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This Human Resource Manual (HR Manual) is designed to provide employees of PV Clean
Mobility Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (“PV Clean” or “the Organization”) with information on HR
policies, practices, and operating procedures that are currently applicable in the

The purpose of this manual is:

1. To ensure consistency in people related decisions

2. To ensure fairness, transparency and consistency in the relationship between PV Clean

Mobility Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and its employees; and

3. To communicate and establish the desired culture and working environment for the

While this Manual is designed to provide helpful information to employees, it is not to be

construed as an employment contract of any kind. The statements contained in this
manual are designed to provide guidance and not to modify the terms of employment as
contained in the appointment letter/contract of individual employees.

The Organization reserves the right to interpret, modify, revise, supplement, or rescind
any policies or portion of the policies from time to time as it deems appropriate. Such
revisions may be made at the Organization’s sole discretion and may be made with or
without prior notice. Any changes made thereof shall be communicated to all employees.

The information contained herein is the property of PV Clean Mobility Technologies Pvt.
Ltd. (hereafter referred as PVCMT in the manual) This Manual is for the information of
employees within the Organization only and its content should not be distributed to any
person outside the Organization. Any duplication and re-issue of the material contained
herein would be construed as an infringement.

The Manual, therefore, should be treated with utmost confidentiality and the contents
shall not be reproduced in part or in full without the prior permission of the HR Head.

If an employee has any work-related questions/problems, he/she should speak to his

supervisor. All employees are also free to discuss their problems with Human Resource


Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of your colleagues, I welcome you to PV Clean Mobility Technologies and wish
you every success here. It gives me great pleasure in releasing this Employee Handbook.

We are glad to have you onboard as a team member of PV Clean Mobility Technologies,
you are an essential part of the team effort. We hope that you will find your position with
the Company rewarding, challenging and productive. Every Employee has an important
role in our operations, and we value the ability and experience you bring with you to the
organization. You, and other Employees, are vital to the success of PVCMT.

Being an important part of this organization, you have an important and pivotal role to
play in moving diversity, equity, and maintaining decorum. Not only you all are ultimately
accountable for the results, but also set the tone for how it will be received and
expectations to proceed. This organization believes in equality that requires confidence
and a belief that how you will succeed. Your role requires you to persist in pushing forward
and bringing your organization along with you.

This handbook will enable openness and transparency within the employees and the
organization. This document has been prepared to acquaint you with the employment
policies and practices of PVCMT. We are sure that this will clarify many of your queries
regarding the employment.

Lastly, the door to the CEO office is always open for discussions, let us all grow together &
achieve the impeccable success in a sustainable manner.

Further to this, we will continue to make the best practices within the organization and
continuously amend the policies in this handbook.

Ananda Reddy,
CEO, PV Clean Mobility Technologies


The objective of this section is to provide clarity on the Band and Grade Structure in the

Grade Structure
§ The Organization has grouped jobs in Bands on a comparative basis, as per relative
hierarchy of the worth of job-roles.

§ Bands indicate a job responsibility level and are not linked to the individual's ability,
potential, performance or personality traits. Enhanced volume of work does not qualify
a person to a higher Band

§ A review of Bands by HODs & HR, will be carried out when there is a qualitative change
in job content, arising out of changes in technology or environment

§ Placement of individual in a higher Band is possible through promotion, when the

individual is called to take on a higher level of responsibility.

§ Promotion from Grade 4 to Grade 3 and above, requires senior management

involvement and approval.

§ The Band Structure does not ensure a predefined salary or subsequent increments for
a level.

The Band structure for the roles at PVCMT as is represented in next page:

We hope that your experience at PVCMT will be challenging, enjoyable and rewarding.




















Our People Philosophy

PVCMT considers its employees as the most valuable resources of the Company. We
believe employees working in our organization are an asset with unlimited potential,
given the opportunity to develop and grow. We are therefore committed to continuously
striving for their development and providing a suitable environment so that employees
and the organization are successful.

We employ talented, idea-oriented people, who demonstrate respect for other people,
exhibit a sense of competitive pride, display an eagerness to excel, and put their Clients /
Organizations interests, first.

Appointment / Joining Formalities

On the first day of work, the employee is required to report to the HR Department. On
joining, the employee is required to fill up the following documents:

1. Joining report (copy enclosed).

2. Provident fund forms (Form No. 2 and 11)

3. Investment declaration

4. Opening of bank account for crediting salary

5. Copies of certificates / testimonials.

6. Tax deduction certificate from previous employer

7. Medical claim form (for coverage of self and dependents), this form is required at the
time of joining

Should there be a change in personal details Viz address, marriage, additional

qualification, etc. after joining, the same should be submitted immediately to the HR

Probation / Confirmation
The employee is required to undergo a 6-month probationary period, before his/her
appointment is confirmed. There will be a formal assessment / appraisal by the
Department head / Office head at the end of probation. Appraisers are required to take
the process seriously, by monitoring and reviewing the performance of the employee on a
regular basis and providing immediate feedback, especially where the performance is
below expectation. Probation can only be extended once by 3 months.


Hiring Policy
PVCMT is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to treating job applicants and
employees equally, irrespective of color, creed, caste, race, religion, nationality, ethnic
origin, sex, marital status, disability, or age.

Re-Hire Policy
Former employees could be considered for re-employment, provided the following
requirements are satisfied:

1. The overall performance review of the ex-employee at the time of exit shows
satisfactory performance.

2. The Plant Head / Departmental Head of the person at the time of leaving gives positive

3. There is no record of misconduct proven against the person.

4. The person is not leveraging this policy to bypass the organizational hierarchy.

■ The candidate clears all stages of the recruitment process like any other external
candidate to ascertain his/her eligibility for re-employment.

■ The benefits as applicable to the person during his/ her previous tenure may or may
not be continued unless required by law.

■ A re-hire will be considered as a fresh hire for the purpose of gratuity.

■ In exceptional cases, where a former employee is hired within 1 year of leaving

PVCMT, a joint approval of HR Head and COO/CEO shall be required. In other case,
normal approval channel for recruitment shall be followed.

■ The date of joining for re-hire is the first day of re-employment.

Compensation fixation at the time of re-employment should be based on the following

guidelines: -

1. If a person is rehired within 1 year of leaving (Exception Cases), then he/she should be
given the compensation and designation that he was enjoying at the time of his exit.

2. If he/she is rehired after 1 year of exit, then HR needs to benchmark and ensure fitment
of the employee.

Relatives Hiring
For the purposes of this section, "relatives" shall include:

“Father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece,
husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law,


PVCMT is not averse to hiring relatives. However, the following guidelines need to be
1. Related employees are not in a direct or indirect reporting relationship.

2. Employee does not have a perceived or real influence over-compensation, auditing,

performance evaluation, payment processing or job security

3. Related employee currently working at PVCMT should not associate himself / herself at
any stage of the selection process of the applicant

■ Appointment of any close relative should be approved by HR Head specifically and

would be subject to impeccable record of accomplishment and reference check.

■ At the time of joining, it is the responsibility of the candidate to clearly declare the
relationship (If-any) in the organization.

■ It is the duty of the employee to declare any future relationship happening within
the organization (For example- an employee is getting married to another employee
OR 2 employees become close relatives by marriage within the family). One of the
employees will be transferred to another department within 6 months. However,
where no position is available in any other department, management will take a
decision on the next steps.

Medical Check-up for new joiners

Company will pay one thousand rupees to get health check-up done before joining.

Employee Referral Program

■ Employees are required to forward their referral CV to the HR Department with the
due diligence done for the open position.

■ In case 2 employees refer the same candidate, the employee who sent the resume first
will be eligible for the reward.

■ If the resume has already been received by Human Resource department through any
other source, the same will not be eligible as a valid employee referral.

■ A candidate once referred and rejected cannot be referred again for the same/similar
vacancy in that Department for a period of 6 months.

■ However, a candidate has been referred for a vacancy which stands closed before
initiation of the recruitment process, the employee can refer the candidate again for
an identical / similar vacancy.

■ After the resume has been shortlisted, the referral candidate will go through the
normal process of recruitment.

■ Please note that no referral bonus shall be payable for candidate recommended for a


position directly reporting to the referring employee.

■ The referral bonus shall be paid only if the new employee stays in the Organization for a
minimum period of 6 months, only on confirmation (referring employee should be
part of the organization (even during Notice Period) at the time of pay-out).

■ The amount of award will be a fixed amount as per band at which the referred
individual joins.

■ The referral bonus award will be treated as salary income to the employee and will
come under the purview of the existing income tax laws, as applicable.

■ In case of dispute, decisions of the HR head/CEO will be final.

■ The policy is not applicable for employees in HR department, Band 2 and above.

Designation Amount

Band 1 42,000

Band 2 32,000

Band 3 15,000

Band 4 12,500

Band 5 5,000

Band 6 3,000


This Policy is designed to reduce absenteeism and set clear and consistent expectations
to improve employee productivity. The policy sets forth PVCMT procedures for handling
employee absences and tardiness.

Office Timings
Punctual and regular attendance is essentially the responsibility of each employee.

The expectation is that:

1. Employees will report to work as scheduled, on time and be prepared to start working.

2. Employees remain present at work for their entire schedule.

3. Employees do not arrive late or leave early or remain absent without due cause during
scheduled work hours, as this is disruptive.

Regular Work Office Timing

The employees of PVCMT will work 5 days a week and the plant will be operational 6 days a
week based on Shift Schedules.
Flexi Timing Flexi Timing
Location Standard Timing
Morning Evening

Gurgaon 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM 9.00 AM to 10.30 AM 5.00 PM to 7.00 PM

Pune 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM 9.00 AM to 10.30 AM 5.00 PM to 7.00 PM

Employees will have daily working hours of 8 hours 30 minutes, including all breaks of
30 minutes. However, standard working hours are as mentioned in the above table.

Core Timing for Flexi hours: All staff members of flexi hours working pattern should
be present during core timing i.e., between 1 0:30 am to 4:30 pm. An average of 8 hours
30 minutes per day must maintain on monthly basis (excluding weekly off, Saturday &
Sunday). Shortfall if any can be adjusted via Leave or LOP (in case Leave balance is

Timeliness: Timeliness inculcates workplace discipline and cohesiveness in the


Timeliness and hard work are two independent attributes and should not be
confused with each other.


Flexible Work Hours

Eligibility: All staff employees will be eligible to opt for flexible work hours in line with this
guideline. While the intent is to offer this facility to as many employees as possible based
on their interest, it may be restricted to some role holders due to:

■ Sensitive work nature

■ Detrimental effect in meeting customer requirement

■ Burden of additional cost.

■ Overall nature of work, for e.g., Blue-Collar employees it is difficult to implement at the
moment for the Blue-Collar employees for manufacturing and some testing engineers
for non-manufacturing.

■ Core working Hours must be adhered to across the department for operational

■ If at any stage employee’s performance does not meet the expectations of the
manager, the manager has the right to change/withdraw the Flexible Working

■ The employee must not be engaged in alternate employment and/or any commercial
engagements (directly or indirectly) during Flexible working time.

Work from Home

The work from home policy allows the staff to work from home while meeting the
departmental goals and maintaining full productivity and efficiency.

■ The department head may make the weekly roster on work from home schedule of the
members adhering the role suitability and eligibility criteria.

■ Eligibility criteria: Company laptop, high speed internet connectivity for voice and
video calls.

■ HOD and managers have rights to call the employee to office even after he is scheduled
to work from home.

■ Planned Half day work from home is not allowed.

■ Weekly off and other holidays will not be counted as Work From Home. Therefore, WFH
will not generate any C-off.

