency by capacitance between the RG-58 shield and modified for use on other types since it is
about 35 kHz, but their contribution is sub- the overlay coax core is 15 pF/ft, as meas- relatively simple. (The program is avail-
sumed into the lengths of the radiating ured on an accurate impedance bridge. This able on diskette; see Diskette Availability
elements. c o m p a r e s with the normal coax-cable on a page at the front of this book.)
Studies on the Smith Chart indicated capacitance of 28.5 pF/ft for RG-58 and Definitions of terms appear in remarks
that a pair of 40-meter, high L/C traps were 21 pF/ft for RG-59. from lines 260 to 480. Equations in lines
required with about 21 |iH inductance and Use of ordinary insulated hookup wire 620 and 670 give the total inductance of the
24 pF capacitance. The conventional ap- for the overlay winding is not recom- trap and total equivalent capacitance, re-
proach of using traps at both 17 and 40 mended. The region between the two layers spectively, referred to the trap terminals.
meters to make an 80/40/17 trap dipole of windings is under high dielectric stress, These two equations also show the unex-
would destroy the third-harmonic radiation the same as the interior of coax cable, and pected serendipitous benefit from the
pattern desired on 17 meters. The afore- requires a good low-loss dielectric for low overlay winding: a significant reduction of
mentioned values of L and C correspond to trap losses. The best practical low-loss the coax trap capacitance referred to the
a trap characteristic reactance of about overlay winding therefore is made from the trap terminals because of a change in the
930 Cl, much higher than the usual form of core of a length of coax cable. But where a capacitance transformation formula.
coax-cable trap can supply. A design gim- different overlay wire is to be used with Note that the capacitance from the coax
mick w a s needed. Of c o u r s e a fixed unknown capacitance to the shield of the when referred to the trap terminals is now
capacitor and a single-layer air-core coil coax, the unknown capacitance may be divided by the total trap inductance, which
will do the trick, and some may opt to do determined experimentally. Just make a has been greatly increased over that of the
just that. But I wanted the more weather- trap of convenient configuration using the c o n v e n t i o n a l coax trap. T h e increase
proof capability of coax-cable traps. So an same type coax and overlay wire you ex- comes not just from the added self-induc-
attempt was made to modify the usual pect to use in the final trap construction and tance of the new overlay winding, but also
coax-trap design to increase its inductance measure the resulting trap frequency. The from the added mutual inductances re-
and reduce its capacitance. Various gim- accompanying computer program may flected into both the inner winding and the
micks w e r e tried b e f o r e success was then be used repeatedly with trial values of shield winding of the coax. Instead of the
achieved. As sometimes happens, seren- capacitance per foot until the correct value c o a x i a l - c a b l e distributed capacitance
dipity happily occurred. is found. being transformed by the factor of 1:4 for
The gimmick consisted of winding an Fig 4 shows the successive versions of the usual form of coax trap, it is now trans-
additional layer of turns of coaxial-cable the equivalent circuit leading to the final formed by a factor approaching 1:9 when
core around the coax trap in the same di- equivalentcircuit of the enhanced trap. De- a tightly coupled, full-sized overlay wind-
rection as the c o a x - c a b l e t u r n s , and termining the proper number of turns of the ing is used. The cross-coupled mutual
connecting it in series with the turns of the windings without excessive cut and try is inductances, MEQ1 and MEQ2, are both
coax portion of the trap. The core turns dependent on having an accurate equiva- negative in sign and though small in mag-
were laid in the grooves created by the coax lent circuit. nitude further enhance the L/C ratio of the
winding. The number of turns on the added traps. These beneficial effects also apply in
winding is limited to about 1 less than the The Computer Program referring the distributed capacitance of the
number of turns on the coax if one sticks to overlay winding to the trap terminals.
Program 1 presents the computer pro-
the grooves formed by the coax. Additional These factors are so significant they about
gram and equations which calculate the
inductance was provided alright, but sig- double the characteristic trap reactance
configuration of the traps upon entering the
nificant capacitance between the new that can be attained with coax-cable traps,
necessary design choices. The program is
overlay winding and the outer shield wind- and justify calling the enhanced traps
written in GWBASIC 3.2 for use directly
ing of the coax was also provided. The Super-Traps.
on IBM compatibles. But it may be easily
T ines 560 and 570 give the formulas for inductances of the coax windings. Line 540 may be built with significant reduction in
the mutual coupling coefficients between gives the equation for the self-inductance of the length beyond the trap if the very high
the overlay winding and the coax-cable the overlay winding. These equations take L/C ratio traps afforded by the overlay
windings. These coefficients are essen- into account the outside diameter of the coil winding technique are employed. However,
tially the ratios of the enclosing volumes of form, the outside diameter of the coax, and to build this 80/40/17-meter antenna, the
the coax windings to the enclosing volume the outside diameter of the wire including values of L and C of 21 |iH and 24 pF,
of the overlay winding. Certain approxi- the insulation of the overlay winding. respectively, must beclosely approximated.
mations are present which bear further Other trap configurations using differ- It is convenient to prune the trap to ex-
evaluation. Perhaps some readers having a ent diameter forms, coax, and overlay actly the right frequency by removing small
good feel for mutual coupling coefficients conductors may be created with the com- fractions of a turn at a time. This pruning
would like to examine the problem. How- puter program. In using the program, a feature is very useful but in this application
ever, the results so far indicate adequate word of caution is in order. Not all of your it must not be overdone lest the proper L/C
accuracy for most purposes. The overall attempted designs may be physically ob- ratio not be maintained. However, in many
accuracy for the total trap inductance and tainable. If you have called for a physically other trap applications high values of L/C
capacitance referred to the trap terminals is impossible design, your computer will in- are required but not a specified L/C ratio. In
about 4 % as confirmed by a General Radio dicate an illegal function call in line 680. these cases more freedom to prune exists.
I650A impedance bridge. Correspondence T w o remedies are available: (1) Use a Pruning requires entering a design fre-
is welcome on the problem. The mutual smaller coil form diameter or (2) use a quency into the computer somewhat lower
coupling coefficient between the two coax greater turn deficiency f o r the overlay than the desired trap frequency and pruning
windings is taken as unity because the windings. (This second choice is not as the overlay turns until you get exactly the
shield totally encloses the inner conductor desirable as the first.) frequency you want. Of course it is best to
of the coax. do as much of the cut and try aspects of
Conventional trap dipoles without a
Line 510 gives the equation for the self- specified harmonic operating frequency design as you can on the computer.

Program 1
Listing for BASIC Program SUPERTRP.BAS
This program is available on a companion diskette; see Diskette Availability on an early page of this book.


120 REM TEL 1 - 2 1 6 - 8 3 6 - 3 8 5 4
250 PI=3.141593:N2n10


490 N2=12
500 FOR W=1 TO 10
510 LI=(D2+TC)A2*N2"2/(18*(D2+TC)+40*N2«TC):LS=LI:N3=N2-TDEF
520 X-SQR<(TC/2+TC3/2)*2-(TC/2)*2)
530 D3=D2+TC+2*X
540 LO=(D3/2)*2«N3"2/(9»D3/2+10*N3*TC)
550 KMIS—1
560 KMOS=N3/N2*((D2+TC+2*X)/(D2+2*TC))"2
570 KMOI=((D2+TC)/D3)"2»N3/N2
580 C2=C0*PI*N2* (D2+TC) /12+Cff* (N2*TC+1) /12
590 CIP=CI*(PI«N3»D3)/12
610 LH=N2*TC:LH3=N3»TC
630 NUM=((1+KMOS)"2*(LI+LS)*(LS+LO)/64)*1E-12
640 DENOMl-((LS/4+LO/4)».000001)-l/(2«PI*FT0)A2/CIP
650 DENOM2-((II/4+LS/4)*.000001)-l /(2*PI*FT0)"2/C2
660 MEQ1=NUM/DENOM1*10000001:MEQ2=NUM/DENOM2*10000001
670 CT-C2* (LI+MEQ1) /LT+CIP* (LI/4+LO/4+2*KMOS*SQR(LS*LO/16 ) +MEQ2 ) /LT
680 F0=1000/2/PI/SQR(LT*CT)
690 N2=N2*(1—(FT0-F0)/FT0)
700 NEXT W
710 CL=(PI*N2*(D2+TC))/12
720 CL3=PI*N3*D3/12
730 Z0=1000*SQR(LT/CTJ
740 CLS
8990 END
9010 END
Trap Dipoles with Specified
Harmonic Operation
By A l b e r t C. B u x t o n , W 8 N X
2225 Woodpark Rd
Akron, OH 44333

his articic presents a computer

T p r o g r a m for d e s i g n i n g t r a p
dipoles with a single pair of traps
to provide at least 3-band coverage. It fea-
Left M o n o p o l e Right Monopole

tures a trap dipole covering the bands (=T cT

where the need for trap dipoles is great-
-\<r | Z3
est—160, 80 and 40 meters. The main pur-
pose of the program is to give hams a tool ° Gul?
for doing more home-brewing and getting LT LT
more fun out of ham radio. It seems that
hams nowadays are not getting as much S y m m e t r i c Plane
fun out of their hobby as they used to be-
cause the opportunities for building are
greatly reduced. Nobody can build a rig at
home on a competitive basis with the com- Fig 1—160/80/40x3 harmonic trap dipole.
msrcially available transceivers. The same fHAR—7.2 MHz; also 24.7x11. 28.6x13 MHz.
must be said for many of the instruments fL— 1.82b MHz.
fM—3.715 MHz.
and other "black boxes" that we use. But C T — 9 7 pF.
antennas still must be tailored to fit avail- LT—18.8pH.
able space, and here trap dipoles have a Z1—62.2 feet.
contribution to make. So pick your three Z3—48.0 feet.
favorite operating frequencies and con-
struct a trap dipole that will give you a lot
Because of the size limitations of my
of fun as well as pride and satisfaction.
lot, I have built and used the antenna as an
Fig I presents the layout and the impor- inverted-L half-dipole using a good ground
tant n o m e n c l a t u r e in the case of the connection. The ground consists of a cold-
featured antenna. The antenna functions as water pipe, the aluminum siding of my
a fundamental electrical half-wave dipole house, and a 51-foot tower with a triband
on both the 160- and 80-meter bands. On beam on top, all brought to a common
40 meters it acts as a 3rd-harmonic an- electrical junction with short lengths of no. Fig 2—Coax-cable trap, wound on 1 inch
tenna, so 1 have designated it the 160/80/ 4 copper wire. A good ground connection PVC pipe. The coax is RG-58.
40x3 trap dipole. Fortuitously, it also has is essential because of radiation efficiency,
useful coverage of 12 and 10 meters, as well as to prevent detuning the antenna
although the input resistance is rather high by ground-connection reactance. The low segment lengths or fine tuning beyond the
and requires the use of an antenna tuner on frequency, fL, is 1.825 MHz, near the low initial design of the traps was required.
these bands. The antenna has about 1 dB of end of 160 meters where the activity seems
gain on 40 meters. It is compatible with a to be greatest. The medium frequency, fM, Coax-Cable Traps
feed arrangement using a I: I current balun is 3.715 MHz, slightly favoring the CW Fig 2 shows the coaxial-cable trap used
and a 75-£l coax line. It also may be built end of the 80-meter band. The harmonic in the featured antenna. The trap is tuned
as a half-dipole or monopole with the miss- frequency is 7.2 MHz, toward the phone to the medium frequency, 3.715 MHz. The
ing half replaced by a good ground portion of 40 meters. The inboard section, trap is wound on a nominal 1-inch PVC
connection. In the latter case no balun is Z1, is 62.2 feet long. The outboard section, pipe, available at a plumbing supply house.
required and the antenna is best fed with a Z3, is 48.0 feet long. The antenna performs The outer diameter of the pipe is 1.32
50-Q coax line. closely to expectations. No pruning of the inches, which is its diameter as a coil form.
Check the outer diameter because not all
Table 1
PVC pipe may be alike. The trap has 32 Summary of Three-Band Trap Dipole Designs
turns of RG-58 coax with a center-to-center
winding length of 13.5 inches. The turns
Z1 and Z3 are of no. 14 wire. Frequencies are in MHz.
are not closely compacted but have a gap
Z1, Z3, LT CT
of 0.23 inch between turns. Don't worry
fu fM fHAR Order feet feet UH PF
about the gap. Just drill the holes in the
1.85 3.75 7.15 3 62.1 48.4 17.2 104.4
PVC form with a center-to-center spacing
1.85 3.75 10.1 3 61.3 25.8 63.5 28.4
of 13.5 inches and maintain as nearly uni-
1.85 3.75 14.175 5 61.4 27.8 57.5 31.3
form turn spacing as you can.
1.85 3.75 14.175 7 62.0 58.7 5.7 318
To review coax-cable traps, one end of 34.2
1.85 3.75 18.1 7 61.6 41.0 43.8
the center conductor of the coax is fed back
3.75 7.15 14.175 3 32.1 22.9 7.0 71.1
through the inside of the coil form and
3.75 7.15 18.1 3 32.3 14.9 20.3 24.4
connected to the shield conductor at the
3.75 7.15 21.3 5 32.2 24.4 5.4 92.9
other end. See Fig 3. The connection inside
3.75 7.15 24.9 5 31.9 16.5 16.6 29.7
the form may be made with a good crimp
3.75 7.15 28.5 5 32.4 12.7 26.4 18.8
type connector if you don't like to use the
3.75 7.15 28.5 7 32.4 27.7 2.0 250
soldering iron. The remaining two ends of
7.15 14.175 28.5 3 16.0 11.8 4.2 29.9
the coax cable constitute the terminals of
the trap, the shield at one end and the center
conductor at the other. When placing the
trap in the antenna, connect the coax center
conductor to the inboard Z1 section of the
monopole and the shield to the outboard Z3
Conductor . • — I Center
section. If these terminals are inadvertently ' ' ' ^ J r Conductor
reversed the antenna will be slightly
detuned, but no great harm is done.
It is good to check the resonant fre-
quency of the trap with a dip meter if you Antenna Q V ^ 0Antenn0
have one to ensure a slipup hasn't occurred Section Section

somewhere. The frequency should be

within 50 kHz of 3.715 MHz as it sits on Fig 3—Showing the connections for the coax-cable trap of Fig 2. The center-conductor
the laboratory bench free and clear of metal to shield connection is made inside the tubular winding form.
objects. For those with access to an R-L-C
impedance bridge or a Q meter, the trap
inductance should be close to 18.8 jiH, and of the antenna may lie somewhat outside The validity of calculation is such that
the capacitance should be close to 97 pF. the amateur band. Experimenters in the most of the usual cut-and-try aspects of
The Q of the trap is 130, not as high as one past, of course, have proceeded along these trap-dipole design are eliminated. The pro-
of optimum dimensions but very adequate lines with the results documented in many gram is written in GWBASIC 3.2 but may
to ensure negligible trap losses. A R R L publications. However, much of be easily converted to other forms of
this work was done prior to the 1979 BASIC. Design choices must be entered
Trap-Dipole Design WARC bands and does not reflect the full including wire diameter, the usual pair of
The usual method of trap-dipole design potential of trap dipoles to provide multi- operating frequencies, the harmonic oper-
does not realize the full potential of such band operation. ating frequency, the order of the harmonic,
an antenna to provide multiple operating The computer program, HARTRPDI. whether the trap is of coaxial-cable type or
frequencies. It neglects one of the signifi- BAS, is listed as Program 1. It is rigorously open-air inductor with a fixed capacitor,
cant degrees of freedom available to the based on transmission-line theory includ- and nominal estimated dimensions and Q
designer, namely the L/C ratio of the traps. ing transmission losses due to radiation. of the traps. The program determines the
For dipoles employing a single pair of traps (The program is available on diskette; see required lengths of the dipole segments,
with the correct L/C ratio as well as the Diskette Availability on a page at the front and the L and C of the traps. If desired it
correct LC product, one desired harmonic of this book.) The program can be used to also calculates input impedance over any
operating frequency may be specified in design trap dipoles with a single pair of requested operating bands. Trap losses
addition to the usual pair of upper and traps that provide at least 3-band operation. may be determined from the input imped-
lower operating frequencies. Further, be- Low i m p e d a n c e , c u r r e n t - f e d input is ance calculations. Operating bandwidths
cause of the harmonic relationships of the provided at the antenna terminals at all are indirectly inferred.
amateur bands, additional useful harmonic operating design frequencies. The antenna Table 1 summarizes some of the many
operating frequencies may sometimes be is compatible with 75-H balanced feed or possible 3-band trap dipole designs. It
obtained although only one harmonic may w i t h u n b a l a n c e d 75-£i c o a x i a l f e e d shows the resonant frequencies within the
be accurately specified. Also, with the wide through a 1:1 current balun. Half-dipole or bands, segment lengths, and trap L and C
availability of good antenna tuners (or monopole versions may be implemented if for traps of nominal dimensions and Q. I
Transmatches), it is acceptable practice to a good ground connection is available to have built and tested many of those of 3rd
use an antenna on a higher "harmonic," replace the missing half and if a change is and 5th harmonic order with little need for
even though the true harmonic frequency made to 50-fl coaxial-cable feed line. pruning from the computer values. Since

the various antenna configurations tend to Table 2

be scale models of one another, a test for Summary of Multiband Trap Dipoles
one of a given harmonic order is an ap-
proximate test for all of the same harmonic
Z1 and Z3 are of no. 14 wire. The second antenna listed below is the antenna featured
order. Thus, those of 7th and 9th harmonic
in this article.
order have not yet been tested. But little
Z1, Z3, LT, CT,
pruning is expected to be required for these
Freq (MHz), XOrdei Feat Feet fiH pF
antennas since even the 11 th and 13th har-
1.85,3.75,18.1x9 62.1 59.2 5.2 345
monics of the featured antenna are as
Also 10.1x5, 14.1x7
Table 2 g i v e s a s u m m a r y of s o m e 1.825, 3.715, 7.20x3 62.2 48.0 18.8 97
designs where more than three bands of Also 24.7x11, 28.6x13
operation are attained because of the for-
tuitous h a r m o n i c r e l a t i o n s h i p s of the 5.0 100
3.9, 7.10, 14.025x3 32.5 22.2
various amateur bands. The second an-
Also 21.95x5, 31x7
tenna in this table is the featured antenna.
At the extra harmonic frequencies, assis-
3.55, 7.15, 18.05x3 32.3 16.1 23.4 21.1
tance from an antenna tuner is required to
Also 25.4x5
cancel reactance because resonance may
o c c u r s o m e w h a t o u t s i d e the a m a t e u r
bands. But current feed is provided on all
frequencies, compatible with 75-Q feed
line, and S W R values in the line do not get
ruinously high at modest power levels.
the program, then nonsense results may be It is assumed that the inboard end of the
The Program Itself obtained and starting over is required. coax-cable trap is the free end of the center
The program limits the choice of har- T h e basic equations for the inductance conductor of the cable and the outboard
monic order operation to odd values. This and capacitance per unit length for the wire end is the free end of the shield of the cable.
assures low-impedance current input rather dipole elements give the free space values It is also assumed that traps constructed of
than high-impedance voltage input. If an independent of ground effects and interfer- open air solenoid (single-layer) inductors
e v e n - o r d e r h a r m o n i c is i n a d v e r t e n t l y ing objects. These are taken from Terman's and fixed capacitors have 50% higher stray
specified, the program will still give a Radio Engineers' Handbook.1 The trans- capacitance than coax-cable traps. Traps
design s o l u t i o n c o r r e s p o n d i n g to the mission-line equations are rigorous and typically have stray shunt capacitance in
closest odd-harmonic operating condition. take into account losses due to radiation. the range of 1 to 4 pF. Small unpredictable
This is because the slope of the input reac- Velocity of propagation along the dipole d i f f e r e n c e s in stray shunt capacitancc
tance function is positive in the region of elements is taken as that of free space. cause only negligible variations in reso-
o d d - h a r m o n i c o p e r a t i o n and n e g a t i v e Increased electrical length effects, typi- nant operating frequencies. Nominal di-
around even h a r m o n i c s . T h e iterative cally 5% or so, associated with the fringing mensions of the traps were assumed based
design routine used in the program con- of the electrical field at the ends of the primarily on open-air inductor traps with
verges only for odd-harmonic operation. antenna are treated as the effects of equiva- fixed capacitors. If metallic enclosed cylin-
Also, physical realizability constrains the lent end capacitors to ground. Both the drical traps are used then different, but
order of the odd harmonic chosen. For in- series and shunt effects of the traps inserted maybe negligibly different, stray shunt ca-
stance the order of the harmonic chosen in the transmission line are accounted for. pacitance applies. At the frequency fM,
must be such that The series effects are the primary effects where the trap is anti-resonant, Cm com-
and are those of the parallel impedance of bines with the end capacitance of the inner
the lumped L and C of the traps. The shunt dipole to act as a shunt to ground at the
fL < 'har/ordi-r < ''m input side of the trap, the outboard length
effects are very small and are due to the
stray distributed capacitance of the trap Z 3 being divorced electrically by the high
Thus, if I'l and I'm are 3.75 MHz and
windings to free space. These arc not to be impcdance of the trap. At all other frequen-
7.15 MHz, respectively, and fiiAR is 18.1
confused with the capacitance between cies one-half of C s i is assumed to act as a
MHz then either a 3rd or 5th harmonic
adjacent turns of the trap, which are sub- shunt to ground at each end of the trap.
design is realizable but a 7th harmonic
sumed into the ordinary C of the trap and
design is unrealizable. Further, if you wish The program may be used to evaluate
slightly alter the trap resonant frequency.
to maintain equal percentage bandwidths trap losses based on the assumption that all
For coax-cable traps the stray capacitance
in t h e I'l a n d I'm b a n d s then ideally trap losses are chargeable to resistance
to free space is approximately given by
fiiAR/ORDi-R should be reasonably close to losses of the inductor and none to dielectric
the mean value of I'l anc I'm- Also, the ratio losses or leakage in the capacitor. Input
fM/fL seems to be practically limited to the C s l = 0.6 ^diameter x length resistance may first be calculated assuming
following range. very high Q traps with zero loss. Input
where resistance may then be recalculated using
1.4 < f M / f L < 7 diameter and length of the traps are in the expected practical Q for the traps. The
inches increase in input resistance is chargeable to
If unrealizability constraints are ig- Cst is in pF trap losses. For instance the 80/40/17x3
nored in your selection of input values to trap d i p o l e has an input resistance of
67.61 £2 on 4 0 meters when trap Q is 1 with Q values greater than 100 have trap L / C ratio traps. The e f f e c t on the band-
million. When traps with Q values o f 100 losses less than 1 dB. width o f the harmonic band may also be
are e m p l o y e d , the input resistance in- The program may be used to perform evaluated; the lower the trap L / C ratio, the
creases to 7 3 . 2 9 £2 and trap losses are 0.35 trade-off studies o f the bandwidths o f trap l o w e r the loss o f bandwidth. A l s o , the
d B . Surprisingly, trap losses are e v e n dipoles using the computed input i m p e d - higher the order o f the harmonic, the lower
higher on 8 0 meters, 0.64 d B , because ance versus frequency. Trap dipoles, o f the loss o f bandwidth at the harmonic fre-
nearly all the current g o e s :hrough the in- course, have narrower bandwidths in their quency.
ductor where all the losses are. T h e losses individual bands than a separate dipole for If y o u like to experiment with trap
are entirely negligible on 17 meters where each band. Studies show that trap dipoles dipoles, this program should be o f real help
nearly all the current g o e s through the trap have increasing loss o f bandwidth in their in their design. G o o d luck with your home-
capacitor. Encouragingly, careful labora- low-frequency band as the L / C ratio o f the built trap d i p o l e jobs.
tory measurements o f Q values o f c o a x traps is increased, corresponding to re-
cable traps made o f R G - 5 8 show values in duced length o f the outboard segment o f Note
e x c e s s o f 100, up to as high as- 150. But in the dipole. Conversely, minimum reduc- ' F. E. Terman, Radio Engineers' Handbook, 1 st
general I believe that trap losses are s o m e - tion in b a n d w i d t h in t h e medium- ed. (New York, London: McGraw-Hill Book
what of a false b o g e y m a n and that traps frequency band is attained with very high Co, 1943).

Program 1
Listing for BASIC Program HARTRPDI.BAS
This program is available on a companion diskette; see Diskette Availability on an early page of this book.
100 CLS
120 IF P$="N" THEN 330
150 PRINT "TELEPHONE 1-216-836 3854"


310 CLS


490 C S = . 6 * S Q R ( L H * D T ) : I F T T $ = " 0 " THEN CS=. 9*SQR(LH*DT) i Z0=1000»SQR(L/C) : REM CS I S THE STRAY SHUNT
570 F F U N D = 9 8 3 . 5 7 / 4 * . 9 5 / ( Z l + Z 3 ) : R E M FFUND I S THE FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY THE
580 NORLGTH=2* ( Z1+Z3) * F L / 9 8 3 . 57 : RADRES=( 27 • 04*LOG(NORLGTH) +89 . 72 ) : REM NORLGTH I S THE NOIRMALIZED
590 L = Z 3 : K V = l i Z 0 = Z 0 L : F M H Z = F L : R L = . 0 0 1 : X L = X C E L : A = P I * R A D R E S / 8 / Z 0 L / ( Z l + Z3)
630 R 7 - . 0 0 0 1 : X 7 =XCS*2:R8=RINOUTL:X8=XINOUTL
660 L - Z 1 : Z 0 » Z 0 L : F M H Z = F L : R L = 3 7 . 5 : X L = . 0 0 0 1 : A = - P I * R A D R E S / 8 / Z 0 L / ( Z l + Z 3 )
670 IiAMBDA-983.57*KV/*'MHZ:B=2*PI/LAMBDA
690 R I N I N L = R I N : X I N I N L — X I N
700 R 7 = . 0 0 0 1 : X 7 = 2 * X C S : R 8 = R I N I N L : X 8 = X I N I N L
740 LT-XTRAPLP* ( 1 - ( F L / F M ) " 2 ) / 2 / P I / F L l REM L T - TRAP INDUCTANCE ,UH AND CT =TRAP CAPACITY , PF .
750 CT°10000001/4/PI A 2/FM*2/LT
780 NORLGTH-2*( Z1 + Z3 ) *FMHZ/983. 57 : RADRES" ( 27 .04 *LOG( NORLGTH)+89 .12)
790 RL".0001:XL=XCE:L=Z3:A=PI*RADRES/8/Z0L/(Z1+Z3)*1.34:LAMBDA=983.57/FMHZ*KV:B=2*PI/LAMBDA
810 R 7 - R I N : X 7 = X I N : R 8 = . 0 0 0 1 : X 8 = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 l / 2 / P I / F M H Z / ( - C S / 2 )
840 MTN-SQR( ( X L T * X C T p 2 + ( R T R A P * X C T ) "2 ) :OTN=ATN(-RTRAP/XLT)
870 RP-MT*COS(OT):XP=MT* S I N ( O T )
890 R7=RLP:X7=XLPiR8™.0001:X8 1 O 1000000! /2/PI/FMHZ/ (-CS/2 ]
910 R1=R9:XL=X9: L=Z 1
940 PRINT TAB(1);"LT=";LT;"UH";TAB(20);"CT=";CT;"PF";TAB(40);"Z1™";Z1;"FT"; TAB (60);"Z3=";Z3; "FT"
960 NEXT A B
980 IF B$="N" THEN 1780
1000 FOR 1=1 TO 500:NEXT I:CLS
1040 IF F G E N > 1 . 2 * F M THEN 1070
1050 IF F G E N < . 8 * F M THEN 1070
1060 NORLGTH=2*Zl *FGEN/983 . 57 : RADRES»( 27 . 04*LOG(NORLGTH| +89.72) :A=PI*RADRES/8/600/Zl
1070 FOR 1-1 TO 5
1090 IF F G E N > 1 . 2 * F M THEN 1120
1100 IF F G E N < . 8 * F M THEN 1120
1110 0=AlA=9.999999E-21
1140 C S = . 6 * S Q R ( L H * D T ) : I F TT?="0" THEN CS=.9*SQR(LH*DT)
1150 IF F G E N < . 8 * F M THEN 1180
1160 IF F G E N > 1 . 2 « F M THEN 1180
1170 CS=.0001
1180 R7=RIN:X7=XIN:R8=.0001:X8=1000000l/2/PI/FMHZ/(-CS/2)
1200 C S = . 6 * S Q R ( L H * D T ) : I F TT$="0" THEN CS=.9*(LH*DT)*.5
1210 IF F G E N < . 8 * F M THEN 1240
1220 IF F G E N > 1 . 2 * F M THEN 1240
1230 CS=2*CSP
1240 XLT=Z*PI*FGEN*LT:XCT=—10000001/2/PI/FGEN/CT
1250 RTRAP=.001
1270 M T D = S Q R ( R T R A P A 2 + (XLT+XCT)"2) :OTD=ATN( (XLT+XCT)/RTRAP)
1280 H T = M T N / M T D : O T = O T N - O T D
1300 RLP=RP+R9:XLP=XP+X9
1310 R7=RLPl X7=XLPt R8= .00011 000000 1 / 2/PI/FMHZ / ( —CS/2 )
1330 IF F G E N < . 8 * F M THEN 1360
1340 IF F G E N > 1 . 2 * F M THEN 1360
1350 A=U
1360 RL=R9:XL=X9:L=Z1
1380 A = A * R A D R E S / 2 / R I N : A P = A
1390 NEXT I
1400 FOR J=1 TO 15
1410 FGEN=FCEN+(J-8)*.01*FCEN
1440 A = A P * ( F G E N / F C E N ) * . 5
1450 IF F G E N < . 8 * F M THEN 1480
1460 IF F G E N > 1 . 2 * F M THEN 1480
1470 U=A:A=1E-10
1500 CS=.6*SQR(LH*DT)
1510 IF F G E N < . 8 * F M THEN 1540
1520 IF F G E N > 1 . 2 * F M THEN 1540
1530 CS=.0001
1540 R7=RINlX7=XINiR8=.0001:X8=1000000l/2/PI/FMHZ/(-CS/2)
1560 C S » . 6 * S Q R ( L H * D T ) : I F TT$="0" THEN CS=.9*SQR(LH*DT)
1570 IF F G E N < . 8 * F M THEN 1600
1580 IF FGEN>1.2*FH THEN 1600
1590 C S = 2 * C S P
1600 XLT=2*PI*FGEN*LT:XCT=-1000000l/2/PI/FGEN/CT
1640 M T = M T N / M T D : O T O T N - O T D
1660 RLP-RP+R9:XLP=XP+X9
1670 R7=RLPi X7=XLP:R8=.00001:X8=l000000i/2/PI/FMHZ/ (-CS/2 )
1690 IF FGEN<. 8*FM THEN 1720
1700 IF FGEN>1.2*FM THEN 1720
1710 A = U
1720 RL=R9:XL=X9:L=Z1
1740 P R I N T TAB(3);FGEN;TAB(22);2*RIN;TAB(42);2*XIN
1750 N E X T J
1770 IF B$="Y" THEN 990
1800 P R I N T TAB(28);D$:PRINT
1970 L=.00508*(Zl+Z3)*12*(LOG(4*12*|Z1+Z3)/DW)-1)
1980 C=7.36*(Zl+Z3)/(LOG(2*12*(Zl+Z3)/DW)/LOG(10)-.5)
1990 E N D
2000 US=(EXP(A*L)-EXP(-A*L))/2*COS(B*L)
2010 VS=(EXP(A*L)+EXP(-A*L))/2*SIN(B*L)
2020 UC»(EXP(A*L)+EXP(-A*L))/2*COS(B*L)
2030 VC=(EXP(A*L)-EXP(-A*L))/2*SIN(B*L)
2040 C=US-XL*VC/Z0+RI,*UC/Z0
2050 D=VS+RL*VC/Z0+XL*UC/Z0
2060 E=UC+RL*US/Z0-XL*VS/Z0
2070 F=VC+RL*VS/Z0+XL*US/Z0
2080 M N N = S Q R ( C A 2 + D " 2 ) i T H E T A N = A T N ( D / C )
2100 M N D = S Q R ( E A 2 + F " 2 ) : T H E T A D = A T N ( F / E )
2140 R E T U R N
2150 FOR W=1 TO 10
2160 ZX»983.57/FMHZ/4*KA
2170 L=.00508*ZX*12*(LOG(4*12*ZX/DW)-1)
2180 C=7.36*ZX/(LOG(2*12*ZX/DW)/LOG(10)-.5)
2190 KA=(ZX/SQR(L*C)*1000/983.57)
2200 NEXT W
2210 Z0=1000*SQR(L/C) :XCEs=-Z0*TAN (KA*PI/2) iCE«-10000001 /2/PI/FMHZ/XCE
2230 CLS
2240 FOR J-6 TO 18
2260 NEXT J
2270 FOR J=23 TO 38
2280 LOCATE 10,J:PRINT CHR$(61)
2290 NEXT J
2300 FOR J=44 TO 59
2320 NEXT J
2330 FOR J=64 TO 76
2340 LOCATE 10,J:PRINT CHR$(61)
2350 NEXT J
2360 LOCATE 10,39:PRINT CHR$(111)
2400 LOCATE 9,11:PRINT "Z3,FT":LOCATE 9,67:PRINT "Z3,FT"
2410 LOCATE 9,27:PRINT "Z1, FT" : LOCATE 9,49:PRINT "Z1,FT"
2420 LOCATE 10,43:PRINT CHRS(lll)
2450 FOR J=3 TO 17
2460 LOCATE J,41:PRINT CHR$(124)
2470 NEXT J
2510 PRINT " "1 P R I N T " "
2530 CLS
2550 HN=SQR((R7*R8-X7*X8)"2+(X8»R7+X7*R8)"1)
2560 THETAN=ATN((X7*R8+X8*R7)/(R7*R8-X7«X8))
2570 IF ( R7*R8-X7*X8 )<-. 001 THEN THETAII=THETAN+PI
2580 HD=SQR((R7+R8)A2+(X7+X8)'2)
2590 THETAD=ATN((X7+X8)/(R7+R8))
8990 END
9010 END
How to Design Off-Center-Fed
Multiband Wire Antennas
Using that Invisible
Transformer in the Sky
By Frank Witt, AI1H
20 Chatham Rd
Andover, MA 01810

his article describes the design

T procedure for harmonic wire an-

tennas where the choice of feed
point is optimized to provide maximum
CZ> d >

match bandwidth on a single band. These

antennas can provide multiband operation
without the use of an antenna tuner. The
term "harmonic wire antennas" has been
used to describe antennas whose length is
a multiple of a half-wavelength. See Chap-
ter 2 of The ARRL Antenna Book, 16th
Edition, for a discussion of the harmonic
wire antenna. 1 Since the term "Windom CD CZ5 cz>
Antenna" is currently misused to describe (B)
any wire antenna with off-center feed, the
class of antennas I address here might be Fig 1—Current distribution on a half-wave dipole. (A) Center feed; (B) off-center feed.
called a type of Windom antenna. 2,3 A more
accurate and descriptive name for this an-
tenna class is the off-center-fed (OCF) an- arsenal, but only if fed properly. I designed cuss how this type of antenna is prone to
tenna, since the antenna is useful even an antenna to fit my needs. I operate mostly feed-line radiation, and what can be done
when a resonant condition does not exist. on 80 m (around 3.8 MHz), and I wanted to minimize its influence on the antenna
I was drawn to this topic by the impres- to build an antenna that would also cover performance. Last, I show how to design a
sive claims I ' v e read in articles and 160 m without an antenna tuner. (The bui lt- multiband OCF antenna.
advertisements about OCF antennas. In par- in antenna tuner of my Kenwood TS-930S After the bulk of the material of this
ticular, the large match bandwidth did not transceiver does not cover 160 m.) If I paper was prepared, I became aware of an
fit my understanding of the theory. Further, could get a low SWR on the HF bands, I interesting 1954 related paper by William
the theory does not support claims that a 6:1 would consider that a bonus. Out of the R. Wrigley, W4UCW. 4 He reported on an
transformer/balun is superior to a 4:1 trans- project came enough understanding so the in-depth analysis of the harmonic wire an-
former/balun when the feed line is 5()-£i same principles could be applied to other tenna. His major goal was to explore the
coax. Reports of large changes in the SWR applications. possibility of designing practical antennas
characteristic when feed-line length is First I describe the "invisible trans- with low SWR on several HF bands. He
changed, of RF in the shack and of high f o r m e r " concept. Then I show some concluded that such antennas were not very
incidence of TVI suggests that substantial MININEC simulation results that support practical, primarily bccause of limited
feed-line radiation can exist with an OCF the principle. I show how to maximize match bandwidth and because of potential
antenna. match bandwidth while taking into account feed-line radiation. He did not report on any
The result of my investigation is that the the losses in the transmission line and experimental work. The results reported in
OCF antenna is a useful addition to a ham's matching transformer. Along the way I dis- my paper show that useful mu.tiband
1.0H 1
0.9 -

^ 0.8 \ - 1.25

711 0.7 z
1.5 II
S. 0.6
O o
\ 2
Fig 2—Equivalent circuit of the invisible § 0.4
transformer. Across its secondary is m o
always connected the antenna impedance
g- 0.3 _ \ 3 4)
.e 4 E
at the current maximum point. > 0.2 - A . - 5
0.1 - 10
0.0 i I i i r>»
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
designs are possible and that there are sim-
ple w a y s to o v e r c o m e t h e f e e d - l i n e Electrical ongle =» 90 in Degrees

radiation limitation. Because we now have

• Free Space -f- Over Perfect Ground Estimate
the three WARC bands, the chances for a
good match on several bands have in-
creased since W 4 U C W did his analysis. Fig 3—Variation in the invisible transformer impedance ratio as the feed point is moved
off center. The solid curve is derived from Eq 2, while the data points are derived from
The Invisible Transformer MININEC simulations. (Free space or 60 feet above perfect ground, no. 14 AWG wire,
one-half wavelength on 160 m.) For convenience in plotting, the reciprocal of N is
It turns out that many antennas contain plotted against the distance expressed as an electrical angle.
an invisible transformer that may provide a
convenient adjustable impedance transfor-
mation mechanism. Here we will consider
antennas operating near resonance, that is, Zamin = antenna impedance where An estimate of 1/N 2 is plotted in Fig 3. Also
near frequencies at which the feed-point the current is a maximum shown in that figure is the result of a
impedance is purely resistive. To under- M I N I N E C s i m u l a t i o n f o r a half-wave
stand t h e p r i n c i p l e , look f i r s t at t h e This is exactly what one gets with a voltage 160-m dipole in free space and 60 feet
half-wave dipole shown in Fig 1. The am- step-up transformer with a turns ratio of above a perfect ground. Notice the close
plitude of the current along the antenna is N:1 or an impedance ratio of N 2 : l , where agreement. Simulations for many other
maximum at the center and is near zero at cases involving free space, real and perfect
the ends. It can be approximated by a cosine 1 ground, and harmonic operation, using
function as follows. N both M I N I N E C and NEC, show similar
9 0
L agreement. The result summarized in Eqs
2 and 3 is the same as that given in Kraus. 5
Ia = 'max cos 90
L An example will illustrate the principle.
The value of N may be adjusted from 1 to
where Assume that a center-fed half-wave dipole
a large number by moving the feed point
Ia = current at distance \ from center has a feed-point resistance of 7 3 Q at reso-
along the wire, that is, by changing x. T h e
Imax = current at the center of the nance. S u p p o s e it is desired to have a
term "invisible" is used to describe the
perfect match to a 200-Q transmission line
antenna transformer because its function is realized
at resonance. Then
L = a quarter wavelength of the by feed-point position, not by a physical
standing wave measured along transformer at the feed point. Fig 2 shows r
af 200
the antenna. an equivalent circuit of the invisible trans- r
= 2.74
amin 73
90 — = distance expressed as an From Eq 3 or Fig 3,
The impedances of Eq 1 are complex.
electrical angle in degrees
amin = r
amin+7xa £ = ^ cos" 1 Vl / 2 . 7 4 = 0.587
The more common feed point is the
center of the antenna, as shown in Fig IA. T h i s m e a n s that an 8 0 - m dipole with
Feed-point impedance is lowest at that L = 65 feet would be fed off center by
point. W h e n the antenna feed point is r 65 x 0.587 = 38.2 feet to achieve the 200-Q
Zaf = af+7xaf
moved off-center, Fig IB, the same current feed-point resistance.
distribution exists. The result is that the At resonance, X a and X a f are zero, so from For the transformer analogy to be accu-
impedance at the new feed point is given Eq 1 we have rate, it is not only necessary for the result
by summarized in Fig 3 to be true, but the
Raf 1 off-resonance behavior must also be con-
„Z AMIN .. = N2 (Eq 2)
AF 7 Ta (Eq 1) Ra 90 sistent with that of a transformer. A good

cos 2 90 jr
i demonstration of the validity of the invis-
or ible transformer model is shown in Fig 4,
where it is seen through MININEC simu-
where lations that antenna Q (at resonance) does
Zaf = antenna impedance at the feed : s W R AMIN / R a f (Eq 3) not change significantly as the feed point
L 90
is moved off ccntcr. This property is essen-
tial for the invisible transformer analogy to
be valid. -= =k- - + + -

Since the antenna Q does not change as

the feed point is moved off center, one
should conclude that maximum match
bandwidth is not increased through the use
of the OCF antenna, a result that contra-
dicts some claims. Actually, off-center feed
does provide, through the invisible trans-
former principle, the freedom to select the
right feed-point impedance to obtain maxi-
mum match bandwidth. However, no other
I I _l L I I I J_.ib._L
fundamental match bandwidth broadening 20
mcchanism results from off-center feed.
Electrical angle = 90 — in Degrees

Full-Wave and Multiple Half-Wave

• Free Space -f- Over Perfect Ground
The same invisible transformer princi-
ple applies for other resonant antennas Fig 4—Antenna Q variation as the feed point is moved along the antenna. Note that the
Q of a half-wave 160-m dipole hardly changes for both the free space case and the
whose overall length is a multiple of one- 60 feet above perfect ground case.
half wavelength. Fig 5 shows a 1-wave-
length antenna fed at a current maximum
point (Fig 5A) and fed a distance x away
from the current maximum (Fig 5B). The
current direction reverses at the center of
the antenna. Now it is obvious why I used
the terminology of the previous section. By
referencing x and L to points where the
standing current wave has maximum am-
plitude, Eqs 1, 2 and 3 apply to all cases.
Notice that since there are two current
maxima on a full-wave antenna, there are
three other points where the feed-point re-
sistance at resonance is the same as that of
Fig 5B. These are shown by an X in that
figure. This provides some added flexibil-
ity in the design of multiband antennas.
Through a judicious choice of the feed- Fig 5—Current distribution on a full wave wire. (A) Feed point at a current maximum;
point position and antenna dimensions, (B) feed point at a distance x from a current maximum.
multiband resonant antenna operation is
possible. Even more flexibility is achieved
by adding one or more wires. 6 practice minimizes feed-line radiation. 1:1
Here we will take steps to reduce it as much u
• nnnn
Matching the Antenna to the as possible by the use of coaxial cable feed, LOW
Transmission Line a choke balun/transformer at the antenna, • nnnn
Since off-center feed usually results in and additional line isolation. HIGH
a high feed-point impedance, either a high- As I explain later, for maximum match • nnnn
impedance balanced transmission line or a bandwidth, the impedance ratio of the
coaxial feed line with an impedance step- choke balun/transformer must be high •nmn
up transformer is used. However, there is enough to provide a generator impedance
another serious issue to be dealt with—that greater than the feed-point resistance at Fig 6—The 4:1 Guanella wide-band balun
of feed-line radiation. Feed-line radiation resonance. There is no advantage gai ned by made from two 1:1 choke baluns.
occurs because the common-mode RF using a ratio higher than 4: l as long as the
voltage at the feed point is not zero. This optimum feed-point location for that im-
leads to unequal currents in a balanced pedance ratio is chosen. Since a broadband connected in parallel and the windings on
transmission line, and hence feed-line ra- 4:1 choke balun is easier to realize than one the high-impedance side are connected in
diation. With coax feed, radiation occurs with a higher ratio, it is an unnecessary series. This type of balun is one form of the
when current flows on the outside surface complication to use something other than Guanella Transformer. It has the highly
of the outer conductor. Such currents exist 4:1. desirable property that either port may be
when coax is directly connected to the feed Fig 6 shows a 4:1 choke balun made balanced or unbalanced. For that matter,
point of any kind of wire antenna, center- from two 1:1 choke baluns. 7 Notice the either port may be neither balanced nor
fed or otherwise. Good antenna design windings on the low-impedance side are unbalanced. The OCF antenna presents a

- Nylon Rope
S = Shield
Nylon Rope
C = Center

C h o k e Balun


1 : 1 Choke Boluns
Fig 7—A 4:1 choke balun m a d e from two
W2DU HF 1:1 choke baluns. A no. 10
stainless steel screw, a lockwasher and a
nut are u s e d to fasten the two units

load on the transformer that is neither bal-

anced nor unbalanced. Hence, the choke
type of impedance transformer is ideally
suited for O C F antenna applications.
One method of realizing a 4:1 choke
balun is to use two W 2 D U H F 1:1 choke
baluns (manufactured by Unadilla) 8 with a
parallel connection at the 50-Q side and a
series connection at the 200-Q side. 9 A
continuity check must be made to identify
the shield and center connector terminals
so they may be connected as shown in Fig
Shield Grounded
7. The W 2 D U H F 1:1 baluns are m a d e f r o m Below Feedpoint
a s h o r t p i e c e of 50-Q c o a x i a l c a b l e
t o Transceiver
threaded through many small ferrite
toroids. 1 0 Ideally, the characteristic imped-
ance of the cable used in these baluns 7777777777777777, V7Z^7777777777777
should be 100 Q for this application, but
the 50-Q units perform quite well from 10
to 160 m.
I have observed that a 4:1 choke balun
Fig 8—Antenna feed system. Convenience, feed-line radiation reduction and lightning
alone does not provide enough isolation,
protection a r e provided by this arrangement.
especially on 160 m. I routinely use two 1:1
choke baluns in addition to the 4:1 choke
balun described above. W 2 D U H F choke also used a Radio Works model B 4 - 2 K X 4:1 shown in Fig 8. Noiice in the figure that the
baluns are available from the manufacturer choke balun and their model C1-2K 1:1 shield of the coaxial cable is connected to
(Unadilla) with S O - 2 3 9 connectors at each in-line choke balun (with PL-259 connec- a rod driven in the ground directly below
end through special order. This arrange- tors at each end) with similar results. 1 1 the feed point. Line isolators (1:1 choke
ment is well suited forin-line 1:1 use. I have A r e c o m m e n d e d feed arrangement is baluns) are placed at the antenna end of the
transmission line and next to the shield
ground connection as shown. This tech-
nique, when used with choke baluns as
shown, reduces feed-line radiation and
keeps RF out of the shack. The technique
also affords a degree of lightning protec-
tion since all antenna system elements have
a low impedance path to ground at a point
remote from the operating location. Note
that if an antenna tuner is used with this
system, it can be of the unbalanced variety, Fig 9—SWR versus frequency for Fig 1 0 — O p t i m u m SLANT a n d SLTRANS as
and no tuner balun is required. In many resonant OCF antennas. a function of matched transmission
tuners, the balun is frequently the weakest system loss.
Although I have not yet tried it, I believe mum mismatch is independent of antenna point for the overall length may be found
that there is another effective, and perhaps Q. These results are summarized here, since in The ARRL Antenna Book15
superior, way to prevent feed-line radia- they are needed to optimize the match band-
492 (n - 0.05)
tion. By threading the vertical portion of width of the antenna on a particular band. LT = (Eq 4A)
the feed line through several ferrite-type The key result is shown in Fig 10, where '0
line isolation beads, spaced about 10 feet the o p t i m u m values of SLANT a n d SLTRANS where
apart, feed-line radiation should be virtu- are plotted versus the matched feed-line LT = overall length of the antenna in
ally eliminated. A good candidate for cable plus balun/transformer loss. Matched loss feet
similar to RG-8 in diameter is the Chomer- refers to the loss when the feed system is n = number of half wavelengths at
ics type A637. properly terminated, which in general does resonance
not occur when an antenna is the termina- Fo = resonant frequency in MHz
Maximizing Match Bandwidth tion. If one knows the approximate matched
An objective of the design procedure feed system loss, the optimum amount of I found close experimental agreement with
outlined here is to obtain the maximum mismatch may be found with the aid of Fig this formula except for the case n = 1. A
match bandwidth on a particular band. Al- 10. Forexample, if the matched loss is 1 dB, good fit to my experimental data for n = 1
though there are several definitions of SLANT = 1.43 and SLTRANS = 1.33. The
match bandwidth, the one I will use here is matched loss in any particular application
is easy to obtain by using published graphs 481
the bandwidth over which the SWR is less LT = (Eq 4B)
than 2:1. The antenna system includes not in handbooks for the transmission-line loss F0
only the antenna, but also the matching and by using the manufacturer's specifica- L, the length of a quarter of the current
balun/transformer and the transmission tion for the loss of the balun/transformer. A standing wave in feet, is given by
line. The match bandwidth we want to good design will usually result in negligible
maximize is that measured at the transmit- balun/transformer losses. If those are not L = (Eq 5)
ter end of the transmission line. The match small, energy dissipation will be concen-
bandwidth is not maximum when the an- trated at the transformer, and, in high-power
This is the same as the free-space quarter-
tenna is matched to the transmission line applications, the balun/transformer may be
plus balun/transformer at resonance. 12 ' 13 damaged.
The overall length should be changed to
More bandwidth is achieved when the an- Match bandwidth is not strongly de- bring the design band resonant frequency
tenna is mismatched at resonance and sees pendent on SL- For example, if the matched to the desired value. The length adjustment
a generator impedance that is higher than loss is very small, the optimum value of should be accomplished in a way that
RAF. Further, the optimum amount of mis- S L A N T a n d S L T R A N S i s 1 . 2 5 . S e e F i g 10. A s moves SL toward the intended value for
m a t c h to a c h i e v e m a x i m u m m a t c h long as the generator resistance is greater SLTRANS- In this way maximum match
bandwidth depends on the loss in the trans- than RAF at resonance, SL can vary from bandwidth will be achieved.
mission system. 1.0 to 1.5 with a negligible effect on match
Fig 9 shows the form of the SWR versus bandwidth. Similar insensitivity to SL Other Resonant Frequencies
frequency curve for this antenna type. It is exists for higher matched loss values. After the antenna length, LT, has been
the familiar "bowl shape" characteristic of established, it is useful to know the other
center-fed half-wave dipoles and many Antenna Dimensions resonant frequencies of the antenna. These
other antenna types. The term SL is used to Although operation on several bands is frequencies are determined by solving
describe the minimum SWR, which occurs possible, it will be possible to achieve Eq 4 for Fo.
at the antenna resonant frequency, Fo. The maximum match bandwidth on only a sin-
same shape occurs at the antenna end and at gle band. I will refer to this band as the Fo = for n = 1 and
the transmitter end of the transmission line. LT
"design band."
I will use SLANT a n d SLTRANS to d e f i n e t h e Because of the i nfluence of surrounding
minimum SWR at the antenna and transmit- „ 492 (n - 0.05) ,
objects, such as the earth, trees, towers, guy F0 = , for n * (Eq 6)
ter, respectively. In an article published in LT
wires and other antennas, it is often neces-
QSTI explain the amount of mismatch in sary to fine tune a resonant antenna. Hence, Although it is not likely that the SWR
the presence of feed system losses that gives the physical design should allow for some will be low at all of the resonant frequen-
maximum match bandwidth. 14 The opti- wire length adjustment. A good starting cies, there may be some additional bands
for which an antenna tuner will not be
needed. Also, it will become clear how one L T = 252.5'
can change L r to move a resonance to be
« L=64.7' - L=64.7'-
within an amateur band. Small changes in
L r will move higher frequency resonances I X

without causing large movement in the

resonant frequencies within lower fre-
h "I h 1
quency bands. 'MAX 'MAX

Estimating RAMIN
The radiation resistance at a current Selected Center
Feed Point
maximum, RAMIN, must be estimated. A
good start is found in The ARRL Antenna
Book, which discusses the harmonic wire Fig 11—Calculated dimensions of the 160 plus 80-m OCF antenna. Two feed-point
antenna in free space. 1 6 The radiation re- possibilities that lead to equal behavior on 80 m are marked A and B.
sistance i n c r e a s e s for increasing n as
shown in Table 1. T h e values given are
those for antennas in free space. The actual Step 1: Select n and choose the design the better choice would be the connection
amount depends on antenna height and frequency. at A. However, since the antenna may be
ground conditions. For the design band, Since resonant operation is desired on close to ground, the true value of RAMIN
use the values of Table 1 as a starting point. both 160 and 80 m, I chose n = 2 on 80 m, could be different from that shown in Table
the design band. I selected the design fre- 1. At A I I H , the connection at B (shorter
Design Technique quency to be 3.80 MHz since I like to wire = 86.65 feet, longer wire = 165.85
We are now equipped with the informa- operate around that frequency. f e e l ) p r o v i d e d better p e r f o r m a n c e on
tion needed to design an O C F antenna. A 160 m. This means that the value of RAMIN
stcp-by-stcp procedure follows. To illus- Step 2: Calculate the overall antenna for 160 m is somewhat greater than 73 £2.
trate the process, 1 will use an example of length, Lr, and the length of a quarter This will be discussed later. Both connec-
a dual-band 80-160 m O C F antenna. The wavelength of the current standing wave, tions of Fig 11 (feed point at A or B) yielded
design will be optimized for 80 m, but L. essentially the same performance on 80 in.
consideration will be given to providing Using Eqs 4 and 5. Notice in Fig 11 that the feed-point lo-
satisfactory performance on 160 m. The cation is not referenced to the wire ends,
antenna is fed with a 4:1 choke balun and . 492 ( 2 - 0 . 0 5 ) ,
L t = but is referenced to the center of the an-
a 50-Q coaxial transmission line. At my 3.80 - 252"2feet
tenna. This procedure avoids errors caused
installation, for 80 m, the feed-line plus by so-called end effects.
balun loss is 1 dB, 0.1 dB (assumed) f o r t h e L = 245.9 64.7 feet
balun and 0.9 dB f o r t h e transmission line, 3.80
Step 4: Calculate all resonant frequencies.
which is 230 feet of RG-213 coax cable. Using F.q 6 and the final antenna length
Step 3: Determine the location of the feed of Step 2, tabulate the expected resonances
at the antenna point. of the antenna. This is done in Table 2 for
First, the optimum amount of mismatch L t = 252.5 feet.
Table 1 is d e t e r m i n e d by finding SLANT f o r a
Radiation Resistance at Current matched loss of 1 dB from Fig 10. Thus Step 5: Construct the antenna system and
Maximum for Increasing N SLANT = 1.43. Since the effective generator measure the SWR.
impedance at the antenna is 200 Q (a 50-Q The antepna design in the previous sec-
RAMIN (&) transmission line and a 4:1 balun), tion was constructed at A I I H and is shown
1 73 in Fig 12. It was assembled in a way that the
2 94 RAF - = 139.9 ohms feed point could be lowered to the ground
3 106 and that the wire lengths could be easily
4 115 From Table 1, RAMIN = 94 Q. Therefore changed. The wire gauge is no. 14 AWG,
5 121 although this is not critical. The feed system
= 0.672 is the same as the one shown in Fig 8.
6 127 Raf '39.9
131 The degree of match achieved using the
From Eq 3, calculated wire lengths (86.65 and 165.85
8 135
feet) is shown in Fig 13. The measurements
9 138 K 1
"'VO.672 = 0.388 were made with a Daiwa model CN520
10 141 L 90' cross-needle S W R meter. The measured
11 144 which leads to x = 0.388 x 64.7 = 25.1 feet. SWR on 160 and 80 m is close enough to
12 147 Fig 11 shows the two possible connections warrant no changes. Also shown in Fig 13
13 149 (marked A and B) that provide optimum is the SWR on 15, 12 and 10 m.
14 151 match bandwidth on 80 m. T h e connection
15 153 chosen will depend on which one provides Step 6: Tune the antenna.
16 155 the better match on 160 m. If from Table 1 This step is performed on the design
RAMIN is assumed to be 73 Q (n = 1), then band, in our case 80 m, and is optional if
Table 2
Expected Antenna Resonances
(LT = 2 5 2 . 5 f t )

n Fo (MHz)
1 1.905
2 3.800
3 5.748
4 7.697 Fig 12—Multiband OCF antenna at AI1H.
5 9.645
6 11.594
7 13.542 When the antenna is constructed, it is point resistance at resonance must be be-
8 15.491 unlikely that the resonant frequency will tween 100 and 4 0 0 Q for the SWR at the
9 17.439 exactly match the design value, 3.80 MHz. antenna to be less than 2:1. I recommend
10 19.388 Further, it is unlikely that S L T R A N S will that S W R measurements be made to first
11 21.336 equal the optimum value of 1.33. Changing establish the bands where a good match
12 23.285 one or both leg lengths could bring Fo and might be achieved, and that this be fol-
13 25.233 S L T R A N S to the design values. In all cases, lowed by some intelligent tweaking. In the
14 27.182 Fo will increase if the antenna is shortened design example, a low S W R was initially
15 29.130 and will decrease if it is lengthened. The measured on only 160, 80 and 10 m.
16 31.079 adjustment of S L T R A N S to the design value By lengthening the longer wire by 3.1
may be accomplished after the proper reso- feet, I moved the n = 13 resonance into the
Note that resonances fall inside four of nant frequency is obtained. The resonant 12-m b a n d w h i l e k e e p i n g r e s o n a n c e s
the nine HF bands: frequency is kept constant by not changing within the 15- and 10-m bands. This had
r = 1 160 m the overall length of the antenna. S L T R A N S little impact on the 160- and 80-m charac-
r =2 80 m is optimized by shortening one leg and by teristics. While keeping the overall length
r = 11 15m lengthening the other leg by the same constant, the feed point may be moved to
r = 15 10 m amount. In some cases, however, like this achicve an optimum match on 15, 12 or
one, initial p e r f o r m a n c e may be close 10 m. This technique makes use of the in-
Also, one of the resonances is near the enough to the design values so no further visible transformer principle to achieve a
12-m band (n = 13). adjustment to optimize the match on the variable impedance match at the antenna.
design band is warranted.
I varied the feed-point position in order
to achieve a good match on 160, 80 and
one is satisfied with the match obtained in Step 7: Touch up design to match specific 12 m. T h e wire lengths are 87.8 and 167.8
Step 5. First, S L T R A N S is found from Fig 10. requirements. feet. The S W R characteristics are shown in
In our example the matched loss is 1 dB, so Using the principles outlined in this Fig 14. Also shown in that figure (the
S L T R A N S = 1 . 3 3 . This value will yield the paper, one can m o d i f y the lengths to dashed curves) is the impact of removing
maximum match bandwidth as long as the achieve a good match on additional bands. the two 1:1 choke baluns and the ground
mismatch at the antenna is caused by having Do not expect low S W R readings on all of connection below the feed point. The fact
the generator impedance (200 Q) greater the "resonant" bands. Remember, not only that the match characteristic changed indi-
than the antenna impedance at resonance. must resonance occur, but also the feed- c a t e s that s o m e f e e d - l i n e radiation is

1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 24.89 24.94 24.99

28.0 28.5 29.0 29.5 30.0

Frequency (MHj) Frequency (MHz)

Fig 13—SWR versus frequency for the design example. The wire lengths are 86.65 and 165.85 feet.

3.0 3.0
\ \
2.8 \ \ 2.8
\ \
26 2.6
^ 80 M
\ ^A y
\ \\ 15 M
2.2 —V \ v 2.2
XI -
J 6 0 M\ W
2.0 2.0 "
w s BO M /
\ / / V)

/ s 1.8 —
\ \\ r /
1.6 1.6
/ //
v. v \ S
1.4 \ s
\ V/^ / / / 1.4

1.2 12 M
1.0 1.0
3 5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 21 C 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21 .5
1. 30 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 24 89 24.94 24.99
Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz)

Fig 14—SWR versus frequency when the wire dimensions were changed to achieve a good SWR on three HF bands. The wire
lengths are 87.8 and 167.8 feet. The dashed curves show the SWR when the two 1:1 choke baluns and the ground connection are

present unless the additional line isolation 4SWRTRANS

is used. A = 10 log
I show in the Appendix how one can ( S W R j r a n s + 1) 10~A°"0_(SWRTRANS_ l^lO^'

estimate the S W R at each resonant fre-

quency. With this information, it is possible where
to modify the design to match a particular A = attenuation of the feed line in dB
objective b e f o r e physical c h a n g e s are Ao = attenuation of the feed line when it is matched at the antenna end in dB
made to the antenna. SWRTRANS = SWR at the transmitter end of the feed line.
This is a good point to mention that one
should not get carried away with fine tun- Fig 15—Formula for calculating loss in transmission lines.
ing the multiband antenna design. One
strives to achieve a reasonable match on
several bands so that feed-line losses are our antenna systems. A major potential ceptable (0.9,1.8 and 2.5 dB, respectively).
low, an antenna tuner is not necessary, and component is the loss in the transmission Note from the table that except on 17 and
band change and transmitter tune-up are lire. For this kind of antenna system, it is 10 m the worst-case transmission-line loss
simplified. easy to calculate that loss element, since is less than one S unit (6 dB) for all HF
However, the type of antenna described the S W R at the transmitter end of the feed bands. The feed line used is 230 feet of
here is also a good radiator on bands where line and the matched loss of the feed system RG-213. (Ao = 0.9 dB at 3.80 MHz.) These
the SWR is not less than 2:1. T h e transmis- are known. Use The ARRL Antenna Book, losses are somewhat larger than would be
sion line and balun should be selected so as mentioned earlier, or the accompanying obtained with a ladder line feeding a bal-
the added stress on these components due formula (Fig 15) may be applied. anced antenna of similar length. However,
to high S W R is tolerable. Hence, this kind Ao may be determined by measuring the such an antenna would not usually show a
of antenna plus an unbalanced antenna cable length and looking up the loss per good match over three H F bands, as this
tuner will be a good performer on those 100 feet at the frequency of interest. O C F antenna does. It is clear that the coax-
bands for which a low SWR is not realized, At HF, the matched loss of commonly fed O C F antenna as an all-HF band antenna
as long as the transmission system losses used transmission lines is proportional to is a compromise design, especially when a
are acceptable. T h e actual loss in the trans- the square root of frequency. If one finds long feed line is required.
mission system may be easily calculated Ao at one frequency, Fi, the matched loss Table 4 shows the percent of the band
from S W R m e a s u r e m e n t s made in the at another frequency, F2, may be deter- for which SWRTRANS is less than 2:1. The
shack and a knowledge of the matched loss mined by using the following formula. match bandwidth (also called the 2:1 SWR
of the transmission system. 1 7 I therefore bandwidth) is enhanced by the loss in the
recommend that when you use this type of transmission line. For comparison, I show
AOF2 = AOFI V F 2 / F , (Eq 7 )
antenna system with an antenna tuner, that the effect of having a very short feed line.
two SWR meters be installed, one on each where AOFI and AOF2 are the matched loss If there is less feed-line loss, there will be
side of the tuner. In available tuners, the at frequencies Fi and F2, respectively. less match bandwidth. I do not advocate
built-in SWR meter is on the transmitter Table 3 shows some interesting data for using feed-line loss to achieve broadband
side of the tuner. the antenna of Figs 12 and 14—that is, after operation; the effect is always present to
the dimensions were tweaked to obtain a s o m e extent, however. I believe that many
Antenna System Losses good match on 160, 80 and 12 m. On these impressive claims we see for broadband
We should have some idea of losses in bands the worst-case line loss is quite ac- operation are due to either feed-line loss,
has been no sign of RF in the shack. On the
Table 3
higher frequency bands, the patterns have
OCF Antenna Data many lobes and nulls, so performance de-
pends on the direction of the station being
Band Worst Case SWR at Matched Line contacted. The number of lobes equals
Frequency Transmitter Loss (dB) Less (dB) twice the number of half waves of the
(MHz) current standing wave (2 x n). MININEC
160 m 2.0 2.2:1 0.7 0.9 simulations, properly done, will give one a
30 m 3.5 3.3:1 0.9 1.8 good feel for the directional patterns of the
40 m 7.0 4.3:1 1.2 4.0 antenna. The antenna is mostly omnidirec-
tional on both 80 and 160 m. On 160 m the
30 m 10.1 2.7:1 1.5 2.8
performance should be identical to that of
20 m 14.0 2.9:1 1.7 3.8 a center-fed half-wave dipole at the same
17 m 18.068 3.5:1 2.0 6.6 height.
15 m 21.45 3.0:1 2.1 5.7
12 m 24.89 1.3:1 2.3 2.5 Summary
10 m 29.7 3.1:1 2.5 9.0 This article has covered a lot of antenna
topics, all of which were focused on the
design of an OCF multiband HF wire an-
tenna. First, the invisible transformer idea
is about 9.3, which is lower than the free was explained. Feed-line radiation, ways to
Table 4 space value of about 13. For low-height avoid it, and 4:1 choke baluns were ad-
Percent of Band with SWR dipoles, Q should increase as the height of dressed. 1 presented a detailed design
Less Than 2:1 the antenna decreases, again the opposite procedure with a specific example. The
effect of what I observed. very important, but often ignored, topic of
Percent of band SWR <2:1 Incidentally, a simple way of resolving antenna system losses was reviewed in
Band 230 ft Zero cable the calculation ambiguity mentioned in some detail.
RG-213 length that reference is to insert a 10 £2 noninduc- An important conclusion to be reached
160 m 92% 78% tive power resistor in series with the is that the OCF antenna conforms to exist-
antenna feed-line center conductor at the
80 m 63% 48% ing theory. When feed-line radiation is
antenna. Observing whether the SWR at eliminated, which is good design practice,
12 m 100% 100%
resonance goes up or down will resolve the the measured behavior is explained by sim-
10m 59% 0% ambiguity. ple concepts that have been around for
Simulations of OCF antennas 1 have some time. Except on 160 meters, I found
done using the MN antenna analysis pro- no experimental evidence that off-center
inaccurate (and often generous) SWR gram have revealed that losses in the 4:1 feed leads to match bandwidth enhance-
meters or unmentioned loss producers, balun and 1:1 isolators, especially at fre- ment. I believe that losses in the balun and
such as baluns. quencies where the choke impedance is too isolators are significant on 160 meters for
In a QSTarticle,'81 discuss and quantify low to guarantee low currents on the out- the antenna described here.The material
the trade-off between feed system loss and side of the shield of the coax, will lead to presented here will enable radio amateurs
match bandwidth. high feed-point resistance and low antenna to fashion their own OCF designs to match
Q. These losses can be substantial. I con- their particular needs. Properly executed,
The 160-m Feed-Point Impedance and jecture that the high feed-point resistance the OCF antenna will satisfy many require-
Match Bandwidth and wide match bandwidth I observed on ments and is well worth considering for an
The measured SWR on 160 m (Fig 14) 160 meters are due to losses in the ferrite upcoming project.
may be used to calculate Ramin, the feed- material in the 4:1 balun and 1:1 isolators.
This project has benefited from the sup-
point resistance at resonance at the current It's analogous to adding a resistor in series
port of several people: first and foremost,
maximum point, which is the center of the with the feed line at the point of connection
Barbara, my wife, N1DIS. Discussions
antenna. This calculation yields Ramin = to the antenna. Further work is needed in
with Ted Provenza, W 3 0 W N , Jack Bel-
124 Q, which is much higher than the free- this area. It will help to explain why there
rose, VE2CV, Wally Luke, WA2NVG, and
space value for a half-wave dipole (73 Q). is often a difference between the match
A! Simpson, WA1VHD, led me to a better
For low-height half-wave dipoles, it is well bandwidth of an OCF antenna and the
understanding of the OCF antenna. NEC
known that as the height is decreased, the match bandwidth of a center-fed antenna
simulations by Dudley Chapman, WA1X,
feed-point resistance will be lower than the of the same length and height above
provided further confirmation of the invis-
free-space value. 19 Why then the high ground.
ible transformer principle and insight into
value of 124 Q? the effect of a nearby lossy ground on
Another observation is the relatively On the Air Performance feed-point impedance. Chris Kirk, NV1E,
large match bandwidth of the antenna. The design example has turned out to be brought the earlier work on broadband
Since match bandwidth and antenna Q are a very good HF antenna. I have received choke baluns by W. A. Lewis of Collins
inversely related, it is sufficient to look at excellent reports on all the HF bands. In a Radio to my attention.
the antenna Q. The Q of the antenna calcu- sense, it is a compromise design, but the
lated from the data of Fig 14 using the material I have presented allows one to Notes
procedure given in the reference of Note 20 know the cffcct of the compromises. There 1
The AKRL Amenta Hook, 16th Edition (New-
ington, CT: The American Radio Relay
League, 1991), pp 2-7 to 2-10. Table 5
John Belrose and Peter Bouliane, "The Off- Comparison of Calculated and Measured Data
Center-Fed Dipole Revisited: A Broadband,
Multiband Antenna." QST, August 1990, Resonant Frequency (MHz) SWR at Transmitter
pp 28-34. n Calculated Measured Calculated Measured
'jerry Hall, "Garant Enterprises GD-8 'Windom' 1 1.905 1.915 1.90 1.20
Antenna," QST, September 1990, pp 30-32.
2 3.800 3.822 1.33 1.00
'William B. Wrigley, "Impedance Charac-
teristics of Harmonic Antennas," QST, 3 5.748 — 5.95 —

February 1954, pp 10-14, 100. 4 7.697 7.682 1.35 1.18

'John D. Kraus, Antennas, Second Edition 5 9.645 9.582 1.04 1.47
(McGraw Hill, 1988), pp 227-228. This re- 6 11.594 — 3.71 —

sult also appears in the reference of Note 4, 7 13.542 13.522 1.25 1.23
P II- 8 15.491 15.463 1.24 1.40
See Note 2, p 30.
9 17.439 — 2.69 —
Jerry Sevick, Transmission Line Transformers, 19.503
10 19.388 1.21 1.10
Second Edition (The American Radio Relay
League, 1990), pp 1-5 to 1-7. 11 21.336 — 1.44
W2DU HF 1:1 choke baluns and line isolators 12 23.285 23.048 2.12 19 j
are available from Unadilla, a Division of 13 25.233 25.247 1.17 1.00
Antennas Etc, PO Box 4215 BV, Andover, 14 27.182 — 1.64 —
MA 01810. 15 29.130 29.180 1.76 1.45
Note 2, p 32. Also see J. Belrose, "Transform-
ing the Balun," QST, June 1991, pp 30-33.1
had independently conceivcd and used two
1:1 choke baluns to make a 4:1 choke balun
(as well as three 1:1 choke baluns to make a
9:1 choke balun) prior to learning from Jack modify the paper design before actually Case 1: n odd, mi odd or n even, mi even:
Belrose, VE2CV, that he had a similar idea. building the antenna in order to increase
I have since learned that 4:1, 9:1 and 16:1 the likelihood that the SWR will be low on — = m| + 1 - m
impedance transformers made from 1:1 a particular band.
transmission line choke baluns are described
in a book by W. E. Sabin and E. O. Schoe- This calculation requires knowledge of: Case 2: n odd, mi even or n even, mi odd:
nike, Single-Sideband Systems and Circuits n, the number of half-waves 011 the
(McGraw Hill, 1987), pp 409-411. These antenna, end to end — = m — m;
authors credit W. A. Lewis of Collins Radio L>, the length of the shorter wire, in
with first conceiving the idea in 1965, but
they say the material was not published out- feet With x/L and Ramin from Table 1, R a f , the
side the company. L2, the length of the longer wire, in feed-point resistance at resonance, is found
10 feet from
M. W. Maxwell, Reflections (The American
Radio Relay League, 1990), Chapter 21. Ramin, an estimate of the feed-point
This excellent book explains antenna match- resistance, in ohms, at a current R
ing and is recommended reading. maximum at resonance Raf =
'The 4B-2KX 4:1 choke baluns and C1-2K line AOFI, the matched loss at some cos2190 ^
isolators are available from The Radio
reference frequency, Fi, in dB
Works, Box 6159, Portsmouth, VA 23703.
'"Frank Witt, "Broadband Dipoles—Some New Now SLANT, the SWR at the antenna at
Insights," QST, October 1986, p 30. First, using Eq 6, and that L t = LI + L2, resonance, is given by
F. J. Witt, "Optimum Lossy Broadband Fo is calculated. T h e off-center distance of
the feed point L o c is calculated from
R^p 200
Matching Networks for Resonant Anten- Slant = ^ ^ or s
nas," RF Design, April 1990, pp 44-46. Raf
U - L
Frank Witt, "Match Bandwidth of Resonant Loc = C h o o s e the formula that yields SLANT
Antenna Systems," QST, Oct 1991, pp 21-
25. greater than 1.
Then L, a quarter wavelength, is calculated By using Eq 7, Ao, the matched loss in
Note I, p 2-8. This result also appears in the
using Eq 5. Now m, the exact number of dB at Fo is calculated. Using the following
reference of Note 4, p 12.
,6 quarter wavelengths between the antenna formula, SLTRANS, the estimated SWR at
Note 1, p 2-9. This result also appears in the
reference of Note 4, p 10. center and the feed point, is calculated from resonance at the transmitter, is found:
Note l , p 24-13 and 24-18. Lqc
18 m (SL r+ 1)10 1 + S 1 A N T -1
Note 14. = T~ LTKANS „ + r,|0 A " /lt> _S +1
Note 1, pp 3-10 and 3-11. * LANT '."u •'LANT^ 1
~°Frank Witt, "The Coaxial Resonator Match," The integer value of m, which we will call The above sequence of calculations was
The ARRL Antenna Compendium, Volume 2, mi, is the number to the left of the decimal applied to predict the S W R at resonance for
p 117. point. the antenna of Figs 12 and 13. Table 5
At this point, x/L is calculated. The shows the results of these calculations as
APPENDIX calculation is a bit tricky since the steps
SWR at Other Resonant Frequencies well as the measured data. The close agree-
taken in the process vary depending on ment over the entire H F region is further
It is possible to estimate the S W R at the whether certain numbers are even or odd. evidence that existing theory is adequate to
other resonant frequencies. This is very (Zero is an even number.) There are two analyze and design O C F resonant anten-
useful information since one may wish to cases: nas.
The K4VX 10-Meter
Elephant Gun Yagi
By Lew Gordon, K4VX
PO Box 105
Hannibal, M O 63401

n the early 1900s the ivory hunters

I in Africa demanded a weapon that

could kill a charging adult elephant





with a single shot. There were high-pow-
ered rifles capable o f inflicting serious
wounds, but quick, clean kills were another
matter. Out o f this necessity a .600 caliber t
double-barreled rifle was created. It was
the first true "Elephant Gun."
In the fall o f 1986, I acquired a used REF DE 01 02 D3 04 D5 D6
0 3.58 7.42 17.17 37.00
K L M 6-element " B i g Stick" for 2 0 meters.
26.83 47.17 57.33

I already owned two very effective 2 0 -

meter Yagis, so I had planned to scavenge Fig 1—Element spacing (in feet from the reflector) and element length in inches. The
the K L M and use its aluminum for other center of gravity (CG) = 24.57 feet.
projects. After looking at its 5 7 . 7 foot, 3
inch diameter boom, however, I suddenly
envisioned a long-boom Yagi for 2 8 MHz.
Table 1
In ' 8 6 we were on the upswing o f the sun-
Cylindrical Element Construction
spot cycle, and 10 meters looked like the
ideal band for a "one-call" killer antenna.
Element Length Spacing from Diameter
It took only a few days in December to
(in.) Ref. (in.) (in.)
design and build the antenna. Between
Christmas and New Years it was erected Reflector 205.3160 0 0.625
with the help o f my daughter and her future Driven Element 194.5920 43.0 0.625
husband. My first Q S O with the new an- Director 1 193.1891 89.0 0.625
tenna was with Dave, Z S 6 D N . T h e new Director 2 186.6513 206.0 0.625
Yagi boomed over the top of a gigantic S S B
Director 3 184.9637 322.0 0.625
pileup. Dave said I was the strongest signal
Director 4 180.7936 444.0 0.625
he had heard during the new sunspot cycle.
When I described what I was using, he Director 5 184.2663 566.0 0.625
dubbed it the "Elephant Gun" o f antennas! Director 6 178.8570 688.0 0.625

My initial motivation for the design was
based upon a 4-elemenl Yagi created by the 12.5 dBi forward gain, a 2 0 dB front to back never satisfied with the bandwidth, the gain
late J i m Lawson. It was known as the ratio and an S W R not exceeding 2.5 to I and front to back ratio equaled or exceeded
" P V 4 " and appeared in an issue o f the from 2 8 . 0 0 0 to 28.750 MIIz. Starting with my goals.
National Context Journal.1 Jim's design these goals, I spent the next several days I later developed a new program called
placed the reflector quite c l o s e to the performing many iterations with my Yagi Y A G I M A X . It is a much faster Yagi design
driven element (about 0.125 X). This ap- antenna design program, Y A G I N E C — a system than the old YAGINEC program
proach challenged al! o f the previous user friendly version o f M I N I N E C for and it allows the userto maximize perform-
concepts o f " g o o d " Yagi design. Yagis. I eventually arrived at an 8-element ance on an element-by-element basis.
My design goals for the long-boom Ele- design with fairly close spacing for the re- Naturally, I used Y A G I M A X to redesign
phant Gun Yagi included a minimum of flector and first director. Although I was the Elephant Gun in an attempt to improve
the b a n d w i d t h . I finally arrived at the
equivalent 0.625 diameter cylindrical tube
dimensions given in Table 1 and Fig 1.

