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Reference Id: 2022-03108

Defeat obesity by good dietetics & lifestyle.

 we all knew that obesity is one of the major risk factor for most of the life
threatening diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, angina,
atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, dyslipidemia & to many others.
 In present day our desk-bound life style & busy hours of desk work do not
allow us to work physically, that result in obesity. But we are ignoring this
major issue & then when it cause complication then we run to the hospital.
But what if we don`t need to go hospital by just small modification in our
diet & lifestyle..... As, obesity is modifiable by appropriate diet and good
 According to WHO report from 2021 over 6.7 million people died due to
only Diabetes mellitus. If we count total death due to all the diseases
caused by obesity then that number will shock us.
 So we need to do some research for why people having obesity, what is
their diet, what they need to decrease obesity, how much they know about
obesity & diseases caused by it. Then we can put all these information
together in one place & then we can make some strategies that are useful
for the people of India.
 As we are working in this broad field of medical science, there is very high
level researches done day by day then we think that is it important? why
we should do research about obesity when we knew most of about it. But
here comes main thing about relation of obesity with diet & lifestyle. Most
of people having obesity don`t know how to reduce it.
 We are discovering tons of new drugs & new combinations for treatment of
these diseases, but why we are not working on the reasons behind it.
 Stay away from obesity is a key for the healthy long lifespan. My all focus
for this research is to bring all things related to obesity & dietetics together
to review and research where we are mistaking with our health. I will make
some general strategies to aware people about " Obesity & diseases caused
by it." & " How to defeat obesity by good dietetics and active lifestyle."
importance of this research work is we all need to know about this topic in
order to stay away from hospital!! and to gain healthy long lifespan.


1. To study scientific reasons & genetic factors behind etiopathogenesis of


2. To study role of obesity in etiopathogenesis of different diseases.

3. To review relation of obesity with diet & lifestyle.

4. Epidemiological study of my tehsil which include:

- Study of lifestyle of people from different occupations.

- Their diet & which harmful substances they eat.

- How much they know about obesity & diseases caused by it.

5. To Visit all PHC & sub centers in my tehsil To study what our
healthcare system doing to aware people about obesity & dietetics.

6. To make some strategies at PHC level which work for aware people
about obesity & diseases caused by it, relation of obesity with diet & how
an active lifestyle can prevent obesity.

7. To apply this all information in practice by running a small campaign in

my tehsil by help of PHC & sub centers.
8. to record response of people to the campaign & calculate success rate of

9. To study which difficulties we face to run this campaign on large scale.

 For objective 1: I will study exact pathogenesis & role of genetic factors
behind obesity by using various verified medical literatures * & scientific
journals including new upcoming hypothesis.
 I will study mechanism of action of all available hypolipidaemic drugs to
understand how we can decrease use of this drugs by diet replacement &
modifying lifestyle.

 For objective 2: I will study obesity as etiological agent of various diseases

including Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, Angina,
Myocardial infarction, Heart failure & Fatty liver.
 I will collect all the available information about exact role of obesity in the
pathogenesis of these diseases by using verified medical literatures * &
medical journals.

 For objective 3: As now I know how obesity cause illness I can correlate it
with diet & lifestyle. I will study different types of diet at molecular basis, so
that I can differentiate which diet cause obesity & which diet reduce it. For
that I will study books of dietetics* & recently published journals related
to diet.
 For the lifestyle section I will visit GYM to know which home based exercise
we can do in day to day life without wasting to much time. Or which
alternative physical activities we can do during daily life to stay away from
obesity. It looks like we all knew it already......but there is some more deep
in this field to do research work. Because most of people don`t know it!!
 For objective 4: A small Epidemiological study

 I will do it in my tehsil by visiting people at their home. First I will ask them
a few questions related to their medical history, daily diet & daily routine.
Then I will measure their BMI using weighing machine & measure tape. I
will also consider their gross appearance as BMI can’t differentiate fatty &
muscular body.
 Then I will ask them that what they know about obesity & if they know why
they are ignoring it. Then I will talk with them about obesity & diseases
caused by it, how we can prevent it by small change in diet & lifestyle.
 During this I will also try to understand their mindset about diet & active
lifestyle. Most of people consider diet as only things for GYM guy, but that
is not true!! People also think about active lifestyle as kilometers of run and
hours of workout.
 So, I will try to understand myths in which people believe. Most of the
people having obesity also think that I am fine, nothing will happen to me.
So, for that people I will try to explain them how Atherosclerosis silently kill
us with increasing age.
 In all this interaction with people I will interact with them in their own
language for betterment of research. I will also take care of standard
COVID-19 guidelines during whole procedure.
 After completion of epidemiological study I will put all the information
mentioned above together & will analyze it.

 For objective 5: Now it's time to check our healthcare system. I will visit all
PHC & sub centers in my tehsil. I will ask some questions about obesity &
diseases caused by it to the healthcare staff present at PHC.
 If they know sufficient information then I will do small discussion with
them for how we can aware people about this topic, what will be strategies
& how people will respond to it.
 For objective 6: I will also do research for which strategies government
applied for awareness of people for good diet & lifestyle. I will also study
for when those strategies applied & for how much time period using
government portal * .
 Then I will ask to PHC & sub centers for what they done during applying
those strategies.
 I will also collect information about worldwide campaign run by WHO &
other global organization for this particular topic. So, I can take some
Inspiration from it.
 After all this study I will make some basic strategies to aware people about
" obesity & it's hazards " , " How to defeat obesity by good diet & active
lifestyle", " what a good diet & active lifestyle means.... " etc. I will make
some basic diet plan which are suitable & comfortable for any economical
class & any occupation.

 For objective 7: A small campaign.

 I will visit all PHC again & take help of the medical staff to aware local
people. I will explain them "what is obesity & it's hazards " in very basic
form that they can understand.
 Then I will explain them "what is good diet & active lifestyle means " &
"How it help us to stay away from obesity. During all this procedure I will
take care of standard COVID-19 guidelines.

 For objective 8: I will note response from public & any other suggestions
for betterment of this program. I will also take rating for this program out
of 10 to understand people really liked this or not.

 For objective 9: I will consult with my guide, professors & hospital staff in
order to know which difficulties we can face when we apply this all
information & campaign on the large scale.
 By my proposed research we would know various myths that people follow
about obesity & dietetics. We would be aware about where our healthcare
system being weak in this particular topic.
 We can make sure for compulsory BMI measurement at hospitals, schools
& in PHCs. If identified that person having obesity then try to reach him/her
for convincing toward good diet & active lifestyle.
 We can plan an exact action to aware people about " obesity & dietetics "
to gain healthy long lifespan.
 We can teach every frontline worker including nurse, field workers &
teachers about this topic & we can add this topic as separate chapter in the
 Government should provide some basic exercise equipment at schools &
PHCs....and make them available for everyone - child to elders.


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