Here are the guidelines during work from home:

■ The employees will be required to make available a suitable space in their home with
comfortable working conditions. Suitable arrangement if not already available in their
home would need to be arranged by employee.


■ If required by task, employee need to extend his online presence beyond defined
working hours.

■ When working remotely, employee should attend the calls, video calls, respond emails

■ Employees traveling will not be considered working from home.

■ Staff approved to work from home must:

■ Adhere to all the PVCMT policies and procedures.

■ Be available during the core working hours and any deviation need to be approved by
the HOD.

■ Ensure fitness for work requirements are met. If employee is unwell or unable to work
due to other reasons, then leave entitlements are to be accessed.

■ Maintain accurate and up to date records of hours worked at home.

■ Take reasonable precautions necessary to secure the PVCMT’s data and network

■ Must devote the agreed working hours from home to their work.

■ Must deliver agreed outcomes and meet required deadlines.

■ Must produce the same quality of work as an equivalent staff member in the office.


Recording of Employee Attendance

Attendance Readers – Attendance of the employees will be recorded through the Keka
attendance system (face readers) installed in premises. Employee can also record
attendance through web app or mobile app.

Attendance is computed based on entry time and exit time of the employees. Entry time
and exit time of the employees are registered in the system.

In case, the employee’s attendance is not recorded correctly due to any reason the
respective employee will have to regularize the attendance on Keka as per the guidelines.
However, since it is in the best interest of the employees and the company that the
attendance is registered through the Keka or Attendance Readers. The maximum 5
instances of regularization are allowed in a month.

Movement from office during the Working hours – The employees should register all
their entries and exits to/from plant through the Keka or Face Readers as this is required
for various reasons (along with attendance) and by law also. Employees taking short time
out for personal reasons should do with the permission of immediate supervisors.

Cut-off date for attendance and leave forms

Cut-off dates for attendance – All cut off date for attendance is 25th of every month except
february, march & december, when the cut-off date is 23rd of the month.

Utilization of Leaves and Leave Application – Employees should be careful at the time of
Leave application and should refer the Leave policy rules and leave balances. They should
apply through web-based system and should inform the immediate supervisor to get it
approved. All the leaves should get approved in advance and in case of emergency one
can apply on next immediate working day. Absence from office up to 5 hours will be
counted as ½ day leave and more than that will be counted as 1 day leave.

All sanctioned leaves will be counted as presence for the purpose of salary payment.

Working on Weekly Off or Paid Holidays – An employee needs to take the prior approval
from his/her immediate reporting authority for working on weekly off or on paid holidays.

Compensatory Off for extra work – The employee working on their weekly off or paid
holidays will get compensatory off as follows:

3– 3 Hours of work: Half Day Compensatory off

5 & Above Hours of work: One Day Compensatory off

The employees eligible for the Compensatory off should avail the same within 30 days
with prior approval of department head, after 30 days compensatory off not availed will
expire. Employee can apply the Compensatory off on Keka.


Tardiness and Early Departures

Employees are expected to report to work and return from scheduled breaks on time. If
employees cannot report to work as scheduled; they must notify their supervisor no later
than their regular starting time. This notification does not excuse the tardiness but simply
notifies the supervisor that a schedule change may be necessary.

Employees who need to leave work before the end of their scheduled shift must notify a
supervisor immediately. Tardiness and early departures are both eligible under this policy
for disciplinary action.

Disciplinary Action
So, what results in disciplinary action?

1. Excessive absenteeism is defined as two or more occurrences of unexcused absence in a

30-day period.

2. Eight occurrences of unexcused absence in a 12-month period are considered grounds

for termination if no suitable justification is given.

Other Guidelines
Staff on outdoor work or on official tour should keep Reporting Managers informed in
advance before the shift timings.


The purpose of this policy is to encourage the employees to take needed breaks from
work, as this provides for a healthy and efficient staff. The leave policy sets out the various
types of leaves that any employee is eligible for and outlines the procedure.

Leave Rules
Every Employee is entitled to 35 days leaves in a year.

Below are the details.

• Leave is calculated on 3 days a month pro-rata basis.

• Unplanned leave taken 3 or more days, requires a medical certificate, from a Certified
doctor to be counted as Medical Leave.

• Leave Encashment: Only a maximum of 45 leaves can be accumulated. Anything over

and above, the difference will be cashed-out* at the end of the year*

*For the purpose of leave encashment, last drawn gross salary will be considered while
processing the payment

*For the purpose of leave, “Year” shall mean the year commencing on the first day of

Public Holidays
Public holidays are observed each year, by offices at different locations. The list of holidays
would be notified at the start of every year.

Short Leave
All employees are entitled to 2 hours of short leave twice a month.

Compensatory Off
1. An employee at levels below Manager/Group leader are eligible for Compensatory off
only when the HOD/Vertical Head approves the requirement to work on a
holiday/weekly off/overstay at workplace.
2. Any employee cannot decide on his own, to work on a holiday and then seek
compensatory off without HOD’s approval.

3. If an employee works during a weekly off or holiday, he/she needs to work:

■ A minimum of 3 hours to avail 1/2 day is compensatory off

■ A minimum of 5 hours to avail a full day’s compensatory off


4. Compensatory offs lapse if not availed within 90 days of its authorization.

5. Compensatory offs can also be given to employees in accordance with the minimum
work condition as mentioned above, if they are-

■ Required to attend any training arranged officially on weekly off / holiday

For this purpose, employees are required to provide adequate documentary proof.

Compensatory leaves cannot be encashed.

Maternity Leave
Female employees of the Company are entitled to a maximum of 6 Months of Maternity
Leave up to a maximum of 2 children. This will be as per the Maternity Benefit Act. (Not
included in Total Annual Leaves, only applicable to female employees)

■ Maternity leave can be availed for legally adopted children as well.

■ Maternity leave should overlap across the expected delivery date as per the
recommendation made by the employee’s gynaecologist.

■ The employee should also submit a copy of her doctor’s certificate to confirm the above.

■ 8 weeks extension can be sought on maternity leave (as per the approval of respective
group heads). These leaves will fall in the category of Leave without pay.

Paternity Leave
■ Male employees of the Company will be entitled to a maximum of 1 0 days Paternity
Leave for up to a maximum of 2 children born during the tenure with the

■ Paternity leave can be availed in case the employee has legally adopted children.

Bereavement Policy
■ PVCMT recognizes that a time of bereavement is a very difficult one for an employee. In
this regard, every effort will be made to ensure that the employee is able to attend to
family matters.

■ An immediate family member includes spouse, parents, children, siblings,

grandparents and parents-in- law (whether related by blood, marriage, or adoption).

■ Each employee may use up to five (5) days special leave per calendar year in the event of
the death of an immediate family member.

■ Unused bereavement days do not carry over from one year to the next. The organization
reserves the right to require proof of death and familial relationship.


General Rules
■ Leave applications are to be applied on KEKA for approval.

■ Should the employee not submit the leave application in advance, it must be submitted
on the day he/she resumes work, or else the employee will be treated as absent and pay
will deducted.

■ Leaves cannot exceed more than 15 days at one time. After that discretion of HR head /

■ Staffs are entitled to combine leave with holidays either before or after the leave period.

■ Sundays, Saturdays and other holidays within the leave period will not be counted as

■ Leave exceeding entitled leaves will be treated as ‘Leave without Pay’.


The transfer policy is applicable only for outstation transfers within India. Outstation here
refers to locations exceeding 40 kilometers from the employee’s current work location.

1. Entitlements
a) Expenses & Allowances
The expenses of the transferred employee and his/her family (spouse and own
children) shall be taken care of up to the limit permissible for the employee for a period
of 14 days. Out of these, 7 days can be used in advance for a house hunting trip to the
new location. The employee is expected to utilize this time to find alternate
accommodation and settle down in the respective location. Accommodation can be
availed for single, or family as needed.

The list of approved accommodations shall be available with Facilities Management.

Employees are directed to stay in these places within the tariff limits, as far as possible.

Conveyance, porterage, and telephone expenses will be reimbursed as actuals. All

other expenses shall be borne by the employee from the allowance available to
him/her and his/her family (spouse and own children) as per table below.

In case the transferred employee and his/her family (spouse and own children) make
own arrangements, the allowance as specified below for this case applies. This
allowance includes expenses for boarding as well and no additional daily allowance will
be paid.

In case stay in Hotel/ Service Apartment

Limit for lodging expenses per day (excl. taxes)
Category A Category B Category C
cities cities cities
Single/ Single/ Single/
Family Family Family
Couple Couple Couple
INR 7000/- INR 10000/- INR 6,000/- INR 9000/- INR 5000/- INR 8000/-
Daily allowance for boarding expense
Category A Category C
Category cities
cities cities
Couple Couple Couple
Single/ Single/ Single/
Family Family Family
INR 1,200/- INR 2,400/- INR 1,000/- INR 2,000/- INR 800/- INR 1,600/-
In case of own arrangement for Lodging
Category A Category B Category C
cities cities cities
Single/ Single/ Single/
Family Family Family
Couple Couple Couple
INR 1,600/- INR 2,400/- INR 1,500/- INR 2,250/- INR 1,300/- INR 1,950/-


b) Local Conveyance arrangement

Employee can avail reimbursement for airport/ railway transfers and commuting to
work (while on temporary stay). Alternatively same can be arranged by company
depending on the location. In case of self-arrangement, reimbursement will be on
actual on submission of receipt/ bills.

Class of vehicles: Class of vehicles for above purpose will be as per Domestic Travel

c) Reimbursement for shifting household goods

The employee is entitled for reimbursement of expenses of transferring household
goods including pets on account of relocation/transfer. Household goods related
shifting expenses will be reimbursed at actual on production of invoice/ bill.

Generally, company approved service provider shall be used for availing this service. In
the absence of company approved service providers in certain locations, the employee
needs to submit 3 quotations from different freight forwarders to HR for approval
before finalizing the vendor. HR will select the appropriate vendor and communicate
to the concerned employee to go ahead with shifting arrangements with the selected
vendor. Shifting of any vehicles (4 wheelers/ 2 wheelers) depending on the distance as
below. Distance above 500km: Vehicle shall be shifted through cargo (road/ rail).

Distance below 500km: Can get reimbursement of actual fuel costs (maximum of INR
15/ per kilometer) with bill.

In case of vehicle transfer and re-registration required then re-registration cost will be
reimbursed by the Company.

d) Relocation Leave
Transferred employee shall be eligible for 5 days paid leave (at a stretch) for the purpose
of arranging transport, packing and shifting household goods and setting up a new
residence etc.
The above leaves can be availed within 6 months of transfer, as the case may be. When
applying for a relocation leave, holidays or weekend in between shall not be

Relocation Leave is approved by the receiving immediate supervisor of the employee

e) Child Education Assistance

An admission allowance for school admission will be paid to assist the employee in
admitting dependent children in the desired school at the new location. INR 50,000/-
will be paid per child. Number of children eligible is defined as documented in
personnel file. In addition, the employee must hand in the latest school certificate of
the children in order to confirm their school status.
Payment will be done via payroll. This amount is payable only one time for the first year
of transfer.


f) Brokerage for the House

Brokerage for searching house for the first time will be reimbursed to the employee up
to a limit of one month's rent upon submission of receipt from the broker and a copy of
rental agreement.

g) Loan for the house rent deposit

The employee can opt for an interest free loan subject to a minimum of 1 months up to
a maximum of 3 months house rent to pay rent deposit to the landlord. This will be
recovered in 5 equal installments, starting with the 6th month of relocation.
Advances (interest free) given towards House Rent Security deposit will be subject to
income tax as per rule 3 of the Income Tax Rules

2. Entitlements
a) Gratuity
Gratuity payment shall be transferred in case employee changes legal entities with the
transfer. The HR of the new location has to request the transfer of the Gratuity.

b) Provident Fund
Provident Fund (PF) shall be transferred from the old to the new location. The HR of the
new location must request the transfer of the PF.

c) Leave
In case the employee transferred to a location within the same legal entity the leave
account is transferred to the new location. In case the employee transferred to a
location in a different legal entity the account must be settled before the transfer.

d) Continuity of Service
The count for years in service continuous with the transfer. There is no break in
continuity of service.