Construction of a large antenna requires
careful attention to the strength of the
boom since it presents the largest cross
section to wind resistance (approximately
10 square feet). In its original application,
the KLM used three boom guys to offset
the use of relatively thin tubing. To be on
the safe side, I did the same. The tapered
element construction is provided in Table
2. These dimensions were provided by my
TAPER p r o g r a m w h i c h uses the algo-
rithms developed by W 2 P V to correct for
the effect of tapered elements upon the
10 1:1
equivalent cylindrical length.-
28.500 28.900
The elements were attached to the boom
Frequency (MHz)
by a small section of aluminum channel
stock and held in place by t w o 3-inch
cadmium-plated U bolts. (As a substitute, Fig 2—Gain, front to back ratio and SWR v frequency.
a 4-inch by 6-inch aluminum plate VA inch
thick will work just as well.) Each element
was then secured by two cadmium-plated
1.25-inch U bolts. To reduce the effect of Table 2
the element mounting hardware on the ef- Half Element Construction
fective length of each element, I decided to
insulate all of the parasitic elements from Section Diameter (inches) Spacing from
the U bolts and channel stock. I accom-
Element 0.750 0.625 0.500 Ref. (in.)
p l i s h e d t h i s by w r a p p i n g a p i e c e of
Reflector 18.0 33.0 53.500 0
recovered P V C f r o m some old 3 /4-inch
Hardline around each element. This "cheap Driven Element 18.0 33.0 49.000 43.0
and dirty" approach actually works. Director 1 18.0 33.0 47.500 89.0
Director 2 18.0 33.0 44.125 206.0
Assembly and Mounting Director 3 18.0 33.0 43.250 322.0
As with all of my rotaries, I used the Director 4 18.0 33.0 41.125 444.0
PVRC o f f s e t t e c h n i q u e c o n c e i v e d by
Director 5 18.0 33.0 43.000 566.0
W3AU and W 3 G R F to mount the Yagi to
the rotary mast. (This approach has been Director 6 18.0 33.0 40.000 688.0
covered in detail in recent ARRL Hand-
books.) Using the P V R C method allows
one person to construct or repair a large
antenna on the tower. This is a definite crane or cherry picker, this is the position surplus propeller pitch motors exclusively
requirement for retirees like me! at which the g a m m a must be tuned. For for my rotators. Anyone attempting to con-
The boom, which I previously marked contesting requirements I chose 28.5 M H z struct an antenna of this size must be
for the exact location of each element, was as the point to obtain a 1:1 S W R . This was concerned with the torque that will b e ex-
hauled up vertically with the three boom a compromise between the phone and C W erted upon the tower, mast and rotator.
guys s e c u r e l y t a p e d at the c e n t e r and portions of the band. After the antenna was Nothing smaller than Rohn 45 should be
U-bolted to the offset pipe. (The reflector matched to a 1:1 SWR, the U bolts on the used for the tower. If Rohn 45 is used, it
position should be on top and the forward- boom-to-mast plate were loosened to allow should be braced with torque bars at the
most director at the bottom.) After attaching the boom to be twisted (using the third rotator. In addition, the mast should be
the last three directors—with the aid of my director as a lever arm) to align the ele- secured to the tower with a thrust bearing
future son-in-law on the ground to assure m e n t s parallel to the g r o u n d . All that that is c a p a b l e of s l i p p i n g u n d e r high
element alignment—a small hand winch remained was to attach the boom guys, torque conditions. (Slipping is always pref-
was used to turn the boom 180°. Next, the secure the mounting hardware, and m a k e erable to the alternative: a twisted tower
reflector, driven element and the first three sure that the elements and boom were hori- section or a broken boom!) M y position
directors were aligned and attached. zontal. indicators (selsyns) are driven by the mast
While the boom was vertical with the itself, so I do not need to climb the tower
coaxial feed line securely taped to it, an Rotator Considerations to realign the mast a f t e r s l i p p a g e has
SWR bridge w a s inserted at the g a m m a Since all of my rotary antennas are large occurred. T h e same is not true with most
feed point. Unless you have access to a in comparison to most installations, I use commercial rotators. In extreme wind con-
Table 3
Elephant Gun Performance v Frequency

Freq Gain F/B Impedance SWR

(MHz) (dBi) m (ohms)
28.000 12.50 20.79 19.40 - / 35.36 1.66
28.100 12.67 25.38 19.67 - / 32.82 1.45
28.200 12.83 34.36 19.86-/30.38 1.30
28.300 12.98 37.65 19.99-/28.17 1.16
28.400 13.12 27.65 19.89-/26.41 1.07
28.500 13.25 23.70 19.12-/25.23 1.00
28.600 13.36 21.64 16.98-/24.24 1.14
28.700 13.47 20.80 13.24-/22.32 1.52
28.800 13.57 21.21 8.88-/18.41 2.52 Fig 3—Free-space E-plane plot of the
Elephant Gun Yagi at 28.5 MHz. The 0-dB
reference is 13.2 dBi.
Note: Impedance normalized to 52 ohms for SWR.

ditions I often use the indicators to watch my chief operator, WO0G, clinched the
my antennas as they rotate by themselves! highest CW-only score. In the 1990 contest
he racked up 2.2 million points in the
Performance mixed CW/SSB category. From the stand-
The performance of the Elephant Gun as point of my Q T H in the Midwest, the
predicted by YAGIMAX is profiled in Table Elephant Gun Yagi appears to be the per-
3 and illustrated in Fig 2. The free-space fect antenna for the Far East and Africa.
E-plane pattern at 28.5 MHz is shown in Fig Because my antenna arsenal also includes
Fig 4—H-plane plot of the Elephant Gun
3. (The 3-dB beamwidth is approximately a monster quad with seven elements on a Yagi at 28.5 MHz for a height of 50 feet
40 degrees.) For my installation, I chose a 40-foot boom, there are always compari- over perfect earth. The 0-dB reference is
height of 50 feet for this antenna. The sons being made between the two antennas. 18.7 dBi.
H-plane pattern at this height over perfect Into Africa or Japan, the Elephant Gun is
ground is given in Fig 4. Notice that the the clear winner! I have fixed stacked ar-
main lower lobe covers 5 to 15 degrees at rays for Europe and South America, so I Notes
the 3-dB points. This is very effective for rarely need to point the Elephant Gun in 'B. Myers, "The 4-element PV Yagi," NCJ,
most of the propagation angles encountered those directions. Jan/Feb 1985, p 9.
on 10 meters. A similar TAPER program by B. Myers ap-
Without a doubt, this is a serious an- pears in Chapter 2 of The ARRL Antenna
How well does the Elephant Gun Yagi tenna for serious contesters and DXers. I Book, 15th (1988) or 16th (1991) editions.
work? In the 1989 ARRL 10 Meter Contest probably should have kept it a secret!
Rear-Mount Yagi Arrays for
432-MHz EME: Solving the
EME Polarization Problem
By Steve Powlishen, K1FO
816 S u m m e r Hill Rd
Madison, CT 06443

any E M E operators observe likely to listen for your own echoes more

M periods o f time when they are

unable to make E M E QSOs.
They may start to think the predicted lunar

-3 ;

often than for any single other station,
chances are you will hear more unusual
signal strength peaks on your own echoes.
path loss is an optimistic figure most of the Spatial polarization effects generally
time. However, an investigation into the CD work out such that given similar latitudes,
0* 0
E M E signal-strength problem confirms Z
u 9 : 10* 0.1 J dB the farther away in longitude the other sta-
that the predicted path loss (except for £ 20* 0.54 dB tion is, the less time spatial polarization
D-12 30* 1.25 dB
some short-term fading phenomena) is Z
40* 2.32 dB will align. When crossing the equator, the
quite accurate. The real problem is the 50* 3.84 dB
effect can be different. In general, an East
< -15 -- 60* 6.02 dB
linear polarization in use at frequencies 70* 9.32 dB Coast US station has spatial alignment only
80* 15.2 dB
below 1296 MHz. - 1 8 j— 90* oo to Europe for an hour or so at his moon rise
Fig 1, the theoretical polarization mis-
\ and another short alignment period at
-2i L. —i i ; L-i I._L\_I
alignment loss, shows how devastating 0 10 20 JO 40 50 60 70 80 90
European moon set. The East Coast US
significant polarization mismatch can be. MISALIGNMENT ANGLE stations never have spatial alignment into
There exist two causes o f polarization mis- Japan but have good spatial alignment for
a l i g n m e n t . T h e first is called spatial most o f their window into Australia.
Fig 1—Theoretical loss for angle of
polarization. This is a relatively straight- polarization misalignment. The curve Spatial polarization can be easily calcu-
forward t h r e e - d i m e n s i o n a l g e o m e t r y shows how fast the loss due to polar- lated. The ability to do so is now incorpo-
problem. The spatial polarization align- ization misalignment increases after 45°. rated into many computer programs, such
ment problem is created because most The curve repeats through 360°, giving no
as the V K 3 1 J M E M E Planner and W9IP
loss at 0° and 180° and maximum loss at
E M E stations use azimuth and elevation 90° and 270°. RealTrak programs. Spatial polarization
motion to track the moon with their arrays. changes continuously with the moon's mo-
This az-el motion is referenced to the tion relative to the earth's rotation. The rate
array's local location on the earth's surface. of change is normally faster the farther
When conducting space communications alignment. If they schedule a few hours apart stations are.
such as E M E or satellite operation this later, the US station will still be looking to The second polarization effect is much
earthbound reference is a hindrance. Re- the East but the European station is now less predictahle. Faraday rotation is caused
duced to its simplest explanation: Two pointing near South at a high elevation by the ionization in the earth's atmosphere.
stations using az-el array mounts may not angle. When the radio waves from the This electrical charge literally turns the
look at the moon with the same relative European station reflect back to the earth, radio waves in a corkscrew fashion as they
polarization sense as seen from the moon. thsy will appear to be near vertical in pass in and out o f the ionosphere. Faraday
This can be pictured through the follow- polarization to a US station with a conven- rotation is not yet precisely predictable for
ing example. An East Coast US station is tional az-el array mount. us amateurs. In general, at 4 3 2 MHz and
trying to work a station in Europe. If they Intuitively, one should note that his own above there is very little Faraday rotation
schedule during a high moon declination echoes will always have spatial alignment. during the solar activity minimum years.
day and at moon rise for the East Coast This explains in part why many stations During the peak years o f the sunspot cycle
station, both stations will have their arrays report hearing their own echoes as loud as it is accepted that at 4 3 2 MHz Faraday
pointed somewhat to the East to see the anyone on the band. The other part of the rotation is often in the range of one full
moon. This will result in spatial polarity explanation is probability. Since you are rotation ( 3 6 0 ° ) for the two-way trip to the
moon and back. During the very peak
periods of solar activity and the resulting
ionospheric disturbances over two full ro-
tations may be possible on the two-way
trip, although these effects are fairly short
lived. In the years of minimum solar activ-
ity it may be unusual to see as much as 90°
of Faraday rotation at 432 M H z .
The amount of Faraday rotation also
changes with time. At the peak of the solar
cycle Faraday rotation typically seems to
move at around 30 to 40° per hour, given
no unusual solar or ionospheric distur-
bances. Under disturbed conditions, espe-
cially in c o m b i n a t i o n with s u n r i s e or
sunset, I have observed rates of change
over 180° per hour. Under quiet conditions
at the s u n s p o t m i n i m u m y e a r s d u r i n g
nighttime operation, the amount of Fara-
day rotation may change only a few de-
grees over several hours. Since the amount
Faraday rotation changes is inversely pro-
portional to the square of the frequency,
these figures are valid for 432 M H z only.
Faraday rotation will not be easy to
predict in the near future, either. Compli-
cating the matter is that Faraday rotation is
anisotropic. That is, it doesn't matter if the
wave is coming into or going out of the
ionosphere. In cither case, the wave front
will turn in the same rotation direction. If
Faraday rotation did not behave in this
manner, it would not be a problem, as the
rotation would simply cancel out.
This anisotropicity complicates the
QSO process. If one has to move polariza-
tion to one side of spatial alignment on
receive in order to hear the other station, The K1FO 16 x 14-element 3.6-X 432-MHz EME array shown at 2° elevation and
one will then have to move it the opposite vertical polarization.
way for the other station to hear him on
transmit. T h e combination of spatial polar-
ity m i s a l i g n m e n t and Faraday rotation
causes the classic EME problem in that
station A can hear station B but station B be peaked on the rotatable array. Because his array's specific location. Local ioniza-
cannot hear station A, or vise versa. Fara- of the way polarity peaks repeat at 180° tion effects can vary greatly across the
day rotation can also create the situation intervals, however, it may not be possible earth at the same time, especially if one end
when neither station A nor station B can to determine polarity rotation any more of the E M E path is in daylight and the other
hear each other. Faraday rotation some- accurately than to the nearest 180°. This end is in darkness.
times can be beneficial in that it will allow means if 10° of rotation was measured you Thinking about the situation, a given
two az-el mount fixed-polarization stations really would not know if it w a s 10, 190 or station could have 4 5 ° of Faraday rotation
with significant spatial polarity misalign- 370°. on his signal when it leaves the atmos-
ment to hear each other and make a contact. A very ambitious operator could solve phere. Another 45° of rotation would occur
Advanced mathematics students familiar the problem by setting up another EME when the echo returned, making the total
with probability theory (along with the station with two arrays at a frequency that perceived rotation 90°. At the other end of
s o m e t i m e s l e s s c a p a b l e s t u d e n t s of would never have more than 180° of Fara- the path, however, if it were a significant
Murphy) understand that this condition is day rotation, such as 1296 or 2304 MHz. distance away, Faraday rotation could be
the exception. In the example, if around 40° of rotation 90° each way. Therefore, if the first station
If we wanted to determine the actual was measured on 1296 M H z one would was able to do this sort of ionospheric
amount of Faraday rotation at any given then know that the 10° measurement at sounding, he would be able to know Fara-
moment, we would have to build two E M E 432 M H z really corresponded to 370°. To day rotation at his location is a total of 90°
arrays, one fixed in polarization and the further complicate the Faraday measure- (two-way path). But he would have no way
other rotatable. T h e fixed array would be ment problem, this operator would have of knowing that 5000 miles away the effec-
used to transmit, and the echoes would then determined the amount of rotation only at tive two-way Faraday rotation is 135° (on
thai particular path only!), unless he heard
a station 5 0 0 0 miles a w a y transmitting. H e
then would h a v e to find the polarity at
which signals p e a k e d , calculate the relative
spatial polarization and finally d e d u c e h o w
m u c h F a r a d a y rotation there w a s , g i v e n o u r
previous 180° a c c u r a c y p r o b l e m . All this
a s s u m e s he k n e w w h a t polarity that D X
station w a s t r a n s m i t t i n g on!

Solving the P r o b l e m
T h e r e are several m e t h o d s a v a i l a b l e to
solve this polarization d i l e m m a . Spatial
polarization alone c o u l d b e r e m e d i e d if
everyone w e r e to use polar m o u n t s . T h e
use of p o l a r m o u n t s w o u l d not help to w o r k
around F a r a d a y rotation, however. In a d d i -
tion. polar m o u n t s can really be used
effectively only on rear-mounted arrays,
that is, p a r a b o l i c dishes, collinear a r r a y s or
rear-mounted short Yagis.
T h e s e c o n d way to solve the p r o b l e m Fig 2 — H o r i z o n view at K1FO from 20 ft elevation is typical of the eastern part of the US.
would be to use circular polarity. C i r c u l a r It is not very conducive to EME operation at 432 MHz unless the moon is at a high
polarity s e n s e is reversed w h e n the signals eevation.
reflect off the m o o n . T h i s m e a n s you must
transmit in o n e polarization s e n s e (for ex-
ample, right h a n d ) and receive in the other
(for e x a m p l e , left h a n d ) . To a c c o m p l i s h K1F0 ENHANCED UI'JINEC 20 Aug 1989 20 27

this, o n e w o u l d need two separate helix

arrays, c r o s s e d Yagis set u p f o r circular
polarity with the ability to switch polariza-
tion s e n s e or a p a r a b o l i c d i s h w i t h a
two-way circular feed.
Unfortunately, in practice at 4 3 2 M H z
BOOM IS 7 / 8 " DIAM
only the dish solution is truly practical. A
pair of helix arrays is u n m a n a g e a b l e f o r R 0 342
most. C r o s s e d Yagis with their associated Ob 120 306
D1 180 314
phasing lines h a v e not yet p r o v e d to be able D2 300 306
to work e f f e c t i v e l y on E M E receive. An D3 455 300
04 635 296
additional p r o b l e m with circular polariza- D5 835 292
tion is that it w o u l d be a d i s c o u r a g e m e n t in D6 1050 290
D7 1280 288
creating n e w E M E activity, s i n c e well-
D8 1520 286
equipped tropo stations would find it m u c h
harder to m a k e their first E M E Q S O s with
circular p o l a r i z e d E M E s t a t i o n s v e r s u s
linear polarized stations.
If linear polarization is to b e t h e stand-
ard at 4 3 2 M H z , then it is n e c e s s a r y to b e
able to rotate polarity at will or at least b e
CAIN <J8i M.0S FB 22.06 " " Mod D L 6 W 10 d 2.18
able to switch b e t w e e n horizontal and ver-
tical polarization (or simply t w o polarity Driven Element 10—el, 2 . 2 - A Yagi
arrangements aligned 90° apart). Dish sta-
tions h a v e a distinct a d v a n t a g e , as it is 306 mm —

simple to f e e d a dish with t w o sets of d i p o l e 3 mm

feeds positioned m e c h a n i c a l l y 9 0 ° apart. 7 mm
Most dish stations prefer to rotate their
feeds, w h i c h is easy to d o c o n s i d e r i n g their
small size. T h i s a l l o w s one to be able to
No. 10 wire 139 m m long
track all possible polarization a n g l e s .
Parabolic dish antennas t h e r e f o r e s e e m
like the w a y to g o at 4 3 2 M H z . T h e r e is
Fig 3—10-element, 2.2-X Yagi design data. Note: All patterns use a 1-dB-per-division
only one slight p r o b l e m with using a dish linear scale instead of the standard ARRL pattern in order to show lobe detail more
at 432 M H z . To h a v e a good signal, a dish clearly
K i r O ENHANCED M I N I N E C 3 le

H PLRNE DE Z = 27 a Boom 7A" diam

spac. length Note: DE may be adjusted

0 345 + 5 / - 1 0 m m for best
104 332 match.
149 317
233 309 D1 may be adjusted
350 302 + 1 / - 3 m m for best
494 298 match.
662 294
851 292 All Yagis 3/ie" diam
1058 290 aluminum elements
1280 288 mounted through boom
1514 286 insulated.
1758 285

45" E x 42" H

12 EL 2.5 X
Gain = 14.5 dBi
GAIN U.S» OBI FB 2 4 . 1 1 > ' • !•• I " K1FO 12 « l 2. S w 6 9 "

Fig 4 — 1 2 - e l e m e n t , 2.5-X Yagi d e s i g n data.

in the 20-ft (6 m) diameter range is needed operator to locate that Yagi array above the far too much time analyzing what my op-
(>26 dBi gain). T o be a big gun w e are tree level. Moreover, such an array is easily tions were.
l o o k i n g at 2 4 f e e t (7.3 m ) d i a m e t e r assembled without a team of helpers or
( - 2 8 dBi) or larger dishes. This is all pos- m e c h a n i c a l assistance f r o m e q u i p m e n t The "Make it Bigger" Approach
sible of course if you put your dish low in such as cranes. All of my Yagi arrays, with This is not a very scientific solution to
height, as a 28-ft (8.5 m) diameter dish fixed and adjustable polarization, were as- the E M E signal strength p r o b l e m . The
( - 2 9 dBi) probably has around 200 square s e m b l e d by t w o p e o p l e w i t h o n l y the thought process uses a rationale of "if the
feet (19 m 2 ) of wind load area. assistance of a gin pole. I could have as- signals are not as strong as they should be,
For most of lis located outside of the sembled them alone if longer assembly I'll simply make it bigger until I get the
Great Plains, Fig 2 demonstrates this prob- time was allowed. results I ' m looking for." When good long-
lem. This would be the horizon view at my Yagi d e s i g n s for 4 3 2 M H z started to
QTH if I were to put up a parabolic dish A Practical Yagi Solution appear, many stations rushed to this plan
centered at 20 ft (6 m) above the ground. Having been educated to be an engineer without gaining an understanding of the
My moon window would be effectively and having been bom an analytic, I spent a problem they were trying to solve. Another
limited to elevations above 40°. I suppose l o n g t i m e a n a l y z i n g the p o s s i b l e ap- look at the polarization alignment loss
if I had a quarter for every time I listened proaches to the design of a Yagi array with curve (Fig 1) shows that increasing your
to distant E M E stations trying to schedule adjustable polarization. I decided my crite- array's gain will initially have very posi-
around window restrictions I could afford rion was to have an array that was at least tive results. You will now be able to work
to go purchase a brand new tower capable equal in performance to my old 12 x 22- stations at significantly greater misalign-
of supporting such a dish 100 ft (30 m) element 6.1-X Yagi array (27.8 dBi) or in ment angles, but soon there reaches a point
high! the ballpark of a 24-ft (7.3 m) diameter when almost nothing will help.
Yagi arrays have the advantage of being parabolic dish. Although less gain would For example, if you are just able to make
much lower in wind load and weight for a do a rcspcctable job, I felt this was the E M E Q S O s with small stations at perfect
given amount of gain. A 24-ft (7.3 m ) di- m i n i m u m gain required to work single- polarity alignment (for example, you have
ameter dish has about 28 dBi gain and 160 Yagi stations repeatedly. In addition, I felt a 2 3 dBi array), increasing your array gain
square feet (15 m 2 ) of wind load. A Yagi I was already having enough trouble by 3 dB will allow you to make QSOs at
array that could be mechanically turned in merely holding my frequency during the ± 4 5 ° polarity alignments, which is quite an
polarization could be built to have 28 dBi A R R L E M E contest. Anything less would i m p r o v e m e n t . If you then increase the
gain with less than 25 square feet (2.3 m 2 ) reduce my contest capability from also-ran array gain by 3 dB, again your polarity
of wind load area. This jillows the average status to the pitiful category. I then spent window is increased by an additional 15°
Fig 5—13-element, 2.9-^. Yagi design data.


H PLANE DE Z = 29 12

spac. BOOM length

0 344
104 O 331 Note: DE may be adjusted
151 T> 315 +5/-10 mm for best
239 a 310 match.
362 -1 303
514 299 D1 may be adjusted
690 295 ±3 mm for best
888 E 293 match.
1104 o 291
1336 289
1579 287
1836 285
2100 283

47" E x 44" H

13 E L 3.0 X
CAIN 13.22 dBt re 24.67 L7 * K I F O 13 • ) WV e a r
G a i n = 15.2 d B i

Fig 6—13-element, 3.0-X Yagi design data.

170mm { 6 - 3 / 4 " ) 1200mm ( 4 7 - 1 / 4 " ) 1650mm (65")

0.66 sq ft vert. pol.

Weight: 2.4 lbs

Driven Element for 5 0 - o h m Coaxial Feedline

No. 3 8 drill
3 / 1 6 " diom b r a s s rod 2 places
Tin or silver plate insert 'T' wire
ond srtlrfgr

c=±: J-
15 m m Ail elements
e n d s 0.5 m m
No. 10 wire 1 6 5 m m long
U G - 5 8 on
10.5 m m No. 10 copper wire 1 8 5 m m long
Twist with drill t o stroighten
and work horden Tin, silver plote or u s e enameled wire

center to center

— — 10 m m Solder L u g ( 2 places)


Y 233 mm
• — I k
B A L U N - U s e U T - 1 4 1 , bend in " U " s h a p e 1 - 1 / 8 " inside Note: R G - 1 4 2 / U or R G - 3 0 3 / U m a y also be used

Fig 7—14-element, 3.6-X Yagi construction details.

each way to ±60° or only lA the amount the you could wind up locked out from very the fixed-polarization stations. I attribute
first 3 dB increase of array gain gave. How- small stations. Several stations (WB0TEM much of his success to his tireless search
ever, you now have a 29-dBi-gain array, w h o h a d a 2 4 x RIW-19 Yagi array, for perfection in the Yagi and feed system
which is fairly substantial in size. If you DL9EBL with 16 x 10-A. Yagis, NCI I with losses, the ultimate preamplifier, excellent
again increase the array size by another 16 x 10.5-X Yagis and DL9KR with 16 x operating skills plus complete focus of his
3 cB to 32 dBi, your polarity window has ever-growing Yagis) have typified this a m a t e u r V H F operation on 4 3 2 - M H z
only increased by another ±9° to ±69°. "make it larger" approach. It is interesting EME. Some of his success must also be
Going all the way to 35 dBi, which is now to note that both WB0TEM and DL9EBL credited to his European location which
an immense array, the polarity window in- have gone to parabolic dishes while NC1I assures Jan good spatial alignment to the
creases by only ±4° more to a ±75° total has started work on an adjustable-polariza- majority of active 4 3 2 - M H z E M E stations.
polarity window. tion array. In spite of all this, sometimes even DL9KR
In other words, even with a 35-dBi array DL9KR has been the most successful of needs several tries to work a new station.
weight and cost. In addition, fiberglass is
very flexible, which would compound the
problem of keeping all the individual Yagis
aligned at all elevation angles. The next
problem was that my 22-element Yagi
spacings did not lend themselves well to
interlacing the vertical and horizontal ele-
ments. To accomplish this, the booms
would need to be made longer to allow for
an offset difference between the two sets of
The small physical size of 432-MHz
Yagis makes for another problem in having
adequate space to connect the two sets of
driven elements to the two sets of phasing
lines without interacting with the nearby
directors. Commercial OSCAR antennas
made from crossed Yagis have traditionally
fared very poorly on the antenna range,
demonstrating this problem.
The final problem is the complexity and
cost. Due to the above-described perform-
ance limitations, I felt that 16 Yagis would
be a minimum for this type of array. The
cost of Heliax-type phasing lines and
power dividers would be prohibitive (re-
member, there are two sets of 16-Yagi feeds
on this array). If smaller, higher loss phas-
ing lines were used, receive performance
would be compromised. To maximize per-
formance, one would also want separate
TR relays and preamplifiers for the vertical
and horizontal Yagis to avoid the loss of the
array selecting relay and jumpers. Having
climbed my tower countless times in the
middle of the night to remove water from
my 12-Yagi array phasing lines, just the
thought of increasing the connector count
by nearly 3 times (84 connectors!) led to
Fig 8—Calculated E- and H-plane patterns for 14-element Yagi.
several sleepless nights. Finally, since I
subscribe to the DL9KR "stupid simplic-
ity" school of thought, any plans for a
sideration was the 3 dB loss when signals crossed-Yagi array were dropped.
Thoughts of going to 16, 24 or even 32
of my 22-element Yagis were considered. were polarized 45° out. My enthusiasm for
The lingering anxiety of winding up per- this type of an array was tempered by its Rotating the Individual Yagis
fectly misaligned at the wrong moment associated mechanical and electrical prob- I don't know if he originated the idea,
weighed heavily against this approach. The lems. E a r l i e r work on Yagi d e s i g n but the abi lity to rotate the individual Yagis
"make it bigger" approach is also not the demonstrated that 432-MHz Yagis simply in an array was suggested many years ago
best plan for someone who desires to cannot tolerate significant amounts of con- by K2UYH i n the 432-MHz EME Newslet-
mount the array 80 ft (24 m) above ground ductive material within the Yagi aperture, ter. I never gave the idea much thought
level in order to have a reasonable moon which is parallel to the Yagi elements. Al- until KD0GT called me a few years ago to
window. If the magnitude of the support though it takes quite a bit of offending discuss the approach. I did my best to dis-
tower does not provide a significant material to lower the forward gain of the courage Marty, but in spite of me he proved
enough discouragement, the thought of at- Yagi significantly, the pattern rapidly dete- the method is workable. The primary dis-
tempting to assemble or repair such a large riorates even when only phasing lines are advantage is the complexity of the mech-
array on top of a high tower should. run near the elements. This expected re- anism needed to rotate the Yagis. Marty
ceive performance loss simply could not be opted to use the "windshield wiper" lever
The Crossed-Yagi Approach tolerated. arm approach to gang two Yagis on a single
The next idea was to use crossed ele- The only possible way to minimize the motor. With a little engineering innovation
ments on a common boom, allowing problem would be to use fiberglass stack- it should be relatively easy to extend the
polarization to be switched 90°. I really ing frames and run the phasing lines out at lever arm principle to turn four Yagis off a
liked the idea of the capability to switch a 45° angle. Fiberglass is a poor substitute single motor. For arrays using more than
polarization instantaneously. A minor con- for 6061-T6 aluminum in terms of strength, four Yagis, keeping the multiple polariza-

space X/2 ( ® K = 0 . 9 6 S ) "
a 13—1/4' Junction fitting
Se« detail 4

50 0
Use 1:1 baiun
to coax

Material: 1 / 8 " thick teflon DETAIL 4
Material: 3 / 8 " diam round

Break comers No. 30 Drill

8 mm

V (5/16")

© - O -

21 m m 1 / 4 " OD X 1 / 1 6 " wall brass tube

nominal Drill out with no. 29 drill
6.5 m m
- 1/8" - 0.83'
(1/4") nominal



3 / 1 6 ' diam brass rod
Silver plote

center t o 16 m m

Open—wire Inoulotor. Mo. 8 •namled wire

Detail 3 No. 30 Drill
Spacer insulator Do NOT drill through
Detail 2
Clean enamel from wire end.
Sclder using silver bearing
DRIVEN-ELEMENT DETAIL solder i.e. S t a y - B r i t e
47. silver/96% tin or equivalent
0.1825" diam no. 8 wire

Fig 9—Open-wire feed system for 14-element, 3.6-A. Yagi.

tion drive motors synchronized is a prob- synchronization. elements get within 3 0 ° o f parallel to the
lem. T h e builders o f these type arrays so M y antenna range tests and K D B G T ' s masts. At that point, the pattern (especially
far have chosen to use 0 to 9 0 ° o f rotation array experience agree that if metal masts the front to back) rapidly deteriorates and
with a m e c h a n i c a l stop at 0 to force are used performance is g o o d until the Yagi about 1 d B o f gain is lost on a typical long
tion adapted polarity rotation to Yagis in
1976. They used 16 x 3.5-X, Yagis that were
semi rear mounted, allowing the array to be
rotated with elevation above 20°. In the late
1970s, when good long-Yagi designs ap-
peared (>5 X), this approach was quickly
forgotten. W B 0 Y S G later had some suc-
cess with a mechanically impressive but
somewhat impractical array of 16 K2RIW
19-element Yagis. It incorporated a rather
stout frame that held the array from behind
to allow for polarity rotation. If only he
knew that the second reflector on the R1W
Yagi did nothing, history might have been
I' m sure many of us thought about using
smaller rear-mount Yagis, and rotating the
array in a similar manner. I can claim credit
for contemplating this approach in 1985.
Unfortunately, at that time my mind set was
still focused in the "make it bigger" ap-
proach. T quickly dropped any thoughts I
had for this type of array as at that time I
thought there was no way to obtain enough
gain for reliable E M E communications
with a little rear-mount array.
It's an old cliche that necessity is the
mother of invention. That being the case,
the. burden of proving that a small rear-
mount Yagi array could work was left to
Tim Pettis, KL7WE. Since Tim is located
in Anchorage, Alaska, he has the misfor-
tune of being spatially aligned to no one for
any length of time save himself. It was
lucky for Tim that the high-performance
D L 6 W U log-taper Yagi and its computer-
GAIN 21.85 dBl FB 2 2 . 7 7 170
180 4 x 3.G Ulv 14 el 53 a s s i s t e d d e r i v a t i v e s h a p p e n e d to be
available to solve his d i l e m m a . While
Fig 10—Calculated E-plane pattern for 4 x 14-element Yagis stacked 52.75 in. apart in many Yagi designs of suitable boom length
the E plane. had existed for years, even those with near
m a x i m u m gain per their b o o m length
lacked the clean pattern and "stackability"
required for successful 432-MHz EME op-
Yagi. Marty also reports a significant SWR vidual Yagis" approach. The phasing lines eration. Just think of how many 16 short-
change making the usable polarity range must be made long enough and flexible Yagi-array builders were either totally un-
0 to 60°. KB3PD has attempted to solve the enough (read that "small in diameter") to successful or barely EME-capable with
problem by using fiberglass masts. The allow for the rotation. This naturally im- those old designs.
fiberglass approach has been only partially p l i e s t h e i r l o s s will b e h i g h e r t h a n The rear-mount Yagi array approach
successful as it has been difficult keeping fixed-mount Yagis, hence limiting receive had the advantages of "stupid simplicity."
the Yagis aligned due to the flexibility of p e r f o r m a n c e . T h o s e using f o u r Yagis There is only one moving point in the array.
even heavy-wall fiberglass poles. would do well to consider this approach, as This lets all the Yagis be permanently
If someone were to use this approach I mechanical complexity would be manage- aligned in their proper spot. It also allows
would suggest a solution to the motor syn- able. A half dB loss on receive would be for the lowest-loss phasing lines, be they
chronization problem be found as a first more than made up for by even ±45° polar- coaxial or open wire, since the driven ele-
priority and the array be set up for ±45° ity rotation. ments are at the rear of the array. Any
rotation or ±60° if possible. This polarity possible offending metal in the Yagis' ap-
range will be more of an advantage as the Rotating the Entire Array erture is b e h i n d the array, permitting
full mechanical rotation range would now Mechanically rotating the entire array maximum receive performance to be ob-
be useful. Attention must also be paid to around its boresight axis to change polarity tained.
routing the phasing lines such that they is not a new approach, either. W1JR used There are only two disadvantages of this
don't wind up parallel to the elements in the method with his extended expanded type of array. The first is that some level of
close proximity to them. This points up collinear array as far back as 1972. T h e metal fabrication is required for the eleva-
another limitation in the "rotate the indi- Mount Airy V H F Club's HK1TL expedi- tion/polarity rotation mount. The second is
spot minimum. I quickly learned when to
run schedules and intuitively knew when
spatial polarity was aligned before I got
around to calculating it scientifically.
E M E is a competitive business and you
quickly start comparing yourself to similar
stations. For a good, highly active Yagi
station w i t h a s i m i l a r m o o n window,
N4GJV became the comparison. It's inter-
esting to note that in 1984 Ron worked one
initial that I didn't, and in 1985 he didn't
work anyone new that I didn't. With 1986
the situation started to change. That year
Ron worked 11 initials that I didn't catch.
In 1987 the number was down to 2 but back
up to 8 in 1988 and 7 through the first 9
months of 1989.
Something had happened due to the sun
and its rising flux. Suddenly, spatial polari-
zation wasn't working as Faraday rotation
became greater and greater. Since I often
accuse N4GJV of operating under a golden
Faraday window, the decision to go ro-
tatable polarity was made in August of
1988. The event that forced the decision
was W A 9 F W D ' s expedition to Nevada to
give me my 50th state. It took me over two
h o u r s to work J o h n . A l t h o u g h I was
speaker copy in Nevada for over an hour I
couldn't hear a trace of John out here. We
luckily caught a polarization rollover when
I worked John as I faded out in Nevada and
he came up to solid copy in Connecticut. It
took N4GJV about 15 minutes to work
John and to rcinforcc the Faraday window
t h o u g h t . N C I I w a s not a b l e to work
WA9FWD/7 even with 3 dB more array
gain, as I had stolen the brief polarization
Fig 11—Calculated H-plane pattern for 4 x 14-element Yagis stacked 49 in. apart in the
H plane. Examining why N4GJV had been easily
able to work WA9FWD/7 came down to
spatial polarity. Since Ron is 500 miles
that it will be difficult to become king of have emulated the approach by using sepa- closer to Las Vegas than I am, he had less
the band with a rear-mount array. A gain of rate vertical and horizontal arrays. spatial polarization misalignment. It just
26 dBi can be had in a very modest array Although a workable solution, the split- or happened that the combined Faraday rota-
size. A 28-dBi-size array will be at the two-array solution has the disadvantage of tion and spatial alignment caused a 90°
limits of most E M E hopefuls in terms of reducing the array gain by 3 dB plus having polarity lockout for me. Ron's location
size and complexity. Higher gains than that the potential of losing another 3 dB for probably experienced a similar amount of
can be obtained, but only by using arrays 45 degree polarity alignments. The split Faraday rotation. However, since Ron had
with mechanical complexities approaching array also has the same double preamplifier about 20° less spatial misalignment, even
that of a substantial-size dish installation or array-switching complexity problems as when the Faraday rotation was added in,
or by someone with considerably more the crossed-Yagi array. The two-array ap- Ron didn't see the full 90° cross polariza-
mechanical ingenuity than myself. proach adds the further complexity of a tion I had and therefore he was able to work
second tower and complete E M E system Nevada. I had worked my 50th state but if
The Split-Array Solution cost. For those ambitious enough to build I had only a standard 30-minute schedule
Barry, V E 4 M A , had been suffering a second array (assuming they have the real slot the story would have been different.
through the polarization blues almost as estate), the second array adds a nice bit of With 50 states worked it was time to start
bad as K L 7 W E . Located in Winnipeg, redundancy should anything happen to one counting countries. Having missed at least
Manitoba he faces long periods of spatial of the arrays. two of them during my 432 days so far, I
isolation. His approach was to split his didn't want to take any more chances.
array in half, making the 16-Yagi array into The Chosen Plan It should also be obvious why these
separate arrays of 8 vertical and 8 horizon- T h e first year I was operational on efforts to overcome the polarity problems
tal Yagis. Since then others like N4GJV 432 M H z E M E (1984) was near the sun- have been driven from North America. The
4.0-A. Y a g i . At t h e s a m e t i m e J o h n ,
WA9FWD, was bugging me to come up
with a roughly 7 ft (2 m) long Yagi for him
to use in a rear-mount array. I became in-
volved in a rather lengthy distraction of
looking at Yagis from 2 X to 5 X for use in
rear-mount arrays. It was a bigger problem
to change boom length with these shorter
Yagis than with the long Yagis I was more
familiar with. The front-to-back ratio of a
short Yagi would oscillate quite dramati-
cally as elements were added or removed.
This effect made sense since adding or
deleting an element to a 3-wavelength Yagi
will change the boom length by a greater
percentage of the total boom length than
will the same process on a 10-X Yagi.
I then took a look at the DL6WU design
and found that at certain boom lengths a
tweaked D L 6 W U design gave a better
overall pattern, while at other specific
boom lengths my modified W1EJ design
was better. The result of this work was a
13-element 2.9-A, Yagi that WA9FWD has
quite successfully used in his rear-mount
array. Also designed, but not yet used in
arrays, are 12-element 2.5-A,, 10-element
13'2" 2.2-X and 13-element 3.0-A. Yagis.
T h e 3.0-X 13-element Yagi is an im-
proved version of the Yagi WA9FWD is
using. It is a result of my discovery that a
Fig 12—A comparison of a 23-ft diam parabolic dish to the 16 x 14-element, 3.6-X Yagi given Yagi design can have its pattern
array shows how much smaller the Vagi array is. Both the dish and the Yagi array have
approx 27.5 dBi gain at 432 MHz and similar array temperatures. dramatically changed by simply narrowing
or widening all spacings by a small per-
centage. Thus, there is no overall perfect
absolute spacing pattern for all Yagi boom
greatest a m o u n t of E M E a c t i v i t y on most significant contribution to '132-MHz lengths, but there arc preferred exact spac-
432 MHz is in Europe, where most opera- EME technology development by giving ing patterns for any given boom length. All
tors have over 100 active stations located other operators w h o may have limited of the Yagis documented in this article are
within a relatively good spatial alignment space an array with the highest perform- good E M E performers; it's just a matter of
window. The best situation a North Ameri- ance-to-size ratio. how large an array you want to build. Fig
can station can have is to be on the East 3 has the design data and calculated pattern
Coast of the US. Even in that case he would The Yagi Design for the 10-element, 2.2-X Yagi. The 12-
have long-term spatial alignment only to The K L 7 W E array provided a starting- element, 2.5-X model is in Fig 4. The 13-
around 25 stations. This creates more of a point role model. It used 16 x 11-element element, 2.9-X information is in Fig 5 and
need for control over one's polarity in this 2.5-A, D L 6 W U Yagis for a calculated array the 3.0-X Yagi is covered in Fig 6.
part of the world. gain of 25.7 dBi, not up to the gain levels With WA9FWD on track with his array
When I finally came to this conclusion I was looking for (28 dBi). Even 24 of them it was now time to return to finishing the
I would have liked to have polarity move- would wind up short of my target. The next design of my own array. I had decided that
ment immediately available to me. I came step was to determine how long a boom I wanted to use open-wire phasing lines for
very close to splitting my array as V E 4 M A could be supported from the rear. My initial the groups of four Yagis. This not only
had done but I decided a more elegant decision was to go with 16 x 4.4-A. (121 would give significantly lower phasing
approach was desired. After some long in./3 m) long, 17-element Yagis based upon line loss but would be lower in cost and
consideration I chose the rear-mount array one of the W1EJ spacing patterns. With an eliminate 32 coaxial connectors. The 4.0-A.
approach. This type of array allowed me to individual Yagi gain of over 16.6 dBi, the Yagi was a little too high in gain to use
get the m a x i m u m receive p e r f o r m a n c e complete array of 16 would m a k e my 2.0-A. spacings (at the open-wire velocity
given the size of the array. This was con- 28-dBi target. A test Yagi was built and factor o f 0 . 9 6 5 ) . If I understacked the 4.0-A,
sistent with my thought process of getting tested. The Yagi proved to be manageable, Yagis in order to use the open-wire line the
the most performance for the minimum but as I started to mock up the array the array would only have about 0.1 dB more
amount of wind loading, thus satisfying my torque loading on the frame by the 10-ft (3 gain than the 3.6-X Yagis due to the lost
requirement to locate the array above the m) long Yagi booms quickly became un- stacking gain.
trees. I also felt that further development of manageable. I was also still concerned about the
the rear-mount array would make for the I decided to back down to a 16-element weight and torque loading of even these
C a l c u l a t e d array patterns f o r stacks of
Balun Base Plate Balun Assembly
f o u r Yagis in the E p l a n e at 5 2 . 7 5 in. spac-
Material 0 . 0 3 1 3 Brass ( 1 / 3 2 " )
0.750 diam i n g a n d f o u r Yagis in the H p l a n e at 4 9 in.
s p a c i n g are given in Figs 10 a n d I I . The
net 16-Yagi array pattern ( 4 x 4 stacking)
s h o u l d be simiiar to t h e s e four-stack simu-
lations. T h e c o m p u t e r a n a l y s i s implies that
t h e c a l c u l a t e d gain for t h e 16-Yagi array
w o u l d b e o v e r 2 7 . 7 d B i , m a k i n g the
2 7 . 5 dBi estimated real w o r l d a p p e a r to be
a realistic figure. Fig 12 is a comparison
d r a w i n g of the relative size of the Yagi
array a n d dish.
E v e n with these relatively minuscule
array d i m e n s i o n s (at least by E M E stand-
Screw base
plate t o clamp ards), s o m e c a r e f u l e n g i n e e r i n g is required
with 4 - 4 0 t o control the array w e i g h t s i n c e it is to be
stainless steel
screws rear m o u n t e d . Any a m o u n t of w e i g h t can
( 8 places) be c o u n t e r b a l a n c e d . W h e n the m a s s is dis-
t r i b u t e d o v e r a large area, h o w e v e r , its
inertia is multiplied into a n g u l a r momen-
t u m , w h i c h can get out of hand w h e n the
a r r a y is m o v e d . T h e p o l a r i t y r o t a t i o n
c r e a t e s f u r t h e r d e m a n d s since the array has
to d o m o r e than s i m p l y track the very slow-
m o v i n g m o o n . D u r i n g Q S O s t h e array
o f t e n will h a v e to b e m o v e d b a c k and forth
by 9 0 ° at e a c h s e q u e n c e . E v e n more de-
m a n d i n g is the p r o c e s s of searching for
s c h e d u l e stations and replies to o n e ' s C Q s .
Fig 13—Construction details for the balun baseplate, assembly and sleeve. Tests made In this c a s e the array m a y b e in nearly
by the author showed losses in both sun noise and earth noise without the sleeve
baluns. c o n t i n u o u s motion through the entire 2Vi-
m i n u t e r e c e i v e period.
T h e Yagis were built out of % in. d i a m -
110-in. (2.8 m) l o n g Yagis. A decision w a s out of predicted array t e m p e r a t u r e s of ap- e t e r x 0 . 0 3 5 in. wall front b o o m sections
then m a d e to back d o w n still a n o t h e r direc- p r o x i m a t e l y 2 8 K. for 16 Yagis. Fig 7 covers and 1 in. d i a m e t e r x 0 . 0 5 8 - i n . wall rear
tor to a 3.6-A. Yagi. At 15.9 dBi p e r Yagi t h e c o m p l e t e construction details f o r the 14- b o o m s e c t i o n s of round 6 0 6 1 - T 6 alumi-
16-Yagi array w a s e x p e c t e d to h a v e e l e m e n t , 3.6-A. Yagi i n c l u d i n g a d r i v e n ele- n u m tubing. I ' m sure 0 . 0 4 9 in. wall rear
27.5 dBi gain. A l t h o u g h this w a s 0.3 d B m e n t f o r coaxial feed. T h e calculated E- sections would have also been strong
lower than my target, I felt that t h e o p e n - and H - p l a n e patterns f o r t h e 14-element e n o u g h a n d saved a c o u p l e of p o u n d s of
wire p h a s i n g lines would l o w e r the s y s t e m Yagi is in Fig 8. In Fig 9 the o p e n - w i r e feed array w e i g h t . 1 p r e f e r the tighter b o o m
t e m p e r a t u r e e n o u g h to m o r e than m a k e u p s y s t e m is explained. N o t e that with open- j o i n t s m a d e with the 0 . 0 5 8 in. wall tube,
for that d i f f e r e n c e on receive. T h e missing w i r e p h a s i n g lines the lengths of the driven however. The parasitic elements were
transmit gain c o u l d b e had by r e d u c i n g m y e l e m e n t a n d first director are d i f f e r e n t than m a d e f r o m 3 /i6 in. a l u m i n u m rod. I consid-
2.3 d B of transmit feed-line loss. f o r coaxial feed. e r e d using tubing f o r the e l e m e n t s to s a v e
T h e 3.6-A. b o o m length w a s a u n i q u e w e i g h t but d e c i d e d to use the rod. as 1 h a v e
length in that with a very small a m o u n t of Array Construction had bad e x p e r i e n c e s f r o m insects building
element s p a c i n g s q u e e z i n g and stretching T h e array of the 16 x 14-element, 3.6-A. nests in o p e n tubing. T h e driven e l e m e n t s
f r o m the original d e s i g n s b o t h the W1EJ Yagis is a m a z i n g l y small, c o n s i d e r i n g its a r e m a d e f r o m brass rod s o they could be
and D L 6 W U derived d e s i g n s w o r k e d well p e r f o r m a n c e . Its overall size is only 13 ft 2 s o l d e r e d directly to the o p e n - w i r e line. T h e
at that length. I built test a n t e n n a s of both in. w i d e by 12 ft 3 in. high by 8 ft 9 in. deep brass has b e e n c o v e r e d with a c l e a r lacquer
designs, and as e x p e c t e d , m e a s u r e d results (4.0 x 3.7 x 2.7 m). I feel that the array gain c o a t i n g . D o not use u n p r o t e c t e d brass or
were hard to separate. T h e D L 6 W U - b a s e d and p e r f o r m a n c e are e q u i v a l e n t to a 2 3 ft c o p p e r in either the e l e m e n t s or phasing
design w a s finally chosen b e c a u s e it used (7 m) d i a m e t e r parabolic dish. In t e r m s of lines, as o n c e the o x i d e c o a t i n g d e v e l o p s
one less director, w h i c h w o u l d r e d u c e con- physical attributes, the Yagi array c o v e r s r e c e i v e p e r f o r m a n c e will b e significantly
struction t i m e and weight. T h e D L 6 W U - j u s t o v e r 1/3 the area and has a m a x i m u m d e g r a d e d d u e to the i n c r e a s e d resistive
b a s e d Yagi a l s o h a d a s l i g h t l y h i g h e r w i n d load ( e x c l u d i n g t h e m o u n t ) of 16 losses.
natural d r i v e n - e l e m e n t i m p e d a n c e , w h i c h s q u a r e feet. A 2 3 f t (7 m ) d i a m e t e r dish with T h e o p e n - w i r e line w a s m a d e f r o m
I felt w o u l d be easier to adapt to the o p e n - e v e n a relatively o p e n m e s h r e f l e c t o r sur- n o . 8 d o u b l e e n a m e l e d w i r e . T h i s size
wire phasing lines. Array temperature f a c e m a y run f r o m 5 0 to 150 s q u a r e feet p r o v i d e s the best loss to w e i g h t and wind
analysis by D J 9 B V of both d e s i g n s s h o w e d ( 4 . 6 t o 14 m 2 ) of wind load area. E v e n with load c o m p r o m i s e . At 2 0 0 - Q i m p e d a n c e ,
only a 0.2 K d i f f e r e n c e in predicted array its polarity m o u n t the Yagi array is under t h e loss of t h e line is a b o u t the s a m e as V&
t e m p e r a t u r e (in f a v o r of t h e W 1 E J d e s i g n ) 2 5 s q u a r e feet (2.3 m 2 ) of area. in. d i a m e t e r 5 0 - H Heliax, but at a fraction
This will greatly reduce corrosion prob-
Balun Base Clamp No. 29
lems. Don't forget to covcr all junctions
1 7 / 3 2 " Countersink Drill through with clear lacquer or enamel.
Both sides, see detail 'A' 5 / 3 2 " Drill through 2 places
The center power divider is a 4-
Detail A way unit, otherwise known as a half-wave
2-meter divider. This long power divider

0 - was chosen both to take advantage of the
low loss of the power divider's 1 '/4-in.-di-
—> |- i—0.080 1.50 amctcr air line and to move the phasing line
-0.050 connections out of the clutter of the center
of the array (preamplifier box frame
fft © 10.25 mounting hardware, etc).
The open-wire line required a design
compromise in the stacking frame. The
mechanically simplest, lowest cost, lowest
I — 0.250 weight and lowest wind-load stacking
frame would use one large cross boom and
4 long vertical masts. This type of frame
does not lend itself well to the open-wire
Tap through 8 - 3 2
line as the line sections would have to be
2 places Mark halves in serial assembled on the frame up on the tower. I
Cut in Half
wanted to be able to assemble and test the
o open-wire line and bays of four Yagis on
8 o the ground. To accomplish this, the four
o small H and one large H frame arrangement
> was used. It can be seen in Fig 15. This
J ) 1 method is very convenient, since in the air
o assembly is reduced to a minimum. The
o I penalty is about 15 pounds of additional
aluminum tubing and U bolts.
/ The small H frames are made of 1 ]/2-in.-
No. 19
Drill through diameter x 0.065-in.-wall aluminum tub-
2 places ing. I chose the 1 '/2-in. diameter because it
was very strong for the 54-in. and 56-in.
lengths used in the frames. In addition, the
Fig 14—Construction details for the balun base clamp. Some builders have soldered the larger diameter would resist twisting at its
baluns directly to the shield. connection points better than a smaller di-
ameter. Fig 16 gives a better view of how
these small H frames are assembled. The
of the cost, weight and wind load. Fig 9 theoretically, on odd quarter-wavelength 0.065-in. wall was selected simply because
includes details of the Teflon insulators, multiple of feed line should act as a choke I had some pieces of it on hand. KA1ZE
which are spaced at roughly '/5-A. intervals. to prevent current from flowing on the was nice enough to give me the rest of the
Dimensions on the brass line junctions are outside of the shield. This current could tubing I needed, left over from one of his
alsogiven. The inner four phasing lines are degrade array performance, especially on projects. I'm sure that 0.058-in.-wall tub-
made from Andrew LDF4-50A '/5-in. low- receive. At UHF, it can be hard to establish ing and e v e n 1 %-in.-diameter tubing
density foam Heliax, which is soldered di- where the real RF ground points are, and would work fine for these frames. The
rectly to the open-wire line junctions. The the effect of odd quarter-wavelength trans- frames are held together with Radio Shack
2-X spacing of each bay of four Yagis con- mission lines. Archer U bolts with saddles (see Table 1,
verts their nominal 200-Q folded dipoles to To establish the effect of the baluns and Array Parts List). The Yagi booms are held
50-£i center impedance. This allows direct phasing line length, sun noise and earth to the small frames using UBS-40 U-bolt
connection to the Heliax inner phasing noise measurements were made with and saddles which are available from Rutland
lines. Eliminating connectors, along with without the sleeve baluns on the array. The Arrays. The booms were reinforced with a
the minimal driven-element junctions that removal of the balun sleeves causes a loss short section of 11/8 in. x 0.058-in.-wall
are made near the voltage maxima points of 0.5 dB in sun noise and 0.2 dB in earth tubing at the U-bolt mounting points.
on the driven elements, contributes to the noise, thus validating the effect of the These saddles have been the source of
outstanding receive performance of the sleeve baluns. Details of how the baluns the only problem with the array so far.
array. were made to clamp directly on the LDF- During a very severe fall wind storm, all of
Quarlci-wavc sleeve baluns (that is, 50A phasing lines are given in Figs 13 and the Yagis ended up leaning over at about a
'/4-X chokes) are attached directly to the 14. Some builders of the array have made 15-degree angle. The problem is that the
Heliax shield. The lines are cut to 66 in., baluns that were simply soldered to the saddles tend to spread over time. After
which is electrically 11 quarter wave- LDF-50A shield. I recommend that silver- tightening the U bolts a couple of times
lengths at 432 MHz. The length of the bearing solder with at least 2% silver and things seems to be staying in place, but we
phasing lines (1 '/4 X ) was chosen because little or no lead be used at all junctions. have fortunately not again experienced the
<: • •

Hg 16—The small H-frame construction

can be seen in more detail here. The
open-wire phasing lines including their
connection to both the driven elements
and coaxial phasing lines are also visible.

Fig 15—This view of the 16 x 14-element 3.6-k rear-mount 432-MHz Yagi array shows
the small-H/large-H stacking frame construction. The combination open wire and Heliax
phasing lines can also be seen.

Fig 17—The prop-pitch azimuth rotator Fig 18—The mast mounting and hinge Fig 19—More details of the polarity mount
installation can be soon in this view. The plate are seen in this photograph, as well are apparent in this view. The TVRO
rotator plate is made from VA" steel plate as the connection of the main array frame actuator mount, T 2 X rotator location and
and 2" angle iron. cross piece to the polarity rotation shaft. the counterweights are visible. The two U
The large hole in the mount U-channel is bolts and V-blocks on the polarity shaft
needed to clear the azimuth mast to allow are safety catches to keep the array in
the array to be pointed below the horizon place should the thrust bearing and
in order to make earth-noise rotator fail when the array is pointed on or
measurements. below the horizon.
pattern s k e w i n g . On a c o n v e n t i o n a l array
Table 1
o n e can easily c o m p e n s a t e array a z i m u t h
Parts List for 16 x 14-Element Rear-Mount Array
and elevation indicators for this s k e w i n g .
W h e n you are rotating the array in real
Array frame, phasing lines and preamp box
t i m e , this pattern s k e w i n g can m o v e your
(Yagis not included)
m a i n lobe off the m o o n as the array is
rotated in polarity. S i n c e the strength of
16—1 '/2 in. U bolts with saddle (RS Archer 15-826).
t u b i n g i n c r e a s e s at almost the fourth p o w e r
16—1 Vz in. long U bolts (RS Archer 15-820, 8 pkgs of 2).
of its diameter, I suggest using larger dia-
8—4V2 in. x 1/2 in.-13 grade 8 bolts.
meter tubing.
20—2 in. x 5/16 in. U bolts.
T h o s e w i s h i n g to s a v e w e i g h t and cost
4—2 in. U-bolt saddle.
m i g h t c o n s i d e r using 0.065-in.-wall (thin
16—V2 in. flat washer.
w a l l ) irrigation tubing a l o n g with Phil-
8—1/6-13 nut.
lystran or similar stress rigging. This
8—V6 in. lock washer.
irrigation t u b i n g is readily a v a i l a b l e from
16—3/5 x 11/4 in. bolts.
f a r m e q u i p m e n t supply outlets. T h e large
32—% in. flat washer.
f r a m e is held together and also held to the
% in. lock washer.
p o l a r i t y rotation s h a f t u s i n g g a l v a n i z e d
%-14 nuts.
p i p e h a n g e r s . T h e size f o r 2 ' / i - i n . pipe
8—21/2 in. pipe hold-down clamp, B-Line B2400-2V2.
( 2 % - i n . n o m i n a l O D ) is a nice tight fit on
2—2 in. diam x 0.125 wall x 10 ft, 6061-T651 tube.
t h e 3-in. t u b e and gives m u c h better load
1—3 in. diam x 0.125 wall x 10 ft, 6061-T651 tube. distribution than L'-bolts w o u l d at these
8—11/2 in. diam x 0.058 wall x 56 in., 6061-T651 tube. high stress points.
8—IV2 in. diam x 0.058 wall x 54 in., 6061-T651 tube.
T h e total array w e i g h t e n d e d u p just
6 ft 1% in. diam x 0.058 wall 6061-T651 tube.
o v e r 150 p o u n d s , which is a fair a m o u n t to
2—6 in. x 9 in. x % in. 6061-T651 or 2024-T3 plate.
h o l d f r o m b e h i n d . D u r i n g the design and
8—4V2 in. x 41/2 in. x 3/16 in. 6061-T651 plate.
c o n s t r u c t i o n process I felt like an aero-
150 ft no. 8 double enameled copper wire.
s p a c e e n g i n e e r as every little p i e c e used in
4 ft % in. diam. Teflon rod.
t h e array w a s evaluated f o r strength and
1—12 in. x 2 in. x Va in. Teflon sheet.
w e i g h t . W h e n the mast, polarity m o u n t and
1 ft 1/4 in. O D V8 in. ID brass tube.
o t h e r r e q u i r e d pieces are totaled u p the
3 ft 1 in. copper water pipe.
a r r a y w i t h m o u n t is in t h e 3 0 0 - p o u n d
2—3 in. U bolts (for holding preamplifier box mount).
r a n g e . T h e a z i m u t h rotator is a p r o p pitch
4—11/6 in. x 11/2 in. x 0.032 brass sheet.
m o t o r (either small or m e d i u m size de-
6 in. 11/6 in. x 1/4 in. brass bar stock.
p e n d i n g w h o y o u are talking to). T h e prop
1—3/2-X 4-port power divider. pitch m o t o r with its nice slow start and
2—1 in. x 0.125 in. x 12 in. long 6061-T651 angle stock. c o a s t - d o w n turning characteristics, along
2—1 in. x 0.125 in. x 14 in. long 6061-T651 bar stock. w i t h its i m m e n s e torque and virtually nil
2—11/2 in. U bolts. b a c k l a s h a n d slop, is the best E M E array
4—1/4-20 x 1 in. hex bolt. rotator I h a v e used. Its o n l y d r a w b a c k s
8—1/4 flat washer. s h o w u p o n t r o p o operation in the f o r m of
4—1/4 split lock washer. s l o w ( 9 0 - s e c o n d ) rotation speed and noisy
4-1/4-20 hex nut. o p e r a t i o n . A l o o k at the p r o p pitch azimuth
1—8 in. x 8 in. x 4 in. P V C weatherproof junction box. d r i v e installation is g i v e n in Fig 17. I was
4—Andrew L44-N connectors. f o r t u n a t e e n o u g h to h a v e the main drive
25 ft Andrew LDF4-50A cable. g e a r f r o m the prop pitch motor. A VS-in.
8 - 8 - 3 2 x IV2 in. bolts. steel plate 9 in. d i a m e t e r w a s w e l d e d to the
8—no. 8 lock washer. gear. M a s t c l a m p s for t h e H y - G a i n H D R -
16—4-40 x 1/2 in. screw. 3 0 0 w e r e used to c l a m p t h e m a s t to the
16—no. 4 lock washer. plate.
1 6 - 4 - 4 0 hex nut.
1/4 pound 2 % silver solder. Polarity Mount
W h a t o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d to b e the
t o u g h e s t part of t h e j o b , d e s i g n i n g a m o u n t
f o r t h e polarity rotation w a s solved in a
s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d m a n n e r t h a n k s to the work
of W A 9 F W D . This t y p e of m o u n t simply
sustained 65 mi/h winds since that storm. wall 6 0 6 1 - T 6 5 1 tubing. T h e f r a m e is very u s e s a steel U c h a n n e l with a h i n g e plate
The large f r a m e is m a d e out of t w o strong, w h i c h is necessary g i v e n a l u m i - w e l d e d to it a l o n g with a m o u n t i n g plate
10-ft-long p i e c e s of 2-in. O D x 0.125-in.- n u m ' s elasticity. K e e p in m i n d that on an f o r a s t a n d a r d ham t y p e rotator. Hence-
wall 6 0 6 1 - T 6 5 1 tubing f o r t h e s e c t i o n s that array that will b e turned in polarization, forth, this m o u n t will b e r e f e r r e d to as the
hold the t w o b a y s of f o u r Yagis. T h e c r o s s any physical sag in the f r a m e that lets t h e W A 9 F W D - t y p e polarity m o u n t . S i n c e my
piece is m a d e of 3 - i n . - d i a m e t e r x 0.125-in.- Yagis f l o p a r o u n d in a l i g n m e n t c a n lead to array w a s substantially larger than J o h n ' s ,
1 / 4 " Diam 16 Places Marked "A*
2 5 / 6 4 " Diam 14 Places Marked "B"
5 / 1 6 " Diam 14 Places Marked "C"
3 / 4 " Diam S Places Marked "D"
3 / 8 " Diam 4 Places Marked "E"

7.25 _1.125_ A
V V ; 7\ ? B —
T— C+O—E 1

—Oi—(T+Os—i—5O-} ,0- d V DV


-3.063^ • 3.5 — 1 . 7 5 - 4.0 - • 3.5

Material: 0.75" 7075-7651 or 2024-T351
Aluminum Plate 10.625 2.875

Fig 20—Machining drawing of mast mounting plate.

Machining details of the mast plate are

covered in Fig 20. Fig 21 is a bracing piece
12.50 to keep the mast hinge plate from bending
3.00 6.50 when the U-bolts are tightened. This brac-
ing is extremely important to keep the mast
hinge plate from distorting and binding the
h i n g e s . T h e hinges are heavy-duty full
mortise stainless-steel c o m m e r c i a l door
hinges. There are several extra holes in the

i I
a, n
Thread Depth
1" minimum
mast mounting plate. T h e s e were put in to
give clearance to the additional tropo an-
tenna mounts I plan to add to the polarity
Polarity motion is obtained from a Hy-
Gain T 2 X rotator. Although the rotator is
6.25 adequate I am not o v e r w h e l m e d with these
Drill Top type rotators. I had to disassemble the T 2 X
0.625 0.313 5/16-18
1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 rotator to disable the friction brake. Unfor-
I tunately I discovered the effectiveness of
O O (3 the f r i c t i o n brake, w h i c h w o u l d bring
f — f p o l a r i t y m o t i o n to a n e a r d e s t r u c t i v e
screeching halt, only after the array w a s
first put together on top of the tower. T h e
Fig 21—Machining drawing of mast mount reinforcing plate. removal of the friction brake leaves full
b r a k i n g r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s to the w e d g e
brake. Although it has not yet failed 1 have
I scaled up his mount in size and changed size. T h e aluminum pieces were obtained that nagging feeling every time I see the
the mast mounting method. John originally at a scrap sale. Suitable steel is standard array rock around in the wind, that sooner
used a hinge plate welded to the top of the structural steel like 1010, 1015 or 1020. or later the brake teeth will eventually be
azimuth mast. I decided to bolt my hinge High strength alloys like 4 1 3 0 are also reduced to aluminum filings. Keep in mind
plate to the azimuth mast differently than good to use. T h e aluminum can be 2024- that these type rotators were not designed
John did both to allow mast changing and T 3 , 6 0 6 1 - T 6 or 7075-T5. All of these for this type of polarity rotation, especially
the ability to point the array into the ground materials can be purchased in small quan- when the array is down on the horizon. I
for earth noise measurements. T h e general tities from the Dillsburg Aeroplane Works don't know of a better ham type commer-
construction of the mount and mast con- in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, tel 717-432- cial rotator for this purpose available at a
nection is shown in Figs 18 and 19. T h e 4589. The assemblies were welded reasonable cost.
steel material was obtained from a local t o g e t h e r by the same local fabrication T h e rotator is held in place by the rotator
steel fabricating shop, which also cut it to shop. m o u n t i n g plate (Fig 22). This plate is
Table 2
Parts List for 16 x 14-Element
Rear-Mount Array

Array Mount
I © —
© 4—heavy-duty full mortise commercial
door hinges, Hager 1191.
1 1 / 3 2 " DIAM 32—1/4 x 20 x 3/, in. flat-head bolts for

6 Places hinges.
32—hex-head bolts for hinges.
68— 1 /4 x 20 hex nut.
- © - 68—V4 x 20 split lock washer.
112—VA x 20 flat washer.
1 / 2 " DIAM 4 ft 2 in. x 0.156 4130 "N" tube.
3 Pluuea
- 0 - 2—2 in. x s /i6 in. U bolts.
1 — % in. x 3/4 in. x 3 in. V-block for
J L ± ± jLjL 2 in. U bolts.
l.SO 8—2 1 /2- 3/e in. U bolts.
N o t e : Golt p o t t e r n a n d
c u t o u t a r e f o r Tetrex 4—3 1 /2 in. x 3/8 in. grade 8 bolts.
3.00 >
rotor mount 8 — % in. flat washer.
3.50 — 4 — % in. split lock washer.
Material: 1 / 4 " S t r u c t u r a l
Steel P l o t e 4.50 2—V-block Vfe in. x Vfe in. for 2Vfe in.
U bolt.
Approx w e i g h t : 5 . 3 Lb 6.00
2—25-pound barbell weights.
2-5/16-18 x 2 1 / 2 in. hex bolt.
2 ft 11/4 in. diam steel bar stock for
barbell weights.
14 in. 1 in. diam steel rod for
Fig 22—Machining drawing of polarity mount rear plate. actuator mount.
4—1 in. flat washer.
4-1/4-20 x 1 in. hex bolt.
M a t e r i a l : C9 x 13.4 Steel # C " Channel 7—s/32 in. hitch pins.
E s t i m o t e d Weight: 4 4 LB
Ends Must Be Cut Square 6— s /i6 x 1 Vfc in. grade 8 bolts.
(Within ±0.5°)
8— 5 /i6 split lock washer.
8— 5 /i6-18 hex nut.
16—5/16 in. flat washer.
1— Rohn TB-3 thrust bearing.
1—Hy-Gain T 2 X rotator.
1—4 in. x 4 in. x 0.020 aluminum
shim stock.
1—24 in. x 8 in. x % in. 7075-T3
(or 2024-T3) plate.
1—14 in. x 6 in. x % in. 2024-T3
(or 6061-T6) plate.

previously mentioned pipe hangers. This

plate in turn is welded to the polarity shaft
with some substantial bracing (Fig 28). The
plate must be welded squarely to the polar-
Fig 23—Machining drawing of polarity mount main support channel. ity shaft as must the entire polarity mount
be true. Consider that the array has an
E plane - 3 dB beamwidth of 6.5° and an
welded to the main 9-in. support channel A mating hinge plate to that on the azimuth H p l a n e - 3 dB beamwidth of 7°. If the plate
(Fig 23). At the other end the thrust bearing mast (Fig 2 5 ) is welded to the 9 in. U-chan- was only 3.25° out of square signals could
plate (Fig 2 4 ) holds the polarity shaft in nel as explained in the mount assembly drop by 3 dB as polarity was turned—
place. The thrust bearing is a standard drawing (Fig 26). The array is strapped to assuming the array was properly peaked on
RohnTB-3 that so far has worked perfectly. the polarity shaft plate (Fig 2 7 ) by the the moon!
w h i c h c o u l d lead to f a i l u r e in high winds.

Other Rear-Mount Array Options

T h e d e s i g n goal of the 16 x 14-element
Yagi array w a s to c o m e as c l o s e as possible
t o t h e p e r f o r m a n c e of a 2 4 - f t (7.3 m) dish
a n d to at least meet the p e r f o r m a n c e of my
old 12 x 2 2 - e l e m e n t Yagi array. T h o s e not
q u i t e so a d a m a n t a b o u t their E M E capabil-
ity level s h o u l d c o n s i d e r s m a l l e r rear-
m o u n t arrays. You m i g h t b e surprised how
small and light a r e a r - m o u n t array can be
w h i l e e x c e e d i n g the p e r f o r m a n c e of four
l o n g Yagis.
S i x t e e n of the 10-element, 2.2-X Yagis
will b e as g o o d or better than 4 x 2 4 - f t long
Yagis with less w i n d load and the benefits
of polarity rotation. T h e gain of t h e 16-Yagi
array will b e a b o u t 25.7 d B i , which is
e n o u g h to m a k e m a n y easy E M E QSOs.
T h i s gain f i g u r e is equal t o an array of 4 x
10.5-^. ( 2 4 ft) long o p t i m u m design Yagis.
T h e 2.2-X Yagis are also the right size to
a d a p t t o an o p e n - w i r e p h a s i n g line system
w h i c h f u r t h e r reduces cost a n d construc-
Material: t i o n c o m p l e x i t y . T w e n t y - f o u r of t h e s e
1 / 4 " S t r u c t u r a l Steel P l a t e E s t i m a t e d Finished Weight: 4.5 Lb Yagis will have p e r f o r m a n c e c l o s e to my
16 x 14-element Yagi array at 2 7 . 3 dBi, but
Fig 24—Machining drawing of polarity mount front plate. with substantially less t o r q u e loading due
to their very short b o o m s .
T w e l v e of the 14-element, 3 . 6 - X Y a g i s
s h o u l d be noticeably better than 4 long
No. 7 Drill, Tap 1/4" - 20 Mount Hinge Plate Yagis with a total array g a i n of 26.2 dBi.
4 Places Marked "A"
T h e m e c h a n i c a l c o m p l e x i t i e s will be sub-
Material: 3 / 8 " Structural Stee Plate
1/4" Drill Through Acceptable Alloys: 1016. 1020, 1026, etc. s t a n t i a l l y less t h a n m y 16-Yagi array,
12 Places Marked R" Estimates Weight: IB Lb
a l t h o u g h 12 Yagis will not lend t h e m s e l v e s
11/16" Diam 10 Places Marked "E"
to o p e n - w i r e phasing lines.
11/32" Diam 12 Places Marked "D"
T h e 12- a n d 13-element Yagis will also
w o r k well in I6-Yagi arrays w h i l e their
m u c h shorter b o o m s (than the 14-element
Yagis) m a k e for a m u c h m o r e m a n a g e a b l e
a r r a y . G a i n of 16-Yagi a r r a y s will b e
a r o u n d 2 6 . 2 dBi f o r t h e 12-element Yagis
and 2 6 . 8 d B i for an array of the 13-element,
3.0-X m o d e l s . W A 9 F W D w e n t f r o m 4 x
\2-X long Yagis to 16 x 13-element, 2.9-X
Yagis. A l t h o u g h the net array gain is only
0 . 5 d B higher with t h e r e a r - m o u n t array,
J o h n feels the new rotatable array is vastly
better than the 4 long Yagis.
L o n g e r Yagis c o u l d also be adapted to
Fig 25—Machining drawing of polarity mount hinge plate.
polarity rotation if o n e d i d n ' t need to h a v e
t h e polarity rotation a v a i l a b l e d o w n to 0°
e l e v a t i o n . T h e s e Yagis c o u l d be supported
A l t h o u g h the weight of the m o u n t is linear actuator the ball s c r e w t y p e is pre- a f e w feet f r o m the rear of t h e b o o m . T h e
substantial it is not a problem, o t h e r than f e r r e d and it is desirable to k e e p it loaded. elevation m o u n t c o u l d also be e x t e n d e d on
getting the m o u n t o n top of the t o w e r in the E v e n with the loading there is s o m e rock- the array side of the h i n g e to a c c o m m o d a t e
first p l a c e . T o c o u n t e r b a l a n c e the array, an i n g of the array: T h e elevation is run d o w n this t y p e of array.
additional 5 0 p o u n d s of iron in the f o r m of f r o m vertical d u e t o t h e starting inertial and O n e f i n a l b e n e f i t of t h e r e a r - m o u n t
barbell w e i g h t s w e r e attached to the rear of w e i g h t distribution. S t o r a g e position for array a p p r o a c h is that s t a c k i n g arrange-
the m o u n t via a 1 '/t-in.-diameter steel rod. t h e array is straight u p in o r d e r to evenly m e n t s u s i n g odd n u m b e r s of Yagis in either
T h e linear actuator is a l w a y s loaded in distribute w i n d loading on the tower. T h i s plane of the array c a n be a c c o m m o d a t e d .
slight c o m p r e s s i o n . If y o u u s e a T V R O will a v o i d u n d u e twist l o a d i n g on the tower T h i s is b e c a u s e w h e n the array is r e a r
built using a total of 16, 24, 32 or 36 Yagis.
T h e basic W A 9 F W D polarity mount
can be easily scaled up or d o w n in size to
a c c o m m o d a t e the size array one intends to
build. J o h n ' s mount uses 8 in. channel and
a Hy-Gain H A M - 4 rotator. With a little
extra thinking about the polarity mount
most builders should easily be able to adapt
the mount tu the materials available lo-

The View From Up Here

After completing a project of this mag-
n i t u d e o n e has to j u s t i f y his e f f o r t s .
Consider that absolutely no pieces from the
old array were able to be reused except for
t h e e l e v a t i o n a c t u a t o r (not i n c l u d i n g
mounting hardware) and array electronics
such as the preamplifiers and relay. Every-
thing else including the azimuth rotator,
p r e a m p l i f i e r box, mast stacking frame,
phasing lines and Yagis were all new. It's
easy to see why many stations just keep
adding Yagis to their existing arrays even if
they didn't pick the best design to begin
with. So have the results justified the effort?
T h e rear-mount Yagi array has been an
unqualified success at K1FO. Predicted net
gain of the array was that it would be
0.3 dB below the old 12 x 22-elemeni Yagi
array at 27.5 dBi. Receive performance
w a s expected to be equal to the old array
due to lower phasing line losses. The best
way to attempt to compare array perform-
a n c e is t h r o u g h noise-source measure-
ments. In reality, all noise measurements
on the new array are measurably higher
than with the old array. See Table 3.
Obviously, there is a limitation to the
accuracy of my measurements, but in any
Fig 26—Assembly drawing of adjustable-polarization mount. Side view is at A; top view
is at B. case it is consistent that the new array is
better on receive than the old one. I also
feel as if I am hearing better, but this may
Table 3 be due in part to having polarity rotation.
Noise Measurements Since my entire receive setup (relay, pre-
amps, filters, etc) are the same ones from
Source 16 x 14R 12x22 the old array, it is possible that something
had deteriorated in the old array. Likewise,
Sun 18.5 dB 18.0 dB at flux = 180
it is possible that I am overstating the array
Earth 5.5 dB 5.0 dB at - 1 4 ° elevation
temperature, understating the loss of the
Sagittarius 5.6 dB 5.3 dB old coaxial feed system or overstating the
Cygnus A 3.2 dB 3.0 dB open-wire feed-line loss. Since most sta-
Cassiopeia 2.9 dB 2.9 dB tions are reporting that my transmit signal
Taurus 1.3 dB 1.2 dB is as good or better than with the old array,
one would have to conclude that the new
array is indeed working as well or better
than expected.
From these noise measurements and the
mounted there is not a problem in having ability to make an efficient power distribu- estimated array gain I believe that my total
the center Yagi clear the mast. Array ar- tion system. Similarly open-wire phasing system temperature is 73K. This is com-
rangements of 3 x 3 (9 Yagis), 3 x 4 ( 1 2 lines do not restrict array configurations posed of 3 3 K array noise reception (at cold
Yagis), 5 x 4 (20 Yagis) or 5 x 5 (25 Yagis) due to mast clearance problems. Virtually sky), 15K of phasing line p o w e r divider
can all be used. T h e only limitation is o n e ' s any grouping of bays of four Yagis can be and relay losses and 25 K total system noise
^ Relief 0.03" deep

0.50 ^ - y / A W / / / / / A v / / / / m m m m vam/M V/A

T Section A - A

Relief for locating

Fig 29—The view at K1FO from 70 ft

above ground level, the height of the 16 x
14-element Yagi array, is quite a bit better
than at 20 ft, where a large dish wojld be
mounted. Not only does having the array
at this height allow EME operation down
to the horizon, but with tropospheric
bending, EME signals are frequently
heard 10 minutes before visual moon rise
and for the same time after visual moon

In the first 9 months of operation I have
made 322 EME Q S O s with 138 different
stations, 47 of which were new initials. As
e v e r y o n e knows, the m o r e initials you
have, the harder it is to work new ones. In
the last year with the old array I only
Fig 27—Machining drawing of the array mounting plate. worked 20 new stations. As further proof,
consider that of those 47 stations 6 are
single Yagis, 1 has 2 Yagis and 20 are using
4 Yagis. In addition 27 of the 47 were
worked on random and compared to my old
benchmark, N4GJV, I have been able to
w o r k e v e r y new s t a t i o n that Ron has
Array mounting plote worked, a significant change from Ihe last
See detail drawing
few years. The only stations I haven't been
able to work are running either a single
Yagi and moderate power (<500 W ) or four
Yagis and low power (< 200 W). Of the 47
initials I believe that about 22 of them
Iapprox would not have occurred without polarity
Front plote must be perpendicular -jp opprox - rotation.
' to tube within 1" 8
Having polarity rotation is like cheat-
Bracing 1 / 4 " structural steel ing. Instead of spending hour upon hour
5 " x 4 " right triangle
straining to copy signals buried in the
noise, it's simply peak and go. As a final
19' note we refer to Fig 29 and observe the
horizon view from my array center level of
Full weld
oil joints 2" 0 0 x 0 . 1 5 6 wall
70 ft (21 m). It's a m u c h more pleasing
4130 alloy steel tube view than the one d o w n at dish-mount
3 9 - 1 / 4 " long

Align bracing 1.5"

as shown approx

Fig 28—Assembly drawing of polarization shaft.

Loop Antennas:
The Facts, Not the Fiction
By A. J. H e n k , C Eng, FIEE, G4XVF
10 Aston Way
Epsom, Surrey KT18 5LZ
United Kingdom

ot another lot of words on loop theory will be quite adequate to reveal many are "electric" or "E-field" devices, and

N antennas, surely? So much has

been written and said on the sub-
ject—at least in the amateur journals—but
of the loop's innermost secrets.

What is an Aerial?
work basically by making as large an elec-
trical disturbance as possible across a
chunk of space. The bigger the chunk the
how much of it is of any use to the serious An antenna (or aerial if you prefer— better the aerial because the disturbance is
radio amateur? This article is intended to both terms will be used synonymously here) more widespread. This is what you might
clear away some, at least, of the intellectual is a device for coupling an electrical circuit expect; after all, particularly at low fre-
fog surrounding these devices and to ad- to a medium through which radio waves quencies, big aerials work better than small
dress areas which have been generally propagate, in our case free space, or vice ones if everything else is the same. Extract-
neglected, such as how efficient are they? versa. It was the development of this com- ing big performances from little antennas
How effective are they (not the same thing) ponent (by Marconi) which took wireless is the aim of many amateurs, particularly
and how can they be made better? communication out of the realms of a labo- in the UK, and smallness is one of the main
Notwithstanding the proliferation of ratory curiosity and turned it into practical attractions of the loop.
references to the subject, it is not intended reality. Without the "elevated electrode" the Where there is an oscillating electric
to provide an extensive bibliography of signals don't go very far. A pair of aerials Field, there is also an oscillating magnetic
papers; others have already done this. The can form a simple four-terminal transmis- field produced by it in space. A radio wave
references which are included have been sion network: four terminals because you must contain both magnetic and electric
selected as having something useful to say feed the signal into one pair of terminals components in order to exist. In the case of
which is appropriate to this article, and not (the first antenna) and a smaller version of the loop, a strong magnetic field is gener-
as an attempt to impress. it emerges from the other pair. Such a net- ated by passing a heavy current through the
work is reciprocal, that is to say it works radiating conductor and this magnetic field
Debunking the Myths both ways. Any two antennas, of any sort, then generates a corresponding electric
Let's make one thing clear at the outset: will exhibit this reciprocity, a feature which field in space, thus providing the two ele-
There is no mystique of any sort associated has been of great value to the author during ments needed. For this reason the antenna
with loop aerials. They obey the standard the study of loops. is sometimes referred to as a "magnetic
laws of physics like anything else and the Reciprocity works like this. First, the loop."
principles are quite simple. Anyone who two antennas must be correctly matched to
tries to make it sound otherwise and wraps the transmitter and the receiver, respec- What is a Loop Aerial?
it all up in arcane language or presents it as tively, and this matching must be preserved. Let's stop for a moment and have a look
a "black art" should have his credibility If this is the case and you feed, say, a one- at loops from another perspective. First,
suspected immediately. It is hoped that this watt signal into one aerial and then find that what do we mean by a "loop aerial"? In this
article will explain the operating principles, you get one microwatt from the second article the term is taken to refer to a loop of
without too many shortcuts, and in lan- (receiving) antenna, you can be sure that, if one or more turns of conductor whose
guage which is easily understood by anyone you now reverse things and feed your one dimensions are small compared with the
with sufficient technical knowledge to have watt (matched, of course) into the second wavelength of the signals being transmit-
passed (honestly!) the licensing tests. There antenna, you will have a microwatt out of ted. It may be circular, square or any other
will be some math presented but, again, the the first. There are no exceptions to this rule. shape. Anything larger than about one-
simplest and most basic knowledge of ac Most common transmitting antennas eighth of a wavelength across is becoming
a bit big fur this definition; such devices as dissipates in resistance, it is seductive to Loop
"delta-loops" are a different kettle of fish consider the radiated power also as being
and this article does not apply to them. absorbed into a resistance. Our circulating
Magnetic loop aerials are as old as wire- current might be (say) 10 A. We know from
less itself; indeed some of us remember basic theory (power = I 2 R) that, because we
very clearly the frame aerials used quite are losing 90 watts in losses, our total loss
effectively by the early broadcast receivers resistance (from all sources) must be
before they became modernized by the 0.9 ohm, as 102 x 0.9 = 90 watts. Therefore,
availability of efficient magnetic materials why not consider the other—radiated—
and turned into ferrite rods (indeed the US 10 watts as being in a resistance of
term "loopstick" testifies to their origins). 0.1 ohm? (Again 102 x 0.1 = 10 watts.)
They have not gained widespread popular- This is called the "radiation resistance" and S y s t e m Total
ity for transmitting because of the great every antenna has some. Resistance R j

difficulty of achieving high efficiencies, It must be remembered that, because

but for receiving they have many desirable this is not a real resistive loss, it is not an
properties. It should be noted that, even embarrassment (not in an aerial, anyway).
though reciprocity applies (yes, also to fer- Indeed, our aim is to push as much power
rite rods) you cannot just interchange into it as we can. It is therefore in our
transmitting and receiving aerials and interests to achieve as high a value for this
achieve the same communications quality radiation resistance as possible. Low val-
or performance. However, that's another ues are bad news.
story. Loops which are used for transmit- Once we know the radiation resistance Fig 1—At A, the arrangement of a loop
ting do not generally use ferrite and of our antenna and the current flowing antenna. B shows the loop-antenna
equivalent circuit.
therefore need to be larger to be effective. through it (ie, that flowing in the loop), we
In addition, they have fewer turns, typi- can calculate the power actually radiated
cally below five and quite often only one. and, since we know how much power we
Whereas you can't necessarily transmit on are feeding in, the efficiency follows very
a receiving loop, you can normally receive easily. More of this later—it is a key point not all physically in series as shown in the
very well with a transmitting unit. This, of in assessing the performance of a magnetic figure. The conductor losses are clearly
course, applies equally to E-field aerials. loop. series losses, but losses in the capacitor
dielectric appear across the capacitor ter-
The Loop as a Radiator—Radiation Basic Operation minals as a shunt resistance. Even so, we
Resistance We can now start to look at the antenna can still use a series resistance to represent
We have spent quite enough time and in a little more depth and see what makes these parallel losses by giving it a value
space looking at aerials in general and it tick. Fig 1A shows the physical arrange- which will have the same effect on the
seeing how the loop fits into the scene. ment normally employed, stripped of all circuit as the parallel losses themselves,
Let's now examine it more carefully and the nonessentials. It is shown for a single- and doing it this way brings great simplic-
see how it works. There is a simple but very turn loop but the principles are the same ity to the analysis. Also, in with this series
useful concept which we can use to help us, irrespective of the number of turns. A con- resistance, we can include any losses which
and that is the idea of "radiation resis- ductor is bent round into a circle (or some occur outside the physical confines of the
tance." This can be used in connection with other suitable shape) and the free ends are loop such as ground losses (which will
any antenna but here we are going to re- connected across a capacitor. The arrange- affect the loop performance and Q) and
strict ourselves to the loop. As we have ments for connecting this to the transmitter therefore bring all losses, from whatever
seen, this works by pumping as much RF or receiver are discussed later. This forms source, together in a single component.
current as we can muster through a conduc- a tuned circuit, resonant at the operating This keeps life very straightforward.
tor, thus g e n e r a t i n g our o s c i l l a t i n g frequency. It is our avowed intention to make as
magnetic field in true Faraday tradition. In This can be considered, to a high degree much current as possible flow in this cir-
order to do this we need RF power, and this of accuracy, as comprising three simple cuit. This will, of course, occur at the
normally comes from our transmitter— components, as shown in Fig IB. The in- resonant frequency of L and C, given by
let's assume it's a 100-W rig in the interests ductance, L, is that of the bent conductor
of simplicity. Let's also assume that the and the capacitance, C, is that of the tuning f
= ^ L C <*»»>
transmitter, feeder and aerial are all prop- capacitor, plus any strays, which resonates
erly matched so that all of our 100 watts with L at the desired frequency, f. The third This current flows equally through all
goes into the aerial system. component is resistive and represents, as the circuit elements (their being in series)
With any luck, some of this power will one component, all the resistive parts of the but actual power appears only in the resis-
be radiated off into space—the rest disap- system, or Ri (for total resistance). Ri will tive part as you cannot dissipate power in
pears into the system losses and is mainly be losses of one sort or another, no a pure reactance. Therefore the total power
dissipated as heat. If we have been very circuit being perfect, but there is a further in the system is
lucky and manage to radiate ten out of our nonlossy part of this component which we
100 watts, 90 must go in loss resistances of mentioned earlier, the radiation resistance, P, = l 2 R, watts
one sort or another. Note that all losses are Rr.
resistive, as pure inductance or capacitance In connection with these resistive com- If a transceiver, for example, is cor-
cannot dissipate power. Since power only ponents it should be realized that they are rectly matched to this system, then P t is
equal to the power output of the transmit- ble and, more importantly, will introduce
ter, let's say 100 watts. extra losses.

