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Subject: English Language Date: January 16, 2024

Std: XA Time: 2 hours

Marks: 80

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

This Paper has 5 questions on 12 printed sides.

Attempt all five questions.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [)
1 and
You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering Question
20 minutes in answering Question 2.

Question 1
(Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question) [20]
Write a composition (300-350) words on any one of the

Write an original short story title: 'The Unseen Foe'.

(ü) Narrate about a time when you had to Summon great patience
in dealing with a difficult situation or person. Explain the specific
challenges you faced, the factors that enabled you to remain
patient and the lesson you learnt from it.

(ii) 'Schools must prioritize teaching practical life skills over

traditional academic subjects.'
Express your views either for or against this statement.
(iv) You are standing on the top of a hill that overlooks a bustling
city. Describe the sights that stretch out before you,
about the sOunds and scents that define this
metropolitan landscape.

-1 -

(V Study the picture given below. Write a short story or a

description or an acCount of what it suggests to you. Your
composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may
take suggestions from it, however, there must be a clear
connection between the picture and your composition.

Question 2
(Do not spend more than 20 minutes on [10]
this question)
Select any one of the following:

A close friend had recently helped

you get through a
challenging time. Write a letter to him/her
expressing your
aratitude and hOw much his/her presence means to
you. Share
your thoughts on what might have
transpired if it weren't for
his/her invaluable support.

Write a letter to the Municipal

Commissioner of your city
expressing your concern about the absence of adequate
recycling facilities in your locality. Give specific reasons for your
concern and discuss potential benefits for both the environment
and the community.

Question 3
() YOur school is hosting an Interschool Science and
TechnolO9Y (5]
Exhibition to showcase innovative projects created by students.
Vviie a notice for the school noticeboard, inviting students from
Grades 8, 9, and 10 to participate in the exhibition byY
presenting their science or technology projects.

VVrite an email to an academic expert with a background in
SCience, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM)
Interschool Science
inviting him/her to be the Chief Guest of the
and Technology Exhibition.

Question 4
Read the following passage carefully and answer the
that follow:
He looked at me with disbelief, stamped my visa for three
looked at
months and gave my passport back to me. Then, he
me and said, "What is that? What are you wearing?
"l am wearing an Indian traditional sari. It is our national
"Hmm, you are from India. Where is this country? Is it near
Japan? Or in Africa?"
'No, it is a part of Asia."
'How do you know English?"
"In India, we have many languages. Along with our national
language, we also learn English at school."
His shift was about to end and another officer joined him and
asked me, 'What are you wearing on your forehead?"
This is known as bindi or kunmkum. Most Indian women wear it.'
ls that a caste mark?' he said.
His friend said, 'Oh, I remember learning about India in a
documentary. It said that people in your country burn widows.
Also, there are only two classes of people there, maharajas and
beggars. You play with snakes, and cows are allowed to
wander on the highways. Is that true?
Iwas taken aback by his rude remarks. 'Burning widows was
stopped several hundred years ago. It is not true that every

are no
state was burnt anyway. There you
widow in every
India. It is a democratic country. In India,
maharajas left in like in any
only in the zOos or in the forests, just
snakes on the road
Asian country. Also, cows wander in villages
other patiently.
but not on the highways,' I explained
'Do you own an elephant?
easy to own an elephant, but
Tlaughed and said, It is not
seen many.

That's enough. You can go now.