All the above benefits are applicable only for employees who are getting transferred from
one location to another based on business requirement. This will be not applicable to new
joiners or employees who request for a transfer for their personal reasons.
All the above reimbursements and family assistance allowances will be recovered from
the employee in case of cessation of employment by the employee within 18 months from
the date of transfer.

Any exceptions to this policy must be signed off by HR head & CEO.

3. Applicability
To all confirmed employees


Retirement age is 60 years.

Long Service Award

The purpose of this policy is to recognise and demonstrate the appreciation of loyalty and
commitment of long serving employees and to define the categories of long service
awards. This policy applies to all employees who have completed 5; 10; 15; 20 and above 25
years continuous paid service.

Reward Amount
S. No. Service Tenure

1 5 Years Rs. 10000

2 10 Years Rs. 15000

3 15 Years Rs. 20000

4 20 Years Rs. 25000

5 25 Years Rs. 30000

6 30 Years Rs. 35000


The objective here is to spell out the process of separation between the Employee & the
Organization and to ensure interests of both parties are safeguarded.

Notice Period
■ Assistant Manager & Above 60 Days Period

■ Below Assistant Manager 30 Days

1. The notice period details are as under-.

2. Gross salary applicable to different levels of employees will be in consideration during

the Notice Period. Full gross salary will be paid, if employees fulfil the Notice Period.
However, if they leave earlier the difference in days will be deducted.

3. The option to relieve an employee prior to completion of the mentioned notice period
rests exclusively with the company.

4. Any waiver of notice period needs to be authorized by reporting manager, department

head and HR-Head. However, employee will forgo their salary for the notice period not

The company reserves the right to terminate employment without notice on grounds of
breach of policy, misconduct, employees absconding, disciplinary issues, failure of
background check or conviction under any court of law etc.

Separation Process
PVCMT is always unhappy to see an employee go, but if an employee has decided to resign
and leave the organization, s/he must submit a letter of resignation to the reporting
manager, copying HR. Once the resignation is accepted:

1. The employee must fill in the No- Dues Checklist, and get it signed by the reporting
manager and other function heads.

2. Employee should also attach pending claims, if any within 7 days of the acceptance of
the resignation.

3. HR representative will conduct the Exit Interview with the employee.

4. A relieving letter will only be issued after the No- Dues form is submitted to HR

Please note- In case the employee is absconding, strict Legal action will be taken against
the employee.


Full & Final Settlement

The salary for any employee who has submitted his/her resignation will be put on hold for
the month in which his/her resignation information is made available to payroll. The held-
back salary month in which his/her resignation information is made available to payroll.
The held-back salary. of the employee will be paid along with the full and final settlement.
Maximum time for full & Final settlement is 45 days from the employees' last working day

Leaves during Notice Period

Employees cannot avail of any leave during the notice period except under exceptional.
circumstances (to be approved by reporting manager / HR). In such cases, the notice
period will be extended by the same number of day(s) for which the employee is on

Exit Interview
The employee will be required to complete an exit interview with the Human Resources.
Department. During the exit interview, the employee can express him/herself freely. All
information will be kept strictly confidential and will in no- way affect any reference that
PVCMT management will provide to another employer.


Birthday Celebration
It only happens once a year and employees will be made to feel special.
We at PVCMT like to celebrate the day and make it special for you.

■ A personalized birthday mail on the day.

■ A monthly cake cutting celebration for all birthdays that month.

Wedding Gift
The gift can be handed over to the employee either while attending the wedding or by
visiting the employee at his/her residence. The amount given as gift shall be added to the
employee’s income for the purpose of taxation. On the wedding (Self), a gift cheque of
Rs. 11,100/- shall be given by the manager of the department to the concerned employee.

Newborn Baby
The employee shall be presented with a gift cheque for Rs. 5,100/- by the employee’s
Reporting manager. The gift per child shall be applicable to two children only. The
amount given as the gift shall be added to the employee’s income for the purpose of

Cab/ Transportation Benefit: To ensure the employees reach office on time we will provide
shared cabs/ bus facilities to its employees on point-to-point basis.

Contact HR for Bus/Cab details.

If employee staying late for work more than one hour, a drop facility is provided to the
employee. However, to avail this:
1. The employee must have HOD’s approval on staying late for work.

2. Taxi bills with HOD signatures need to be submitted to finance by the 25th of every

Should anyone be found misrepresenting ‘staying late for work’, as a penalty last 3 months
of reimbursements against cab bills will be deducted.

Transport Facility
Company has a transport facility for staff employees who have opted for company
transport. Employees must adhere to their pick-up points, routes and timings. There will
be monthly deduction of INR 1100/-. Deductions will be on monthly basis, once employee
opted the company transport facilities then deductions will be a p p l i c a b l e f o r e n t i r e
months. If someone want to discontinue company transport facility, need to inform in
advance to HR prior to minimum one month.


Arrival and departure times of company transport needs to be honoured by each & every
employee as its common transport for everyone. Employees using company transport
and must work late (minimum 01 hours) can use taxi service providers (like Ola / Uber etc.
by approval of his/her supervisor) to go home and claim the expenses.

Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner

Company will provide lunch to its employees at a subsidized rate. A standard deduction
per diet per employee through payroll is applicable to all. Tea/coffee will be available in the
canteen or at their workplace to all employees during the teatime. Lunch will be served in
canteen as per timetable mentioned by the HR. Dinner will be served to staff employees,
who are staying late for work and 2nd Shift employees and as per timetable mentioned by
the HR. The late stay of the staff should be approved by their manager.

Car Lease Policy

PVCMT provides its employees the option to avail company leased car in order to support
the travel needs of the employee to discharge official duties. The purpose of this policy is
to provide uniform rules and guidelines for availing the option of company leased car

Type of car: Eligible employees will have flexibility to select a car of their choice provided
the following criteria is fulfilled:
1. Engine capacity should be less than 2500 cc
2. An employee cannot avail Car lease scheme for more than one vehicle at any time and is
required to close the existing lease before initiating a new request.

Leasing Period: The company will be acquiring the car on lease from appointed leasing
company for the period of 3 or 4 or 5 years as per option exercised by the employee.

Vendor Details: The leasing company will finance the car for the leasing period. Current
vendor for PV Clean is the company “Lease Plan” and this may be subject to change based
on the requirements.

Leased Car Usage:

■ The company leased car should be used for official duties and partly for the personal use
of the employee.

■ Maintaining the vehicle in a reasonably good condition is the responsibility of the


■ Employee is responsible to ensure the vehicle is insured at all times without any lapse in

■ Employee is required to ensure all complaints against vehicle are responded on timely


manner including any payment of penalties, challans issued by Traffic Police etc.

■ The employee shall not undertake any modifications to the vehicle or replace parts of
the vehicle, which results in reduction in its value or adversely affects its performance.

Lease Payment:
■ The payment of lease rental shall commence from the month the car is delivered to the
employee if the delivery is before 15th of the month. If the car is delivered after 15th of the
month, rental payment will commence from the next month onwards.

■ All amounts of lease rental are adjusted from Special Allowance of employee by HR
team before processing of monthly payroll.

■ Fuel and maintenance and insurance of the car will be the responsibility of the

■ Employees who are managers and above level and have a minimum of one year
experience in the company.

■ The amount equivalent to the EMI will be drawn from other allowance and adjusted in

■ The grade wise car lease eligibility criteria is as follows:

Grade Monthly Car Allowance (INR)

Band 1 & Band 2 70,000

Band 3 50,000

Band 4 40,000

■ Employees availing CLC will be eligible to avail reimbursements for fuel, car insurance,
maintenance and driver salary as mentioned as per appointment letter. For more
details please discuss with HR.

■ The employee will be liable to pay income tax on the value of the perquisite under the
Income Tax Act, 1961 as may be applicable from time to time. Any change in income tax
liability on account of changes in rules and regulations prescribed under the Income
Act, 1961 shall be borne by the employee.

■ The below amount is added into the perquisite income of the employee irrespective of
lease rent and other reimbursements:


▪ Vehicle Engine < 1600 CC: Rs 1,800/month

▪ Vehicle Engine > 1600 CC: Rs 2,400/month

Leasing Procedure & Steps to Initiate

■ Collect the quotation for the car of your choice from the empaneled dealer of
LeasePlan. If you have individually managed lesser quote from another dealer, the
same price will be negotiated by LeasePlan from their empaneled dealer.

■ Employee can avail all the discounts available from dealer & manufacturers which are
made available to retail consumers.

■ Register on and upload the quotation provided.

■ Once the quotation is uploaded, rental calculation (rate chart) is generated shared
over email to the HR (for approval) and to the employee (for information)

■ Once the notification mail is received, the HR approves the request through the salary
plan website after verifying eligibility & special allowance amounts.

■ After the request is approved by the HR, Lease Plan (vendor) will release the Purchase
Order (PO) to the dealer

■ Employee will receive the car delivery based on availability of model & color selected by

■ Employee database and details will be downloaded from the lease plan website and
the changes in payroll will be made accordingly.

■ In case of foreclosure, employee must contact the HR for further steps as defined

■ In case of normal closure of the car lease, lease plan will notify the employee for further
actions as defined below and proceed accordingly.

■ On completion of the lease period and on settling of the car to the leasing company,
the employee will be entitled to rejoin the car scheme.

■ Please note the Car Lease can be initiated only for new vehicles delivered from
company authorized dealer’s showroom and can not be supported for purchase of
used vehicles either from retail or agents.

■ Employee need to sign the necessary agreement for availing the car lease.

Closure of lease upon lease period completion

At the end of the Lease Term, the employee has an option to:

1. Buy the car by paying the residual value as specified in the lease calculation sheet plus


2. Surrender the car to the lease company following guidelines as stated in beginning of
car lease.

Foreclosure of lease
Employees have an option to foreclose the company car lease scheme due to any of the
following reasons:

1. Resignations (including terminations)

2. Retirements (including Voluntary Early Retirement)

3. Personal Reasons

In such cases, the foreclosure charges/expenses shall be borne by the employee in totality.

On separation of the member will have to foreclose the lease, below are options available
to the member. The member also has to get a no due clearance from the lease company in
order to get their full and final settlement and the relieving letter.

Following will be the treatment based on resignation date:

■ If the resignation is between the 1st and 15th of the month, the lease will be terminated
at the end of that particular month. The foreclosure value will be generated as per that
month end.

■ If the resignation is between the 15th and end of the month, the foreclosure value will
be generated a of the subsequent month and the lease rent for the subsequent month
will have to be paid.

■ Member has the option to foreclose the lease and purchase the car by paying up a
predetermined Lease Terminal Value to the Lease Company (Lease Terminal Value- is
the value determined using a standard formula by Lease Company as an amount that
needs to be paid up the individual in case of foreclosure of the lease)

■ In case the member is joining another employer, member also has the option to
transfer the lease agreement to new employer (However this is subject to the
acceptance of the other leasing company and to their arrangements, if any, with the
new employer).

■ Member can also allow leasing company, to sell the car in the market and pay up the
difference between the lease terminal value as applicable and the market rate (in case
the market rate is lower than the lease terminal value). Here the market valuation of
the leasing company will be treated as final.

