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‘Macbeth’ – William Shakespeare
» Opens with a reference to mythology to set the ominous
Act II summary: tone
» Beelzebub

Scene Three »
» Prince of evil spirits & fallen angels
The porter opens for Macduff and Lennox (other
» Macbeth enters and greets them, then leads them to
Duncan’s room (feigning ignorance and innocence)
» Macduff enters the room, Lennox comments on how they
have had an ‘unruly’ night (l. 45)
» Duncan’s murder is revealed and Macbeth feigns horror
and sadness (and innocence…)
» Others are made aware of the murder
» Lady Macbeth faints
» Macbeth kills the guards out of anger for their treason
» Dramatic irony
» Malcom & Donalbain are suspicious
» They decide that they are not safe while their father’s murderer
remains at large & decide to flee the country; Macduff decides to
accompany them
» Ross & an old man discuss the
Act II summary: unnatural events
Scene Four » NB: It is unnatural & against God to kill
the king
» Exposes Shakespeare’s pandering AND
his beliefs
» Nature mirrors the darkness in the
» Dark day
» Horses behaving wildly
» Macduff enters the scene to announce
his departure and Macbeth’s newly
appointed title as king
So, what’s the » To set the inciting incident of the play
» To establish characters
point of Act II?
» To explore the effects the prophecy
had on Macbeth
» To explore the themes of:
» Ambition vs morality
» Good vs evil
» Appearance vs reality
» Fate vs free will
» Guilt
» Gender roles


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