Now, Ri is the total resistance of the Transformer coupling (Fig 2C) is one of
circuit and is made up of many different Tap the most popular methods and involves
50 Ohms ( O
parts. All but one of these parts will corre- connecting the radio equipment to a smail
spond to losses of various sorts and can be 'n. loop which is placed near the main conduc-
considered as forming a single aggregate tor, the arrangement acting as a tuned
loss resistance R|. The one remaining non- (A) transformer. The small loop can be moved
lossy part is—yes, y o u ' v e guessed it—our in and out to affect the matching, and a
old friend R r , the radiation resistance. position will be found at which the cor-
Therefore we can say, because the total loss rectly matched situation results in a precise
is the sum of all these separate parts, 1:1 SWR at the selected frequency.
-© It is a happy coincidence that, with any
R, = Ri + R r of these coupling methods, the matching
condition stays much the same over a very
Efficiency wide bandwidth. That is to say, if you
Power dissipated in Ri is, of course, lost (8) change frequency or frequency band you
as expensively generated heat. However, will have, of course, to re-tune the loop but
power "dissipated" in R r is our precious Coupling the coupling will remain correct. For those
radiated power and we cherish it tenderly Loop interested in the reason for this, Ramstrom
£0 Ohms ( O
as that is precisely what we are trying to (Ref 1) gives a useful qualitative treatment.
achieve with our antenna. Suppose that we
radiate 25 watts out of our 100 W, then our Radiation Resistance—How M u c h ?
aerial is 25% efficient. The other 75 W (ie, Much reference has been made to radia-
three times as much) goes in the loss resis- (=) tion resistance, but this concept is only
tance. This means that Ri must be three useful if we know what the value is in real
times as big as R r in this example since I Fig 2—Methods of coupling to a loop engineering units, like ohms. Fortunately,
and therefore I 2 is the same value for both antenna: A—inductive tap; B—capacitive it is a very simple matter to calculate it for
Ri and R r . We can write a simple equation tap; C—transformer. a loop of any shape. It depends only on the
to define our efficiency if we know these area of the loop (n r- for a circular loop of
resistance values: radius r), the number of turns N, and the
frequency. If the frequency is expressed as
Efficiency(ri) = „ „ x 100% (Eq 2) Fig 2. It is assumed that 50-ohm coaxial a wavelength, no units need be specified
R r + R| providing the same are used for wave-
feeder is used, although other types can be
We can now define the term "efficiency" accommodated. It is possible to achieve a length and area. The simple formula is
as the proportion, as a percentage, of the virtually perfect match at a spot operating
power fed to the system which is actually frequency with any of these coupling sys- R r - 320ti 4 N^ ohms (Eq3)
radiated. For transmitting, this efficiency is tems.
obviously of great interest because you will The inductive tap method (Fig 2A) is where A is the area and X is the wavelength,
need to pump 1000 watts inio an antenna quite convenient; simply connect the coax both in the same units, and N is the number
which is 10% efficient in order to achieve outer to the electrically neutral point on the of turns.
the same results as 100 W into a 100% loop (this should be the mechanical center This is true for any shape of loop.
efficient radiator. There's money in there if the construction is symmetrical) and For example, take a single-turn loop,
somewhere, as always. Notice that we have move the inner along the loop conductor 1 meter in diameter, at 10 MHz. Here llie
not needed to bother with L or C in arriving until the SWR at resonance becomes 1:1. wavelength is
at this conclusion. That is not to say that If you are actually doing this in practice
„ 3 x 10 8
they don't affect efficiency. Far from it. But you will find it necessary to move, re-tune, : 30 meters
they do it by altering the values of these move, re-tunc, etc, until it reaches the right 10 x 10"
resistances and the current flowing through point. This is not difficult although it might and the area is
them.' be a bit tedious.
Capacitive tapping (Fig 2B) is similar A = 0.5 2 n = 0.785 meters 2
Coupling the Radio to the Loop in principle to inductive tapping but is far
Let's take a break from the theory for a less easy to achieve. It is also less easy to Since N = 1 for the single turn, the radiation
while and look at another practical aspect synchronize the feeder connection point to resistance is
of our aerial. So far w e have not considered the electrically neutral point. The author is
how best to connect, or couple, the trans- not aware of any practical transmitting sys- R r = 320 7i4
mitter or r e c e i v e r to the l o o p . W h i l e tems using this method. It is worth noting, 30 2
obviously very important, it is, in practice, in connection with the electrically neutral = 0.0237 ohms (23.7 milohms)
not at all difficult. There are three basic point, that the system will work wherever
methods, all of which have one thing in the connection is made but, if it is not at the Note that 23.7 milohms is not a large value
common: They form an impedance-match- neutral point, current will flow down the and the problem of making enough current
ing function between the transmitter feeder feeder and this will introduce performance (65 amperes) flow in this to radiate 100 W
and the resonant circuit. They are shown in differences which are not readily calcula- of RF can be appreciated.
T h e relationship o f E q 1 applies, o f course.
W h a t we don't know is the resistive com-
p o n e n t . W e k n o w part o f i t , though,
because we can calculate R r from E q 3,
which only leaves the loss resistance, Ri.

Efficiency Revisited—The Significance

of Q
T h e Q o f a tuned circuit can be defined
in several ways, but the most helpful here
is to use the ratio o f inductive reactance to
resistance, assuming all the resistance to be
in the inductor. (In practice this is not the
case, but the assumption does not introduce
errors if we are only looking at the total
losses and don't start trying to allocate
different bits to the capacitor, etc. Later we
will have a brief qualitative look at where
losses arise; wherever they do, though,
they can be included in the inductor for
calculation purposes.) In our case the resis-
tance is the total Re and therefore we can

We also know that R t = Ri + R r , so we

can deduce that

R, + R r =
It is now but a tiny step to the final
denouement, the efficiency o f the antenna
overall. If we substitute f o r ( R i + R r ) in Eq 2
above, we obtain the relationship

Efficiency(ri) = x 100% (Eq 5 )
Fig 3—Radiation resistance of square and circular loops.
T h i s result is interesting because it is so
simple. It does, however, beg the question,
" h o w do we know the Q ? "
A graph showing R r against size for Returning to our diagram o f Fig 1B, we
most practical loop sizes is given in Fig 3. have a standard tuned circuit. T h e loop Losses—Where Do They Come From?
provides the inductance L , the value o f B e f o r e going into that any further, let's
The Missing Link which can be deduced in a number o f ways. take a slightly closer look at the losses we
We have had a brief (qualitative) look T h e loop dimensions are, particularly at are likely to find in a practical system. T h e
at coupling the transmitter into the loop and low frequencies, generally chosen to maxi- most obvious one is the R F resistance o f
we have seen how we can determine the m i z e R r , and the resulting i n d u c t a n c e the conductor, and this is not difficult to
radiation resistance. We still need to know accepted whatever its value is. This is not calculate. In practice, however, it is prob-
more, though, before we can claim to have always the case, but happens far more often ably not worth the effort because it is but
a full picture o f how the system works. than not. T h e inductance value can be one o f several sources, most o f which are
What happens between the R F feeder and measured on a bridge or other inductance not calculable and may well exceed the
the radiation resistance? Here we need to meter, it can be calculated (see accompa- conductor resistance contribution. T h e s e
consider the loop inductance, the tuning nying sidebar) or it can be derived when it sources include:
capacitance and our loss resistance. It is is resonated at a known frequency by a • capacitor losses (several components
interesting to note that the physical loop o f known capacitor using the relationship here)
conductor serves two different electrical • insulation losses
purposes. One is to provide the radiating L = (Eq 4 ) • other constructional losses (asymme-
action (R r , the aerial function) and the other An2 f 2 C try, etc)
is to provide inductance ( L ) for the match- where L is in henries if C is in farads and f • losses due to the environment.
ing function we are now going to examine. is in Hz. Capacitor losses are, o f course, deter-
This is where everything finally c o m e s to- Because the circuit is resonant (at our mined by the quality o f the capacitor being
gether. operating frequency), we know L, C and f. used. When you are looking for extremely
The Inductance of a Loop
An important feature of a loop, whether used as an meters are given in Figs A and B, respectively. There
antenna or not, is its inductance. This can be calcu- are plots for three different conductor sizes covering
lated accurately if the dimensions are known and the the range of most practical designs. Values for inter-
right formulas are used. Most formulas are traceable to mediate sizes can be interpolated by eye.
an early document published by the USA National Bu- If you want to be very precise it will be necessary to
reau of Standards (Ref 3) back in the days when the appreciate that, particularly at low frequencies, induc-
triode valve was very much a novelty. It says much for tance is frequency dependent. This would mean that
this document that it has not been surpassed for these the conductor wall thickness (of the tubing) would need
kinds of data. For circular single-turn loops it gives to be taken into account. However, these differences
16a are very small and the formulas given above are the
L = 0.01257 x a 2.303 logio - 2 microhenries
high-frequency ones which assume that the current
where density is zero (due to skin effect) on the inside of the
a = mean radius of loop in cm tubular conductor. They can, of course, be used with
d = diameter of conductor in cm both solid and tubular conductors.
Ref 3 also gives formulas for multiturn loops and
and for square single-turn loops it gives coils although these are not reproduced here. The
characteristics of such coils require one or more tables
L = 0.008 x a 2.303 logio Y + 0.774 microhenries
of correction factors whose values depend upon the
dimensions of the winding. Unfortunately there is no
where simple accurate alternative and the reader is referred
a = length of one side in cm to the NBS document for further details. An approxi-
d = diameter of conductor in cm mate formula for multiturn loops, derived from NBS, is
given in Ref 2.
Inductance values for single-turn circular and
square loops with dimensions between 0.1 and 10

90 0
80 0
70 0
60 0

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0 2

L e n g t h o f Side ( M e t e r s )

Fig A—Inductance of a single-turn circular loop. Fig B—Inductance of a single-turn square loop.
high Q values coupled with the high work-
Voltages and Currents in the Loop
ing voltages which go with these on loop
transmitting antennas, the need for a good The big disadvantage of the magnetic loop antenna for transmission is
quality capacitor for this voltage and Q the low radiation resistance, typically a few milohms. Large currents are
makes the construction of the antenna a required to achieve useful radiated powers and these are very difficult to
very expensive privilege. However, with- generate. Because the tuned elements are in series, these currents also
out the costly component you will not flow through the inductor (the loop itself forms the inductor) and the tuning
approach the Q as calculated solely on the capacitor. The reactances of these two components are equal (but opposite
RF resistance of the conductor. You prob- in sign) when the loop is correctly tuned, so the voltages across them are
ably won't anyway. also equal (and opposite). The tuning capacitor therefore needs to be rated
Insulation losses in other parts of the at this voltage, as well as needing extremely low losses—not an easy
assembly cannot be ignored as the loop has combination to achieve.
to be supported and terminated somehow. If a 100-W CW signal is correctly matched into the loop, the voltage
The best material the author has found across the capacitor can be calculated from the expression
which is both available and easy to work is
polystyrene. This material has a dissipation
factor of 0.00007 at 1 M H z and 0.0001 at and the current flowing around the loop from
100 M H z . This is only equaled by stron-
I = 10VQ/COL A R M S or
tium titanate ceramic, other ceramics being
2-10 times as lossy. Polycarbonate scores I = V / TOL A R M S
an unimpressive 0.01 at 1 MHz. Teflon is
where a> = 27tf; f is in MHz and L in microhenries.
almost as good as polystyrene but very
Corrections can be made for other power levels. For example, a 400-W
expensive (Ref 2).
PEP SSB signal will double the values.
A departure from perfect (electrical)
A set of curves giving these values for circular loops of three different
symmetry will result in currents flowing in
diameters is given in Fig C. The curves are plotted for a frequency of
parts of the system where no currents
3.5-MHz: All the results are inversely proportional to frequency, so halve
should flow. Such parts of the system can
the 3.5-MHz voltage value for 7 MHz, and so on. The current is affected in
be expected to be more lossy than the con-
the same way. Again, the figures should be doubled for 400 W PEP SSB.
ductor and primary insulation, adding to
It is worth noting that, for a high-efficiency (100%) 0.5-meter diameter
the total system loss. It is to maintain this
loop operating on 80 m with 100 W CW, there can be up to 89.8 MEGAvolt-
electrical symmetry that the need to iden-
amperes circulating in the system, but, of course, never more than
tify the electrically neutral point arises
100 watts. Food for thought.
when tapping into a loop, as described
Losses due to the environment are per-
haps the most difficult to handle. To isolate
a loop from its electrical environment
(most notably the ground and supporting
steelwork) by, say, half a wavelength is
difficult to say the least at 14 M H z and well
nigh impossible at 3.5 MHz. By its very
nature the loop is designed to couple as
well as possible into its surroundings, and
such spacings as these will be needed to
ensure that the presence of other items does
not reflect losses into the system.
More confusion? Just when we were
reaching what appeared to be a final con-
clusion? Not really. After all, what we need
to know is Ri as a total of all these effects
without being too interested in how much
comes from each source (unless we are
going into the design business, which is an
entirely different matter). We can deter-
mine this by direct measurement of Q and
calculation (knowing R r ) or, better still, if
we insert the values into Eq 5 above we will
have the efficiency directly. The procedure
for the Q measurement will not be de-
scribed here; for the moment we will
assume that we know its value.
Fig C—Voltages arid current in single-turn circular loop with 100-W CW input (double
the figures for 400 W).
All Losses Revealed Through Q
The Q is influenced by all the effects
listed above, including, significantly, the
operating environment of the loop. There-
fore, if the measurement is taken with the
antenna in its normal working position, all
the effects will be present and the Ri and
therefore efficiency will be that which is 4 7*'
obtained in normal operation. It will be 4 /A /
found to be very different from that calcu- /
lated from conductor losses alone, unless /
the conductor is very thin and/or the loop //"V- / /
' y
is very small. To avoid errors due to feeder j
and transmitter loading it is necessary for / / / f
the feeder to be disconnected from the aer- / t s. / / f
ial for the measurements so that nothing is / r
connected to the feeder socket on the an- / vfc >
tenna. Thus it is the unloaded Q which is ' y
' W / /t
important here. / y / /
/ / r ' ' /
It should be noted that this method is
r S t i
perfectly valid for all magnetic loops, of / / • /
whatever construction, shape, number of
turns and coupling method. Any losses,
/ / / •

/ / /
however introduced, will show up in the Q / / r DUARE LOOP
measurement and will therefore be taken S V*1 — — — — RCULAR
into account in the efficiency. • >
10 20 40 60 100 200 400 600 1000 2000 4000 10,000
The Easy Way
To save a lot of computation, a set of Q
graphs has been prepared which enables
efficiency to be read off against measured
Fig 4—Efficiency curves for a single-turn loop at 3500 kHz. Conductor is 15-mm diam
Q for the 40-m and 80-m amateur bands for copper.
reasonably sized loops, both square and
circular. These are presented as Figs 4, 5
and 6. factor is 1.1. The correction for the 7 - M H z ity) which can ultimately be achieved with
Although the formulas used, and given band is much smaller, although rather more a practical antenna system depends on how
above, are capable of high accuracies, the dependent on the Q-value. A single value much stronger the wanted signal is than the
need for such precision in practice is ques- of 1.04 at 7100 kHz should be used, and is background noise on the band. This noise,
tionable. After all, an inaccuracy of 10% in accurate in the mid-Q ranges where practi- a combination of general noise and identi-
the efficiency corresponds to a change in cal d e s i g n s lie. Interpolation is again f i a b l e interference, is normally strong
radiated power of about 0.4 dB. Results straightforward and is linear. enough for the receiver-generated noise to
read off the graphs will be substantially There will not be much correction re- b e completely submerged in it. Indeed,
better than 10% accurate provided all the quired over the bottom ends of the bands from a highly efficient aerial it can be
parameters correspond to those stated on but, particularly in the case of 80 m where several tens of dB higher than the receiver
the curves. In practice, within a band, the width of the band allocation is a signifi- background.
things don't change much if the loop size cant percentage of the low-end frequency, This means that the efficiency of the
and Q are constant, so there's not much to some correction may be wise up in the receiving antenna can be greatly reduced
be gained by a lot of long-haired toil with upper-frequency region of the band. There without affecting the signal-to-noise ratio,
correction factors for conductor diameter, will be small efficiency differences if the as both the signal and the noise are reduced
etc. conductor diameter is not the same as for together and the "missing" strength is re-
An exception to this general statement the plots but, in the main, these will be far turned noiselessly by the receiver AGC.
is the frequency sensitivity, and it is worth less than the difference in Q performance Thus, our loop can provide good service
correcting for the frequency within the (which will be taken care of by the mea- here, as was found in the days of early
band at which the efficiency is needed, surements) caused by the same diameter portable wirelesses. It is compact, unobtru-
particularly at 3800 kHz. T h e curves in changes and will be secondary effects. sive and can be very portable.
Figs 4 and 5 are plotted for the low-end This feature means that we no longer
frequencies of 3500 kHz and 7000 kHz Performance and Effectiveness have to strain every muscle to achieve as-
respectively, and the correction necessary Loop aerials can be very effective in- tronomical Q values, nor to construct large
for other frequencies can be found from deed given the right circumstances. Their and ungainly loops to achieve large values
Fig 6. The correction factor from the figure strength lies in their receiving performance of radiation resistance. (Note, incidentally,
is used as a multiplier for the efficiency. which does not require high efficiencies. that receiving aerials need radiation resis-
For example, an efficiency of 5% at 3500 On the M F and H F bands the achievable tance—that's reciprocity for you.) Also the
kHz becomes 5.5% when the correction signal-to-noise ratios (and hence readabil- bandwidth is limited, not by a steeply
100 i I '

80 i
1 :
! 1 ' X ' / y i ^
I [ , ;/ / / >'
I / / r •
j / //
( L
/ /
30 y i
/ i

\y /
/ /
/ / i
Lr / / / , 1

f / Fig 6—Corrections to be applied to Figs 4
. K /
/ • • • / / — ; and 5 for frequency. For 7100 kHz use
8 \ •
/ 1.043 with linear interpolation.
6 i < V i j / / \
/ / < /
/ \m-

5 - —
N i s
c 3 ^jr i —
1 * YsJ 4t ance; it was only later that the truth emer-
ged. The two factors contributing to the
y y S v

/ r 4f apparent performance were the " Q R P re-

• / 1
// 1 1 ,
porting effect" (and reports became far less
optimistic when the other station was not
y— : i . told it was a new loop) and the poor per-
. i
r/ / / V -
i n
- - f o r m a n c e of the average amateur wire
/ y/ ; : : i
aerial with which one inevitably compares

/// /
0.3 / ! i reports.
Returning to the concept of improving

i — — — — c RCULAR LOOP the signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver, the
' / i J 1 only way the transmitting station can con-
/ i 1
tribute to this (within a fixed bandwidth) is
40 60 100 200 400 600 1000 2000 4000 10,0
by i n c r e a s i n g the a v e r a g e transmitted
0 power. Given, in the case of Amateur
Radio, that there is a limit to the permis-
sible R F p o w e r of the transmitter, the
Fig 5—Efficiency curves for a single-turn loop at 7000 kHz. Conductor is 15-mm diam p e r f o r m a n c e of the aerial is obviously
paramount. Thus, we need high efficiency
as our primary requirement, and we have
seen how difficult it is to achieve this using
rising SWR which can pose a risk to a to the same extent, if at all. The signal-to- a magnetic loop.
transmitter, but by how much sensitivity interference ratio is thus improved. The aerial designer who strives to ob-
you can afford to lose before receiver noise The second is more subtle in origin but tain, say, 10% efficiency out of his I.5-m
becomes a problem. This makes the loop a can be very dramatic in effect. Since the diameter loop on 80 meters will need to
far more t a m e a n i m a l and p r o m i s i n g loop is primarily sensitive to the magnetic a c h i e v e a Q value ( i n c l u d i n g g r o u n d
prospect than when seen as a transmitting component of the received wave and the losses) of over 5000. This designer needs
antenna, where efficiency is all. majority of local interference comprises to be hot stuff on the key because, with this
Its advantages don't end here, though: electric fields (they are generally induction high Q and correspondingly narrow band-
There are two further features which are rather than fully radiated fields) the loop width, his SSB rig is not going to last long
very valuable at the receiving end. The first signals are surprisingly clean and QRM- with the S W R hitting over 2.6:1 only
is the directional property of the loop. It free. 350 Hz either side of the loop's ccnter fre-
will not respond to signals arriving at right Don't expect miraculous performances quency, even supposing the other station
angles to the plane of the loop (ie, "side- when transmitting on your l.5-meter dia- can decipher the sharply filtered speech.
ways-on"). Thus there is, as it were, a line meter loop on 40 m or 80 m. The author He will also have great fun tuning the
of zero sensitivity running through the cen- was surprised at the low efficiencies he was thing—standing within 5 feet of it will
ter of the loop at 90° to its plane and passing apparently achieving (based on Q measure- throw it off resonance by its full band-
through the center. This can sometimes be ments) and even had little enough faith to width—and he wil 1 also have to save up for
arranged to point directly at a source of suspect the formulas (or, to be precise, how that very expensive tuning capacitor be-
local interference. With the plane of the he had applied them). It was not until care- cause there will be over 6 KV across it with
loop vertical which is the normal case, this fully controlled field trials of two identical 100 watts going in, and nearly 13 KV (!) at
line is horizontal and parallel to the ground. loops in the far-field region had been con- 400-W PEP on SSB.
Since local interference generally origi- ducted over a line-of-sight test range (on Ramstroin makes a telling observation
nates at ground level, rotating the loop can Epsom Downs) using the reciprocity prin- in Ref I where he is describing field tests
often cause a useful reduction of its effects. ciple, and with appropriate correction for on a three-turn loop: "On 4 MHz the loop
Signals from the same general direction but
ground proximity, that he became fully sat- gain was 20 dB below a full size dipole and
arriving via the ionosphere (normal radio
isfied with the mathematical model. Off- ... on 6 MHz the loop was [also] 20 dB
signals) will enter the loop at a higher angle
air signal reports on normal QSOs were below."
of elevation and therefore not be attenuated
obtained, suggesting quite a good perform- This was a loop constructed profession-
ally using the highest grade materials and high-efficiency whip for sending and the Power actually radiated (with 100 W
input): 15.767 W
suggests an achieved efficiency of about quiet receiving loop makes for one of the
Power lost (with 100 W input): 84.233 W
1%. The potential user of a transmitting most effective mobile antenna systems the Current flowing through loop (with
loop, particularly at the lower frequencies, author has ever encountered. 1 0 0 W input): 20.148 A
is very strongly recommended to perform In another example the author's small Voltage across loop terminals (with
his own measurement of Q and check his battery-operated 80-m receiver, which has 100 W input): 2941.2 V
loop's efficiency for himself rather than to a small (400 mm) loop on the top and a This makes the efficiency of the radiating
take optimistic claims at their face values. low-noise front end, can frequently copy loop just under 16%; the manufacturer's
There may be surprises in store! signals indoors which are inaudible on a claim for this figure is 62%! This all goes to
To finish on a purely personal note, the 30-ft external vertical whose measured ef- show that you can't be too careful: Don't
take too much on trust where loops are con-
author has designed a mobile antenna ficiency exceeds 50%. The efficiency of
making the best use of the features of mag- the 400 mm loop is about 0.001%.
netic and electric antennas. One of his Small loops can be great fun. References
problems in achieving a satisfactory mo- S. Ramstrom, " H F Loop for Transmitting and
bile performance was, as is often the case, Note Receiving," I ERE Conference Proceedings,
the interference from the car's electrics and ' A s a real-life example, careful measurements No. 50, 1981. Radio Receivers and Associ-
were made on a commercially manufactured ated Systems, pp 455-487.
the likes. A 750-mm circular single-turn
loop antenna 0.8 meter in diameter. It was in Reference Data for Radio Engineers (Indian-
loop made out of 3-mm aluminum rod and new condition as delivered. The frequency apolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Co).
tuned with a small trimmer was coupled of measurement was 14.1375 MHz and the
measured Q was 592.6. The calculated re- US Department of Commerce, National Bureau
into the rig with a smaller coupling turn. of Standards, Washington, DC, Technical
This can be oriented to reduce the car-gen- sults are therefore:
Loop inductance: 1.643 (lH Note CI4—Jan 1937, Radio Instruments
erated noise almost to zero. It is, of course, Tuning capacitance: 77.117 pF and Measurements.
self defeating now to try to use this for 3-dB bandwidth (SWR = 2.6 at band D. Foster, "Loop Antennas with Uniform Cur-
transmitting and so a second antenna was edges): 23.857 kHz rent," Proc IRE, Oct 1944, pp 603-607.
mounted alongside; a 2-meter-long base- Radiation resistance: 38.841 milohms
Effective series loss resistance:
loaded whip. The combination of the
207.5 milohms
Fun With Small Loop
Antennas On 80 Meters
b y James E. Taylor, W 2 0 Z H
1257 Wildflower Drive
Webster, NY 14580

mall loop antennas, having maxi- is just equal to the radiation Field. This same maximum dimension. A similar re-

S mum dimensions less than one-

tenth wavelength, have been used
successfully for a variety of lower fre-
"radian distance" has been used to develop
what is called the "radian sphere" for small
antennas. 4
d u c t i o n of e f f i c i e n c y a p p l i e s if the
antennas are used for transmitting. The ra-
diation resistances of the two antennas vary
quency applications. They are especially The radian sphere is a theoretical as the squares of the respective induced
useful where space is limited. Patterson spherical volume having a radius of )J2k currents and are related by the following
pointed out some of the limitations of such with its center coincident with the center of equation.
antennas.' The author extended these prin- either a capaciti ve or an inductive antenna.
ciples to mobile application for the 80- This sphere is the space occupied mainly Rj/R/= ( / x )J2n x A) 2 (Eq 2)
meter band. 2 That installation was used by the stored energy of the electric or mag-
with pleasing results during some 40,000 netic field—it defines the boundary within where
miles of mobiling. (A number of users of which the reactive power density exceeds Rd = radiation resistances of the short
the MobiLoop have remarked about the the radiative power density. dipole wire
surprisingly good results. A possible expla- For a wavelength of 249 feet (3.953 R/ = radiation resistances of the small
nation is given later in this article.) MHz) the radian distance is about 40 feet. loop
This article points out certain less-rec- This means that any object (including the / = length of the wire
ognized characteristics of such antennas earth) placed closer than 40 feet from any A = area of the small loop
and reviews some relevant experiments in 80-meter antenna, including the small loop
the 80-meter band. type, will have a field induced in it stronger For a wavelength of 249 feet, if the loop
than the radiation field. The power loss in is a circle of diameter 12 feet, its radiation
First, Some Theory the object increases rapidly as it is brought resistance compared with that of a 12-foot
Induction and Radiation Fields closer to the antenna. If it is a lossy dielec- short dipole will be, from Eq 2, 18 times
It is known from Maxwell's Equations 3 tric, the E-field losses will prevail and if it less than that of the dipole! Thus, assuming
that is a lossy magnetic material, the H-field perfect matching, the short dipole is a much
losses can present problems. Typical earth more efficient radiator than the small loop
d B = k x I ( l / R 2 + 2rc/RA.) (Eq I) displays both types of loss. of the same size. In terms of power, in this
Knowing this gives us a good reason to case, the loop can be expected to be down
where place the entire 80-meter antenna at least 12 decibels compared with the dipole of
I = RF current of wavelength A. in a 40 feet from the ground or from any other equal size.
conductor (an antenna) objects which may produce losses! Since a Let us calculate what this means for a
dB = resulting incremental magnetic small loop antenna is essentially a one-turn practical example to be used later. The
induction at a distance R coil, it displays a strong induction field radiation resistance for a small,.single-turn,
perpendicular to the plane of the coil. Such loop antenna is given by 6
The first term is the normal electromag- an antenna should be placed as far as prac-
netic induction field, as in an electromag- tical from lossy magnetic materials, espe- R r = 31200 x (A/X1)2 (Eq 3)
net. The second term is the RF radiation cially along the axis of the coil.
field. Assuming a circular coil of diameter 12
Here we see that, for large distances Difference between Loop Antennas and feet and a wavelength of 249 feet as before,
compared with the wavelength, the induc- Dipoles the calculated radiation resistance turns out
tion field is negligible—we have only It can be further derived from Max- to be approximately 0.1 £2. From Eq 2, a
radiation. Conversely, at short distances well's Equations 5 that when a small loop twelve-foot long dipole has a radiation re-
the induction field is much greater than the antenna is placed in an RF field, the in- sistance 18 times this or 1.8 f2. If it were
radiation field. If the distance from the duced current is normally much less than not for inefficiencies of coupling or imped-
antenna is equal to XJ2n, the induction field that induced in a short dipole wire of the ance matching the small dipole would be
38' Coax (Outer Shield)

L 1' Coax
3 8 ' Coax (Outer Shield) (Outer
Adjust / Shield)

Epoxy Insulation
for Arc Prevention

13—Turn Bifilar
impedance Match

3 0 - T u r n Bifilar
1:1 Balun


Fig 1 — A t A, an unbalanced loop antenna.

CT is the resonating capacitor, while C is
stray capacitance from the loop to the
feed-line shield. Moving C t to the
opposite side of the loop, as at B, places
half the loop reactance in series with each
side of the capacitor, effectively isolating it
from the feed line.

the more efficient antenna by 12 decibels.

It is informative to reflect upon what
this means, physically. Why is a symmet-
rical loop less efficient than a wire dipole Fig 2 — A practical balanced loop antenna. Because the loop elements are flexible, this
of the same size? The key is the word antenna can be easily relocated.
"symmetrical." We realize that because the
loop is small the RF current is essentially
of constant magnitude throughout its cir-
cumference. The Q Value of Loops resonant frequency for the voltage to be
Since the elements of current on diamet- The Q of an inductor is the ratio of the down by that is, for the power to be
rically opposed sides of the loop are equal inductive reactance to the effective resis- down by a factor of 2, that is, 3 decibe\s.
in magnitude and opposite in direction, tance in the circuit. The Q is given by the Equating the two relationships of Eqs 4 and
their fields tend to cancel; on the axis of the equation 5 for Q yields
loop the cancellation is total. When the
loop dimensions are a fraction of the wave- Q = 271 x f r x L/R (Eq 4 ) df(3 dB) = R/4hL (Eq 6)
length, the incremental fields, even for
off-axis positions, also tend to cancel. They where We now have a direct method of cali-
cancel because they are almost out of f r = resonant frequency brating the S W R bridge to measure the Q
phase. Therefore, the effectiveness of the R = effective resistance of a loop antenna. A standard coil is con-
symmetrical small loop as a radiator is nected in a series circuit with a known
much lower than that of a single dipole The universal resonance curves can be resistance. The resistance is chosen to ap-
wire which does not have this symmetrical used to evaluate Q for a practical loop proximately match the calculated and
cancellation. antenna installation by observing the de- measured constants for the typical loop
The closed symmetry of the loop is less viation from resonance on an SWR bridge. antenna.
efficient than the open symmetry of the The applicable equation is These values turned out to be 8.5 |iH
dipole. Therefore, we should try to design and about 2.7 CI, and the corresponding
toward open symmetry rather than closed Q = 0.5 x f/df(3 dB) (Eq 5) measured f r e q u e n c y increment was
symmetry. Later on, this insight will be df(3 dB) = +25 kHz, yielding a Q value for
applied in a practical situation. where df(3 dB) is the deviation from the this standard coil of Q s = 79. Once the Q
was known, the SWR bridge calibration
figure was measured to be 9% of full scale.
The Q s for the loop antenna becomes

Q(loop) = 1980/df(9%) (Eq 7)

where df(9%) is the measured frequency

half-bandwidth for the SWR bridge to read
9% of full scale. These values are summa-
rized in Table 1 for typical loop configura-

Practical Considerations
Balanced versus Unbalanced Loops
Small loop antennas are usually fed
with coaxial cable. A balanced radiating
system is preferable to an unbalanced ra-
diator. The reason is depicted in Fig 1.
Fig 1A shows a small loop antenna
having its variable resonating capacitor
(CT) connected directly to the feed-line
shield. At resonance there will be a high RF
voltage across the resonating capacitor.
Point A is at a high potential with respect
to the shield of the feed line. Therefore,
there will be strong coupling through the
stray capacitance C to the shield.
The resulting unbalanced common-
mode current in the shield causes the feed
line to radiate, which distorts the antenna
pattern. The problem can be reduced by
using the balanced configuration of Fig 1B.
Here, the loop presents inductive reactance
to either side of the feed line, in effect
isolating the resonating capacitor, CT, from
the shield and reducing common-mode FEED LINE
It is interesting to note that the unbal-
anced arrangement of Fig 1A displays a Fig 3—The DiLoop places impedance-matching and isolating components at one
hybrid characteristic—it wants to resonate location. Loop lengths are not critical.
as a simple tuned inductor but it also wants
to establish an image, due to the capacitive
coupling back to the feed-line shield. This
is somewhat analogous to the two terms of suitable material for the radiator. Fig 2 covered plastic box approximately 6 x 3 x
Eq 1, where the simple tuned inductor shows a practical arrangement. The radiat- 2 in. (Radio Shack 270-223), with SO-239
tends to produce the induction term, ing loop is formed from two 38-foot connectors mounted on either end. A sim-
whereas, the "image" in the feed line tends lengths of RG-8 type coaxial cable. A 1:1 ple method of tuning the antenna to
to emphasize the radiation term. Thus, balun provides feed-line isolation. The resonance is a one-foot length of RG-8
even though we try to set up a pure unbal- balun consists of 30 bifilar turns on a 2- coaxial cable (capacitance = 29.5 pF/ft)
anced loop, it tries to become a balanced inch-diameter ferrite core (T-200-2). mounted so that the spacing between the
radiator as in Fig 1B. An additional 15-turn bifilar autotrans- shield and the opposite side of the antenna
This tendency has prompted the com- former matches the input impedance. can be varied for trimming adjustments.
ment that there is no such thing as a Typically, the tap on this transformer is 10 After initial adjustment of the length of this
monopole radiator—even a whip mounted turns up from the ground connection, for coaxial capacitor, a spherical dome of clear
on a car has an image on the car body! (The an input impedance of 50 Q. as measured epoxy is formed at the open end to elimi-
image-seeking tendency exists, even in a on a noise bridge. Since the impedance nate the tendency to arc at high power
balanced dipole antenna. varies as the square of the turns ratio, the levels. See Fig 2.
input impedance of the loop is (10/30) 2 x
A Flexible Balanced Loop 50 or about 5.5 This figure, which is The DiLoop
Small loop antennas ideally combine much larger than those usually quoted for It is sometimes convenient to have the
low RF-loss resistance with mechanical small loop antennas, includes losses due to feed-line connector, the tuning capacitor,
flexibility. A flexible antenna is easier to ground penetration, which are substantial. and the impedance-matching components
move. Coaxial-cable outer conductor is a The transformers were mounted in a in a single housing. Fig 3 shows such a
..... - 2 - 8 ' CB Whips -
> ""'A RG-8
" 3 8 . 5 " Long

" 1 " (variable)

2 - M—539
'L" Connectors
5' Mobile Mast 5' Mobile Mast

Fig 4—The ArchLoop is self supporting,

which makes it suitable for roof-top
£ Aluminum Pipe 2" OD 12' Long -
installation. A metal roof may be used as
the return conductor.


buttcrfly-shapcd or DiLoop arrangement.

Matching can be accomplished by a trans- Fig 5—Construction of the ArchLoop. An assortment of mobile antenna components
former, as in the flexible balanced loop. A was used in this version, but any of the construction methods used for the other loops
wide-spaced air variable capacitor, CT, are suitable.
may be used for resonance adjustment.
See Fig 3. The impedance-matching
transformer is an autotransformer with 15 roof is a conductive plane, not just a wire. value turned out to be 1800 pF. The value
bifilar turns, as described earlier. The Thus, we should expect such a loop an- of the resonating capacitance was deter-
tuning capacitor is a transmitting type air tenna to be more efficient than a loop mined by first using an air variable
variable (Fair Radio Sales M7463006-1, having totally closed symmetry. This is a capacitance, 120 pF which was later re-
2 2 - 1 1 8 pF). T h e s e c o m p o n e n t s are plausible explanation for the high perform- placed with RG-8 cable, 38.5 inches long.
mounted in a covered plastic box approxi- ance of the MobiLoop. At the bottom of this Fixed capacitor I
mately 7-V4 x 41/4 x 2'/4 (Radio Shack An ArchLoop was constructed as shown placed a PL-259 connector and two M-539
270-232). Five SO-239 coaxial connectors in Fig 5. The arch is supported by two angle connectors.
mounted on the sides and end of the box 5-foot mobile masts. Mounted on each is The coax was placed inside a capped
provide reliable connection to the shields an eight-foot-long stainless-steel whip. length of half-inch PVC pipe for stiffening.
of the two radiating loops. These whips are curved to form the arch. Trimming adjustment was accomplished
The lengths of the loops are not critical The overlapping ends are bound together by pivoting the angle connectors about a
and they need not be equal—I used lengths with wire. The entire arch is then covered vertical axis, thereby changing the capaci-
of approximately 30 feet and 40 feet. With with shielding braid or aluminum foil to tance between the coax shield and the
these lengths, the value of the tuning ca- reduce the RF resistance. vertical mast. One-kilowatt input was used
pacitance at resonance is approximately At the test installation the mobile masts without arcing. It is important to keep the
30 pF. With the impedance-matching tap at were mounted on mobile bumper-mounts, capacitor connections dry, as at this power
8 turns up from ground, the SWR was which were supported on sawhorses about level there is a peak potential of several
approximately 1.2:1 at resonance. twelve feet apart. The masts also support thousand volts across this capacitor.
the horizontal aluminum pipe, the input
The ArchLoop coax connector and the coaxial tuning ca- Asymmetrical Loops
For some installations where a self-sup- pacitor. The capacitor is described in the As already noted, the efficiency of a
porting loop is desirable, for example on next paragraph. The assembled ArchLoop symmetrical small loop antenna is very
the roof of a building, the ArchLoop con- is stabilized in the desired vertical plane by low, in part because of its closed symmetry.
figuration (Fig 4) may be convenient. CT is four lengths of nylon cord tied from the If the loop is intentionally made less sym-
the resonating capacitor and CM is an im- tops of the mobile masts to the ends of the metrical its efficiency of radiation tends to
pedance-matching capacitor. If the roof is sawhorses. improve, since the field cancellation is re-
metal, it may be used as the horizontal See Fig 5. Note that impedance match- duced. Referring to Fig 5, the pattern of the
return conductor. In this case, the similarity ing is achieved simply by means of a ArchLoop is somewhat asymmetrical due
to its ancestor, the MobiLoop, 7 is apparent. capacitance connected across the coaxial to its shape.
You can see that this antenna is a version feed line. This capacitance is initially de- If we place this loop close to the ground
of the balanced loop. The arch and the termined by use of an air variable capacitor it becomes more asymmetrical. If the an-
horizontal return lines provide the respec- (Fair Radio Sales 4G-535,4-section, 20 to tenna is mounted directly on a metal
tive inductive impedances required to 535 pF/section, all sections connected in surface, such as a metal roof or a car body,
balance the RF current paths. There is an parallel), and then replaced with a fixed the RF currents are rendered still more
obvious asymmetry however, because the 500-volt mica or ceramic capacitor. The asymmetrical; that is, we are approaching
o p e n s y m m e t r y . As d i s c u s s e d earlier, t h e
r e s u l t is i n c r e a s e d r a d i a t i o n e f f i c i e n c y ,
t h o u g h the resistive losses m a y be greater.

The TriLoop 15' RG-8

A d i f f e r e n t loop with m o r e o p e n s y m -
m e t r y is s h o w n in Fig 6. F o r illustration,
s e e the lower horizontal section of Fig 5.
To shield the current f l o w i n g in this con-
ductor, w e c o u l d p l a c e a w i r e inside the
p i p e , coaxially. S i n c e s u c h an a r r a n g e m e n t
effectively becomes a coaxial capacitor
h o w e v e r , this c a p a c i t a n c e can p r o v i d e the
p r i n c i p a l r e s o n a n c e t u n i n g of the loop.
Now, a still g r e a t e r d e g r e e of open s y m m e -
try can b e a c h i e v e d .
T h e m a i n radiation f r o m the a n t e n n a of
Fig 5 t e n d s to be c o n f i n e d to the upper,
c u r v e d p o r t i o n , w h i l e the horizontal p i p e
serves as a c a p a c i t i v e shield. T h i s c o n c e p t
w a s tested by c h a n g i n g f r o m t h e A r c h L o o p
a r r a n g e m e n t of Fig 5 to the T r i L o o p s h o w n
in Fig 6.
W e wish to a c h i e v e a b a l a n c e d current
distribution either side of the feed point, as
s h o w n in Fig IB, but with a n o n s y m m e t r i -
cal field, d u e to the e x t e n d e d nature of t h e
p i p e capacitor. T h e a l u m i n u m p i p e w a s
c a p p e d at either end with P V C p i p e caps,
which provide good insulation. Brass
'/4-20 bolts w e r e m o u n t e d through the c e n - Aluminum Pipe Capacitor 2" Diam 12' Long
ters of the caps. T h e bolts support a taut
length of 12-gauge stranded c o p p e r - c l a d
wire a l o n g the axis of the pipe. T h e calcu- Fig 6—The TriLoop performed well in tests conducted by the author, perhaps because
lated c a p a c i t a n c e is 6 3 pF. T h e m a t c h i n g radiation is concentrated in the upper portion of the antenna. Stations over 200 miles
away were only about 4 dB weaker on this antenna than on a high dipole.
capacitor, CM, and the r e s o n a n c e trimmer,
CT', are air variables. A g o o d match w a s
attained at r e s o n a n c e .
T h e relative R F c u r r e n t s in various parts Table 1
of the r a d i a t o r w e r e m e a s u r e d with an
Performance Comparison of Loop Types
M F J - 2 0 6 a n t e n n a current p r o b e . T h e rela- —Distance—
tive current on t h e outside of the p i p e at t h e Configuration >200 mi 10-200 mi <10 mi
df(9%) Q(loop)
center was 47% (down 7 dB, compared DiLoop - 8 dB - 1 2 dB
40 kHz 50
with that on either side of the feed point) - 1 0 dB - 1 0 dB
BalancedLoop 32 kHz 62
and the c o m m o n - m o d e current i n d u c e d in - 6 dB - 1 0 dB
ArchLoop 40 kHz 50
t h e feed-line shield w a s 2 7 % ( d o w n 11 dB). - 4 dB - 1 0 dB -2 dB
TriLoop 40 kHz 50
T h e T r i L o o p w a s tuned to r e s o n a n c e with
O r ' = 2 8 pF. F o r a m e a s u r e d input i m p e d -
a n c e of 5 0 £2 t h e value of CM w a s 2 2 0 0 pF.
A coaxial tuning c a p a c i t o r s i m i l a r to the
o n e used for the b a l a n c e d a n t e n n a w a s T a b l e 1. T h e m e a s u r e m e n t s w e r e m a d e limited data taken, the T r i L o o p a p p e a r e d
f a b r i c a t e d . U s i n g t h i s a r r a n g e m e n t , an m a i n l y d u r i n g d a y l i g h t h o u r s in t h e s u m - better than the a v e r a g e , but t h e D i L o o p
input p o w e r of a kilowatt w a s used on m e r time. Static and o t h e r i n t e r f e r e n c e are g a v e s o m e w h a t i n f e r i o r results. Out to 2 0 0
single s i d e b a n d w i t h o u t arcing. n o r m a l l y less s e v e r e than at night and m o r e miles, all loops are d o w n a b o u t 10 d B . T h i s
c o n s i s t e n t results a r e attainable. It w a s o b - is p r o b a b l y d u e as m u c h to the s u p e r i o r
Results s e r v e d that t h e m o r e h i g h l y s c a t t e r e d h i g h - a n g l e radiation characteristics of the
E x t e n s i v e c o m p a r i s o n s of t h e various d a y t i m e radiation f o r the m o r e - d i s t a n t sta- q u a r t e r - w a v e l e n g t h - h i g h r e f e r e n c e an-
loops w e r e m a d e for both r e c e i v e d and tions p r o d u c e s s o m e a n o m a l o u s e f f e c t s . tenna as to the d e f i c i e n c i e s of the loops.
transmitted signal strengths. An a c c u r a t e T h e s e are m e n t i o n e d later. T h e r e w e r e c e r t a i n n o t e w o r t h y per-
R F attenuator w a s used for the r e c e i v i n g F r o m T a b l e 1 you can s e e that a v e r a g e formance anomalies. For example, a
tests. R e c i p r o c i t y b e t w e e n received and p e r f o r m a n c e for all of the small loops w a s station a b o u t ten m i l e s a w a y w a s noted to
t r a n s m i t t e d s i g n a l s w a s repeatedly con- a b o u t 6 d B d o w n c o m p a r e d with a high be d o w n only 2 d B using the T r i L o o p . Also,
f i r m e d . T h e s e results are s u m m a r i z e d in d i p o l e , for m o r e - d i s t a n t stations. For t h e there w e r e a f e w t i m e s n e a r m i d d a y w h e n
stations in the M i d w e s t w e r e surprisingly t h e B a l a n c e d L o o p , the A r c h L o o p and the References
strong. T h i s w a s noted first for the D i L o o p T r i L o o p . T h e d i f f e r e n c e in radiation e f f i - 1 K. H. Patterson, "Down To Earth Army
s u s p e n d e d in a vertical plane u n d e r t h e c i e n c i e s of small d i p o l e s and small loops is Antenna," Electronics, August 21, 1967.
o v e r h a n g of the house, w h e n a net of sta- o b v i o u s . T h e T r i L o o p a r r a n g e m e n t ap- 2 J. E. Taylor, "The Mobiloop," QST, Nov 1968,
tions in the tenth call area w e r e actually p r o a c h e s t h e g r e a t e r e f f i c i e n c y of t h e pp 18-19.
s t r o n g e r on the D i L o o p than on the d i p o l e ! d i p o l e radiation. Efficient c o u p l i n g can b e G. P. Harnwell, Principles of Electricity &
Magnetism (New York: McGraw-Hill),
A n o t h e r t i m e . I heard M i c h i g a n stations had w i t h o u t an external tuner, by using
pp 552ff.
with e q u a l signal s t r e n g t h s for the T r i L o o p , either toroidal t r a n s f o r m e r s or a s i m p l e 4 H. A. Wheeler, IEEE Trans on Antennas and
t h e A r c h L o o p a n d the d i p o l e . I c o n f i r m e d c a p a c i t i v e m a t c h . T u n i n g to r e s o n a n c e can Propagation, Vol AP-23, No 4 (Jul 1975),
this by calling W T 8 J (using my p h a s e d be a c c o m p l i s h e d by either an air v a r i a b l e pp 462-469.
array to get his a t t e n t i o n ) . H e reported c a p a c i t o r or by the use of a c o a x i a l - c a b l e 5 See p 557 of ref 3.
"slightly r e a d a b l e " on all three of the test stub. 6 F. E. Terman, Radio Engineers' Handbook,
antennas. Practical operation of each loop is pos- 1st ed (New York: McGraw-Hill), pp 814.
s i b l e u p to o n e k i l o w a t t . E x t e n s i v e
7 See ref 2.
Conclusion r e c e i v i n g and t r a n s m i t t i n g tests s h o w e d
F o u r basic c o n f i g u r a t i o n s of small loop s o m e a n o m a l i e s in r a d i a t i o n / p r o p a g a t i o n
antennas were constructed: The DiLoop, characteristics.
12-Meter Quad
By Howard G. Hawkins, WB8IGU
915 Sanford Ln
Au Gres, MI 48703

y continuing interest in loop

M antennas suspended between

trees has led to the evolution
of a 12-meter quad constructed from Vi-
inch aluminum Hardline tail ends. Bamboo
spreaders contribute to the economy of its
This design was inspired by Frank Les-
ter, W4AMJ, who has used a 16-element,
2-meter circular quad consisting of four
bays of four elements with considerable
success. Many DX stations, intrigued by
the simplicity of the 12-meter design, have
expressed interest in its construction.
T h e circular design, in the author's ex-
perience, s e e m s to be superior to the
diamond, square or delta configuration,
possibly being a better match to the RG-59
quarter-wave matching section. I am fortu-
nate to have several trees available at both
my summer and winter QTHs. The sim-
plicity of design is enhanced by having the
antenna suspended from a "skyline"
between two trees. Rotation is obtained by
use of an "armstrong" rotator, consisting of
attached cords and small stakes.
Based on the formula / = 1005/f,viHz for
the driven element and t= 1005 x 1,05/fMHz Fig 1—The 12-meter quad, designed to be economical to build and enjoyable to
for the reflector, and a center frequency of experiment with. The author has found the circular configuration to be a good performer.
24.960 MHz, element lengths work out to
4 0 feet 4 inches for the driven element and
42 feet 4 inches for the reflector. An addi-
tional 2 feet on each element allowed for of wood or 3-inch PVC drain pipe is used loops parallel. Your local CATV company
clamping and adjustment. I used stainless- as the top spreader and support member. may provide the Hardline at little or no
steel aircraft-type hose clamps. The V4-X Ten-foot lengths of PVC through the wood cost.
matching section of RG-59 (solid dielec- and enclosing the top of the Hardline loops I worked several European stations
tric) used between the antenna and the distribute the load and help form the loop from my Florida location during erection
RG-58 feed line is 6 feet 6 inches. Spacing configuration. Dacron strings are used ex- and tuning with the antenna about 5 feet
between elements, based on 0.2-X. spacing, tensively as bracing, both in the vertical above the ground. Have some fun; try some
works out to 7 feet 10 inches. A 2 x 2 piece and horizontal planes, to help hold the circles.
The Log Periodic Loop Array
(LPLA) Antenna
By D u a n e Allen, N 6 J P O
302 Massachusetts Ave
Riverside, CA 92507

would like to introduce for experi-

I mentation and design refinement the

log periodic loop array (LPLA) an-
tenna of Fig 1. The antenna was conceived
during the ARRL Antenna Design Contest
(January 1984). One category of contest
entries was antennas covering all amateur
bands between 20 and 10 meters. The ex-
ample used here to demonstrate design
techniques covers 17 to 10 meters. The
antenna is similar in construction to the log
periodic dipole array (LPDA) antenna, ex-
cept the radiating elements are loops and
the feeder line between elements is placed
on alternate sides of the loops. The LPLA
should provide a 3-dB gain improvement
over an equivalent LPDA.
Fig 1—Log periodic loop antenna (LPLA). The shaded sections comprise a
Estimating the Number of Loop Elements nonconductive frame support.
The first design step is to determine how
many loop elements are needed to best fit
the antenna to the amateur frequency bands.
A derivation of element resonance for fre-
Composite gain
quency is given in the Appendix at the end of LPLA
of this article. By minimizing the number of
elements, the length of the antenna can be
kept reasonably short. But a minimum num-
ber of elements requires that the elements
resonate as well as practically possible on
Gain of individual
the frequencies of interest. Table 1 shows element ( x 4 )
the results of a spreadsheet analysis of
where the upper amateur HF bands would
resonate on arrays with various numbers of
elements. (The spreadsheet file, in Quattro Frequency

and Lotus 1-2-3 WK1 format, is available

on diskette; see Diskette Availability on a
Fig 2—Gain versus frequency of a log periodic array.
page at the front of this book.)
Inspection of the table shows that the
five-element array best fits the four upper
amateur HF bands. This would be a reflec- Fitting the Loop Elements where
tor element and the four nearly resonant The resonant frequency fi for the loop i fo = a base frequency
elements. Arrays with other numbers of ele- is characterized by the formula x is a design constant, the ratio of
ments result in the 15- and 12-meter bands element size and spacing
not resonating near integer loop values. fi = foXT'
Table 1
Spreadsheet for Element Resonance for Upper HF Bands

Lower, mean and upper frequencies are in MHz. Tabular values indicate the element number for resonance at the associated frequency.
(This spreadsheet is available as LPLA.WK1 on a companion diskette; see Diskette Availability on an early page of this book.)

1 Ham b a n d : 17 H : 15 M : 12 M : 10 M
2 + + + +
3 Total : Lower Mean Upper : Lower Mean Upper : Lower Mean Upper : Lower Mean Upper
4 Elements 18 580 18 6 3 0 18 6 8 0 21 000 21 224 21 450 24 890 24 940 24 990 28 000 28 837 29 700
6 3 0 994 1 000 1 006 1 274 1 298 1 323 1 663 1 668 1 672 1 933 2 000 2 067
7 4 0 988 1 000 1 012 1 548 1 597 1 645 2 326 2 335 2 344 2 865 3 000 3 135
8 5 0 982 1 000 1 018 1 822 1 895 1 968 2 989 3 003 3 017 3 798 4 000 4 202
9 6 0 975 1 000 1 025 2 096 2 193 2 290 3 652 3 671 3 689 4 730 5 000 5 270
10 7 0 969 1 000 1 031 2 370 2 492 2 613 4 315 4 338 4 361 5 663 6 000 6 337
11 8 0 963 1 000 1 037 2 645 2 790 2 936 4 978 5 006 5 033 6 595 7 000 7 405
12 9 0 957 1 000 1 043 2 919 3 088 3 258 5 641 5 674 5 706 7 528 8 000 8 472
13 10 0 951 1 000 1 049 3 193 3 387 3 581 6 305 6 341 6 378 8 460 9 000 9 540
14 11 0 945 1 000 1 055 3 467 3 685 3 904 6 968 7 009 7 050 9 393 10 000 10 607
15 12 0 939 1 000 1 061 3 741 3 984 4 226 7 631 7 677 7 722 10 325 11 000 11 675
16 13 0 932 1 000 1 068 4 015 4 282 4 549 8 294 8 344 8 395 11 258 12 000 12 742
17 14 0 926 1 000 1 074 4 289 4 580 4 871 8 957 9 012 9 067 12 191 13 000 13 809
18 15 0 920 1 000 1 080 4 563 4 879 5 194 9 620 9 679 9 739 13 123 14 000 14 877
19 16 0 914 1 000 1 086 4 837 5 177 5 517 10 283 10 347 10 411 14 056 15 000 15 944
20 17 0 908 1 000 1 092 5 111 5 475 5 839 10 946 11 015 11 084 14 988 16 000 17 012

Selected cell entries for the spreadsheet (as accomplished A7: (FO) [W8] 1+A6
in Quattro and Lotus 1-2-3):

020: ($A20-2)*@LOG(O$4/$D$4)/@LOG($P$4/$D$4)+1
C4: 18.58 P20: ($A20-2)*@LOG(P$4/$D$4)/@LOG($P$4/$DS4)+1
D4: @SQRT(C4'E4) Q20:($A20-2)*@LOG(Q$4/$D$4)/@LOG($P$4/$D$4)+1
1. The elements are numbered 0 for the reflector to (N - 1) for the highest
04: 28 frequency band.
P4: @SQRT(04*Q4)
Q4: 29.7 2. The mean frequency is the geometric mean of the band end frequencies:

A6: (FO) [W8J 3 f m e a n = V f upper x f lower

B6: [W1]':
3. Element resonance for
C6: ($A6-2)*@LOG(C$4/$D$4)/@LOG($P$4/$D$4)+1
E6:($A6-2)*@LOG(E$4/$D$4)/@LOG($P$4/$D$4)+1 log [f / (lowest band mean freq)]
f = 1 + (N - 2)
log [(highest band mean freq) / (lowest band mean freq)]

B y taking the logarithm o f the relation- physical d i m e n s i o n s o f the resulting design frequency o f the antenna, but will
ship, we gain a f o r m u l a w h i c h c a n be L P L A . T h e s e results are obtained f r o m the be flatter than a single driven e l e m e n t an-
solved using least-squares regression an- spreadsheet. T h e spacing between ele- tenna. S e e Fig 2. For sufficiently high
alysis. F o r the f o r m u l a ments is related to o , the relative spacing enough f r e q u e n c i e s , an L P L A could b e
constant. " p r i n t e d " on f l e x i b l e plastic and rolled into
ln(fj) = ! n ( f 0 ) + i x ln(-c) shape. S e e F i g 3 .
Physical Construction
the least-squares method yields e s t i m a t e s A truss supporting a pair o f nonconduc- Conclusion
o f ln(fo) and l n ( t ) . T h e s e e s t i m a t e s can be tive b o o m s , o n e at the top o f the array and T h e L P L A antenna should provide the
used to c a l c u l a t e resonant f r e q u e n c i e s for one at the b o t t o m , would provide stability R F d e s i g n e r with another option in design-
the loops elements. T h e resonant frequency for the e l e m e n t s loops and interelement ing antennas. S o m e design characteristics,
for element no. i is feed line, which could be made o f alumi- such as feed i m p e d a n c e and interelement
num or c o p p e r tubing. f e e d - l i n e s p a c i n g , still need to be opti-
f. _ eln(f())+ix ln(X)
W h i l e the e x a m p l e here is designed for mized. Hopefully this introduction to the
multiple band capability, the L P L A could L P L A will e n c o u r a g c other antenna design
T a b l e 2 shows the calculation o f best fit be designed for single-band operation. T h e articles.
frequencies for our e x a m p l e , as well as gain should show s o m e ripple o v e r the
Table 2
Spreadsheet Results of Regression Analysis to Fit Elements

s T U V W X Y
1 Elmt No. Freq. L n ( F r e q ) Calc f D i a . ft Sigma Space ft
2 0 15.982 19.601 0.05 6.158
3 1 18.630 2 .925 18.517 16.918 5.315
4 2 21.224 3.055 21.454 14.602 Tau 4.587
5 3 24.940 3.216 24.856 12.603 0.863 3.959
6 4 28.837 3.362 28.798 10.878
7 (A)
8 Regression Output: Array length ft 2 0.02 0
9 Constant 2.771 Total tubing ft 274.411
10 Std Err of Y E s t 0.009
11 R Squared 0.998
12 N o . of Observations 4.000
13 D e g r e e s of F r e e d o m 2.000
15 X Coefficient(s) 0.147
16 std E r r o f C o e f . 0.004

Cell entries for the spreadsheet: V4: @ EXP(V$9+S4*U$ 15)

W4: 984.18/V4/@ PI
X4: "Tau
S I : 'Elmt No. Y4: 0.5"@PI*(W4-W5)"4*XS2/(1-XS5)
T1: A Freq. S5: (F0) 3 Fig 3—Flexible printed LPLA. At A, the
U1: 'Ln(Freq) T5: +L4 printed conductors, and at B, the antenna
V1: "Calc f U5: @LN(T5) rolled into its final form.
W1: 'Dia. ft V5: @EXP(VS9+S5'U$15)
X1: "Sigma W5: 984.18/V5/@PI
Y1:'Space ft X5: +V3/V4
S2: (F0) 0 Y5: 0.5"@PI*(W5-W6)"4*XS2/(1-XS5)
V2: @ EXP(V$9+S2'U$15) S6: (FO) 4
W2: 984.18/V2/@PI T6: +P4
X2: (G) 0.05 U6: @LN(T6)
Y2: 0.5'@PI'(W2-W3)'4'XS2/(1 -XS5) V6: @ EXP(V$9+S6'US15)
S3: (F0) 1 W6: 984.18/V6/@PI
T3: +D4 W8: 'Array length ft
U3: @LN(T3) Y8: @SUM(Y2..Y5)
V3: @EXP(VS9+S3°U$15) W9: Total tubing ft
W3: 984.18/V3/@ PI Y9: @PI*@SUM(W2..W6)+2-Y8
Y3: 0.5' @ PI"(W3-W4)*4"X$2/(1 -X$5) S8 through U16: Regression output. In Quattro
S4: (F0) 2 select /AR, or in 1-2-3 select /DR. Set S3..S6 as
T4: +H4 the independent variable, and set U3..U6 as the
U4: @LN(T4) dependent variable.

Derivation of Element Resonance for Frequency f

Given N elements, one of which is a reflector (labeled element zero), lowest and highest frequency bands, and a frequency f, then the
number of the element where f resonates are related as follows.
(Element number-1)
[highest band mean freq]
[lowest band mean freq] [lowest band mean freq]

(Element number-1) (N-2)

[highest band mean freq] f
[lowest band mean freq] [lowest band mean freq]

[highest band mean freq]

(Element number-1)*log = (N-2)*log
[lowest band mean freq] [lowest band mean freq]

[lowest band mean freq]
Element number = 1 + (N-2) *
[highest band mean freq]
[lowest band mean freq]
The K4EWG Log Periodic Array
By Peter D. Rhodes, K4EWG
3270 River Rd
Decatur, GA 30034

ith all of the HF bands avail- which will permit element lengths to be at 60° to 55° for 0.8 < x < 0.92 and 0.05 <

W able to us, the log periodic

dipole array (LPDA) is an idea
worth serious consideration—especially
chosen so their discrete resonances occur
at or near a desired band (for example 14,
1 8 , 2 1 , 2 5 , 28 and 29 MHz).
o < 0.13. Also, notice that the H-plane
beamwidth varies from 85° to 155° under
the same ranges of x and o.
among amateurs who desire a single, high Fig 2 relates the H-plane (vertical) and T h e directivity in dBi can be computed
performance, multiband antenna. E-plane (horizontal) half-power (3 dB) using
Since the publication of my original total beam widths in degrees. 6 Notice that
paper in £2S7"in 1973 1 (also republished in the E-plane beamwidth is almost constant G d B = 1 0 1 o g ^ p (Eq 4) 7
The ARRL Antenna Book2), I have done
extensive HF work with these arrays using
tubing elements. 3 , 4 This article represents
practical solutions to certain problems
1 It is not my intention to enter a gain
controversy. However, Lawson states that
the 3-dB total beamwidth is 100° in the H
which result from the electrical and physi- plane and 68° in the E plane for his 3-ele-
cal constraints of H F log periodic dipole ment Yagis on a 0.3-A. boom. 8 Using Eq 4,
arrays. this represents a directivity of 7.83 dBi. I
The goals of this article are as follows: have found that the gain of a 3-element
1) Minimize the number of elements monoband Yagi is quite impressive, par-
without sacrificing gain and/or SWR for ticularly when one considers a single small
the desired bandwidth. antenna approximating such gain for five
2) Apply W2PV taper correction to the bands! Both x and a (relative spacing con-
element lengths. 5 K4EWG Log Periodic Array atop the stant) can be chosen from Fig 2, so that a
3) Minimize boom length. 120-foot tower (40-meter beam visible directivity of 7 to 8 dBi can be realized.
4) Simplify construction by removing below), (photos by the author) Since the E-plane beamwidth is almost
the cross-wire feeder system and lumped
5) S i m p l i f y the assembly by using
"plumbers delight" techniques.
6) Reduce the weight of the 14-30 MHz
I will not repeat the design for the h
LPDA, as it can be found in the latest ARRL
Antenna Book. However, it is sufficient to
say that the LPDA performs as a frequency
i n d e p e n d e n t ( b r o a d b a n d ) array. W h e n
designed properly, it will provide the
equivalent gain of a 3-element Yagi with a
15-dB front to back ratio on all bands within
Z\ = 4 9 2 / r o
the array passband. Fig 1 depicts a typical
F 0 =Lowest operating d12 d -t2 = T i ,
LPDA with the specified design parame- frequency within

ters. If the design constant t is near 1.0, array passband.

more elements are required. If the element-
Ai = T ^(n-l) E
spacing constant a is greater than 0.1, a
din E 2
longer boom is required. A balance must be «
(Boom Length) -
struck if goals 1 and 3 are to be satisfied. l-T
Tan a = Eq 3
I define this process as the Logarithm 4<t
Periodicity Method. Basically this method
determines a specific design constant x Fig 1—Atypical log periodic dipole array.
Fig 3—Element pipe circumference in
wavelengths versus velocity factor Vo.

Fig 2—E- and H-plane versus half-power beamwidth.

constant at 60°—55° and the gain desired Also =
is 7.83 dBi, the H-plane beamwidth is
found to be 137°—109° using Eq 4. Also, 1/t = log'
Fig 2 reveals a number of combinations of = free-space wavelength of f|
t a n d o which will yield the desired and/or F, (Eq 9)
H-plane beamwidth. 1/t , - I'
log «— (Eq 7)
The log periodic dipole array has the Combining Eqs 5 and 8, we can formu-
characteristic of repeating all electrical Let's consider a 14-30 M H z LPDA with late Table I. As you can see, trial no. 3
qualities such as directivity, impedance, 7 to 8 dBi gain and determine the least looks especially promising. In order to
f r o n t - t o - b a c k ratio. S W R and E- and number of elements required. From Fig 2, speed up the design process, the discrete
H - p l a n e 3 - d B p o i n t s at i n t e r v a l s of t ranges from 0.850 (o = 0.05, H = 137°) dipole element resonant frequencies, fi to
log(l/x). That is to say, there is a relation- to 0.920 ( o = 0.07, H = 109°). Given this f n (specific ham band frequencies), are re-
ship between Fi and Fi, range of t , we can proceed to iterate and lated to an average T. For example, if you
optimize the periodicity of the array. I will choose T = 0.85 (Table 1) with a 14-30 MHz
F i = 11 + log( 1/t)1F| (Eq 5) use 1-inch diameter pipe as a referenced array passband (Fo = 14, f n = 30), Eq 10
normalized length for all elements. Refer- will determine that seven elements are re-
F 3 = [l +log(l/T)] 2 F, ring to Fig 3 9 at 14.0 M H z , a 1 inch quired (a 7-element array).
diameter pipe has 0.003-A. circumference
where F = array frequencies of periodicity and the velocity factor Vo = 0.94. T h e 0.822 F 0
resonant frequency of t\ is f i , which is also log— + 1
Let R = 11 + l o g ( l / x ) ] the first periodic frequency of the array, Fi. (Eq 10)
log T
Then F : = RF, ... F, = f, = V 0 F 0 = 0.94 x 14.0 where
= 13.160 (Eq 8) n = number of elements
and F , = R 2 F, = RF 2 nth element = 0.411
where Fo = lowest desired operating fre- Xn = 984/Fp
Fn = R ' n _ l , F | = RF (n _D (Eq 6) quency within the array passband in MHz

Table 1
Array Periodic Frequencies for Different x Values
Fi to F n = Array periodic frequencies within the array passband.

Trial Trial 1 + log (1/T) FI F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 " Fn

No. r
1 .82 1.08619 13.160 14.294 15.526 16.864 18.317 19.896 21.610 etc
2 .83 1.08092 13.160 14.225 15.376 16.620 17.965 19.419 20.990
3 .85 1.070581 13.160 14.088 15.083 16.148 17.287 18.508 19.814
Since dipole /| is resonant at 13.160
Table 2
MHz, desired (element) dipole frequencies
Element Half Lengths
may be assigned as follows.

0.94 x 5904
fl = 1 3 . 1 6 0 /Eq 1 = = 210.857 inches Fi = fi = 13.160 MHz
f2= 15.433 h = unknown
/Eq 2 = t[/Eq 1] = 179.801 inches
f 3 = 18.100
f3= 18.100
^Eq 3 = T[/Eq 1] = 153.318 inches f 4 = 21.250
U = 21.224
/Eq 4 = 130.737 inches f 5 = 24.891
f5 = 24.891
f6 = unknown
/Eq 5 = 111.481 inches
f~j = unknown
f6 = 2 9 . 1 9 0
/Eq 6 = 95.061 inches
f7 = 3 4 . 2 3 2 Then t-j_4 = = 0.85176
/Eq7 = 81.060 inches 21.250

-i f
/Eqn = x[/Eqn-1] ( E q 12)

- 0 —

The average value of t is

TJ-4 + *4-5
^AVG = = 0.85274
Kj* = X1/03 K4* = Xj/a 4

= K 2 * = X,/O2 a 3

"I i fn-
j (Eq 11)

Then, using Eq 11 and the averaged T, we

f2 = — — = 15.432

f6 = = 29.189
X! = 11.808/F 1 Eq 9, At in inches X L = 0.146 log K - 0 . 1 2 9
- Eg 13
a = pipe radius, inches X L * = 0.146 log K * - 0.129
K = Xj / a , o from SB2 or S B 3 fl = = 34.230
If 3 pipe sections use a 2 x c = 0.348 log K - 0.309
Eg 14 Of course, once a final T has been found.
If 4 pipe sections use a 2 or a 3 X C * = 0.348 log K - 0.309
Table 1 could be repeated for that specific
t to examine the Fi to F n frequency peri-
odicity over the entire array passband.
Fig 4—Taper section for half-element length. Hold all inner sections at a fixed length Obviously, it is desirable that the five 14-30
and vary the end section as needed. MHz ham bands fall at or near these peri-
odic frequencies. The final T used in the
K4EWG Array design was 0.85271318.
Now, using the W2PV approach to the
taper corrections, 1 have chosen I -inch out-
side diameter pipe for the electrically
normalized lengths. I will call these element
half lengths, /Eq, per W 2 P V ' s designation.
(See Table 2.)

V 0 5904
'Eq = ,V0 = 0.94(Fig3),Fl=f1,

and f n = F n .
Derivation of the taper correction equa-
tions can be simplified. However, the
element taper should not exceed 0.125 inch
in diameter for adjacent pipe to pipe tele-
s c o p i n g sections within the element.
Hence, a light or smooth taper eliminates
K4EWG Log Periodic Array before being raised to the top of the tower, with XYL Tana
the tedious m and f(0) calculations.
The simplified method can be under-
Table 3
Taper Equation for /(K4EWG Array)
SB2 is normalized section.

Sect. SB 2a SA
XL 2 XC*
No. inches inches K' inches K2=fo/a2 = 1,794.13
1 16 1.125 1595.14 0.9784 — 15.655 Xc2 = 0.3461

2 64 1.000 1794.53 0 0 64.000 XL2 = 0 . 8 2 3 4

3 60 0.875 2050.89 — 0.9761 58.565 ft = F i = 1 3 . 1 6 0 MHz

4i 70 0.750 2392.70 — 0.9468 66.489 X1 = 8 9 7 . 2 4 i n . , a2 = 0 . 5 i n .

42 84 0.750 2392.70 — 0.9468 79.787 SA = (X L * / XL2)SB

= (XC2/XC*)SB
SBTOTAL = 224 in., trial no. 1 /EQ = 218.006, trial no. 1
SBTOTAL = 210 in., trial no. 2 /EQ = 204.709, trial no. 2

stood using Fig 4 and the associated equa-

tions from W 2 P V ' s earlier paper. 1 0 Table 4
For example, to find taper equation (\ in Taper Equations for K4EWG Array
the K4EWG Array, choose SB2 as normal-
Pipe Section - Inches
ized pipe section, a2 = 0.5 inch, and A.i =
897.264 inches. Element Physical Half Taper Correction 1.125 1.00 0.875 0.750
By looking carefully at Table 3, you'll No. Lgth Inches Bqforf/2=h
see that SB4 (the last pipe) was varied in 1 216.473 1.0529/Eq1 -5.5318 16 64 60 761/2
length while all other pipes were fixed.
2 183.898 1.0344/Eq2-5.6767 16 64 60 437/8
Also, you will see that it would require 224
inches total length for the tapered element 3 155.606 1.0261 / E q 3 - 1.7074 16 64 60 155/8
to have the same resonance as a 1-inch 4 132.494 1.0269/Eq4- 1.7611 16 64 52V2 —
diameter pipe 218.006 inches in length.
5 113.065 1.0278 / E q 5 - 1.5174 16 64 33Vl 6 —
Trial no. 2 reveals 210 inches tapered to
204.709 inches for the 1-inch pipe. 6 95.911 1.0287 / E q 6 - 1.8758 16 64 1515/16 —

7 82.476 1.0297 / E q 7 - 0.9879 16 32 341/2

The Taper Correction Formula

The taper correction formula is /Eq 1-6 from Table 2. Use 8-inch minimum pipe overlay

n = P4-., + q (Eq 13)

where h a n c e d by the cross c o n n e c t i n g h o s e (1 - tau) / 1 L

T| = physical half length of the tapered clamps at the feed pipe for each element d|2 =
element (Fig 5). If the elements are mounted by
/Eq = equivalent cylinder length, plates and U bolts as specified by Lawson, where L = boom length, same dimensions
Table 3 a plate taper must be developed for each as (.
element and included in the element taper Using the K 4 E W G Array as an exam-
~ r)2 schedule for section SB1. 5
P = (Eq 14) ple: L = 20 feet, di2 = 4.78 feet and o =
^Eq 1 ~ ^Eq : T h e taper schedule for the K 4 E W G 0.0674.
and Array is given in Table 4. Boom length A 20-foot boom length is quite a reduc-
minimization is simplified by use of Fig 2. tion from my earlier design of 26.5 feet. 1 ' 2
_ Tte^Eq 1 ~ Til ^Eq 2
q = (Eq 15) Actually, o can range from 0.05 to 0.08 Since x = 0.8527 and a = 0.0674, the H -
Eq 1 Eq 2 with little change in array gain. Now, plane beamwidth is approximately 130°
from Fig 2, giving a g a i n of 7.61 dBi from
1 - T (\ - /„
Note: Numbers 1 and 2 refer to trial selec- tana Eq 4.
tions 1 and 2 for the end pipe, not to be T h e cross feeder is not necessary. It is,
confused with element designations /i and and however, necessary to switch feeder con-
h. nections electrically as shown in Fig 1 for
Since the elements are mounted above 0 = (Eq 2) end-fire (toward shortest element) directi v-
the boom using a single muffler clamp, ity. If t h e s w i t c h i n g w e r e not d o n e ,
there is very little, if any, need for boom- where di2 = spacing (\ to h broadside directivity (perpendicular to the
to-element mounting taper a d j u s t m e n t . plane of the array) would o c c u r . " I have
Lateral element to boom stability is en- Rearranging, accomplished this switching as shown in
2 0 ' x 1 - 7 / 8 ' O D x 0 . 0 8 ' Boom

1 - 1 / 4 " x 1 " x 1 / 4 Tap

F r
Glastic fiberglass
standoff insulator
i' W-
Close-up detail of feed point.
feed line
inside boom
Fig 5 (patent pending). I define this feeding
system as Eccentric Linear Feeding for
Log Periodic Dipole Arrays (patent and
trademark pending).
Examination of Fig 5 and the accompa-
nying photos reveals that goals 3. 4, 5 and
6 are satisfied (the total completed weight
of the K.4EWG Array is 56 lb). The lumped
balun is not necessary since the feeder is
PL-259 - to unbalanced by design. Also the coax runs
S O - 2 3 9 in boom cap.
* Use two crossed no. 28 through the boom, which acts as a decou-
Coax center to top
hose clamps for feed—pipe half of l 7 . pling device for any unbalanced currents
element connections. braid to boom. on the outside of the coax.
I will not develop the Zo, or charac-
teristic impedance, since it can be deter-
mined from the published data in thtARRL
* Screw-1-1/2" x 1/4'x20TPI Antenna Book1 However, the SWR at the
with 1 / 4 " lock washer
ler /
feed point of this array is listed for each of
the five bands in Table 5. Needless to say,
they are quite acceptable and arc primarily
due to the periodicity and feeder design
approach. A summary of materials used in
the K4EWG Log Array can be found in
insulator Table 6.
Astute readers will note that I have also
listed SWR figures for the 10-MHz band.
* Lubricte 1 / 4 " tap 1—7/8" muffler clamp
with Noalox or Penetrox with U bolt from 5 / 1 6 " rod
Table 5
SWR Versus Frequency (MHz) for
1 0 - 2 4 stainless steel screw K4EWG Array

Freq MHz SWR at Antenna

10.1 2.0
10.15 2.0
10.2 2.5
14.0 1.7
14.2 1.5
14.5 1.4
P L - 2 5 9 and R G - 8 A
Feed line Slide onto boom and use 18.0 1.4
Noelox or Penetrox.
18.2 1.2
Clamp to boom.
18.4 1.2
21.0 1.0
21.2 1.1
Center to
feed pipe 21.5 1.2
Z j = 11.7' 24.5 1.2
24.9 1.1
25.1 1.0
28.0 1.4
28.5 1.5
Short to braid and 29.0 1.2
tape. Insert in boom. 30.0 1.2
Fig 5—Mechanical detail of K4EWG Array.
Table 6
Materials List for K4EWG Log Array

Aluminum tubing—6061ST—0.047in. wall thickness elements

1.125 in. OD—192 in. (2 ea—8 ft pes)
1.000 in. OD—1,224 in. (17 ea—6 ft pes)
0.875 in. OD—816 in. (10 ea—6 ft pes, 1 ea—8 ft pes)
0.750 in. OD—312 in. (3 ea—8 ft pes, 1 ea—4 ft pes)
1.875 in. OD—240 in. (1 ea—20 ft pes—0.08 in. wall)

11 e a — 1 % in. muffler clamps (U bolts not used for elements)
Ground view of tower assembly and
28 ea—no. 28 stainless steel hose clamps
antennas. Note the rotator mast pipe
visible at left.
7 ea—5/i6 in. x 12 in. threaded rod (bend to form U bolts for elements)

At the t i m e of writing of this paper, I am
1 ea 1/4 in. x 8 in. x 12 in. aluminum boom to mast plate
b u i l d i n g a s e c o n d K 4 E W G L o g Periodic
44 ea—no. 6 stainless steel sheet metal screws
A r r a y w h i c h will s t a c k 0 . 6 X a t 1 4 M H z ( 4 2
1 ea—boom cap, aluminum, homemade
feet) u n d e r the top array ( 1 2 0 feet). It will
1 ea—SO-239 coax connector
be interesting to vary s t a c k i n g distances
4 oz.—Noalox or Penetrox
w i t h such arrays a n d plot the E- and H-
28 ea— 1 A x 1 1 /2 in. stainless steel screw, 20 TPI and 1 /t in. SS lock washers
p l a n e p a t t e r n s . A s c a n be s e e n in t h e
1 ea—Z T , 11.7 ft RG-11A inserted inside boom, Z T = 0.331\
p h o t o s , the rotator is g r o u n d m o u n t e d with
14 ea—1 1 /4 x 1/4 in. tap Glastic standoff insulator*
a 2-inch o u t s i d e d i a m e t e r pipe mast run-
*Glastic Manufacturing Co, Cleveland, Ohio, tel 216-486-0100. Distribution Headquarters:
Electrical Insulation Supplies, 1255 Collier Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, tel 404-355-1651 n i n g a l o n g the entire length of the tower.
(Glastic part number 2165-1B). S u c h a mast s i m p l i f i e s s t a c k i n g arrays and
I must credit m y g o o d friend, Bill M a x s o n ,
N 4 A R , for this neat idea. H o w e v e r , I'll
leave the s t a c k i n g details for a n o t h e r paper.

(Now we h a v e a 6th b a n d on o n e a n t e n n a ! ) w o r k " ! Zr also p r o v i d e s a dc g r o u n d for 'P. D. Rhodes, "The Log Periodic Dipole
Operation on 10 M H z is p o s s i b l e d u e to t h e lightning protection. Array," QST. Nov 1973.
loading e f f e c t of Z T on (\. Z t is a shorted M y p r e v i o u s p a p e r s h a v e dealt with t h e -P. D. Rhodes, "The Log Periodic Dipole
Array," The ARRL Antenna Book, 13th ed
quarter w a v e section f o r 14.0 M H z and, t e c h n i c a l and electrical a s p e c t s of s u c h ar-
(1974) to the latest edition.
therefore, it acts like an o p e n circuit at that rays. I ' d like, h o w e v e r , to d i v e r g e f r o m m y 3
P. D. Rhodes and J. R. Painter. "The Log-Yag
frequency. At h i g h e r f r e q u e n c i e s , m o s t of n o r m a l c l o s i n g s a n d relate a brief n o t e of Array," QST, Dec 1976.
the R F e n e r g y is r a d i a t e d by the e l e m e n t s n o n t e c h n i c a l interest. A f t e r c o m p l e t i n g the 4
P. D. Rhodes, "The Log-Periodic V Array,"
within the active region of d i p o l e e l e m e n t s . array I left it sitting on the saw h o r s e s QST, Oct 1979.
T h e r e f o r e , Z T r e c e i v e s very little e n e r g y ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 feet a b o v e g r o u n d ) and J. L. Lawson, Yagi-Antenna Design, 1st ed.
from the feeder. At 10.1 M H z , h o w e v e r , Zu put it on t h e air. W h i l e d u e respect is g i v e n (Newington: ARRL 1986) pp 7-5, 7-11.
provides an inductive l o a d i n g r e a c t a n c e f o r f o r p r o p a g a t i o n and my location, a single R. Mittra, and J. D. Dyson, "Log Periodic An-
tennas," Technical Report 76 (Urbana: Univ
f\, m a k i n g it r e s o n a n t at 10.1 M H z . Surpris- h o u r of o p e r a t i o n resulted in n u m e r o u s
of IL Ant Lab, 1964). Also reprinted in Elec-
ingly, A c o n t r i b u t e s as part of a 1 0 - M H z Q S O s w h i l e r u n n i n g only 100 watts. S o m e
tronics Industries, May 1965.
active region and e n d f i r e directivity o c c u r s of the stations w o r k e d included D 6 8 T W 7
J. D. Kraus, Antennas, 2nd ed. (New York:
with x near 0.6, t\ to A. O f c o u r s e , with such a n d 3 B 8 C F (21 M H z C W ) , T A 3 F a n d McGraw-Hill, 1988).
a low x the gain is not c o m p a r a b l e to t h e V U 2 A U (21 M H z S S B ) , T Y I O R (14 M H z 8
See Ref 5, p 8-5.
design array p a s s b a n d ( 1 4 - 3 0 M H z ) , but it C W ) , D L 9 J I ( 1 0 M H z . C W ) a n d five Sibe- y
Dept of the Army, TM-11-666, Antennas and
is interesting to see w h a t e x t r e m e s can be rian stations on 21 M H z CW. I w a s Radio Propagation (1953), p 66.
10J. Lawson, High Performance Antenna Sys-
tolerated in s u c h a r r a y s . T h e log p e r i o d i c surprised at h o w well this array p e r f o r m e d
array e x h i b i t s an interesting quality in that so c l o s e to the g r o u n d ! S u b s e q u e n t to t h e tems, May 11, 1978 (private distribution).
elements shorter than the nearest r e s o n a n t "King, Mack and Sandler, Arrays of Cylindri-
" s a w horse Q S O s , " I h a v e b e e n e n j o y i n g
cal Dipoles (London: Cambridge Univ
element ( t > 0 . 7 5 ) carry 8 0 % of t h e radi- t h e a n t e n n a in its p r o p e r location on the
Press, 1968).
ated e n e r g y . 6 T h e array s i m p l y " w a n t s to t o w e r at a b o u t 120 feet.
A Streamlined Mobile HF
Antenna For Vehicles With
Fiberglass Tops
By Steve Cerwin, WA5FRF
10227 Mt Crosby Dr
San Antonio, TX 78251

his article describes a sleek, base-

T loaded mobile H F antenna for use

on vehicles with fiberglass tops.
The antenna offers an aesthetically pleas-
ing alternative to s o m e w h a t gaudy center-
loaded designs, while giving outstanding
performance. The fiberglass top permits
the loading coil to be mounted inside the
vehicle, which greatly enhances appear-
ance with no sacrifice of efficiency.
Fig 1 s h o w s the antenna installed on a
Ford Bronco. A full-length (8-ft) stainless-
steel C B whip is used as the radiator. In
antennas, bigger is better, and an 8-ft whip
provides an operational advantage over
smaller e l e m e n t s . T h e whip is b u m p e r
mounted atop a ball and spring and a 12-
inch-long fiberglass rod. It is secured to the
fiberglass car top by an aluminum mount-
ing bracket at eye level.
T h e m o u n t i n g bracket mechanically
braces the antenna and provides a feed path
f r o m the loading coil inside the car top. T h e
portion of the whip above the bracket is the
main radiator; the p a n below the bracket
acts as capacitive loading. T h e capacitance
between the car body and the bracket plus
lower whip section allows fewer turns to be
used in the lossy loading coil, thus improv-
ing efficiency.
Fig 2 shows the loading coil and capaci-
tive match as seen from inside the vehicle.
The loading coil is secured to the inside of
the car top with a clamp made from two
strips of fiberglass. The 3-inch-diameter
coil was cut for 40-meter operation. It con-
sists of 15 turns of no. 12 wire wound at
6 turns per inch. T h e coil was made " l o n g "
by several turns to allow for tuning. An
adjustable tap tunes the antenna to reso- Fig 1—The streamlined mobile whip mounted on a Ford Bronco.
Fig 2 — A view from inside the vehicle
shows the 40-meter loading coil, shunt
capacitors (below the coil), mounting
bracket and antenna.

nance at the desired o p e r a t i n g f r e q u e n c y .