In cases where employee fails to make the payment of Residual Value or Foreclosure
charges (as applicable) to leasing company, Company reserves the rights to initiate
necessary steps to collect the vehicle from employee or deduct the amounts from Payroll
& Final Settlement deductions.


Policy Governance
Any clarifications, exceptions under this policy are required to be brought to the attention
of Compensation an Benefits team. All revisions, deviations require written approval from
HR Head.

Compensatory Off & Credit Based Encashment - Operations &

All Staff employee of PVCMT in Operations (Production, Store, Maintenance & Purchase)
and Quality with the CTC up to 6 Lakh. General C-off policy (as mentioned earlier) will be
applicable to employees above 6 Lakh CTC.

Credit Point Based Encashment For Staff Working In Extended

Shift In Operations
HODs/Production head will send the list of employees every month who are working in
extended shifts and are eligible for credit-based encashment (Weekday).

■ For additional 3 hours - 2 credit point

■ For additional 1.5 hours - 1 credit point

■ When employee accumulates 4 (Half Day) or 8 (Full Day) Point., It will be converted to
C-off and paid to employee along with salary. The accumulated c-off will be paid as per
below table and no monthly carry forward will take place.

Monthly Accumulated Credit C-off

1 to 3 0

4 to 6 0.5

7 to 10 1

11 to 14 1.5

15 - 18 2

and so on

Periodic Health Check-up Scheme

■ The periodicity for the health check-up shall be once a year.

■ The employee has option to get the check-up done, from any hospital of his/her
choice, subject to the overall limit as per his/her entitlement.


■ The company shall reimburse only to the extent of his/her respective entitlement and
rest of the amount shall be borne by the employee himself/ herself.
■ The different category for the purpose of Periodic Health Check Up have been
mentioned as under:

■ The employee will be entitled for this scheme after one year of continued service.

■ For GM & Above, whose age>55, must undergo for the medical check-up every year.

■ Check-up date will be treated as Official Duty (OD).

■ The paid health check-up bills in original must be handed over to the Accounts
department for reimbursement, HR must approve all the bills.

Maximum permissible limit

S. No. Category
(RS.) (Non-Accumulative)
1 General Manager & above 12000

2 Staff Members above 40 years 6000

3 Workers above 40 years (Not covered in E.S.I.) 4500

4 Other Staff & workers Nil

Professional Courses
The purpose of this policy is to define the conditions under which PVCMT supports the
employee to pursue professional courses as a development and retention measure.

■ Any white-collar employee can opt for a professional course.

■ Employee must obtain prior approval from the department head & CEO, giving
details of the professional course (which is related to the area of the activity at our
organization) he/she intends to pursue.
■ The professional course should be recognised by a university or the Department of
Technical Education or some other reputed body of standing that supports
Engineering activities.
■ Reimbursement of any professional courses, as approved by the management, must
be claimed after successful completion of the course.

■ An employee can opt and reimburse:

1. 100% of the Fees of any Professional Course (PMP, ISO, Six Sigma, SAP, AWS,
Certification or equivalent)

2. 100% of fees for the German Language Training.


Reimbursement Guidelines
■ Employee must take the approval from the department head & CEO.

■ To get the reimbursement, the employee must initiate for the approval with following

1. Approval must be initiated within 30 days from the date of result announcement.

2. Must attach the approval email along with the course completion certificate.

3. Approvers must be Supervisor > Department Head > CFO > CEO.


The objective of this policy is to assist those employees facing urgent family exigencies
which require immediate financial assistance.

Policy Guidelines
Many a times, an individual comes under temporary financial distress. As a good
employer, PVCMT is resolved to take care of its employer in certain financial emergencies.
The same are stated below:

■ Special lifetime occasions (e.g., marriage of Self/Children)

■ Medical emergencies of family members (i.e., Self, Spouse, Children, dependent parent).

■ Any other acceptable pressing reason.

The proposed service tenure, maximum permissible limit of financial assistance and
repayment period is mentioned in below table:

Maximum permissible Maximum repayment

Employment Tenure
limit of advance period

< 2 years Not eligible for Advance N/A

2 years to 5 years Two months’ gross salary 12 Months

> 5 years Four months’ gross salary 24 Months

Deviation, if any, in amount of loan or repayment period shall only be made after specific
written approval of CFO and CEO.

■ An employee wanting a salary advance/ contingency loan should submit a written
request to the Function Head/Plant Head through the respective Reporting Manager.

■ CFO & CEO shall approve the request for salary loan upon the recommendation of
Reporting Manager & HR Head and forward to the accounts department to release the
advance amount.

■ The employee shall be required to sign a demand promissory note in favour of the

■ Should there be any grounds for rejections of a request, the concerned employee, HR
Head, and the Department Head will be notified.

■ Accounts Department on being satisfied about the eligibility of the application
received shall process the application and release the amount within 1 week of receipt
of request.


■ In the event of an employee resigning, before the salary advance has been repaid, the
entire outstanding becomes immediately repayable.

■ In case of death of an employee, who has availed personal loan from company and has
not repay it fully, the residual amount would be recovered from his/her full & final

■ Since the loan is interest free, the benefits of the same shall be treated as perquisites
under Income Tax Act, 1961 and shall be treated accordingly.


PVCMT ensures that employee travel is consistent with the business objectives to provide
fair and equal treatment of employees by defining procedures for authorized business
travel and guidelines for expense reimbursement.

Travel Policy
■ All travel should be consistent with the business need and with prior approval of
Reporting Managers.
■ Post travel, the dully filled 'Travel Expense Form', needs to be approved by the Reporting
Manager and Function Head.

■ All Travel Expense Statements must be supported by actual bills and vouchers.

■ Approved statements need to be handed over to the Accounts Department for

reimbursements, within 5 days of return from travel. Any delays beyond 5 days need to
be supported by proper reason and approved by the Function Head.

■ Any falsification of data or supporting documents for purposes of reimbursements, will

be treated as a serious misconduct and followed up by disciplinary action.

■ Employees will not be allowed to pursue any personal work while on official tour.

■ No leave shall be granted to the employees while on official travel, unless otherwise

■ Liquor bills are not permissible and will not be reimbursed.

Local Travel
■ Employees are entitled to take the best option available and will be reimbursed on

■ Additionally, grades below entitlement, carrying heavy goods, can avail individual cabs.

Refreshments (If travel

Grade Mode of Travel
is of more then 5 hours)
Actual. Maximum of
AGM & above Individual cab on rent
Rs. 2000/- shall be reimbursed

Manager & Sr. Manager UBER Go Cab Rs. 1500/-

Sr. Engineer to Dy. Manager UBER Go Cab Rs. 1000/-

Up to the level of Engineer UBER Go Cab Rs. 500/-


Own Transport: Employees using their personal vehicles for official work shall be
reimbursed as below.

Fuel Rate/Liter Two- Wheeler Four - Wheeler

61 to 75 Rs. 3.90/- km Rs. 7.80/- km

76 to 85 Rs. 4.50/- km Rs. 8.50/- km

86 to 95 Rs. 4.75/- km Rs. 9.00/- km

96 to 105 Rs. 5.00/- km Rs. 9.50/- km

106 to 115 Rs. 5.25/- km Rs. 10.00/- km

■ Toll charges incurred will be reimbursed on production of receipts.

Domestic Travel
■ Reimbursement for travel domestically will be made on an actual basis subject to the
limits specified in the tables below.

■ Employees travelling for business purposes can avail of the following modes of
transport, based on their position in the Company.

Hotel / Lodging
Grade Mode of Travel allowance
(on actual up to)
A / B / C Cities * (In Rs.)

Air (Economy) / Train

Band 1 & 2 on actual
Executive CC / 1st AC
Air (Economy) / Train
Band 3 6500 / 5000 / 4000
Executive CC / 1st AC
Air (Economy) / Train
Band 4 4000 / 3500 / 3000
Executive CC / IInd AC
Train IIIrd AC, Bus Travel will
Band 5 3000 / 2500 / 2000
be reimbursed at actual
Band 6 & Train IIIrd AC, Bus Travel will
2000 / 1500 / 1000
below be reimbursed at actual

*Key management will get the reimbursement on actual.

*Tier 1/2/3 cities as per PVCMT's norms.


City Group Classification

Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore,

& Chandigarh
All other state Capitals, Ahmadabad & Major Tourist Cities
(as per following list)

C All other cities / town not covered in A & B above

List of Major Tourist Cities

Agra/ Gwalior/ Mahabalipuram

Aurangabad /Haridwar/ Madurai
Andaman /Indore/ Nagpur
Ahmadabad /Jodhpur /Ooty
Allahabad /Jaisalmer/ Puri
Amritsar /Khajuraho/ Rishikesh
Bikaner/ Kodaikanal /Tiruchirapalli
Baroda /Kullu Manali /Tanjore
Cochin/ Kovalam /Tirupati
Coimbatore /Kanpur /Udaipur
Darjeeling /Mysore/ Varanasi
Vishakhapatnam /Ludhiana /Jalandhar


■ Boarding and lodging allowance @ 25% will be paid in case of own arrangements.

■ Maximum duration of tour will be 5 days at a stretch and stay beyond need to be
approved by CFO/CEO.

■ The policy does not provide for an element of profit or remuneration. Hence staff is
expected to use their discretion in choosing the appropriate travel and boarding

■ In case traveling in groups, employees may choose to downgrade from their eligibility,
and be part of the team.

■ Staff has the right to claim an advance, to cover travel expenses, in case of travel
beyond 5 days. The amount would need to be requisitioned, with approval from the
respective Manager.

■ Laundry expenses are reimbursed when the period of stay exceeds three days.

International Travel
These guidelines cover employees working in all the establishments of the company
and are applicable to all types of foreign travel up to 6 months.
Employees must claim the daily allowance as per the attached Annexure I.

Daily Allowances:
45% of the allowance is meant to cover lodging (accommodation expenses) and the
remaining 55% to cover Boarding and other Incidental Expenses. The further break-up of
boarding allowance is as under:

■ Breakfast – 15% (of 55%)

■ Lunch – 30% (of 55%)
■ Dinner – 30% (of 55%)
■ Other Incidentals – 25% (of 55%)

In case Lodging expenses are more than 45%, the same will be reimbursed at actual on
production of hotel / service apartment bill. Booking cost to be aligned with HOD, CFO /
CEO before travel. Lodging expenses will include service charges, taxes if any. If breakfast
is included in lodging, the employee is required to reduce his boarding allowances to the
extent of 15% of the 55% allowance available to him/her.

When clients are entertained by an employee for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, he/she is
required to reduce his boarding expenses to the extent of the relevant above-mentioned
items of the boarding expenses. Likewise, if an employee is entertained by client or office
colleague, the employee is required to reduce his boarding expenses to the extent of the
relevant above-mentioned items of boarding expenses.

Similarly, if lunch or dinner is provided by the company or institute as part of the training,
conference, or workshop, the employee is required to reduce his boarding expenses to the


extent of the relevant above-mentioned items of boarding expenses.

It is necessary to submit the entertainment expenses with all original bills, receipts, etc.,
with full details including names of persons entertained and name of the Company as per
the new Income Tax rules.

For the day of departure and the day of arrival, any necessary expenses incurred may be
reimbursed upon the receipt of bills supporting the claims.

International Business Tour Allowance will be applicable for any tour lasting up to 30
calendar days. If an employee is on business tour for more than 30 calendar days, he will be
entitled to Deputation Allowance after the first 30 calendar days.

Conveyances expenses should be detailed in the currency in which they are incurred on
day to day and receipts and vouchers wherever possible are to be submitted with Foreign
Tour Expense Report (FTER).

FTER along with necessary bills and receipts (original) to be submitted to HR department
within 7 days after his/her return for settling the accounts.

Employees are given foreign currency as sanctioned by the RBI. Excess foreign currency,
i.e., difference between foreign currency received and his entitlement as per company's
rules, must be surrendered within 7 days after his/her return.

Foreign currency is given to employees to meet the expenses such as lodging, boarding,
conveyance, etc., as per rules of the Company. As such, employees are required to use the
foreign currency for Company’s business only. Unutilized foreign currency will be
surrendered to RBI. In view of this, employees cannot utilize the foreign currency for
personal use.

Kit Allowance of Rs.7500/- will be paid against bills for the employees who are travelling
abroad to buy necessary items like suitcases, warm clothes, blazers, etc. This will be paid
once in 3 years.

Travel Approval
CFO & CEO can approve the travel based on Company’s business requirement.
The following allowances are applicable to the employee towards the incidental expenses.

■ On the day of Departure or Arrival (in India) – 25 Euros.

■ On the day in transit – 25 Euros.

International Sim card

Company will issue international sim card to the employees those who travelling to
different countries for the period of maximum 15 days. If the employee is travelling for
more than 15 days, then the employee must purchase the local calling card/sim card and
Company will reimburse the official usage charges up to the maximum limit of Rs. 1500
per week band 3 to 6 and Rs. 2000/- per week for Band 1 & 2.


Annexure I
(International Business (Deputation
Tour Allowance) Allowance)
ASIA (Euros) (Euros)
Aden 56 42
Bahrain 81 61
Bangladesh 56 55
China 73 55
Hong Kong 125 94
Indonesia 98 74
Iran 110 83
Israel 83 62
Japan 127 95
Jordan 81 61
Kuwait 120 90
Korea, South 121 91
Malaysia 73 55
Philippines 73 64
Saudi Arabia 76 57
Singapore 96 72
Sri Lanka 55 41
Taiwan 96 72
Thailand 73 62
Turkey 72 54
Oman 90 68
Qatar 73 55
United Arab Emirates (UAE) 85 64
Vietnam 73 55
Egypt 59 44
Kenya 60 45
Nigeria 85 64
South Africa 56 42
Zimbabwe 48 36
Zambia 57 43
Canada 85 64
USA 101 76
Brazil 80 60
Mexico 85 64
Australia 98 74
New Zealand 80 60


Annexure I
(International Business (Deputation
Tour Allowance) Allowance)
EUROPE (Euros) (Euros)
Aden 56 42
Austria 72 54
Belgium 85 64
Bulgaria 67 50
Czech Republic 76 57
Denmark 90 68
Finland 93 70
France 76 57
Germany 80 65
Greece 72 54
Greenland 70 53
England 97 73
Hungary 72 54
Ireland 106 80
Italy 104 78
Latvia/ Estonia 67 50
Lithuania 77 58
Luxemburg 85 64
Netherlands (Holland) 78 59
Norway 95 71
Poland 44 33
Portugal 77 58
Romania 59 44
Sweden 145 109
Switzerland 91 68
Commonwealth of 69 52
Independent States
Ukraine 78 59
Spain 84 63
Yugoslavia 63 47



Mobile Bill Reimbursement Policy

The objective of this Policy is to provide guidelines for reimbursement of mobile bill
expenses on account of voice calls made for official purpose.

Entitlement & Cost

Level wise maximum entitlement limits for reimbursement of mobile expenses are given

Level/Category (INR/Month)

Band 1 & 2 on Actual

Band 3 on Actual

Band 4 Rental Plan Rs. 499 or as per approved tariff plan

Band 5 & 6 Rental Plan Rs. 399 or as per approved tariff plan

*The plan can be revised as per tariff revisions by telecom operator. *Key management bill will be paid on actual.

■ Employees should directly submit bills/receipt for their own mobile phones to the
accounts department for reimbursement, clearly distinguishing between official and
personal calls.

■ Expenses for International calls* made for official work will be completely borne by the
Company for which the employee should make a clear declaration in the bill. This
should be duly authorized by concerned Department/Function Head before
submitting to the Administration Department for reimbursement or payment to the
Mobile service provider.

■ Reimbursement limits and the classification of Roles as External Interfacing and non-
External Interfacing will be redefined from time to time based on requirements.

■ Reimbursement will include call expenses as well as fixed rentals reimbursement over
and above the defined limits will only be entertained upon submission of official call
records subject to approval from operations CFO or CEO.

■ International call will be activated with approval of HOD, CFO or CEO after filling the
request form (Form can be collected from HR Dept).



The purpose of this policy is to define the appropriate uses of the Internet by employees
and affiliates.

Allowed Usage
Internet usage is granted for the sole purpose of supporting business activities necessary
to carry out job functions. All users must follow the corporate principles regarding
resource usage and exercise good judgment in using the Internet. Questions can be
addressed to the IT department.

Acceptable use of the Internet for performing job functions might include:

1. Communication between employees and non-employees for business purposes.

2. IT technical support downloading software upgrades and patches.

3. Review of possible vendor/customer web sites for product information.

4. Reference regulatory or technical information.

5. Research

Personal Usage
Using company computer resources to access the Internet for personal purposes, without
approval from the user’s manager and the IT department, may be considered cause for
disciplinary action up to and including termination.

All users of the Internet should be aware that the company network creates an audit log
reflecting request for service, both in-bound and out-bound addresses, and is periodically
reviewed. Users who choose to store or transmit personal information such as private keys,

Prohibited Usage
■ Acquisition, storage, and dissemination of data which is illegal, pornographic, or which
negatively depicts race, sex or creed is specifically prohibited.

■ The company also prohibits the conduct of a business enterprise, political activity,
engaging in any form of intelligence collection from our facilities, engaging in
fraudulent activities, or knowingly disseminating false or otherwise libellous materials.

■ Unauthorized downloading of any shareware programs or files for use without

authorization in advance from the IT Department and the user’s manager.

■ Any ordering (shopping) of items or services on the Internet.

■ Playing of any games.

■ Forwarding of chain letters.


■ Participation in any on-line contest or promotion.

■ Acceptance of promotional gifts.

Software License
The company strongly supports strict adherence to software vendors’ license
agreements. When at work, or when company computing, or networking resources are
employed, copying of software in a manner not consistent with the vendor’s license is
strictly forbidden. Questions regarding lawful versus unlawful copying should be referred
to the IT Department for review or to request a ruling from the Legal Department before
any copying is done.

Other Guidelines
■ All computers should be strictly used for official purposes. Only authorized persons may
access the computers. GAMES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Personal CD’s/Pen drives
are not allowed to be used on company computers except with granted permission and
upon scanning for viruses. Permission must be sought f rom the IT/Admin
Manager/Management for using personal devices or accessories.

■ The use of email system must be related to business needs ONLY.

■ Website access is monitored, and disciplinary action will be taken against person who is
found to be doing any illegal activity.

■ Company reserves the right to intercept and filter out incoming mails/attachments
especially the executables/documents whenever a virus threat is anticipated.

■ While sending mails to external agencies, a disclaimer is to be appended after


Privacy Policy
The Company reserves the right, to inspect or monitor any information system, at any
time, without user consent or notice and irrespective of any password protection. Users
should not have any expectation of privacy with respect to any use of or information
contained on any Desktop/Laptop, whether personal or Office related.

Laptop and Data Card

PVCMT will provide the Laptops / Data card for team members to enable them to work
more efficiently. HOD shall be entitled to nominate the team members who shall be
provided with the Company Laptops / Data Card. While nominating the team members,
the HOD should ensure that:

1. The nature of work of the person is not “office based” (where a desktop can meet the


2. There is a genuine need for the team member to stay connected on a 24-hour basis,
and therefore, it is imperative for him/her to have a laptop and data card.

3. The nature of work demands it (for example for the sales guys who are on the field,

making client representations etc.).

Loss and Damage of Laptop

■ Any loss or damage to the devices must be reported to IT / Admin / HR department,
within 24 hours.

■ After considering the facts of the matter, IT will assess as to whether the loss / damage is
attributed to the negligence / carelessness of the user in question.

■ The principle of natural justice shall be applied and an equal opportunity of being heard
shall be given to the user. If the user is found to be guilty of negligence / carelessness,
resulting in the loss / damage, the penalty for damages shall be decided by a committee
consisting of CEO, HR and Finance department.

■ The extent of penalty shall be decided after considering the circumstance of the
incident and age of the device.

■ It is the responsibility of the user to get documentation done along with the IT team, in
case, they file an insurance claim with respect to loss / damage (like the copy of FIR)
within the stipulated time limit.


The objective here is to lay down the detailed processes and rules to ensure protection of
all employees against sexual harassment at the workplace. Prevention and redressal of
complaints of sexual harassment as per The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 are binding at the workplace.

Policy Details
“Sexual Harassment” includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or
behavior (whether directly or by implication) namely:

1. Physical contact and advances; or

2. A demand or request for sexual favours; or

3. Making sexually coloured remarks; or

4. Showing pornography; or

5. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.

In addition, prohibited forms of harassment include but are not limited to the following:

1. Objectionable physical proximity or contact

2. Discussion of a person's physical characteristics or dress

3. Unwelcome suggestions regarding, or invitations to, social events or activities

4. Telling offensive jokes or sexually explicit stories

5. Circulation or posting of offensive cartoons or pictures

6. Use of offensive language or demeaning terms

7. Any unwelcome advances

Other Guidelines
Internal Committee (IC)
Internal Complaints Committees (ICC) are constituted by PVCMT to address issues related
to sexual harassment raised by aggrieved employees and ensure time bound treatment
of the complaints as per The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 and rules made there under the said Act.

Redressal Process
1. Any employee who feels and is being sexually harassed directly or indirectly may
submit a complaint of the alleged incident to any member of the Committee in writing
with her/his signature within 10 days of occurrence of incident.
2. The Committee will maintain a register to endorse the complaint received by it and
keep the contents confidential.


3. The Committee will hold a meeting with the Complainant within five days of the
receipt of the complaint, but no later than a week in any case.

4. At the first meeting, the Committee members shall hear the Complainant and record
her/his allegations. The Complainant can also submit any corroborative material with a
Documentary proof, oral or written material, etc., to substantiate her/his complaint.

5. Thereafter, the person against whom complaint is made may be called for a deposition
before the Committee and an opportunity will be given to her/him to give an
explanation, where after, an “Enquiry” shall be conducted and concluded.

6. In case the complaint is found to be false, the Complainant shall, if deemed fit, be liable
for appropriate disciplinary action by the Management.


This grievance redressal policy provides employees with an easily accessible process for
settlement of grievances. The objective is to provide employees a forum to confidently
voice their concerns or ask questions without fear of retribution. All this contributes to a
healthy work environment and improves the organization's productivity efficiency.

Grievance Handling
'Grievance' for the purpose of this scheme would mean a grievance relating to any
employee arising out of the implementation of the policies/rules or decisions of the
organization. The grievance can include any matter relating to wage/salary payment,
leave, increment, working conditions, seniority, work assignment, acting arrangements,
non-extension of benefits under rules, interpretation of Service Rules, settlements etc., of
an individual nature.

We are all expected to communicate honestly and openly with supervisors and others in
leadership positions and in good faith, raise concerns—including those about safety,
possible misconduct, and violations of laws, regulations or internal requirements.

When concerns are raised, employees in supervisory and other leadership positions are
expected to:

■ Particularly important is our policy that prohibits retaining records of an employee's

appeal or documenting a conflict in his or her personnel folders.

■ Employees in supervisory and other leadership positions may not retaliate, tolerate
retaliation by others, or threaten retaliation.

How to Raise Concerns

If an employee has a concern or question, they are encouraged to address it directly with
their supervisor/manager. Additionally, if employees encounter an undesirable workplace
situation at our factory, they must immediately bring them to PVCMT's attention by
contacting the concerned supervisor.