The tap is p e r m a n e n t l y s o l d e r e d to t h e coil Fig 3 — S c h e m a t i c of the streamlined mobile whip and its matching network. C1 is a
dual-section (365 pF each) receiving capacitor; the sections are parallel connected for
once r e s o n a n c e is set. O p e r a t i o n on o t h e r 730 pF total capacitance. L1 is 20 turns of no. 12 copper wire wound 6 turns per inch
bands (with the e x c e p t i o n of 10 m e t e r s ) is with a 3-inch diameter (such as B & W no. 3033 or 2406T). The 40-meter version shown
a s i m p l e m a t t e r of s u b s t i t u t i n g a n o t h e r resonated with the tap 41/2 turns from the grounded end.
loading coil with the a p p r o p r i a t e induc-
A low-voltage air-dielectric variable
capacitor and a p a r a l l e l - c o n n e c t e d 5 0 0 - p F all p h y s i c a l l y short a n t e n n a s , the a n t e n n a I ' v e used the a n t e n n a with a 140-W
" d o o r k n o b " c a p a c i t o r are m o u n t e d b e n e a t h radiation r e s i s t a n c e is very low. E f f i c i e n c y transceiver for o v e r a year, a n d the results
the l o a d i n g coil. T h i s shunt c a p a c i t a n c e d e m a n d s l o w - r e s i s t a n c e c o n d u c t o r s and h a v e been excellent. Signal reports h a v e
t r a n s f o r m s t h e f e e d - p o i n t i m p e d a n c e of t h e c o n n e c t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t the entire a n t e n n a been consistently g o o d , with many reports
resonant a n t e n n a to a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 0 £2. system. like, " B o y O M ! You sure h a v e a g o o d signal
The R G - 5 8 c a b l e leading f r o m the trans- Fig 3 is a s c h e m a t i c of the a n t e n n a . T h e f o r a m o b i l e ! " I used a large center-loaded
ceiver c a n n o t be seen in Fig 2. T h e c a b l e d e s i g n is a s t a n d a r d b a s e - l o a d e d w h i p with a n t e n n a with a p r o m i n e n t capacitance hat
runs u n d e r n e a t h t h e plastic c o v e r strip lo- a c a p a c i t i v e shunt m a t c h . T u n i n g is a c c o m - b e f o r e s w i t c h i n g to this antenna, and this
cated b e l o w the rear w i n d o w . p l i s h e d by a d j u s t i n g the coil tap f o r reso- a n t e n n a s e e m s to p e r f o r m as well as that
T h e g r o u n d c o n n e c t i o n for the c a p a c i - n a n c e , then a d j u s t i n g t h e c a p a c i t o r f o r best o n e . T h e antenna is mechanically well be-
tive match and the c o a x b r a i d is m a d e S W R . An e x c e l l e n t m a t c h results, and m y h a v e d . t h a n k s to the top support bracket,
directly to the c a r b o d y by m e a n s of a solid-state t r a n s c e i v e r has no t r o u b l e driv- a n d there have been no m o r e of the " M a n ,
ground lug and s h e e t - m e t a l screw. T h i s ing the a n t e n n a w i t h o u t a T r a n s m a t c h . T h e that thing on your c a r sure is u g l y ! " c o m -
ground c o n n e c t i o n must h a v e very little a c c e p t a b l e S W R b a n d w i d t h is a b o u t 7 0 m e n t s f r o m my X Y L and n o n h a m friends!
impedance f o r e f f i c i e n t o p e r a t i o n . A s with k H z on the 4 0 - m e t e r b a n d .
A Simple Seeker
Direction Finder
By Dave Geiser, WA2ANU
3710 Snowden Hill Rd
New Hartford, NY 13413-9584

onsider radio direction finding give a tone at the switching rate. If the two A similar system was used in my earlier

C (DF) in general. Let us assume

that any antenna is an elementary
dipole that can receive radio signals. One
antennas happen to be the same distance
from the source (phase), there will be a
n u l l — n o t o n e — a t the rate the circuit
articles. 1 - 2 Parts of the Simple Seeker are
interchangeable with, or may be added to,
the Double Ducky. The antenna systems
dipole is needed to determine that a signal switches between the two antennas. (Some are interchangeable. T h e phase detector
exists. Another dipole (or a second position s e c o n d - h a r m o n i c energy f r o m t h e tone may be added to the corresponding point
of the first) is needed to determine a "line may appear, but is no indicator.) on the Double Ducky.
of bearing," a line through the receiving T h e indicated location of the transmitter
antenna and the signal source. A third di- is on a line that crosses (at 90°) the mid- Adding Sense to the Null
pole or position is needed to determine the point of the line joining the two switched By finding a null, w e find a line through
direction of the signal source on the "line antennas. It is not unusual to determine this the transmitting source. If we move off of
of bearing." null direction to an accuracy of one degree the null, we find that the polarity of the
If the equivalent of two dipoles are or better. receiver output changes (with respect to the
used, the most common approach is to ro- switching waveform) depending on which
tate the array, giving the equal of three or Switching the Antennas antenna is nearer the source. Thus, we can
four antenna positions. Many simple com- W h e n we switch the antennas at a rapid compare the receiver-output phase to that
mercial direction finders use four antennas, rate (I prefer 800 to 1000 times per second) of the switching waveform in order to find
as the "software" for the display is simpler. the switching of the transmitted signal can out which end of the "null" line really
All of the above assumes D F on a flat earth. b e heard as a tone in the F M receiver. The points towards the transmitter.
T h e above applies to both amplitude volume of the tone is greater when the T h e common name for a circuit that
(signal strength) and phase (signal dis- phase difference between the antennas is makes this comparison is "phase detector."
tance) methods of direction finding. This greater (up to 180°). The volume drops to Any of several dozen circuits may be used;
article concerns signal-distance (or phase) zero with zero phase difference (ideally). the one shown here is simple, noncritical,
methods of direction finding. Electronic switches are small, cheap and uses widely available parts. Note that
It is important to remember two basic and reliable. I like to use a timer (such as a if there is either no receiver audio or no
principles of radio direction finding: first ' 5 5 5 ) as a free-running multivibrator (see switching waveform, there will be no volt-
that all of the significant signal should Fig I). A C M O S version (for instance, a age difference in the rectified diode output,
come through the searching antennas, and TLC555) uses less power than others and and therefore no indication on a zero-cen-
second, that remote structures may create has enough output. (If the D F unit is battery ter microammeter. (I find a 100-0-100 |iA
reflections that confuse the search. Here, powered, low power consumption is im- meter satisfactory for both sensitivity and
we consider only the first, and we will talk portant.) I also like the switching pulses to ruggedness. They are also fairly common
more of it later. b e square waves, with the antennas alter- as F M tuning indicators. A sensitive meter
nately connected for equal times. with zero at the scale end may be used by
The Receiver T h e actual switching of the antennas is reversing the D P D T POLARITY switch to
Let us consider 2-meter F M DF. (This d o n e by s e m i c o n d u c t o r d i o d e s . I use read right or left indications. If so, the user
discussion also applies to other F M assign- Philips E C G 5 5 3 PIN diodes because they must remember which switch position rep-
ments.) Two dipoles at different distances make dcccnt low-capacitance switches and resents left or right.)
from a transmitting source simultaneously have a useful power-handling capability A p h a s e - d e t e c t o r BALANCE c o n t r o l
receive different phases of the same signal. (should the antenna be used for transmit- ( 1 - k f t potentiometer) is provided, though
If we switch between dipoles that are less ting). T h e switches need not be perfect, or it was not needed in my case. If there is a
than I/i X apart, there will be an apparent even very good. Off-the-shelf 1N4148 sili- serious imbalance, it would probably be
phase shift of somewhat less than 180 c con diodes work well in receive-only use. good to check the receiver tuning, the re-
between the received signals. This phase T h e important factor is the phase differ- ceiver audio or switching waveforms.
difference, with an FM or PM detector, will ence presented to the receiver. The phase-detector transformer

Fig 1—Schematic of the Simple Seeker. T1 is an AF transformer (8:1000 n , center tapped). The ECG553S are PIN diodes; silicon
switching diodes may be substituted, so long as the unit is not used for transmitting. A capacitor may be added from point T to ground
(or V+) to lower the tone frequency. Comparators may be driven by points A for other phase-detector displays (such as LEDs—see
text). Either AF connector may be used for the receiver AF output or speaker/phones jack, AFI is full strength; AF2 may be attenuated
by adjusting the AF PAD control. All parts except the meter and PIN diodes should be available from Radio Shack. (The parallel 100-kii
and 220-k£"2 resistors may be replaced by one bB-kii W W unit, if available.)

(1000 Q—center tapped—to 8 £2) has been The phase-detector output is a voltage: indicated directions in a second or so.
common in Radio Shack inventory for positive, zero or negative. Comparators, These diversions tend to center around the
many years, but it is not the only suitable such as the common '339, can tell which correct direction; thus an averaged reading
part. Almost any A F transformer having voltage (of a few millivolts) is more posi- is likely to be more correct. A comparator
around a 10:1 voltage step-up to a center- tive or negative. Their output is capable of (or other buffering output) with low-pass
tapped secondary can provide the voltage driving LEDs or switching circuits. Thus, filtering will result in a more effective and
step-up and push-pull audio needed for the nautical-scheme (red = left, green = right) less frantic hunt. (Champion hunters often
phase detector. LEDs can be used to indicate the corre- provide switching to display either time-
sponding direction, or a capacitor may be a v e r a g e d or i n s t a n t a n e o u s bearing
Other Phase-Detector Displays switched in (at point T, Fig 1) to give a information.)
The phase-detector output is a right-left lower tone for left, and higher for right.
indication, shown here on a meter. Often Comparators can also provide a buffer- Antennas
searchers in vehicles cannot both look at a ing action that allows the addition of time Good antennas can be used with this
meter and move safely. The following ap- a v e r a g i n g to b e a r i n g i n f o r m a t i o n . A system. This means that weak signals have
proaches have been used. They are searcher, driving through a city or broken a chance of being heard, and that transmis-
mentioned to show what can be done. terrain, may experience several different sions may be made into a decent load. Both
of these considerations are important if you
are racing through the woods with an HT.
A IA.-X dipole is a decent antenna, and
reasonably broadband. For receiving, an-
tennas are effective over much more than
the "half-wave plus five percent" some-
times called the "bandwidth." That limited
bandwidth may be realistic for a transmit-
ter that is critical of the load it feeds, but
r e c e i v e r s d o their best with whatever
source is connected. My experience shows
that a dipole cut for the middle of the
2-meter band covers the whole band, and
rubber duckies do as well. The Coast Guard
uses one dipole length from about 136 to
170 MHz. I have used 2-meter Vl-X (39
inches, 99 cm) dipoles, spaced 12 inches
(30 cm) apart, for both 2-meter and 420-
MHz DF. (On 420 MHz, a 1-m dipole is
about % X , which has a pronounced 90°
lobe. It does not work very well on 222
I am often asked, "What about effects
from the inactive antenna?" If the diode
switch were perfect and the parts ideal, that
inactive antenna would see a 9:1 mismatch,
and have little effect on the surroundings.
Practically, that happens.

Spurious Antennas
Earlier we assumed that "all significant
signal comes through the search antennas;"
at least that is what we hope. That is neces-
sary if we want the direction indication to
Fg 2A—Here is a field version of the Simple Seeker with attached antennas.
be perfect.
It is theoretically impossible to attenu-
ate a signal's strength to zero, though it
may be practically unmeasurable. It is pos-
sible to equate two signal amplitudes, but
for the result to disappear, the phases must
also oppose. If only two sources (such as a
pair of switched antennas) feed a detector
that is sensitive only to phase differences,
amplitude is unimportant. If some third
path feeds the signal to the detector, how-
ever, the indication may not be predictable.
Thus, not only in amplitude-detecting
DF systems, but also in this phase-detect-
ing system, best accuracy demands that
signals come only from the antenna sys-
tem. Signals should not reach the receiver
wiring either directly (through an un-
shielded case) or arrive on wiring other
than the antenna cable. The phase-detect-
ing system has the advantage that it is less
amplitude sensitive than amplitude-detect-
ing systems; but if the signal pickup is
through small-aperture antennas such as
"rubber duckies," a small signal leak may
have a big effect.
Fig 2B—Interior view of a field version of the Simple Seeker with attached antennas. I have found that a simple, tight wrap of
The multivibrator and pnase-detector circuits are mounted at the box ends. This version aluminum foil will block unwanted signal
has a built-in speaker. pickup in some cases, but tighter shielding
will have a bearing to the transmitter after
two right and two left indications.


Sk The electronic switch may be easily

constructed on a 20-pin DIP pad, and the
phase detector on another pad. (See Figs 2
and 3.) There is no need for either circuit
to be close (in inches) to the antenna or

9 II receiver. There may be some advantage to

£ G
© placing the circuits near the various indica-
t o r s , but t h e s e r e a s o n s d o not seem
It is probably good to put the switching
circuit in a shielded box, with the switching
pulses fed through a low-pass filter (the
series 4.7-k£2 resistor and shunt 470-pF
capacitor) to the antenna and through a
high-pass filter (470-pF capacitor) to the
receiver or transceiver. (A capacitor of 470
pF has about 2 £2 of reactance at 2-meter
Fig 3A—rront-panel view of an "open" version used for presentations. Nearly all parts Batteries are always a problem. Para-
are readily visible. troopers with similar gear place batteries
outside of the case, for convenience. One
writer places two batteries within the case
and switches between them for charging or
use. I prefer a storage battery (that may be
either used or charged) within the case,
with an external connector for another bat-
Three items have not been discussed:
the antenna and its switching circuit, the
antenna balun and the AF variable attenu-
ator (or "pad").
The antenna is mounted on an "H"
frame of l/i-inch PVC tubing (see Fig 4) by
the simple process of taping it to the frame
with black plastic electrician's tape. The
vertical arms are glued together and se-
cured to the horizontal pieces with cotter
pins, to permit easy disassembly for trans-
The antenna switching circuit consists
of two diodes connected (in opposite polar-
ity) to the coaxial cable from the switching
circuit. Each of the diodes connects to a
grounded 470-J2 f i l m r e s i s t o r , which
Fig 3B—Interior view of the "open" version. The left chassis holds the AF pad and
connectors. The center chassis holds the multivibrator and phase-detector circuitry. The provides a dc path to ground (in case the
box holds the filter circuits, switching-lead and RF connectors. The shunt 470-pF antenna configuration does not). Equal-
capacitor is not visible; it is connoctod across the phono jack on the box. length coaxial cables (in the system shown)
lead to 39-inch dipoles. The spacing be-
tween dipoles is about 20 inches, but the
may be needed. Sometimes a routine of results with five-inch duckies and eight- spacing is not critical.
holding all parts of the array and receiver inch spacing, as in Fig 2. There is always a question about exter-
in fixed relative position will maintain a nal currents flowing on the coax shield in
known direction, but this is difficult if the Direction Errors coax-fed direction-finding antennas. I have
antenna, receiver, feed line, chopper, phase It is not generally recognized that a con- not had problems when using a big antenna
detector and person must all keep the same stant error will cause acontinuous searcher (such as in Fig 4), but I wrapped 3 turns
position. Receiver shielding is probably to move in a logarithmic spiral, which eas- (about 2-inch diameter) of the incoming
the easiest approach. ily p r e d i c t s t h e c e n t e r ( t r a n s m i t t i n g coax to form a "choke balun." There were
Good shielding of a receiver allows the source). Similarly, a searcher who pursues no problems.
use of "duckie" antennas. I have had good left and right for right-angle indications Phase detectors may behave differently
tion points bolli tu and directly awav from
the unknown transmitter location. The cor-
rect polarity (in my custom) is to have the
meter deflect right when the antenna is too
far right, and left when the antenna is too
far left. The phase detector may do so. or
the indication may be reversed.
Persons using a particular receiver for
the first time do not know whether its out-
put will be positive or negative at the
Secure Verticals to Cross Piece instant one particular antenna is connected.
with Large Cotter Key T h u s t h e d i r e c t i o n - f i n d e r s h o u l d be
checked with each receiver. If the meter
indication is backward, use the POLARITY
switch to reverie the reading.

Saving Batteries
Years ago I used a " c e n t e r - o f f switch
to select the DF. OFF or TRANSMIT function.
Handle Length It is too easy for me to not leave such a
not Critical switch " o f f ' and run d o w n the battery. I
now use a second switch to provide the
" o n - o f f " function.

T h e PIN diodes, when forward biased,
show a low RF resistance and can pass up
i u to perhaps 1 W of V H F / U H F power with-
out damage. Thus the FUNCTION switch has
Fig 4—The antenna array described in the text. The "H" frame is constructed from a TRANSMIT position, in case transmission
'/2-inch P V C tubing and tees. Glue the vertical components together. Connect the from an HT is desired. This applies a steady
vertical tees and handle to the cross piece by drilling both parts and inserting large
dc bias to one of the PIN diodes. This may
cotter pins. Tape the antenna elements to the tubes.
be a needed function, but it should not be
used casually.
if one signal varies from weak to strong. speaker are plugged into the other. I like to Notes
Similarly, a listener may be deafened by use phones and plug them into jack AF2,
'D. Geiser, "Build a Double Ducky Direction
one tone or strain to hear another. An A F with the receiver audio connected to jack Finder" (Jul 1981 QST. pp 11-14).
attenuator allows either a full-strength sig- AFl. 2
D. Geiser, "Updating the Double-Duck> Direc-
nal or a lesser, adjustable, received signal tion Finder." (May 1982 QST. pp 15-17).
io feed the phase detector. The receiver A F Meter Polarity
feeds into one jack, and the headphones or As discussed earlier, the line of direc-
The CCD Antenna—Improved,
Ready-to-Use Construction Data
By Harry Mills, W4FD, and G e n e Brizendine, W4ATE
Box 409, Bullard Route 600 Hummingbird Drive SE
Dry Branch, GA 31020 Huntsville, AL 35803-1610

ince we first described the control-

S led-current-distribution (CCD)
antenna in 1978,' over a thousand
copies of our data sheet have been re-
H(—1(—1(—1(—1(—1(- —)!—)l—)i—)l—)h

quested by interested amateurs and profes-

sionals. Their questions and comments
have given us an incentive to continue our
experimentation with this unique antenna.
The latest improvements in construction
methods and performance are reflected in
this update.

The CCD antenna concept of the first
author has been undergoing continual
refinement at his antenna test range since
1959. Antenna experimentation was a natu-
ral by-product of our careers as Federal
Communications Commission engineers.
Harry was Chief of Engineering, Renewal
and Transfer Div of the Broadcast Bureau,
serving at the Washington, DC, office for
over 34 years. Needless to say, the unusual Tuner

properties of the CCD design have held our

interest since those early days. Very short COQx
At the heart of a full-wave CCD antenna
is a string of series-resonant circuits which IxMTR I
result from pairing each capacitor with an
inductor (wire section) having equal reac-
tance but opposite polarity at the operating Fig 1—The basic CCD antenna system.
frequency. The net result is a very low
impedance to the flow of RF through the
radiator. This idea is implicit in Harry A. ance of space—376.7 Q. 8 ) Fig 2 compares the performance of two
Mills'US Patent 3,564,551. Ladder-type 450-S2 feed line is suitable vertical CCDs against a conventional
for legal-limit power. For low-power quarter-wave vertical standard. These
Genera] Considerations operation (less than 300 watts), foam-type field-intensity patterns were measured at
The recommended arrangement for a 300-Q ribbon cable is adequate and 146 MHz on the W4FD range. Note the 12°
basic CCD system is shown in Fig 1. A 1:4 provides an easier, neater installation. The vertical-plane main lobe from the CCDs—
balun is connected to the transceiver line length is not critical in either case, but with no radials required!
through the shortest possible length of trimming it to any multiple of an electrical
coax. Using a balun in this manner results half-wavelength greatly improves the con- Component Considerations
in wider bandwidth and improved balance. venience of using a noise bridge at the There are two types of capacitors that
(The impedance of the CCD antenna operating position. This may reduce the have been found to offer the best perform-
closely matches the characteristic imped- need for repeated trips to the antenna. ance in CCD applications. Silvered mica
Fig 3—Capacitor/protector assembly in
three easy steps. (1) Select a plastic
6 0 | 6 0 water pipe diameter that is just large
enough to accept the capacitor. Cut 1he
X/ V
y\ \r f -—L^ A y
pipe lengths 1A inch longer than the
3 O / X / A \ I capacitor to hold an adequate amount of
silicone sealer. A pipe cutter or hacksaw
is suggested. (2) Select the proper wire
section length from Table 1, allowing
I ^ J N ^ W V J C Y ' V — ' J t
enough for twists. Sand or scrape the
wire ends in preparation for soldering.
Loop the wire ends through pipes, making
sure that the section lengths are exactly
1 — Rete'ence quieter •wave slandaid '."I'C.'il 18 5 .» I
Dnsoled as shown in Table 1 for the desired band.
2 One hall wavelength CCD vertical, 39 . 0 85$ r.-h diameter *ilh 20
The length of the wire section is
inch dinmctot alumnum tap disk Hrvcn lube sectcns. t\tc 2 5 inches measured between pipe centers as
long. gomcd vtit!i ion capacitors oath 22 pF !J."i-.i_- S<J
shown in Fig 4. Twist the ends securely.
j—One vvavWglh CCU vertical. ' V ' - 1 incli d-lmelur, V,irh 2 inch (3) Finally, solder the capacitors as
di.i'in :i\' rf ai lop ana bottom Twenty two tuOe sections each 2 5
inches long, joined win twenty cawcitots ol 22 pF Bottom CO loot shown. Do not apply the silicone sealer
aOovtt <?ound Ccmer-leO
until after you've tested the CCD at a
Fowl lines M matched 3C0 i t GtouM scteon 20 • convenient height of 5 feet above ground.
Field Intensity Inst'umonl TACO JlHUOLD Model AIM 719 8
Anionna roshng Range 14G 55 tnH;. it VASFD 30 Jure 19B1

Fig 2—Measured radiation patterns of

vertical 2-meter CCDs compared to a
'M-X reference. Note the 12° main lobe of
the full-wave CCD.

Table 1
Capacitor Sizes, Wire Sections and End Loads
Fig 4—Measure the length of a wire
section between the pipe centers. End-Load Band Length Section Sections Capacitor Capacitors
Diameter (Meters) (Feet) (Inches) (Number) (PF) (Number)
— 160 560 140 48 1560 46
18° 80 280 70 48 780 46
12° 40 140 35 48 390 46
— 30 97 24.36 48 270 46
9° 20 70 17.5 48 195 46
— 15 46.5 11.5 48 130 46
— 10 35 8.75 48 97 46

Fig 5—Two examples of simple end loads Note: Loads for other bands may be extrapolated from the values shown. (Capacitive
or hats that can be used if required. (A)
Two stiff wires (such as brass welding load diameter increases current flow in end sections.)
rod) are soldered at their crossing points.
Make two assemblies and solder one to
each end of the CCD. (B) This design is
similar to the crossed wires, but adds a
rim for additional capacitive loading. The
total end-load diameters can be found in leads. A l s o be sure to check the tolerance e x p o s e s the steel core, a p o o r c o n d u c t o r of
Table 1. of e a c h capacitor (it m u s t not e x c e e d 5%). RF.
Try to locate an accurate instrument for
your m e a s u r e m e n t s . C l u b or school instru- Setting Resonance
m e n t s are o f t e n available for testing in their A correctly built C C D a n t e n n a for 80
capacitors h a v e low loss, high Q , and are labs. meters, for e x a m p l e , will c o v e r 3.5 to 4.0
ruggedly c o n s t r u c t e d . T h e 300-V, 5 % types T w e l v e - g a u g e wire was used to obtain M H z with a usable S W R and using no
are sold for as little as f i v e c e n t s e a c h in the specifications in Table I. S t r a n d e d wire luner. B e c a u s e of the c a p a c i t o r action,
quantities of 100. 7 Polystyrene c a p a c i t o r s with a tough plastic j a c k e t will r e d u c e pre- b a n d w i d t h is not s y m m e t r i c a l at each side
are very stable, and offer high Q and very cipitation static. E n a m e l e d solid c o p p e r is of r e s o n a n c e . R e s o n a n c e should be set at
low loss. Regardless of which capacitor also a g o o d choice. Avoid copper-clad wire 25 k H z a b o v e the low end of any band by
you c h o o s e , b e w a r e of those with fragile s i n c e it o f t e n rusts through the c o a t i n g and r e m o v i n g (or adding) equal n u m b e r s of
capacitor sections at both antenna ends. If of s o m a n y individuals, the C C D a n t e n n a References
only partial band c o v e r a g e is desired, set in its p r e s e n t f o r m w o u l d not h a v e b e e n ' Mills and Brizendine, "Antenna Design:
the resonance to 25 k H z a b o v e the l o w e r p o s s i b l e . W e w i s h to t h a n k D r A r t h u r Something New!," 73, October 1978.
limit of the b a n d s e g m e n t you intend to use. E r d m a n , W 8 V W X , Professor of Electrical Mills and Brizendine, "The CCD Antenna-
Engineering at O h i o State University; Dick Another Look," 73, July 1981.
Recent CCD Successes Turrin, W 2 I M U , of Bell T e l e p h o n e L a b o -
Longerich, 'The CCD Antenna Revisited," 73,
May 1982
E x c e l l e n t C C D p e r f o r m a n c e on 160 ratories for his M I N I N E C 3 m o d e l i n g ; and 4
Rennie, "Again, The CCD," 73, September
meters has been reported by N 4 V L , W 4 F D Harry A. Mills Jr, K K 4 X , 9 an e n g i n e e r at
and W 9 A L U . All h a v e worked n u m e r o u s S p r a g u e Electric. T h a n k s are also in order 5
Mills and Brizendine, "Antarctic CCD Anten-
VKs and Z L s on this challenging band. for G 4 I A K , G 8 S B V , Z L 2 B R A and Z S 5 A P , nas," 73, July 1983.
A m o n g the m a n y amateurs w h o h a v e re- w h o built and e n j o y e d the C C D . We appre- 6
Atkins, 'The High Performance, Capacitively
ported excellent performance on other ciate the e f f o r t s of Tiziano Aspetti, D A T E , Loaded Dipole," Ham Radio, May 1984.
bands are K K 4 X , K T 3 E , K D 4 C E , K K 4 E J , w h o m w e met at the Huntsville H a m f e s t . 7
Fertik's Electronics, 5400 Ells St, Philadel-
N 4 V M B , N X 4 B and the husband and w i f e He translated the C C D story and published phia, PA 19120.
t e a m of D e l b e r t A B 4 T H a n d D o r t h a it in Italy. Lastly, the faster, m o r e user- ITT Reference Data for Radio Engineers, 4th
N4SHE. friendly antenna modeling ELNEC ed.
p r o g r a m of R o y Lewallen, W 7 E L , 1 0 w a s Route 3, Box 654, West Jefferson, NC 28694
Acknowledgments very h e l p f u l . PO Box 6658, Beaverton, OR 97007.
Without the support and e n c o u r a g e m e n t
Antenna Performance:
By Analysis
By Bill Shanney, KJ6GR
19313 Tomlee Ave
Torrance, CA 90503

became interested in controlled-cur-

I rent-distribution ( C C D ) antennas
after reading about them in The
ARRL Antenna Compendium, Volume 2. 1 , 2
Length = 1 X (typical)

I later had a Q S O with Jim Gray, W 1 X U ,

who was using a CCD antenna and putting
out a good signal. Jim provided me with
several references 3 " 6 which increased my
curiosity. I found myself asking a lot of

questions but getting inadequate answers
concerning the theory o f C C D antenna op-
eration. The purpose of this article is to
present the results o f an extensive analysis
performed using the MININEC antenna
analysis program. 7

A C C D antenna consists of a length of
wire broken into short sections separated by
capacitors. As explained in the preceding
article by the CCD inventors, the capacitor
values are chosen to resonate or nearly Ladder Line to Antenna Tuner
resonate the inductance of the wire lengths
at the design frequency, as shown in Fig 1
Fig 1—CCD dipole antenna configuration and current distribution. CCD dipoles are
here. The capacitively loaded wire antenna
typically constructed with about 20 capacitors per half wavelength.
may be configured as a dipole, vertical, loop
or any other shape.
The main feature of a properly designed
CCD antenna is the current distribution. center feed-point impedance of several eling-wave phase shift as observed in a
For a C C D dipole of any length the current thousand ohms due to the current minimum plain length of wire. T h e open-circuit
is at maximum at the feed point and de- at its center, while a C C D dipole of the boundary condition at the dipole ends
creases to zero at the open ends without the same length has a moderately low imped- forces the current to zero at these points.
current reversals present in long-wire ance. The current distribution is not uniform in a
antennas. Since the phase reversals in a The C C D dipole is simply a cascade of C C D dipole, as some authors have sug-
long-wire antenna are responsible for mul- series-resonant circuits, each of which has gested.
tiple lobes in the radiation pattern, the C C D no net phase shift through it. The phase Above the design frequency the capaci-
antenna only contains the main lobes. One shift through the inductive wire section is tive reactance decreases and the antenna
additional feature of a full-wave C C D is its canceled by the opposite phase shift of the behaves more like a plain wire. Below the
low input impedance. A full-wave center- capacitor. It looks like a length o f wire with design frequency the capacitive reactance
fed wire (two half waves in phase) has a current flowing through it but with no trav- gets larger. For the designs I have analyzed,

Fig 2—Vertical-plane radiation patterns of Fig 3—Vertical-plane pattern of an Fig 4—Vertical-plane pattern of a
40-meter center-fed antennas of 1 X. 80-meter horizontal full-wave CCD loop 40-meter horizontal full-wave CCD loop
Solid line: CCD dipole; broken line, 40 feet above ground. The azimuth 40 feet above ground. Its azimuth pattern
center-fed wire (two half waves in phase). pattern is within 0.4 dB of being circular. is within 0.8 dB of being circular. The gain
Note that the CCD dipole shows no This loop has its gain peak at 44° peak of this loop is a very respectable
performance advantage over the elevation. This is much better than the 36°. Design: 40 3.5-ft wires with 38
full-wave wire. CCD design: 48 straight-up radiation characteristics of a 270-pF capacitors and a 135-pF capacitor
equal-length wires, total length 140 feet, wire loop at the same height. Design: 40 opposite the feed point. Calculated
with 46 390-pF capacitors. Center-fed 7-ft wires with 38 470-pF capacitors and a radiation resistance: 71 £1.
wire length = 130 feet. Maximum gain for 235-pF capacitor opposite the feed point
both antennas is at a 51° elevation angle. (to resonate two inductors). Calculated
radiation resistance: 32 Cl.

however, radiation at half the design fre-

quency d o e s take place with p e r f o r m a n c e
c o m p a r a b l e to a h a l f - w a v e wire dipole.
Table 1
Dipole Performance Comparison
M y interest in this u n i q u e a n t e n n a is a Antenna Type Frequency Gain Impedance
product of m y desire f o r a better 4 0 - m e t e r (MHz) (dBi) (ohms)
signal. I use a b e a m for t h e higher fre- Full-wave CCD 7 6.4 306
quency b a n d s with g o o d results, but it's Full-wave wire 7 6.8 >4k
hard to c o m p e t e for D X on 4 0 m e t e r s with
Half-wave CCD 7 5.6 62*
an inverted V u p only 4 0 feet at its apex.
Half-wave wire 7 5.5 84
Since 1 c a n ' t put my antennas any higher, I
p e r f o r m e d m y a n a l y s i s at 4 0 feet. T h i s Full-wave CCD
should be of interest to a m a t e u r s with lim- at half frequency 3.5 7.8 11.5*
ited s p a c e f o r a n t e n n a s . I d i d n ' t c o m p u t e
frcc-spacc patterns s i n c c I w a s only inter- "Real part only (resistive c o m p o n e n t )
ested in the p e r f o r m a n c e over real g r o u n d .
I used a g r o u n d conductivity of 4 m S / m and
a dielectric constant of 13 f o r all of my
calculations. T h e r e m a y be errors in t h e
i m p e d a n c e s calculated by M I N I N E C s i n c e at half f r e q u e n c y . T h e 3 . 5 - M H z e x a m p l e l o w - a n g l e radiation p e r f o r m a n c e of these
real-earth g r o u n d e f f e c t s are not taken into shown has a l500-£2 capacitive input reac- loops m a k e s t h e m an attractive alternative
a c c o u n t by this a n a l y s i s p r o g r a m . T h e tance w h i c h may m a k e m a t c h i n g difficult f o r l o w - b a n d enthusiasts. A f u l l - w a v e wire
gains and antenna patterns do take real- at high p o w e r levels since the input resis- l o o p at this height radiates straight u p and
ground r e f l e c t i o n s into account. [But the tance is very low. T h e h a l f - w a v e C C D exhibits a f r e e - s p a c e i m p e d a n c e of about
gain c a l c u l a t i o n s in turn use the results of dipole is also not resonant. T h e original 100 £2. ( T h e M I N I N E C c o m p u t e d imped-
the i m p e d a n c e calculations, so c a n n o t b e authors p o i n t e d out this fact, 4 and the an- a n c e s are s h o w n in t h e captions f o r the
taken as absolutely accurate.—Ed.] alysis p r o v i d e d verification. f i g u r e s . ) T h e a c c u r a c y of t h e radiation
r e s i s t a n c e is q u e s t i o n a b l e at 8 0 meters,
CCD Dipole Performance C C D Horizontal I.oop P e r f o r m a n c e h o w e v e r , since the antenna is less than VA X
A s u m m a r y of the c o m p u t e d p e r f o r m - A C C D loop differs f r o m a dipole in a high and s i n c e M I N I N E C d o e s not accu-
ance for C C D f u l l - a n d h a l f - w a v e l e n g t h very significant w a y : it has no open-circuit rately a c c o u n t for t h e i n f l u e n c e of real
d i p o l e s a n d t h e i r w i r e c o u n t e r p a r t s is ends to c a u s e the current to be zero. A g r o u n d w h e n calculating radiation resis-
shown in Table 1. Calculated a n t e n n a ra- virtually u n i f o r m current distribution exists tance.
diation patterns f o r the f u l l - w a v e versions around the entire loop at resonance. T h e
are shown in F i g 2. There is no s i g n i f i c a n t p e r f o r m a n c e of a loop of any size with a CCD Horizontal Loop Analysis
p e r f o r m a n c e d i f f e r e n c e between the C C D constant current is described in Section 0 - 0 I h a v e analyzed a n u m b e r of antennas
dipole and a wire antenna of the s a m e of Antennas by J o h n Kraus. 8 T h e familiar with open-circuit ends, including a hori-
length. T h e only advantage of the C C D d o n u t - s h a p e d pattern of a small l o o p is zontal loop with a g a p opposite t h e feed
f u l l - w a v e a n t e n n a is its l o w i n p u t maintained for diameters u p to 3/4 X. point. T h e i r resonant f r e q u e n c i e s all coin-
impedance. T h e c o m p u t e d antenna patterns f o r 80- cide with the resonance of t h e w i r e sections
Table 1 does not show the large input and 4 0 - m e t e r f u l l - w a v e C C D l o o p s are w i t h t h e capacitors. You can i m a g i n e my
reactance of a C C D dipole w h e n operated s h o w n in F i g s 3 a n d 4. T h e very r e s p e c t a b l e surprise w h e n t h e c o m p u t e d r e s o n a n t fre-
quency for a full-wave closed square loop pacitors. When the effects o f mutual induc- other C C D configurations such as rhom-
was 10% low. I reduced all the capacitor tance were included, the calculated reso- bics, Vs, and various bent dipoles were
values by 10% and the loop resonance nant frequencies for the C C D loop agreed analyzed. Some of these did produce supe-
moved up about 5%. Since the capacitors within 1%. T h e inductance resonated by rior performance compared to a wire an-
are ideal loads, this meant the inductance each capacitor is L + 2M. It is important to tenna of the same shape. However, this was
must be wrong. I went back to the original resonate the loop since it is narrowband only true f o r particular antenna orienta-
formula used to calculate the inductance. with reactance increasing very rapidly o f f tions and directions. If you are considering
resonance. an irregularly shaped dipole installation, a
L = 0.00508 /[2.303 log 10 (4/7d) - 0.75] I ' m not sure why mutual inductance is M I N I N E C analysis comparing the C C D to
HH not a factor in determining C C D dipole a wire antenna would be worthwhile.
resonance, but it is important to note that
where the radiation mechanisms f o r the two an- References
/= wire length, inches tenna types are significantly different. 1 0 'S. Kaplan and E. Bauer, "The Controlled Cur-
T h e C C D loop antenna radiates because rent Distribution ( C C D ) Antenna," The
d = wire diameter, inches
ARRL Antenna Compendium, Volume 2,
the moving electric charge is accelerated as
1989, pp 132-136.
I checked my calculations and found it moves in a curve. On the other hand, the 2 S. Keen. 'The End-Coupled Resonator (ECR)

they were correct. Then it dawned on me dipole radiates due to the acceleration of Loop," The ARRL Antenna Compendium,
that two inductors brought close together the reflected charges at the open ends and Volume 2, 1989, pp 137-139.
3 H. A. Mills and G. Brizendine. "Antenna
have mutual inductance. Terman's Radio the feed point. The charges oscillate back
Engineers Handbook9 contains formulas and forth and undergo periodic accelera- Design: Something New," 73, Jul 1981,
pp 282-289.
for the mutual inductance o f straight wire t i o n . Currents t r a v e l i n g in opposite 4 H. A. Mills and G. Brizendine, "The CCD
sections connected end to end and with a directions may cancel whatever mutual in- Antenna—Another Look." 73. Jul 1981,
gap between them (designated as " D " ) . For ductance is present. pp 50-57.
equal-length wire sections connected end 5 D. Atkins, "The High-Performance, Capaci-
to end the formula reduces to Conclusions tively Loaded Dipole," Ham Radio, May
C C D full-wave horizontal loops are an 1984.
6 G. Rennie, "Again, The CCD," 73, Sep 1985,
M = 0.00352 /|iH exciting option for the low-band enthusiast
with limited space. Additional work needs pp 12-14.
7 ELNEC by Roy Lewallen, W7EL, was used for
For wire sections with a gap D, to be done to measure or compute the im-
the dipole calculations. M N C by Brian
pedance of loops close to ground. A C C D
Beezley, K6STI, was used to analyze the
M = 0.00585 (2/+ D ) log, 0 (2/+ D ) + dipole, on the other hand, exhibits no real CCD loops.
D log10D - 2 (/+ D ) log,0(/+ D ) nH advantage over a wire dipole. Although not 8J. Kraus, Antennas (New York: McGraw Hill,

presented in this article, C C D verticals 1988), Chapter 6.

9 F. Terman, Radio Engineers Handbook (New
T h e computer performs its analysis were analyzed and found to o f f e r no advan-
with no gaps in the wires, but practical tage over conventional verticals, in my York: McGraw Hill, 1943). pp 48 and 66.
l0 See pp 50-52 of Ref 8.
C C D antenna construction techniques use opinion.
insulating spacers to support the series ca- During the course of this investigation,
The Cross Antenna
By R. P. H a v i l a n d , W 4 M B
1035 Green Acres Circle N
Daytona Beach, FL 32019

he cross antenna is a member of quencies to simplify clement support. (The

T the quad family, and came to my

attention through an IEEE paper.'
As I had been working on quads, I studied
ratio of physical to electrical wavelength
does depend on conductor diameter.) In the
meter-wave bands, a combination of cop-
the concept in some detail. This showed per and plastic pipe and fittings can be used
some interesting properties, suitable for for a simple and rugged assembly.
amateur work in the frequencies above The difference between the TWC and
144 MHz. The study is reported here in the SWC lies in the feed. For the standing-
sufficient detail to allow application by wave type, the cross conductor can be bro-
scaling to the desired frequency band. ken at any convenient place and fed with a
balanced line. Delta or gamma matching is
General Concept also possible. For a wide frequency range
The basic cross antenna is composed of of operation, the feed impedance at any
a number of identical U-shaped arms ar- point is quite variable.
ranged radially about a central point, with Fig 1—Four-arm cross antenna. The In the traveling-wave type, ideally, the
antenna is normally used with a reflecting
the open end of the U toward the center and screen. The conductor can be broken at
standing wave must be completely sup-
the ends of the adjacent arms connected any convenient place and the antenna fed pressed. This is conveniently done by
together. For example, the 4-arm cross is with a balanced line, or broken at a breaking a short arm conductor; one of the
shown in Fig 1. As in the loop antenna, short-arm conductor and one of the ends ends created is fed against the ground
created fed against the ground plane. The
there may be more than one turn around the plane. The other is returned to the ground
other end is returned to the ground plane
cross. (The antenna is covered by French via a loading resistance. plane via a loading resistance. This resis-
patent 85 10463 of July 9. 1985). tance value is equal to the characteristic
For each arm, the long sides are 180 impedance of a single-wire unbalanced
electrical degrees in length, X . The transmission line having the same conduc-
short-side length depends on n, the number the maximum gain point, but the interest- tor diameter d and spacing h from the
of arms, the length being 360/n electrical ing feature is that the gain exceeds that of ground plane, that is, Z = 138 log(4h/d).
degrees. This is >4 X for the 4-arm type. As a dipole over a frequency range of at least The dissipation rating of the resistor should
is common in large loop antennas, the elec- 6:1. Feed-point or drive resistance does be about 5% of the total input power for a
trical length is a few percent shorter than vary, but is reasonably constant over fre- single-turn 4-cross. The arrangement is
the physical length. The antenna is nor- quency ranges in excess of three to one. related to the more common Beverage an-
mally used with a reflecting screen. The Drive reactance is also variable, but can be tenna.
cross antennas are of two types, of quite low over a 2:1 frequency range.
different characteristics. Both have inter- Performance
esting and useful properties. Construction The following data is based on a
The traveling-wave cross (TWC) pro- Both cross types are mounted above a MININEC analysis of a 4-cross with a
duces a circularly polarized main lobe, and ground-plane reflector. As with the more long-arm length of 0.5 meter, short arm of
does this without any phase-shifting net- common bedspring antenna, the reflector 0.25 meter, and a conductor diameter of
works. At the best design point, the should be at least ' 4 X larger in all dimen- 0.012 meter. All data is for a spacing of
polarization ratio is essentially perfect, and sions than the cross itself; still larger is 0.2 meter above a perfect infinite ground
the gain reasonably high. The polarization better. The cross can be mounted a conven- plane.
ratio shifts with frequency, so the antenna ient distance above the reflector, the range For the TWC configuration, the con-
is relatively narrow band. 0.1 to 0.2 X being typical. If the reflector is ductor of one short arm was interrupted at
The standing-wave cross (SWC) pro- not solid, mesh construction is necessary to the center, with both ends turned 90°
duces a main lobe having both horizontal give the same reflection for the horizontal toward the ground plane. Feed is between
and vertical polarization, but does not have and vertical components. one of the ends and the ground plane, and
the phase relationship necessary for circu- The cross can be of wire or tubing, but the load resistance is placed between the
lar polarization. Gain is reasonably high at tubing is generally used for the higher fre- other end and the ground plane. The SWC
71 01
t 100
/ o


/ -50
290 300 310
Frequency, MHz

290 300 310 320

Frequency, MHz Fig 4—Feed-point resistance and

reactance of the 4-cross traveling-wave
Fig 2—Polarization gains for the 4-cross antenna versus frequency.
TWC antenna.

loop is continuous, with feed at the end of

a short arm. Fig 3—Calculated radiation patterns for
Four analysis segments were used for the 4-cross TWC antenna. At A, for the
vertical plane containing the open arm,
the long arms, and two for the short. This is and at B, for the plane at right angles to
not a sufficient number for a truly accurate this.
analysis, but experience with MININEC
indicates that pattern and drive resistance
accuracy should be reasonably good.

TWC "type 15
The intensity of the main lobe normal

to the ground plane is shown in Fig 2, for 12

the horizontal and vertical components.

Providing the phase is correct, the ratio of
these gives the degree of polarization non-
circularity. At the point of equal horizontal o• 6
and vertical intensity, the calculated angle 3 V A

accuracy is within ±10 degrees of the ideal

phasing, so the degree of circularity ap- 0
100 230 300 400 Fig 6—Radiation patterns for the 4-cross
pears good. ("Appears" is used, since the SWC antenna. A is the pattern in the
Frequency, MHz
number of calculating segments is too vertical plane containing the open arm,
and B for the plane at right angles to this.
small for really good accuracy.) Fig 5—The gain of the standing-wave
Fig 3A shows the total component pat- cross versus frequency. Curve A shows
tern for the plane containing the open arm, the gain normal to the ground plane, and
curve B the gain for the largest lobe.
and Fig 3B for the one at right angles to
this. The main lobe gain is 11.5 dB above
isotropic; the main lobe beamwidth is over 12.7 dBi, with a beamwidth of about
about 32°. 42°.
The relatively large component along resonance of the long arm. Matching to a At low frequencies the antenna is acting
the ground plane, about - 1 0 dB, appears to 50-fl line can be done with an open stub to as a quad loop. As the frequency increases,
be from the feed and load segments acting cancel reactance plus a 3:1 balun. the lobe normal to the loop starts to split;
as vertical radiators spaced '/4 X apart. It however, the length-shape relations cancel
would appear that this component could be SWC Type this splitting around half-wave long-side
reduced by restoring most of the open arm, The gain of the standing-wave cross is resonance. At still higher frequencies the
bringing the feed and load segments close shown in Fig 5 for the range 75 to 475 MHz. lobe splitting again occurs.
together, to act as a transmission line rather Two values are shown, A being the gain The pattern at the maximum gain point
than a pair of radiators. normal to the ground plane, and B being the is shown by Fig 6A for the plane through
Fig 4 shows the drive resistance and gain for the largest lobe. Maximum gain the open side, and 6B for the plane at right
reactance for frequencies near half-wave occurs when the long side is V i X , and is angles to this. The feed point for these
patterns is at the junction of a long and e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n . Circular and dual polari-
short side. This n o n s y m m e t r y a p p e a r s in 400 zations are used by satellite s y s t e m s and
the difference b e t w e e n the t w o patterns, XV R VR b r o a d c a s t stations to r e d u c e fading. There
„ 200 A\ \
and in the 9 0 ° pattern. E
are possibilities for m e t e r - b a n d D X i n g , for
T h e d r i v e i m p e d a n c e is s h o w n in Fig 7. ° 0
ATV and for O S C A R work.

Below 150 M H z , the drive resistance is X 1/X \ B r o a d b a n d antennas are a l w a y s useful,
low, as in a q u a d well below resonance. £-200 and e x t e n d i n g the already large frequency
A b o v e about 2 7 5 M H z there is no true
resonance, the reactance r e m a i n i n g low. -400 /r r a n g e of t h e cross w o u l d be worthwhile.
S o m e of the possibilities are multiple-turn
T h i s is also similar to a quad, which s h o w s 100 200 300 400 500 designs, p e r h a p s using log periodic princi-
only the first r e s o n a n c e if the c o n d u c t o r Frequency, MHz ples as s u g g e s t e d in the I E E E paper.
diameter is large. O p t i m u m feed needs to be investigated.
Fig 7—Feed-point resistance and F o r e x a m p l e , would the addition of the
Other Bands reactance of the 4-cross standing-wave fourth short side to the T W C type improve
If all d i m e n s i o n s are scaled by the ratio antenna versus frequency. the pattern? A n d , since high gain is always
300/new f r e q u e n c y , all of the p e r f o r m a n c e u s e f u l , the best configuration f o r an array
data s h o w n here applies to the n e w fre- of 2 or 4 c r o s s e s should be w o r k e d out. A
quency. For e x a m p l e , the long side of a q u i c k estimate indicates that an array gain
9 0 0 - M H z 4-cross design should be '/j but the f r e q u e n c y of m a x i m u m gain w o u l d a p p r o a c h i n g 2 0 dBi should b e possible.
meter, the short side !/fi meter and s o on. shift s o m e w h a t . A M I N I N E C analysis
T h e f r e q u e n c y of m a x i m u m gain w o u l d be would g i v e t h e shift. Note
924 MHz. A. G. Roederer, "The Cross Antenna: A New
This scaling also applies to the c o n d u c -
Further Study Low-Profile Circularly Polarized Radiator,"
IEEE Trans on Antennas and Prop, May
tor diameter. If it is not convenient to use Several of the unique characteristics of 1990, pp 704-710.
the scaled size, a n o t h e r size may be used, the cross a n t e n n a merit f u r t h e r study and
The Skeleton Discone
By D. Wilson Cooke, WA4RHT
PO Box 203
Tigerville, SC 29688

o you need a coax-fed, broad-

D band antenna that works on sev-

eral amateur bands with little or
no a d j u s t m e n t ? This article d e s c r i b e s
experiments in which a discone antenna
was stripped to a simple skeleton. These
experiments suggest that a skeleton of a
discone antenna can be constructed of wire,
rod or tubing. It will work over several
amateur bands without adjustment, and
will maintain an SWR in a 50-Q line of 2: l
or less. Sufficient data is given so that the
element lengths can be calculated for any
reasonable antenna frequency. Step-by-
stcp construction details, however, are not
The discone antenna was introduced in
the mid '40s' and has been described infre-
quently in the amateur literature. Unlike
dipoles, verticals, quads, Yagis and other
popular antennas, the discone is not as well
known or as widely used. The 15th (1988)
edition of The ARRL Antenna Book con-
tains a section on discone antennas for both
HF and V H F use. 2 This material is recom-
mended reading for anyone wishing further
information on this unusual antenna. Fig 1—Cross section of the discone antenna. The slant height of the cone, L, is a
quarter wavelength at the lowest operating frequency. The diameter of the disk, D, is
Fig 1 shows a cross section of the dis-
67-70% of L. The shield of the coax feed is attached to the top of the cone and the
cone antenna. The bottom of the antenna center conductor is attached to the center of the disk.
consists of a metal cone whose slant height,
L, is equal to the diameter of the base of the
cone, R. Above the conc is a metal disk
with a diameter (D) equivalent to about of up to ten limes the low-frequency cutoff. enough to make construction and mounting
67% to 70% of the slant height of the cone. As far as the feed line is concerned, the of the antenna fairly easy. For example, an
The coax feed-line shield is attached to the discone appears as a properly terminated antenna with a low-frequency cutoff of
top of the cone while the center conductor high-pass filter. Radiation is vertically 144 MHz might have a cone slant height of
passes through a small hole in the top of the polarized at low angles over the lower fre- 20 inches and a disk diameter of 14 inches.
cone and is attached to the disk. quencies. As the upper frequency limit of In fact, a carefully constructed discone
The slant height, L, is a free-space quar- the antenna is approached, the radiation antenna might work through the 1.2-GHz
ter wave (246/free. Of 75/fim»ters. where f is angle turns upward. C o m m o n vertical band! It could be made of sheet aluminum
the f r e q u e n c y in MHz) at the lowest a n t e n n a s l i k e the g r o u n d p l a n e and or other metals.
f r e q u e n c y for w h i c h the a n t e n n a is grounded vertical have the high current A discone for HF is more difficult to
designed. Below this frequency the SWR portion of the antenna at the bottom. The construct. At 14 MHz the cone would re-
increases rapidly. If the hole at the top of discone has the high current portion of the quire a slant height of at least 18 feet and a
the cone is small with respect to the slant antenna at the top. The discone requires no disk diameter of 12 feet. The construction
height, the antenna will provide a good ground or ground screen for its operation. and wind loading of such a discone would
match to 5 0 - Q coax over a frequency range The si/c of a VHF discone is small make the antenna impractical for most
amateur applications. measurements were made over a period of
Several skeletons of the discone have two weeks on a variety of different antenna
been made in which the disk and cone are configurations. I measured the SWR at 10-
simulated by wires or rods. Radio Shack MHz intervals from 70 MHz to 320 MHz
and Procomm market similar VHF skele- (the upper frequency limit of my dip meter).
ton discones. The disk is replaced by eight I tried configurations of eight, six, four and
horizontal spokes about one foot in length, three spokes in various combinations. The
giving a "disk" diameter of two feet. The results of these measurements are summa-
cone is simulated by eight rods tilted down rized in Table I. Many other measurements
at a 60° angle similar to drooping radials. were made that are not reported, but they
These are about three feet in length. The were consistent with those in Table I and
low-frequency cutoff of skeleton discone would contribute little additional informa-
antennas is a p p r o x i m a t e l y 100 M H z . tion.
Above this frequency the SWR is usually While a sheet-metal discone has a low-
below 1.5:1 well into the U H F region. frequency cutoff when the slant height of
Below 100 MHz. however, the SWR rises the cone is approximately a quarter wave,
rapidly. the skeleton discone's low-frequency cut-
The ARRL Antenna Book describes a off is significantly higher. The slant height
high-frequency skeleton discone with a of 38 inches used in these experiments
low-frequency cutoff of 7 MHz. The "disk" should have given a cutoff at 77 MHz in a
consists of eight horizontal a l u m i n u m traditional discone, but the SWR was well
spokes and the "cone" is simulated by 24 Fig 2-—One of the skeleton discones above 3:1 at this frequency for most skele-
Copperweld wires. (The wires also act as discussed in the text. Eight spokes ton designs 1 attempted. It did not drop
guys for the tower that supports the struc- simulate the cone and four simulate the below 2:1 until the frequency reached 100
ture.) The tips of both the disk and cone disk. to 110 MHz (depending on the antenna
spokes are connected by a wire loop. The spoke configurations). This represents a
Radio Handbook describes a similar an- slant height close to one-third wavelength
tenna except that the cone is simulated by could then be quickly attached to the funnel for the low-frequency cutoff.
48 wires.-* and various disk-simulating spokes could The first configuration I tried was a
I became curious about the performance also be attached to the machine screw. This copy of the commercial Radio Shack and
differences between various skeleton dis- arrangement would not be suitable for a Procomm discones. Eight spokes were
cones and full sheet-metal discones. 1 also permanent antenna, but it proved adequate used in the cone and the disk. The tips of
wanted to know the minimum number of for a temporary series of experiments. The neither the disk nor the cone were con-
spokes in the skeleton that would yield experimental antennas were all connected nected. The SWR dropped below 2:1 just
acceptable performance. to a 20-foot length of RG-58 coax leading above 100 MHz and remained low up to
to the measurement equipment. 320 MHz (column A of Table 1). At some
The Skeleton E x p e r i m e n t s Before discussing the actual measure- points the SWR was below 1.1:1 for sev-
It is relatively simple to model an an- ments, a word should be said about meas- eral MHz and was below 1.5:1 over most
tenna at V H F and then scale results to urement equipment. Like many amateurs, of the range. It did rise slightly at certain
lower frequencies. I chose the middle V H F I do not have access to laboratory-grade frequencies with a maximum SWR of 2.1:1
region as the principal frequency for inves- equipment. Some of my measurement at 310 MHz. This leads me to concludc that
tigation because of equipment availability. equipment is home constructed and cali- this design would provide a perfectly ac-
Several skeleton discones were con- brated. and some of it is low cost commer- ceptable antenna for scanner use, as weli as
structed using different numbers of spokes cial equipment. I used a dip meter as a for amateur transmissions on the 144,222,
to simulate the disk and the cone. I selected radio-frequency oscillator. It was coupled and probably the 420-MHz bands. (No
a "cone" slant height (spoke length) of 38 to a counter and SWR meter through a loop measurements were made on the latter
inches and a " d i s k " diameter of 25.5 on a short length of coax. The output at the band.)
inches. These dimensions were selected SWR meter was quite small. Consequently, I substituted a four-spoke disk at the top
because they were small enough to manage the reflected power level was often in the of the antenna while leaving the eight-spoke
easily in testing, and yet large enough that range of a few millivolts. This means that cone unmodified. The SWR measurements
cutting and measuring errors would ac- the diodes in the SWR meter were probably are reported in column B of Table 1. The
count for a small percentage of the overall operating in a nonlinear fashion. This SWR profile is slightly different, being
size of the antenna. I estimated that the low would give rise to errors in SWR measure- higher on some frequencies and lower on
cutoff frequency point would be between ment. others. Even so, this configuration would be
the 6-meter and 2-meter amateur bands. Since all measurements were taken at as acceptable as the eight-spoke disk.
The foundation for the antenna was an approximately the same power levels while Column C reports the SWR profile of
aluminum funnel with a BNC connector using the same equipment, the relative com- an antenna with a four-spoke disk and a
mounted at the small end to serve as the parisons should be valid even though the six-spoke cone. The SWR is generally
junction between the disk and cone portions absolute SWR measurements may some- higher, though still below 2:1 throughout
of the antenna. A machine screw was sol- what inaccurate. All measurements were most of the range above 110 MHz. Three
dered to the center conductor of the BNC made in the yard with the antenna mounted peaks are reported in the table where the
connector and it projected out of the top of on a wooden pole and the disk about seven SWR rose above 2:1. None of these are
the funnel. The spokes simulating the cone feet above the ground. Several hundred within amateur bands.
enough to activate the SWR shutdown fea-
Table 1 ture. (The transmitter output dropped about Table 2
SWR Profiles of Several Skeleton 15%.) If I were to build a permanent ver- SWR Profile of the H F Skeleton
Discones Discussed in the Text sion of this antenna, I would change the Discone with Four Spokes in the
lengths of the spokes slightly to move the Disk and Cone
Frequency —Antenna SWR— high SWR portions of the antenna outside
(MHz) A B C D E the amateur bands of interest. I believe a Frequency Antenna
73 4.9 4.8 5.8 4.8 5.7 similar antenna could be constructed for (MHz)
general multiband use. 18.07 2.5
80 2.7 3.2 4.5 4.1 4.2
Column E reports the SWR profile on
90 2.0 3.4 4.4 4.4 3.7 18.16 2.4
an antenna with three spokes in the disk
100 1.7 2.7 6.6 4.1 4.2 and six spokes in the cone. This antenna 21.01 1.4
110 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.9 would also be useful over the same fre- 21.1 1.3
120 1.0 1.3 2.6 1.2 1.5 quency range. 21.2 1.3
Both The ARRL Antenna Book and the 21.3 1.3
130 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5
Radio Handbook describe H F skeleton dis- 21.4 1.3
140 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.2 cones in which the tips of the disk and cone
145 1.2 1.3 1.5 2.1 1.5 24.93 2.4
spokes are connected by conducting wire.
150 1.4 1.3 1.5 2.0 1.5 In order to determine what effect this 28.1 2.3
160 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.2 1.5 would have on the antenna, I constructed a 28.3 2.2
version of the discone with eight spokes in 28.5 2.2
170 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.3
both the cone and the disk. All spoke tips 28.7 2.3
180 1.1 1.2 1.8 3.2 2.0
were connected by circular wire rings.
190 1.2 1.4 1.4 2.1 1.3 28.9 2.3
This proved to be a mixed blessing. 1 did
200 1.2 1.2 1.5 2.8 1.6 29.1 2.3
not run a complete SWR profile, but per-
210 1.6 1.6 2.0 3.0 2.0 formed spot checks on several frequencies 29.3 2.3
220 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.6 2.1 instead. The low-frequency cutoff dropped 29.5 2.3
to about 77 MHz, but the SWR profile was 29.7 2.3
225 1.5 1.6 1.5 3.7 1.6
generally higher. By utilizing the connect- 144 1.7
230 1.1 1.1 1.2 2.7 1.1 ing rings, a physically smaller antenna
240 1.4 1.5 1.2 2.5 1.3 145 1.8
could be made for the same low-frequency
250 1.2 1.9 1.1 1.2 1.8 cutoff point. However, this approach may 146 1.4

260 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.4 cause a slightly higher SWR at some fre- 147 1.2
q u e n c i e s and additional c o n s t r u c t i o n 148 1.2
270 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.4
280 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.1 2.6
I tried a four-spoke cone/three-spoke
290 1.6 1.8 1.8 2.1 1.8 disk version with circular rings connecting
300 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.7 the spoke tips. It was totally unacceptable.
310 2.1 1.9 2.4 2.2 2.4 The SWR throughout most of its range was
320 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.3 between 2:1 and 3:1 with occasional dips require a tuner to avoid SWR shutdown.
and peaks. SWR alone is not a measure of good
Armed with the information outlined antenna performance. After all, my dummy
A—Skeleton with eight spokes in the
above, I constructed an HF version of the load has an excellent SWR curve well into
cone and the disk.
skeleton discone. I used four spokes, each the VHF region, but it is a lousy antenna!
B—Skeleton with eight spokes in the Some verticals have a good SWR only
six feet long, for the disk. I used four wires,
cone and four in the disk. because of significant ground loses. In
each eighteen feet long, to simulate the
C—Skeleton with six spokes in the cone cone. The top of the antenna was mounted order to determine how well the VHF ver-
and four in the disk. on a push-up mast at about twenty feet. The sion of the skeleton d i s c o n e antenna
D—Skeleton with four spokes in the cone wires were anchored to the ground with performed on transmission and reception,
and the disk. strings at an angle of about 60 degrees. The it was compared with a more traditional
E—Skeleton with six spokes in the cone antenna was fed with 60 feet of RG8X discone antenna.
and three in the disk. coax. The SWR profile of this antenna is A traditional discone was constructed
given in Table 2. using hardware cloth covered with alumi-
The SWR is certainly higher than de- num foil. The slant height was about 22.5
sired in some bands. It does not, however, inches giving a low-frequency cutoff well
make the antenna totally unusable. For test- below 144 MHz. All of my tests indicated
Column D reports the SWR profile of ing purposes I used a Kenwood TS-830S that it performed as expected.
an antenna with four spokes in the disk and transceiver which features 6146 lubes as With my traditional discone as a refer-
in the cone. The SWR peaks are in the final amplifiers. It loaded easily on all HF ence, I made field-strength measurements
wrong places for the 144- and 222-MHz amateur bands from 18 MHz and up without on each of the five skeleton models out-
bands, though they are acceptable for many a tuner. T h e antenna also w o r k e d on lined in Table 1. At a distance of twenty feet
applications. When using my 10-watt, 2 meters with both a mobile and a hand-held (roughly 3 A.) there was no measurable
144-MHz transmitter, the SWR was high rig. 1 suspect that a solid-state HF rig would difference in radiated field strength bc-
tween the skeleton discones and the tradi- at a distance of 175 feet. The meter had a approaches one-third wavelength. When
tional discone on 2 meters. Two distant vertically polarized pickup antenna about designing a skeleton discone, a length
repeaters with marginal signals at my QTH 6 feet long. On 17, 15 and 12 meters the slightly longer than one-third wavelength
were used for reception testing. I found no skeleton discone had a 2- or 3-dB advan- (330/ffcci or 100/finders) at the lowest oper-
measurable difference in received signal tage. On 10 meters the vertical-antenna ating frequency should be chosen for the
strength between the traditional discone signal strength was about 1 dB stronger. cone spokes. The length of the disk spokes
and the skeleton discones. All of these (measured from center to tip) should be
measurements were made at the same loca- Conclusions and Suggestions about 0.34 times the length of the cone
tion in my yard with the disks approxi- I arrived at several conclusions as a spokes. This will give a disk diameter of
mately seven feet above the ground. result of these experiments: just over two thirds the slant height of the
The HF version of the skeleton discone 1) Experiments can be conducted by cone.
could not be conveniently measured amateurs with simple and inexpensive in- 5) A skeleton discone constructed with
against a similar solid discone. I could only struments and still achieve meaningful connecting rings requires more spokes for
compare it with more conventional anten- results. acceptable performance. A skeleton dis-
nas. Obviously, my triband beam at 41 feet 2) The skeleton discone is a practical cone with eight or more connected spokes
outperformed the discone. In its favored antenna that could serve as a general-pur- has a low-frequency cutoff point where the
direction the beam is about two to four S pose, wide-band antenna. It certainly will spoke length of the wire simulating the
units better. Off the sides and back of the not perform as well as a single-band gain cone is about a quarter wavelength
beam, however, the discone is frequently antenna adjusted for optimum perform- (246/fr cc i or 75/fmctor.s). Therefore, the
better. Marginal signals are much easier to ance, but it should be quite useful for many length of the elements for a given fre-
copy with the beam. This is to be expected amateur applications. Element lengths are quency are shorter, but more elements are
since the beam is twice as high and has not critical if the builder makes them suf- required.
substantially greater gain. ficiently long while maintaining the disk 6) Because there are peaks and valleys
I desired a fairer comparison for the HF diameter at about 67-70% of the total cone in the SWR curve of a skeleton discone, it
skeleton discone so I constructed some tem- spoke length. should be possible to design an antenna
porary 14-A. verticals with ground planes 3) As the number of spokes in the skele- with low SWR points within the amateur
about six feet above the ground. Both field- ton is decreased, the SWR curve has more bands. This would require some cut-and-
strength and reception measurements variations. This indicates that one should try testing, but could produce an excellent
indicated that the skeleton discone was as use as many spokes as possible. An HF antenna for general use.
good as the verticals—and often better. Any antenna with just a few spokes should
signal that was readable on one antenna was work, however. The number of spokes in The author would like to hear from
also readable on the other. When monitor- the cone appears to be more important than others who have experimented with this
ing signals from the United States, South (he number in the disk. A simple Trans- sort of antenna. An SASE would be appre-
America and Europe, I noticed that the match could reduce the SWR so that even ciated if a reply is desired.
skeleton discone had an advantage of one to the most sensitive solid-state rigs would be
two S units on 15 meters. Fewer signals usable. The additional line loss that is pres- Notes
were heard on 17 meters, but the results ent with an SWR in the 2:1 range is not *G. Kandoian, "Three New Antenna Types and
were similar. On 12 and 10 meters not many generally a problem at HF if a very simple Their Applications," Proc IRE, Volume 34,
Feb 1946, pp 70w-75w.
signals were available when I was checking skeleton is desired. For VHF I would 2
The ARRL Antenna Book, 15th edition (The
the antennas. With the few signals that I did recommend a version with eight or more A m e r i c a n Radio Relay League, 1988),
monitor, the discone performed as well as spokes to obtain a flatter SWR curve. pp 9-7 through 9-12.
the verticals. This included one signal from 4) A skeleton discone that does not util- W. I. Orr, Radio Handbook, 22nd edition
the Azores on 10 meters. ize connecting rings at the tips of the (Howard W. Sams & Company, Inc, 1981),
pp 27.24-27.26.
I measured transmitted field strength spokes has a low-frequency cutoff point
from the verticals and the skeleton discone where the length of the cone spokes
The T-L DX Antenna
By Robert Wilson, A L 7 K K
Box 110955
Anchorage, AK 99511

had an opportunity to operate out in

I the bush on short notice and I needed

a DX antenna that was cheap and
easy to build. It had to be theoretically
sound and capable of being assembled in
one afternoon. It also had to fit between
two spruce trees at a reasonable height. The
result was the "T-Lambda" antenna (see
Fig l). It looks like the letter T standing on
top of the Greek letter lambda (A). I simply
call it the "T-L."
My experience as an advance planner
for a large shortwave broadcast network
showed me that only the lower 15° of an
antenna pattern is valuable for DX. The
easy way to get low angle radiation is with
a half-wave vertical, but there are a number
of practical problems with this approach.
First of all, it is difficult to hoist a wire high
enough for an effective half wave vertical.
In addition, feeding a tall vertical is a prob-
lem because the antenna field is often
Fig 1—The complete T-L DX antenna design.
disturbed by the coax. This makes match-
ing a real headache. Taking these factors
into consideration, I drew upon my com-
mercial shortwave background for some
unique ideas to overcome these problems. tion places the radiation center higher ance at the desired frequency. Raising the
above the ground and improves the low- antenna does not present a serious problem,
The T-L Antenna Design angle radiation pattern characteristics. but the pattern may suffer when the feed
The T-L was designed to directly match If one were to slice through a typical point is more than about -Mi X above ground.
a 50-ohm coax. Also, I wanted to string it discone antenna, it would look much like a Only a four-function calculator is required
like a horizontal dipole between two trees T-L. The vertical leg of the T is longer than to determine all dimensions in either feet or
while still retaining a vertical radiation pat- you might expect, but the additional length meters, for any frequency.
tern. I configured the upper half like an old- is required to match the 50-ohm line. One Table 1 shows the dimensions for the
fashioned top-loaded T antenna in an effort similarity to the discone is that the T-L is amateur bands in feet. Table 2 shows the
to shorten the height. (T antennas have fairly broadbanded. While it is not quite as dimensions for general purpose SWL an-
been used for more than 70 years, but not broad as a discone, it offers a bandwidth tennas to cover the entire high frequency
this way!) superior to most other antennas. This is an spectrum. For shortwave broadcast recep-
The conventional T vertical needs nu- important consideration when attempting tion the T-L antenna may be optimized to
merous ground wires, but this is not the to use solid-state transceivers that automat- the band of choice, but it will also rcccivc
ease with the T-L. It has only two quarter- ically reduce power output in the presence very well on a much wider range of fre-
wave wires above the ground with an apex of a high SWR. quencies.
angle of 90°. Remarkable as it may seem, The following formulas are required to The horizontal bar on top of the T is L1.
only two wires were required to give a good calculate the dimensions of a T-L antenna. This is the wire length from one insulator
pattern. This is highly desirable where dry Please note that the bottom should be to the opposite insulator. Values can be
soil, sand or permafrost offer poor ground mounted at a minimum distance above calculatcd for either feet or meters.
conductivity. The elevated T-L configura- ground to give a proper 50-ohm feed imped-
Table 1
T-L DX Antenna Data lor the Amateur Bands

Band Freq. L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
Top Bar Vert Bar V Leg Bot. Ht. Top Ht. Width Bandwidth, MHz

160 1.9 91.8 68.7 115.0 36.8 187.4 162.6 1.7-2.1

80 3.7 47.2 35.3 59.1 18.9 96.2 83.5 3.3-4.1
75 3.9 44.7 33.5 56.0 17.9 91.3 79.2 3.5-4.3
40 7.2 2^.4 18.3 30.6 9.8 49.8 43.2 6.4-7.9
30 10.1 17.2 12.9 21.6 6.9 35.2 30.5 9.1-11.1
20 14.2 12.3 9.2 15.4 4.9 25.1 21.8 12.8-15.6
17 18.1 9.6 7.2 12.1 3.9 19.7 17.1 16.3-19.9
15 21.2 8.2 6.1 10.3 3.3 16.8 14.6 19.1-23.3
12 24.9 7.0 5.2 8.8 2.8 14.3 12.4 22.4-27.4
10 28.5 6.1 4.6 7.7 2.5 12.5 10.8 25.7-31.4
6 50.1 3.5 2.6 4.4 1.4 7.1 6.2 45.1-55.1
2 146.0 1.2 0.9 1.5 0.5 2.4 2.1 131.4-160.6

Note: All dimensions are in feet.

174.5 f
LI = feet

53 2
LI = meters

The vertical part of t h e T is L2. This runs

from the center of L1 down to the top of an
insulator where it is connected to the center
wire of the 50-ohm coax.

L2 = — feet

, „ 39.8
L2 = meters

Each half of the inverted V ground sys-

tem is calculated by L3. These wires run
from the lower part of the center insulator
to two insulators located near the ground.
The apex is connected to the shield of the
50-ohm coax. The coax must run vertically
up the center line of the antenna f r o m the
ground. The angle of the apex is 90°.

> i 218.5 f ,
L3 = — feet

., 66.6
L3 = - meters
'MHz A 10-meter T-L mounted on the roof of the author's backyard shed.
Table 2
T-L DX Antenna Data for Selected SWL Bands

Band Freq. L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Bandwidth,

Top Bar Vert Bar V Leg Bot. Ht. Top Ht. Width MHz
1 1.0 174.5 130.5 218.5 69.9 356.0 309.0 0.9-1.1
2 1.2 145.4 108.7 182.1 58.3 296.7 257.5 1.1-1.3
3 1.4 121.2 90.6 151.7 48.5 247.2 214.6 1.3-1.6
4 1.7 100.9 75.4 126.3 40.4 205.8 178.6 1.6-1.9
5 2.1 84.3 63.0 105.6 33.8 172.0 149.3 1.9-2.3
6 2.5 70.1 52.4 87.8 28.1 143.0 124.1 2.2-2.7
7 3.0 58.4 43.6 73.1 23.4 119.1 103.3 2.7-3.3
8 3.6 48.7 36.5 61.0 19.5 99.4 86.3 3.2-3.9
9 4.3 40.6 30.3 50.8 16.3 82.8 71.9 3.9-4.7
10 5.2 33.8 25.3 42.3 13.5 69.0 59.9 4.6-5.7
11 6.2 28.2 21.1 35.3 11.3 57.5 49.9 5.6-6.8
12 7.4 23.5 17.6 29.4 9.4 47.9 41.6 6.7-8.2
13 8.9 19.6 14.6 24.5 7.8 39.9 34.6 8.0-9.8
14 10.7 16.3 12.2 20.4 6.5 33.3 28.9 9.6-11.8
15 12.8 13.6 10.2 17.0 5.4 27.7 24.1 11.6-14.1
16 15.4 11.3 8.5 14.2 4.5 23.1 20.1 13.9-17.0
17 18.5 9.4 7.1 11.8 3.8 19.3 16.7 16.6-20.3
18 22.2 7.9 5.9 9.8 3.2 16.0 13.9 20.0-24.4
19 26.6 6.6 4.9 8.2 2.6 13.4 11.6 24.0-29.3
20 32.0 5.5 4.1 6.8 2.2 11.1 9.7 28.8-35.1

Note: All dimensions are in feet.

The minimum height of the lower insu- Bottom insulator to bottom insulator Construction
lators above ground is L4. This value is not distance will be L6. This is the dimension When constructing the antenna it is a
very critical, but to get optimum results that makes the inverted V a 90° angle. good idea to solder every joint. I also prefer
over soils with high conductivity it is best to use Copperweld wire because it resists
to get reasonably close. 309.0 stretching. Make sure that there are no pro-
L6 = feet
fMHz jecting wire ends on the antenna. They will
69.9 promote corona discharge and will greatly
L4 = feet
fMHz 94 2 reduce efficiency.
L6 = ~ • meters
'MHz Ceramic strain insulators, also known
LA = 21.3 meters as egg insulators, will work well in the T-L
fMHz Ground anchors will be needed and design. You will need at least five. Very
their separation distance can be estimated small egg insulators may require two in
The height of the top wire above ground as L7. The actual antenna height above series to get a sufficient voltage rating for
is given by L5. Supporting poles or trees ground can influence this variable, so use rainy day operating. Electric power line
should be at this height or perhaps just a bit it only as a reference point. strain insulators (known as number 502
higher, particularly if the wire sags exces- insulators) are good up to about 1 kW.
sively. 448.7 My first 10-meter T-L antenna was built
L7 feet with copper pipe and standard plumbing
356.0 fittings. All copper-to-copper joints were
L5 = feet cleaned with crocus cloth and then sol-
fMHz 136.8
L7 = meters dered with hard tin-silver solder using a
108.4 small gas torch. The center insulator was a
L5 = meters piece of plastic pipe with an inner diameter
fMHz that accommodated the outside diameter of
the copper pipe. Stainless steel sheet metal exact matches to their 50-ohm coaxial feed from large metal objects.
screws held the copper and plastic pipes lines. I was even able to get my transmitter Lightning protection will be enhanced
together so they would not rotate. Finally, to load on the adjacent ham bands with little by using copper-coated ground rods as
I sealed any potentially leaky joints with difficulty. counterpoise anchors. Bring the coax
silicone glue to waterproof the finished directly down from the antenna if possible
product. Installation Tips and ground the shield with an eight-foot
A wire version of the antenna was also When installing the T-L try to keep it ground rod. Bury the coax or at least run it
built for 15 meters and the entire assembly away from other metal objects. Mounting close to the surface of the ground between
process was completed within a single the antenna near metal pipes, power lines the antenna and your shack. Just before it
hour. The cost of the wire version was ortelephone lines will cause the impedance enters the building, make a lightning coil of
essentially nothing since I used some wire and tuning to suffer. (Remember that there about 20 turns of coax (approximately one
left over from other antenna projects. are pipes and wires inside most houses.) foot in diameter and one foot long) and bury
The 10- and 15-meter T-Ls were pulled Roof mounting seems satisfactory, but it in the ground. These techniques will tend
into big spruce trees with nylon parachute only your own SWR checks will tell. If the to force the lightning to dissipate in the
cord. The results were excellent with superb SWR is 1.3:1 or better, it's fine. Try using ground system rather than in your receiver
DX performance. I also managed to obtain L5 as a rule-of-thumb distance for spacing or transmitter!
A Beginner's Guide to Using
Computer Antenna Modeling
By L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
1434 High Mesa Dr
Knoxville, T N 37938-4443

hen MININEC became avail- setting up certain program basics, (2) set- tions, only a few o f which we need for the

W able to antenna experimenters

as an antenna modeling com-
puter program, they absorbed it with relish.
ting up consistent modeling conventions,
and (3) developing a baseline of informa-
tion about basic antennas located on one's
purpose of getting used to the program. The
"Wires" entry is for describing the antenna
we shall model. The "Sources" entry is also
It saved them hours, if not days, o f futile own property. The first step permits us to crucial to each model, telling the program
construction effort on designs that would focus on and master the essentials of the where the antenna is fed. Most o f the basic
not improve performance. Now the pro- program, saving advanced features for antennas we shall start with—dipoles, ver-
gram is available in at least three versions later. Step 2 allows us to model accurately ticals, Yagis, and the like—use only one
for the I B M PC and compatible computers and confidently, with minimal error in s o u r c e . Until we start modeling trap
(MININEC3, MN, and E L N E C 1 ) to the comparing one design with another. Step 3 dipoles and beams, we shall likely have no
average ham at reasonable costs. Depend- allows us to interpret intelligently the pat- use for the "Loads" entry (resistances and
ing upon the version, it will run on PCs terns that emerge from new designs we try. reactances as part of the antenna), so we
with or without math coprocessors. Two Once we have mastered both the program may leave it at 0. Other fields tn leave at
versions (MN and E L N E C ) produce excel- and what it can tell us, we can expand our default initially are the "Analysis Resolu-
lent screcn graphics of antenna patterns, knowledge by using its advanced features. tion" entry (1°), the "Step S i z e " entry (5°).
along with documentation of the design, The suggestions presented here are no and the "Field(s) to Plot" entry (total field
source impedance factors, and current dis- substitute for mastering the instructions only). After we become more advanced or
tribution. that come with the program; instead, they develop special interests in the program,
Are these programs really useful to the are designed to supplement those instruc- we may wish to alter those entries.
beginning and moderately experienced tions. The aim here is to make the program Two entries where we must make an
ham? The answer is a resounding Y E S ! and its procedures as useful and instructive initial decision are "Units" and "Ground
When used within their limitations, these as possible, even for the beginning antenna Type." For US hams, feet and inches are
programs can go far beyond textbooks in modeler. The program I use is E L N E C , but the most commonly encountered antenna
teaching us why our antennas act the way the steps suggested here can be translated measurements. For H F work, start and
they do. 2 They can also help us make better for use with nearly any MININEC-based stick with measurements in feet. This will
decisions on what antennas to build or buy program. ease the problem of calculating specific
and how to mount then. However, after a dimensions of antennas by sending us
brief period of sampling the test designs Setting Up the Program through the same steps with each antenna.
included with the program, the antenna Advanced users of E L N E C and similar The selection o f the type o f ground to
modeling program may end up in a disk file programs require considerable flexibility, use is a bit more complex to decide. The
box. The reason for discarding these valu- so the programs offer many options to the program offers free space, perfect ground,
able programs is that most of us fail to user. Often these options inhibit the begin- and real-ground choices. My personal pref-
understand all they can tell us, and that—in ning student of antennas by offering choices erence is for real ground. T h e default
turn—is bccause we do not set up proce- among which the user cannot decide. There- real-ground description uses average soil
dures to squeeze meaningful information fore, the first step in getting the most out of (as explained in the manual). Unless there
out of the program. the antenna modeling program is to make is good reason to change this entry, initially
The purpose o f this article is to show the decisions, even if they are initially made for stick with it. However, if you know the
beginner how to start using an antenna weak reasons. For the new user, conven- electrical characteristics of your soil and
modeling program effectively. A good ience may be the best reason available. surrounding terrain (and water bodies, if
beginning requires three areas of effort: (1) E L N E C offers a menu with many op- present), it may pay to go through the setup
procedures in the manual for establishing a occurrence for beams using aluminum Set up your antenna elements symmet-
detailed ground description. Remember, tubing. rically around x = 0. For a singk-w'.re
however, that the program does not account element, this means taking the total length
for yard clutter that may affect an antenna. Item 2 and dividing it by two. The ends of the wire
Later you can compare real-ground patterns Tabulate the details of each element, then have identical x entries, but one is
with patterns over perfect ground to see including the total length, the length of negative while the other is positive. For
what differing soil conditions can do to an each piece or section of wire or tubing that example, a 66-ft eipolc would have x en-
antenna's gain and pattern. You may also makes up the element, and their diameters tries o f 3 3 and - 3 3 for its two ends.
wish to compare your real-ground patterns or wire sizes. Also include the spacing be- Multisection elements of different diame-
with the free-space patterns so common in tween elements for multielement antennas. ters are only slightly more complex. I have
textbooks. Those exercises will be enlight- At this point, it may be good to place the a portable 10-meter dipole made from
ening, but for comparing one antenna with tabulated data in a column on the left side 4-foot sections of '/4-inch diameter alumi-
another, stay with a consistent description of the notebook page, since you will want num rod with end pieces of 3/i6-inch rod.
of the ground. There are program limita- to manipulate that data before entering it The overall length is 16.6 feet. We can
tions that the selection of real ground cannot into the program. consider the center rods as one 8-foot
overcome; we shall note the most signifi- All MININEC programs require entry piece, which gives us - 4 and +4 for the pair
cant one for the beginning modeler later. of the data in the form of x, y, and z coor- of x coordinates. Each end piece is 4.3 feet
Only two more menu entries require dinates for the ends of each "wire" or long. The x coordinates for the outside ends
comment at this point. For the antenna element section, where x is the standard will be - 8 . 3 and +8.3, with the other ends
"Title," choose your words and abbrevia- left-right axis, y is the standard front-back of the end rods having the same x coordi-
tions c a r e f u l l y to pack in as m u c h (on the computer screen, up-down) axis, nates as the center rod.
information as possible. That will allow you and z is the height of the element above There are two advantages to using this
to easily distinguish ore antenna design ground. Each element section made from a system. First, you can spot errors more
from another. "Dipole" is not a very good different diameter wire or tube has two easily on the element entry screen or print-
choice for a title, but " 1 0 M Wire Dipole, entries, corresponding to the two ends of o u t . J u s t l o o k for n u m b e r s that are
30 Ft Up" might be. The "Frequency" entry the section. It makes no difference to the supposed to be the same except for a sign
also requires care. For each band on which program whether you model the antenna change. (And be sure to survey all the signs
you compare different antennas, use the using x for the element length and y for the for correct negative or positive values
same frequency or set of frequencies. Do spacing between elements or vice versa. while you are at it.) Your notebook page
not shift from one end of a band to the other The convention you choose depends on can have compact entries in preparation for
when changing antenna designs (unless you which system is most convenient. computer work.
have a special reason for doing so); your Since the chief problem I have in setting
comparisons may not be valid. If necessary, up models for the computer is entry errors, Item 3
evaluate an antenna design at two or three I have chosen x for the antenna element Enter in columns next to each element
frequencies within a band, using the same lengths and y for the spacing. This puts the section the arithmetic you did to determine
frequencies for all antenna designs. coordinates most likely to be numerous or element coordinates. For example, the end
Having now decided most of the menu to change (values for x) in the left-hand element sections of the dipole might show
entries in advance, we have reduced the column of the entry readout, where I can 16.6 ft - 8 ft = 8.6/2 = 4.3 ft ± 4 ft = ±8.3 ft.
remaining entries to a manageable few. To survey them easily for errors. And hard-to-
display and print out our results, we shall see errors do occur, as when I forgot a Item 4
deal with decisions involving "Plot Type" decimal point and made part of an antenna Enter the final x coordinates for each
and "Azimuth/Elevation Angle" later on. element 75 inches in diameter rather than element section. If you are careful, you can
First we have to model our antenna design 0.75 inches. Adopting this convention will use abbreviated notations. You can put sec-
in order to enter it into the computer, and require that we take our elevation plots at tions 1 and 3 together as ±8.3 and 4.0, with
that takes some special forethought. an angle o f 9 0 ° rather than at 0°, as noted section 2 as ±4.0. This means that section 1
later on. goes from - 8 . 3 to - 4 . 0 , section 2 from - 4 . 0
Setting Up Modeling Conventions Let's go a step further. Although you to +4.0, and section 3 from 4 . 0 to 8.3. If you
Getting good results from an antenna can enter any set o f x and y coordinates, so are not comfortable with abbreviated list-
program begins with pencil and paper. long as the element sections line up, you ings, then list each piece or section
Whether you are modeling your own an- will probably make fewer errors if you set separately. Note that what we have called
tenna, an idea from a handbook, or an up your antenna symmetrically around "pieces" or "sections" are called "wires" in
experimental design, you will have to put x = 0 and y = 0. Since y is the antenna the program. What the program calls
the figures on paper and change their form element spacing dimension, set the driven "wires" may actually be wire conductors, or
to what the program wants to see. There- element at y = 0. A simple dipole, of course, they may be lengths of metal tubing or rod.
fore, you will want to develop a standard will have no other element. A Yagi might Figs 1 and 2 illustrate two notebook
notebook page for each antenna you model. have either or both a director and a reflec- pages, one for the simple dipole, the other
Here are the preliminary items that should tor. Set the reflector behind the driven for a 3-element Yagi. Notice-that all the
go on the page. element by giving it a negative y sign. A entries are in feet and decimal parts of feet.
reflector 6 feet behind a driven element Therefore, add another item to the pencil
Item I shows up as y = - 6 on the chart. Any and paper you need in order to plan your
Make a neat sketch of the antenna, in- directors receive positive spacing. This entries: a calculator. You will often encoun-
cluding all dimensions. This includes any convention allows you to identify elements ter dimensions like 9 feet 9 l/i inches, which
changes in element dimensions, a common in your setup chart. a calculator easily converts to 9.7917 feet.
Band Antenna Type * El. Height Ground Date Run ? |

10 M Dipole (portable) 1 20' R 01 / 12 / 1991

L . B . Cebik, W4RHL

El. « Lgth feet Sp to DrEl Calculations Wire « E2 X Dia. Sega

16.6 16.6-8=8.6/2=4.3 -8.3 0 20 0 20

4.3+/-4.0»+/-8.3 0 20 0 20 .25

Portable dipole, disassembles and stores Inside 2 5-foot PVC tubes used as mast

Fig 1—Example notebook page for a 10-rneter dipole.