Here are some of the key steps they should follow:

1. The employee is encouraged to resolve issues and complaints through informal

discussions with his or her supervisor or their section manager.

2. If informal dialogue doesn't provide satisfactory results or the employee is not

comfortable raising the issue with the supervisor, they can pursue formal steps by
reaching out to senior management / Human Resources or write an email to

3. Records of an employee's appeal are not retained in any of his or her personnel folders
and no penalty results from using this process.

4. The employee will receive, through his or her supervisor, a written reply relating to the
issue from senior management.


PVCMT takes allegations of misconduct seriously and will take appropriate action. All
reported violations of the Code of Conduct are investigated by a GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL

Grievance Redressal Committee

The Grievance Committee will be led by the Head (Human Resources) and two other
senior members across departments.

HOD (Human Resources) will be In-charge of the Grievance Cell and will maintain a
Grievance Register and all the correspondence records etc. related to such grievances and
will liaison with concern authorities in this regard.

All grievances referred to the Grievance Redressal Committee/ Chief Executive Officer
shall be registered, maintaining employee confidentiality. The number of grievances
settled or pending will be reported to the C.E.O. every 6 months.


PVCMT believes in fostering an environment of creativity and innovation. The Employee

Suggestion Scheme (ESS) is a step towards encouraging employees to use their creative
potential and ideas that contribute to efficiencies, productivity, and general well-being of
the organization. Good suggestions will be suitably rewarded.

Employee Suggestion Scheme

The scheme generally invites all types of Suggestions, which will benefit the organization
and the employees and therefore spells out certain criteria to determine what is or is not a
valid suggestion.

Here are the steps you can follow if you want to make suggestions:

1. A 'suggestion box' is placed at all the levels of the office premises.

2. If you have a suggestion, you can write it down and put it into the box and put your name
against it.

3. We regularly check the contents of the suggestion boxes, and your suggestions will
always greatly be appreciated!

But what makes for good suggestions? Suggestions will be rewarded should they
bring about:

1. Improved operating efficiency.

2. Improvement in working condition including health and welfare.

3. Improved safety standards, communication, facilities & image.

4. Improvement in productivity and/or quality.

5. Improvement in maintenance of machines/building/infrastructure

6. Result in saving in material including fuel and power etc.

7. Provide better and more effective welfare measures.

8. Simplification of Practices / Procedures / Processes.

9. Elimination of ineffective movements / Delays / Rework.

10. Economy in stationery, office facilities, administration.

11. Reduction of wastages pertaining to cost, time, energy, maintenance, environment


12. Any other area which may improve Company's performance.


What about suggestions that are invalid? Here are some examples of suggestions
that will not be accepted:

1. Suggestions pertaining to the Company/Govt. Policies.

2. Matters which are already under consideration of Management.

3. Complaints or Grievances.

4. Suggestions already adopted or implemented. Repeat Suggestions.

Impracticable/ Non-Implementable suggestions on cost & technical considerations &

nonstandard practices.

Administration of Suggestion Scheme

In order to motivate and appreciate our employees we have created the “Suggestion
Evaluation Committee” to review the suggestions shared and process them as per the
requirements. We would evaluate the suggestions shared and “Award” the Best
suggestions on quarterly basis.

The nature and value of the reward shall be determined based on the Merit Points
accorded to each 'Acceptable Suggestion' based on the following “Evaluation Plan”:

S. No. Parameters

Originality of the Idea/Innovation and extent of

1 12000

Reduction of wastage, improved productivity/uptime

2 6000
ratios and monetary saving.

Innovation in the field of safety practices and

3 4500

4 Fostering team building Nil

Constitution of Suggestion Evaluation Committee (SEC) will include 3 HODs from across
functions and will rotate on an annual basis.


PVCMT is committed to following the highest standards of ethical, moral and legal
conduct in all its operations.

We encourage employees who have genuine concerns about suspected misconduct to

come forward, without fear of punishment or unfair treatment.

The policy aims to provide employees a legitimate platform to raise concerns of violations
of legal or regulatory requirements, incorrect or misrepresentation of financial
statements and reports, etc.

The Whistle Blower (WB) Policy provides a secure framework, within which, employees
can play an important role in upholding PVCMT's Principles and Code of Conduct. The
Policy encourages employees of PVCMT to report unethical or improper practices or acts,
or violations of the Code of Conduct.

Under the Policy, every employee of the Group is expected to promptly report to the
Whistle Blower Committees (Delegation/Company) any actual or possible violation of:

1. Principles of Conduct & Action

2. The Code of Conduct for Employees

3. Any unlawful, unethical or improper activity concerning any Business in India

Who is the Whistle-blower?

Any Employee, Director or Third party who discloses or demonstrates evidence of
unethical activity or any conduct that may constitute a breach of the Company's Code of
Conduct or Values.

Typically, a whistle-blower comes to the decision to make a disclosure or express a

genuine concern/grievance/allegation, after a lot of thought.

Whistle-blower Complaint
Every Whistle Blower who believes they have a legitimate case is expected to read and
understand this policy and abide some basics, before going ahead with the complaint.

1. It is advisable that any individual only reports the violation after gathering adequate
facts/data to substantiate the complaint and not act merely based on hearsay or

2. No action will be taken against the whistleblower, if the complaint was made in good
faith, but no misconduct was found upon subsequent investigation.

However, if a complaint, after investigation proves to be frivolous, malicious or made with

ulterior intent, the Investigating Committee can take appropriate disciplinary or legal


action against the concerned whistleblower.

Protection to A Whistle-blower
We condemn any kind of discrimination, harassment, victimization or any other unfair
employment practices against whistleblowers. Complete protection is provided for
whistleblowers against any unfair practices; retaliation, threat, intimidation,
termination/suspension of service, disciplinary action, transfer, demotion, refusal of
promotion, or such like. This includes any direct or indirect use of authority to obstruct the
whistleblower's right to continue to perform his/her duties/functions in a free and fair

Whistle-blower Process
A Whistle Blower can raise a concern with the CORPORATE OMBUDSMAN by:
1. Place your text here

◦ a) Sending an e-mail to or HR head or CEO.

◦ b) In person - complaints can be reported verbally on Telephone to the HR. Verbal

reports will normally be transcribed and documented by the CORPORATE

2. Whistle blower complaints received shall be reviewed by the CORPORATE

OMBUDSMAN or by the Redressal Committee constituted by him/her (detailed
procedures below).

◦ a) The CORPORATE OMBUDSMAN or the Committee will assess whether/not the

issue raised constitutes a whistleblower complaint. In case of a review by the

◦ b) Committee, it shall submit a report to CORPORATE OMBUDSMAN detailing

whether the issue(s) raised constitute(s) a whistle blower complaint or not.

◦ The CORPORATE OMBUDSMAN or the Redressal Committee, to whom the

complaint may be directed by the CORPORATE OMBUDSMAN, will respond to the
concern within 48 working hours of receiving it

3. Once the assessment is made by the CORPORATE OMBUDSMAN, the Redressal

Committee will conduct an effective investigation and discuss the steps to be taken to
investigate the issue.

4. The CORPORATE OMBUDSMAN and the designated officer will provide feedback to the
Whistle Blower on the progress of the investigation.

5. The CORPORATE OMBUDSMAN shall submit a report of all the complaints received
during every quarter to senior management.


Dealing with Anonymity

A whistleblower may choose to keep his/her identity anonymous. In such cases, the
complaint should be accompanied by strong evidence and data.

All the complaints are treated in a confidential and sensitive manner. In specific cases
where it becomes critical and necessary to disclose the identity of the whistleblower, it
may be disclosed, only on a 'need-to-know-basis, with the prior approval of the
whistleblower, in the process of investigation.

Investigation Procedure
■ Stakeholders write to CORPORATE OMBUDSMAN and raise a concern with required
evidence and documents.

■ A Redressal Committee with a minimum of 7 members consisting of experts is formed.

Committee members come with the right knowledge and objectivity from within the
company and are assigned to determine the legitimacy of the matter and respond
within 48 working hours.

■ The Redressal Committee conducts an inquiry and comes up with a report within 15 to
45 working days from the date of the initial complaint.

■ The Redressal Committee report recommends corrective actions to appropriate

managers for implementation. In the event the accused is found guilty, penalties are
prescribed through the CORPORATE OMBUDSMAN, and implemented by HR. The
whistle blower also receives an update on the outcome.

Retention of Documents
All Complaints received in writing or documented along with results of the investigation
shall be retained by the Company.


The objective of this policy is to ensure PVCMT public image is always safeguarded. The
policy lays down guidelines on how staff should effectively handle communications with
the media.

Policy Guidelines
■ Only approved and authorized spokespersons can speak to the media.

■ No employee can speak on behalf of PVCMT to the press unless they have been officially
deputed by Corporate Communication with approval of CEO.

■ Employee’s authorized to represent PVCMT to the media should not offer personal
views, opinions or speculation — or provide information on matters falling outside
his/her direct knowledge, involvement and responsibility.

■ Employees must avoid discussing matters of policy, legislation, personnel actions or

official investigations on any matter.

■ Should employees be asked to write for a publication, this needs official authorization,
and all content must be approved by HR/Corporate Communications.

■ Applies to publication of articles/ press notes in newspapers/ journals/ books/ electronic


■ Should the media reach out directly to any employee, the employee must politely direct
the caller to Corporate Communications or the Company spokesperson by:

1. Providing contact details and designated time slots to the media

2. Giving the Corporate Communications department a heads up

3. Avoid giving the media any informal information should they meet at a social

Company Spokespersons
For easy coordination between the Organization and the media, the contact person
would be MARKETING HEAD/CEO, for any communications please direct the query to the
concern person.

What Are The Media Guidelines To Follow?

■ Keep overall messaging and external communication consistent and aligned with
guidelines set by PVCMT.

■ In case an employee comes across a report or a news item that misrepresents facts
about the organization or distorts a story out of context they must immediately notify
the Corporate Communications Department

■ Similarly, if there is any of our product / person pictures or Organization logos or

diagrams used without due credit, the copy of the same must be sent to Corporate



■ Employees are duty bound to read all the above policies and adhere to them; the HR
department is always on stand-by for clarity.


PVCMT believes it’s Intellectual Property is an important asset in the conduct of its
business and prohibits the unauthorized use or disclosure of this information.

Policy Guidelines
■ Employee of the organization may submit their innovation/invention by accessing the
Company Intranet and receive Invention Disclosure Number (ID).

■ This ID will get registered in internal data base (IPMS).

■ Patent committee sends acknowledgement of receipt including internal reference (ID)

to inventor.

■ Patent Committee forward the ID to the responsible Patent Professional (PP) to decide
about the ID (filing of an application, i.e. take it forward and file for a Patent or Release,
i.e., release the disclosure to the employee).

■ Based on the decision, the Patent Committee will do the following:

■ Filing of an application: forward the decision to Patent Administration for

implementation in IPMS.

■ Release: Patent Committee sends release letter to inventor i.e. no longer interested in
the invention.

■ If a decision is taken to file invention, then they instruct the Legal Team to draft and file
an application with the Indian Patent Office or request filing licence to file outside of

■ Once in a quarter, Patent Committee will communicate Invention Disclosure Number

(ID) status to HR India very clearly mentioning employee whose inventions are decided
to be filed for Patent.

This policy provides that employees receive cash reward when the ID is approved by the
Patent Committee and is filed as a Patent with the Authority.
The reward will be given as per following norms:

Number of Inventors Reward Amount in INR

One Inventor INR 20,000

Two Inventor INR 10,000 each

Three Inventor INR 7,000 each

Four Inventor or more INR 20,000 divided equally


The code of conduct expresses PVCMT's commitment to conducting business ethically.

PVCMT's code of conduct policy is based on our core values, responsibilities,
commitments, and promises. This document gives you the general information and
guidance about the Company’s expectations, situations that needs the attention of the
stakeholders and channels of communication available. This set of documents is also the
first step for the clearing any queries/ questions relating to the ethics we follow.

We are committed to create a disciplined and healthy working environment, free from
harassment and discrimination. Please review the entire Code of Conduct and refer to it
whenever you have a question on the same. PVCMT can also request you to confirm in
writing that you have reviewed the Code and agree to all the company’s Core vale and
Reputation. .

What Are My Responsibilties

Each one of the employees must lead by example by acting responsibly and with integrity
by following the company values.


Frequently, a Manager is the primary individual to be reached about a worry in our

Managers have some duties:

■ Encourage your group to raise issues and shout out.

■ Promote our qualities, the Code of Conduct and consistence with arrangements and
the law.

■ Actively support morals and consistence mindfulness and preparing programs.

■ Have open roads for correspondence.

■ Communicate a positive message about your obligation to morals and consistence.

■ Listen and react decently to worker concerns.

■ Find acceptable and complete goals to moral issues.

■ Escalate concerns when extra help is required.

■ Be a good example of moral conduct.


PVCMT’s non-retaliation policy is an embodiment of our values and a cornerstone of our


Code. If you observe violations of PVCMT’s values and principles, you are encouraged to
report such incidents to HR or email PVCMT will protect
you and ensure that you are not retaliated against because of any report that you raise in
good faith. PVCMT does not tolerate any form of retaliation (whether by a manager, co-
worker or otherwise) against an individual because he or she made a good faith report of
an integrity concern. This protection also extends to anyone who assists with or
cooperates in an investigation or report of an integrity concern or question. We support
those who support our values.


If you believe that you have been discriminated against, harassed or have not been given
equal opportunities at work, you are encouraged to submit a complaint to:

■ Your manager

■ Your Skip-level manager

■ Human Resources

■ Email -

Respecting Each Other

We are committed to following fair employment practices that provide equal
opportunities to all employees. We do not discriminate or allow harassment on the basis
of race, color, religion, disability, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, gender
identity, gender expression, age, genetic information, or any other legally protected
status. At PV Clean, we value diversity and believe that a diverse workplace builds a
competitive advantage.

To put these values in practice, all of us must ensure that decisions affecting employees
are based on business factors only. For instance, decisions regarding hiring, promotion,
termination, transfer, leave of absence or compensation should only be based on relevant
business factors.

We must also ensure that we never verbally or physically mistreat others or engage in
offensive behavior, and we should not tolerate those who do. This includes harassing,
bullying, abusive or intimidating treatment, inappropriate language or gestures,
disorderly conduct, violence and any other conduct that interferes with a co-worker’s
ability to do his or her job.

The Company’s Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy applies to all persons

involved in the operations of the Company and prohibits harassment by any employee of
the Company towards other employees as well as outside vendors and customers.



To work effectively, all of us need a healthy and safe work environment. All forms of
substance abuse as well as the use or distribution of drugs and alcohol while at work is
prohibited. Unless required as part of your role (for instance for security personnel where
deemed necessary), possession and / or use of weapons / firearms or ammunition while
on business of the Company is prohibited. All of us should be safe at our place of work.
Should you observe any unsafe situations at work, please reach out to the HR department.


PV Clean employees are expected to always ensure that their conduct, in official as well as
personal capacity is such that PV Clean’s reputation is upheld. They must remember that
one is judged by how he or she acts and the company he or she keeps. Our reputation will
be upheld if we act with integrity in all our dealings, even at a personal level, and we always
do what we think is right at all times.

In official as well as personal capacity, employees at no times should indulge in any action
/ behavior that :

Violates any law; or Is indicative of personal indiscretion; or Is socially unacceptable.

■ Exercise of sound judgement and common sense will equip every employee to judge as
to whether his / her actions can be construed as improper conduct. The key question
that employees need to ask themselves at all times is whether this conduct befits a
cultured, mature, and socially responsible adult?

■ It also must be kept in mind that while major lapses of law and social behavior are
usually prevented very often seemingly minor mistakes can and do result in improper
conduct. Even such actions need to be avoided.

Indicative examples are:

■ Getting drunk in a party or a social function or misbehaving in public.

■ To be under the influence of liquor, narcotics or any other form of intoxication while
representing PV Clean or reporting to work at the PV Clean’s premises or at a customer’s
/ supplier’s premises.

■ Using abusive - expletive infested language e Inflicting verbal abuse on anyone

(including employees) Loud and irresponsible behavior in public which causes
discomfort and embarrassment to surrounding people.

■ Manhandling or physical assault on anyone.

■ Unreasonable criticism

■ Undue show of authority

■ Reporting to work in an inappropriate dress or presenting oneself in a shabby manner


The range of possibilities covered by this policy is too wide for any pre-defined guidelines.
Respect for the self as well as for others must be the guiding principle for personal
conduct. However, it is imperative that employees remember to exercise sound
judgement and demonstrate a serious sense of responsibility and maturity all times and
in official as well as personal capacities.

Ethics In Our Business Activities

PVCMT enjoys a hard-won reputation for honesty, integrity, and fair dealings. Without
question, this reputation for integrity is an invaluable part of our success. There are certain
regulations that PVCMT is subject to and we should ensure that we comply both in letter
and in spirit with these as is applicable.

Corruption diverts public resources from priorities such as health, education, and
inf rastructure and impedes economic growth. Corruption undermines public
accountability and the rule of law. Corruption is anti-competitive, increases costs of doing
business and introduces significant uncertainty into business. Bribery thus raises the risks
of doing business, putting a company’s bottom line and reputation in jeopardy.
Companies that pay bribes to win business ultimately undermine their own long-term
interests and the best interests of their investors.

We should never offer, directly or indirectly, any form of gift, entertainment, or anything of
value to any government official or commercial partners including customers or their
representatives to:

■ Obtain or retain business.

■ Influence business decisions; or

■ Secure an unfair advantage

This includes bribes, kickbacks, and facilitation payments.

A bribe is anything of value that may be seen as an attempt to influence an action or a
decision to obtain or retain business or acquire an improper advantage. This could include
money, gifts, favors, use of company resources, entertainment, or other items of value.

A kickback is a form of corruption that involves two parties agreeing that a portion of their
sales or profits will be kicked back (given back) to the purchasing party in exchange for
making the deal.



Certain countries may have a practice of ‘facilitation payments’, which are payments to
government officials to expedite or ensure routine actions, such as issuing visas, work
permits, licenses etc.

PV Clean does not do any of these, nor do we allow third parties acting on our behalf, such
as vendors, agents, customers, consultants, alliance partners, suppliers and contractors to
make any such payments. Also remember that while managing these relationships, we
must be on the watch for any actions relating to bribery, kickbacks, improper payments, or
other corrupting influences. We can and will be held responsible for the conduct of our
third parties if they violate the law while working on our behalf.


In connection with certain holidays and other occasions, it is customary in many parts of
the world to give gifts of nominal value to customers, government officials and other
parties who have a business relationship with the Company.
However, we should be careful that while doing so, we do not violate any regulations or do
anything that is contrary to our values.

When we offer a gift to a customer, a government official or any third party, we should
keep the following in mind:

■ It is not done to obtain or retain business or gain an improper advantage in business.

■ It is lawful permitted under the policies of the client.

■ It constitutes a bona fide promotion or goodwill expenditure.

■ It is not in the form of cash.

■ The gift is of nominal value (on an individual and aggregate basis.

PVCMT believes that charitable contributions and donations are an integral part of its
corporate social responsibility. Typical areas for granting support are education and
research, social welfare, disaster relief and other similar social causes.
Before making a charitable contribution on behalf of PVCMT, we should keep in mind the

■ The recipient is a registered, tax-paying, recognized organization.

■ The contributions are permissible under applicable local laws.

■ Contributions are made without demand or expectation of business return.

■ Beneficiaries of such contributions should not be related to the directors or

executive officers of PVCMT.


■ Contributions shall not be made in cash or to the private account of an individual.

■ Any amounts contributed or donations made towards charitable causes shall be fairly
and accurately reflected in PV Clean’s books of accounts.


In the course of our work, we may receive requests for PV Clean to boycott certain
countries, companies, or other entities. Boycott activity can take the form of refusals to do
business with certain groups or requests for information about boycotted entities. We
should not cooperate with any boycott that is not initiated by Indian governments. This
may be considered as an illegal foreign boycott. Be alert to these situations, as these
requests may be contained as part of larger documents such as master service
agreements, invoices or statements of work.


We try, to the extent reasonably practicable, to directly interact with government officials.
However, if third party agents are required to interface with government authorities on
behalf of PV Clean, we should verify the credentials and reputation of such a third-party
agent prior to any agreement with them and ensure that a formal contract is executed,
including appropriate provisions requiring the third-party agent to comply with
applicable anti-corruption and local laws.

Keep in mind that the Company and individual directors, officers or employees may be
liable for a payment made by a third-party agent, if the Company makes a payment or
transfers other value to that third party agent knowing that it will be given to a
government official.

We ensure that the fee, commission, or other remuneration paid to intermediaries or

third-party agents is reasonable, bona fide and commensurate with the functions and
services performed. We should keep track of such expenses so that they are fairly and
accurately reflected in PV Clean’s books of accounts.

Red Flags While Transacting with Third Parties

■ Background check (case to case basis) reveals a flawed background or reputation.

■ Agent suggested by a government official.

■ Agent objects to anti-corruption compliance requirements.

■ Agent has a personal or business relationship with a government official.

■ Unusual contract terms or payment arrangements such as payment in cash, payment

in another country’s currency or payment to a financial institution outside the country
where the contract is performed.


■ Requests that identity of the agent be kept confidential.

■ Commission exceeds the ‘going rate’ or must be paid in cash.

■ Indication that ‘facilitation payments are required’ to ‘get the business moving’.

■ Request false invoices or any other type of false documentation; or

When the interests or benefits of one person conflict with the interests or benefits of the
Company, a conflict of interest is said to occur. We must avoid situations involving actual
or potential conflict of interest so that even the slightest doubt about our integrity is not

Conflicts of interest also occur when we or our family members receive improper personal
benefits, or preferential treatment because of our position, or the position of a family
member, in the Company. Remember that such situations might impact our judgment or
responsibilities towards our Company and our shareholders and customers.


Some examples include:

If you take part in any activity that enhances or supports a competitor’s position or accept
simultaneous employment with any other company or business entity, it is considered
outside employment and a conflict of interest. This includes performing services as an
employee, agent or contractor for a customer, supplier or any other entity that has a
business relationship with the Company while working at PV Clean.


To avoid conflicts of interest and any appearance of favouritism, ensure that you do not
work directly for, supervise or make employment decisions about a family member. This
includes positions or assignments within the same department and the employment of
such individuals in positions that have a financial or other dependence or influence (e.g.,
an auditing or control relationship, or a supervisor / subordinate relationship).
Please reach out to your manager and HR manager if you have any questions about this.
The Human Resources Department is responsible for determining whether an
acknowledged relationship is covered by the policy.


You should also avoid conducting Company business with a relative, or with a business in
which a relative is associated in any significant role. Relatives include spouse, siblings,
children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins,
step relationships, and in-laws.


Personal or romantic involvement with a competitor, supplier, or another employee of the
Company might affect your ability to exercise good judgment on behalf of the Company.
This could lead to conflict of interest. Personal relationships and romantic liaisons
between employees who are in a manager-employee reporting structure may lead to
team management challenges and reduced morale. Such relationships must be
disclosed to the manager immediately, who may take appropriate corrective action.