Band Antenna Type # El. Height Ground Date Run ?

ie M Yagi (Ant. Bit. 15th Ed p. 11-11) 3 3a R 01 / 12 / 1991 X

L. B. Ce bik, W4RNL

2.13' 12' 2.13'


2.31' 1 2.31'



2.67' 12' 2.67'

El. 1 Lgth feet Sp to DrEl Calculations Wire » El X y z E2 x y z Dla. Segs

1 16.62 16.62-12=4.62/2=2.31 1 -8.31 0 30 -6 0 30 .875 2

2.31+/-6=+/-8.31 2 -6 0 30 6 0 30 1.0 8

3 6 0 30 8.31 0 30 .875 2

2 17.34 5.23 17.34-12=5.34/2=2.67 4 -8.67 -5.23 30 -6 -5.23 30 .875 2

2.67+/-6=+/-8.67 5 -6 -5.23 30 6 -5.23 30 1.0 8

6 6 -5.23 30 8.67 -5.23 30 .875 2

3 16.26 3.49 16.26-12=4.26/2=2.13 7 -8.13 3.49 30 -6 3.49 30 .875 2

2.13+/-6=+/-8.13 B -6 3.49 30 6 3.49 30 1.0 8

9 6 3.49 30 8.13 3.49 30 .875 2

Anton ia Book desigi i used for pr<>gram test purposes.

Fig 2—Example notebook page for a 3-element Yagi.

Too, you will be using fractionally dimen- leading results. There are no acute angles
sioned tubing (for example, % inch for which special techniques are required.
diameter) that you need to enter as a deci- Likewise, none of these designs use close-
mal (0.875). And, of course, the calculator spaced wires, as with folded dipoles. They,
serves as a check on addition and subtrac- too, require special techniques to give ac-
tion. curate results. And none of these basic
designs require three or more wires to join
Item 5 at one point. 3 When you are fully comfort-
Multielement antennas remind us to add able modeling basic designs, then you can
two more listings. For each element, list the add other techniques to your repertoire,
y and z coordinates, the spacing from the one at a time.
driven element and the height above Which frequency or frequencies should
ground. For all single-wire antennas, such you use? Select the band in which you are
as the dipole, set y = 0. Yagis will have other most interested. Later you can expand your
elements separated from the driven ele- baseline to include other bands, especially
ment. Each element will be the same if you decide to develop multiband anten-
distance above ground. Remember to set nas. The examples here use 28.2 MHz.
the source in the center of the driven ele- What antenna height or heights should
ment for each of the antennas noted here. In you model? Use realistic heights relative to
order to ensure that the program places your your situation. For convenience, I modeled
source at the exact center, use an even num- the example antennas at 20 and 30 feet,
ber of wire segments for the driven element. since the lower height is where my tempo-
Otherwise, your source may be offset. rary dipole is, and the higher elevation is
Use the height that you actually antici- about the size tower I plan to erect. Al-
pate the antenna will be. If you model though two levels arc sufficient to illustrate
quads, of course the vertical sections will Fig 3—Elevation and azimuth patterns for why the baseline data is important, expand-
have changing z coordinates. Once you get a 10-meter X beam design, 30 feet high. ing the baseline to 40, 50, and 60-foot
used to setting up a few dipoles and Yagis, The maximum gain is calculated to be 9.1 heights is not unrealistic.
the changes for vertical sections will come dBi. The azimuth pattern is taken at an Heights of at least 20 feet work well for
elevation angle of 16°. All patterns in
naturally. Start by dividing the vertical sec- this article were calculated with modeling at 10-meter frequencies. How-
tion symmetrically and add or subtract ELNEC 2.20 for "average" earth having ever, at lower frequencies (for example,
from the height of the boom or hub, which a conductivity of 5 millisiemens per 3.5 MHz), 20 feet would place these hori-
you can determine from the real or antici- meter and a dielectric constant of 13. zontal antennas well below the 0.2-X
In all pattern plots, the 0-db reference
pated tower height. (outer ring) is 13 dBi, and all azimuth minimum height for good modeling. 4
This completes the notebook page, ex- patterns are taken at the elevation Table l provides a quick reference to the
cept for any reminders you may wish to angle of maximum forward gain. 0.2-A. height for the HF bands. Below these
add. 1 generally enter a note that tells why heights, results are likely to show incorrect
I modeled the antenna. That refreshes my
memory weeks later when I run across the
page and wonder why I ever spent com- Once you select and model your ground
Table 1
puter time on that crazy design. conditions, stick with them for all models,
0.2 Wavelength at the Lower End
or your designs may not be directly com-
Building a Baseline of Antenna of Low-Frequency Amateur Bands
parable. If you discover that your soil, rock,
Information or sand differs from your original esti-
Frequency 0.2 Wavelength
Let's begin this part of our work with a mates, then revise and rerun all the
little scenario. You model a 2-element X antennas that make up your baseline of 1.8 MHz 109 feet
beam, using some guesswork and intuition information. 3.5 56
for the dimensions. The program produces The next step is to model some basic 7.0 28
the patterns shown in Fig 3. Now, what antennas. Which antennas? You may wish 19.5
have we learned? Not much, perhaps, be- to start with a dipole, a 2-element Yagi, and
14.0 14
yond the fact that this is probably not an a 3-element Yagi, as these are all well-
antenna we'd want to actually build. But established antenna designs with fairly 18.068 10.9
you can learn much more by practicing well developed characteristics. Yagi 21.0 9.4"
with basic antennas over the soil and land designs are available in many handbooks 24.89 7.9
around your own QTH. and ham magazines. 28.0 7
This is the reason why, in the program None of these antennas requires more
setup, I suggested following the instruction than a single source, and they introduce no 'Heights below this point are not
manual and selecting ground conditions loads. Save those complexities until you generally useful for modeling, as yard
that most closely correspond to your own have mastered the program basics (and clutter may affect patterns more than
land. I chose average soil for all the exam- then review the manual on how to use program inaccuracies. Mobile, portable,
ples here because everything indicates that and experimental antenna designs may
them). Moreover, all of these antennas con-
be exceptions.
my h i l l t o p QTH on what once was form to the general idea of avoiding
Tennessee farmland is just that: average. program limitations that may produce mis-
impedances and excessive gain. Always
keep in mind that MININEC-based pro-
grams calculate impedances over a perfect
ground, whether you select a perfect or real
ground. The results are usable for real
ground above the 0.2-A, limit, but may not
be usable for less height. Under some cir-
cumstances, you may have to erect an
antenna below the modeling limit; the an-
tenna may work, but the program may not
accurately model its operation.
The three chosen antennas at two eleva-
tions each require only six runs of the
p r o g r a m . Using constant-diameter ele-
ments for the baseline simplifies the design
work and lets the computer race through
the calculations. More complex antenna
construction, of course, gives you more
element sections and inevitably longer cal-
culation times.
My early experiences have sold me on
the idea of beginning with an elevation
pattern. (Elevation is simply the vertical
radiation pattern, and azimuth is the hori-
zontal radiation pattern.) Since the x
coordinate is in line with the antenna ele- Fig 4—Patterns for a 10-meter dipole, 20 Fig 5—Patterns for a 10-meter dipole, 30
ments, the elevation pattern requires a 90° feet high. Azimuth pattern at 24° feet high. Azimuth pattern at 16°
orientation angle to catch the main lobe. elevation; maximum gain 8.1 dBi. elevation; maximum gain 6.9 dBi.
The elevation pattern then tells what angle
to use for the azimuth pattern to catch the
perimeter of maximum radiation. You can
check other azimuth patterns at other an-
gles, but for initial information, a basic above ground. 5 improvements, and how much.) Only when
elevation and azimuth pattern combination It is tempting to compare the 30-foot- we combine the gain with the front-to-back
will be instructive. For the purposes of high dipole patterns of Fig 5 with Fig 3, the ratio do w e find the real merits of a beam.
comparison, all the antennas use the same intuitive X beam at 30 feet, and notice the The 3-element Yagi shows the most signifi-
value for the scale on which they are plot- variation of the elevation pattern from the cant increase in front-to-back ratio among
ted. This permits the omission of detailed dipole. However, before we can evaluate the antennas used here for baseline data. A
analysis information, although you may whether or not the variation—which gives complete analysis of our individual an-
want that information on the plots you take s o m e gain and f r o n t - t o - b a c k r a t i o — i s tenna situations would require more
for your own use. good, bad, or indifferent, let's look at the standard models, but w e have enough here
Figs 4 and 5 illustrate the 10-meter di- Yagis. to begin generating expectations. Rational
p o l e p e r f o r m a n c e at 20- and 3 0 - f o o t Figs 6 through 9 present patterns for the expectations are what good baseline data
heights. The difference is revealing. T h e Yagis at 20 and 30 feet. The 2-element Yagi are designed to give us.
30-foot-high dipole channels significant comes from a design by Bill Orr, W6SAI, 6 For example, any beam we might pro-
energy into high radiation angles, while the while the 3-element Yagi is adapted from pose to build at selected heights should
20-foot high dipole appears to concentrate The ARRL Antenna Book? By comparing show patterns that compete with the Yagis.
more energy at lower radiation angles. T h e the various patterns at equivalent heights, We can now see that the intuitive X beam
patterns may come as a surprise if the only we can see the evolution of the dipole pat- at 30 feet does not do the job. Its pattern is
patterns you have viewed are free space tern into s o m e t h i n g with gain and little more than a barely deflected dipole
types. Moreover, the patterns seem to sup- front-to-back ratio. Had we skipped the 2- pattern. It does not match even the 2-ele-
ply an answer to my wondering about the element design, we might have missed the ment Yagi for gain and front-to-back ratio.
excellent reports from Europe on my 20- continuity of pattern development, which That does not mean there are not good X
foot high 10-meter dipole (without nearby shows with special clarity at 30 feet. beam designs; rather, I came up with a bad
trees). Figs 4B and 5B provide the azimuth The patterns reveal a number of other beam antenna design and used it for this
patterns of the dipole. They show definite factors of relevance. First, the Yagis pro- example. What told me this is a bad design
reductions off the ends of the antenna, but vide significant, but not overwhelming was not a textbook or the program manual,
not the classic pinch-waisted "figure 8" of gain relative to real dipoles. (Note: E L N E C but the baseline information I collected
free-space patterns. Note that these pat- provides gain in dBi, gain over an isotropic from the antenna modeling program.
terns apply to 10 meters and not necessarily source. Our interest is in comparing gains
to other bands, because patterns will vary of real antennas over real property. To do The Next Step: Your Own Antennas
with (among other factors) the percentage that, w e need only use the.difference in gain Your antenna situation differs f r o m
of a wavelength the antenna is placed figures to see if we are making significant mine, which means that many of the pat-
terns shown here may be irrelevant to you.
However, they do illustrate the techniques
needed by beginners to "get the most out of
a computer modeling program. The pro-
gram can be like a textbook written for one
person: you. From it, you can put theory
into practice without undergoing the ex-
pense and time required to build every
antenna design you encounter. You can also
develop enough models to help you decide
where to place your antenna dollar most
wisely. Your antenna dollar includes not
only the antenna itself, but the mast and
tower as well. So even if you practice using
the program by modeling the antennas
shown here, the next step is to develop a
set of models specific to your own needs.
A good place to begin is with the antennas
you are actually using (unless they contain
traps or other complexities that may re-
quire advanced techniques to model). The
assembly manuals or the calculations you
performed to roll your own probably pro-
vide almost all the data you need.
Whether you choose your existing an-
Fig 6—Patterns for a 10-meter 2-element Fig 7—Patterns for a 10-meter 2-element tennas or a set of proposed antennas to
Yagi, 20 feet high. Azimuth pattern at 23° Vagi, 30 feet high. Azimuth pattern at 16° evaluate with the antenna modeling pro-
elevation; maximum gain 11.6 dBi. elevation; maximum gain 11.8 dBi. gram, there are a few additional sugges-
tions that may m a k e y o u r effort more
profitable. For any antenna, be certain to
evaluate it across the entire frequency band
of interest. What the band of interest is
depends upon yoyr operating interests. If
you use the entire band, from the lowest
C W segment to the highest phone segment,
then you will want antennas that are broad-
banded. Their patterns may not show the
most gain among your models, but they
will show good gain and proper takeoff
angles (and, for beams, reasonable front-
to-back ratio) over the entire band. If your
interests are confined to a narrow portion
of any given ham band, then you should
check every design at selected spots within
that spectrum slice. When making com-
parisons between designs, use the same set
of frequencies for each run.
At this point, the "Source" information
becomes important. You will have to be
able to match a real antenna to the feed line
over the entire band of interest. A high-per-
formance design that will not accept power
is not a good antenna for you. Of course,
there are many feed-point matching
schemes, but choosing one goes outside the
program. As you can see, an antenna mod-
eling program is one important part—but
Fig 8—Patterns for a 10-meter 3-element Fig 9—Patterns for a 10-meter 3-element not the only part—of an antenna design and
Vagi, 20 feet high. Azimuth pattern taken Yagi, 30 feet high. Azimuth pattern taken construction project or program.
at 23° elevation; maximum gain 12.3 dBi. at 16° elevation; maximum gain 12.6 dBi. There are many other facets of using
antenna modeling programs like ELNEC.
The instruction manual is a good guide to
them. Working with vertical antennas and
ground planes or radial systems, for exam- MN by Brian Beezley, K6STJ, is available 1.2 dB, for t/ie same antenna! Of course an
ple, is a topic unto itself with many attached commercially from Brian at 507- Vi Taylor antenna cannot have gain over itself. Simi-
St, Vista, CA 92084. ELNEC by Roy Lewal- larly, front-to-back ratios may change with
cautions. 8 Accurately modeling real ground len, W7EL, is available commercially from height at the wave angle of maximum for-
requires reference to the program instruc- Roy at PO Box 6658, Beaverton, OR 97007. ward response, as Figs 8 and 9 indicate. (The
tions and an understanding of the effects of (MN and ELNEC are enhanced versions of difference for these two heights is 2.1 dB.)
ground upon antennas. 9 The information MININEC3.) The ARRL in no way warrants As you gain experience with the modeling
these offers. program, you may want to eliminate any
presented here is intended to get the begin- 2
For a "must-read" description of MININEC height effects by initially modeling the
ning antenna modeler started in using the antennas to be compared in free space
program limitations, see R. Lewallen,
program to learn about antennas, even if he "MININEC: The Other Edge of the Sword," (ground-mounted vertical systems ex-
or she never builds one from scratch. QST, Feb 1991, pp 18-22. (Photo copies are cepted). Then model your optimized designs
available for a nominal fee from ARRL HQ, over ground to observe their performance in
Besides all these practical benefits, the pro-
225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111-1494.) a real-life environment.]
grams are fun to use—especially on a rainy 6
See the reference of note 2, pp 19-20. B. Orr, "A Compact 2-Element Yagi for 10
day when the bands are closed. Meters," CQ, Dec 1990, pp 83-84.
See the reference of note 2, p 21. 7
5 G. Hall, Ed, The ARRL Antenna Book, 15th or
Notes [Editor's note: Always remember that the gain
16th eds (Newington: ARRL, 1988 or 1991),
MININEC3 by Naval Ocean Systems Center, of an antenna is a function not only of its
design charts on p 11-11.
San Diego, is available from National Tech- design, but also its height and the electrical 8
characteristics of the earth. Comparing gain See the reference of note 2, pp 20-22.
nical Information Services, Springfield, VA 9
22161, order no. ADA 181681. This is public figures of antennas at different heights above See the reference of note 7, Chapters 3 and 8.
domain software, but a generous fee is ground can be misleading, as Figs 4 and 5
charged for the diskette and documentation. clearly show: The maximum gains differ by
Modeling HF Antennas with
MININEC—Guidelines and Tips
from a Code User's Notebook
By Dr. John S. Belrose, VE2CV, ARRL TA
17 Tadoussac Dr
Aylmer, QC J9J 1G1, Canada

ININEC, 1 a c o m p u t e r p r o - more accurate design and the availability

models of H F wire antennas. S o m e of the
gram for the analysis of wire of powerful digital computers have com- guidelines discussed have been arrived at
antennas using an IBM com- bined to guide antenna design along a path through research using N E C - 3 , 7 however,
patible m i c r o c o m p u t e r , has opened the that is providing a continuous transition R o c k w a y et al 8 have shown that M I N I N E C
door to radio amateurs interested in the from an empirical art to a mathematical has limitations that are in close accord with
exciting field of computational electro- science. But one of the fellow speakers at NEC.
magnetics for antenna design and perform- this lecture course, E d m u n d Miller, w h o
ance evaluation/optimization. The had worked with Jerry Burke and others at Coordinate System for Numerically
application of this code effectively elimi- the Lawrence Livermore National Labora- Modeling Antennas
nates the "black magic" component of an- tory, L i v e r m o r e , CA during the M I N I N E C models antennas as a set of
tenna analysis—or does it? The user is development of NEC, cautioned that an- connected straight wires that simulate the
cautioned that there still is a required skill tenna modeling was still an art. There still antenna configuration. Additional wires,
to set up the problem and to interpret the is a required skill to set up the problem and ground connected or insulated, can be in-
result, no matter how user-friendly the pro- to interpret the result. cluded as required to numerically simulate
gram may seem to be. A c o m p u t e r model for the antenna is parasitic elements, as well as the effects of
An a n t e n n a design and p e r f o r m a n c e specified to the M I N I N E C c o d e by giving support towers, isolated towers, guys, and
study is much more easily done by numeri- the x-y-z coordinates of the start and end other wire structures in the operational en-
c a l m o d e l i n g t h a n by c o n s t r u c t i n g point of each wire, and the diameter of each vironment of the antenna.
antennas and measuring performance in wire. A structure actually constructed from As mentioned, the numerical modeling
the real world. The A R R L technical staff wires, such as a dipole, a loop antenna, a code M I N I N E C and versions of it employ
and a n u m b e r of radio amateurs are using Yagi or a log-periodic antenna, is readily rectangular x-y-z coordinates, for the pur-
this antenna modeling code, or versions of coded into an input file for M I N I N E C . poses of constructing the wire model of the
it designed for amateur application, 2 ' 4 and Assumptions made in deriving the Pock- antenna, and for reference when plotting
clearly we are going to see an increasing lington's Integral Equation and in solving the antenna radiation patterns. See Fig I.
number of antenna articles by hams using it with the m o m e n t method put restrictions T h e arrow heads mark the positive direc-
this new c o m p u t a t i o n a l tool. However, on the geometry of interconnections of tions for these axes. The direction of the +x
users of this program, and the readers of wires which may be solved by M I N I N E C . axis is the 0° azimuth direction, and the
amateur magazines, should be aware that A set of "modeling guidelines" is used, azimuth angle <]) is defined by a radial vec-
M I N I N E C is based on certain assumptions r e p r e s e n t i n g the c o d e d e v e l o p e r ' s and tor rotating clockwise from this direction.
that limit its applicability and its accuracy. user's experience in designing models that Thus, <> | = 90° corresponds to the +y direc-
While this subject has already been ad- will obtain the best results. M I N I N E C it- tion, <|) = 1 8 0 ° c o r r e s p o n d s to the - x
dressed in QSTby Roy Lewallen 5 and R u s self does not give the user any warning that direction, and (j) = 270° corresponds to the
Healy, 6 much more can be said on the the input geometry violates the modeling - y direction. To clarify, think of a normal
subject. guidelines. M I N I N E C goes ahead and x-y coordinate graph. T h e abscissa is the x
Let me c o m m e n t on the continuing de- c o m p u t e s physically meaningless currents axis, the ordinate is the y axis, and a radial
v e l o p m e n t of antenna m o d e l i n g codes. and fields for such structures. vector that rotates from the +x-axis direc-
First I will tell you a story. In 1983 at an T h e information presented in this article tion to the +y-axis direction rotates in the
A G A R D lecture, " T h e Performance of An- includes (1) modeling guidelines for users clockwise direction.
tennas in their Operational Environments," of the code, and (2) the experience of the For antennas the radiation pattern is
speaker Belrose remarked that the need for author and his colleagues in developing s o m e t i m e s v i e w e d as a 3 - d i m e n s i o n a l
Wires joining at an acute angle must The modeling guideline that emerged from
have shorter segments than single straight his investigations is that the ratio of the
wires joining in a line. Instead of making diameter of the wire to the wire spacing,
the entire wires out of short segments, the d/s, should be less than approximately 0.2.
segments can be made short near the junc- If the two closely spaced wires have differ-

At tion, tapering to a longer length away from

the junction. ELNEC Version 2.01 and
higher automates the process of segment
tapering. The basic procedure is to replace
the original wire by several wires of differ-
ent diameters Vdl x d2/s should be < 0.2.

Interconnections of Wires
It is sometimes necessary to connect a
thin wire to a thick wire (a thin wire to a
- Y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ent lengths. The new wire nearest the tower for example). The diameter ratio of
junction is made very short (say A/400) and the two wires at the junction should be less
Fig 1—Rectangular coordinate system for with one segment. The second wire is made than 5 and never greater than 10.
constructing the MININEC wire model of twice the length of the first, also with one
the antenna and plotting antenna segment. This procedure is repeated until Interpreting the Result
radiation patterns.
the segment length is about A/20, and the If the resulting antenna gain seems in-
remainder of the original wire is made up tuitively to be too high, if the pattern is
of a multisegment wire of approximately nonsymmetrical for antennas that have
(volumetric) pattern, however for this length. symmetry, if the antenna impedance or the
MININEC the most useful patterns are the If one wants to calculate the pattern of pattern changes in an unexpected way with
vertical-plane pattern at the azimuth angle a l a r g e a n t e n n a , s o m e v e r s i o n s of a small change in frequency or a change in
(<j>) of maximum gain and the azimuthal MININEC and MININEC itself have a the number of segments that make up the
pattern at the takeoff angle ( y ) of maxi- limit on the highest frequency for which antenna, then look carefully at other para-
mum gain. The latter is itself the principle the program can be used. The reason is that meters calculated by MININEC. Examine
plane pattern. the segment length must be / < A/10, and the currents on the wires and the antenna
the program will handle only a certain source impedance. Ridiculous values of
Modeling Guidelines number of segments (300 for MININEC, gain and/or impedance, particularly of re-
Thin Wires 127 for ELNEC, and up to 260 for ELNEC actance, and in some cases a negative
For analysis by MININEC the wires of with MaxP). resistance, 10 are indicative of problems.
the model must be "thin" because the cur- As discussed above, a computer model Some example case studies that require
rent is assumed to flow axially on the wire is specified to the MININEC code by giv- particular attention are discussed below.
with no circumferential component. Vari- ing the x-y-z coordinates of the beginning
ous definitions of thickness are given, for and end point of each wire (end 1 and end Some Illustrative Case Studies From
example, that the wire diameter d/A « I, 2 of the wire) that is used to form the wire the Author's Files
where d is the wire diameter. Wires are structure. It does not matter in what order Loops, multiwire antennas, nonsym-
considered to fully satisfy the guideline if the wires are specified, or which end is metrical antennas such as loops with
they are thinner than A/50. As a rule of which. However, if more than one current unequal sides (particularly corner-fed tri-
thumb, wires fatter than A/15 are too fat to (or voltage) source is used, such as to phase a n g u l a r l o o p s n e a r the g r o u n d ) ,
be considered "thin." an antenna system or to model a transmis- off-center-fed dipoles, and antennas with
sion line, some precautions must be taken, tuned feeders can give difficulty. When
Segment Length because the phase of the resulting currents modeling such antennas, the number of
The modeling guidelines state that each can be 180° from what was intended. Re- segments for each wire or side should be
wire should be subdivided into segments versing the direction of numbering is chosen in proportion with the wire length,
comparable to A/10. There is a loss in ac- equivalent to reversing the direction of cur- so the segment length does not change in
curacy if segments are allowed to be as rent flow on the wire (or the phase of the going from one wire to the next.
long as A/5. Segments as short as A/20 may current on the wire). When modeling trans-
be required "in critical regions of the an- mission lines, for example, the wires that Selecting the Axis to Construct the
tenna." Wires must not be so finely make up a two-conductor transmission line Model
subdivided that the segment length is less must be numbered in the same direction as Some consideration should be given to
than A/1000, but this is rarely a problem; one proceeds from the source(s). When the selection of the axis to set up the wire
an exception might be the modeling of placing a source in series with a wire, the model. In my view, the axis should be
transmission lines. source is always placed so the positive chosen to correspond with the expected
The shortest permissible segment is terminal faces end 2 of the wire. pattern symmetry of the antenna. If this
usually determined by the wire diameter. consideration is ignored, it doesn't neces-
For an accurate solution, the segment Wire Spacing sarily mean that the computational results
length should be / > 4d. Royer made a detailed study of the are wrong, but it could, if for example the
When the segment length on straight problem presented to NEC by closely antenna's symmetry is used to reduce the
wires is changed, for example to model spaced wires, a problem encountered when number of segments needed to model the
transmission lines, it is desirable to pro- modeling a balanced transmission line as a antenna. However, the azimuthal plot is
gressively reduce the segment length as part of the antenna system. 9 He compared "neater" if 0° is the direction of maximum
one approaches the source(s). Adjoining the characteristic impedance of a two-wire directivity, or if 90° corresponds to the
segments should not differ in length by transmission line, as computed by NEC, broadside direction for a dipole. Thus, the
more than a factor of 2. with that given by analytical equations. x-z plane for the 160-meter full-wave hori-

<- Fig 2—At A, the W1FB full-wave

1.9-MHz loop (see Note 11). With a
132' 2 - 3 / 4 " Transmatch, this antenna may be used
for multiband operation. At B and C,
elevation-plane and azimuthal patterns for
the loop. The corners of the loop
containing the feed and the opposite
corner are in the 0-180° plane. The
132' 2 - 3 / 4 " direction away from the feed is the
132' 2 - 3 / 4 " direction of the 0° azimuth. The patterns
have been calculated for average ground;
the azimuth pattern is taken at 15.5°

132' 2 - 3 / 4 * zontal diamond loop of Fig 2A should be

or ladder line
the plane that contains the feed and oppo-
(any length) site corner, as the antenna is symmetrical
with relation to this plane, as opposed to
selecting the x-z plane parallel to one of the
n With the axis chosen accordingly, the
^Jffe- To 4 : 1 balun XFMR and ATTJ
radiation patterns were calculated using
E L N E C for average ground ( a = 3 mS/m
and e = 13). B and C in Fig 2 show the
(A) predicted patterns for 14.2 MHz. Note that
with the axis chosen as we have, the an-
tenna radiation pattern has symmetry in the
x-y plane. And the gain is a maximum in
the direction away from the feed toward the
opposite corner, in the 0° azimuth direc-

Modeling Ground
M I N I N E C assumes a perfect ground for
impedance and current calculations. T h e
"real" ground description is used only for
determining the shape and strength of the
180 far-field pattern. This means that one can-
(B) not determine the efficiency of ground
radial systems with MININEC, and the
resistive c o m p o n e n t of impedance and
hence absolute gain for low horizontal an-
tennas w o n ' t be correct. The code predicts
the resonant frequency of the antenna quite
well, because the antenna reactance is not
a strong function of ground conductivity. 1 2
If w e v i s u a l i z e the a n t e n n a a b o v e
g r o u n d together with its image in the
ground, we can physically describe and
interpret the ground-loss effect (which
M I N I N E C does not take account of). T h e
antenna and its image are closely coupled,
and because of the finite conductivity of
the ground beneath the antenna, a coupled
loss resistance appears at the driven termi-
nals of the antenna. The antenna resistance
is the vector sum of radiation resistance
and loss resistance. This is not a fictitious
resistance; it is a real resistance. It can be
measured, and it can be predicted by the
more sophisticated code NEC-3. The mag-
nitude of the antenna resistance is a strong
function of ground conductivity, height of
the antenna above ground in wavelengths,
and polarization. 1 3
> Table 1
» Calculated Power Gain for the
NEC; - 3
E 60 NEC-2 and MININEC3 Models of i
mS/'m * Vertical VN-X Monopole Antenna

/ Calculations are for average ground,
f = 3.8 MHz. Values are dBi.

Ground Mounted Monopole
Elevation NEC-2' MININEC3f
).05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 angle, degr. Fig 5—Elevation-plane radiation patterns
h (Wavelengths) 0 -co -38.68 for a one-radial elevated 3.8-MHz vertical
monopole isolated from the support mast
5 -6.15 -6.03
Fig 3—Antenna resistance for a 4-MHz (height 4.6 m) calculated by NEC-2 and
10 -2.41 -2.36 by MININEC3. The pattern has been
horizontal dipole versus dipole height in
15 -0.87 -0.84 calculated for average ground.
wavelengths for two ground conductivities
calculated by NEC-3, compared with 20 -0.18 -0.16
MININEC3 (ELNEC version). 25 +0.04 +0.06
30 -0.03 -0.02
parison is made between a 3.8-MHz VA-X
40 -0.84 -0.83
monopole with 120 ' A - X long buried radials
ELNi c 50 -2.37 -2.36
computed by Christman using NEC-2 and
10 m S / m 60 -4.69 —4.68
8 1
a monopole with no radials computed by the
70 -8.14 -8.13
author using ELNEC.
80 -14.14 -14.13
5 6 Recall that MININEC assumes perfect
90 -158.44 -99.99
T3 ground for impedance calculations.
o 4
1 / NEC: - 3
MININEC does have an option to include
Four Vn-X Radials, Elevated 3 Meters
radials, but application of this option over-
Elevation NEC-2 MININEC3
I exaggerates the gain. A comparison
angle, degr.
between the patterns calculated by these
0 -99.99
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
two codes for a "VE2CV Field Day Spe-
5 -6.01 -6.04
h (Wavelengths) cial" antenna, a ' A - X 3.8-MHz vertical
10 -2.32 -2.35
monopole with one >A-X elevated radial,
15 -0.87 -0.89
Fig 4—Gain at 90° elevation for a 4-MHz can be seen in Fig 5. The one radial is
20 -0.30 -0.31
horizontal dipole versus dipole height for pointed in the 0° azimuth direction.
two ground conductivities calculated by 25 -0.21 -0.23
While the ground beneath the antenna
NEC-3, compared with MININEC3 30 -0.46 -0.47
affects its impedance and gain, the ground
(ELNEC version). 40 -1.17 -1.70
in front of the antenna affects its radiation
50 -3.74 -3.73
pattern. The shape of the antenna pattern is
60 -6.58 -6.56
rather well predicted using MININEC3,
70 -10.50 -10.48
Ground loss becomes an important because the radiation pattern is calculated
80 -16.84 -16.82
parameter for horizontal antennas at low using Fresnel reflection coefficients for fi-
90 -152.72 -95.97
heights (h < 0.2 X ) , and poor conductivity. nitely conducting ground.
Fig 3 compares the antenna resistance for
*With 120 VA-X long buried radials Modeling Transmission Lines
a horizontal dipole over ground with two
^No radials, but connected to ground
conductivities predicted by NEC-3, com- The input impedance of an antenna fed
pared with MININEC3 (ELNEC version). by a parallel-conductor transmission line
NEC-3 is considered to be the industry can be determined by calculating the im-
standard, and the complexity of problems pedance of the antenna, with the source on
that can be solved by the program is con- teurs, who typically employ a few radials or the antenna (for example, no feeder). Then,
tinually being enhanced.14 The frequency only a ground stake. The gain is rather well using standard transmission-line equations
for the comparison in Fig 3 was 4 MHz, predicted for elevated vertical antennas (or a Smith Chart), one can calculate the
however for HF the dominant factor is the with elevated radials, as would be expected input impedance to the transmission line.
dipole height above the ground in wave- from the study by A1 Christman, KB8I,15 But this only works for center-fed symmet-
lengths. Fig 4 compares the antenna gain who showed that a monopole with three or rical dipoles. For some antennas the feeder
predicted by NEC-3, compared with four elevated radials had a gain equivalent is a part of the radiating system, and the
MININEC3. to that of a ground-based monopole with feeder must therefore be a part of the
Because MININEC assumes perfect 120 buried radials. The gain for center-fed numerical model. Examples are off-center-
ground for impedance and current calcula- vertical dipoles is also predicted rather well fed dipoles and end-fed Zepp antennas.
tions, vertical monopoles are modeled as if by MININEC. Table 1 compares the gain Parallel-conductor transmission lines can
they employed an extensive radial ground for two groundplane type antennas: a be modeled as follows.
screen (say 120 radials). Therefore the pre- ground-mounted monopole, and an ele-
dicted gain will be high with regard to vated monopole with elevated radials. For Two-Source Model
practical antennas employed by radio ama- the ground-mounted monopole the corn- In this model the feeder is extended to
guideline above for wires joining at an
9.965 m i r' „ i?', 9.965 m angle), but the segment lengths on such a — ' ' * • .
short wire are indeed very short.
A p r o b l e m w i t h the s i n g l e - s o u r c e • i
\ T
method is that very short segments must be
used near the fed end of the line, compa-
rable with the conductor spacing. Rather
than s u b d i v i d i n g the full length of a
straight parallel-conductor transmission
line into many very short segments, the
procedure I adopted is to replace each full- /k
length wire by several wires of different T •

lengths. The new wire near the source is the

shortest. The second wire is made twice the Fig 7—Current distribution on a V2-A.
length of the first (see Fig 6A), and so on dipole with a VS-A. feeder.
until the end of the wire is reached. Each
wire is subdivided into the same number of
segments, and hence the segment length on T h e phase of the current is indicated by the
which the source is placed can be made arrows since everywhere the phase is either
very short. I have used four such wires to 0° or 180°, within a few degrees. The cur-
model transmission lines. The wires con- rent on the two arms of the antenna is in
nected to the dipole have the same segment phase, and the current on the two conduc-
Fig 6—A balanced dipole with tuned length as the segments on the wires of the tors of the transmission line is out of phase
feeders. At A, preferred method for arms of the dipole, and all lower wires have and equal in amplitude along the entire
numerically modeling a dipole and its
transmission-line feeder. At B, an the same number of segments as the top length of the transmission line. The radia-
alternative method of modeling that can transmission-line wires. t i o n p a t t e r n , not s h o w n , is e n t i r e l y
be used, with caution, where the length of A full-length feeder yields results that horizontally polarized in the plane broad-
the transmission-line feeder is shorter are closely identical with the sectionalized side to the dipole, that is, there is no
than the dipole height.
transmission line, providing that a suffi- radiation by the feeder. Clearly for this case
cient number of segments are used on the study (600-Q parallel-conductor feeder)
feeder wires and the dipole, that the wire M I N I N E C / E L N E C has modeled the an-
and terminated in the ground plane; if a spacing for the transmission line is not too t e n n a and its t r a n s m i s s i o n line very
longer feeder is to be modeled, slope the small, and that the two-source model is accurately and correctly.
feeder. Place voltage or current sources used. With a half-wavelength feeder the ter-
with a 0-180° phase relation in series with minating impedance (the dipole
each conductor, on the segment nearest to Center-Fed Dipole i m p e d a n c e ) should be reflected to the
ground. This is equivalent to connecting a Let us consider first a dipole with equal input, whatever the characteristic imped-
feeder to a balanced center-tapped voltage arm lengths, fed by a balanced transmis- ance of the feeder. For this model a dipole
or current source. The total input imped- sion line, Fig 6A. I have m o d e l e d length of 19.93 m and a dipole height of
a n c e is t h e s u m of t h e t w o s o u r c e numerous such antennas, including the 21.454 m was chosen. The input imped-
impedances. This method avoids the prob- G5RV, in general using current sources. a n c e of t h e d i p o l e w i t h n o f e e d e r ,
l e m of h a v i n g an a b r u p t e n d to t h e But for a balanced antenna it matters according to ELNEC, is 60 - y54.2 ohms.
transmission line. In fact, considering the naught whether voltage or current sources With a 6 0 0 - Q parallel-conductor transmis-
antenna and its image, the feeder in effect are used, whether the feeder is grounded or sion line, conductor spacing 149.25 mm for
"connects through" the ground plane to the not, or whether the dipole is horizontal or 2 mm diameter (no. 12 wire), the input
image of the antenna below the ground drooping. The transmission line is nonradi- impedance for the two-source model is
plane (see Fig 6A). ating so long as the arms of the dipole are 59.4 - j'59.9 ohms, according to ELNEC.
symmetrical with regard to the feeder. The H o w e v e r the height of the dipole, and
Single-Source Model transmission-line input currents 11 = h , and hence the feeder length, was selected to
A disadvantage of the two-source model the impedances to these sources Zi = Z2. provide this agreement, but the feeder
is that transmission lines shorter than the The terminal-to-terminal balanced input length is about right (0.51 X, which is about
height of the dipole cannot be modeled. An impedance is equal to the sum of the source a half wavelength).
alternative method is to place a single impedances Zi + Z2. Also, Ii' = I2', that is, Recall that one usually assumes a veloc-
source (current or voltage) at the center of the currents into each arm of the dipole are ity of propagation for open-wire line equal
a short wire connected to the ends of the equal. to 0.975, in which case the feeder length
feeder, Fig 6B. While this method can give In a case study I modeled a 40-meter should have been 0.4875 X. But real trans-
good results provided the impedance of the dipole (7.15 MHz) fed with a parallel-con- mission lines are spaced by insulating
transmission line and hence the conductor ductor transmission li ne. The dipole height spreaders. The input impedance calculated
spacing is not too small, this method must was X above the ground, so that a '/^-A. according to the single-source method is
be used with caution. Not only does the wire transmission line could be used to feed the 59.2 -y'57.4 ohms. 1 6 So far so good!
on which the source is placed make right- dipole. The current distribution on this an- I repeated the calculation for a 450-£2
angle intersections with the conductor tenna system (antenna and feeder) feeder (wire spacing 42.7 mm) and for a
wires of the transmission line (note the calculated by E L N E C is shown in Fig 7. 300-Q feeder (wire spacing 12.2 mm); see

Fig 8—A drooping dipole with tuned feeders.

spacing is too small. However the guideline

Table 2
is not respected for such a short end wire.
Input Impedance at 7.15 M H z for a
1 Finally, while the analysis discussed
Dipole at a Height of /2 X with a
above seems to be self consistent as judged
1/5-X Transmission Line
by using the program itself, we need to
validate that MININEC is indeed correctly
The dipole impedance (no feeder) is 60
taking account of the effect of the feeders.
-y'54.2 ohms, so a half-wave transmis-
A drooping dipole with tuned feeders, Fig Frequency (MHz)
sion line should reflect this impedance to
8, has been accurately modeled using (B)
its input.
NEC-3 for perfect and imperfect ground.
I n s o f a r as i m p e d a n c e is c o n c e r n e d ,
Charac- Two-Source Single-Source Fig 9—Input impedance of the dipole with
M I N I N E C can model antennas only over tuned feeders (Fig 7), calculated by
teristic Method Method
perfect ground. Fig 9 compares the input NEC-3 (for perfect ground) and by
impedance of this dipole with feeders cal- ELNEC.
of Feeder
culated by NEC-3 (for perfect ground) 1 7
600 Q 59.4-/59.9 59.2-/57.4
and by MININEC (the E L N E C version).
450 Q 55.3-/99.6 55.3-/101
The agreement is good. The two-source sources inject equal voltages or currents
300 £2 64.0-/231 Ridiculous
m o d e l w a s used for this c o m p a r i s o n . having opposite phase (0° and 180°) into
Therefore, so long as the dipole is not too the two conductors of the transmission
close to the ground (height greater than 0.2 line. The current distribution on the an-
A.), its input impedance with tuned feeders tenna calculated by ELNEC is shown in
is correctly predicted. 1 8 Fig 10A for current feed, and in Fig 10B
Table 2. The antenna resistance is trans- for voltage feed. Compare with the current
ferred quite accurately, but the agreement is Modeling Off-Center-Fed Dipoles distribution of a center-fed dipole (Fig 7).
less satisfactory for the antenna reactance. We will now consider the case where Even though with voltage feed the input
There is good agreement between the two- the arms of the dipole are unequal, such as voltages are equal and differ in phase by
s o u r c e m e t h o d and t h e s i n g l e - s o u r c e an off-center-fed dipole, and w e will model 180°, the input currents are unequal (Fig
method, except for the closely spaced par- first an ideal OCFD. The arms of the dipole 10B), and the phase difference (not shown)
allel-conductor transmission line (300-Q are horizontal, and the dipole height is l /i X is more nearly in phase rather than out of
characteristic impedance) where the single- so that half-wave feeders can be used for phase (only 17° apart). Normal transmis-
source method failed to give a sensible c o m p a r i s o n with the center-fed dipole sion-line currents should differ in phase by
result. An increasing capacitive reactance (Figs 6 and 7). The O C F D is an antenna 180°. Also, quite different from the center-
with decreasing characteristic impedance that is more complicated than one might fed dipole case, the current maximum on
of the transmission line (wire spacing) sug- realize. The current on the antenna system the right-hand feeder wire corresponds
gests that M1NINEC has not quite correctly (the arms of the dipole and the transmission with a current minimum on the left hand
calculated the electrical length of the feeder. line), the antenna impedance (at the input wire. The currents into each arm of the
(Lengthening the line will reduce the ca- to the transmission line) and the radiation O C F D are also unequal, and there is a large
p a c i t i v e r e a c t a n c e ) . W h i l e t h e input pattern depend on (1) the dipole configura- phase difference (163°). Ideally, the cur-
impedances to transmission lines having tion ( d r o o p i n g o r horizontal), (2) the rents into each arm of the dipole should be
low characteristic impedance are not quite method of support (tree or tower), (3) the equal, in both amplitude and phase.
length and type of the transmission line For current feed, Fig 10A, the input
right, this will have little effect on the pat-
(parallel conductor or coax), and (4) the
tern, and so the transmission line can indeed currents are equal, and the phase difference
type of feed (voltage or current).
be included as a part of the model. The is 180° (this was specified to the program
single-source method fails (calculated im- The model assumes a balanced trans- for current sources). The currents into each
pedance meaningless) when the wire mission line feeding the antenna. The two arm of the dipole are approximately equal,
Fig 11—Elevation and azimuth pattern (at Fig 12—Elevation and azimuth pattern (at
26.5° elevation angle) for the antenna of 37.5° elevation angle) for the antenna of
Fig 10A, with current sources. Curve 1, Fig 10 with voltage sources. Curve 1, total
total field; curve 2, horizontally polarized field; curve 2, horizontally polarized
Fig 10—Current distribution on a component, and curve 3, vertically component, and curve 3, vertically
off-center-fed dipole with a Vz-"k feeder. At polarized component of field. polarized component of field.
A, with current sources, and B, with
voltage sources.

the elevation angle of maximum gain for the transmission-line feeder, nor with re-
current and voltage feed respectively. gard to ground.
and there is only a small phase difference There is a marked difference. Feeder radia- In a case study, the dipole arm lengths
(about 10°). But this is not always the case; tion is markedly less when the antenna is were 13.8 m and 27.7 m (for 3.5 MHz and
see below. driven by a current source. The vertically higher operation). The apex height was
The input impedances for a 600-S2 polarized component in the plane broad- 15.24 m, and the angle between the dipole
transmission line for current feed are side to the dipole is 10 dB less than the arms 127°; see Fig 13. The center support
horizontally polarized component, and the is a tree or wooden pole. This study
Z1 = 34 - y'295 £2 angle of fire is lower by about 8°. With revealed an unexpected result. One of the
Z2 = 86 + y'247 Q voltage feed the two components in the source resistances calculated by the two-
Z i n = 120 - y'48 Ci broadside plane are comparable. source model with current feed is negative.
Some readers may say, so what! The For example, for this dipole, fed with a
and for voltage feed are radiation of a vertically polarized compo- 600-£2 transmission line at 7.15 MHz, the
nent, resulting in mixed polarization, may impedances are
Z1 = 1 2 - / 3 2 7 £2 be useful under certain signal-fading con-
Z2 = 63 + y'229 £2 ditions. However, it is generally desirable Z1 = - 1 8 5 +y'126 ohms
Z in = 75 -y'126 £2 to keep radiation from the line to a mini- Z 2 = 1 8 8 0 - y l 141 ohms, and
mum. Parallel currents and radiation from Zi„ = 1 6 9 4 - y l 0 1 4 ohms
The impedance of the OCFD with no the feeder portion of the antenna can give
feeder is 76 - j98. ohms. Recall that a trouble, by inducing currents to flow on At first this seemed to be an incorrect so-
nonradiating Vi-~k feeder, regardless of its other vertical metal structures, for example lution—a negative resistance! However
impedance, reflects the antenna impedance the neighbor's coaxial TV downlead. the solution is valid. NEC-3 gives a similar
to its input. But this is not the case irrespec- Let us now consider a drooping-dipole result. 20 If we force equal currents into
tive of the method of feed, current or configuration of the OCFD. While this is a each conductor of the parallel-conductor
voltage. The feeder is a part of the radiating good practical arrangement that I have line, we may have to take power from one
system. used, 19 in retrospect it is a worse case with side of the antenna system in order to feed
Figs 11 and 12 compare the vertical- regard to asymmetry. The arms of the di- the other conductor with an equal current.
plane patterns and the azimuthal patterns at pole are not symmetrical with regard to to This is a tough job for a current balun! The
about 5% greater than the perimeter of the
driven element. One way to do this is to
make the reflector element physically
larger. Another arrangement is to employ a
reflector that is the same physical size as the
driven element, but in effect to lengthen its
perimeter with a shorted transmission-line
stub, as suggested in ARRL publications. 2 '
This is a convenient arrangement because
the length of the tuning stub can be adjusted
for maximum forward gain, or for maxi-
Fig 13—An off-center-fed drooping dipole. mum front-to-back ratio. Can MININEC
model this short-circuited stub as a part of
the wire structure, that is, by adding three
more wires to the menu of wires? Yes,
antenna and its transmission line are a cou- MININEC correctly models the antenna
pled system. An additional surprise that system including the short-circuited stub.
emerged from this study was that even for In B and C of Fig 14 are the vertical-
equal input currents II and 12, 11' and 12' p l a n e p a t t e r n and p r i n c i p l e - p l a n e
can be unequal (for this case study II712' azimuthal pattern for this quad. That
= 2.5 / 28°). MININEC has correctly modeled this quad
With voltage feed the input currents are beam with its tuning stub can be judged by
naturally unbalanced, since the impedance the fact that the expected pattern is actually
seen by each source is quite different. The predicted, 22 and by favorable comparison
input currents are not "forced" to be equal with a model employing a physically larger
and of opposite phase. The feature where reflector element (not shown).
one of the source resistances (always the
one on the side of the feeder connected to Multiwire Fan Monopoles
the short arm of the dipole) can have a A multiwire fan monopole was also
negative value has not been found with modeled; see Fig 15A. The impedance ver-
voltage feed for antenna configurations sus f r e q u e n c y for this antenna was
and frequencies modeled. calculated using ELNEC. Note from Fig
The impedance and azimuthal pattern 15B that the antenna is resonant and an-
for the "confounded" OCFD depends on tiresonant at frequencies of 1.8 and 5.5
the dipole configuration (drooping or hori- MHz (when its height is 0.15 X and 0.45 A.).
zontal). on the method of feed (parallel- Above this latter frequency the variation of
conductor transmission line, or balun and impedance with frequency is rather erratic.
coaxial cable), the length of the feeder, the In particular there is a sharp change near 6
type of balun employed (voltage or current MHz. Inspection of the currents on the
balun), and the method of support (tree or wires provided the clue to this behavior.
tower). The loops formed by the wire structure
A coaxial feeder with a perfect current result in resonances at this frequency. Is
balun at the antenna can be modeled as this a real effect, or a nuance of the calcu-
follows. Place a current source on the di- lation? With the addition of a horizontal
pole: drop a conductor having the outside wire connected to all wires forming the fan,
diameter of the coax to the ground, or con- Fig 16A, we break up these resonances, and
f i g u r e d in the way of a p r a c t i c a l the impedance versus frequency is well
installation, with connection to ground at behaved. See Fig 16B. In this case, this was
the transceiver. Insulate this conductor a real effect. One has confidence in the
from the dipole. If one does this it becomes analysis because, although the currents on
very clear that the coaxial feeder is a part Fig 14—Modeling a short-circuited the wires are different and the difference
of the antenna system: Because this con- transmission line as part of the antenna changes with frequency, the current dis-
ductor carries a current, it will radiate. The system. At A, a 2-element 20-m quad tribution on the wires is symmetrical. The
beam with a short-circuited
magnitude of the current depends on transmission-line stub to tune and phase current distribution on the two outside
whether the feeder is grounded or not, and the reflector element. At B and C, vertical wires is the same, as is the current distribu-
whether it is a resonant length or not. and azimuthal radiation patterns for this tion on the two wires next to the outside
antenna calculated by ELNEC. (The wires, and so forth.
Transmission-Line Stubs azimuth pattern is taken at 16° elevation.)
The director-to-reflector spacing for this Concluding Remarks
Short-circuited transmission line stubs case study was 0.2 A., the height of the
are sometimes used for tuning and phasing quad at its center 0.85 X (17.96 m). The In conclusion, MININEC is a powerful
antenna elements. For example, consider patterns have been calculated for tool that can be used to predict antenna
the 2-element quad beam shown in Fig 14A. average ground. performance, providing the antenna prob-
The perimeter of the reflector needs to be lem is correctly modeled and the results of
take power from, rather than deliver power
to, the element having a negative radiation
'The antenna of Fig 2A originally appeared in
an article by D. DeMaw (WIFB), "A Closer
Look at Horizontal Loop Antennas." QST.
May 1990, pp 28-29, 35.
J . S. Belrose, G. M. Royer and L. E. Petrie.
"HF Wire Antennas over Real Ground: Com-
p u t e r S i m u l a t i o n and M e a s u r e m e n t . "
AGARD LS 165, Modern Antenna Design
Using Computers and Measurement: Appli-
cation to Antenna Problems of Military
Interest, Sep 1989, pp 6-1 to 6-30. Available
-mmmmmmmz from NTIS, Springfield. VA (Ref NASA
Acces. No. N90-17932).
(A) l3
See Note 12.
G. J. Burke, "Recent advances to NEC: Appli-
cation and Validation." AGARD LS 165 (see
Note 12), pp 3-1 to 3-25.
'^A. Christman, "Elevated Vertical Antenna
Systems," QST, Aug 1988. pp 35-42.
An 8-wire transmission line was used for the
model; each conductor was broken into 4-
wires. The wire closest to the source was the
shortest. The second wire was twice the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
length of the first, and so on. Each wire was
Frequency (MHz)
subdivided into the same number of seg-
<B) ments (12), and hence the shortest segment
length was 119 mm. For the single-source
method, the fed end is short-circuited by a
Fig 15—At A, a fan monopole, and at B, Fig 16—The same antenna as in Fig 15, wire that contains the source. This wire was
its impedance versus frequency, as but with the addition of a horizontal wire subdivided into four segments. If this source
calculated by ELNEC. connecting all the wires that make up the wire is subdivided into two segments, the
fan. This added wire breaks up calculated reactance is ridiculous (for what-
resonances on the structure. ever reason).
" G . M. Royer, "The Characteristics for a
Broadband (2-10 MHz) Switched Drooping
the analysis can be plausibly interpreted. purer Analysis of Wire Antennas (Norwood, Dipole," Technical Memorandum DRC 87-
One has to use many segments when MA: Artech House, Inc, 1988). 03, C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Research Centre,
wires are bent to form loops, particularly R. P. Haviland, Practical Antenna Design and Department of Communications, Ottawa.
Analysis, a MININEC PC package designed May 1987.
triangular loops, to model the correct cur-
for the Amateur Radio fraternity. Available ls
rent distribution on the antenna in the Center-fed multiband dipoles with tuned feed-
from Minilab Books, PO Box 21086, Day-
ers are used by many radio amateurs. The
vicinity of the corners of the triangle. The tona Beach, FL 32019-1086. The ARRL in
feeders are made resonant by the conjugate
calculation of the pattern for such an an- no way warrants this offer.
matching action of the antenna tuner, and a
tenna made up of many segments (say 127) MN by Brian Beezley, K6STI. Available from knowledge of the antenna input impedance
using ELNEC, takes about 1 hour on an Brian Beezley, 507 Vi Taylor St, Vista, CA is required to design matching circuitry, or
92084. See Product Review by Rus Healy, to determine if a tuner will match the an-
IBM compatible PC type 2 8 6 / 4 ( 4 - M H z "MN and Yagi Optimizer Antenna-Analysis tenna. For a discussion of this topic see W.
clock rate), 15 minutes on a 2 8 6 / 1 2 , 2 to 3 Software," QST, Aug 1990, pp41-42. Maxwell, Reflections—Transmission Lines
minutes on a 3 8 6 / 2 5 and 1 to 1.5 minutes 4
ELNEC by Roy Lewallen, W7EL. Available and Antennas (Newington: ARRL, 1990). pp
on a 3 8 6 / 3 3 . Each machine has its own from Roy Lewallen, PO Box 6658, Beaver- 20-11 to 20-22.
matched math coprocessor. ton, OR 97007. I9
J. S. Belrose and P. Bouliane, "The Off-Cen-
R. Lewallen, "MININEC: The Other Edge of ter-Fed Dipole Revisited: A Broadband,
Acknowledgment the Sword," QST, Feb 1991, pp 18-22. Multiband Antenna," QST, Aug 1990, pp
J. W. Healy, "Correction: May 1990 Antenna 28-34.
The author works at the Communica- 20
Radiation Patterns," Technical Correspon- Burke, private communications, 1991.
tions Research Centre, Ottawa, Ontario. dence. QST, Sep 1990, pp 38-39. 2]
TheARRL 1991 Handbook, p 17-17. Fig 38.
He a c k n o w l e d g e s discussions with his col- 7
C. W. Trueman and S. J. Kubina, "The Calcu- -"This quad was dimensioned for resonance at
league Max Royer, and with Prof Stanley lation of Radar-Cross-Section in the HF about 14 MHz. In this case study it is inter-
Kubina, Concordia Univ, Montreal. He Band by Wire Grid Modeling," Report TN- esting to note (not shown) that with an
particularly thanks Roy Lewellan, W 7 E L , EMC-90-0I, Univ of Concordia, Montreal, increase or decrease in frequency from an-
QC, 1990. tenna-system resonance, the gain decreases,
for the opportunity to test numerous proto- 8
See Note 1. but slowly. However, as the frequency is
types of E L N E C (beginning with early 9 increased, the F/B ratio increases, from
Private communications, 1980.
before-rclease versions), and for the nu- 10 about 8 dB at 14 MHz to 20 dB at 14.35
Negative radiation resistances are not a fig-
merous enjoyable telephone conversations MHz. Clearly, F/B ratio and gain can be
ment of the imagination; they can be real. A
and correspondence. traded off. But the purpose here is not to
negative resistance can be found in the case
optimize a quad beam, but to illustrate the
of multielement phased array antenna sys-
Notes applicability of MININEC to model the
tems of particular design, and in case studies
transmission-line stub used as part of the
J. W. Rockway, J. C. Logan, D. W. S. Tam and of a transmission line feeding an off-center-
S. T. Li, The MINI NEC System: Microcom- fed dipole (further discussed in the text). A
negative resistance means that one has to
Smith Chart Impedance
Matching on your PC
By Lynn A. Gerig, W A 9 G F R
RR1, 6417 Morgan Rd
Monroeville, IN 46773

veryone who d o e s any design o f Chart results. If Smith Charts are foreign to After being given the option to print the

E R F circuits sooner or later gets

involved with impedance match-
ing. Whether attempting to match the out-
you, review the references listed at the end
of this article for more information.
tabular inputs to your printer and/or plot
the initial (load) impedances on a Smith
Chart (unless you c h o s e the text only op-
V a r i o u s m a t c h i n g network e l e m e n t s
put of one circuit to the input i m p e d a n c e of (inductors, capacitors, transformers, series tion previously), you are presented with the
the f o l l o w i n g a m p l i f i e r or n e e d i n g to transmission lines, open or shorted stubs menu shown in Table 1.
match that new antenna design to a 50-£2 etc) can be c a s c a d e d in any combination. Options 1 through 13 lead to appropri-
coaxial line, i m p e d a n c e matching can be a Each time a new element is added, the new ate questions about the component values.
frustrating experience. N o w you can use resulting impedances are tabulated and can Select 14 to exit the program. If you wish
your I B M compatible P C to provide im- be optionally plotted. to review your last graphics screen, select-
pedance results for any type of matching ing 16 will give you a look at the most
network in tabular form or plotted on a Using the Program recently plotted Smith Chart.
Smith Chart in high resolution graphics. T h e program is completely menu driven Option 15 p l a c e s you in a mini calcula-
If y o u h a v e d o n e m u c h i m p e d a n c e for e a s e o f use. After an introductory title tor mode. A typical matching situation may
matching, you have probably been e x p o s e d s c r e e n is d i s p l a y e d you must select a require a series inductor having a reactance
to the Smith Chart. Although computers are graphics option appropriate to your com- of 7 5 £2, but what value of inductance do
routinely used to perform much number puter hardware. C h o i c e s are (1) text only, you n e e d ? Or perhaps you want to add a
crunching for a variety o f applications, (2) C G A graphics, or (3) Hercules graph- 2 0 ° length o f transmission line, but how
many R F types still prefer to use the graphi- ics. You must then input the number of many inches d o you input? Option 15 will
cal approach o f a Smith Chart which, to frequencies and the starting impedance (re- g i v e you those a n s w e r s and then return you
those who understand it, provides a visual sistive and reactive components) at each to this menu.
m e a n s of analysis which g i v e s a " f e e l " not frequency. After each new element value is en-
available from viewing long lists of tabu- tered, a tabular listing o f the resulting
lated impedances from a computer printout. i m p e d a n c e s is shown on the screen, then
But using a printed Smith Chart form Table 1 the menu of choices shown in Table 2 is
can be frustrating and tedious, with ques- presented. Plotting options are omitted if
M a t c h i n g Network S e l e c t i o n M e n u
tions arising such as, " D o I follow you did not previously choose a graphics
impedance or admittance curves for a shunt CHOOSE TYPE OF MATCHING SECTION option.
element, and d o I multiply or divide by Zo 1 SERIES C T h e tabulated i m p e d a n c e values can op-
(the characteristic i m p e d a n c e of the sys- 2 SERIES L tionally be plotted on the last Smith Chart
t e m ) ? " M y M S - D O S computer program 3 SERIES TUNED (SERIES L-C) viewed or on a new clean chart. Constant
S C H A R T will now put those frustrations 5 SERIES TRANSMISSION LINE S W R circles can be superimposed on the
behind you. Just input a new matching 6 SHUNT C plot to let you quickly determine whether
7 SHUNT L or not your results are within a particular
e l e m e n t a n d let the c o m p u t e r d o the
crunching and plotting for you. 9 SHUNT TUNED (PARALLEL L-C) S W R range.
It isn't necessary to understand Smith 10 SHUNT TRANSMISSION LINE T h e results for e a c h matching element
Charts to use this program. L o a d imped- 12 SERIES R selected are only " t e m p o r a r i l y " stored in
a n c e s are entered at each frequency of memory until Option 1 is selected. If you
interest. Next you select a matching ele- don't like the most recent " t r i a l " network,
m e n t . a n d the p r o g r a m p e r f o r m s the 14 STOP ADDING SECTIONS s e l e c t i n g Option 3 will c a u s e the trial
necessary calculations and lists the result- values to be discarded, and y o u will be
ing i m p e d a n c e s at e a c h f r e q u e n c y in returned to the menu shown in Table 1 to
tabular form. If your computer has a graph- 16 REVIEW LAST GRAPHICS SCREEN select a new circuit or component value.
ics card, you can optionally plot the Smith WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE (1-16)? O n c e Option 1 is selected, the current
including ground losses) to cover the air-
Table 2
craft and public service bands. The results
Trial Value Selection Menu
of that challenge are shown below.
5 —> PLOT ON LAST CHART 110.000 45.000 -90.000
6 —> PLOT CONSTANT VSWR CIRCLES 120.000 SO.000 -50.000
130.000 70.000 0.000
146.000 80.000 60.000
160.000 140.000 90.000

impedance values become the new imped- Although I could have obtained a rea- A D D E D S H U N T I N D U C T O R O F .06 U H

ance to match. You are then returned to the sonable match with a series inductor, I FREQ (HHZ) R S (OHHS)

menu shown in Table 1 where you can wanted to use leftover lengths of coaxial 110.000 17.667 60.522
120.000 40.563 49.101
select a new matching element to be cas- cable to gain experience in matching with 130.000 23.026 32.88B
146.000 12.344 37.291
caded to your previous network. lines/stubs. I selected a series line as follows. 160.000 12.072 47.357

Option 2 will cause the tabulated im-

pedances to be sent to your printer along W H A T IS LINE IMPEDANCE (OHMS)? 50
with the current element type and value W H A T I S L E N G T H (IN I N C H E S ) ? 1 3 0
shown at the top of the screen. To print the
110.000 17.667 36.408
graphical Smith Chart, you must press the 120.000
7.000 9.747 -25.467
<SHIFT>+<PRT-SCRN> k e y s w h i l e 7.100 11.601 -23.691
7.200 14.152 -22.966
viewing the chart (see "Printing Results" 7.300 16.492 -21.892
Two examples shown below demon- 2 — > PRINT LATEST ITERATION t VALUES O N PRINTER
strate the use of the program. 4 — > PLOT O N CLEAN CHART
110.000 90.944 12.622
120.000 40.631 -26.663
Matching Examples 130.000 28.777 -5.406
146.000 36.322 14.319
When I erected my 60-foot tower, I I plotted the values on the previous 160.000 87.670 -15.883

chose to feed the top set of guy wires as Smith Chart, and then selected Option I,
40-meter slopers. Although insulators were which permitted me to match the values Fig 2 shows a Smith Chart plot where I
inserted appropriately to make the radia- shown above with a shunt shorted stub as chose to include only the initial and final
tors the proper length, they were not shown below. impedances. A 2:1 SWR circle was also
resonant because of coupling to the tower. plotted showing that the results were
The following series of typical screens pro- A D D S H U N T T R A N S H I S S I O N LINE
within a reasonable range.
vide a working "walk through" of the W H A T IS LINE IMPEDANCE (OHHS)? 50
W H A T I S LINE V E L O C I T Y F A C T O R ? .67
procedure I used to provide a good 50-Q W H A T I S L E N G T H (IN I N C H E S ) ? 1 0 0 Printing Results
O P E N (O) O R S H O R T E D (S) S T U B ? S
match. The starting impedances measured FREQ (HHZ) RS (OHHS|
All text is sent to your computer's de-
at the shack end of the coax feed line were 7.000
fault printer port as standard ASCII
74.465 -11.641
first input as follows. 7.100
characters using the BASIC LPRINT com-
7.300 45.365 2.915 mand. This straight text will provide
tabular impedance listings on any type of
I plotted the resulting impedances on printer—dot matrix, laser printer, or daisy
the last chart, then I plotted a constant SWR wheel.
INPUT RS, X S O F LOAD A T 7 KHZ? SZ,-110 circle of value 2. A quick look at the chart For high-resolution screen dumps of
INPUT R S , X S O F L O A D A T 7.1 HHZ? 57,-100 showed that the results were well within an Smith Chart plots, you will need a printer
INPUT R S , X S O F L O A D A T 7.2 HHZ? 65,-90 SWR of 2:1 across the band. Fig I is a capable of printing graphics (no daisy
INPUT R S , X S O F LOAD A T 7.3 MHZ? 70,-80 screen dump showing the 2:1 SWR circle wheels). It will be necessary to run the
with the final, intermediate, and initial im- appropriate high resolution screen dump
After I input the load impedances at each pedances all superimposed on the same utility file for your printer from DOS be-
frequency, the following screen listed them Smith Chart. fore running the SCHART program. For
in tabular format for me, along with present- I am presently using this network built most users this will be the file named
ing me with the option to start over, print from RG-58 cables. The results, as meas- GRAPHICS.COM, one of the many files
them, and/or plot them. ured with an HP Vector Impedance Meter, which came with your DOS (disk operating
are within 5% of the calculated values. system). There are some exceptions. Some
THESE WERE YOUR LOAD IHPEDAHCE INPUTS: A few years ago I was asked to broad- Zenith users will find programs such as
FREQ |HHZ) R S |0HH5) X S (OHMS) band a "rubber duckie" antenna on a PSCMX8O.COM (for Epson compatible
7.000 52.000 -110.000 manpack radio across the 110-160 MHz printers) furnished with Zenith's own ver-
7.100 57.000 -100.000
7.200 65.000 -90.000 military communications band. That was sion of DOS. If you have a Hercules
7.300 70.000 -60.000
an interesting challenge because the sce- compatible video system, use the appropri-
nario was equivalent to extending the range ate software furnished with your graphics
PRINT LOAD VALUES O N PRINTER (Y-YES)? of a 2-meter handheld (for which the an- card. If you have an HP compatible Laser-
tenna looks like about 70 Q at resonance, Printer, look to your local bulletin board or
ponent values for a desired impedance or
line length.
T h e code associated with the menu
shown earlier in Table 2 begins at the label
" M E N U 2 : " where plotting, printing and
good/bad component values are selected. If
Option 3 is selected, you are returned to the
main menu for a new trial network. If Op-
tion 1 is selected indicating that you wish
to keep the chosen component and proceed
further, the code beginning at the label
" G O O D V A L : " converts the "temporary"
impedances resulting from the trial to the
n e w load i m p e d a n c e which you must
Fig 1—Plot from matching 40-meter Fig 2—Plot from broadbanding a 2-meter match. Then you are returned to the main
sloper antennas. The larger circle tangent "rubber duckie" type antenna; see text. menu. PRINTING, PLOTTING, and SWR
to the outer rim of the chart at the right is The initial impedance group is to the right circle selections branch to the associated
the 1.0 resistance circle, and the arcs of center, almost contained in the 1.0 code beginning with labels bearing those
touching the outer rim at top and bottom resistance circle, while the matched-load
center are the 1.0 reactance circles. impedances are enclosed by the 2:1 SWR names.
Three impedance groups are shown, as circle. Intermediate impedance groups
discussed in the text. The smaller circle from the matching procedure are not For Programmers
centered on chart center represents a plotted. This program was written using Bor-
constant 2:1 SWR, and nicely encloses
land's Turbo BASIC (and Spectra's newer
the impedance group obtained from
matching. P o w e r B A S I C ) compiler. The code is
broken into modules with appropriate la-
are included in the Appendix. If you don't bels to help identify the various sections.
have a computer which runs MS-DOS, you (Note: This program does not use line num-
other source of shareware programs for a can use that information to develop a pro- bers and will not run under interpretive
utility such as LG.COM. The G R A P H - gram for your own system. The equations BASICA or GWBASIC). I have compiled
ICS.COM utility provided with D O S 5 are valid for use with any calculator. As a and run this code on many different types
supports laser printers. matter of interest, my first version of this of computers including an IBM PC XT,
With the appropriate program in mem- program was developed for the HP-9830 PC's Limited Turbo XT, Zenith 158, Com-
ory (waiting in the background), pressing Desktop Calculator. p a q , and several n e w e r 386 and 4 8 6
<SHIFT>-KPRT-SCRN> w h i l e viewing T h e first few program lines are remarks machines. Smith Charts have been success-
the Smith Chart will cause the graphical documenting the program history. The sec- f u l l y p l o t t e d on a v a r i e t y of C G A ,
impedance plot to be transferred to your tion beginning at the label "START:" prints Hercules, EGA, and VGA graphics sys-
printer in a special graphics mode. Because the initial title screen where the user selects tems. Hundreds of copies of a previous
of slight differences between screen aspect the desired text/graphics option. If CGA or version are in use with no known problems.
ratios and printer aspect ratios (horizontal Hercules graphics are chosen, the next The only incompatibility I know of is that
versus vertical dots per inch) the Smith lines draw a blank Smith Chart and store it the program won't run on an IBM PC Jr.
Chart might not print as a perfect circle, but in memory (the G E T . . . B L A N K * state- Feel free to modify the program for your
it will be close. ment). When using the program, the own purposes. A couple suggestions for
existing chart is flashed onto the screen expansion are adding graphics routines for
Program Description when needed—it is not redrawn each time. higher resolution V G A modes or adding an
The source code for my program is T h e lines f o l l o w i n g the label "IN- option to save intermediate data to a disk
listed as Program 1 (at the end of this P U T S : " request user inputs of the working file for later recall.
article), and it is included on the compan- frequencies and impedances. The section Experienced programmers may ques-
ion diskette as the file SCHART.BAS. (See after the label " M E N U : " prints the menu tion my use of long lines of code containing
Diskette Availability on an early page of shown earlier as Table 1 and requests user multiple statements and my limited use of
this book.) The various sections of the pro- inputs. remarks/documentation. My programming
gram are described below. Note that the T h e next 13 sections of the program style is a carry-over from earlier days of
source code does not use line numbers and contain equations for the 13 different types programming computers with less than 64k
therefore will not run under interpretive of matching elements which can be se- of available memory where each line num-
BASIC (BASICA or GWBASIC). If you lected. T h e label at the beginning of each ber and each remark in interpretive BASIC
have a modern BASIC compiler you can section is an abbreviated description of the stole several bytes of precious memory,
load and run the program in that environ- component selected. For example: SERC and "compaction" was required to permit
ment (see " F o r P r o g r a m m e r s " below). for series capacitor, SHL for shunt induc- programs to fit into memory. In fact, much
However, a compiled version of the pro- tor, S H L I N E for shunt transmission line, of this code was imported directly (as a file
gram, which will run directly in your DOS etc. The equations in each section corre- transfer) from my Commodore 64 version
environment, is included on the companion spond to those in the Appendix on an of this program. Another reason is that
disk as the file SCHART.EXE. element by element basis. "publication" was in mind when I gener-
Equations for each type of matching The section beginning at " C A L C : " is ated this program. Using several state-
network accommodated by the program the mini-calculator for determining com- ments per line and eliminating comments
drastically reduces the number of lines to other programs in background memory, it compatible) you are placed in the 640 by
be printed; this saves on the number of may report that two equations are too com- 200 pixel graphics mode just as if you had
published pages which reduces publishers' plex to compile. If you encounter this made a SCREEN 2 call from B A S I C A or
costs, and it saves trees. anomaly, turn OFF the Full Menus option from G W B A S I C . If you have a Hercules
and no error messages should be encoun- card, appropriate action is taken to plot in
QuickBASIC Users tered. As an alternative, you can break the the 720 by 348 pixel Hercules graphics
If you compile this program with two equations into two smaller parts. For mode.
Microsoft QuickBASIC, a few changes example, a line of code in the format Microsoft QuickBASIC works quite
will be necessary. At two places in the differently. If you have a Hercules card,
program I print a temporary message on the X = ( A + B) / (C + D ) you must change the SCREEN 2 command
screen, delay 2 seconds, then erase the to SCREEN 3. In addition, you must run
message. Turbo B A S I C and Power B A S I C could be broken into the following two the DOS program MSHERC.COM (which
use the " D E L A Y " command ( " D E L A Y 2 " lines. is provided with QuickBASIC) before run-
causes the computer to wait 2 seconds be- ning the S C H A R T program on a Hercules
f o r e e x e c u t i n g the next c o m m a n d ) . X = ( A + B) system.
QuickBASIC does not recognize that com-
mand but uses the SLEEP command; you X = X / (C + D ) References
must change D E L A Y to SLEEP. J. R. Fisk, W I H R . " H o w T o U s e the Smith

QuickBASIC V4.5 will run the modi- Another difference is the way thediffer- Chart," Ham Radio, M a r 1978. p 92.
W . I. Orr, W 6 S A I , Radio Handbook (Indianapo-
fied source code, but it does not appear to ent compilers handle Hercules graphics
lis: H o w a r d Sams), 1987, pp 21 -13 to 21 - i 7.
utilize memory as efficiently as Turbo cards. The source code provided makes a
P. H . Smith, Electronic Applications of the Smith
BASIC. If you attempt to compile and save SCREEN 2 call. Turbo B A S I C and Power
Chart ( N e w Y o r k : M c G r a w - H i l l ) , 1969.
an executable EXE file to disk with the B A S I C check your hardware at that point.
A n y recent edition. The ARRL Antenna Book
"Full Menus" option selected and have If you have a C G A card (EGA and V G A are (Newington: A R R L ) .


The convention I used for the various matching elements and impedances is shown below. The equations used for each type of reac-
tive matching element follow.

Zin = X + jY ZU = R + j l
Scries M a t c h i n g
Components O o
o C
Shun! Watching Locfl
Input impedance Component Length = L (inches)
ZL = R+,1
Z.n = X + j Y
Length = L (inches)
X - T impedance = Z c
Characteristic impedance = Zj
Velocity factor = V Velocity factor = V

u, _ ' 2 LI
39.37 V

2Z, I
Load " (R + Z,)2 + I*
o- (open or
shorted) Rg - Z|2 + I?
E ' |R + Z,)2 t |2
ZL = R + j l
Z = D2 + E2
-o T » lan-'(D/E) - 2W
If open stub: T = ZQ tan(W + 90°)
It shorted stub: T = Z0 lan(W) Note: 11 calculator gives only 1st and 41h quadrant
transformer for tan-1 answers (-90°< W < 90°).
add 180° to T if D was negative.
v RT2
N = turns ratio * " R2 + (I + T)S
X = K R and Y = K I ZT 11 - (ZcosTV - (ZsinT)2}
where K = N2 = impedance ratio
" ft - ZcosT)2 + (ZsmT)2
Y T(R2 + l ; + Til 2 Zt ZsinT
" R* + (I + T)2
" (1 - ZcosT)2 + (ZsinT)^

Transformer Shunt Transmission Line Series Transmission Line

Appendix (continued) Series inductor
_ m n r L _

O- -o
Shunt L—C in series
X= R
Shunt Inductor o » o Y= 1 + 27lfL
o ? o
2 RW2 Series capacitor
X . B2 +RW(I + W)2 R2 + (I + W)2
_ w [R 2
+ I2 • Wl) Y W 2(R2 -t- I2 + Wl
) 1(
" R2 + (I + W)2 R + {I + W)2
i -o

Shunt capacitor Shunt L-C in parallel

o J o
Series L—C in series

RW2 " 1 - (2xf)2LC _ n m n \ c _

R2 + (I + W)2 V RW2
W (R2 -f I2 -f Wl
) ° R2 + (I + W)2 -o
R2 + (I + W)2 Y _ W2(R2 + I2 + 2Wl)
-o R + (I + W) Y= I + 2nfL-

Series L-C in parollel

Shunt L-C Components. j n r m ,
o- -o

X=R 2n(L
1-(2nf)2 LC

Series L-C Components.

Program 1
Source Code for SCHART.BAS

The code is written for the Turbo BASIC (Power BASIC) compiler. It is usable with QuickBASIC with a few modifications (see text) but
will not run with interpretive BASIC programs such as GWBASIC and BASICA. This program is available on a companion diskette;
see Diskette Availability on an early page of this book. Also included on the companion diskette is SCHART.EXE, a compiled version
that runs directly from DOS.