You should not have a financial interest, including through a relative, in any organization if
that interest would give or appear to give you a conflict of interest with the Company. You
should be particularly sensitive to financial interests in competitors, suppliers, customers,
distributors, and strategic partners.

PVCMT reserves the right to communicate its position on important issues to the elected
representatives and other government officials. PV Clean’ funds or assets must not be
used as contribution for political campaigns or political practices under any
circumstances without the prior written approval of the MD and CEO. We do not seek
reimbursement for political contributions or use PV Clean resources for personal
political activities. We also do not indicate in any manner that we represent our
Company’s opinion about a candidate for office or any political cause or decision of any

If our work includes meetings with government, elected officials, all of which might be
construed as ‘lobbying’, we must be aware that such activities are regulated. We should
not claim to represent our Company at such meetings unless we are specifically
designated by the Company to do so. As in all other spheres of our activity, any meetings of
this sort should be carried out with high integrity.

Protecting Company Assets

For the Company, its confidential information is a valuable asset, and every director,
employee, supplier, customer and agent of the Company must protect it. Confidential
information includes all non-public information. It also includes personal information
(regardless of its source) that we obtain during business. We must take care that all
confidential information is used for Company business purposes only and in case of
personal information, in addition, it must be processed on instructions from the Company
in accordance with laid out policies, procedures and guidelines and as per applicable
privacy laws and regulations.


Upon joining PV Clean, all employees sign a Confidentiality and Non-disclosure

Agreement which details their confidentiality obligations to the Company. As employees,
we have access to significant amount of company information that may not be available
to the public, and we should preserve the confidentiality of information obtained in the
Company’s service. Information of a confidential, private and sensitive nature must be
used responsibly and controlled and protected to prevent its prohibited, arbitrary or
careless disclosure.

Unless the Company has provided its specific consent, which should preferably be in
writing, or there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose, we are prohibited from
disclosing confidential Company information. Confidential or proprietary information
about clients, our organization, or other parties, which has been gained through
employment or affiliation with PV Clean, may not be used for personal advantage or for
the benefit of third parties.

When we receive information as part of our job, we should not trade with it for our
personal benefit. Neither should we pass on the information to our friends and family
members or indirectly compete with the Company. Information obtained as part of our
job should not be taken advantage of even after we leave the organization.


The intellectual property (IP) of the Company must be protected as a vital business asset.
Our IP portfolio includes copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets,
design rights, logos, brands and know-how. We must use our IP focusing on protecting
these assets. It is important to ensure that to the extent permitted by law, the rights to all
IP created using the Company’s time and expense that which are within the scope of our
duties are assigned to and are the property of the Company. We should promptly disclose
any works, inventions or developments we create to obtain legal protection over them.


To protect our confidential information from misuse and to ensure that only accurate
information about the Company is disclosed, we have designated our Corporate
Communications team to handle exchanges with the media.

Additionally, our Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director are the official Company
spokespeople for any matters. All inquiries or calls from the press and financial analysts
should be referred to the Corporate Communications team. We must not post or discuss
information concerning the Company’s product and solutions or business on the Internet
unless we are authorized to do so. Neither must we create a perception that we are
speaking or posting on behalf of the Company. Remember that your online posts will be
available for a long time, so think carefully prior to posting any information that could
affect our Company.



PV Clean has developed procedures covering physical/technical access control wherever
possible to ensure privacy of communications, maintenance of the security of the
Company communication equipment, and safeguard Company assets from theft,
misuse and destruction. We are responsible for complying with the security policies in
your location. You must not defeat or cause to defeat the purpose for which the access
control was implemented.


The use of PV Clean’s assets for individual profit or any unlawful, unauthorized personal or
unethical purpose is prohibited. Our information technology, intellectual property (e.g.,
copyrights, patents, and trademarks), facilities, equipment, machines, software, and cash
may be used for business purposes only, including responsible and accurate expense
reimbursement, and in accordance with applicable policies. Other assets (e.g., computers,
printers, and copiers) may be used for minor and incidental personal purposes provided
such use is kept to a minimum, and does not create any significant incremental costs,
interfere with work duties, or violate any laws or PV Clean’s policies. The use of any PV
Clean’s resources for personal or political activities is prohibited. Computer hardware,
software, data, and facilities are valuable resources that need protection from potential
destruction, theft, or misuse. These resources may also include confidential client or PV
Clean’s information that requires safeguarding. It is your responsibility to prevent
unauthorized access through the use of ID badges, passwords, or other security codes,
and physical security measures (such as using computer cable locks, not leaving
computers unattended in cars, and other normal precautions).

Copyrighted materials (e.g., books, music, software, and magazines) should not be
reproduced, distributed, or altered without permission of the copyright owner or an
authorized agent. Software used in connection with the business of PV Clean should be
properly licensed and used only in accordance with that license. Using unlicensed
software could constitute copyright infringement and may be grounds for disciplinary

Each supervisor, manager, and individual employee has an obligation to each other and
to the Company to comply with PV Clean’s business expenses and reimbursement
policies and practices. All business-related expense claims must be authorized by your
manager before being incurred. Personal expenses will not be reimbursed by the

Committed To Our Customers And Our Suppliers

To many people, you are the only “PV Clean” that they will ever meet—as such you are a
brand ambassador and a representative of the Company. For instance, if our job involves
working with current or potential Company customers / suppliers, we must act in a


manner that is representative of our values. The goodwill our Company enjoys is one of our
most important assets, and we must preserve and enhance our reputation through our

We must deal fairly with the Company’s customers, suppliers, partners, service providers,
competitors and anyone else with whom we interact while at work. We should not take
unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged
information, misrepresentation of facts or any other unfair dealing practice.


The Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement we sign when we join the Company
details our confidentiality obligations to the Company and its clients. We have access to
significant amounts of client information that may not be available to the public, and we
are required to preserve the confidentiality of information obtained in client service.
Information of a confidential, private and sensitive nature must be used responsibly and
controlled and protected to prevent its prohibited, arbitrary or careless disclosure. Unless
the client has provided its specific consent, which should preferably be in writing, or there
is a legal or professional right or duty to process or disclose, we are prohibited from
processing or disclosing confidential client information. Confidential or proprietary
information including personal information about clients, our organization, or other
parties, which has been gained through employment or affiliation with PV Clean, may not
be used for personal advantage or for the benefit of third parties. We are committed to
protect the confidentiality of processing such personal information by implementing
adequate technical and organizational measures, and all employees, agents, consultants,
suppliers, contractors, are made aware of their responsibility to use, or process personal
information, unless authorized by law and/or contractually agreed.


At PV Clean, we believe that a free and fair market benefits all of us and ensures that our
clients receive the best quality products and services at the best prices. In our country we
have laws to encourage and protect free and fair market competition by regulating anti-
competitive conduct, including unfair acts by market leaders. These laws regulate our
relationships with our customers, competitors, distributors, and resellers.

What do we need to know? What is regulated? How do we comply?

■ Anti-trust laws generally address the following areas: Unfair pricing practices (including
price discrimination), secret rebates, exclusive dealerships or distributorships which are
questionable, restrictions on carrying competing products and other practices. If you
come across any such questionable practices in the course of your work, for instance,
while working , please contact the HR.

■ You should not knowingly make false or misleading statements regarding our


competitors or the products and services of our competitors, customers, or suppliers.

■ Collusion among competitors is illegal. Our communications with competitors should

always avoid subjects such as prices or other terms and conditions of sale, customers,
and suppliers. You should not enter into an agreement or understanding, written or
oral, express, or implied, with any competitor on these subjects.

Our commitment to fairness includes respecting the rights of our competitors and
abiding by all applicable laws. As a lawful competitor and to help ensure the integrity of
the competitive marketplace, we must respect our competitors. Take care that we do not
appropriate or unlawfully use the information, material, products, intellectual property, or
proprietary or confidential information of anyone including suppliers, customers,
business partners or competitors.

The Company’s suppliers make significant contributions to our success. We strive to
create an environment where our suppliers are confident that they will be treated with
respect. We select our significant suppliers or enter into significant supplier agreements
though a competitive bid process where possible.

Records, Disclosures And Audits

The integrity of our financial transactions and records is critical to the operation of our
business. Our shareholders’ trust is based on their confidence in the accurate recording of
our financial transactions.

If you have responsibility for or any involvement in financial reporting or accounting, you
should have an appropriate understanding of, and you should seek in good faith to adhere
to, relevant accounting and financial reporting principles, standards, laws, rules and
regulations and the company’s financial and accounting policies, controls and
procedures. If you are a senior officer, you should seek to ensure that the internal controls
and procedures in your business area are in place, understood and followed.


PV Clean is committed to provide full, fair, accurate, timely and clear disclosures in reports
and documents that we file with, or submit to our regulators and in our other public
communications. To enable this, we must ensure that we comply with our disclosure
controls and procedures, and our internal control over financial reporting.

Our outside auditors have a duty to review our records in a fair and accurate manner. We
must cooperate with them in good faith and in accordance with law. We must never


mislead them in any manner regarding financial records, processes, controls or

procedures or other matters which they may enquire about.


We must fully and truthfully cooperate with any examination or request for information
from a regulator or law enforcement agency. Any contact with law enforcement agencies
or regulators must be coordinated through the HR & Admin Department.

Administering Our Code

The HR & Admin is responsible for administering the Code and reports to the CEO and
Boards of the Company.

We have put in place a process to review and investigate all potential legal or Code
violations. Investigations will be conducted in confidence and will be respectful and fair. If
an allegation is substantiated by an investigation, the appropriate management team will
review the findings and determine the outcome. Should you report a potential violation in
good faith, you are assured of all support by the Company. This support is extended to any
person who is assisting in any investigation or process with respect to such a violation as
well. You can report any potential violation in good faith without ever worrying, for
instance if it will affect you professionally. Any such retaliation may be immediately
reported to the HR. If you are the subject of an external investigation, you should
immediately report this to your manager unless it is prohibited by law.

Employees and our Board of Directors are required to acknowledge that they have read
and understood the Code. Our Independent directors may be required to acknowledge
acceptance of the Code for Independent Directors as well. You must remember that
under no circumstances does your failure to read our Code, sign an acknowledgement or
certify online exempt you from your obligation to comply with our Code.

Disciplinary Actions
If you violate our Code, the Company will take appropriate disciplinary action.

The matters covered in this Code are of the utmost importance to the Company, its
shareholders and its business partners, and are essential to the Company’s ability to
conduct its business in accordance with its stated values. We expect all of our directors,
officers, employees and third party agents to adhere to these rules in carrying out their
duties for the Company.

We take violations of this Code, Company policies and applicable laws seriously. Where
appropriate, the Company takes prompt corrective action, up to and including
termination of employment. We strive for consistency and fairness in discipline for Code


violations. Discipline may include a verbal or written warning; suspension with or without
pay; loss or reduction of variable pay/Bonus, demotion; or, for the most serious offenses or
repeated misconduct, termination of employment. Any disciplinary action depends on
the nature, severity, and frequency of the violation. It may vary depending upon local law.
Please understand that those who violate the laws or regulations mentioned in the Code
could expose themselves and the Company to substantial civil damages and criminal

Corrective action may be taken if you:

■ Violate the Code, Company policies and procedures, or applicable laws.

■ Direct others to violate the Code, Company policies and procedures, or applicable laws.

■ Are aware of a violation or potential violation and fail to report it.

■ Fail to effectively monitor the actions of people you manage.

■ Do not cooperate in a Company audit or investigation.

■ Fail to participate in required training.

■ Retaliate against someone for reporting a concern in good faith or for participating in
an investigation of such a report.

■ Disclose information learned during an internal investigation.


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