PI—3 .141593 :CL$=CHR$ (12 ) : DN$=CHR$ ( 31) : PT$-"U2D4U2R4L8R4E1G2E1H1F2H1
PRINT ,," IN 46773 USA
IF GR=2 THEN XC=320sYC=100sXR=217:AR-.4166sXL=103:XRT=537sYT=10:YB=190
IF GR=2 THEN YR=90:X1=429:A=175:B=248:C=392:D=465:AA=98sAB=102
IF GR=3 THEN XC=360:YC=175:XR=240:AR=.6667:XL=120sXRT=600:YT=15sYB=335
IF GR=3 THEN YR-160:X1=480:A=200:B=280:C=440:D=520iAA-171:AB=179
CIRCLE (X1,YC),XR/2,,, ,AR
LOCATE 13,69:PRINT"oo":IF GR=2 THEN PSET (550,100):PSET (551,100)
IF GR—3 THEN PSET(620,175):PSET(621,175):PSET(620,176):PSET(621,176)
LOCATE 14,22 I PRINT".2"
LOCATE 14,31:PRINT".5"
LOCATE 14,41s PRINT"1"
IF GR=2 THEN CIRCLE (537,325),544,,.626*PI,.742*PI
IF GR—3 THEN CIRCLE (600,575),600,,.626*PI,.742*PI,.6667
IF GR=2 THEN CIRCLE (537,-125),544,,1.258*PI,1.374*PI
IF GR-3 THEN CIRCLE (600,-225),600,,1.258»PI,1.374*PI,.6667
DIM BLANK*(2700),FULL*(2700),TEXT*(750)
IF GR-2 THEN GET (80,9)-(560, 191),BLANK! sGET (80,9)-(560,191),FULL*:CLS
IF GR-3 THEN GET (100,14 )-(630,335),BLANK* :GET (100,14)-(630, 335) ,FULL* sCLS
IF D$="d" THEN D$="D"
IF D$-"s" THEN D$«"S"
PRINT USING " *****.***";F(J);SPRINT USING " *****.***";R(J)f



FOR J-l TO Nl X(J)=R(J)

Y(J)-I(J)+2*PI*F(J)*L-1/(2»PI*F(J)*C*.000001) iNEXT JiGOTO MENU2

FOR J-l TO Nl X(J)—R(J)
Y(J)-I( J) + (2*PI«F( J)*L)/(l-( (2*PI*F(J)) 2)*L*C*.000001) INEXT J:GOTO MENU2

R-(R(J) 2-Z1 2+I(J) 2)/D
D-(1-R) 2+I 2A A
X(J)-Z1*(1-R 2-I 2)/D
FOR J-l TO N: W-2*PI*C*.000001
D-(1-W«F(J)*I(J)) 2+(R(J)*W*F(J)) 2
Y(J)-(I(J)«(1-W*F(J)«I(J))-R(J) 2»W»F(J))/D:NEXT JiGOTO MENU2

FOR J=1A TO Nl W=2*PI*F(J)*L
D-R(J) 2+(I(J)+W)
X(J)=R(J)*W 2/DA A
Y(J)-W*(R(J) 2+I(J) 2+W*I(J))/D
D=R(J) 2+(I(J)+W)
X(J)=R(J)*W 2/DA A
Y(J)=W*(R(J) 2+I(J) 2+W*I(J))/D
D=R(J) 2+(I(J)+W)
X(J)=R(J)*W 2/D A A
Y(J)=W«(R(J) 2+I(J) 2+W*I(J))/D
LOCATE 4 , 4 0 : P R I N T - O P E N ( O ) OR SHORTED (S) STUB";
IF S $ = " s " THEN S $ = " S "
IF S $ = " o " THEN S $ = " 0 "
I F S $ < > " 0 " AND S $ < > " S " THEN GOTO INS
FOR J = 1 TO N
T = L L * F ( J ) * 1 . 2 / 3 9 . 3 7 / V
I F S $ = " S " THEN W=Z1*TAN(T*PI/180)
I F S $ = " 0 " THEN W=Z1*TAN((T+90)*PI/180)
D = R ( J ) " 2 + ( I ( J ) + W ) A 2
X ( J ) = R ( J ) * W " 2 / D
Y ( J ) = W * ( R ( J ) A 2+ 1 ( J ) " 2 + W * I ( J ) ) / D

I N P U T " S T E P U P O R DOWN ( U O R D ) " ; T $
I F T $ < > " U " AND T $ < > " D " AND T $ < > " U " AND T $ o " d " THEN GOTO XFMR
I F T $ = " D " OR T $ = " d " THEN W=l/W
FOR J = 1 TO N: X ( J ) = W * R ( J )
Y ( J ) = W * I ( J ) : NEXT J : GOTO MENU2

FOR J = 1 TO N: X ( J ) = R ( J ) + R S
Y ( J ) = I ( J ) : N E X T J : GOTO MENU2

FOR J = 1 TO N
D - ( R ( J ) + R S ) * 2 + I ( J ) A 2
X ( J ) = R S * ( R ( J ) ' 2 + R S * R ( J ) + I ( J ) * 2 ) / D
Y ( J ) = I ( J ) * R S " 2 / D : NEXT J : GOTO MENU2

I F L E F T $ ( A $ , 1 ) < > " Y " AND L E F T S ( A $ , 1 ) < > " y " THEN END
C L S : I F GR=2 THEN PUT ( 8 0 , 9 ) , B L A N K * : G E T ( 8 0 , 9 ) - ( 5 6 0 , 1 9 1 ) , F U L L ! : G O T O INPUTS
I F G R = 3 THEN PUT (100 ,14),BLANK*:GET ( 1 0 0 , 1 4 ) - ( 6 3 0 , 3 3 5 ) , F U L L * : G O T O INPUTS

IF GR=2 THEN GET ( 0 , 0 ) - ( 6 3 9 , 3 0 ) , T E X T * : C L S
IF G R = 3 THEN GET ( 0 , 0 ) - ( 7 0 0 , 5 5 ) , T E X T * : C L S
IF X = 4 AND G R = 2 THEN PUT ( 8 0 , 9 ) , BLANK* :GOTO PLOTVAL
I F X = 4 AND G R = 3 THEN PUT ( 1 0 0 , 1 4 ) , B L A N K * :GOTO PLOTVAL
I F GR=2 THEN PUT ( 8 0 , 9 ) , F U L L *
I F G R = 3 THEN PUT ( 1 0 0 , 1 4 ) , F U L L *
FOR J = 1 TO N
D = ( X ( J ) + Z 0 ) A 2 + Y ( J ) " 2
P X ( J ) = ( ( X ( J ) - Z 0 ) * ( X ( J ) + Z 0 ) + Y ( J ) ' 2 ) / D * X R
P Y ( J ) = - 2 * Y ( J ) * Z 0 / D * Y R
I F D$="S" AND J > 1 THEN LINE ( X C + P X ( J - 1 ) , Y C + P Y ( J - 1 ) ) - ( X C + P X ( J ) , Y C + P Y ( J ) )
d e l a y 2:LOCATE 1:PRINT SPACE$(79)
I $ = I N K E Y $ : I F 1 $ = " " THEN GOTO INDUMMY
I F GR=2 THEN GET ( 8 0 , 9 ) - ( 5 6 0 , 1 9 1 ) , F U L L *
I F G R = 3 THEN GET ( 1 0 0 , 1 4 ) - ( 6 3 0 , 3 3 5 ) , F U L L *
CLS:PUT ( 0 , 0 ) , T E X T *

L O C A T E 2 1 , 1 : I N P U T " W H A T V A L U E O F V S W R C I R C L E DO YOU WANT TO PLOT";VS
I F V S < 1 THEN LOCATE 19 : P R I N T " V S W R > 1 . 0 " : G O T O BADVSWR
I F G R = 2 THEN GET ( 0 , 0 ) - ( 6 3 9 , 3 0 ) , T E X T * : C L S
I F G R - 3 THEN GET ( 0 , 0 ) - ( 7 0 0 , 5 5 ) , T E X T * : C L S
I F G R = 2 THEN PUT ( 8 0 , 9 ) , F U L L *
I F G R - 3 THEN PUT ( 1 0 0 , 1 4 ) , F U L L *
V R - X R * ( V S - 1 ) / ( V S + 1 )
CIRCLE ( X C , Y C ) , V R , , , , A R
PRINT USING " ##•##.###";F(J);:PRINT USING " #<*tt.#**";X(J);
FOR J-l TO N:R(J)=X(J)
delay 2iGOTO MENU

LPV$=STR$(V) :QQ=INSTR(LPV$, " . " ) : IF QQ>0 THEN LPV$=LEFT$ ( LPV$ ,QQ+2 )
LPRINT USING " •#«##.**•";F(J);iLPRINT USING " #•#••.###";X(J);

Horizontal Antennas and the
Compound Reflection Coefficient
By C h a r l e s J. M i c h a e l s , W 7 X C
13431 N 24th Ave
P h o e n i x , AZ 85029

ne night on 40 meters there was finite diameter as opposed to those at the

O a discussion on certain details of

the pattern of an Extended Dou-
ble Zepp over real earth. Analysis required
E feed point which may vary widely with
antenna diameler-lo-length ratio. Of
course, for some antennas such as the
the ability to plot patterns in the vicinity of center-fed half wave, the feed point is at a
the nulls and secondary lobes to a fine current loop.
resolution. It appeared that although cur- None provide an explicit equation for
rent antenna articles contain many real p a t t e r n s b e t w e e n the principal planes
earth patterns at any required azimuth and where the field is a mixture of horizontally
Fig 1—(A) Electromagnetic wave coming
wave angle, such patterns are hardly ever and vertically polarized waves for the real
out of page. E and H fields are
seen in older articles. perpendicular to each other. (B) H and E earth case and only Terman® appears to
Since the method of calculating such fields are also perpendicular to the line of state one as applying to the perfect-earth
real earth patterns is conceptually rather propagation (LOP) coming out of page at case.
angle and to the reader's right.
obvious, the lack of them prior to the ad- Finally, taking the bull by the horns, an
vent of N E C and M I N I N E C would appear effort was undertaken to derive the required
to be primarily due to the tedious compu- equations. A study of the perfect-earth case
tations involved. However, the computa- All discuss the effects of perfect and real provides a basis for that effort.
tions are very reasonable with a minimal earth to various degrees. There are differ-
personal computer or even a handheld pro- ences among them, most of which are Defining Polarization
grammable scientific calculator with pro- correct in context. Some treat only pattern A clear understanding of polarization is
g r a m l o a d i n g m e a n s s u c h as t h e shapes—others include field strength cal- vital to understanding the formation of an-
Hewlett-Packard HP41C. Many hams have c u l a t i o n s . S o m e present them only in tenna patterns. An electromagnetic wave
computers which can't handle M I N I N E C context of half-wave dipoles. Some devote comprises an oscillating Electric Vector, E,
but can handle field calculations using al- separate sections to patterns for some par- and an oscillating Magnetic Vector, H, per-
gebraic-trigonometric solutions for sinu- ticular antenna lengths when a general pendicular to each other and to the "line of
soidal current distributions. equation could cover many, leaving the in- propagation" (LOP) of the wave. See Fig 1.
Equations for fields of horizontal anten- termediate lengths untreated. Some contain Referring to Fig 2A—consider a wave
nas above real earth in the plane broadside misleading or ambiguous statements— incident on and reflecting from a surface
to the antenna, where polarization is purely some, outright errors. oriented such that the E vector is parallel
horizontal, and in the vertical plane con- In general, treatments start with an to the surface. The LOP of this incident
taining the antenna, where polarization is equation for free-space patterns of infi- wave and that of the reflected wave lie in a
purely vertical, are found in some texts. All nitely thin antennas then present a multi- plane perpendicular to the surface and at an
that seemed lacking was equations for the plying expression to yield patterns over angle (the wave angle) to the surface.
fields at azimuth and wave angles between perfect earth—most stating, "in the plane This wave is "horizontally polarized" or
the principal planes where the field is a perpendicular to the antenna," and rarely, has "horizontal polarization." The H vec-
mixture of horizontally and vertically "in the vertical plane containing the an- tor, which is always perpendicular to the
polarized waves. A search for such equa- tenna.." The reasonable reader would prob- E vector, lies in the perpendicular plane
tions yielded some interesting findings. ably assume this to exclude other azimuth and at an angle of 90° - \|/ to the surface.
and wave angles; actually, it doesn't. The angle of reflection is the same as the
The S e a r c h The simplifying assumption of an infi- angle of incidence.
Textbooks on hand and others borrowed nitely thin antenna is acceptable since the Referring to Fig 2B—now consider a
from the library or friends were consulted. radiation resistance and loop currents in- wave incident on and reflecting from a
A representative group treating horizontal volved are very close to those at the loop(s) surface oriented such that the H vector is
antennas over real earth was selected. 1 " 8 of typical amateur M F and H F antennas of parallel to the surface. Again the LOP for
Fig 3—(A) Field of half-wave dipole in free space. (B) Pattern in any plane containing
antenna forms typical figure 8. Note that the electric vector directions are symmetrical
about the antenna axis.

Fig 2—(A) EM wave incident on a perfectly conducting surface cannot have a the antenna lies. Note the symmetry of the
reflecting plane at wave angle v. The tangential electric force. Nature takes care direction of the E vectors. This will be of
LOP of the incident and reflected waves
lie in the vertical plane. The E vector lies of this by making the simultaneously pre- importance later.
in the reflecting plane. This is horizontal sent horizontally polarized reflected E vec-
polarization. The H vector, not shown, is tor reverse its phase relative to the incident E = 37 ">82 1 [cos((LQ) cos8)-cos(172)1
in the vertical plane and perpendicular to wave so that they cancel in the surface.
the LOP and the E vector. (B) EM wave
incident on a reflecting plane at wave Therefore: (Eq 1)
angle y . The LOP of the incident and • The reflected horizontally polarized
reflected waves lie in the vertical plane. wave, E r , is of the same amplitude as the where
The E vector is in the vertical plane and at incident E vector but its phase is changed E = absolute value of the electric
an angle to the reflecting plane. The H
vector, not shown, is in the horizontal by-180°. vector of field, mV/meter at one
plane perpendicular to the LOP and the E • T h e r e f l e c t e d vertically polarized mile distance. Absolute value
vector. This is vertical polarization. Note: wave, E r , is equal in amplitude and of the indicated by the vertical bars.
the E vector is not perpendicular to the s a m e phase as the E vector of the incident L = total angular length of antenna,
reflecting plane except when y is 0.
wave. ie, 180° for a half-wave dipole
The ratio of a reflected wave, E r , to the 9 = angle of the L O P of a wave
incident wave, Ei, is called the reflection relative to antenna axis
coefficient. The reflection coefficients are 10 = curient at the current loop(s),
the incident w a v e and the reflected wave of the form Ri, / n, and R v / rv, where Rh and amperes
lie in the plane perpendicular to the surface. R v are the attenuation constants and rh and
This wave is "vertically polarized" or has r v are the r e s p e c t i v e a s s o c i a t e d p h a s e T h e constant 37.282 in Eq I causes it to
" v e r t i c a l p o l a r i z a t i o n . " T h e E vector, angles. Thus, for this perfect-earth case, yield the field strength in millivolts per
w h i c h is a l w a y s p e r p e n d i c u l a r to the since there is no earth loss: meter at a distance of one mile. The "one
H vector, lies in the perpendicular plane at mile" is a completely arbitrary heritage of
an angle of 90° — ^ to the surface. E r = Ej x 1 / - 1 8 0 " for horizontally the BC antenna industry. For many ama-
It is important to note that in the verti- polarized waves teur purposes there is no real mathematical
cally polarized case, contrary to s o m e reason to state the field in these terms but
c o m m o n misconceptions and texts, 1 0 the E r = Ej x 1 / for vertically polarized it gives a sense of physical significance to
E vector is not perpendicular to the surface waves the field values. T h e bracketed expression
except when the wave angle is zero. is the shape factor. The field strength is
If the wave angle is 90°, both the E and The Free-Space Center-Fed Antenna proportional to I„ and Io = VP/Rr, where P
H vectors lie in the surface and the wave = the radiated power and R r = the radiation
Eq 1 may be used to calculate the three-
may be considered as having either polari- resistance at the current loop(s). Derivation
dimensional pattern of center-fed antennas
z a t i o n . A l t h o u g h e i t h e r t h e E or the of some version of Eq 1 can be found in
of arbitrary length in free space having
H vectors may be used in calculations, the many textbooks.
sinusoidal current distribution. For sim-
E vector is usually used. Unless anticipated, when 6 is zero a
plicity, a half-wave dipole pattern is shown
in Fig 3A. It has the classic "doughnut" calculator or computer would stop with an
Reflection in the Perfect-Earth Case error display—division by zero being for-
shape. Because dipole free-space patterns
The reflected waves of horizontally and are symmetrical about the wire axis, the bidden. Repetitive tests for zero division in
vertically polarized waves from a perfectly half-wave dipole example pattern can be a program are time consuming. Addition of
conducting surface are very different. A shown as in Fig 3B for any plane in which 10" 6 degrees to the value of 0 ensures that
barring the unlikely use of -10~ 6 degrees
for 0, the ordinary rounding and display of Ed
results eliminates the very small effect on
calculated fields.
The trigonometry of Eq 1 causes the
sign of the bracketed expression to be J P'
negative for some 9 for some lengths. This
indicates the phase change between lobes
on some patterns and is of no significance
for our purposes. The negative signs are
ignored and the absolute value used.
1111111111111 i i i u i i i i i i i i inn n mm
(A) (B) (C)
Referencing to Azimuth and Wave
Fig 4—For horizontal antennas, the reflected electric vectors for horizontally polarized
Eq 1 is in terms of 6. By some elemen- waves broadside to the antenna (A), and those for the vertically polarized waves in the
tary trigonometry, Eq 2 yields 0 in terms of vertical plane containing the antenna (B), behave in the same fashion. That is, they are
in opposite directions to the direct wave. Contrast this with vertically polarized waves
azimuth angle <> | and wave angle y. <f> = 0°
from a short vertical antenna (C), where they are in the same direction as the direct
is perpendicular to the antenna and in- wave. This is due to the symmetry of electric vectors about antennas, as shown in Fig 3.
creases counterclockwise looking down on
the antenna. While this is contrary to the
conventional compass directions, it is
almost universally used to match the cus-
tomary polar diagram directions. Since the E vectors are in that plane they waves must be reversed, that is, phased an
are shown as ordinary arrows. The waves additional -180 0 . 2 3
0 = arc cos (cos <j) cos y ) (Eq 2) in this plane are purely vertically polarized
and hence suffer no phase change when The Multiplying Factor
where reflected from the perfectly conducting The path difference for Ed and Er causes
0 = angle of LOP relative to the surface. Notice that the direction of the E, phase differences such that at some an-
antenna axis and Ed arrows is to the left because the field tenna heights, and azimuth and wave
<j) = azimuth angle (0 broadside to the is symmetrical about the axis of the an- angles, E r reinforces Ed and at others par-
antenna) tenna. Looking along the LOP in the tially or totally cancels Ed, thus forming
= wave angle (0 on the horizon) direction of propagation of Ei, the arrow patterns that depend on antenna height.
points to the right of the LOP so looking Many texts present some version of Eq 3 to
The Antenna above a Perfectly along the LOP of E r , it also points to the convert the free-space patterns of Eq 1 to
Conducting Surface right of the LOP there being no phase the pattern above a perfect earth.
Fig 4 shows the antenna over a perfectly change on reflection.
conducting flat surface—close enough Again Ed is propagating to the distance E p = 2 sin [(360 h/A.) sin y) E (Eq 3)
such that only the phase changes due to point, Ei toward the reflecting plane and E r
reflection are obvious and the phase toward the same distance point to be com- where
changes due to path length differences are bined with Ed. The arrows are in E p = total field, mV/meter at 1 mile
not yet very large. opposition just as they were in the end view E = free-space antenna field from Eq
Fig 4A is the end-on view of the an- containing the horizontally polarized 1, mV/meter at 1 mile
tenna. Ed is the E vector of a direct wave wave. Contrast this with the situation for a h = height above earth, same units as A.
propagating toward some distant point in a short vertical antenna on perfect earth X = wavelength, same units as h
plane perpendicular to the antenna. Waves shown in Fig 4C where the reflected wave \|/ = wave angle above horizon,
in this plane are purely horizontally polar- is in the same direction as the direct wave. degrees
ized. Ed is shown as an open circle In other words—with respect to its in-
indicating an arrow directed into the page. teraction with the direct waves, the The 2 in Eq 3 represents the "6-dB
Ei is the E vector of a wave in the same reflected vertically polarized waves from a reflection gain" (20 logio 2 = 6 dB), the
plane as Ed propagating toward and inci- horizontal antenna behave as if the sign of same as the 6 dB to be added to the "reflec-
dent on the surface from which it is the reflected E vector is reversed, that is, tion factors" mentioned in the Figure 11
reflected to become E r , at the same wave phased -180°. This makes the reflected E r caption on page 3-8 of The ARRL Antenna
angle as Ed and propagating toward the of the vertically polarized waves the same Book, 15th Edition. Those perfect-earth
same point as Ed, with which it will be as the E r of the horizontally polarized "pattern factors" are plots of the remainder
combined. E r is shown by a dot in a circle waves. Therefore, in this perfect-earth case of Eq 3 with unity at the 0-dBi circle.
indicating an arrow pointing out of the the vertically polarized and horizontally Of all the texts previously cited, only
page due to the 180° phase change associ- polarized waves behave the same in this Terman's Radio Engineers Handbook pre-
ated with the reflection of a horizontally respect and there is no need to differentiate sents the multiplying factor as simply, "For
polarized wave from a perfectly conduct- between them—even at azimuth angles horizontal antennas ..."—no restrictions.
ing surface. containing waves polarized at intermediate Others say, for example, "For the plane
Fig 4B is a view from broadside to the angles between vertical and horizontal. In perpendicular to the antenna." True, but not
antenna. The E vectors shown are in the the real-earth case, the sign of the reflected exclusive. Terman is right—the perfect-
vertical plane that contains the antenna. vertically polarized component of such earth multiplying factor applies to all
—i r Antenna

t :Image antenna

Fig 6 — F o r purposes of calculations for

mutual resistance, Rm, the mathematical
"image antenna" is separated from the
real antenna by twice the height of the
real antenna above earth.

lem o c c u r s with c u r r e n t v e r s i o n s of
Height h / X
Io for a selected power to the antenna is
given by Eq 5.
Fig 5—Radiation resistance, Rr, of a half-wave dipole as a function of height above
ground. Heights below 0.2 wavelength will not yield reliable results because of local
induction field earth losses coupling into the antenna and the finite thickness of the I„ = (Eq 5)
earth current. At greater heights, these effects are considered negligible. Below 0.2
wavelength, the input impedance of the half-wave antenna will be approximately as where
shown by the dotted line, depending on earth parameters and frequency.
Io = current at antenna loop(s).
P = power to antenna, watts
azimuth and wave angles. is 0.8 wavelength. Z m and its associated R r = radiation resistance of antenna at
At this point the shape of patterns of phase angle for a 90° monopole (one half current loop as corrected for
horizontal antennas above perfect earth of the 180° dipole) can be obtained from height above earth, ohms
may be plotted for any combination of curves of Z m versus separation found in
selected azimuth and wave angles. Enter many texts. Multiplying the Z,„ by the co- If a power of 100 watts is assumed in
the selected azimuth and wave angles in sine of the phase angle yields - 9 . 2 5 ohms. this case. I„ = V100/91.5 = 1.045 amperes.
Eq 2 to yield 9. Enter 9 in the shape factor Doubling this for the 180° antenna makes Many texts, having explained the half-
(the absolute value of the portion within the R m - 1 8 . 5 ohms. Eq 4 applies and the R r at wave case this way, then fail to warn the
brackets of Eq 1) with the antenna length. this height is 73.2 - (-18.5) = 91.5 ohms. reader of the difficulties of applying the
Then multiply the resulting E by the num- The negative sign in Eq 4 reflects the 180° method to antennas of other lengths.
ber obtained from Eq 3 for the selected phase of the image of horizontal antennas Because 1(, will differ for the same power
height h/A. and wave angle. The results, relative to the real antenna. level in antennas of different heights be-
however, cannot be used to compare the cause of the variation of R r with height, in
gain of antennas of differing lengths or Rr = Rfs - Rm (Eq 4) some height ranges gain will be enhanced
heights. Some texts neglect to mention this. while in other ranges gain will be dimin-
where ished. Hence the often quoted 2.15 dB gain
Radiation Resistance R r = radiation resistance of real of a half wave in free space over an isotropic
Because R r differs with antenna length antenna above earth, ohms source docs not translate to 8.15 dBi except
and height above earth, the gain of different R m = resistance component of mutual for certain lobes and for those heights for
antennas cannot be compared unless R r , impedance, ohms which the radiation resistance is the same
permitting calculation of I« for equal radi- Rfs = radiation resistance of antenna as that of the antenna in free space over
ated power from each antenna, is known. in free space, ohms perfect earth and at chance combinations of
Almost all antenna texts present the height and earth parameters over real earth.
curve of Fig 5 showing R r of a thin half- Repeating this calculation for various
wave antenna as a function of height above heights of a half-wave antenna yields the R r for Other Antenna Lengths
earth in wavelengths. (One reference t e x t " curve of Fig 5. From 0 height, where the Free-space R r and image R m are needed
has an error of a factor of 2 in the height two antennas would cancel each other, the to calculate R r of an antenna above earth.
scale of this plot). curve rises to a peak then looks like a Free-space R r can be obtained from some
The curve of Fig 5 is generated by the damped sine wave about the free-space R r texts 1 -, but unfortunately, the curves in
"method of images." R r of the "real an- value and approaches the free-space R r most texts for Z m or R.n11, for antennas
tenna" is changed from its free-space value value at great heights. other than the 90° monopole (for 180°
by the resistance component, R„„ of the These curves usually carry an indica- dipole) and the 230° monopole (for the
mutual impedance, Z m , between it and its tion that they are valid only for heights Extended Double Zepp 460° dipole) are
mathematical "image antenna." See Fig 6. exceeding 0.2 wavelength because below difficult to use since they are usually plot-
The free-space R r of this half-wave that height, over real earth, local induced ted for odd lengths of particular interest to
dipole (180° length) is 73.2 ohms. At a earth loss and the finite thickness of the the broadcast industry. Interpolation be-
height of 0.4 wavelength above earth as in earth current flow b e c o m e significant tween curves is difficult to impossible
Fig 6, separation between it and the image factors difficult to analyze. The same prob- because the curves overlap with varying
intervals due to their cyclic nature. There-
Horizontal Polorizotion Vertical Polarization
fore, a means to calculate R m is needed.
The resistance component of Z m at the
current loop of a pair of monopoles (double
for the dipole) may be calculated by the
equations in Appendix 2. With a suitable
subroutine for generating the sine integral,
Si, and cosine integrals involved (see Ap-
p e n d i x 3), a p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r c a n
calculate R m in a blink of an eye. Free-
space R r . although available in several
texts as a curve, can be similarly calculated
by the equations of Appendix 3. In fact, 1 (A) (B)
have programmed a hand-held program-
mable scientific calculator (HP41C) to run
Fig 7—(A) Reflection coefficient for horizontally polarized waves. The phase angle, rh,
these and all the other calculations of this as calculated by Eq 6 may be from -180° to +160° for the -180° to -200° range shown.
paper. While running time in the H P 4 I C V (Some computers and calculators convert all angles more negative than -180° to the
for Zm and R r is several minutes, it still equivalent, but still proper, positive angles.) (B) Reflection coefficient for vertically
beats looking them up in textbooks. polarized waves. Both curves for e r = 15, a = 5 mS/meter (average sort of earth) at
21 MHz.
For antennas shorter than 180° dipoles,
the current loop cannot actually physically
exist on the antenna itself. Nevertheless the
values of R r and I 0 resulting are proper for angle varies from 0° (on the horizon) to 90° effect fades for the intermediate angles and
use in these calculations. (straight up) the fraction reflected, Rh, at high angles the vertically polarized ra-
When calculating R m by the means of varies from 1 to 0.6 while the phase angle diation off the ends approaches the value
Appendix 2, calculators or computers will doesn't get very different from - 1 8 0 ° , not of the horizontally polarized field broad-
run "out of range" for s o m e height depend- greatly different from the perfect-earth side. At 90° they are exactly equal. The
ing on the length of the antenna due to the case. method by which the direct and reflected
large values reached by the factorial num- Fig 7B shows curves for R v and r v (ver- waves are combined is treated later.
bers in the dividend of the series expansion tical polarization) for that same earth and Eq 6 is the horizontal polarization coef-
of Si and Ci. This limits the height range frequency. The values vary widely. At high ficient. Eq 7 is the vertical polarization
over which R m may be calculated. For most angles R v is close to Rh and r v is close to coefficient.
M F / H F h o r i z o n t a l a n t e n n a s this limit the 0° of the perfect-earth case. But at
provides for practical antenna heights. lower angles R v drops to a low value then R
h/Ih = 1 ;—
rises rapidly for low angles to 1 at 0° (the sin \|/ + v (e r - jx) - cos''
Summary of Calculations for Perfect horizon), while R v goes quickly from a (Eq 6)
Earth small negative angle to - 1 8 0 on the hori-
Perfect-earth patterns are often used zon. T h e minimum of R v occurs very close Rv/Iji =
simply because the calculations are simpler to the wave angle at which R v is - 9 0 ° . This
than those for real earth but also serve as a is the "Pseudo-Brewster Angle" when this
(e, - jx) sin V|/ - V ( e r - j x ) - cos 2 y
reference to permit identification of the reflection coefficient is used with vertical
effects of real earth. antennas. 1 4 , 2 0 (e r - j x ) sin \|/ + V ( e r - j x ) - cos2V|/
Using Eqs 1, 2, and 3 with I 0 calculated Aside from the violent behavior of the (Eq 7)
for the same power levels by Eq 5 and R r vertical polarization reflection coefficient,
appropriate to the length and height of each the salient feature of vertically polarized where
antenna, patterns of antennas of differing waves f r o m a horizontal antenna is that the x = 1.8 x 10 4 cs/f
length and/or height above perfect earth phase of the reflected vertically polarized Rh = attenuation constant of the
may be compared to determine effects on E vector is reversed by - 1 8 0 ° in calcula- horizontal polarization
patterns such as number, size and w a v e tions because of the symmetry of the E coefficient
angle of lobes and nulls or minima. fields as shown in the perfect-earth analy- rh = phase angle of the horizontal
sis. This reverses the effect of the vertically polarization coefficient
Real-Earth Case polarized reflected waves from real earth R v = attenuation constant of the
Real earth acts like a lossy capacitance. such that at low angles, instead of opposing vertical polarization coefficient
A portion of the incident w a v e is lost in the the direct wave, as it does for vertical an- r v = phase angle of the vertical
reflection process and the reflected portion tennas over real earth, it reinforces the polarization coefficient
undergoes a phase change differing from direct wave. 2 3 \|/ = wave angle (0° on the horizon)
that of the perfect-earth case depending on Since all antennas have a null directly e r = dielectric constant of the earth
the dielectric constant and conductivity of end-on, that null still exists, but depending relative to air = 1
the real earth in the earth areas from which on the earth parameters and frequency, the o = conductivity of earth, siemens per
the reflections take place. field in the immediate vicinity of the null- meter (S/m)
As an example, Fig 7 A shows curves for cone may rise m o r e rapidly with w a v e f = frequency, M H z
Rh and rh (horizontal polarization) for an angle thus enhancing the low angle radia- j = complex operator
average earth at 21 MHz. A s the wave tion off the ends at these low angles. This
Values of e r and o may be obtained from
The ARRL Antenna Book, 15th or 16th Edi-
tions, page 3-3, Table 1 or from text
listings. 21 Values of earth conductivity
shown on maps usually relate to the 0.5- to
1.6-MHz BC band and are not necessarily
relevant to HF conditions where depth of
penetration of earth currents is much shal-
The textbooks can lead one on a confus-
ing chase in obtaining Eqs 6 and 7. The
e x p r e s s i o n s are given in a variety of
equivalent but differing dimensioning sys-
t e m s . For example, s o m e 2 1 use e a r t h
conductivity in the physicist's emu. The
emu is multiplied by 1 0 n to obtain the
practical unit of siemens/meter. In the prac-
tical system 5 x 10" 14 emu would be 0.005
siemens/meter or 5 millisiemens/meter.
Some use earth resistivity, which is the
reciprocal of the conductivity and would be
200 ohm-meters.
Some derive the coefficients for use in
the "image antenna" concept. Others do
not and hence include the 180° phase of the
image antenna in the coefficient. Thus
Terman's 1 6 rh differs from that of Jordan Fig 8—(A) A horizontal antenna h/X. above an earth plane. (B) The small tilted plane of A
and Balmain 1 7 by 180° (some numerator at $ = 30° is shown enlarged. The reflected wave, E r , and the direct wave, Ed, are
signs reversed). This paper uses those of parallel and combine at a distant point to form the field of E vectors composing the
Jordan and Balmain, as do most texts. pattern. Both should be seen as coming out of the page and to the reader's left.
Both, however, are correct as used in their
respective texts.
Laport's Radio Antenna Engineering18 pendicular to them in those planes. solved into a purely horizontally polarized
has an error in that the radicals in both the The electric vectors of the LOP lying in component and a purely vertically polar-
numerator and denominator extend over the 0 = 0 plane are purely horizontally ized component. Each can be multiplied by
the entire expression. Johnson and Jasic's polarized and hence parallel to the earth the reflection coefficient appropriate to its
Antenna Engineering Handbook19 has a plane. polarization for its wave angle to obtain
sign error in the denominator of the hori- The electric vectors of the L O P lying in E^Hor) and E r (Vert). The two resulting
zontal polarization coefficient and the the <>| = 90° plane are purely vertically reflected waves can then be combined into
authors of that chapter erroneously apply polarized and are at various angles to the a compound reflected wave by the square
the horizontal reflection coefficient at all earth plane. root of the sum of the squares of the two
azimuth angles. For each wave incident on and reflected components. By algebraic and trigonomet-
Many of the texts cited show how to from the earth there is a corresponding ric manipulation a result can be derived
apply the horizontal polarization coeffi- direct wave at the same azimuth and wave that will be the compound reflection coef-
cient in the plane perpendicular to the angle with which each reflected wave will f i c i e n t , Rc/jc. R e m e m b e r that the
horizontal antenna and some show how to ultimately be combined. vertically polarized E vector phase must be
apply the vertical polarization coefficient Observe the LOP at about <> | = 30° reversed by - 1 8 0 ° . *
in the vertical plane containing the an- shown at wave angle Its E vector is of
tenna. 2 3 None of these, however, provide course in a slanted plane containing the Reflected horizontal component
an explicit equation that will apply to all antenna and the LOP, perpendicular to the
azimuth and wave angles. LOP and at an angle to the earth plane. It E r Hor = Ejcostj) Rh / r h
lies in the little tilted plane shown at the
The Compound Reflection Coefficient point of earth incidence which is shown Reflected vertical component
Fig 8A requires a bit of imagination to enlarged in Fig 8B.
see it as a three-dimensional diagram. A The electric vector in Fig 8B can be E r Vert = E ; / - 1 8 0 sin 0 R v / r*
horizontal antenna is shown lying in a ver- resolved into two components as shown.
tical plane (azimuth angle <)> = 90° and 270°) One component lies in the earth plane = Ei sin <>
| R v / r v - 180
at height h/A. above the plane of the earth. (horizontally polarized) and is equal to Ei
There is a vertical plane (azimuth angle <j> = cos <(>. The other component is at an angle
0° and 180°) at right angles to the first plane to the earth plane and in a vertical plane
*While it would a p p e a r thai using a m i n u s sign
and passing through the center of the an- containing the LOP (vertically polarized) w o u l d be e q u i v a l e n t lo the - 1 8 0 phase
tenna. All LOP will lie in planes containing and is equal to Ei sin change, the m i n u s sign would be lost in the
the antenna and have electric vectors per- The incident wave has now been re- squaring process.
Forming the square root o f the sum o f the tion coefficient. See Appendix 1.
squares Let A cos 2rh + B cos (2r v - 360) = C Ed and E r combine vectorially to form
(Eq 8c) E p (the field at a distant point). T w o vec-
Er=[(Eicos<t>Rh/rh)2 + tors, a and b, at an angle T may be added
Let A sin 2rh + B sin (2r v - 360) = D by a relative of the " L a w of Cosines," c =
(Ej sin (j> R v / r v - 180 ) 2 ] m (Eq 8d) (a 2 + b 2 + 2ab cos f ) 1 / 2 , applied here as:

Expanding the squares. Noting that Substituting C and D for convenience of Ep =

( y / x ) 2 = y2/2x manipulation
1/2 1 + R,.2 + 2R C cos r c + 720 ^ sin\|/
Er = [Ej2cos2<)> • Rh2/2Qj + Ej 2 sin 2 <|> E/Ej = [C + j D ]

R v 2 / 2r v - 360] 1 / 2 T h e definition of the A reflection coeffi-

(Eq 9 )
cient is the ratio of E r to Ei, therefore
Extracting Ei outside the square root brack-
ets E/E i = R c / _ r c = [ C + j D ] 1/2 (Eq 8e)
E p = vector sum of Ed and E r (total
field), mV/meter at 1 mile
E r = Ej [cos2<(> R h 2 / 2 a + sin 2 <|> Converting to polar format and taking the
E = free-space field E from Eq 1,
square root, noting that
mV/meter at 1 mile
R v 2 / 2r v - 360 ] l / 2
1/2 =_ / x / 2 R c = attenuation constant of
compound reflection coefficient
Dividing both sides by Ei
1/2 r c = phase angle o f compound
Rc/i = [IMI/A-360 ] (Eq 8 0
reflection coefficient
E/Ej = [cos2()> R h 2 /_2ijj + sin 2 <|>
h = height above earth, same units as X
X = wavelength, same units as h
R v 2 / 2 r v - 360 ] 1/2
*)/ = wave angle, 0° on horizon'
IMI = V c 2 + D 2
Converting each term to rectangular coor-
Terman 2 2 presents an equation similar
dinates and
to Eq 9 but uses a minus sign before the 2 R
cos term when the equation is applied to
E/Ej = [cos2<|> Rh2 (cos 2rh + j sin 2r h )
horizontally polarized waves. This
A-360 a r C t a n j
- 180° provides for the 180° image phase not in-
+ sin 2 <j) R v 2 (cos (2r v - 360) 2 2 cluded in his version o f the reflection
c o e f f i c i e n t f o r horizontally polarized
+ j sin (2r v - 360))] 1 / 2 Hence

Let cos 2 R h 2 = A (Eq 8a) D Summary of Real-Earth Field

/ arc tan •
Let sin 2 R v 2 = B (Eq 8b) Rc/r, = V c 2 + D2 - 180°
1) Calculate R r for the antenna length
and height where given by reference to R m
Substituting A and B for convenience o f (Eq 8) and R r values or by means of Appendices
manipulation and calculation
2 and 3 and Eq 4.
This is the compound reflection coeffi- 2 ) Select a current I o corresponding to
E/E; = [ A ( c o s 2rh + j sin 2r h ) cient, a function of the horizontal the selected power level using Eq 5.
polarization coefficient and the vertical po- 3 ) Calculate the direct field at the se-
+ B(cos (2r v - 360) larization coefficient which are functions lected azimuth and wave angles using Eq 1
o f the w a v e angle, azimuth angle, fre- and 2.
+ j sin (2r v - 360))] 1 / 2 quency and earth parameters. 4 ) Calculate the Reflection Coefficient
Calculate A and B o f Eqs 8a and 8b. for the selected earth parameters using Eq
Expanding into individual terms Enter them into Eqs 8c and 8d to form C 6 and 7.
and D, then C and D into Eq 8e. Converting 5 ) Calculate the Complex Reflection
E/E; = [ A cos 2rh + j A sin 2rh to polar form by Eq 8f yields the compound Coefficient of Eq 8 using Eq 8a through 8f.
reflection coefficient in Eq 8. This reflec- 6 ) Calculate the total field strength
+ B cos (2r v - 360) tion coefficient is valid for any azimuth and using Eq 9.
wave angle used in its computation. 7 ) Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each
+ j B sin (2r v - 360)] 1/2
azimuth and w a v e angle of the pattern.
Combining the Direct and Reflected
Collecting real and imaginary parts Waves
T h e method o f images may be used to
E/Ej = [ A cos 2rh + B cos (2r v - 360) derive the phase delay of E r relative to Ed tit can be shown that Eq 9 can be reduced to Eq
due to the height o f the antenna above earth 2 if R c = 1 and rc = 180° (perfect earth
+ j ( A sin 2rh + B sin (2r v - 360))] 1 / 2 to be added to the phase angle of the reflec- conditions) and the trigonometric identity,
sin (x) = ((1 - cos2x)/2)" 2 , applied.
Gain Calculations Real

Gain calculations m u s t include losses in

the a n t e n n a s y s t e m . H o w e v e r , the w o r d
" g a i n " may b e correctly applied h e r e in that
typical a m a t e u r M F / H F a n t e n n a s at h e i g h t s
m o r e than 0 . 2 w a v e l e n g t h a b o v e e a r t h
s h o w negligible earth loss and c o p p e r loss
in the loop i m p e d a n c e and earth-reflection
loss is included in t h e calculations. S i n c e
the patterns for horizontal a n t e n n a s b e l o w
0.2 w a v e l e n g t h in height vary very little in
s h a p e o v e r this range, such results m a y be
u s e f u l but the gain calculations will b e less
a c c u r a t e b e c a u s e of t h e local induction
field induced earth loss.
Fig A, Appendix 1
A p o p u l a r reference f o r gain properly
called " d B d " is the m a x i m u m of a half-
w a v e dipole in f r e e s p a c e radiating t h e
s a m e p o w e r as the subject a n t e n n a . H o w -
ever, it s o m e t i m e s c a u s e s c o n f u s i o n in
a t t e m p t s to r e f e r e n c e the s u b j e c t a n t e n n a to dBi = 2 0 logm (E p /Ej s o ) (Eq 11) w i t h s i n u s o i d a l c u r r e n t d i s t r i b u t i o n for
a h a l f - w a v e dipole at t h e s a m e height and plotting of patterns.
radiated p o w e r as the s u b j e c t a n t e n n a o v e r where By r u n n i n g plots t h r o u g h o u t the MF
perfect earth or t h e s a m e earth as the sub- dBi = field strength of a n t e n n a versus and H F r a n g e with various earth dielectric
j e c t a n t e n n a . T h e field of this h a l f - w a v e isotropic antenna, decibels and conductivity values, I h a v e f o u n d that
d i p o l e includes " r e f l e c t i o n g a i n . " T h e con- E p = field strength of subject a n t e n n a , the earth dielectric constant is of relatively
f u s i o n is c a u s e d by e r r o n e o u s use of t h e s a m e field strength a n d distance m i n o r i m p o r t a n c e b e l o w 3 0 M H z but of
designation " d B d " for this reference, too. units as Ej s o i n c r e a s i n g i m p o r t a n c e as f r e q u e n c y in-
M o r e c o n f u s i o n results if reference is in- Ejso = field strength of isotropic creases.
tended or m i s u n d e r s t o o d to be o v e r the a n t e n n a at s a m e distance, p o w e r G e t t i n g back to the question of the Dou-
entire field of the r e f e r e n c e dipole rather level and field-strength units as ble E x t e n d e d Z e p p — n u l l s in the free-space
than to o n l y the m a x i m u m . In the c a s e of Ep pattern p r o d u c e d by Eq 1 are p r e s e r v e d in
a n t e n n a s such as loops the height to be used both the perfect-earth and real-earth pat-
f o r the r e f e r e n c e half w a v e m a y be difficult Plotting Patterns terns. N u l l s and m i n i m a resulting from
to select, or at least controversial. A m o r e W h e n plotting on standard A R R L polar earth r e f l e c t i o n s are increasingly "filled
c o n v e n i e n t r e f e r e n c e is t h e " f r e e - s p a c e grids with - d B i circles to t h e 0 dBi outer i n " as the earth quality b e c o m e s poorer.
isotropic a n t e n n a " used in a l m o s t all con- circle, a note must a c c o m p a n y most plots
t e m p o r a r y a n t e n n a literature. indicating the value of the 0 d B i circle. T h e
Appendix 1
An "isotropic a n t e n n a " cannot physi- patterns are o f t e n n o r m a l i z e d to p l a c e t h e
Phase Delay in Er and Combining
cally exist. It is a m a t h e m a t i c a l d e v i c e m a x i m u m lobe of the plot on the 0 dBi
Direct and Reflected Waves
which is a s s u m e d to radiate equally in all circle. Since this may m a k e each plot to a S e e Fig A f o r t h e f o l l o w i n g .
directions. Discussion has been in t e r m s of d i f f e r e n t scale, it b e c o m e s d i f f i c u l t to c o m -
field strength at one mile. It requires only pare patterns by e y e , o f t e n even in various d = physical path length d i f f e r e n c e E r
determination of the field of an isotropic a z i m u t h and w a v e angle cuts in the s a m e relative to E j o v e r perfect earth
free-space antenna at a distance of o n e mile pattern. W h i l e there m u s t be cases of ex-
at the s a m e p o w e r as the subject antenna to t r e m e ranges of dBi w h e r e this might be d/A. = path length d i f f e r e n c e in f r a c t i o n s
establish the reference over the entire pat- necessary, in most cases a m u c h better plot of w a v e l e n g t h
tern. See Appendix 4 for derivation of Eq 10. p r o v i d e s d B circles outside t h e 0 dBi circle
to about + 2 0 dBi, sufficient f o r most a m a - ^ = h y p o t e n u s e of triangle A in
E i s o = 3 . 4 0 3 4 VP (Eq 10) t e u r p a t t e r n s . S u c h p l o t s u s i n g t h e log fractional wavelength
periodicity of 0 . 8 9 per 2 d B factor of t h e
where A R R L grids, w h i c h is an excellent choice, d
Ejso = field of isotropic antenna at 1 can be d r a f t e d and reproduced on a copy
m i l e with P watts, m V / m e t e r machine. See The ARRL Antenna Book,
P = p o w e r into a n t e n n a b e i n g 15th or 16th Editions, p a g e 2 - 1 2 f o r details
r e f e r e n c e d , watts on other pattern grids.
P = I 0 2 R r , lo and R r being those of the
How About that Double Extended P h a s e delay in d = 2n ^ = D radians
subject antenna A,
A s e a c h point in the pattern is calculated T h e m e t h o d p e r m i t s c a l c u l a t i o n of h h h
it is r e f e r e n c e d to the isotropic a n t e n n a to fields at any a z i m u t h and w a v e a n g l e o v e r D i s t a n c e 2 - = 2k 2 - = 4tc— radians
obtain the pattern in t e r m s of d B i using perfect or real earth for horizontal a n t e n n a s
Eq 11.
D L = dipole length, degrees
= sin a
H, S, U and V are in radians
Si(X) = f ^ d x
R 2 , = 30 (sin H cos H [Si(U 2 ) - Si(V 2 ) - o
But a = since triangles A and B are
"similar triangles." So 2 Si(V|) + 2 Si(U,)J - (cos 2 H)/2
[2 C i ( U , ) - 2 C i ( V , ) - C i ( U 2 ) - = x - x3 +
A5 xn
3x3! 5 x5! "' nxn!
D . h . Ci(V2)]-[Ci(U,)-2Ci(U0) +
= sin \(f and D = 4n -r sin \|/ Ci(V,)]]
. n A.
or in degrees D = 720 ^ sin \|r Uo = s
_ X2 _ X4 X6 X"
2 2
But reflection adds r c , the phase angle of u , = VS + H - H 2x2! 4x4! 6x6! " nxn!
the reflection coefficient. Therefore 2 2
V, = VS + H + H Ci (X) = lncX + 0.5772157 - S1 (X)
r = r c + 720 Y Sin y
A, u 2 = Vs2 + 4 H 2 + 2 H 0.5772157 is Euler's constant
where T is the total phase between Ed and 2 2
Er. V 2 = VS + 4 H - 2 H Si and SI may be calculated by a reit-
erative subrouti ne that tests for some preset
Combining Ed and Er in real-earth case Si (X) = sine integral of X minimum term value to stop the series cal-
A "relative" of the cosine law is used to culation and summing. A small difference
add vectors. Ci (X) = cosine integral of X between relatively large terms in the equa-
tion requires good accuracy for Si and SI,
R 2 , = resistive component of Z m particularly for short antennas. A limit of
c = [a2 + b 2 + 2 a b cos T]" 2
between antennas 1 and 2 10^ is recommended.
Let a = E d but E d = Ej and E, = E A curve labeled "b/A. = 0" correspond-
See Appendix 3 for series to calculate ing to this R r function will be found in
Let b = E r but E r = Ei R c = ERC (rc is in T). Si (X) and Ci (X). Terman, Radio Engineer's Handbook,
So This function based on Jordan and Bal- 1943, page 793, Fig 26.
m a i n , Electromagnetic Waves and
Radiation Systems, 2nd ed, Prentice-Hall, Appendix 4
E p = [E d 2 + E r 2 + 2 E r E d cos T] 1/2 Field of Isotropic Antenna at 1 Mile
1968, page 540. From P. S. Carter, Proc
IRE, 20, p 1004, 1932. Distance with Radiated Power, P
= E 2 + E 2 R c 2 + 2 E E R,. cos T] l / 2
Appendix 3
= E [1 + R c 2 + 2 R c c o s r ] l / 2 Calculation of Radiation Resistance of
a Thin Antenna
Appendix 2
Calculation of Mutual Resistance
between Monopoles


««— s — » •
i Fig C, Appendix 3

Fig B, Appendix 2 These equations are for the radiation Fig D, Appendix 4
resistance at current loop(s) of a monopole
These equations produce the mutual re- of length H above a perfect earth. Multiply
by 2 for R r of dipole of 2H in free space. The radiated power is distributed uni-
sistance component, R m , at the current formly over the area of a sphere having a
loop(s) between two monopoles of angular
R r = 30 [((cos 2H)/2) (S1(4H)) + radius of one mile (1 mile = 1609.3 meters)
height H and angular separation S over
perfect earth. Multiply by 2 for R m of di- (1 + c o s 2H) (SI (2H)) + sin2H
((Si (4H))/2) - (Si (2H))] E iso = field at surface of sphere
poles in free space. Application to dipoles:
S = 4 k h/X radians P = power at isotropic antenna, watts
H = 0.01745 L/2 radians
d = radius of sphere, meters = 3.4034 VP mV/meter ~Shelkunoff, Electromagnetic Waves, D. Nos-
trand, 1943.
3 Shelkunoff and Friis, Antennas, Theory and
A = area of sphere, square meters E i s o = 3.4034 VP mV/meter at 1 mile
Practice, John Wiley, 1952.
4Johnson and Jasik, Antenna Engineering
Just as E = VP R in circuits, in a field, For example, a half-wave dipole 0.4 Handbook, M c G r a w - H i l l , 1984.
E = VETZ wavelength above perfect earth has R r of 5 Kraus, Antennas, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
91.5 ohms. With 100 watts power, it pro- 6 Jordan and Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves
where duces a field of 77.95 mV/meter at 1 mile and Radiating Systems, Prentice-Hall, 1968.
at azimuth 0, wave angle 38.75° (a lobe). 7 Laport, Antenna Engineering, McGraw-Hill,
D = power density at surface of Eiso = 3.4034 VlOO = 34.03 mV/meter; dBi 1952.
sphere, watts per square meter = 20 logio 77.95/34.03 = 7.2 dBi. O f this, 8ARRL Antenna Book, 15th Edition, 1988.
6 dB is "reflection gain"; the remainder, 9 R e f l , p 788-789.
Z = impedance of free space, ohms 1.2 dB, is due to particular height above l0Ref 7, Preface, p V I I .
(120 7t, generallyexpressed as earth (quite different from the customary " R e f 3, p 412 Fig 13.7.
rounded to 377 ohms) assumed 2.15 dB). 1 2 Ref 6, p 541 Fig 14-3.
A t a height near 0.5 wavelength, where 1 3 Ref I, p 793 Fig 26 for b f k = 0.
the R r is the same as the free-space value, I4C. J. Michaels, " S o m e Reflections on Verti-
the broadside lobe at 33.17° shows gain cals," Jul 1987 QST.
~ A ~ 47td2
of 8.15 dBi. Of this, 6 dB is "reflection
i5ARRL Antenna Book, 15th (1988) or 16th
(1991) Edition, p 2-13.
E i s o = V ( P 120JI) / (4jtd 2 ) gain" leaving the often quoted free-space
l6Ref 1, p 696, Eq 27b.
gain of 2.15 dB of a half wave over
l7Ref 6, p 631, Eq 16-7.
= 30)/d2 isotropic. H o w e v e r , this is unique to
l8Ref 7, p 233.
heights where R r is the same as the free-
l9Ref 4, p 26-6.
= V p (30/ 1609.362) space value and then only to certain lobes
20Ref 8, ' T h e Effects of the Earth," pp 3-2 lo
and over perfect earth.
= VP V l . l 5 8 2 8 x 105 R e f l , p 709, Table 1.

22Ref I, p 791.
= 0.0034034 VP volts per meter ' T e r m a n , Radio Engineer's Handbook,
23Ref 6, p 643 and top p 399.
McGraw-Hill, 1943.
Quadro-Line: The Ideal
UHF Transmission Line
By Karol Dillnberger, DL7SS
Seesener Str 33
1000 Berlin 31

his article discusses the advan-

T tages of an unjustly neglected

type of transmission line, called
Quadro-Line, abbreviated Q-L. Q-L is a
Z= 100(1 "II I1—
II !1 1—I

low-loss, four-conductor transmission line

that you can build, especially suited for
UHF and microwave applications.
Transmission-line attenuation results
from radiation, and resistive and dielectric z = 200 n
losses. Attenuation in a given section of O 8 18
transmission line usually increases with
frequency. At VHF and above, it is neces-
sary to make every effort to reduce O
dielectric and "skin-effect" losses. Exam- z = 250 a
ples of low-loss VHF-UHF-microwave O
transmission lines are rigid coax, known as
"hardline," and open-wire. While hardline
is often available at little or no cost from
sources in the cable-TV industry, connec-
tors are very expensive. Open-wire line is Fig 2—A suitable spacer for four
a poor choice for long runs because nearby conductors of 3 mm diameter.
objects affect its characteristic impedance,
Fig 1—Possible connections of
it tends to twist, and its characteristic im- transmission-line conductors and their
pedance (Zo) is high (450 to 600 ohms). A characteristic impedances for a conductor line is not as sensitive to external influence
high-Zo line is hard to interface with low-Z diameter of 3 mm and spacing of 12 mm. as the twin-conductor line.
equipment. Quadro-Line is shown at the top.
If quadruple-conductor line is so good,
The ideal solution is open-wire line why haven't you heard of it already? Un-
with no dielectric and thick conductors. cm) for the line in Fig 1 is the same as for fortunately, unlike common transmission
The line described in this article comprises open-wire line. Quadruple lines of this type lines, quadruple line is not easily acquired
four separate parallel conductors, which have lower characteristic impedance than or installed. These difficulties inspired my
are held at uniform separation on the pe- simple twin-conductor lines (Zo from 180 design, which allows smaller conductor
riphery of circular insulating disks. The £5 to 280 £2). The characteristic impedance separation, and minimizes the effects of
conductors also may be supported at four may be computed from Eq 1. nearby objects.
corners of a square plate. These disks,
made of flat plastic material (crossed spac- Z 0 = 138 log s/r (Eq 1) Construction Materials
ers may be used as well), play the same role I chose 3-mm-diameter aluminum rod
as the spacers of twin-lead feeders, ie, hold- where for the conductors. At VHF and above, the
ing all four conductors at a constant s = distance between adjacent difference in conductivity between copper
distance. The ends of opposite conductors conductors and aluminum is slight, and aluminum won
are connected (ie, A1 with A2 and B1 with r = conductor radius because of its lighter weight. For shorter
B2, Fig 1). This design determines the elec- lines used at higher frequencies, copper-
trical properties of the line. The distance This line provides for an ultimate balance plated steel welding rods (3-mm diameter)
between the conductors (between 5 and 15 and low radiation loss. Additionally, this can be used if you polish the copper plat-
Fig 4—A completed section of Quadro-Line.
Fig 3—A tool made by the author to ease
snapping conductors into spacers.

ing. Clamping the rod in a lathe or drill

press allows faster polishing. Use the finest
emery cloth and finish with a rubbing com-
pound (used to restore the finish of faded
automobile paint). Silver plating would
i m p r o v e p e r f o r m a n c e , but the plating
doesn't last long outdoors. Aluminum rod
comes in coils, and must be stretched to
straighten it before assembling the line.
Fig 2 gives the dimensions for a square
spacer used with 3-mm-diameter rods to
produce a Q-L with Zo = 100 £2. Lexan
plastic or other lossless material about 2- Fig 5—Metal clamp for 8-mm conductor
mm thick is suitable. Each spacer is 18 mm spacing.
square, providing 11.7-mm diagonal sepa-
ration between rods. Corner holes are Fig 6—Metal clamp for 12-mm conductor
bored slightly undersize, so the rods can be spacing.
snapped into place. Fig 3 shows a flexible, 3) Attaching a suitable connector for
U-shaped tool 1 made to ease pressing the transition to another type of line.
rods into place, precisely and without ex- Fig 5 shows a suitable clamp for con-
cessive force. Fig 4 shows a section of necting adjacent rods (8-mm separation), do not directly contact the aluminum rods,
completed line. while Fig 6 shows a similar clamp for so they may be made of any metal. The
connecting diagonally separated rods (12- connections with the ends of the Q-L con-
Connecting To Quadro-Line mm separation). The metal used for the d u c t o r s may vary, d e p e n d i n g on the
There are three ways to connect to Q-L: clamps should not cause an electrolytic application.
1) Direct connection from the rods to reaction with the aluminum rods. Suitable One way to make an impedance-trans-
the load or source. metals include steel (or stainless steel), formation is to use coaxial-cable braid, slid
2) Connection via a transition to coaxial zinc and cadmium. The M2 screws and over the aluminum rods. A piece of steel
cable or other type of line. nuts used to tighten the connecting clamps spring wire wrapped around the netting

Fig 7—Coaxial-cable braid slid over the conductors provides a means of connecting to them.
20mm m!n.

Fig 8 — A coaxial cable connector can be

clamped to the line when a transition is
needed. Details of the clamp are shown in Fig 9—Coaxial-cable-connector clamp
Fig 9. details.

Fig 10—Quadra-Line can be mounted to

Fig 11—Although Quadro-Line is rigid, it can be bent when necessary. It's probably a wall or metal surface such as a tower
easiest to make the bend a separate section, then secure it to the straight runs on either using the methods shown here. The
side. author recommends a minimum spacing
of 20 mm.

holds it in place (Fig 7). You can also use ning into the connectors. You can also use metry between the "hot" lines and nearby
heat-shrink tubing to secure the braid and the traditional methods of sealing outdoor objects. The "cold" lines may be used to
seal the junction. connections, such as with silicone grease support the line anywhere along its length.
Fig 8 shows the termination to a type-F and CoaxSeal.
connector using the clamps shown in Fig Conclusion
9. Their internal thread corresponds to the Mounting The Line Quadro-Line is a low-loss transmission
plug, comprising two half-nuts, between Fig 10 shows the two methods of secur- line suitable for home construction. In
which the aluminum rod ends are tightly ing the line to a wall. Mount the line at least some stations, the transmission line may be
clamped. 20 mm from any conductive surface, to the only commercial part. That need no
minimize mistuning. Although Q-L line is longer be the case! Quadro-Line is rela-
Protection From The Elements not flexible, by planning ahead you can tively easy to construct and performs well.
Q-L itself is not affected by moisture, install the line with very few corners. Fig You can select a characteristic impedance
but the transitions to other types of feed 11 shows practical 45- and 90-degree almost at will, and even taper the line to
line may be, if they aren't suitably pro- corners. Spacers should be closer together accomplish impedance transformations. I
tected. If you mount the line vertically, use near the corners, or additional clamps (Figs hope other experimenters will do advanced
plastic collars to prevent water from run- 5 and 6) may be installed. Maintain sym- work with Quadro-Line.
Efficient Feed For Sky Hooks
By Stan Gibilisco, W1GV
2301 Collins Ave, #A-632
Miami Beach, FL 33139

he antipodes of Field Day mean must work against ground, and an end-fed

T long hours of darkness instead of

light, and being indoors rather
than out. One dreads solar storms if not
wire is an unbalanced antenna. But the
efficiency of such an antenna system de-
pends on more than the ground resistance.
0.25 7-
thunderstorms. Broadcast stations at 910 You may have heard that the ground resis-
\ 1.0*
kHz are anathema. Vacuum cleaners, heat- tance must be low for an unbalanced
\ \] 0.5 \
ing pads, electric blankets and hair dryers antenna to function well. This is not always

lurk, their spark-makers poised, waiting to true. Resistance
wreck your fun. Old cordless phones spew The loss in the ground can be calculated 1.5 % I
their chatter for miles. Yes, it's the 160- if the ground resistance RG, and the radia-
meter contest. I anticipate this contest at tion r e s i s t a n c e RR, a r e k n o w n . T h e
least as much as Field Day, for this is when efficiency E of the antenna, neglecting
I test new antenna ideas on one of our most other possible losses, is
radical and challenging bands.
I fly balloons and kites, weather permit- E = percent
R G + RR
ting, with the antenna as a tether. I have
found that the "sky hook," in the true Mar- As an example, suppose the antenna Fig 1—Impedance of an end-fed wire
versus length when operated against a
coni tradition, is a 160-meter contest presents a radiation resistance of 36 £2, perfectly conducting ground. Reactance is
antenna that really does the job—unless typical for a full-size, VA-X vertical. Also zero at all integral multiples of VA X. The
you can have a 200-foot tower. C o m - assume a ground resistance of 100 £2, quite curve spirals inward with increasing wire
promise antennas will work, and it's better possible if the soil is dry and you have only length.
to get on the air with a clothes hanger than a ground rod at the base of the antenna.
to stay QRT. But how much more fun it is Then the efficiency is:
to be told "BIG SIG HR O M " when you're will be at least several times as large as RG.
only running 85 watts! And oh, the pleasure 100 x 36 3600
E = = 26 percent In s o m e installations, notably with
of being able to "run" stations without 100 + 36 136
short, inductively loaded verticals having
commandeering the clothes dryer outlet or This means that almost three-fourths of low RR, getting a good ratio is difficult.
setting off burglar alarms! the power that you put into the antenna Many ground radials are required to lower
I have written other articles about kites only heats up the earth. You're losing 5.8 RG- For a longer wire antenna however,
and balloons as antenna supports, and the dB in the soil, even if your standing wave especially one supported by a kite or bal-
mechanics (and the essential safety precau- ratio (SWR) is 1:1. If you pump 1500 watts loon, the problem is far easier to solve,
tions) involved when flying them. 1 , 2 This into the thing, you'll radiate only 400 because RR can be made extremely large.
paper concerns an equally important point: watts. This could be your reward for erect- If the wire length is a multiple of L/I X, RR
how best to make these antennas radiate. ing a pole 130 feet high for use at 1.8 MHz! is very high. In fact, the resistance may be
The feed method described here is useful Shortened antennas can perform even so high that, at 1.8 MHz especially, many
with end-fed wires on any band, but it more poorly, but not if we pay some atten- Transmatches must be modified to cope
applies especially to the low bands, 160 tion to the ratio RG/RR- We want this ratio with it. Fortunately, the modification is
and 80 meters. After much theorizing and to be as low as possible. Perhaps better often simple.
testing, I believe this is the most elegant, stated, we want the ratio RR/RG as high as Fig 1 shows the resistive and reactive
efficient and easy-to-tune arrangement for possible. The two resistances are in series components of impedance for an end-fed
low and moderate power levels, especially electrically. Power divides between them, wire, operated against a perfect ground
at 1.8 MHz. so the larger resistance gets most of the (RG = 0). When the wire is short, the resis-
power. T h e greater the difference in resis- t a n c e is low and t h e r e is c a p a c i t i v e
The Antenna tance, the greater the proportion of power reactance. Resistance RR rises to about
An end-fed wire needs a good ground, dissipated (or radiated) by the larger resis- 36 £2 and the reactance disappears at a
or so we are told. This is true in a strict tance. Ohmic values are less important length of VA X. This represents quarter-
theoretical sense. Any unbalanced antenna than the ratio between them. Ideally, RR w a v e r e s o n a n c e , and is o f t e n used to
advantage as a so-called Marconi antenna.
As the length is increased farther, inductive C2 ANTENNA
reactance appears and resistance RR con- ^ R ( O )
tinues to rise. The reactance reaches a
maximum at about % A., and then declines
to zero again at '/> X . Marconi would have
done better at this length! By now, the
resistance has become very large. If the
wire is thin and no conducting objects are Transmotch
too close to it, RR will be thousands of
ohms at the feed point when the length is (A)
The highest possible feed-point resis-
tance exists when the wire measures VL X .
At 1.8 MHz this is 260 feet (468/1.8). High
values also exist at small integral multiples r r
of this length: 1, 1.5 and 2 X . To get the R R I R R I
lengths in feet, add 273 feet for each extra
half wavelength beyond the first half wave-
length (492/1.8). Any such length gives a
resonant antenna. What's more important, Coax
to -
the antenna accepts power and radiates it Tuner
efficiently. Of course, we have to modify Fig 3 — A t A, my Transmatch circuit before
our tuning networks to handle this large rewiring; at B, after rewiring. T h e circuit at
B allows matching extremely high,
resistive impedance. The high RR practi-
resistive impedances.
cally guarantees that the ratio RR/RG will (B)
be large, and the efficiency high, if we have
a halfway decent RF ground.
Fig 2 — A t A, Zepp feed for an end-fed,
A \fi-X wire antenna, flown by a balloon 1
/ 2 - X wire. At B, a J-pole style of feeding a think there are too many wires, dielectrics
or a kite, is essentially a free-space an- / 2 - X wire. T h e section of transmission line and core materials in the system of Fig 2A.
tenna, and approaches the ideal case. We at A should be at least 40-feet long; at B, I wanted something simpler, with fewer
may assume that RR is at least 3000 Q; it the open-wire section should be V A places for power to be wasted as heat.
electrical wavelength or about 130 feet at
may be much higher. (It is hard to predict 1.8 MHz. Another method is the scheme shown in
RR accurately; even atmospheric humidity Fig 2B. The VA-X line again should be of
may affect it. But variations are easily dealt the open-wire type; television ribbon is too
with by the right kind of tuning network.) lossy. The matching section can be flown
If the ground loss is 100 SI or less, the The Matching System as part of the antenna, if the kite or balloon
efficiency is at least One way to get a V I - X wire to "look has enough lift. This makes the overall
decent" to a Transmatch is to Zepp feed it, length VA X . This feed method can be in-
100X3000 300,000
= 97 percent as shown in Fig 2A. This can be done if the convenient to adjust, and may not offer a
100 + 3000 3100 Transmatch has a balanced output. I found good match over a very wide band of fre-
and the loss in dB is negligible. that 40 feet of homebrew open-wire line quencies. I discarded this idea for these
An end-fed wire needs a ground, but it was enough to bring the antenna imped- reasons, and also because it was close to
doesn't have to be elaborate. A couple of ance within the range of my tuner. This contest time, and I had no ladder line. In-
VA-X wires (135 feet at 1.8 MHz) laid out introduces reactance into the system, but stead, I took the solder gun and wire cutters
on the surface will suffice for an end-fed, the Transmatch is designed to tune that out. to my Transmatch. There went the war-
1FI-X wire antenna. This ground system The Zepp feed line radiates, since Zepp ranty!
works over any type of soil—even sand or feed cannot have perfect balance. This may The original Transmatch circuit (with-
rock. The effective RF resistance is prob- not be a real problem though, especially if out the balun) is shown in Fig 3A. In my
ably under 100 Q at worst, giving a the feed line can be suspended in line with opinion, this is not an optimum design. It's
worst-case efficiency of 97%. the wire. If the feed line is above the versatile, as the inductance can be de-
This concludes the drawing-board ground, its radiation is useful. creased to zero; but it can be inefficient for
work. The only remaining hurdle is the The feed line must have low loss, be- certain antenna lengths. In some cases it
Transmatch, which may not tune a V I - X , cause the SWR is high. This mandates the won't provide a match to 50 Q. My particu-
end-fed wire directly. Put away the pencil use of open-wire line, not television twin lar unit could not match a V I - X wire on 160
and calculator, and take out the soldering lead. Finally, it is naive to hope that the meters. The antenna had to be at least 2/3
gun and wire cutters. There are a couple of Transmatch balun won't waste power. I X to obtain a 1:1 SWR. This defeated my
alternatives to rewiring the innards of the cracked a Transmatch balun core with just main objective. The value of RR would be
Transmatch, and I'll mention them in case 300 watts, after taking its kilowatt rating too low to suit me if the antenna were that
they interest you. I rejected both of these seriously. (I guess it was at a current loop. long. Besides, I noticed coil warming at
external options however, as inelegant, not It must have been pretty hot! This heat can power levels over 200 watts output. (The
versatile enough, and not optimally effi- only have come out of the RF that should unit is supposed to handle 1500 watts.)
cient. have gone to the antenna.) In general, I I rewired the Transmatch as shown in
Fig 3B. This is a classic circuit for match- ground to the "hot" end; the setting change
ing high, resistive impedances to 50 Q. The is minor. The capacitance needs some ad-
roller inductor is put to better use in my justment, of course, to change from 160 to
design, as compared with the manufac- 80 meters.
turer's circuit. It serves as a variable I also worked numerous stations on 80
transformer, rather than as variable induc- meters when I got bored with 160. The 1-X
tor. We need such a device to manage the wire presents a high-resistance RR, and all
high RR of an end-fed, 1/2-X, free-space the advantages that go along with it. It
wire antenna. doesn't have to be exactly a multiple of
My modification limits the Transmatch '/> X; the Transmatch tunes out reactance
to 160 and 80 meters, since the tank circuit well enough that an approximate length is
always contains the entire coil. This is too all right. On neither band, incidentally, did
much inductance at 7 MHz and higher fre- I suffer from "RF in the shack," even
quencies. But it matches a 1/2-X, end-fed though the wire came right down to the
160-meter or 80-meter wire perfectly, and station window. Of course, I wasn't run-
with plenty of leeway. My interest is only ning much power. With high power, you
in these two bands anyway, at least for could have arcing problems with this ar-
Fig 4—Connecting a parallel, tapped
end-fed, kite- and balloon-supported rangement unless you use a capacitor with
inductance to the main transformer coil
wires. may allow tuner operation on 7 MHz and wide plate spacing. This is why we have
You can make this modification to any above. L2 is a tapped toroidal inductor. hamfests—so we can get these oddball
Transmatch that has a roller inductor. It components. If you want to use this scheme
involves only a little cutting, desoldering with high power, I recommend a major
and resoldering. Be sure you get the wiring or so. The original Transmatch is supposed metropolitan hamfest. You might also have
right. In my case, the two identical capaci- to handle the legal power limit. My modi- to locate the feed point, and hence the
tors are wired in parallel. This ensures that fication subjects it to voltages larger than Transmatch, some distance away from the
the unit can be tuned to resonance at 1.8 those in the original circuit. I guess RF just station, and use coax between the transmit-
MHz. I set one capacitor at minimum and leaks off wherever it gets a chance. ter and tuner, to keep the RF out of station
adjust the other one. If that's not enough, This Transmatch arrangement should accessories and house wiring.
the first one can be adjusted after the other interest anyone who wants to work on 160 I used to dream of working worldwide
is fully meshed. meters in limited space. But with short DX on 80 meters, back when I was a kid
I found this unit forgiving of errors in wires—less than VA X or 130 feet—a good trying to force-feed a 40-meter dipole with
antenna measurement, which came as a ground becomes important. Take pains to my crystal rig on 3.714 MHz. I thought it
pleasant surprise. When I tested it further, minimize RG- was a miracle when I worked Ohio that
I discovered it tunes practically any wire at way. Not many years later, albeit with
1.8 MHz, no matter what its length. It tuned How Well Does It Work? slightly more power, 1 was easily logging
a six-foot wire without coil heating at 85 When I get on the radio I want to take it European and South American stations like
watts intermittent (CW) power. In fact, it easy. I'm not much of a contester. I'll let they were locals. Yes, my Elmer had as-
even "tuned" a piece of wet spaghetti, the contest awards go to those who labor to sured me, these things can and do happen.
though there was arcing across the capaci- get them. To try out this system, I made a During the contest, several stations
tor at only 75 watts output. I suppose the few contacts and held the frequency a few commented on my loud signal. Other sta-
short ground leads were getting more RF times. A station in California told me that tions were routinely coming in at S9 plus
than the spaghetti. But the coil still did not a station in Hawaii (KH6) was calling me, 20 or 30 dB. Some, not local, were even
get warm, even after calling CQ at 70 watts but I couldn't hear the other station. This louder. When I called a station, I almost
output for a half hour. made me think, as my Vi-X wire dangled always got through on the first try. The coil
above the Minnesota tundra, why not hang never got warm, even after torrid contest-
Observations and Modifications a parasitic element from another balloon ing at 85 watts for a half hour at a stretch.
While the coil has too much inductance nearby? Say, a director west of my V2-X
to work at 7 MHz and above, it should be wire? If I'd had one when the KH6 called Bibliography
easy enough to place inductances in paral- me, I might have heard him. 'S. Gibilisco, "Balloons as Antenna Supports,"
lel with the main coil. Doing so will raise Let's see. It would have to be about 240 The ARRL Antenna Compendium, Volume 2
(Newington: ARRL, 1989), pp 142-144.
the resonant frequency while retaining all feet long, and about 50 feet away. And also 2
S. Gibilisco, "Balloon and Kite Supported An-
the advantages of the roller inductor. An about 52 weeks in the future, if the weather tennas," The ARRL Antenna Compendium,
example is shown in Fig 4. L2 is a tapped is good. I did get as far as inflating a second Volume 2 (Newington: ARRL. 1989), pp
toroidal inductor. Total inductance of the five-foot balloon for the purpose, but when 145-149.
parallel combination of LI and L2 is suit- it popped in my face, I gave up.
able for the desired band. I didn't actually
try this, as my interest is in 160 and 80 Using the 160-Meter Antenna on 80
meters. I have used the technique with ac- Meters
tive ferrite loopstick receiving antennas The l/i-X wire, carefully measured to
though, and it works fine. 260 feet according to the classic dipole
Voltage across the tuned circuit is large formula, is close to a full wavelength at 3.5
when the wire is short, as proved by the MHz. The coil tap position is similar on
capacitor arcing at power levels of 75 watts both bands: about 15% of the way from
The Z-Match Coupler —
Revisited and Revised
By Charles A. Lofgren, W6JJZ
1934 Rosemount Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711

l one time or another, almost places the two sections of C 2 in series

A every amateur working the H F

bands needs a Transmatch, com-
monly known as an antenna coupler or
across L3 (see Fig 1C). 5
The key to the Z-Match's impedance-
matching capability is its function as an L
tuner. A flexible and convenient design for network. 6 The evolution of the circuit is
balanced feed lines is the multiband Z- shown in Fig 2 and may be explained as
Match a n t e n n a c o u p l e r , o r i g i n a l l y de- follows: First, consider an L network, as
scribed by Allen King. W 1 C J L , in 1955 1 shown in Fig 2A. It has an inductive reac-
and subsequently appearing with minor tance in the series arm and a capacitive
v a r i a t i o n s in the Handbook and else- reactance in the shunt (or parallel) arm.
where. 2 While continuing to draw attention Second, reverse the reactances, as in Fig
in Great Britain, 3 it seems to have fallen 2B. For impedance-matching purposes, the
from sight on this side of the Atlantic. reversal does not affect operation of the
The purpose of this article is twofold. network, provided the absolute values of
First, it reviews the original Z-Match, ex- reactance in each arm remain the same. (In
a m i n e s its o p e r a t i o n , and o f f e r s s o m e conventional notation, the signs of the re-
revisions that make it even more useful. actances in each arm are now reversed.)
Second, it suggests how the Z-Match may Third, substitute a parallel L-C circuit in
be modified and used in a variation of the the shunt arm of the L network, as shown
L-Match that I call the "L-Z Match." My in Fig 2C. When the L-C circuit is tuned to
intention is not to provide how-to-do-it the high side of resonance, it appears as an
detail (although suggestions are included), inductive reactance and is equivalent to the
but to offer ideas that I have used in actual circuit in Fig 2B. Finally, add a tightly
practice. coupled link, as shown in 2D. This is the
equivalent of the Z-Match in Fig 1 A, with
The Original Z-Match the exception that in the Z-Match a multi-
band circuit replaces the simple L-C circuit
The original Z-Match, which covers 80
in the shunt arm.
through 10 meters, is shown in Fig 1A.
According to King's measurements, ad-
justment of CI and C2 allows the coupler The Refined Z-Match
to handle "reactive and nonreactive loads T h e Z-Match is not quite "switchless."
ranging from 10 to 2,500 ohms," 4 with no As already indicated, changing between
band switching other than changing be- the high and low H F bands requires a
tween links LI and L4. To explain the Fig 1— Schematic diagrams of the switch to select either LI or L4 as the
multiband and matching capabilities of the original Z-Match Coupler. At A, the output link. In addition, my experience
Z-Match. two aspects need attention. complete circuit. At B, the equivalent with the circuit indicates that for some
circuit for approximately 3.5- to 10.5-MHz antenna and feed-line combinations—es-
Multiband operation results from the
operation. At C, the equivalent circuit for
tank circuit formed by C2, L2, and L3. This pecially those presenting low impedances
approximately 10 to 30 MHz.
simultaneously tunes two ranges of fre- to the coupler—two other refinements are
quencies, as illustrated by Figs I B and 1C. useful to avoid the necessity of changing
On the lower range (approximately 3.5- in parallel across L2 (see Fig IB). On the the length of the feed line.
10.5 M H z ) , L 3 h a s a r e l a t i v e l y l o w higher range (approximately 10-30 MHz), O n e refinement is a means of varying
reactance and tends to appear as a short L2 has a relatively high reactance and tends the number of turns in the output links. This
circuit, which places the two sections of C2 to disappear (or act as an R F choke), which can be done by tapping down from the top
- T p r n _
> <

X (A)

> <

X (8)

> <

X (C)
Fig 3—The "refined" Z-Match. Refinements include tapped output links and the
provision to switch parallel capacitance across C1.
C1—325 pF or greater.
C2—325 pF or greater per section (see text).
> ^ C3—300 pF.
< L1—3.2 nH; 9 turns no. 16, 2 inches diameter, 1.5 inches long (6 turns/inch). Tap at 3
.jt L17S f t-2 and 5 turns from top. Mount concentric with and inside L2.

< L2—3.1 (iH; 8 turns no. 12, 2.5 inches diameter, 2 inches long (4 turns/inch).

L3—1.15 |iH; 4 turns no. 12, 2.5 inches diameter, 1 inch long (4 turns/inch).
> L4—1.8 (J.H; 6 turns no. 16, 2 inches diameter, 1 inch long (6 turns/inch), tapped 1 and
2.25 turns from each end. Mount concentric with and inside L3.

Fig 2— Evolution of the Z-Match. At A, a

conventional L network. At B, the L L 2 and L 3 , respectively, to ensure tight losses (heat), L 2 and L 3 should be wound
network with reactances transposed. The c o u p l i n g . Rather than being wound di- with large diameter wire or, for high power,
circuit at C has a detuned L-C network in
the shunt arm. D shows an L network with rectly over (on top o f ) the associated tank with tubing. For the s a m e reason, the wiper
link-coupled output. coils, they should be larger (or smaller) in contacts for the rotor plates in capacitor C 2
diameter than L 2 and L 3 by about >A to should be able to carry high current. (Even
V5 inch. T h i s lessens the capacitive cou- at Q R P levels, the need to mitigate losses
pling between the tank circuits and the in these components is important.) To ob-
on L I and in from each end of L 4 . T h e links, which helps with harmonic reduction tain adequate overlap between the low- and
effect is to change the transformation ratio and in maintaining current balance in the high-frequency c o v e r a g e s , and hence to
between the L network and the antenna output. Suitable coil dimensions are in- ensure reliable c o v e r a g e of 3 0 meters, it is
feed line. If the switch used to select the cluded in F i g 3, but may be varied to suit desirable to have a capacitor of at least
output link is a 2-pole switch with 4 or 6 the capacitor used at C 2 . Also, the number 3 2 5 - p F per section at C 2 , and larger is still
positions per pole, it will allow for both of taps on each link may be changed from better. (At the s a m e time, however, a low
changing the links and selecting from 2 or that shown in Fig 3, depending on the posi- minimum capacitance per section is also
3 taps on each link. tions available on S 2 . T h e two coils, L 2 and desirable.) 7
A second refinement is to allow for ad- L 3 , should be placed at right angles to each A s for the resulting feed-line balance,
ding additional capacitance in parallel with other, to minimize coupling between them. m e a s u r e m e n t s with an R F ammeter on
C I . This is particularly useful in handling An important consideration is wire size. various antenna and feed-line combina-
loads sometimes encountered on the lower Depending on the reactances being tuned tions indicate that current balance in the
frequency bands. out, the circulating current in the tank cir- feed line is within about 10 percent. A s
T h e Z-Match with refinements is shown cuit formed by C 2 and either L 2 or L 3 may with most Transmatches, it tends to be bet-
is Fig 3. A few points may be noted. Links be quite high, owing to the unusually high ter when the f e e d - p o i n t i m p e d a n c e is
L1 and L 4 should be placed over (or inside) C / L ratio. T h i s means that to reduce 1 2 R relatively low. 8 It is better, too, when out-
C3 Optionol

50 (1 r—C^O )(--

Fig 4— Multiband tank circuit with single S1 #1 Bypass

coil. #2 Coax/Single Wire j ;

<13 Balanced Out
< Wire
put is from the high-band link (L4), as
would be expected from examining the
equivalent circuit in Fig 1C.

Ail Adaptation: The L-Z Match siB<>r

The heart of the Z-Match is its multi-
band tank circuit. A similar circuit will
function as the shunt element in a standard C2A;A A 1:4

single-ended L-Match, as indicated earlier T 7" Balun

(See t e x t )
L-. I
in Fig 2. Such an arrangement allows for
continuous adjustment of the inductive rr-? rTt
reactance without resorting to a roller in-
ductor. Before turning to the details of this Fig 5— The L-Z Match combines features from the refined Z match and the circuit
version, let me explain the variation of the shown in Fig 4. Values for C1, C2 and C3 are the same as given in Fig 3.
multiband circuit that it uses. L1—22 turns no. 16 tinned or enameled wire on a T-157-6 core. Tap at 11, 9, 6 and 3
turns from the bottom.
Back in the days when the multiband
tank circuit was enjoying its popularity in
tube-type transmitters, R. W. Johnson,
W6MUR, described a multiband tuner that work, with the necessary inductive reac- center-tap) position.) The tuning of C2 is
employed only one coil. This is shown in tance being produced by detuning the often quite sharp, and for this reason a
Fig 4. Anyone interested in the derivation circuit to the high side of resonance." If vernier drive is useful.
of the design should consult Johnson's in- the circuit is used in this fashion, the Compared to the standard Z-Match, the
formative 1954 article.9 Suffice to say that matching range will depend on whether the design in Fig 5 is yet more susceptible to
a single center-tapped inductor of the ap- shunt element is on the input or the output circulating currents in the tank circuit
propriate dimensions may be tuned to cover side of the network. If on the input side, the under certain tuning conditions. For this
two simultaneous ranges of frequencies. network will match to impedances lower reason, large diameter wire is used for LI.
Between terminals A and B, the L-C circuit than the input impedance. If on the output If space permits, a T-200-6 core, wound
in Fig 4 appears as a parallel-resonant cir- side, the network will match to impedances with no. 12 or no. 14 wire, would be better
cuit with two resonant frequencies. 10 higher than the output impedance. than the T-157-6 core and no. 16 wire
Coverage of the two frequency ranges A practical application is the L-Z Match specified in Fig 5. If the substitution is
depends on three variables: the value of L1, in Fig 5. It uses a powdered-iron toroid in made, the number of turns can probably be
the coupling between the two halves of LI place of an air-core coil at LI. Rather than left unchanged.
(which is a function of its length-to-diame- reversing the input and output ports in SI provides selection of tuner or by-
ter ratio), and the value of each section of order to accommodate the full range of passed operation, coax/single-wire output
CI. To cover the full range from 3.5 to impedances equal to, above, and below the via the tuner, or balanced output via the
30 MHz, with adequate overlap in the vi- input impedance, the design includes taps tuner. A more elaborate switching arrange-
cinity of 30 meters, C1 should have 325 pF on the lower half of LI. This allows a ment could incorporate additional options.
or more per section, and the coil should simpler switching arrangement. In prac- For the balun in Fig 5,1 have found that
have an inductance of approximately 4.8 tice, two or three taps distributed below the a 1:4 "voltage" balun with a ferrite core
|iH with a length-to-diameter ratio of about coil midpoint should give an adequate low- (|i=125) is quite satisfactory at the low
1:1. An example is a coil of 12 turns, 2 impedance range. Keep in mind, however, power levels recommended for the coupler
inches in diameter, and 6 turns per inch the desirability of intermediate options be- (see below). Core saturation is not a prob-
(making its length 2 inches). (Johnson's tween the center-tap and the lowest tap. lem, and m e a s u r e m e n t s with an RF
article contains graphs as well as formulas (For highest efficiency, the tap selected ammeter show good feed-line balance.
for calculating the coil configuration, but with S2 should be no lower than neces- Nonetheless, purists may wish to try a cur-
the easiest design approach is to do some sary.) If the a n t e n n a and f e e d - l i n e rent balun. In any case, I recommend the 1:4
experimenting with a dip meter.) combination presents a high impedance or ratio rather than a 1:1 ratio. While the reac-
The multiband tank shown in Fig 4 may voltage loop at the coupler, it should not be tances present in a complex feed-line
be used as the shunt element in an L net- necessary to move S2 from the first (coil impedance may affect the balun's actual
i m p e d a n c e t r a n s f o r m a t i o n , the 1:4 ratio u n b a l a n c e d or single-sided m a t c h i n g net- duced the coupler originally described by
s e e m s to provide better p e r f o r m a n c e at high King, "The 'Z-Match' Antenna Coupler."
w o r k along with a balun on either the input
Note 1 above, and World Radio Laboratories
f e e d - l i n e i m p e d a n c e s , w h i l e not c o m - or the output end. T h e reason is that at high manufactured another version.
p r o m i s i n g the l o w - i m p e d a n c e p e r f o r m a n c e i m p e d a n c e s , even a high r e a c t a n c e o f f e r s 3
For example, see Radio Society of Great
of t h e coupler. l e a k a g e c o u p l i n g to g r o u n d . T h i s o f f e n d i n g Britain. Radio Communication Handbook,
Even with heavy g a u g e w i r e f o r L I , I r e a c t a n c e m a y take the f o r m of a small 5th ed. (1976). pp 12.50-12.51: L. Varney.
would not r e c o m m e n d the design for p o w e r c a p a c i t i v e c o u p l i n g b e t w e e n key c o m p o - "An Improved Z-Match ASTU." Radio
Communication. Oct. 1985. pp 770-71. 776:
levels a b o v e 25 watts. F o r Q R P levels, h o w - nents (especially links) a n d g r o u n d , or t h e J. Heys. Practical Wire Antennas (RSGB,
ever, the L - Z M a t c h m a k e s a convenient and i n d u c t i v e r e a c t a n c e (or c a p a c i t i v e reac- 1989). pp 88-89. Heys' presentation is based
physically small coupler. Without the bulk tance) to g r o u n d in a balun. on Varney's.
of a roller inductor, its multiband tank cir- T h e p r o b l e m m a y be present even w h e n King, "The 'Z-Match' Antenna Coupler." Note
cuit allows c o n t i n u o u s a d j u s t m e n t of the the balun is used on the input end of a 1 above, p 11. Of course, there was no at-
inductive arm of the L network, which is an tempt in ihose days to cover 30 meters. Care
T r a n s m a t c h , as s o m e t i m e s r e c o m m e n d e d .
in selection of component values allows
advantage o v e r the usual tapped-coil alter- In t h i s i n s t a n c e , w h e n a s i n g l e - s i d e d King's design to handle the band, which
native. m a t c h i n g n e t w o r k is used (for e x a m p l e , t h e appears in what can be called the "transition
p o p u l a r T n e t w o r k or an L n e t w o r k ) , t h e zone" between the coupler's two ranges.
Operation balun also presents a r e a c t a n c e b e t w e e n 5
The "unused" inductors do have a slight effect
F o r either the Z - M a t c h or its L - Z o f f - o n e side of the output and ground, a l t h o u g h on the tuning of the tank circuit, but in prac-
tice this may be ignored. For a fuller
shoot, tuning is simple. Initially set C I at the reactance does not appear as such in the
description of the circuit's operation, see
its m i d p o i n t and tune C 2 f o r an indication circuit d i a g r a m . In other words, it is only C. Chambers, "Single-Ended Multiband
of a dip in S W R b e t w e e n the T r a n s m a t c h partly correct to say that placing a balun at Tuners," QST. July 1954. pp 23-24.
the input of the T r a n s m a t c h , in a l o w - i m - 6
and the rig. It m a y b e necessary to try The following analysis in this paragraph draws
another setting of C I b e f o r e a d i p is ob- p e d a n c e and purely resistive circuit, a v o i d s on the explanation in The Radio Amateur's
s e r v e d . ( P e a k i n g o n receiver noise is an- the p r o b l e m of using it in a situation for Handbook, 1957 ed.. pp 340-341. The Hand-
book explanation is particularly important in
other option for initial tuning.) T h e n f i n e w h i c h it is not d e s i g n e d , that is, in a reac-
view of the criticisms of the original Z-
tune both C I and C 2 for a 1:1 S W R . T h e tive, h i g h - i m p e d a n c e circuit. A portion of Match suggested by L. Vamey. "An Improved
two a d j u s t m e n t s will interact to s o m e ex- one side of the output current of the Trans- Z-Match ASTU." Note 3 above. Varney criti-
tent. With the Z - M a t c h , of course, be sure match still m a y f l o w through the balun to cizes the design for feeding a 50-ohm line
into the top or high-impedance end of a
to select the correct link. If no match proves g r o u n d ; / t h e b a l u n ' s reactance to g r o u n d is
parallel-tuned L-C circuit. In actuality, this
possible, the feed line is probably present- l o w relative to the a n t e n n a feed-line im- is not done in the Z-Match. as can be seen
ing a low i m p e d a n c e at the coupler. If this p e d a n c e that a p p e a r s at the T r a n s m a t c h . when the multiband circuit in the design is
is t h e case, select o n e of the l o w - i m p e d a n c e ( T h e balun n o w acts as an R F c h o k e . N o understood as the shunt arm in an L network,
o n e w o u l d put an R F c h o k e of only several with the 50-ohm line feeding instead into the
taps with S2. (It should b e n o t e d that usu-
series arm. Varney's data nonetheless sug-
ally you can also " t u n e " a h i g h - i m p e d a n c e h u n d r e d o h m s reactance b e t w e e n g r o u n d gest the need to provide a tapping arrange-
f e e d point w h e n S 2 is set on a l o w - i m p e d - and o n e side of a T r a n s m a t c h output feed- ment. and he offers another alternative to the
ance tap. E f f i c i e n c y m a y suffer, h o w e v e r , ing a high i m p e d a n c e line!) one discussed in the present article.
s o d o n ' t use a tap a n y lower than neces- 7
T h e i m b a l a n c e develops primarily w h e n Fair Radio Sales Co. PO Box 1105, Lima. Ohio
sary.) the i m p e d a n c e being matched is high, h o w - 45802, carries a 4-section variable capacitor.
20-500 pF per section (part number 4G-535).
C o v e r a g e of 3 0 m e t e r s m a y fall at either ever, and detecting it is thus a p r o b l e m . At For C2 in Fig 3, use two of the sections. (1
the l o w o r the high c a p a c i t a n c e e n d of C2, a h i g h - i m p e d a n c e point, the feed-line cur- would guess that in the Z-Match, its plate
or at e a c h e n d . W h e r e it actually occurs will rent is low and often close to zero, which spacing should handle the voltages devel-
d e p e n d o n the e x a c t c o m p o n e n t values in m a k e s it difficult to m e a s u r e with any accu- oped by 100 watts of RF: 1 have had no
difficulty using it at the 50-watt level. Its
the circuit and o n the feed-line r e a c t a n c e racy using a standard R F ammeter. T h e relatively high minimum capacitance may
seen at the coupler. W h e n possible, t u n e the solution is to m e a s u r e the current balance a require "playing" with the inductance val-
3 0 - m e t e r band at the l o w - c a p a c i t a n c e end quarter wavelength f r o m the T r a n s m a t c h , ues.) For levels up to 25 watts or so, "recei-
of C2, and, for the Z - M a t c h , use the low- toward the antenna. T h e s a m e result m a y be ver-type" variables with 365 or 420 pF per
section are adequate, but look for ones which
b a n d link. In theory, this g i v e s marginally obtained by temporarily inserting an extra
have separate rotor wiper contacts—that is.
better efficiency, o w i n g to the lower C / L half wavelength of feed line between the which do not depend only on the end bear-
ratio in the m u l t i b a n d tank circuit. T r a n s m a t c h and the regular feed line, with ings for electrical contact between the frame
T h e Z - M a t c h a n d its variations are not R F a m m e t e r s in the middle of the temporary and rotor.
cure-alls, but they probably h a v e g o o d har- h a l f - w a v e segment. (In m a k i n g the meas- x
For an explanation, see "A Note on Feed-Line
m o n i c - r e d u c t i o n qualities. 1 2 At the very urements, t w o a m m e t e r s m a y be used, o n e Imbalance" in the text at the end of this
least, they o f f e r convenient a d j u s t m e n t , in- on each side of the transmission line, or a article.
c l u d i n g ease in band c h a n g i n g . single meter m a y be switched f r o m o n e side 'Johnson, "Multiband Tuning Circuits." QST.
to the other.) July 1954, pp 25-28. 122.
A Note on Feed-Line Imbalance The L-C circuit is also series resonant midway
between the two parallel-resonant frequen-
In most c i r c u m s t a n c e s , the ability of a Notes cies. This resonance does not affect its
T r a n s m a t c h to p r o d u c e b a l a n c e d currents 'A. King, "The 'Z-Match' Antenna Coupler," operation in the matching network described
in the f e e d line is really tested w h e n it f e e d s QST, May 1955, p 11. in the text.
For example. The Radio Amateur's Handbook, 1
' Alternatively, the multiband circuit could be
the line at a h i g h - i m p e d a n c e point. T h i s is
1957 ed., pp 340-341; Understanding Ama- used in the series arm of the network, but the
true for the Z - M a t c h , for o t h e r link-coupled teur Radio, 1963 ed., pp 288-290. At least desirability of grounding the slators of the
tuners, and also for t o d a y ' s m o r e c o m m o n two commercial versions also appeared in variable capacitor makes its use in the shunt
solution of using the c o m b i n a t i o n of an the 1950s. Harvey-Wells Electronics pro- arm more convenient. In principle, the cir-
cuit could also be used in a T network. How- tion with a spectrum analyzer, but in the values are carefully selected to avoid simul-
ever, the two capacitors in a T network Z-Match, the tank circuit provides attenu- taneous harmonic resonance. In Transmatch
usually allow fine adjustments even when a ation, and the link coupling should reduce operation, a complex of unpredictable feed-
tapped rather than roller inductor is used in capacitive coupling of harmonics. In the L-Z line variables is "reflected" into the circuit,
the shunt arm, so the advantage of using a Match, the capacitive reactance between the which means there is little point in trying to
continuously tuned multiband tank is not so output and ground resembles the arrange- guard against harmonic resonance in the
great. Also, the T network is less efficient ment in the SPC version of the T-Match design itself. In years of using variations of
than the L network, and my tests indicate that —and the tuning is similarly sharp. A poten- the Z-Match, I have not encountered a situ-
the problem with circulating current in the tial problem is that the multiband circuit may ation where the Transmatch tunes two bands
tank circuit (mentioned in the text) is greater possibly tune both a fundamental frequency with the same control settings using the same
when the multiband circuit is used in a T and one of its harmonics at the same settings antenna.
network. of the controls. For this reason, when using
I2 these circuits in transmitters, component
I have not been able to check harmonic reduc-
Fixed Inductor Variable
Impedance Matching Networks
By Robert F. White, W6PY
130 Heather Lane
Palo Alto, CA 94303

his paper focuses on the design,

T but more especially on the analy-

sis by calculator program, of im-
pedance matching networks which use a
fixed (tapped) inductor (L) as the central
network element and two variable capaci-
tors (CA and CB) as the end elements.
Such networks are intended to match a
range of unknown and, in general, complex
load impedances to a known and fixed
resistive source impedance. The two com-
monly used arrangements treated herein Fig 1—A is a physical model of a T-matched system. B is a physical model of a
are the high-pass T-matched system of Fig pi-matched system.
1A and the low-pass pi-matched system of
Fig IB.
To analyze such systems, it is conve- With RA fixed, there are two useful
Table 1
nient to replace each physical model with design choices: (1) to select a value for Ro
a reactance model. In the model, L is re-
RSE or RPE range versus SWR,
and use the relationship of Eq 1 to calculate
placed by a fixed positive reactance (+Xo), Xo or; (2) to select an arbitrary value for Xo
for Zo = 50 Q.
and CA and CB are replaced by two variable and use Eq 1 to calculate Ro. For the pur-
SWR Range For RSE or RPE
negative reactances (-XA and -XB). poses of this article, it is most convenient
2.0 25 to 100
A reactance model will represent the to choose Ro and derive Xo and To.
2.5 20 to 125
corresponding physical model only at some
Defining the Load Range 3.0 16.67 to 150
specific but unstated design frequency (fo).
3.5 14.29 to 175
Ultimately, the fixed positive reactance can In order to make an intelligent choice
4.0 12.5 to 200
be converted to |iH and the negative reac- for Ro it is desirable to estimate the range
4.419 11.315 to 220.95
tances to pF for some value of fo. of load resistances that will need to be
5.050 9.901 to 252.5
T h e basic reactance models and some m a t c h e d . In most modern stations the
additional terminology used in this paper "load" is a coaxial cable (with a nominal
are given in Fig 2. The fixed parameters Zo of 50 £2) that is connected to an antenna
RA, RO, XO and To in Fig 2 A (for T net- of some sort at the far end. The range of
works) and Fig 2B (for pi networks) are so impedances seen at the coax input depends t h e s e r a n g e s has g e o m e t r i c s y m m e t r y
related that if any two are known or as- only on Zo and the S W R of the antenna-to- around Zo, a point of some significance in
s u m e d , the other two are fixed and Zo mismatch at the far end. system analysis.
calculable by Eq 1 (the basic design equa- Smith C h a n analysis shows that the
t i o n ) a n d e i t h e r Eq 2 A or Eq 2 B as range for the real parts of the input imped- Criteria for a Satisfactory Match
applicable. ances is the same for either RSK or RPE. For Before getting into specific treatments,
T h e source impedance RA is almost al- both cases, the range is given by: an a d d i t i o n a l i t e m of i n f o r m a t i o n is
ways fixed and known. In most modern needed. One of the desiderata in these sys-
amateur stations, it is the 5 0 - Q unbalanced ^ to Zo x S W R t e m s is a r e a s o n a b l e loaded Q of the
output of a solid-state, broadband trans- matched system. A m a x i m u m Q of 20 is
ceiver and is independent of frequency. Table 1 shows the ranges for a Zo of often cited in the literature, and that value
Unless otherwise stated, RA will be 50 D 50 SI with several SWRs. The last two rows is used in this article.
in this paper. are of special interest. Note that each of T h e t w o nccessary criteria for a system
Fixed P a r a m e t e r s

Ra- r0* on
d T0

Where X 0 = - J R A Ro (El ')

For T Networks For PI Networks

T0 = £ (Eq 2 A ) T0 = ^ ( E , 2B)

Fig 2—Basic reactance models. A is a high-pass T-matched system with fixed Xo and variable XA and XB to match a real source
impedance RA to the real part, RSE Ro). of a complex load impedance in series form. B is a low-pass pi-matched system with fixed
Xo and variable XA and XB to match a real source impedance RA to the real part, RPE (> Ro), of a complex load impedance in
parallel-equivalent form. See the text for discussion of Ro, the parameter of choice in this article, and To a dimensionless parameter of
importance in system analysis.

to be satisfactory are therefore:

Table 2
• The system must provide a mathe-
matically correct match. Simulated Worst-Case Load Set for a Zo of 50 Q arid an SWR of 4.419:1
• The loaded Q of the system should not
exceed 20. Series Form Parallel Form
The Q limitation has a profound effect 1 11.315
11.315 0 oo
on the analysis, since it provides an arbi-
2 and 12 12.083 ±12.665 25.358 ±24.193
trary lower bound on RSE in T systems and
3 and 11 14.833 +26.92 63.689 +35.093
an arbitrary upper bound on RPE in pi sys- 116.14
4 and 10 21.527 ±45.129 ±55.398
tems. A higher value for Q would increase
5 and 9 39.232 ±71.225 168.54 ±92.835
the "satisfactory" range in either system,
6 and 8 98.589 ±103.34 206.91 ±197.40
and a lower Q requirement would have the
7 220.95 0 220.95 OO
opposite effect. All of this leads to a rather
remarkable conclusion, discovered and
Note: Positive values of X correspond to load numbers 2 through 6, and negative
verified by many hours of patient experi-
values correspond to load numbers 8 through 12. Load 12 is the conjugate of load 2
mentation using the calculator program
and so on.
described later.

The "4.419" Solution for the "Typical

In the very special case where RA = Zo range shown in Table 1 for an SWR of eral others) from an excellent article by
= 50 £2, a guaranteed-satisfactory solution 4.419:1. Earl Whyman, W2HB. 1
meeting the above criteria is possible only For a given Zo and SWR, the Whyman
when: (1) the SWR of the antenna-to-Zo Quantifying the Load Impedance approach uses 12 impedances evenly
mismatch is 4.419:1 or less, and (2) Ro is With either of these choices, it should spaced around the perimeter of a Smith
so chosen that To will be 4.419 as well. This be possible to find a satisfactory match for Chart SWR circle to create a simulated
means that RA must be 50 CI and Ro must any load impedance with coordinates on or worst-case load set for a particular SWR.
be 220.95 O for a T network, and RA must within the perimeter of a 4.419:1 SWR Table 2 shows such a set for a Zo of 50 £2
be 50 £2 and Ro must be 11.315 for a pi circle on a 50-£2 Smith Chart. To verify that and an SWR of 4.419:1. The complex loads
network. For either network, the range of assumption, and to establish the required are shown in: (1) the usual series form (RSE
load resistances that can be matched is ranges for the variable reactances XA and and XSE) required for T-network analysis,
11.315 to 220.95 Q. This is identical to the XB, I've borrowed an idea (along with sev- and (2) the rarer parallel-equivalent form
(RPE and XPE) required for pi-network an- For discussion and illustration of the easy to duplicate the program on other
alysis. The latter forms can be calculated method, it is useful to describe two separate calculators or computers.
by: (but closely related) programs: program A The stratagem is: If the reciprocals of
(RSE2 + XSE2)
for T-network analysis, and program B for the pi-network input parameters (RA, RO,
RpE = p pi-network analysis. List A gives the algo- RPE and XPE) are used as the inputs to
rithm for Program A, and List B gives the Program A, the numbers calculated and
algorithm for Program B. Each represents stored by the program in registers <01>,
(RSE2 + XSE2)
*PE = v an actual program for a TI-59 (Texas In- <09>, <10> and <11> will be the recipro-
X SE struments) calculator. c a l s of Xo, XA, X b a n d X B '. T h e
System Analysis by Calculator Program It turns out, however, that a simple dimensionless parameters To, K, Q, V, P, a
The essential element in the approach stratagem allows either program to be used and P will be unaffected.
of this paper is a rather simple calculator for both T- and pi-network analysis. I've Note that the first three inputs and the
program. It allows rapid and accurate cal- provided a coding list for Program A on the first ten outputs in each list produce the
culation and storage of all pertinent system TI-59, along with instructions as to how it basic network reactances for the elements
parameters once given values of RA, RO and can be used directly for T-network analysis identified in Fig 2, while the fourth input,
a complex load impedance (for which a and indirectly for pi-network analysis. the eleventh output and the diagram (at the
match is possible). That information should make it relatively bottom of each list) show how the load-
facing element XB is modified to absorb,
or cancel, the imaginary part of a complex
load. For such complex loads, the load-
facing element becomes XB' instead of XB-
List A XB and XB' are identical when the load is
Algorithm for T-network Calculator Program A a pure resistance.
To illustrate the method and provide
(Refer to Fig 2A and text.) benchmark examples for checking other
P = 180-sin-1 (Eq 6)* programs, I've used Program A to do a
Given: RA, Ra RSE AND v / complete post-choice analysis of a T net-
XSE, with RSE ^RO work for a "typical station" (RA = Zo =
(cos P
a= 1 (Eq 7)* 50 Q and Ro = 220.95 Q). The maximum
X 0 - V R A RO (Eql) SWR is 4.419:1, and the "worst case load
set" comprises the twelve RSE, XSE pairs
T (Eq 2A)* P = 1 - V cos(P) (Eq 8)* from Table 2. The results of the twelve
RA program runs are shown in Table 3.
X A = - X 0 A (Eq 9A) Similarly, I've used Program B to do a
K= (Eq 3A)* complete post-choice analysis for a pi net-
RSE work in a typical station (R A = Zo = 50, Ro
xB=-x0p (Eq 10A)
= 11.315). The maximum SWR is again
Q=VT^ + ^ + 2VK-l (Eq 4)* XB' = Xg - Xse (Eq 11 A) 4.419:1 and the "worst case load set" com-
prises the parallel-equivalent pairs from
T h e results of these equations are Table 2. The results are given in Table 4.
V = VTQ/K (Eq 5)* dimensionless parameters. In effect. Table 3 tells us that the re-
quired T-network elements comprise a
fixed inductor of +105.11 Q (column
<01>) and two variable capacitors each
having a range of about - 1 0 5 to - 3 2 0 Q
(the minimum and maximum values found
for X A and X B ' ) .
Similarly, Table 4 indicates that the re-
quired pi-network elements would comprise a
fixed inductor with a reactance of +23.785 Q
and two variable capacitors each with a range
from about-7.8 to -23.8 Q.
For illustrative purposes. Fig 3A shows
a complete reactance model for a T net-
work with load 6 from Table 3. Fig 3B
shows a similar model forapi network with
load 2 from Table 4. Note that the dimen-
sionless parameters for the two are identi-

The Final Step: L, CA and CB

* XSE mQy b® Inductive (+). capacitive (-) or zero. The final steps in either analysis are: (1)
Specify a frequency fo, and (2) convert Xo,
XA and XB to the corresponding values for puts. The equations, however, would be a few things about Fig 4. Many of these
the physical models in Fig 1. The relation- very complicated and have no general points can be verified by simple inspection,
ships are: meaning. and all of them can be verified by using the
For any positive reactance: The simplicity and generality of the ap- calculator program:
proach in this article may be better • It is not difficult to see why the strata-
_ 0.159155 x X
understood by means of the flow chart in gem of using Program A with the recipro-
fo Fig 4. It covers the basic elements of the cals of the pi-network inputs and outputs
For any negative reactance: two algorithms, namely the first three in- will work.
puts and the first ten outputs in each case. • It is not difficult to see that the reverse
For those interested in theoretical an- is also true: A stratagem of using Program
" f0 x I -X I alysis, the dimensionless parameters are B with the reciprocals of the T-network
where more important than those in the ohmic inputs and outputs will also work.
L = inductance, in |iH domains. A complete analysis is far beyond • It is not too difficult to see that multi-
C = capacitance, in pF the scope of this article, but I can point out plying all of the ohmic parameters of any
fo = frequency, in MHz

Using these formulas with the reactance

data from Tables 3 and 4, I've calculated L,
List B
CA and CB for frequencies of 3.5, 7 and
Algorithm for Pi-network Calculator Program B
14 MHz as shown in Table 5.
Technically speaking, the T and pi-net-
work solutions for this special case seem to (Refer to Fig 2B and text.)
cos P
be precisely equivalent, but there is one a= 1 - (Eq 7)*
difference that may help explain why (gen- Given: RA, RO, RPEAND XPE,
erally) only T networks seem to have been with RPE >Ro
considered for this application. The differ- P = 1 - V cos(P) (Eq 8)*
ence is that variable capacitors to produce XO - VR^RQ (Eq 1)
the very low reactances needed for the X0
pi-network solution would be about 13.5 T0 = (Eq 2B)* XA = (Eq 9B)
Ro a
times larger than those needed for the T-
network solution! -X0
K = (Eq 3B)* X B = (Eq 10B)
Effects of a Change in Frequency Ro P
The design process described above pro- 1
duces a network with a fixed inductance of Q = + (Eq 4)* XB' = (Eq 11 A)
1 _ 1
L |iH, which will have a specific positive X
Xo at a specific design frequency. For fre- B XpE
quencies other than fo, the reactance will V = VT0/K (Eq 5)*
change proportionately to the change in *The results of these equations are
frequency. It can be shown (by a rather P = 180-sin"1 T (Eq 6)* dimensionless parameters.
complicated analysis) that a system
designed to handle the range of load imped-
ances corresponding to an SWR of 4.419:1
at the design frequency can probably handle
a range corresponding to an SWR of 4:1 for
frequencies within about ±5% of fo.
The bottom line is: Inductor taps should
be closely spaced to get the maximum use
out of a network with a fixed-tap inductor.
The optimum solution, of course, is to use
a roller inductor, which can be treated as a
tapped inductor with an infinite number of -XA -XB' XpE * PE<

Generalizing the Approach: the A /

Dimensionless Domain
When treating a specific example, as I
have done so far, the focus is almost en-
tirely on the R, X and Zo parameters, all of Source Pi Network Parallel Form Load
which are dimensioned in ohms. It would
be possible, in theory at least, to derive a
set of equations that would give the ohmic * XpE m a y be inductive ( + ) , capacitive (—) or zero
outputs directly, in terms of the ohmic in-
Table 3
T-Net Parameters for the "Typical Station" Example

Fixed inputs: RA = 50 f2, stored in <21 >: Ro = 220.95 £2, stored in <22>.

Memory Register Number

<23> <24> <01> <02> <03> <04> <06> <07> <08> <09> <10> <11>
Load Rse XSE Xo To k O P a P XA XB XB'
7 220.950 0 +105.11 4.419 1.00 2.58 90" 1 1 -105.11 -105.11 -105.11
6 or 8 98.589 ±103.34 +105.11 4.419 2.24 5.40 138.09° 1.530 2.045 -160.81 -214.84 -318.28 or -111.60
5 or 9 39.232 ±71.225 +105.11 4.419 5.63 9.09 155.08° 2.024 1.803 -212.72 -189.54 -260.77 or -118.32
4 or 10 21.527 +45.129 +105.11 4.419 10.26 13.07 161.81° 2.448 1.623 -257.29 -170.63 -215.76 or -125.50
3 or 11 14.833 ±26.92 +105.11 4.419 14.90 16.64 164.98° 2.773 1.526 -291.49 -160.40 -187.32 or -133.48
2 or 12 12.083 ±12.665 +105.11 4.419 18.29 19.12 166.48° 2.978 1.478 -312.99 -155.34 -168.01 or -142.68
1 11.315 0 +105.11 4.419 19.53 20.00 166.92° 3.048 1.463 -320.32 -153.81 -153.81

Note: Numbers on the left of column 11 correspond to positive values of XSE and numbers on the right to negative values of XSE.

Table 4
Pi-Net Parameters for the "Typical Station" Example

Fixed inputs: RA = 50 £1, stored in <21 >: Ro = 11.315, stored in <22>.

Memory Register Number

<23> <24> <01> <02> <03> <04> <06> <07> <08> <09> <10> <11>
Load RPE XPE Xo To K Q P a J3 XA XB XB'
1 11.315 —>OO +23.785 4.419 1.00 2.58 90° 1.00 1 -23.785 -23.785 -23.785
2 or 12 25.358 ±24.193 +23.785 4.419 2.24 5.40 138.09° 1.530 2.045 -15.546 -11.631 -7.85 or-22.401
3 or 11 63.689 ±35.093 +23.785 4.419 5.63 9.08 155.07° 2.023 1.803 -11.755 -13.189 -9.586 or-21.124
4 or 10 116.14 ±55.398 +23.785 4.419 10.26 13.07 161.81° 2.448 1.623 -9.717 -14.652 -11.587 or-19.921
5 or 9 168.54 ±92.835 +23.785 4.419 14.90 16.64 164.98° 2.773 1.526 -6.577 -15.586 -13.346 or-18.731
6 or 8 206.91 ±197.40 +23.785 4.419 18.29 19.12 166.48° 2.978 1.478 -7.937 -160.94 -14.880 or-17.522
7 220.95 —>°« +23.785 4.419 19.53 20.00 166.92° 3.048 1.463 -7.805 -16.254 -16.254

Note: Numbers on the left of column 11 correspond to the positive values of XPE and numbers on the right to negative values of XPE.

matched system by any constant will pro-

Table 5
duce a system which is also matched (the
dimensionless parameters will be un- Actual Component Values for the Networks in Tables 3 and 4
• Finally, it is not too difficult to see that T Network Pi Network
changing the signs of all Xs in a high-pass F0 L CA or CB Fo L CA or CB
matched system will produce a low-pass (MHz) (MH) (PF) (MHz) M (pF)
system (and vice versa) that is also 3.5 4.78 142 - 433 3.5 1.08 1911 - 5 8 3 0
matched (again, the dimensionless para- 7.0 2.39 71 - 2 1 6 7.0 0.54 955-2915
meters won't be affected).
14.0 1.20 35.5-108 14.0 0.27 478 - 1458
Obviously the characteristics and be-
havior of the dimensionless parameters
have a significance far beyond that of any
particular application.

The Importance of To and K it could have any positive value between theory) have any value between 1 and in-
The key parameter in the entire process zero and infinity, but the practical range is finity. However, the requirement that
is To, which is defined as RO/RA for T much more limited. Q < 20 imposes an upper limit on K, des-
systems and RA/RO for pi systems. To be- The next most important parameter is ignated herein as K*.
comes fixed as soon as RA and Ro are K, defined as RO/RSE for T systems and as K* depends only on To. For a given To,
chosen, and it can be considered the "sig- RPE/RO for pi systems. Values of K between it can be found by patient experimentation
nature" parameter for any system. In theory 0 and 1 are forbidden, so K could (in using the calculator programs. I've done
Table 6
K* versus To Based on a
Maximum Q of 20

To K'
0.322 8.02
1.00 12.282
2.00 15.510
3.00 17.549
4.00 19.020
4.419 19.527
5.00 20.151
10.00 23.347
25.50 25.50
53 23.515
80 20.30
93 18.71
104 17.39 (A)

120 15.543
150 12.366
200 8.00

these calculations for a number of different

To values. The results are shown in Table
6. The dimensionless K range for each
entry is from 1 to K*.
Two of the entries in Table 6 are of
special interest: In one, K* equals To2. In
the other, K* equals To.
When K* is 19.527, it is equal to To2.
This leads to the "4.419 solution" for which
a complete analysis has already been given
in Tables 3 and 4. As stated earlier, this is
the optimum solution when the source im-
pedance RA equals Zo, as it does in the (B)
"typical" station. For this solution, the
maximum tolerable SWR is 4.419:1.

A "Nontypical 5.050 Solution" Fig 3—A is a T-network example, using Load 6 from Table 3. B is a pi-network example,
using Load 2 from Table 4. The two examples have identical dimensionless parameters.
When K* and To are equal to 25.5, there
is a "5.050 solution." (The maximum tol-
erable SWR is the square root of K*,
namely, 5.050:1.) It is of little practical
interest because it requires source-imped- In both cases K* is 25.5, the maximum specified, the numbers change. For a fixed
ance (RA) values that are unlikely to be SWR is 5.050:1, and the RSE or R P E range Zo and a given Qmax» the greatest possible
available. Table 6 shows that 25.5 is the is from 9.901 to 252.5 £2. Since transceiv- matchable range will be achieved when Xo
maximum possible value for K*, so there ers with an output impedance of 9.901 £2 is equal to Zo and To is selected as:
is no possible solution that will accommo- (for a T network) or 252.5 £2 (for a pi
date an SWR greater than 5.050:1. The network) are not readily available, this so- n2
basic parameters for this optimum solution lution is mainly of theoretical interest. It 'Q
T 0 = K* = + 0.5
represents the greatest possible matchable
range for a Zo of 50 £2 and a maximum Q
T network pi network of 20. A Qmax of 20 gives the 25.5 value of
RA = 9.901 RA = 252.5 Note however that both ("4.419" and Table 6. A O max of 24 would produce a To
Ro = 252.5 Ro = 9.901 "5.050") solutions depend on the underly- of 36.5 and a matchable range correspond-
Xo = 50 Xo = 50 i n g t o a n S W R of 6.04:1. A Q max of 16
ing arbitrary selection of 20 as the maxi-
To = 25.5 To = 25.5 mum Q. If a different maximum Q is would produce a To of 16.5 and a match-
Ohmic Domain Dimensionless Domain Ohmic Domain
for for for
T-Systems Both Systems Pi Systems

1 TN-^A
c ^ ^ + J L + a V K ^ i ~ o
T 0 ,K T 0 ,K RA.RO
R A . R O VTo
K = -5S- 1 RPE
V - J 5 1
K 1
1 XQ = V r A RO
XO P = 180-sin-1^ 1
r 1
f cos P 1
XA = - X 0 A a = 1
1 XA =
-L V J
« Xo x0
P = 1-VC0S(P) 1 -XO
XB = -x03 1
1 XB = p

Fig 4—Flow chart for the basic algorithms. Restrictions: RSE S RQ for T networks, RPE > Ro for pi networks.

able range c o r r e s p o n d i n g to an S W R of and the c o r r e s p o n d i n g RSE r a n g e w o u l d be f o r either RSF. or Rpe will be 14.286 to
4.06:1. T h e equation is empirical, but it very limited. 175 £2. T h e r a n g e is s y m m e t r i c a l around
appears nearly exact. 5 0 £2 and c o r r e s p o n d s to a m a x i m u m S W R
Graphical Analysis in the of a b o u t 3.5:1. T h i s e x a m p l e is of little
A Special Application: Vacuum T\ibe Dimensionless Domain practical interest b e c a u s e of the unortho-
Amplifiers A s s h o w n in the f l o w chart of F i g 4 , t h e d o x s o u r c e i m p e d a n c e s it w o u l d require.
T h e l o w - p a s s variable pi n e t w o r k s used d i m e n s i o n l e s s d o m a i n has t w o inputs (To T h e most striking f e a t u r e of the four
in the o u t p u t s t a g e s of v a c u u m - t u b e ampli- and K ) and t w o principal o u t p u t s ( a and (5). g r a p h s is the b e h a v i o r of |3. F o r any value
fiers are a special c a s e b e c a u s e they must To is fixed by the initial design c h o i c e . K of To, P is a rising function of K as K
c o n v e r t a s o u r c e i m p e d a n c e of several is a variable that can h a v e any value be- increases f r o m I to 2, then a d e s c e n d i n g
t h o u s a n d o h m s to a r a n g e of load resis- t w e e n 1 a n d infinity in theory, but is limited f u n c t i o n of K as K increases f r o m 2 toward
tances s y m m e t r i c a l around a Zo of 5 0 £2. to a r a n g e between 1 and K * in practice. A infinity. At infinity, p w o u l d a g a i n ap-
Thus, they c o u l d require values of To ap- graph s h o w i n g a and P v e r s u s K (for a p r o a c h its initial value of 1.
p r o a c h i n g 2 0 0 (greater in rare cases). For given To) c a n b e very revealing. I ' v e pre- O n t h e other h a n d , a is single-valued. It
e x a m p l e , an RA of 2 5 0 0 £2 and an Ro of pared such g r a p h s for f o u r d i f f e r e n t v a l u e s is 1 w h e n K is 1 a n d increases m o n o t o n i -
15.1515 £2 would g i v e a To of 165 and of T 0 : 1, 4 . 4 1 9 , 25.5 and 165 in Figs 5 c a l l y with i n c r e a s i n g K. It a p p r o a c h e s
would a c c o m m o d a t e a r a n g e of 15.15 to through 8, respectively. infinity as K a p p r o a c h e s infinity.
165 £2, which c o r r e s p o n d s to a Zo of 5 0 £2 E x a m p l e s f o r Figs 6, 7 and 8 h a v e al- Q is also s i n g l e - v a l u e d . It has a mini-
and a m a x i m u m S W R of 3.3:1. W i t h h i g h e r ready b e e n discussed earlier in the article. m u m value of To + 1/To w h e n K equals 1
values of To, the m a t c h a b l e r a n g e d r o p s off I ' v e a d d e d an e x a m p l e for Fig 5 to give a a n d a p p r o a c h e s infinity as K a p p r o a c h e s
very rapidly, requiring s u p p l e m e n t a r y m o r e c o m p l e t e view of the overall picture. infinity.
m e a s u r e s such as the pi-L s y s t e m described T h e c o n d i t i o n s are: T h e d o u b l e - v a l u e d nature of P divides
by W h y m a n . 1 the K r a n g e into m a j o r a n d m i n o r sections,
H i g h - p a s s T s y s t e m s are never consid- T n e t w o r k : R A = R 0 = 175 £2 as s h o w n on the f o u r charts. T h e minor
ered for this special application b e c a u s e sections c o m p r i s e t h e K r a n g e f r o m 1 to 2
they provide little or no h a r m o n i c suppres- or and a c o r r e s p o n d i n g P (phase) r a n g e of 9 0 °
sion, and they are technically unsuitable. to 135°, w h i c h is equivalent to electrical
T h e To values f o r such s y s t e m s c o u l d be on pi n e t w o r k : R A = R 0 = 14.286 £2 l e n g t h s f r o m '/4 X to % A. for the n e t w o r k .
the order of 0 . 0 6 or less, well b e l o w the T h e m a j o r sections c o m p r i s e the theoreti-
m i n i m u m value in Table 6. T h e K r a n g e In either case, To will b e 1 and the range cal K r a n g e f r o m 2 t o i n f i n i t y a n d a
- Major Section •
Mojor Section J
linor Section 2.8
w| a
4 Si
a 2A
T) \ 2.2
a 2.0
a '1
2 0
1.6 1

2 4 6 8 10
ft" 1.4
1.2 A
I 1.0 i
K *
10 12

K *
Fig 5—a and p versus K, for To of 1. K
ranges from 1 to 12.282. Fig 6—a and p versus K, for To of 4.419. K ranges from 1 to 19.527.

corresponding P range from 135° to 180°, to use Program A for T networks and a data registers <01> through < U > and can
which is equivalent to electrical lengths program based on List B for pi networks. be retrieved by RCL 01, RCL 02 and so on.)
from % X to Vi X for the network. (P is For T networks: Once RA and Ro have See Table 3 for a "benchmark" set of
generated internally by the calculator pro- been chosen, Program A will provide a calculations.
gram. It is not of direct interest in this mathematically correct solution for any
application. In some contexts, it may be a value of RSE from Ro down to almost zero. For pi-network analysis:
useful bit of information. For example, see No solution is possible for values of RSE Step I: Fixed inputs (entered only at begin-
White.) 2 greater than Ro. An arbitrary lower limit on ning):
In general, I'll let the four charts speak RSE is established by the stipulation that Q Key in RA i/x STO 21, then Ro i/x STO 22.
for themselves, but one point may need is 20 or less.
emphasis. For large values of To (such as For pi networks: Once RA and Ro have Step 2: Variable inputs (entered before
in Fig 8), the slope of p is so extreme for been chosen, a program based on List B (or each run)
values of K very close to I that adjustments Program A using reciprocals) will provide Key in RPE I/X STO 23, then XPE I/X STO
in that range may be difficult. a mathematically correct solution for any 24. (RPE S Ro, XPE positive for inductive
Here is a useful point to keep in mind value of RPE from Ro up to almost infinity. loads, negative for capacitive loads or zero
when translating from the dimensionless No solution is possible for values of RPE for purely resistive loads.)
domain to the ohmic domains: a and (3 act less than Ro. An arbitrary upper limit on
as multipliers to produce XA and XB for T RPE is established by the stipulation that Q Step 3: With all inputs entered and stored,
networks, but the reciprocals ( 1 / a and 1/P) is 2 0 or less. press A to execute the program. (When the
act as multipliers to produce XA and XB for T h e programs are somewhat "fail-safe" program halts, the reciprocals of all the
pi networks. Values f o r a and P will always in that values of RSE greater than Ro, or ohmic parameters will be stored in the re-
be in the 1 -to-infinity range, and the recip- values of RPE less than Ro, will make K less spective data registers. The ohmic
rocals will always be in the 1 -to-zero range. than one and cause the program to give an parameters can be retrieved by RCL 01 fol-
Hence, the magnitudes of XA and XB for error signal when it tries to calculate Q. lowed by i/x and so on. The dimensionless
T networks will always be equal to or parameters can be retrieved directly.)
greater than the magnitude of Xo, and the Instructions and Coding for TI-59
magnitudes of XA and XB for pi networks Program A See Table 4 for a "benchmark" set of
will always be equal to or less than the With Program A stored in memory, pro- calculations.
magnitude of Xo. The signs of XA, XB (and ceed as follows:
XB') must always be negative and that of Program A
Xo must be positive. (All reactances are For T-network analysis: T- and Pi-network Analysis for the
assumed to be pure.) Step 1: Fixed inputs (entered only at begin- Texas Instruments TI-59
Also keep in mind that XA is always the ning). Programmable Calculator
network element facing the source, and XB' Key in RA STO 21, then Ro STO 22. LOCATION CODE KEY COMMENTS
is the network element facing the load. 000 76 LBL
Step 2: Variable inputs (entered before 001 11 A
About the Calculator Program(s) each run) 002 25 CLR
In order to show the close relationships Key in RSE STO 23, then XSE STO 24. 003 43 RCL
between the T- and pi-network treatments, (RSE ^ Ro, XSE positive for inductive loads, 004 21 21
I've chosen to present and discuss them on negative for capacitive loads or zero for 005 65 X
a "side by side" basis. In using the methods, purely resistive loads.) 006 43 RCL
however, focus on one program and ignore 007 22 22
the other completely. For my part, I have Step 3: With all inputs entered and stored, 008 95 =
found it very convenient to use Program A press A to execute the program. (When the 009 34 Vx
for both systems (in the manner described program halts, the 11 parameters calcu- 010 42 STO
later). Others may find it more convenient lated by Eqs 1 through 11 will be stored in on 01 01
Fig 7—a and p versus K, for To of 25.5. K ranges from 1 to 25.5.
Fig 8—a and (3 versus K, for To of 165. K
ranges from 1 to 10.89.
012 43 RCL 050 02 02
013 22 22 051 55
088 06 06
014 55 -i- 052 43 RCL
089 39 COS
015 43 RCL 053 03 03
090 95 =
016 21 21 054 95 —
091 42 STO
017 95 = 055 34 Vx 092 08 08
018 42 STO 056 42 STO
093 43 RCL
019 02 02 To 057 05 05
094 01 01
020 43 RCL 058 01 1
095 65 X
021 22 22 059 08 8
096 43 RCL
022 55 + 060 00 0
097 07 07
023 43 RCL 061 75 -
098 95 =
024 23 23 062 43 RCL
099 94 +
025 95 = 063 03 03
100 42 STO
026 42 STO 064 35 1/X
101 09 09
027 03 03 K 065 34 Vx 102 43 RCL
028 55 + 066 22 INV
103 01 01
029 43 RCL 067 38 SIN
104 65 X
030 02 02 068 95 —
105, 43 RCL
031 34 Vx 069 42 STO
106 08 08
032 85 + 070 06 06
107 95 =
033 43 RCL 071 01 1
108 94 +
034 02 02 072 75
109 42 STO
035 34 Vx 073 43 RCI.
110 10 10
036 85 + 074 06 06
111 75 -
037 02 2 075 39 COS
112 43 RCL
038 65 X 076 55 +
113 24 24
039 53 ( 077 43 RCL
114 95 =
040 43 RCL 078 05 05
115 42 STO
041 03 03 079 95 = 116 11 11
042 75 - 080 42 STO
117 91 R/S
043 01 1 081 07 07
044 54 ) 082 01 1 Notes
045 34 Vx 083 75 _ 'E. Whyman, "Pi-Network Design and Analy-
046 95 = 084 43 RCL sis," Ham Radio, Sep 1977, pp 30-39.
047 42 STO 085 05 05 2
R. White, "Phase-Shift Design of Pi, T and L
048 04 04 Q 086 65 X networks," The ARRL Antenna Compen-
049 43 RCL 087 43 RCL dium, Volume 2 (Newington, CT: ARRL,
1989), pp 187-196.
A Precision Tuner For
Antenna Couplers
By Jack Kuecken, KE2QJ
2 Round Trail
Pittsford, NY 14534

developed the gadget described in to an all-band signal generator. Make no A further advantage of this gadget is the

I this article over a period of years. I

feel that it solves several problems
that plague many hams. I have been using
mistake about this noise source, however:
it actually radiates a signal, a noise signal.
Even when the bridge is nulled a noise
fact that tuning is accomplished with the
transmitter looking into a matched load.
Solid-state nontuned amplifiers in modern
some variation o f this scheme for several signal is being radiated, not only at the null transceivers are a bit fussy about the load
years, both professionally and as a ham. frequency but at all frequencies covered by impedances they see. The process of tuning
Your fellow hams might welcome the fact the noise generator. O f course the antenna an antenna coupler can produce some ex-
that you use it, too! modifies the noise spectrum that is radi- treme mismatches, in an almost random
There are a great many reasons to use ated. A saving grace is the fact that the order. Some amplifiers have unstable im-
an antenna coupler, especially if you wish noise signal is low in spectral density p e d a n c e s w h i c h can send them into
to operate on all 9 HF bands. You may not (meaning that in any given narrow pass- parasitic oscillation. On others, a direc-
have enough room for 9 separate mono- band the power is small); therefore, the tional coupler monitors the forward output
band antennas. The use of trap multiband radiated noise generally doesn't interfere and tries to hold this constant through the
antennas is common, but most trap anten- with anyone at any distance. However it is A L C (automatic level control). If a low
nas do not cover the wider bands in their not nonexistent. The navies of the world impedance or a high reactance is encoun-
entirety—80 meters in particular. Also, learned more than a half century ago that tered, the circuit cranks up the drive and
there is a certain economy of style associ- their direction finders could locate the ra- increases the current until the overcurrent
ated with the use o f a single antenna to diated receiver noise of a ship operating in circuit shuts the system down, the fuse
cover all bands. For this reason, many what it thought was "radio silence." blows or something more drastic happens.
hams use some form of antenna tuner or Unfortunately, the noise-bridge ap- The S W R o f this system never exceeds
Transmatch. proach is not without its problems in about 1.1:1 during the wildest impedance
There is no real reason (or perhaps ex- implementation. The noise source is gener- gyrations o f the tuner.
cuse is more appropriate) for the number of ally square-wave modulated (on and off) to
strong "tuner uppers" to be heard on the help in identification. On busy, noisy bands Theory of Operation
ham bands. A final amplifier can be tuned it may prove difficult or impossible to hear The basic system is illustrated in Fig 1.
into a dummy load i f the antenna is the null in your noise signal when the In the RUN condition, S I is in the position
matched. However, to tune up a Trans- bridge is balanced. The bridge does not null shown and the entire circuit is bypassed.
match or an antenna coupler you must the incoming signals at the same setting When tuning is initiated, S I is switched
radiate some signal. The use of a noise that nulls the noise. As a matter of fact, the into the alternate position. S I A directs the
bridge is no exception to this statement. bridge usually scarcely attenuates incom- transmitter output to a dummy load, which
ing signals. Think about trying to tune is shunted by an attenuating resistor and a
The Noise Bridge something while listening for a null in the fixed Wheatstone bridge. One leg of the
The noise bridge is simply an R F bridge noise signal on 4 0 meters, when the foreign bridge is formed by the antenna load
that uses noise as a signal source, and em- broadcasters are coming in at 10 dB over through S I B . S I C turns on the power to a
ploys a receiver as a null detector. To S9! small solid-state dc amplifier. If the an-
measure an antenna or to tune a coupler, the O f course, tuning with the aid o f a con- tenna load looks exactly like 50 Q., there
noise source is applied and the bridge con- ventional directional coupler radiates will be no net voltage between points B and
trols adjusted to null the noise in the essentially the full power applied to the C and the dc output of the detector formed
passband of the receiver. The same bridge system. This is usually reduced power by D1 will be zero.
could be excited with a signal generator compared to full operating power for the A few words about this detector are in
instead of the noise generator, but the ma- amplifier, but it is a very strong unwanted order. The transformer shown as T1 is ac-
j o r i t y o f h a m s do not own a s i g n a l signal nonetheless. The device described tually just a bifilar balun. This was wound
generator. They do own a receiver, and the here uses the transmitter signal; however, on a Ferronics 11-220-K core about ¥s-
noise source makes a low-cost alternative it radiates only about 2 to 3 mW maximum. inch diameter and 3/32-inch thick. About 8
Fig 1—Schematic diagram of the Precision Tuner bridge. Resistors are '/4-watt carbon or metal film unless otherwise specified.
Capacitors are 50-volt disk ceramic. D1-D4 are 1N3666 germanium diodes.

feet of no. 30 enameled wire was doubled bridge application to eliminate the balun, at C is equal to zero and the voltage at B is
and then twisted with a hook held in the but it does not work as well. At very low just one-half of the voltage at A (neglecting
chuck of a hand drill, giving about 4 feet of signal levels the output of all diode detec- the tiny current drawn by the rectifier).
twisted pair. The small core will hold about tors falls off, due to the forward drop of the Conversely, if C is open circuited, the
40 turns of the twisted-pair wire. The K diode. In the case of the doubler there are voltage at C is equal to the voltage at A and
material has a mu of 125 and the A rating two forward drops so the detector does not the voltage at B is one-half of the voltage
of the core is 55.2 nH per turn. Measured respond well at low levels. This would tend at A. Either of these cases corresponds to
at 1 to 4 MHz, the coil represents about 74 to crowd the 2:1 SWR reading closer to the an infinite SWR or a reflection coefficient
|iH of inductance. It is noteworthy that a 1:1 end of the scale. The single-diode detec- of 1.
measurement with a 1-kHz inductance tor is much more linear at the low levels The detector formed by D3 and D4 has
bridge showed an inductance of only encountered when the bridge is balanced. been padded to approximately equal the
12|iH. The inductance of these devices output of the bridge detector for a reflec-
must be measured at RF! The capacitance How It Works tion coefficient of 1. If you want to know
of the between the wires of the winding If the voltage at point A remained con- the actual SWR it can be calculated by the
measured 55 pF. stant with changing loads, the voltage following.
The transformer was installed as shown, differential between B and C would be
in balun fashion; note that the dots are on proportional to the reflection coefficient of Voltage reflection coefficient = p =
the same end. One end of the bifilar winding the load at C. This isn't exactly what hap- V r e f l / V FWD
was separated and used for the input and the pens, however. The large (1,2-kfl) resistor
other end used for the output. The detector between the line and the bridge makes the Then
proper consists of a single 1N3666 germa- current essentially constant. As the imped-
nium diode. A 1N33 could also have served. ance at C varies, the impedance from A to SWR = (1 + p ) / ( I - p )
The germanium diode has a lower forward ground changes, and the voltage across the
drop than a silicon diode such as a 1N914. bridge varies accordingly. In most cases you only need to know
A voltage-doubler circuit like the D3-D4 The bridge works as follows: If the im- that the impedance match is good enough,
detector could be used in this balanced pedance at C is a short circuit, the voltage and this can be seen from the reading of
VRI;I'L alone. A reasonably d e s i g n e d an- v+ v+
tenna coupler will often permit reduction
of VREI^L to very near zero. A s popular as
directional couplers are. y o u might wonder
why I c h o s e to use a fixed bridge instead of
o n e o f the more c o m m o n reflectometer
designs. T h e first reason is. it is easier to
build a bridge and detector circuit that op-
erates at very low power. In a conventional
HF reflectometer the detector operates on
only a tiny sample of the reflected power.
With a bridge, nearly half of the entire
reflected power is applied to the detector.
T h e detection system of a bridge is there-
fore at an advantage of 2 0 to 3 0 dB in
sensitivity, compared to a reflectometer.
A second reason is that the bridge can
usually be made more accurate than a di-
rectional coupler. A directional coupler that
c o v e r s the range from 1.8-30 M H z with a
directivity (the ability to discriminate be-
t w e e n forward and reflected p o w e r ) o f 25
dB is exceptional. By comparison, I have
built a number of these bridges, which
function from a f e w hundred kHz to more
than 2 5 0 M H z . with a balance of better than
4 0 dB o v e r the entire range. A directivity
of 25 dB on the directional coupler says
that with 1 V forward an error voltage of
0 . 0 5 6 V w o u l d exist. T h i s error voltage
corresponds to an S W R of
Fig 2—Schematic diagram of the dc amplifier. Resistors are 'A-watt carbon or metal film,
except R1, which is a '/2-watt linear-taper potentiometer. Q1 and Q2 are 2N3904 or
Error S W R = (I + 0.056)/( 1 - 0 . 0 5 6 ) equivalent. U1 and U2 are LM1458 dual operational amplifier ICs. D1-D3 are Hewlett
= 1.12 Packard HL4MP D155 LEDs or equivalent.

B y c o m p a r i s o n , the 4 0 - d B b a l a n c e ponents. One strategy I have used is what single-ended supply like a car battery, and
y i e l d s an error in S W R of 1.02. In short, it I call an "onion slicer" technique. S u p p o s e therefore it is necessary to establish a ref-
is relatively simple to build a bridge with a that w e are using a coupler in w h i c h w e erence voltage. T h e voltage drop across
vastly wider frequency range and a signifi- have a shunt L (a roller coil) on the antenna L E D s D1 and D 2 is used to establish a
cantly better accuracy. side and a series C on the line side. If w e reference voltage of 3 . 2 3 V. I used Hewlett-
T h e first point is perhaps more telling. set the C into continuous rotation, it will g o Packard H L M P D 1 5 5 L E D s , but other
You will note that the bridge circuit has a through all of its possible values t w i c e for d i o d e s should serve as well. I happen to
significant attenuation; as a matter of fact each revolution. We can then tune the in- like these L E D s because they are particu-
it calculates and measures out to be 3 4 dB. ductor at s o m e relatively rapid rate, for larly bright. In the interest of e c o n o m y , D1
If w e excite the tuner with 5 0 watts, the e x a m p l e o n e r e v o l u t i o n for e v e r y f i v e is also mounted on the front panel and
radiated p o w e r from the antenna in a revolutions o f C. W e know that the correct labeled TUNING, to indicate that y o u are in
matched condition is 2 m W ! At 75-watts value of C to g i v e a match will occur within the tune m o d e . I have had g o o d success
input to the coupler, the antenna is radiat- a fifth to a tenth of a turn of the exact value using the constant-voltage characteristic of
ing 3 mW. The same bridge can be used required of L, and that s o m e w h e r e along an L E D in place of a Zener diode, in this
with a signal generator as a source applied the line as L. rolls out, a near perfect match and other applications.
at point A . will take place. U 1 A and Q1 simply serve to g i v e a
T h e o n e problem with this method is the l o w - i m p e d a n c e reference at the 3.23 V.
Fast Or Automatic Tuning fact that the antenna g o e s into and out of a level. U1 and U 2 are L M 1 4 5 8 dual op
P e o p l e tune up antenna couplers using match s o rapidly that the meter needle can- amps. U 1 B a m p l i f i e s the output of the R F
a variety of strategies: however, there is not f o l l o w the match all the w a y d o w n . detector selected by S2. T h e potential dif-
almost a l w a y s an interaction b e t w e e n the With a little experience you can tell w h e n ference b e t w e e n the emitters of Q1 and Q 2
inductor and capacitor. T h e y both must you have hit the match by the w a y the drives the meter. If a more sensitive meter,
reach the correct values for a match to take needle is kicking. Another circuit still can such as a 5 0 - | i A or 1 - m A m o v e m e n t were
place. Neither o n e alone in the correct set- be a significant help. used, it might be p o s s i b l e to eliminate Q l .
ting will produce a matched condition. In T h e amplifier circuit is s h o w n in F i g 2. If you are redesigning this circuit to
a remotely tuned antenna coupler this can W h e n S I is put in the TUNE position, S I C a c c o m m o d a t e another current range on the
b e c o m e an e v e n greater problem, since you c l o s e s and supplies V + to the amplifier. meter, it is important that Q l draw slightly
cannot directly see the setting of the c o m - T h i s amplifier is designed to run with a more current than the full-scale meter cur-
rent, to prevent the meter current from cut-
ting off Q l . When a matched condition is
reached, the output of U ! B swings sharply
down to 3.23 V. Whenever it falls below
the set fraction, U2B switches to high out-
put and lights D3 on the panel, indicating
an impedance match. I usually set the pot
to flash the lamp for any SWR below 1.5.
This signal could also be used to stop the
rotation of the tuner roller coil in an auto-
matic setup. In the latter case however, the
signal would have to ANDed with an RF
PRESENT signal, since the lamp is lit when
no RF is present at the bridge. Once the
lamp flashes, you can shut off the L drive
and stop C from scanning. C is then jogged
into place at slow speed using the meter to
optimize the tuning. A little jog of L might
help to attain the absolute minimum SWR.
You can usually get a better SWR with
manual tuning than with fully automatic
tuning. Also, with a little experience with
Fig 3—Inside the bridge. The dummy load is on the left. On the right is the bell crank
the antenna and coupler, a skilled operator
that drives S1. The amplifier board is in the center.
can usually j u m p in the right direction to
respond to a change in frequency.
ends. This makes a fairly sturdy, nonradi- this is simply a two-position rotary switch.
Construction ating load with reasonable SWR. You might want to modify a ceramic wafer
One of the first items required is a The load was measured from I to 30 switch for this purpose. Note, however,
dummy load. Fig 3 shows, at the left, the MHz using a General Radio 1606A imped- that t h e g r o u n d p l a n e is m a i n t a i n e d
dummy load I built. This load consists of a ance bridge, and from 30 to 220 MHz using throughout the switch to try to maintain the
set of 10 resistors, each nominally 2 watts a General Radio I602B U H F admittance characteristic impedance as close to 50 Q
and 510 i2. A few extra resistors were pur- meter. The load shows an increasing ca- as possible.
chased and 10 were selected to give 52 t2 pacitive reactance, due to the capacitance Fig 4 shows the switch plate and the
at dc. The plates shown in the photo are of the driven plate. The corresponding fingers. The detailed design of the switch
single-sided circuit board. With the ten re- SWR values run from 1.05 at 1 MHz to 1.11 is largely controlled by the finger-stock
sistors, the load should have a at 30 MHz. Beyond this frequency, the dimensions.The switch plate is made of
continuous-duty rating of 20 watts: how- impedance progressively rolls out. reach- 0.063-inch single-sided printed-circuit
ever, I have not experienced any ing an SWR of 1.77 at 144 MHz. Note that board, with the heaviest copper laminate
overheating with inputs to 75 watts over the accuracy of this load does not affect the available. I have used both G - 1 0 and
any reasonable tuning cycle. accuracy of the tuning, which is estab- X X X P boards. The switch lands can be
A B N C chassis connector (UG-290A) is lished by the quality of the bridge. It only etched, but I elected to carefully scribe the
mounted to the foil side of one PC-board affects the SWR which the amplifier sees outlines and peel the foil off with a razor
rectangle. The resistors are in two rows of on tuning. knife. After the insulating outlines are re-
5, with a spacing of VA inch between resis- The next item is S1.1 have actually used moved to separate the lands, the entire
tors in the row and 1 inch between rows. a Cutler-Hammer 5-A industrial toggle switch plate should be wire brushed and
A no. 55 drill was used for the resistor drill switch, with all lines going to the switch sanded to remove any sharp edges on the
plan, and the top and middle boards drilled being made of coax cable, and the shields lands. A very fine steel wool or 400-grit
together. The resistor leads were then fed brought together behind the switch. How- wet-or-dry tungsten-carbide paper (used to
through the holes with the boards held foil ever, the feedthrough is not as small as I refinish auto bodies) can be used to round
side out. The boards were then clamped in would like and the residual SWR that this the edges. Then wash the board carefully
place parallel to each other, with a '/4-inch contributes to the tuning reaches about and apply an electroless silver plating.'
spacing between the resistor end and the 1.15 at 30 MHz. You could use a commer- Apply the powder (which looks like a
boards. Then the leads were soldered. A cial DPDT RF coaxial switch with very kitchen cleanser) to a damp rag and rub the
lead was added between the center conduc- good results. Unfortunately, these switches copper until a silver finish results.
tor of the BNC connector and the back are expensive, in the $50 to $75 range, and The electroless silver helps keep the
board. Note that this board is now at line require quite a few expensive cablc fittings surface clean and nonoxidized. It can be
potential. To minimize radiation leakage a for the various jumpers, etc. The cable fit- dispensed with if you don't mind cleaning
shield board was cut inch longer in each tings also tend to make the assembly up the switch lands now and then. The
dimension than the resistor boards. This bigger. fingers are the sort of beryllium copper
board was attached, foil side in, to the top I won't go into too much detail concern- stock used to seal shielded boxes and
board (the one with the BNC connector) ing the construction of the switch, as you doors. The finger stock I used has 6 fingers
using six heavy wire spacers bent to the may have to modify the design slightly in per inch, and this seems about right. You
right length and soldered to the foil at both order to use available materials. In essence can use anything that approximates this. If
shaft. D o this on a drill press or a lathe, so is u n a c c e p t a b l e . It m a y be necessary to
the hole g o e s t h r o u g h the rotor as squarely s p r i n g t h e f i n g e r s d o w n s o m e w h a t to
as possible. T h e unit s h o w n used a 14-inch a c h i e v e a g o o d low-resistance contact.
I D collar with an arm soldered to it. to With a 4 4 ° rotation of the rotor, it should
transmit torque to the rotor. T h e tip of the be possible to h a v e o n e set of fingers short
arm w a s screwed to the rotor, and the collar B and C and the other pair to short D and
had a pair of 4 - 4 0 setscrcws. T h i s item is E. A p p l y the tests as above. T h e collar that
easily made, but I happened to h a v e s o m e holds the rotor in r u n n i n g position is a
of these pieces left over f r o m s o m e d i s m a n - collar-plus-arm bell crank. Next, mark the
tled C o m m a n d Sets. T h e items were used location of the end of the bell crank in the
for a factory lock-in-place setting of C 6 0 t w o e x t r e m e switch positions. Eventually,
and C 6 7 o f t h e T 1 9 - A R C - 5 o r T 2 2 - A R C - 5 a pair of stops fabricated f r o m brass or
(also B C - 4 5 8 A or B C - 4 5 7 A ) . d o u b l e - s i d e d P C board material can be sol-
T h e center of the switch plate is drilled dered in place, to limit the rotor travel. In
% inch for a standard panel bushing, which the position you intend to use for TUNK, you
Fingers accepts a '/It-inch shaft. T h i s attaches with m a y next locate the position to attach the
2 Sets Required a nut c l a m p i n g upon the plate, like a vol- m i c r o s w i t c h that f o r m s S I C . I actually
u m e control. T h e s e b u s h i n g s usually have m o u n t e d the m i c r o s w i t c h 011 a small block
a self-lubricating Oilite bearing for the 1/4- of plastic first. I then slid it into place so
inch shaft to run on. T h e shaft should turn that it w a s actuated, and marked the loca-
freely in the bushing, without t o o much tion so that it could later be glued in place.
w o b b l e . A shield plate is m a d e of single- D o not attach these items j u s t yet.
sided P C board m e a s u r i n g 2 % x 4 inches, A l t h o u g h the switch could h a v e been
s—- /
Finger Plote / f with a ys-inch hole drilled in the center. c o n s t r u c t e d with flexible miniature coax
2 Required ' x ^ T h i s will be a s s e m b l e d with the foil side such as R G - 1 8 8 , it is easier to build with
out, so that the switch plate and the shield semirigid miniature coax. T h e coax used
plate will touch on the board, not the foil has an O D of 0 . 1 4 0 inch. This line has a
side. In o t h e r w o r d s , when they are assem- thin c o p p e r - t u b e outer conductor, Teflon
bled, there will be t w o thicknesses of the insulation and a solid c o p p e r center con-
Fig 4—S1 is a homemade DPDT rotary
switch. Stator contacts are cut on PC b o a r d d i e l e c t r i c b e t w e e n the foils. T h e ductor. T h e tubing is easily bent by hand
board; rotor contacts are made from extra t h i c k n e s s partially a d j u s t s the charac- without kinking, a r o u n d a grooved f o r m .
finger stock. See text for details of teristic i m p e d a n c e through the switch T h e line is available f r o m a n u m b e r of
assembly. e l e m e n t s . T h e shield plate e x t e n d s ]/l inch s o u r c e s . 3 It is widely used in m i c r o w a v e
a b o v e a n d b e l o w the switch ends. T h e and radar applications.
the f i n g e r s are too small, they are p r o n e to switch plate and the shield plate can n o w A f e w notes are in order on the use of
bend with the w i p i n g action of the switch. be temporarily assembled, using the panel this coaxial t u b i n g . To cut the tubing, score
If they are too big, the switch must be m a d e b u s h i n g to hold t h e m together. T h e panel an even mark a r o u n d the c i r c u m f e r e n c e of
larger to obtain multiple contacts. For a b u s h i n g has a f l a n g e about '/8 inch thick, t h e outer c o n d u c t o r with a sharp knife. T h e
good l o w - r e s i s t a n c e c o n n e c t i o n I feel that which should b e on the switch-plate side. tube will then b r e a k neatly if flexed at the
three or f o u r contact points per switch con- T h e length of the panel b u s h i n g e x t e n d s score m a r k , e x p o s i n g the insulation. T h i s
tact are required; particularly in a switch of through the shield plate. Next, the rotor can be cut with the knife. T h e center con-
this type, w h e r e the switch plate is not should be a s s e m b l e d to a length of '/4-inch d u c t o r c a n b e c u t w i t h a thin p a i r of
perfectly flat and s o m e flexibility in the shaft that runs freely in the panel bushing. diagonal cutters. For b e n d i n g , cither turn a
fingers is required. You can o f t e n find fin- A collar is then secured with setscrews to form with a 0.140-inch round bottom
ger stock at a h a m f e s t . T h i s is the least t h e shaft, on the shield-plate side of the g r o o v e or obtain a small V pulley. T h e
e x p e n s i v e w a y to get it. Barring that, f i n g e r board. T h e flange on the panel b u s h i n g b e n d i n g radius should not be less than 0.75
stock m a y be o r d e r e d by mail. 2 should clear the f i n g e r plates by at least inch. P l a c e the t u b e in the g r o o v e and
'/Si inch. If it d o e s not, r e m o v e t h e rotor and s m o o t h t h e bend in with y o u r fingers. If a
T h e t w o f i n g e r plates also are m a d e of
cut the f i n g e r plate back so that it does. T h i s lathe is available, brass adapters are easily
single-sided P C b o a r d . T h e f o u r f i n g e r sets
can be d o n e with a Dremel tool or with a turned so that nearly any R F connectors
are soldered to the foil u p to the dotted
rotary file in a drill press. W h e n this clear- can be used. If a lathe is not available, most
lines, as s h o w n in Fig 4. T h e stock 1 used
a n c e is a c h i e v e d , it should be possible to c o n n e c t o r s intended f o r R G - 1 8 8 cable can
had a tie b a n d a b o u t 3 /i6 inch w i d e u p to the
a d j u s t t h e collar on the shield side so the be a d a p t e d by r e a m i n g out a f e w of the
roots of the fingers. T h i s entire b a n d w a s
rotor turns freely with a reasonable a m o u n t parts with a drill.
lapped o n t o the finger plate. O n c e a s s e m -
of sprung deflection of the fingers.
bled, the finger plates are e p o x i e d to t h e T h e next step is to drill lands A through
rotor (epoxy c e m e n t on the board, not t h e It should n o w be possible to rotate the F to accept the coax center conductor. Re-
foil side) in position so that the f i n g e r s ride rotor s o that, for e x a m p l e , the fingers on m o v e the rotating parts but leave the
about Vi6 inch u p o n the lands on the switch o n e side short lands A and B together, and b u s h i n g in place. With the switch plate and
plate. T h e rotor can b e a piece of nearly any the fingers on the other side short lands E the shield board c l a m p e d together by the
plastic w h i c h is 2 x 15/i6 x 1/4 inch. T h i s and F together, with no o v e r l a p of the panel bushing, drill a hole through each land
should be a fairly strong plastic like X X X P f i n g e r s a c r o s s the g a p s b e t w e e n l a n d s . to accept the center c o n d u c t o r of the coax.
or Bakelite, so that it can b e drilled through C h e c k f o r c o n t i n u i t y with a g o o d low- With the 0.140-inch O D tubing, the hole
on the c e n t e r of the b r o a d side for a '/4-inch o h m s meter. Any resistance b e y o n d 0.1 £2 should be m a d e with a no. 6 0 drill (0.040
inch). Drill a hole in the center of each land Coox Outer stalled on the foil side of the board. The
>/4 inch from the top or bottom edges of the Conductor holes f o r t h e components were drilled from
switch plate. The hole should go through the foil side with a drill sized for the com-
both PC boards and will serve for align- Shield Plate ponent leads. A '/Si-inch drill was then used
ment. The bushing is now removed and the • Copper to cut away the copper around each lead
boards separated. Using the center conduc- that was not intended to be grounded. Con-
tor holes for a pilot, the shield board is ductors for the other side were cut from 3M
Board Ins.
drilled with a no. 28 or %4-inch drill, to
Boord Ins. ^
Scotch EMI/RFI copper shielding tape. 4
accept the outer conductor of the coax. Do The copper foil tape is adhesive. It can
this carefully, to maintain the concentricity Coax ^ Switch Land be cut to shape and stuck onto the board.
of the holes as much as possible. Insulator | Solder Punch holes for the component leads with
Coax Center
Lands B and E of the switch represent a scribe or needle. The component leads are
the output and the input respectively. The soldered on in a conventional way but try
path from land A to F represents the bypass Fig 5—Details of connecting the semirigid to refrain from using too much heat. A hot,
path with the switch plunger all the way in. coaxial cable to S1. clean iron and a bit of polishing with steel
I preferred to arrange the switch on a pull- wool on the component leads along with a
to-tune and push-to-run basis, so that an drop of flux will usually ensure a good, fast
accidental b u m p of the switch actuator rarily, jiggling the shield plate for a best fit. joint with minimal heating.
knob would have no effect while the sys- Tighten the bushing to firmly clamp the
tem was running. Form a piece of coax to plates together. If the plates are slightly Results
make the path from A to F, using the bend- bowed, clamp them together at the edges This unit has been in use in my ham
ing tool described earlier. Make sure the for a "flattest" condition. Now go around shack for several months now. and func-
path clears switch S I C and the central shaft and, making sure that each coax tube is tions very effectively. The unit is placed
and hardware. In forming the tube, do not fully "home," solder first the center con- between the transceiver and the linear am-
attempt to form the radius all the way to the ductor and then the outer conductor. Make plifier. Tuning is done with (he linear off
end. Leave at least inch of straight sec- sure that you do not permit the solder to and in the bypassed condition. I have two
tion beyond the bend. encroach on the area where the switch con- principal antennas, a vertical and a hori-
This is the trickiest tube to make. It is tacts ride. It is a good idea to do one on the zontal. Both are equipped with remote
worthwhile to bend up a piece of solder or ABC side and the next on the DEF side. tunable couplers, with the couplers physi-
soft wire into a dummy first to determine When this is complete, the travel stops cally located at the antenna feed points.
the required length. Start bending with the may be soldered on, after which it is possi- The horizontal covers 80-10 meters and the
corner of the "L." Next, begin to roll in the ble to cement the plastic block with S l C in vertical covers 160-10 meters. Using this
end bends at 90° to the plane of the L. place. Next assemble and install the rotor. device, I can tune up without radiating
Begin these at the outer end of the cable The fittings may be installed on tubes B more than 2 to 3 mW. In tests, people on
and roll them in along the form. If the L is and E. I used bulkhead-type connectors. the far side of town generally cannot copy
too big to fit the holes in the shield plate, These serve as part of the mounting for the my signal during tuning. The linear is tuned
simply roll the bend in a bit further and switch. An angle bracket was attached to the into a dummy load and simply switched in
carefully straighten out the excess bend shield plate and used for the third suspen- and out when required. Isolation between
until a fit is obtained. sion point for the switch. This mounting is the two paths in the switch measures more
Next, cut the end of the tubes. Fig 5 quite secure and sturdy. than 58 dB at all frequencies below 148
shows the effect to be obtained. Score the This arrangement places the switch axis MHz, and the insertion SWR in the by-
coax outer conductor at the appropriate parallel to the panel. I could have used a passed condition measures less than 1.2:1
place and break it off. If you are removing pair of bevel gears and a rotary knob action, from 1-30 MHz.
no more than % inch you can grasp the however I felt that the pull-push action As tuned with this bridge, the reflected
outer conductor gently with a pair of pliers, would be simpler. A third bell crank arm is power from the antenna couplers seldom
and pull it off, leaving the insulator and attached to the outer end of the switch exceeds 1 or 2 watts out of 100 forward, for
center conductor protruding. Trim back the shaft. This is drilled to take a push-pull rod. an SWR of 1.33. Most of this is due to the
insulator, leaving a little less than '/i6 inch The rod was bent into an S shape to permit mismatch in the linear bypass path. This
protruding beyond the outer conductor. the knob to be placed halfway between the residual can be tweaked out with the cou-
Take care not to score the center conductor input and output fittings. A rubber grom- pler if desired.
in this step. met was installed in the panel for a guide
Assemble the shield plate to the switch bushing for the rod. This prevents vibration Notes
plate loosely, using the bushing to hold in mobile use. The portion of the rod bent ' E l c c i r o l e s s silver plating is available f r o m Cool
them together. Insert the L and go on to to go through the hole in the bell crank is A m p C o n d u c t o L u h e C o . 15834 U p p e r
drilled and fitted with a washer and cotter B o o n e s Ferry Rd. Lake O s w e g o . O R 97035.
make the remaining tubes. The tubes at- 2
pin, to secure it to the bell crank. The action F i n g e r stock may be ordered f r o m Atlee. I Gill
taching to lands B and E have only one
St. Woburn. M A 0 1 8 0 1 . or f r o m C h o m e r i c s
bend, and take an RF fitting on the other of this linkage is very positive and has a
Inc. 77 Dragon Ct. W o b u r n . M A 0 1 8 8 8 .
end. The tube from D goes to the resistor good "feel." 3
O n e source for semirigid miniature coax is
that forms the bridge input. The tube from The bridge and detector and the i-wd Precision T u b e C o Inc. M i c r o w a v e Div.
C comes from the bridge output. Form all detector could have been etched on double- C h u r c h Rd and W i s s i h i c k o n Ave. North
of these tubes a little too long, so they can sided board, but I used a somewhat simpler Wales, PA 19454.
be trimmed after the bridge is assembled. ^ C o p p e r shielding tape is available f r o m Mouser
procedure. Single-sided boards were used
Next insert the remaining tubes tempo- for the circuits, with the components in-
A New Way to Tree A Wire
By Stan Gibilisco, W 1 G V
2301 Collins Ave, #A-632
Miami Beach, FL 33139

rees are beautiful in many ways.

T They provide shade and color;

they act as air purifiers and air
conditioners. They also do a great job of NX/

— kite

supporting wire antennas. Line Drop

Rarely are trees used to their full advan- Line

tage as antenna supports, because it's hard

to get wires very high in them. There is a i

limit to how high you can safely climb a Treble Spool

tree. It isn't cost effective for many hams Antenna Hook
Wire Weight
to rent "cherry pickers" to reach up to the
tops of most trees. The bow and arrow, with
the arrow's point blunted and weighted, is Fig 1—Simple method of treeing a kite for Fig 2—Initial setup for permanent method
one good way to get wires over treetops. temporary long-wire or random-wire of putting a line over a tree.
It's also an excellent way to get into trouble installations. When the kite hits the tree,
it'll stay, almost every time.
with neighbors (broken windows, skew-
ered cats, and such).
phone lines can contact it if a windstorm
The Kite good for stringing heavier gauges of wire, breaks your antenna wire or a power or
Every March and April we see demon- but for low-power and moderate-power phone line. In short, use the same precau-
strations of an elegant, simple, cheap and amateur transmitters, heavy wire is not tions with this method of antenna erection
safe device that's well suited to getting necessary anyhow. I have found that no. 18 as with any other method.
wires just where we want them. Kites, like or no. 20 stranded copper wire is entirely
trees, are pretty to look at. And the two just adequate for most installations up to about For More Permanent Antennas
naturally seem to go together. Kids know 500 watts. T h e T O T K O P m e t h o d is good for
that. Kites can be found in trees all year The treeing-of-the-kite-on-purpose mountain topping, Field Day, and other
round; sometimes they stay in the branches (TOTKOP) method works best for "ran- temporary purposes. For more secure in-
for months o r e v e n years. In anger, the little d o m " wires that you simply run out the stallations, I have developed a safe and
child, after losing a kite to a tree (again), window to a nearby tree. It is especially elegant way of getting lines over trees and
might exclaim, "May as well just put the convenient for apartment dwellers. No one placing the line just where I want it, while
thing up there on purpose!" Exactly my needs to know that the treed kite has any- allowing adjustment of antenna length and
idea. thing to do with your wire antenna. The slack.
Even a dime-store delta kite flies quite "stealth factor" can be enhanced by treeing The initial setup is shown in Fig 2. The
stably in a light breeze, and believe me, if the kite late at night. best type of kite is a fairly large, stable
you want to tree it, both the kite and the tree device, such as the delta or parafoil. The
will eagerly accommodate you. All you Safe Kite Flying delta flies at a high angle (about 70 degrees
need is one of those little three-hook things Use nonconductive line whenever pos- with respect to the horizon) in winds of
for securely catching fish [properly called sible, but no matter what type of line you about 10-20 miles per hour. The parafoil
a treble hook—Ed], available at any tackle use: Don't fly it where the line can possibly flies at a lower angle (about 45 degrees) in
shop, placed on a short string dangling contact power lines. You can be killed! winds of 15-30 miles per hour. (A good
from the kite tether point (Fig 1). You can Also, don't fly a kite in a thundershower, source of kites is INTO THE WIND, 1408
be sure that once your kite is treed, it'll stay or even when one is forecast or threatening. Pearl Street, Boulder, C O 80302.)
treed for as long as the line and the hook Use care when flying a kite over parking This method does not usually involve
and the tree will last, barring major wind- lots or buildings: You may tangle up the loss of the kite to the tree, although trees
storms. whole neighborhood! Your antenna must have a voracious appetite for kites. (You
This method doesn't allow for error in never pass over or under utility wires, and probably learned that as a kid!) It pays to
measurement of the wire. It also is not very it should not be placed where power or have a spare kite handy, just in case. Con-
Fig 3—At A, the line is in position for treeing. At B, one person pulls the kite down via the drop line, while the kite flier guides the flying
line exactly where wanted.

flying line should h a v e a b r e a k i n g strength attraction that varies inversely a c c o r d i n g to

s u f f i c i e n t for the antenna you wish to sup- the s q u a r e of the d i s t a n c e b e t w e e n t h e m
port. T h e d r o p line can be a lighter, c h e a p e r ( M u r p h y ' s L a w ) . Be certain the kite d o e s
string, w e i g h t e d with a large nut or bolt, not get within the radius w h e r e the tree
O iqmal
and l o n g e n o u g h so that you can reach it c l a i m s it forever.
h o w e v e r high the kite is f l o w n . A g o o d rule It i s n ' t hard to get the flying line right
is to m a k e the d r o p line twice as long as the into the niche you want. Place it as high as
tree is high. possible in the tree, but c h o o s e a branch
F o r easiest placing of the line, t w o peo- strong e n o u g h to support the tension on the
ple are needed. O n e flies the kite and the wire, o n c e the a n t e n n a has b e e n strung. If
other m a n a g e s the d r o p line. T h e kite can t h e b r a n c h i s n ' t s t r o n g e n o u g h , it will
be let out and f l o w n high e n o u g h s o that the break, and the line will settle lower in the
flying line clears the tree you want to run tree. K e e p this in m i n d as you select y o u r
the a n t e n n a support over. T h e person flying niche, so that if the b r a n c h breaks, the
the kite (say it's y o u ) should m o v e into a n t e n n a will still be u p fairly high and you
position u p w i n d f r o m the tree, w h i l e t h e w o n ' t h a v e to restring the line.
drop-line person m o v e s a r o u n d b e h i n d the
tree (Fig 3A). At this time the kite will be Securing The Line
considerably higher than t h e top of the tree, H a v e y o u r partner pull the kite all the
and the flying line will j u s t clear the tree- w a y d o w n as you let out flying line f r o m
Fig 4—The final antenna installation (one top. the spool. T h e kite can be retrieved (no
end of the antenna).
T h e drop-line person starts pulling on small matter if you h a v e spent u p w a r d s of
his line to bring the kite d o w n (Fig 3B) $25 for it) and the line will be in a g o o d
w i t h o u t letting it get c a u g h t in the tree. If position f o r you to attach the a n t e n n a wire
ditions are ideal w h e n the wind is steady at necessary, you should let out a little m o r e and pull it up.
about 10-15 miles per h o u r and you can use line to ensure that the kite stays a w a y f r o m You or y o u r partner should attach the
a delta with a w i n g s p a n of 6 feet or so. T h e the tree, since kites a n d trees display an line to t h e tree by tying the line a r o u n d a
protrusion such as a sawed-off branch, or over two or more trees as needed, without the tree, this movement may be consider-
around the tree trunk. You might want to running out. (You d i d n ' t ? Murphy strikes able. The wire will break eventually, of
secure the line up 10 or 12 feet from the again!) course, no matter what precautions you
ground, using a stepladder, so no one can Then attach the antenna wire to the in- take. Wire antennas usually don't last long,
easily get the thrill of untying the line and sulator. You can pull the antenna up from so work with this fact in mind.
watching your antenna meet its demise. the other side of the tree, cutting off the A reminder: Use nonconducting line
Attach an insulator to the other end of extra line. The result will, when the whole whenever possible. Ham radio is fun, but
the line, knotting the line securely the way antenna is finally erected, look like Fig 4. it's not worth your life. It makes sense to
you were taught in the Scouts. This means You can put a strong door-closing spring in minimize the chances of electrical disaster
you will have to cut the flying line. With the line just past the insulator, to allow for by every possible means. Another closing
luck and planning, y o u ' v e bought 500 or tree movement in the wind. Since you have bit of advice: Keep an extra kite handy.
1000 feet of line, so you can string lines attached the line via a rather high point in

Front-End Overload, A Worst
Case Example
By John Stanley, K4ERO
Box 390 C, Route 2
Rising Fawn, GA 30738

s users of the radio spectrum in-

A crease in number, the possibility

that your receiver performance
will suffer also increases. This article con-
cerns strong off-frequency signals that
cause problems with your receiver. Many
hams occasionally experience this prob-
lem. For some, however, it is a constant
problem. Dare I say that some hams have
given up entirely because they could not
solve an overload problem?
Typical sources of overload problems
are the CBer next door, a nearby radio
station, or a multi-transmitter contest or
Field Day setup. The symptoms are strange
sounds in the receiver, signals weaker than
one would expect, and extra signals in un-
predictable places on the dial. The signs of
front-end overload are:
1) The problem goes away when the
source of the problem is off the air.
2) The effect is nonlinear. That is, inter-
ference decreases at a rate more than the
"square law" effect when the distance from
the offending source is increased, or its
strength is otherwise decreased.

You Think You've Got Problems?! Fig 1—Radio heaven or radio hell? The antenna system of HCJB, near Quito, Ecuador,
For 13 years, I lived on the transmitter was located literally in the author's backyard! His house is at the center of the photo, the
top building in the row of four.
site of HCJB, the shortwave giant in Quito,
Ecuador. At distances of from 100 to 1000
yards from my QTH were over 20 antenna
systems (Fig 1). Typically, 10 of them at
any given time were broadcasting with 10
to 500 kW each. The RF intensity in my such an environment? Amazingly enough, experience. Another ham who worked for
yard at ten feet above the ground was about the answer is yes. After years of trying HCJB innocently installed a 20-meter quad
10 m W / c n r , which at that time was the many different methods of coping with this in his yard, about 20 feet in the air, and
accepted limit for human exposure to RF! problem, I was able to operate reliably on connected it to his transceiver. Smoke
Today, the limit is about 10 times more all HF bands, to the point of working all poured from the rig as the receiver input
strict at most high frequencies. It is safe to states and many foreign stations on each of coils burned up! Warned by his misfortune,
say that no one is likely to have a worse the then-available bands. Perhaps some of I always connected a dummy load to any
problem than I lived with. If you do, you the tricks I tried will solve your problem. new antenna and measured the induced
should seriously consider moving! In addition to the effectsjust mentioned, voltage first. One 40-meter dipole inter-
Is it possible to operate a ham station in there were two others that I hope you won't cepted enough RF to light a 100-watt bulb
to almost full brilliance! On another occa- work will not be at 90° to your interfering being produced in your receiver. (The
sion. the UHF connector on the RG-8 feed source, but remember that the nulls of any source may be in your shack or antenna.)
line to the same dipole began to arc! No antenna are much narrower than the lobes.
amount of beating, throwing dirt or im- You may find an antenna that drops the Try Another Receiver
mersing in water would extinguish it. I interference into a null, while putting your if possible, listen to the same combina-
finally thought of shorting it, then quickly favorite DX location well up on a lobe. tion of interference and signal on a
took down the dipole. One example is an array of verticals. It different receiver. If any combination of
A less serious effect, but also interest- is not difficult to phase two or more verti- antenna, attenuators and receiver allows
ing, happened when I used a 1-kW balun cals for one or more narrow nulls, yet still clcar reception on that frequency, then the
with a ferrite core which became notice- have nearly full coverage in all other direc- problem is not with spurious radiation from
ably hot when used only for receive. If by tions. AM-broadcast stations use this the offending station. That is good news! It
now you are convinced that your problem technique to allow more stations to operate means the solution to the problem is in your
is not quite as bad as mine was, perhaps you without mutual interference. A reference hands. The alternate case, that of a real
will be encouraged to keep trying for a book on AM-broadcast arrays has hun- spurious output from the interfering sta-
solution. dreds of patterns from which you can tion. is worse, because it involves trying to
It may be that the obvious way to handle choose. 1 get someone else to solve the problem,
front-end overload is to buy one of the On the other hand, horizontal long-wire instead of doing it yourself.
newer rigs which have super "crunch- antennas have many different combina- Assuming these tests show the interfer-
p r o o f front ends. This is an expensive tions of nulls and lobes, depending on ing signals are not "real" but are being
approach, especially if you burn out the height and the ratio of length to frequency. produced in your rig. the next step is to
receiver front-end anyway. Before you go Try a 2- or 3-X wire close to the ground, so keep them out. This means you must place
that route, try some or all of the following you can move its far end to null the inter- a filter somewhere between your antenna
suggestions. fering station. It should still work well in and the receiver front end. Unless it is quite
several directions. lossy, a filter will not degrade receiver per-
1) Cross polarize! One word of warning: Don't assume formance at all on the lower HF bands, and
Most high-power broadcast-station an- that the pattern of your antenna will be the probably very little below 144 MHz. On
tennas are either horizontally or vertically same at the interfering frequency as it is at the other hand, lost transmitter power
polarized. AM-broadcast antennas are al- the operating frequency. For example, a causes an equal loss of S/N ratio at the other
ways vertically polarized, while shortwave 20-meter Yagi with a good F/B ratio might end in all cases.
broadcast antennas are usually horizon- seem a good solution to the presence of a The alternative to transmitting through
tally polarized. Your antennas should use strong signal on 15 MHz. However, the F/B your filter is to install it between the TR
the opposite polarization. (Commercial ratio at 15 MHz will not be nearly as good switch and the receiver. With some trans-
FM-broadcast antennas, however, may be as at 14 MHz. With computer-modeling ceivers, this may be difficult, unless a
circularly polarized.) Since most HF ama- tools such as NEC or MININEC, you may separate receive antenna can be connected.
t e u r c o n t a c t s are via i o n o s p h e r i c be able to design an antenna that has a good Of course, with separate receivers and
propagation, which twists the signal polari- F/B ratio or pattern null at the interfering transmitters it is a simple matter. However,
z a t i o n a n y w a y , you can use e i t h e r frequency, combined with a desirable pat- give some thought to transmitting through
horizontal or vertical polarization and still tern at the operating frequency. the filter. If a really strong interfering sig-
make contacts. nal gets into your transmitter, it can cause
If your station is near an AM-broadcast 3) Filter! illegal spurious outputs. You are responsi-
station, avoid verticals like the plague. If If the station causing your problem is ble for what comes out of your rig, even if
you live near a source of high-power hori- not on your frequency, then its signal can, another station is part of the cause.
zontally polarized signals like I did, use in theory at least, be removed by filtering. This problem is very possible in a multi-
verticals. In this case, the ground-mounted If the interference is on your frequency, transmitter contest or Field Day operation.
vertical is best for rejecting nearby signals. then you must both be hams, and an agree- For example, if 7 MHz gets into the output
If not obstructed in the direction you wish ment on operating schedules might be in stage of a transmitter on 14 MHz, it may
to work it can be very competitive, espe- order! produce a 21-MHz spur. No amount of
cially on the low bands. Try to place any T h e s e two t e c h n i q u e s will work filtering on the 21-MHz rig will eliminate
obstructions between you and the interfer- whether the interference is actually at the this spur, as it is being generated in the
ing signal. frequency you want to use, or whether it is 14-MHz rig. The answer is to filter the
being produced in your rig through inter- 14-MHz transmitter at 7 MHz. 2i MUcsr
2) Use antenna directivity! modulation. For a filter to be effective, the both. A band-pass filter on the 14-MHz rig
This step involves more than simple interfering station must be "clean." Your would serve. Another solution is an open
front-to-back ratio. Most antennas have a first job then, is to determine if the prob- coaxial stub cut to 'A X at 7 MHz. The stub
sharp null in one or more directions. For lems you experience are due to a signal puts a notch at both 7 and 21 MHz, while
example, a dipole has a null directly off the actually present on the ham bands, or if that having little effect at 14 MHz.
ends. A beam has nulls at 90° left and right signal is being generated in your receiver.
of its "forward" direction, or off the ends Tune to a moderately strong signal in Where To Install The Filter?
of the elements. You can use this directivity the ham band and then add attenuation to A filter to be used for both transmit and
not only to analyze your problem but per- your receiver input. If the interference receive is best located at the antenna. Let
haps also to solve it. drops faster than the desired signal, you us look at that option. Where iVie "interfer-
Of course. Murphy's Law guarantees have an overload problem. If they both ence is on a single frequency, or at most
that areas of the world you most want to drop at the same rate, the problem is not two or three, the notch filter is a good
approach. It may allow you to operate on
all bands without changing the filter, as
would be necessary if band-pass filters
were used. A notch can be as simple as a
series LC network shorted to ground. It can ~~S Tunes out
easily produce a 20- to 40-dB notch at a ~~S capacitance of
stub at 14 MHz
given frequency, without greatly affecting 1 / 4 wave
the desired signal. If you live near an AM- at 15.2

broadcast station and wish to operate 160

Notch at 15.2 MHz
meters, try this approach. Pass at 14.3 MHz
In one instance, I wanted to operate on
14 MHz while a nearby 500-kW transmit- (A) Fig 3—An adjustable notch filter suitable
ter operated on 15.250 MHz. I used an open for determining the frequency of an
quarter-wave stub cut to 15.250 M H z interfering signal. A general-coverage
(Fig 2A). This looked like a large capacitor receiver, calibrated signal generator or dip
Tunes out meter is needed to calibrate the capacitor.
to ground at 14 MHz and it was paralleled n m n residuol
with a strap inductor. The result was a deep
notch at 15.250 MHz and less than 0.5 dB
loss at 14 MHz. Both the depth of the notch
Resonant at
and the loss on 20 meters were a function reject freq. 5-10 turns of the power cord. Use a lossy
of the losses in the coaxial stub. I used ferrite material optimized for RFI rejection
1%-inch rigid coax. RG-8 type coax is (B)
if possible. Otherwise, try whatever your
more lossy, so try to use hardline. A junk box can produce. T V flyback-trans-
lumped-constant equivalent filter is shown Fig 2—At A, a 1/4-wavelength coaxial former cores provide an effective split
schematically in Fig 2B. stub, used as a notch filter. An inductive ferrite core.
strap resonates with the stub capacitance
at the desired operating frequency. The An alternative approach is a low-capac-
Tunable Filter
author recommends using low-loss ity power transformer. They are used by
Another use for the series filter is in "hardline" to reduce insertion loss. At B, AM-broadcast stations to feed power to
diagnosing your problem. A broadcast- the lumped-constant equivalent notch tower lighting without shorting out the RF.
type variable (about 365-pF maximum filter. Filters made from coaxial line are
Their big disadvantage is their cost. Sur-
more likely to withstand transmitting
capacitance) from a tube-type AM receiver power levels and can be tuned with wire plus outlets may have low-capacity
and an appropriate series coil can be fitted cutters. filament transformers, which are some-
with a frequency dial (Fig 3). Tune this t i m e s u s e d in g r o u n d e d - g r i d p o w e r
circuit through its range while you listen to amplifiers. Two of these "back to back"
the desired ham signal. If at some fre- will provide a low-capacity isolation trans-
quency your reception improves, you have have only one or two poles, to avoid exces- former through which common-mode RF
determined the frequency of the signal sive in-band losses. These might be LC cannot be conducted.
causing the interference. A permanent filter circuits at the lower frequencies or coaxial A low-capacity t r a n s f o r m e r can be
then can be designed. tanks at the higher frequencies. homemade as well. Acquire two TV-type
If you are trying to reject many different power transformers and remove all wind-
frequencies and pass only one narrow 4) Isolate! ings except the p r i m a r i e s . Add a
band, such as at a multi-transmitter station, Many problems you will experience in low-capacity secondary of a few heavy
a band-pass filter is the best choice. Just a strong RF environment are caused by turns, suspended away from both the pri-
using an antenna tuner may provide all the energy not picked up by your antenna. It mary and the core. A pair of these "back to
relief you need. Even though you may not comes in on other "antennas" that connect back" may work.
need to improve your match, the tuner will to your rig. These must be found and elimi- If you must purchase something, try a
provide some degree of band-pass filter- nated. commercial bifilar choke, like those used
ing. Some tuner designs are better than Probably the biggest headache is energy for filament chokes in grounded-grid am-
others in this respect, and some can be coming in on your power lines. One way to plifiers. They should work at 120 volts, and
tuned to improve filtering action with only find out is to temporarily use battery power. the current rating will be the same as at
a small loss of matching effect. If the problem goes away when you switch lower voltages. Be aware that you are ex-
Construction of a filter for just this pur- to battery power, you know the interfer- ceeding the turn-to-turn voltage rating and
pose is not very difficult. From one to four ence is entering the rig through the power will not be able to make a warranty claim
or more poles can be used, but unless a line. One obvious solution is to charge one if it arcs across. [You can wind your own
sweep generator is used (sometimes called battery while you use another. On Field choke on the ferrite rod from a broadcast
a scalar network analyzer), the difficulty in Day this is a good choice. radio. These rods are available new from
tuning your filter increases rapidly as you Fortunately, however, effective line fil- suppliers of ferrite and powdered-iron
increase the number of poles. I have made ters are not difficult to build. The place to cores. —Ed.}
a number of four-pole filters using mica start is with ferrite suppressors. A split All these approaches seek to put a high
compression-type capacitors and toroidal toroid that snaps over the power line is a impedance in series with your ac power
coils, with good results. These were used quickly applied remedy. Several turns of line. H o w about a low i m p e d a n c e to
only for receiving, not transmitting. A the power cord wound through the toroid ground, to short out the incoming RF? The
band-pass transmitting filter would likely is most effective. A large toroid can contain main problem here is there is usually no
good place to shunt this power into. That large toroid with a few turns on one side box is so effective. However, the cabinet of
is, there is no good RF ground point. connected to the antenna, and the same a transceiver also provides some shielding.
Bypassing both sides of the power line number on the other side going to your If all conductors in and out of the trans-
to ground with, say, a 0.01-|iF capacitor receiver. It may introduce some attenu- ceiver are shielded and the shields are
also has a problem in that it will put 55 volts ation, but on the lower bands that may connected to the cabinet, the benefit of a
ac on your "ground." While perhaps not actually be an advantage, if the transformer shielded box is retained.
deadly, such bypassing can lead to some is used only on receive. This approach is For example, if you have an external
nasty "bites." If you are going to take such essentially an RF version of the ac low- keyer, the lead(s) to it should be shielded
an approach, try to use a ground that has capacity transformer. and the shield returned to the cabinet
pretty low resistance to the power-line ground of the rig, even though it may not
ground. Again, such an approach is not 5) Shield! be necessary for proper keying operation.
recommended, and I have never found it to What can be very effective, and is in fact Without shielding, it is an antenna that
be really useful. If you have differential- the ultimate solution to power-line con- carries RF through the walls of your trans-
mode RF on your lines, a capacitor ducted RF is the use of a shielded room. ceiver where it can radiate into the
between the two wires, (hot and neutral) While this may seem like an extreme solu- circuitry. The same can be said of mike
will help, but in my experience, most line- tion, it need not be as involved as you think. cables, control lines to the amplifier, and
conducted signals are common mode. Apart from purchasing a commercial so on. The generous use of 0.00 l-^F by-
If all attempts to put a high impedance shielded room, you can build a shielded pass capacitors from the center of these
in series with your ac lines have not solved box that will house only your transceiver leads to ground may also help attenuate
the problem with line-conducted RF, there and the few accessories that must connect some of these signals. The ARRL Hand-
is still one more arrow in your quiver. directly to it. One of these accessories need book2 c o n t a i n s more information on
Having cleaned up your ac line, you not be the operator. shielding. The same techniques used to
may still have common-mode problems Amazingly enough, it is possible to keep RF inside a transmitter are useful in
with all other cables that connect to your leave off one side of such a box and still get keeping unwanted RF out of your receiver
rig. The power line is the place to start, but 20 dB of ambient RF rejection, at least up or transceiver.
you may not be able to stop there. Coaxial through 30 MHz. The operator sits outside A comprehensive approach to the re-
cables should have toroids installed, and and reaches in only to operate the controls. ceiver overload problem may require a
toroids may be needed on any other audio The power line passes through the back number of the above approaches, "in an
or control cables that connect your rig to wall of the box through a well-designed extreme case, you may find yourself "peel-
the outside world. filter, and the antenna connections, mike ing an onion," in which each solution only
Rotator cables are especially important, and key leads, etc all pass through bulk- reveals a lower level of interference. You
as they run through high RF zones. In a head connectors. To avoid floating the just keep peeling until you reach the level
difficult case, you may wish to use fiber shield above ground, use an isolation trans- of operation you desire. With each success-
optic cables to connect computers, etc to former. Use of a ground-fault interrupter is ful approach, you will be amazed at how
your rig. With presently available technol- a wise precaution, although you may then much more ham activity has appeared on
ogy, this is not as extreme as it sounds. In have to isolate the GFI from RF to avoid the bands! You will be able to work 'em,
the case of computers, fiber optic cables false trips. because now you can hear 'em!
also serve to avoid conducting computer If the shielded room/box approach is
generated hash into your receiver. used, nearly all common-mode signals References
Another way to reduce common-mode should be eliminated. Short of such an ex- ' Directional Antenna Patterns (Cleveland:
energy on your antenna leads is to use a treme solution, there is still a place for Smith Electronics, Inc.)
R. Schetgen, Ed. The 1993 ARRL Handbook for
"shield breaker," as developed by British shielding. The key to effective shielding, Radio Amateurs, 70th ed. (Newington:
hams for use on TV lead-in wires. Asimilar however, is having a good place to bond the ARRL, 1992).
approach for the lower frequencies is a outer conductor. This is where the shielded
A Remote Field-Strength
Metering System
By J o h n S v o b o d a , W 6 M I T
2261 Peaceful Garden W a y
Rescue, CA 95672

t all started one night while I was different. See Fig 1. I don't necessarily In my quest for a solution I turned to my

I walking to the far field to perform

another field-strength measurement
on my newly designed, yet not quite func-
recommend that you follow my project
design to the letter. Some of the compo-
nents arc unique, as you will see. However,
junk box, which had grown substantially
after many summer swap meets. Without
too much digging I discovered a small
tional multiband vertical. I didn't mind the the basic ideas can be adapted to the needs cabinet with a big meter and an assortment
curious stares of my neighbors or the long of your particular situation and the size of of goodies, including the electronics from
strolls in the dark. The real problem was a your junk box! a solid-state T V set. 1 also found a solid-
matter of too many measurements and too state UHF oscillator (complete with a T T L
little time! Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention input) that had been scavenged from a sur-
This, then, is the story o f a simple field- Short of giving up on my project alto- plus receiver.
strength meter that has grown, in the hands gether, getting more and better data was the In a stroke o f unprecedented luck, the
of its creator, into something very . . . only alternative. At first I considered a UHF oscillator actually worked—and it
hard-wired remote measurement system. could be heard at the high end o f the UHF
However, stringing out a very long length T V band (around 8 0 0 MHz). Sporting a
of cable between the meter and my shack quarter-wave ground plane, the oscillator
was not acceptable. More radical thinking produced a good quieting signal at a range
was required. of 2 0 0 to 3 0 0 feet.

Fig 1—The remote unit mounted on a

camera tripod. The HF whip antenna is
visible on the top center, along with the
shorter UHF telemetry antenna. The
switch on the far left is placed in the
transmit mode to aid in setting up the
UHF link to the shack. Placing the switch
in the INDICATOR position enables the HF
scanning mode. The row of LEDs above
the panel mecer indicates which band is
active during scanning or manual
operation. (Fig 7 shows an interior view.) Fig 2—Operational diagram of the remote field-strength metering system.
Fig 3—An old HP-415 has become a fully
metered UHF telemetry receiver. Knobs
on each side of main tuning dial provide
meter-range switching and full-scale
adjustment. The small knob to the left of
the meter controls audio gain. The switch
below the tuning dial selects the CW,
MCW or PRR inputs.
Fig 4—Interior view of the UHF telemetry receiver. The VHF tuner is mounted behind
the speaker (the UHF tuner is not visible in this photo). Metering circuitry is visible below
By e x a m i n i n g my assortment of parts, a the chassis.
primitive r e m o t e telemetry system began
to take s h a p e (Fig 2). A basic field-strength
m e t e r d e t e c t o r w o u l d d r i v e a voltage-to- w h i c h , in turn, would pulse m o d u l a t e the c o n v e r t t h e p u l s e s to m e t e r r e a d i n g s .
f r e q u e n c y c o n v e r t e r (an E x a r X R - 4 1 5 1 left oscillator via the T T L data input. T h e T V Within a short time, a simple, single-band
over from another forgotten project) receiver would then detect the signal and unit w a s built and tested. To my surprise, it


Fig 5—Block diagram of the UHF telemetry receiver.

w o r k e d quite well. s h a f t of the U H F t u n e r ( c o n t i n u o u s type) the switch in the M C W position, the meter
T h e multiband system presented here is w a s brought out through the f r o n t panel f u n c t i o n s m u c h like an a u d i o V U meter,
an outgrowth of these initial e x p e r i m e n t s . a n d a t t a c h e d to a tuning k n o b . M o d i f i c a - w h i c h t e n d s to f l u c t u a t e rapidly. In the PRR
Circuits were developed rather hap- t i o n s to t h e T V r e c e i v e r c o n s i s t e d of m o d e , h o w e v e r , the v a r i a t i o n s are
hazardly employing standard "ugly" r e m o v i n g u n n e c e s s a r y circuits such as the s m o o t h e d out. T h i s p r o d u c e s a fairly steady
construction practices. Each m o d u l e w a s traps in the IF amplifiers. T h e T V a u d i o field-strength display.
built and tested individually. w a s retained as an aid in locating the te- A M s o u n d (for M C W ) w a s taken off
lemetry transmitter signal and as an aural j u s t a h e a d of the 4 . 5 - M H z ratio detector in
The UHF Telemetry Receiver indicator, since the a u d i o pitch rises with the T V set. ( N o t e that an A M / F M selector
F r o m F i g s 3 and 4 you will probably increasing signal strength. switch h a s b e e n a d d e d to p r o v i d e monitor-
recognize an H P cabinet and meter. T h e T h e f u n c t i o n switch on the f r o n t panel ing capability f o r o t h e r U H F F M or A M
cabinet was gutted, retaining only the selects o n e of three m e a s u r e m e n t m o d e s : signals if desired.) T h e input signal for the
m e t e r and switches so the T V h a r d w a r e the signal strength of the U H F telemetry f r e q u e n c y - t o - v o l t a g e c o n v e r t e r (for P R R )
could be m o u n t e d inside (Fig 5). T h e V H F link ( C W ) , telemetry audio ( M C W ) or the w a s tapped at the end of the v i d e o amplifier
tuner w a s mounted inside the box, and t h e telemetry pulse repetition rate ( P R R ) . With string. T h e F/V circuit w a s f o u n d in the

Fig 6—Block diagram of the remote HF field-strength receiver.

Modern Electronic Circuits Reference
Manual.' Another Exar XR-4I5I would
have worked as well, however. Capacitors
were added to the collectors of the video
amps to reduce high-frequency response.
The CA3160 metering circuit was taken
directly from the RCA Linear Data Manual
with the exception that the range switch
and the full-scale pot were not calibrated.
The gain and bandwidth of the modified
TV receiver were ideal for use with a sim- 3w - w o O O O O O * .
ple. low-power oscillator/transmitter. A
small UHF Yagi functioned perfectly as the
telemetry receiver antenna.

The Remote HF Field-Strength

At the heart of the remote field-strength
receiver is an 8-band HF scanner (Figs 6
and 7). When a signal of sufficient ampli-
tude is detected, the scanner stops and
measures the signal. If the signal disap-
pears. scanning begins again after a delay
established by an RC network. (Several
seconds of delay are used to permit minor
equipment adjustments without unneces-
sary scanning.)
The circuit design is very straightfor-
ward. Q1 provides a high-impedance input
Fig 7—Interior view of the remote unit. At the center is the HF-whip antenna mount and
for the HF whip antenna and low-imped- FET follower board. On the left is a portion of the multiband filter/detector circuitry. The
ance output to the filter/detector stage of digital board (with scanner preamp) occupies the upper area of the photograph with the
the scanner. Eight parallel diode switches, meter amplifier and V/F converter also visible in the upper right. The UHF oscillator
one of which is always on, feed eight indi- "brick" is located in the spacious area in the lower right. It is coupled to its antenna via a
short section of RG-405.
vidually tuned filter circuits, each with its
own detector (Fig 8). Separate filter/detec-
tor circuits are used for each desired HF
band. More complex filters could be used which stops the counter on the active band mounted on a camera tripod or placed in-
to provide better bandwidth. Only the filter and activates the transmit relay (COR) via side a vehicle (using suitable external
input is switched in an effort to keep the Q4. (Q4 is a power FET that happened to antennas) that is parked at the desired loca-
circuits simple. Although the switching di- be available.) tion. The entire package requires 40 m A on
odes see only about 2 mA of switching Receiver gain must be adjusted so the standby and 160 mAon transmit with 12.5
current, they seem to perform very reliably. scanner will not lock until an adequate HF volts. My design utilized an external bat-
HF band scanning is accomplished signal is present. Receiver gain is increased tery power source.
through the action of a 4093 quad 2-input or decreased by selecting one of two avail-
NAND Schmitt trigger which provides able gain-switch positions, or by adjusting Operation
clock pulses (approximately 8 per second) the length of the whip antenna. The re- The HF rig should be operated at a low
to a 4022 divide-by-8 counter (a 4017 ceiver should be adjusted so a scanner lock power level (10 watts, for example) that
could also be used if you wanted 10 bands). does not take place until the panel meter can easily be read on an output power
The 4022 outputs are connected to 4050 indicates a reading greater than the second meter. The half-power mark on the output
buffers that feed the diode switches and division above zero. meter (5 watts in this example) should also
band-indicator LEDs. Other sections of the be easily readable. Before taking any field-
4093 provide manual band changing and The UHF Telemetry Transmitter strength readings, check to be sure the
pulse forming for the scanner. A voltage-to-frequency converter is output power meter is set properly.
A second CA3160 acts as a scanner connected to the output of the CA3160 When positioning the remote unit, first
preamp. It operates at high gain to detect metering amplifier. The TTL output of the make sure that the HF signal level will be
pulses from the CA3160 meter amp as the V/F converter feeds the data terminals of sufficient at the site. This is accomplished
receiver scans the bands. When a signal of the UHF oscillator/transmitter. My particu- by adjusting the gain of the receiver. A
adequate level is detected, the preamp puts lar oscillator requires 100 mA at 12 volts at half-scale reading on the panel meter
out a pulse which charges the RC network 8 0 2 M H z . With its 1/4-X antenna, it should ensure satisfactory operation. It is
and turns on Q2 and Q3. The output pulse provides adequate receiver quieting at dis- important to avoid overdriving the receiver
from Q2 and Q3 is shaped by two tandem tances up to 300 ft. since linearity will suffer as a result.
sections of the 4093. The result is a positive The complete remote unit was built into The next step is establishing the UHF
signal at the enable input of the 4022, a 10 x 10 x 3.5-inch chassis. It can be telemetry link to the shack. Switching the
remote unit to continuous transmit makes
this step easier. (As soon as the link is
established, the remote unit must be
switched to automatic operation.) Place the
field-strength telemetry receiver near your
rig and adjust its antenna for maximum
signal strength. (I mounted its small Yagi
on a photographic light stand and posi-
tioned it to receive the telemetry signal.)
When everything is working properly,
keying the HF rig will key up the remote
unit as well. The telemetry meter can then
be adjusted for some convenient indica-
tion. Reducing the HF output to the
half-power mark should cause a 3-dB
change on the telemetry meter. Now, from
the comfort of your shack, you can make
many field-strength measurements on any
HF band you wish!

This system has performed quite well.
Certainly there are many things that need
additional work. For example, when the
UHF carrier drops the meter pegs when in
the PRR position. This is because without
a signal present, the telemetry receiver is
measuring high-frequency noise.
And why did I include HF band switch-
ing in the design? In my case, I have
medium and shortwave broadcast stations
as well as two airports in my vicinity. In Non-Licensed Operation
this environment it seemed easier to select Article 15 of the communications code outlines the conditions under
what I might want—rather than to guess at which an unlicensed transmitter may be used. A variety of applications are
what I might need to reject! described: telephones, toys, security devices and so on. New devices are
The selection of an operating fre- being developed all the time. In commercial ventures, these devices must
quency—accidental in my case—was be tested and registered with the FCC before anything can be sold. The
fortunate. It turned out to be near UHF FCC has also established a number of bands for unlicensed operation ac-
channel 70, and there were no nearby TV cording to the application in question: 46-49 MHz for cordless phones,
stations. Older style tuners cover up to 902-928 MHz for cordless TV cameras and VCR repeaters, 2450 MHz for
channel 83, or 890 MHz. It should be fairly microwave ovens and many more. With the exception of microwave ovens,
simple to slip these tuners up into the 900- the power from most of these devices must be maintained at very low lev-
MHz region if necessary. Electronic door els. The remote field-strength metering system is no exception.
openers that operate in the microwave re-
How low is low? Two rules of thumb may help: (1) Make sure the range
gion might also be candidates for a
of your device is no greater than that of your cordless telephone and, (2) be
short-range transmission system since the
aware that where there is no protest as a result of interference to an exist-
models I've seen have separate horns for
ing service, or an expressed concern for public safety, unlicensed
send and receive. Watch the swap meets!
low-power operation is within the law. If, for whatever reason, you are di-
As in any worthwhile antenna effort, rected to stop operation by the FCC, of course you must do so immediately.
keeping detailed notes and logging test
data are the keys to success. It is doubtful
that one or two measurements will give any
meaningful results. Many measurements your antenna system. Having a remote 'John Markus. Modern Electronic Circuits Ref-
and minor adjustments are required to get field-strength metering system makes the erence Manual, (New York:McGraw-Hill.
an overall picture of the performance of 1980), C h a p t e r 33.
job much easier.
The Hybrid Junction
Admittance Bridge
By Wilfred N. Caron
2945 Camp Joy Rd
Grants Pass, O R 97526

he f o l l o w i n g d i s c u s s i o n is pre-

T sented with s o m e hesitation. I

h a v e r e c e n t l y learned a great deal
about b r i d g e s , and I feel that I must share
m y e x p e r i e n c e s with the reader for reasons
thai will s o o n b e evident. I h a v e d i s c o v e r e d
that most b r i d g e s d e s i g n e d around trans-
m i s s i o n - l i n e type t r a n s f o r m e r s are inher-
ently i n a c c u r a t e . T h e p r o b l e m appears to
b e c e n t e r e d in the tight c o u p l i n g b e t w e e n Fig 1—Unbalanced condition caused by
the primary and s e c o n d a r y w i n d i n g s o f the capacitive coupling between the "hot"
t r a n s f o r m e r and the u n b a l a n c e d nature o f ends of the secondary winding and the Open
"hot" side of the primary winding.
the primary c i r c u i t . 1 T h i s c o n d i t i o n is illus- (A)

trated in F i g I.
S o m e b r i d g e d e s i g n s attempt to c o r r e c t f o r m e r and a w i d e - b a n d n o i s e generator.
for this lack o f s y m m e t r y by using a four- O n e arm o f the bridge has a c a l i b r a t e d _ r r m
wire t r a n s f o r m e r . 2 O t h e r d e s i g n s use a t w o - v a r i a b l e c a p a c i t o r and a c a l i b r a t e d v a r i a b l e
or t h r e e - w i r e balun with a t h r e e - w i r e trans- p o t e n t i o m e t e r c o n n e c t e d in series. T h e an-
m i s s i o n line transformer. T h e s e d e s i g n s are
illustrated in F i g 2. T h e s e t e c h n i q u e s d o
tenna or other unknown circuit
measured is c o n n e c t e d to the o p p o s i t e arm
to be
provide s o m e i m p r o v e m e n t s , but the addi- o f the bridge. A r e c e i v e r is c o n n e c t e d as the (B)
tional c o m p l e x i t y becomes frequency detector.
l i m i t i n g if the b a l a n c e to g r o u n d , the c o u - T h e calibration o f the P a l o m a r E n g i -
p l i n g b e t w e e n t h e c o i l s , and the even neers R - X n o i s e bridge is e x t r e m e l y c o a r s e . Fig 2—At A, a four-wire transmission line
division o f p o w e r b e t w e e n the t w o a r m s o f transformer. At B, a three-wire balun used
W h i l e the instrument is not c a l i b r a t e d as a
in conjunction with a transmission line
the b r i d g e are not c o m p l e t e l y satisfied. It precision b r i d g e , the p o t e n t i o m e t e r can b e transformer.
is particularly difficult to maintain s u i t a b l e directly calibrated with p r e c i s i o n resistors.
b a l a n c e f o r a b r i d g e that must operate In any e v e n t , m e a s u r e m e n t s performed
a c r o s s a f r e q u e n c y range that e x t e n d s four with the P a l o m a r E n g i n e e r s bridge leave
o c t a v e s o r greater. m u c h to b e desired as e v i d e n c e d by the LOAD
A n o t h e r bridge design that is inherently actual i m p e d a n c e data s h o w n in F i g 6.
u n b a l a n c e d is an a d m i t t a n c e bridge that A g a i n , I c a n n o t r e c o m m e n d the P a l o m a r
incorporates a t r a n s m i s s i o n - l i n e type trans- E n g i n e e r s bridge for s e r i o u s impedance RECEIVER
former. a fixed resistance standard and a measurements.
s w i t c h a b l e variable capacitor. S u c h a bridge R e g r e t t a b l y , and m u c h to m y c h a g r i n ,
XC, X l
is manufactured by Tennatest. T h e b a s i c m y d i s c u s s i o n must a l s o i n c l u d e the limi-
bridge circuit is s h o w n in F i g 3 . An imped- tations e n c o u n t e r e d with my own bridge Standard
a n c e plot obtained with this bridge is s h o w n d e s i g n , 3 which is b a s i c a l l y a T w i n - T a d m i t - Resistor < _ /
in F i g 4 . A s you can see, the Tennatest t a n c e b r i d g e c i r c u i t with a switchable (50 o h m s ) ? C °'AL

bridge cannot b e r e c o m m e n d e d for admit- variable capacitor. T h e basic T w i n - T cir-

tance measurements. cuit is s h o w n in F i g 7 and the i m p e d a n c e
O f s p e c i a l interest is the P a l o m a r E n g i - c u r v e o b t a i n e d with it is s h o w n in F i g 8 .
Fig 3—Basic admittance bridge using
neers R - X n o i s e b r i d g e ( s e e F i g 5 ) . It It appears that an a d m i t t a n c e b r i d g e in- fixed standard reference resistor and
c o n s i s t s o f a t r a n s m i s s i o n - l i n e type trans- c o r p o r a t i n g a fixed r e s i s t a n c e standard and switchable variable capacitor.
Fig 5—R-X noise bridge manufactured by
Palomar Engineers.

Fig 7—Basic Twin-T admittance bridge

using a switchable variable capacitor.

Fig 4—Impedance plot obtained with Tennatest admittance bridge ot the type shown in
Fig 3. Plot normalized to 52 ohms impedance. a Twin-T with a switchable variable ca-
p a c i t o r is not s u i t e d f o r m e a s u r i n g
capacitively reactive loads. Although a null
or balanced condition may be obtained
with such a bridge, the resulting measure-
ments are not representative of the actual
load conditions. The currents flowing in
both arms of the bridge are not equal, even
when the bridge is nulled. Consequently,
the bridge operator is led to wrong conclu-
sions. There is really no remedy for these
limitations except to limit the operation of
the bridge to inductive reactances and/or
resistances. The alternative is to come up
with a new bridge design, which is what I
have done.
S-I" 1 !f ' /'.Mil1
" t °l „ • ' \ '. 1 / c>
The Hybrid Junction Admittance
\• v v '
Bridge (HJAB)
After exhaustive research and much
\ • \ , •. /
\ A trial and error testing, a promising bridge
design has been developed—much to the
A A Y . • \ \
delight of my bruised ego. The bridge cir-
cuit may appear unusual at first glance. It
is based upon a hybrid junction design that
provides excellent balance to ground,
equal and opposite polarity power division
between the two arms of the bridge, and
accurate measurements of both inductive
and capacitive load reactances as well as
load resistances. The development of an
Fig 6—Palomar Engineers R-X noise bridge impedance plot. Plot normalized to improved bridge design, such as the HJAB,
52 ohms. is the result of an evolutionary process.
f Cr*'
0 "-'I.-M-(-,"<»
' .•' V ii., i i i , igr •

I Generator] 1 Bridge 1 Receiver"^

Placement of
copocitor for
reactive loads. r H

s » L-
Fig 10—Block diagram ot basic
measuring system utilizing the practical
hybrid junction admittance bridge to
measure complex load impedances.

The operation of the practical HJAB is

described with reference to Figs 9 and 10.
A suitable signal generator is connected to
the series branch of the bridge. The parallel
branch is connected to a receiver, and side
branches (1 and 2) are terminated in
50-ohm loads. The signal passes through
the coaxial transmission line that forms
coil A, to the small gap C. Opposite poten-
Fig 8—Impedance plot obtained with the Twin-T admittance bridge illustrated in Fig 7. tials are developed across this gap. Under

J1 Capacitor

Fig 9—A schematic of the practical hybrid junction admittance bridge.

C1—Trimmer, 0.6-4.5 pF. R3—250-0 potentiometer, linear, Allen Bradley J style or equiv.
C2—Trimmer, 6.0-25 pF. S1— DPDT, center off, Radio Shack 275-664 or equiv.
C3—Air variable, 365 pF. Balun core—Amidon Associates BLN 43-3312.
R1, R2—100-£2 1/4-W metal film. Capacitor pads—360 pF, 680 pF, 910 pF, 1200 pF dipped mica.

Assorted connectors and hardware.
Cabinet—Bud SC-12100 or equiv.
RG-174/B type miniature coax or shielded microphone cable, Radio Shack 278-752.
the result! S p e c i f i c rules apply when
wiring bridge networks: (1) Make all con-
nections as short and as direct as possible.
Connections a few inches long, even if
large wire is utilized, may cause trouble.
(2) The arms of the bridge must be close
together. (3) Shielded wire may be used to
minimize undesirable coupling. Shielding
should be grounded at a common point to
prevent ground loops.
A dip meter measurement made of the
practical hybrid junction bridge indicated
that the HF range was completely free of
resonances and that the first resonance de-
tected was at about 100 MHz.

Reactance of Gap C
The hybrid junction bridge will produce
balanced outputs and will act according to
theory only if the reactance of the center
Fig 11—Construction details tor ferrite balun.
conductor at gap C in Fig 9 is small com-
pared to the impedance being measured. At
HF and VHF. this should not be a problem
the given conditions, equal but opposite variable resistor. Again, this creates a deep unless the spacing of conductors A and B
potentials are applied to the loads con- null at the receiver. is too large. This reactance can be kept
nected to side branches I and 2. Equal small if conductors A and B are extended
waves of opposite potential travel from gap Limitations of the Practical HJAB symmetrically to form a 90-degree bend
C, through the resistors and toward the With reference to Fig 9, the only fre- with a small gap.
parallel branch, canceling each other at the quency-sensitive element in the bridge
branch. Therefore, essentially no power is design is the shunting effect of conductors The Balun
delivered to the receiver connected to the A and B at low frequencies. So long as The heart of the practical HJAB is the
parallel branch. these conductors present an impedance to balun. Its assembly is shown in Fig 11. The
A second coiled coaxial line (B) is con- ground (at gap C) of 50 ohms or greater, the ferrite core is an Amidon Associates BLN
structed in the same manner as A. It is actual impedance measurements will be 43-3312. This is a binocular core with the
utilized to preserve mechanical and electri- precise. trough holes having an inside diameter of
cal symmetry, including the balance to The Amidon Associates ferrite core 0.187 inch. This small diameter necessi-
ground. It does not enter directly into the used in the construction (BLN 43-3312) tates that a miniature insulated coaxial
operation of the bridge. has 3 turns passing through it (see Fig 11). cable, such as RG-174/B. be used. About
If the side branch terminations are re- For this core, the A l value in mH/1000 one foot of cablc is required. Unfortu-
placed by two unequal loads, the waves turns is 5400. To compute for the induc- nately, this cable is usually not available
traveling toward the receiver differ from tance: unless you are willing to purchase 100-foot
each other in magnitude or phase (or both) lengths at a price exceeding S50. An alter-
(3V5400 n a t i v e w h i c h w o r k s q u i t e w e l l is a
and the waves no longer cancel at the re- L
mH - = 0.0486
ceiver. In the practical HJ AB, the reference 1000 miniature insulated and shielded micro-
load is a variable. For instance, if the par- To compute for the reactance at the lowest phone cable sold by Radio Shack. This
allel components of the load impedance are design frequency of 2.0 MHz: microphone cable has an outside diameter
R = 80 ohms and jX = - 2 0 ohms, the of 0.085 inch. Threading this cable through
resistive reference is set to 80 ohms and the X L = 6.28 x 2.0 x I0 6 x 0.0486 x 10"3 the ferrite core is very easy if the cable is
reactance reference, a variable capacitor in lightly coated with silicon lubricant.
parallel with the reference resistor, is set to = 0.610 x 10 3 = 610 ohms It is very important that the mechanical
provide - 2 0 ohms at the frequency of in- symmetry for both coils be maintained.
terest. (The reference resistance is not It appears that the accuracy of the prac- Symmetry is required for achieving an
frequency dependent.) When the reference tical HJAB should be quite good at its electrical balancc to ground over the entire
load is equal to the unknown load, a deep lowest design frequency, and its operating operating range. Lack of symmetry causes
null is detected at the receiver. range may extend well into the broadcast the null point to shift with frequency, lead-
If the reactance of the load is inductive, band. The upper frequency limit of 30 MHz ing to inaccurate measurements.
the reference variable capacitor is simply remains to be investigated.
switched to the load side and adjusted until Standards of Capacitance
the capacitive reactance cancels the induc- Stray Capacitances and Inductances A variable air capacitor is essential as a
tive r e a c t a n c e of the load. With the In all high-frequency bridges, stray in- "standard" for RF bridges. An important
inductive reactance of the load neutralized ductances and stray capacitances should be requirement of a standard capacitor is that
by the capacitor, the resultant pure resis- minimized since they can cause self reso- the c a p a c i t a n c e remain constant with
tance of the load is then equalized by the nances. Highly unsymmeirical bridges arc changes in applied frequency.
the dial readings.
Step 6. Draw a resistance v dial reading
calibration curve from the data obtained in
Step 5. This completes the resistance cali-

Reactance Calibration Procedure

Fig 12—Equivalent circuit of air capacitor. A c a p a c i t a n c e meter or c a p a c i t a n c e
bridge is required to calibrate the imped-
ance bridge.
All capacitors have a small residual in- Step 1. Set the L-C switch to its ccnter-
ductive reactance. Although it has been off position.
customary in some measurements to ne- Step 2. Calibrate the variable capacitor
g l e c t c a p a c i t o r lead i n d u c t a n c e , such with a capacitance meter connected to J2.
omissions may result in considerable inac- Take measurements at the minimum ca-
curacy if m e a s u r e m e n t s are p e r f o r m e d pacitance position and at every ten degrees.
above 5 MHz. This small residual induc- Step 3. Set the L-C switch to either the
Fig 13—The hybrid junction admittance L or c position and set the variable capaci-
tive reactance, when taken into account,
gives an equivalent circuit for the variable tor to its minimum position.
air capacitor as shown in Fig 12. In this Step 4. With a 50- or 52-ohm load con-
example. C is the static capacitor and L is The dial for the variable air capacitor is nected to the bridge and the signal
the inductance of the interconnecting leads on lop of the cabinet, and the capacitor generator and receiver tuned to 30 MHz,
and the inductance of the frame and shaft placement is such that its lug is soldered adjust the resistance dial to a null.
connecting the capacitor plates. directly to S I , the L-C switch. The jack to Step 5. Adjust bias capacitor C2 to ob-
The effect of inductance L causes appar- the right of the switch accommodates fixed tain the deepest null. This neutralizes the
ent capacitance to be greater than the actual capacitor pads. It is also connected directly minimum capacitance of the variable ca-
capacitance, as may be seen from the fol- to the variable capacitor lug which elimi- pacitor.
lowing equation: nates another length of wire. The capacitor Step 6. Subtract the minimum capaci-
p a d s serve to e x t e n d the range of the tance reading obtained in Step 2 from all
Ca = — ( E q 1) 365 pF variable capacitor. The L-C switch the capacitance measurements obtained.
1 - co L C is a D P D T with a center-off position. The T h e minimum effective capacitance is now
where capacitor dial can be calibrated in pF and 0 pF. F o r a w e l l - c o n s t r u c t e d b r i d g e ,
C a = apparent capacitance, farads the resistance dial in ohms. A calibration switching from l. to OFF to C should not
C = actual capacitance, farads chart is p r e f e r r e d b e c a u s e it p r o v i d e s disturb the null depth.
L = inductance of capacitor, henries greater accuracy. Step 7. Draw a capacitance v dial read-
co = 2nf, hertz ing c a l i b r a t i o n c u r v e f r o m the data
Resistance Calibration Procedure obtained in Step 6. This completes the ca-
Eq 1 illustrates that the difference be- A number of noninductive resistors be- pacitance calibration.
tween the apparent and the actual capaci- tween 5 and 200 ohms are required to
tances increases rapidly as the frequency calibrate the resistance dial and to con- Fixed Capacitor Pads
increases. struct a resistance calibration chart. The The range of the variable capacitor may
In a properly designed bridge, residual initial calibration procedure balances the be inadequate to null the bridge at low
impedances (shunt capacitances and series bridge and is performed as follows. frequencies. Therefore, it will be necessary
inductances) are the principle factors that Step 1. With the bridge connected as to pad the variable capacitor with addi-
determine the accuracy of the bridge. The shown in Fig 10, connect a 50- or 52-ohm tional capacitancc. Dipped mica capacitors
s o l u t i o n to this p r o b l e m involves t w o noninductive resistor to the load connector. (connected to phono plugs) provide the
possible approaches: (I) Minimize the mag- Step 2. Tune the signal generator and necessary pads. Commercially available
nitude of the residual impedances as much the receiver to 30 M H z . capacitors with the values of: 360 pF,
as possible, or (2) evaluate the residuals so Step 3. Set the L-C switch to its center- 680 pF, 910 p F and 1200 pF will provide
that corrections can be made for their ef- off position. the necessary padding with adequate over-
fects. Option 2 cannot be implemented Step 4. Adjust the potentiometer dial to lapping ranges.
unless a calibration standard is devised. For a null. The null may not be very deep.
this purpose, a calibrated cable terminated Adjust trimmer capacitor CI for a deep null T h e Calibration Cable Assembly
into a resistive load will be used. while slowly rocking the potentiometer To evaluate the accuracy of the bridge,
dial across the null. This procedure tunes a means must be available to provide pre-
Bridge Assembly out any unbalanced reactance. If the ca- determined, calculated impedance points.
T h e completed bridge is shown in Fig pacitor d o e s not d e e p e n the null, These points are then compared with the
13. Note the compact arrangement of the disconnect it and reconnect it across J l . measured impedance points. Ideally, the
panel c o m p o n e n t s . A smaller resistance Repeat Step 4. calculated and measured points will have
dial on the front of the cabinet would have S t e p 5. Calibrate the resistance dial the same R ± jX values if attenuation, im-
shortened the lead to the potentiometer by using precision nonreactive resistors with p e r f e c t i o n s and other variables are
about one-half inch. However, the present values between 5 and 200 ohms. Locate the disregarded.
layout works quite well. new null position with each resistor and log The cable assembly that was used for all
Table 1 Test Data Sheet
Length in Electrical Degrees of a Test Cable — 1 6 feet RG-58 terminated into a 25-ohm load.
16-Foot Section of RG-58 Coax fMHz Rdial Cdial Rp CP ±Xp Normalized
fMHz 9° Rs ± jXs
2.0 17.73 2.0 52 0 4 + 1020 p F 36 1020 +78.1 0.57 + 0.26
2.5 22.17 2.5 56 86 + 547 pF 39.5 847 +75.2 0.60 + 0.32
3.0 26.60 3.0 64 52 + 5 4 7 p F 45 727 +73 0.63 + 0.38
3.5 31.03 3.5 70 20 + 547 pF 51.5 601 +75.7 0.67 + 0.46
4.0 35.47 4.0 77 10 + 4 7 5 pF 58 496 +80.3 0 . 7 3 + 0.53
4.5 39.90 4.5 83 8 4 + 107 p F 63 407 +86.9 0.80 + 0 . 5 8
5.0 44.33 5.0 92 67 + 107 p F 70 339 +93.9 0.87 + 0.64
5.5 48.77 5.5 100 5 2 + 107 p F 77 287 +101 0 . 9 3 + 0.71
6.0 53.20 6.0 108 66 83 230 +115 1.05 + 0 . 7 6
6.5 57.64 6.5 116 56 89 194 +126 1.14 + 0.81
7.0 62.07 7.0 124 44 96 150 +152 1.32 + 0.84
7.5 66.50 7.5 127 36 98 119 +178 1.44 + 0.80
8.0 70.94 8.0 130 29 100 90 +221 1.60 + 0.72
8.5 75.37 8.5 134 23 104 66 +284 1.76 + 0.64
9.0 79.80 9.0 136 17 106 43 +412 1.91 + 0.49
9.5 84.24 9.5 137 11 107 24 +698 2.01 + 0.31
10.0 88.67 10 137.5 4 107 6 +2654 2.06 + 0.09
10.15 90.00 11 134 -13.5 104 -33 -439 1.89-0.45
11.0 97.53 12 126 -21 97 -56 -237 1.60-0.65
12.0 106.40 13 114 -26.5 88 -80 -153 1.27-0.73
13.0 115.27 14 99 -31.5 76 -100 -114 1.01 - 0 . 6 7
14.0 124.14 15 84 -35 64 -115 -92.3 0.83 - 0.58
15.0 133.00 16 70 -38 53 -126 -79 0.70 - 0.47
16.0 141.87 17 57.5 -38.5 41 -128 -73.2 0.60 - 0.34
17.0 150.74 18 48 -35 33 -123 -71.9 0.52 - 0.24
18.0 159.61 19 43 -24.5 29 -72 -116 0.52-0.13
19.0 168.47 20 42 -6 28 -11 -724 0.54 - 0.02
20.0 177.34 21 43 +20 29 +55 +138 0 . 5 3 + 0.11
21.0 186.21 22 52 26.5 36 81 +89.4 0.57 + 0.24
22.0 195.07 23 64 28.5 46 90 +76.9 0 . 6 5 + 0.39
23.0 203.94 24 79 27 59 83 +79.9 0 . 7 3 + 0.54
24.0 212.81 25 93 24 71 70 +91 0.85 + 0.66
25.0 221.67 26 100 20.5 84 55 +111 1.03 + 0 . 7 8
26.0 230.54 27 120 17 92 43 +137 1.23 + 0.82
27.0 239.41 28 124 13.5 100 32 +178 1.46 + 0.82
28.0 248.28 29 134 10 104 21 +262 1.73 + 0.69
29.0 257.14 30 134 6 104 11 +483 1.91 + 0.41
30.0 266.01

'MHz no Fig 15—Test data obtained with the practical hybrid junction admittance bridge
10.15 described.

cable, for instance, will p r o v i d e i m p e d a n c e length of line (measured in electrical de-

points that are f u r t h e r apart. T h e 2 5 - o h m grees, 9), with a characteristic impedance
termination will cause the i m p e d a n c e (Zo) terminated by an impedance (ZR).
points to h a v e a constant s t a n d i n g - w a v e
Z R C O S O + YZ<)SIN9
ratio of 2.0 to 1. Z',„ — Zr (Eq 2)
Z()Cos9 + yZ^sinQ
W e k n o w that w h e n a transmission line
with a characteristic i m p e d a n c e (Zo) is ter- R G - 5 8 has a velocity of p r o p a g a t i o n of
minated by an equal load i m p e d a n c e (ZR), about 66%. The equivalent electrical
the input i m p e d a n c e of the line will also be length of a 16-ft section is 16/0.66 = 24.24
Fig 14—Input impedance of a line. Zo, regardless of the length of the line. In feel or 7 . 3 8 9 meters. This e q u a l s o n e - q u a r -
any other case, however, the input i m p e d - ter w a v e l e n g t h or 9 = 9 0 ° at 10.150 M H z .
ance will d e p e n d on the length of the line T h e length in d e g r e e s v o t h e r f r e q u e n c i e s
m e a s u r e m e n t s c o n s i s t e d of a 1 6 - f o o t (9) and the termination resistance, as illus- is s h o w n in Table 1.
length of R G - 5 8 coaxial c a b l e terminated trated in Fig 14. It n o w r e m a i n s to c o m p u t e Z| n using the
into a 2 5 - o h m load. Actually, any c a b l e T h e f o l l o w i n g equation is important for line l e n g t h s in e l e c t r i c a l d e g r e e s f r o m
length or termination can be used. A longer d e t e r m i n i n g the input i m p e d a n c e (Zi„) of a Table 1, the line i m p e d a n c e of 5 2 o h m s for
RG-58 and a termination of 25 ohms. For
2.0 MHz

25 cos 1 7 . 7 3 + J 5 2 sin 17.73

Z,„ = 52
52 cos 17.73 + J 2 5 sin 17.73

25 (0.9525) +>52 (0.3045)'

= 52
52 (0.9525) + J25 (0.3045)


23.8I25+/15.8340" 49.53->7.6125
49.53+77.6125 49.53-77.6125

1 1 7 9 . 4 3 + 7 7 8 4 . 2 5 - 7 1 8 1 . 2 7 + 120.54
= 52
2453.22+7377.05-7377.05 + 57.95

1299.97 + 7602.98
Z,„ = 52

= 52(0.5177+70.240]

= 26.92+712.49 Answer

Dispense with the last step when nor-

malizing. Enter R = 0.52 (0.5177 rounded)
and y'X = 0.24 on the normalized Smith
chart. Compared with the measured imped-
ance contained in the Test Data Sheet (Fig
15) for 2.0 MHz, we see a close agreement
with the calculated data. Repeat the calcu-
lations for all other frequencies of interest Fig 16—Idealized impedance plot of data obtained from Eq 2 and phase data from
and plot as shown in Fig 16. Table 1.

Operating the Bridge

For accurate RF bridge operation, you either a series or parallel combination of
should exercise considerable care when resistance and reactance. The relations be-
setting up the testing apparatus. Any direct tween the elements of Fig 17 are
signal leakage from the signal generator to
1 Rs2 + Xs2
the receiver will cause errors. Furthermore, Rp
(Eq 3) Z = Rs±jXs
if an antenna is being measured, radiation ~ Gp " Rs
Rs + X 2
from the generator may be picked up by the
antenna. When this signal voltage is sub- Xp
(Eq 4)
sequently canceled by a voltage of opposite ~ Bp "
phase in the operation of the bridge, a false
Rp X p Rp X p
null will result. However, with a well- Z = ±7
constructed bridge, adequately shielded 2
Rn + X n 2
Rn2 + Xn'
receiver and soundly constructed intercon- ' Rp
necting cables, highly accurate measure- = Rs ± / X , (Eq 5) fcjx-
ments can be obtained.
1 (B)
The complex impedance represented by
Measuring Resistance and Reactance the series combination of resistance R and
With an Admittance Bridge reactance X is shown in Fig 17A. The
The advantage of an admittance bridge complex admittance represented by a par-
is that both the standard variable resistor allel combination of conductance G and Y=Gp±jBp
and standard variable capacitor are "cold" susceptance B is shown in Fig 17C. In
and can be mounted directly to the case. some applications, such as with the Hybrid o
This reduces stray coupling between the Junction Admittance Bridge, it is useful to
components of the bridge, simplifying represent impedance by a parallel combi-
bridge construction and improving bridge nation of resistance and reactance as in Fig Fig 17—Equivalent complex series and
parallel components of impedance Z and
accuracy. 17B. The impedance of the circuit in Fig
complex parallel components of
As shown in Fig 17, every impedance 17B, as of any parallel circuit, is equal to admittance Y.
can be expressed for any frequency as the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals
of the resistive and reactive components.
The equation shown can be rationalized to « » 00.

obtain the component parts of the imped-

ance, representing the equivalent series
resistance and series reactance as indicated
by Eq 5, R s ±jXs.
Every impedance can be expressed in
terms of either series or parallel equiva-
lence. If both standards of the bridge are
adjustable, the balance for the real and
imaginary parts of the unknown will be
independent of each other.

Measurement Procedure
Step 1. Connect the bridge as shown in
Fig 10.
Step 2. Following the example shown
in Test Data Sheet, Fig 15, record the R and
C dial readings. Note that the low fre-
quency range may require padding of the
variable capacitor in order to null the
Step 3. Convert the dial readings to their
actual resistance and capacitance values.
Step 4. Convert the capacitance values
to their equivalent reactances.

y _ _!_ «0 s;o >I»

The sign of the reactance is determined by
Fig 18—Impedance plot of the test data presented in Fig 15. The frequency range of
the position of the L-C switch, +L, - C . interest is between 2.0 and 30 MHz.
Step 5. The above steps provide the
parallel components of the load imped-
ance, Rp and ±/Xp. To convert the parallel
components of the load impedance to their Z = R s ± jXs 2 C.Nouel, "How to Build a Cheap and Easy RF
equivalent series components: Noise Bridge," CQ, May 1984. pp 36-37.41.
3W. N. Caron, "An Accurate RF Impedance
Bridge," The ARRL Antenna Book. 15th Ed
Rs = 4 ^ a n d X s = - ^ I *G. Grammer, "Universal SWR Measurements (1988), pp 27-19 to 27-23.
Rp + X p Rp + Xp With a Coaxial Bridge," QST, Dec 1950,
pp 27-29, 104.
VHF/UHF Ray Tracing With
Computer Graphics
By Jack Priedigkeit, W6ZGN
441 Sherwood Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025

y article in N o v e m b e r 1986

M QSTgenerated a bit of interest

in V H F / U H F ray tracing. 1 T h e
most interesting letter I received in re- /

sponse to that article was from Dave Palm-

rose, N Y7C. After reading the article, Dave
d e c i d e d to put theory to t h e test. H e
watched the weather satellite on TV and
waited patiently for nearly solid cloud
cover from the Pacific Coast to Hawaii. A B D
When that occurred, he went to a 1600-foot Slower

elevation site on the Oregon coast, below

the top of the fog layer, and set up his
two-meter rig—just ten watts with a 15- Fig 2—Illustration showing how a radio
wavefront is bent or tilted downward by
element beam. In less than two hours, he the air at the surface of the earth. This tilt,
heard and worked K H 6 H M K . Needless to for a long-term average refractivity profile,
say, Dave became an instant true believer is equivalent to the frequently referenced
in ray tracing. There have been many trans- "4/3 earth radius."
pacific contacts reported, but to my knowl- Fig 1—Refractivity profiles. Profile A,
edge. Dave is the first amateur to plan a linear, and Profile B from West Coast
transpacific contact using weather infor- measurements. Profile C, from the same signal at the lower height h. The
measurements off the tip of Long Island,
mation and the concepts of ray tracing. New York, does not represent static effect is to tilt the radio wavefront down-
This article reviews the basic concepts meteorlogical conditions. ward, ever so slightly (see Fig 2). This
of V H F / U H F radio propagation in a refrac- wavefront tilt, or path bending, for this
tive m e d i u m . It also presents a m e n u - long-term average refractivity profile is
driven, hands-on, interactive program for a an R F transmission line determines the ve- equivalent to a 4/3 earth radius, and results
PC with a Hercules-compatible graphics locity factor. in the familiar expression for the distance
card. For most purposes, it is sufficient to to the radio horizon:
assume the dielectric constant and refrac-
Some Basic Concepts tive index for air to be 1. However, the D = V2h
The propagation path of energy radiated refractive index for air is typically 1.00300
from an antenna depends on the homoge- f o r average humidity, temperature, and where
n e i t y of t h e r e f r a c t i v e i n d e x in t h e pressure at sea level. For the convenience D = distance to the radio horizon,
propagation medium. The path, or ray, is a of not having to use six-digit decimal num- statute miles
straight line in a homogeneous medium. bers, this refractive index is defined as a h = antenna height, feet
However, the ray will bend, due to refrac- refractivity of 300 N-units. 2
tion, in a nonhomogeneous medium. T h e refractivity of air decreases with At any instant, prevailing micro-mete-
The absolute refractive index is the ratio height to approach zero N-units at great orology will cause the refractivity profile
of the velocity of propagation in a vacuum heights (ie, in a vacuum). T h e long-term to depart from the long-term average pro-
to the velocity of propagation in some other average decrease in refractivity is nearly file and will cause a varying degree of path
medium, in this case air. Refractive index linear below 10,000 feet with a slope, or bending along the signal path. The degree
is the square root of the dielectric constant, gradient, of - 1 2 N-units per 1000 feet (see of path bending depends on the gradient of
and this index determines velocity just as Profile A of Fig 1). Thus a radio signal at the refractive profile at the signal path
the square root of the dielectric constant in height h + A travels just a little faster than height.
P r o f i l e B o f F i g 1 is a refractivity profile a f t e r loading I N T I O . C O M and HGC
Ray nrigio in
at a particular location and time, measured mii'tadhins FULL.
with an aircraft carrying instruments to Ray tracing for VHF/UHF radio propa-
record refractive index as a function of gation is based on Snell's Law for geomet-
altitude. 3 - 4 It is evident that the average ric optics in stratified refractive layers.
gradient of this profile is similar to that of Numerical integration is used to evaluate
profile A. However, there is a break, or the second-order differential equation that
discontinuity, in the gradient near 2000 defines the ray path in this propagation
feet. This is typical of the West Coast and medium. 7
occurs at the interface between a dense fog The majority of the statements listed in
layer below 2000 feet and the clear bright Program 1 are for program and graphics
sunshine above the fog. The humidity control. Ray paths are calculated and plot-
within the fog is 100%, and the temperature ted, point by point, with the statements in
is 10° or more below that of the dry air lines 250-430.
above the fog. Within a 500-foot region, Program lines 500-640 display the pro-
just above the fog, there is both a tempera- gram menu. Lines 650-780 query the user
ture inversion and a rapid drop in humidity. for input data. The Y axis is plotted and
The refractivity gradient in this region is labeled for ray path height, li nes 830-1090.
- 1 6 0 N-units per 1000 feet, or more than The X axis is plotted and labeled for either
13 times the normal average downward relative N-units or statute miles, lines
bending rate. Depending on the antenna Fig 3—Ray plots for refractivity Profile B 1440-1850.
height relative to this refractive discontinuity, of Fig 1. Antenna height is 1700 feet.
Data for Profile A, Fig 1, is calculated
elevated ducting can occur, as illustrated in in line 1350. Data for Profiles B and C are
Fig 3. contained in lines 1870-2030. This is the
Profile C of Fig 1 was measured east of value of N at 100-foot height intervals.
Montauk Point, LI, NY. It should not be positive, rather than negative, and rays Antenna height and initial ray angle are
considered as typical of this region as it bend up, rather than down. 2 , 5 , 6 entered by the user, line 710-770. The gra-
cannot be identified with an almost static dient of the refractive profile is calculated
meteorological condition, as is the case for Computer Graphics Program at the initial height, line 290. Assuming
the West Coast. Program 1 is a listing of a BASIC com- these data to remain constant, a new ray
puter program, RAYPLOT.BAS. The height is calculated for a propagation dis-
Ray TVacing program calculates and displays ray paths tance of 0.2 mile, 1056 feet, and this new
With a computer graphics program, it is on the screen of a computer with Hercules height is plotted on the monitor screen,
possible to explore ray paths for various compatible graphics. This is a menu- lines 380-420. The gradient of the refrac-
refractive profiles, antenna heights, and driven, hands-on, interactive ray-tracing tive profile at this new height is calculated,
takeoff angles. Fig 3 is a plot of the rays program that lets the user select one of the line 290 again, and the ray height is again
emerging from an antenna at a height of three refractive profiles shown in Fig 1, calculated for a propagation distance of
1700 feet, propagating in a medium with specify antenna height, and try various 1056 feet. This process is repeated 750
the refractive Profile B of Fig 1. The take- takeoff angles. (The program is available times as the ray propagates from the an-
off angle, in milliradians relative to the on diskette; see Diskette Availability on a tenna to a distance of 150 statute miles.
horizon at the antenna, is shown on each page at the front of this book.) Fig 3 repre- Lines 330-360 accomplishes the double
ray. (A milliradian is 0.0573 degree.) The sents but one of the many possible ray plots integration, summation, to evaluate the dif-
angles of interest are within 12 milliradians for user-specified conditions that can be ferential equation that defines the ray path
(less than one degree) of the horizon. Thus, displayed on the computer screen. height versus distance.
in most cases, the vertical directivity of the RAYPLOT.BAS uses Hercules GraphX The ray is considered as being reflected
antenna need not be considered. Fig 3 s u b r o u t i n e s to display the graphics. from the earth when the ray path height is
shows that rays leaving the antenna with GWBASIC and BASICA do not recognize less than 100 feet. At this time, the initial
takeoff angles between+4 milliradians are these Hercules subroutines. Thus, to run ray angle and ray height are reset to the
trapped in an elevated duct that is parallel RAYPLOT.BAS it is necessary to load reflection angle and height at the reflection
to the surface of the earth. Thus, there is no Hercules GraphX INTIO.COM and HGC point. The integrators are set to zero as it is
radio horizon for these rays, and they will FULL or their equivalents into memory considered to be the start of a new ray path
continue to propagate as long as the mete- before loading GWBASIC, or BASICA. with new initial conditions, lines 300-320.
orological conditions persist. This is the (The INTIO.COM and HGC.COM pro- The program pauses at line 440 after each
likely propagation mode for the trans- grams are supplied with the Hercules ray plot, and waits for the ENTER key to
pacific VHF/UHF contacts between the graphics card. Equivalent programs usu- be pressed by the user. It then clears the
West Coast and Hawaii that are reported. ally accompany compatible cards.) screen and returns to the program menu for
Ducting does not occur with profile B if The program header, lines 5-200, loads further instructions from the user. lines
the antenna height is above the fog. The ray the Hercules GraphX binary file 490-640. All ray plots remain in the graph-
paths are distorted by the refractive discon- BAS2GRPH.BIN (line 40), which must be ics memory until cleared by the user, and
tinuity, but ducting does not occur. Ray in the current subdirectory at runtime. An will reappear on screen at the start of a new
tracing using profile C of Fig 1 does not executable version, RAYPLOT.EXE, is ray plot. This makes it possible to display
show ducting because the slope of the gra- available on the companion diskette to this a family of rays for a specified initial con-
dient in the region of the discontinuity is book. This program will run at DOS level dition, such as antenna height.
Notes sphere," Review of Scientific Instruments, 21 D. E. Keer, Propagation of Short Radio Waves
No. 5, May 1950, pp 456-457. (Boston: Boston Technical Publishers,
'j. Priedigkeit, "Ray Tracing and VHF/UHF 4 1964).
Radio Propagation," QST, Nov 1986, pp 18- C. M. Crain, "Survey of Airborne Microwave
21. Refractometer Measurements," Proc IRE, M. S. Wong, "Refraction Anomalies in Air-
43, No. 10, Oct 1955, pp 1405-1411. borne Propagation," Proc IRE, 46, No. 9,
"B. R. Bean and E. J. Dutton, "Radio Meteorol- 5 Sep 1958, pp 1628-1639.
ogy," NBS Monograph 92, Mar 1966. H. R. Reed and C. M. Russell, "Ultra High
3 Frequency Propagation" (Boston: Boston
C. M. Crain, "Apparatus for Recording Fluc- Technical Publishers, 1964).
tuations in Refractive Index of the Atmo-

Program 1
Listing for BASIC Program RAYPLOT.BAS
This program is available on a companion diskette; see Diskette Availability on an early page of this book. Also
included on the companion diskette is RAYPLOT.EXE, a compiled version that runs directly from DOS.
Note: INHO.COM and HGC.COM or their equivalents must be loaded into computer memory before executing

RAYPLOT.BAS by J a c k P r i e d i g k e i t , W6ZGN
i n t e r f a c e h e a d e r f o r INT10.COM u s i n g BAS2GRPH.BIN
30 DEF SEG - &H3000 ' a s s u m i n g 256k memory
40 BLOAD " b a s 2 g r p h . b i n " , 0 ' i n t e r f a c e c o d e f r o m BASIC
50 GMODE% - 256*PEEK(1)+PEEK(0) ' c a l l gmode%
60 TMODE% = 256*PEEK(3)+PEEK(2) ' c a l l tmode%
70 CLRSCR% = 256*PEEK(5)+PEEK(4) ' c a l l clrscr%
80 GPAGE% - 256*PEEK(7)+PEEK(6) ' c a l l gpage%(page%)
90 LEVEL% - 256*PEEK(9)+PEEK(8) ' c a l l level*(intens%)
100 DISP4 = 256*PEEK(11)+PEEK(10) ' c a l l disp%(page%)
110 PLOT% = 256*PEEK(13)+PEEK(12) ' c a l l plot%(x%,y%)
120 GETPT% = 256*PEEK(15)+PEEK(14) ' c a l l g e t p t % ( x % , y % , i n t e n s % )
130 MOVES = 256*PEEK(17)+PEEK(16) ' c a l l move%(x%,y%)
140 DLINE% = 256*PEEK<19)+PEEK(18) ' c a l l dline%(x%,y%)
150 BLKFIL4 - 256*PEEK(21)+PEEK(20) ' c a l l blkfil%(x%,y%,w%,h%)
160 TEXTB% - 256*PEEK(23)+PEEK(22) ' c a l l textb%(x%,y%,msg?)
170 ARC% 256*PEEK(25)+PEEK(24) ' c a l l arc%(x%,y%,r%,q%)
180 CIRC% = 256*PEEK(27)+PEEK(26) ' c a l l c i r c S ( x % , y % , r % )
190 FILL% - 256*PEEK(29)+PEEK(28) ' c a l l f i l l % ( x % , y % )
200 HRDCPY% = 256*PEEK(31)+PEEK(30) ' c a l l h r d c p y % ( o p t c h a r % )
210 ON ERROR GOTO 2200
220 DIM N0(110)
240 GOTO 2040
250 SUM0=0t SUMl=0i SUM2-0
260 FOR 1=0 TO 750
270 H100=INT(HSL*.01)
280 I F H100<0 THEN H100=0
290 NS0=N0(H100+1)-N0(H100)s NS0=NS0*10
300 I F HSL<100 THEN 310 ELSE 330
310 TA0=SUM0-TA0
320 SUM0=0: SUM1=0! SUM2=0: H0*=HSL
330 SUM0=SUM0+1.056E-06*NS0+.0000505
340 SUM1=SUM1+1056*SUM0
350 SUM2«=SUM2+1056*TA0
360 HSL-H0+SUM1+SUM2
370 I F HSL>10000 GOTO 440
380 X%=50+INT(.866*1)
390 Y%=310-INT(HSL*.031)
400 I F I>0 THEN 420
410 CALL MOVE%(X%,Y%)
420 CALL DLINE%(X%,Y%)
430 NEXT I
440 Z0$=INKEY$: I F Z0$OCHR$ (13 ) THEN 440
450 CALL TM0DE%: GOTO 490
RAYPLOT.BAS (continued)


480 FL1=0: FL2=0: FL3=0
490 'MENU
500 CLS: LOCATE 5,5
510 PRINT " Menu for VHF/UHF Ray Tracing "
530 PRINT " 1. Select Refractive Index Profile
540 PRINT " 2. Plot Ray Path "
550 PRINT " 3. Clear Graphics Memory "
560 PRINT " 4. Exit Program "
570 LOCATE 15,20
580 PRINT " Graphics will remain on screen until ENTER is pressed "
590 LOCATE 12,15: INPUT "Select one of the above and ENTER to continue " SL$
600 IF VAL(SL$)<1 OR VAL(SL$)>4 THEN 490
610 IF SL$="4" GOTO 2210
620 IF SL$="3" THEN 650
630 IF SL$="2" THEN 670
640 IF SL$="1" THEN 790
660 FL3=0i GOTO 490
670 IF FL1=0 THEN 680 ELSE 700
680 CLS! LOCATE 9,20! PRINT " Profile not selected "
690 LOCATE 10,20! INPUT " ENTER to continue Q$i GOTO 490
700 CLS: LOCATE 10,15: PRINT " ENTER to use previous height, or angle
710 LOCATE 5,10! INPUT " Antenna height in feet above sea level "; IH$
720 IF IH$="" THEN 740
7 30 IH—VAL(IH$)
740 LOCATE 6,10
750 INPUT " Initial angle in milliradians IA$
760 IF IA$="" THEN 780
770 A0=VAL(IA$): A0=A0*.001
780 TA0=TAN(A0)! HSL=IH! H0=IH
810 IF SL$="1 THEN FL2-0: GOTO 1120
820 IF SL$="2 THEN FL2=li GOTO 830
840 IF FL3=1 THEN 250
850 MSG1$="0": MSG2$="1" MSG3$="2"i MSG4$="3"! MSG5$="4"! MSG6$»"5"
860 MSG7$="6"! MSG8$="7" MSG9$="8"! MSG10$="9": MSG11$="10"! MSG12$="K"
870 MSG13$="I"! MSG14$«"L": MSG15$=-0 MSG16$-"F"s MSG17$="E"i MSG18$="T"
880 X%=50! Y%"0: CALL MOVES(X%,Y%)
890 Y%=310! CALL DLINE%(X%,Y%)
900 X%=55
910 FOR 1=0 TO 9! Y%=I*31 i CALL PLOTS(X%,Y%): NEXT I
920 X%»27i Y%»35: CALL TEXTBS(X«,Y%,MSG10$)
930 Y%=66! CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG9$)
940 Y%—97! CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG8S)
950 Y%"129: CALL TEXTB%(X%,YS,MSG7$)
960 Y%=159: CALL TEXTBS(X%,Y%,MSG6$)
970 Y%=190! CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG5$)
980 Y%-22l! CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG4$)
990 Y%=252! CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG3$)
1000 Y%=283i CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG2$)
1010 Y%=314: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG1S)
1020 X%=10: Y%=90: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y«,MSG12$)
1030 Y%=106i CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG13$)
1040 Y%=122! CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG14$)
1050 Y%=138: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG15$)
1060 Y%-170! CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG16$)
1070 Y%=186i CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG17S)
RAYPLOT.BAS (continued)

1080 Y%=202: C A L L TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG17$)

1090 Y%=218! C A L L TEXTBS(X%,Y%,MSG16$)
1100 IF FL2=1 THEN 1740
1110 IF FL2-0 THEN 1440
1125 C A L L CLRSCR%
1130 FL3-0
1140 FOR 1=1 TO 100
1150 X%=INT( 220-1*1.2) t Y%=310-INT( 1*3.1)
1160 IF I>1 THEN 1180
1170 C A L L MOVE%(X%,Y%)
1180 C A L L DLINE%(X%,Y%): N E X T I
1200 RESTORE 1870
1210 F O R 1=1 TO 100: READ N0(I)
1220 X%=200+N0(I)i Y%=310-INT(I*3.1)
1230 IF I>1 THEN 1250
1240 C A L L MOVE%(XS,Y%)
1250 C A L L DLINE%(X%,Y%)I NEXT I
1270 RESTORE 1950
1280 F O R 1=1 TO 100: READ N0(I)
1290 X%=200+N0(I): Y%=310-INT(1*3.1)
1300 IF I>1 THEN 1320
1310 C A L L MOVE%(X%,Y%)
1320 C A L L DLINE%(X%,Y%): NEXT I
1330 GOTO 830
1350 FOR 1=1 TO 110: N0(I)=INT(140-1*1.2) : NEXT I
1360 MSG28$="l"i GOTO 1650
1370 RESTORE 1880
1380 FOR 1=1 TO 110: READ N0(I): NEXT I
1390 MSG28$=-2": GOTO 1650
1400 RESTORE 1960
1410 FOR 1=1 TO 110: READ N0(I): N E X T I
1420 MSG28$="3": GOTO 1650
1430 GOTO 490
1450 MSG19$="100": MSG20$="200": MSG21$="300"
1460 MSG22$="Relative N-Units": MSG23$="Select Profile"
1470 X%=50: Y%=310: C A L L MOVE%(X%,Y%)
1480 X%=700: C A L L DLINE%(X%,Y%)
1490 Y%=305: F O R 1=1 TO 8: X%=50+I*81: CALL PLOT%(X%, Y%) : NEXT I
1500 X%=200: Y%=325: C A L L TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG19$)
1510 X%=363: Y%=325: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG20$)
1520 X%=525: Y%=325: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG21$)
1530 X%=280: Y%=340: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG22$)
1540 X%=535: Y%=340: C A L L TEXTBS(X%,Y%,MSG23S)
1550 X*=150: Y%=100: C A L L TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG2$)
1560 X%=290: Y%=100: C A L L TEXTBS(X%,Y%,MSG3$)
1570 X%=475: Y%=100: C A L L TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG4$)
1580 Z%=2i C A L L LEVEL%(Z%)
1590 CRT=0: X%=535: Y%=340: C A L L TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG23$)
1600 CRT=CRT+1: P$=INKEY$: IF P$="» THEN 1610 ELSE 1620
1610 IF CRT=200 THEN 1590 ELSE 1600
1620 IP=VAL(P$): IF IP<1 THEN 1590
1630 IF IP>3 THEN 1590
1640 O N IP GOTO 1350, 1370, 1400
1650 FL1=1: Z%=1: C A L L LEVEL%(Z%)
1660 X%=535: Y%=340: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG23$)
1670 Z%=1: W%=15
1680 O N IP GOTO 1690, 1700, 1710
RAYPLOT.BAS (continued)
1690 X%=165i Y % = 1 0 2 : C A L L B L K F I L S ( X % , Y % , W % , W « ) : GOTO 1720
1700 X % = 3 0 5 ; Y % = 1 0 2 : C A L L B L K F I L « ( X % , Y % , W % , W % ) ! G O T O 1720
1710 X%=490! Y%=102: CALL BLKFIL%(X%,Y%,W%,W»)
1720 Q $ - I N K E Y $ : IF Q $ = " " T H E N 1 7 2 0 :
1740 'DRAW X A X I S F O R R A Y P L O T
1750 MSG24$="Statute Miles": MSG25$="50": MSG26$=-100": MSG27$="150"
1760 X%=50: Y%=310: CALL MOVE%(X%,Y%)
1770 X%=700: CALL DLINE%(X%,Y%)
1780 Y S = 3 0 5 : F O R 1=1 T O 1 5 : X % = 5 0 + I * 4 2 : C A L L P L O T % ( X % , Y % ) : N E X T I
1790 Y4-325: X%=258: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y«,MSG25$)
1800 X%—46: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG1$)
1810 X%=465: CALL TEXTBS(XS,Y%,MSG26S)
1820 X%=680: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG27$)
1830 X%=320: Y%=340: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG24$)
1840 MSG29$="Profile *": X%=100: Y%=50: CALL TEXTB4(X%,Y%,MSG29$)
1850 X%=190: CALL TEXTB%(X%,Y%,MSG28$)
I860 FL3—1: GOTO 250
1870 'DATA F O R #2 P R O F I L E
1880 DATA 183,182,181,181,179,178,177,176,174,172,173,171,170,168,166
1890 DATA 165,164,163,162,160,146,129,128,127,128,132,130,129,124,123
1900 DATA 120,118,117,117,115,114,112,111,110,111,109,107,107.108,105
1910 DATA 102,101,101,102,101,100,100,92,88,84,82,80,80,83,83,84,84,80
1920 DATA 79,80,78,76,73,68,68,71,70,69,65,62,61,59,56,56,55,55,53,53
1930 DATA 52,53,53,52,50,50,49,51,49,48,47,46,45,44,43,42,42,41,41,39
1940 DATA 38,37,36,36,37,38,37,36,35
1950 'DATA F O R #3 P R O F I L E
1960 DATA 308,308,306,304,303,302,300,299,298,296,295,294,292,290,289
1970 DATA 287,286,285,284,283,281,279,278,277,276,274,272,271,270,269
1980 DATA 273,280,294,295,296,296,296,294,293,291,290,289,287,286,285
1990 DATA 284,283,282,281,280,279,276,274,271,270,269,268,266,264,263
2000 DATA 262,260,259,257,256,254,253,252,251,250,248,246,245,244,243
2010 DATA 241,239,238,237,235,234,232,230,229,228,227,225,223,222,221
2020 DATA 220,219,218,216,215,214,212,210,209,208,206,205,204,203,202
2030 DATA 200,199,198,197,198,196,198
2040 CLSi LOCATE 5,25: P R I N T " V H F / U H F RAY TRACING "
2050 PRINT
2060 PRINT " T h i s is a c o m p u t e r g r a p h i c s v e r s i o n of m y a r t i c l e "
2070 PRINT " V H F / U H F R A Y T R A C I N G , A R R L A n t e n n a C o m p e n d i u m , V o l u m e 3."
2080 PRINT
2090 PRINT * A H e r c u l e s c o m p a t a b l e computer system is required to v i e w
2100 PRINT " p l o t s l i k e t h o s e in m y a r t i c l e . U n l i k e m y a r t i c l e , t h i s
2110 PRINT " is a m e n u d r i v e n , h a n d s - o n , i n t e r e c t i v e p r o g r a m t h a t l e t s
2120 PRINT " t h e u s e r s e l e c t o n e of t h r e e r e f r a c t i v e i n d e x p r o f i l e s , "
2130 PRINT " and specify antenna height and initial ray angle. The"
2140 PRINT " p l o t s r e m a i n in g r a p h i c s m e m o r y u n t i l c l e a r e d b y t h e u s e r
2150 PRINT " T h i s f a c i l i t a t e s t h e g e n e r a t i o n o f a f a m i l y of r a y s f o r "
2160 PRINT " specified initial conditions. "
2170 LOCATE 20,25: PRINT "Jack Priedigkeit, W6ZGN O c t o b e r 1990 "
2180 LOCATE 25,30: INPUT "ENTER to continue ";Q$
2190 GOTO 460
2200 CALL TMODE%: PRINT " Error Code "?ERR;" Line N o . ";ERL
2210 END
Hams love antennas...
...and if you're a ham, you'll love this book! Inside are 40
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ISBN 0-87259-401-7



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