When I came out of there, I felt very dejected.
because of our history
Ihave always been proud of my country continue
and five thousand years of civilization. Even today, we other
the practices of the Indus Valley Civilization but
Contemporary civilizations of that time have disappeared from
the face of the earth, Our contribution to science in the olden
days was outstanding and we were very good in astrophysics.
We created music and dance forms and wrote bookS on
literature in the form
We alsO generated enormous volumes of
of poetry, prose and dramas. Our civilization has stored two
thousand-year-old inscriptions that indicate that we knew
writing. Our monumental temples show the zenith of
architecture but for an outsider we are nothing but a poverty
stricken land of snake charmers and elephants, maharajas and
beggars. It was not a good feeling.
In 2009, Iwent to Bogota, the capital of Columbia, in
America. Iwas visiting Columbia to deliver a talk on 'Lessons in
Life'. I finished my talk and flew from Bogota to Miami, USA.
As always, Iwas last in the immigration queue. When my turn
came, the visa officer was a young, lively African American.
saw me and knew thatlwas last, so he was quite relaxed and
started asking me questions. | was ready to answer the
monotonous questions. But this time it was different.
He asked, 'Oh, lady, you are from India?'
Yes, Iam from India,' was all l said.
"I know your national dress, the sari. It is really pretty. I like the
way yoUwear it."
Ismiledand said, Thank you.' I did not have any other reply.
Where are you coming from?"
Hesitantly. Isaid, am coming from a city called Bangalore
from the south of India.'
'Oh, Iknow Bangalore. It is a software hub. Lots of people from
Bangalore come to Miami for a holiday. Lady, how long do you

want to stay in our country?'

Ireplied, Three days.'
"Why only three days?'
'Ihave work with Stanford University and after that Iwill go back
"No, no. You should know that our country has great universities
and beautiful states. You can't finish seeing our country in just
three days.' He stamped a six-month visa on my passport and
said, 'Can Iask you some questions? Anyway, you have a visa

Inodded my head.
"How is it that you Indians are so good? You are no-nonsense
people. Your name is never on the terrorist list. Most of you
very professional.
Ismiled proudly and said, "We are trained to be that way.' Now,
| started asking him questions. 'How do you know so much
about India?'
'Oh, it is not difficult. There are lots of Indian restaurants in
Miami. On the weekends, Igo there and eat.'
I collected my bags and he joined me as I walked to customs.
'You know, lady, I like Bollywood songs,' he said. There are
also Bollywood dance classes in Miami.
By then, we had reached customs. 'It was really nice to meet
you, lady. Have a good stay.'
As he walked away, I heard him humming a popular Bollywood
Song in an American accent.
Ifound myself outside the airport with the passport in my
hands.Iwas wondering what had changed in the last thirty
years. is not software alone. It is India in the eyes of the
West. India is no longer a poverty-stricken land of snake
charmers and elephants. The immigrant Indians in other
COuntries, confident Indians at home who have created wealth,
our next generation that has worked hard and competed
successfully with the West and our children who are now global
citizens have changed India's image in even a small airport like

Ismiled as I looked at my Indian passport.

~adapted from 'The day I stopped drinking milk' by Sudha Murty


How would you respond if someone judged you by your [1]

the factors mentioned in [8)
(IV) In not more than 50 words. summarize
changed India's image in the
ne passage that have
States over the past thirty years.

Question 5

blanks with the correct form of the
Fill in each of the numbered
copy the passage but write
Words given in the brackets. Do not
phrase appropriate to the
in correct serial order the word or
blank space.

unicorn," (dwell)
(0) The Okapi, dubbed the "African
in the Democratic Republic of Congo's
Answer: dwells
stripes, its body
While legs bear zebra-like black and white
hue. Its unique
(1) (have) a rich, reddish-brown
features (2) (include) a lengthy, flexible tongue for
(3) (strip) leaves and expressive ears for acute
(4) (discover) in the
in its tropical habitat. Despite its
early 20h century, the okapi remains (5) (elude) in the

wild, (6) (conceal) by the rainforest's depths. Human

activities, including deforestation and (7) (poach). pose
threats to its habitat, raising (8) (conserve) concerns for
this enigmatic creature.

(0) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. [4

(a) The river gently meandered the lush, green valley.
(b) Cassius took several measures to incite Brutus


the twO opposing

(c) The diplomat was
leaders the life-sized
(d) He placed the miniature
the thick foliage.
(e) The fox disappeared
High Court
() He was relieved his duties as the

(g) They have not renovated their apartment
(h) This officer is vested the power to settle the

(ü) Join the following sentences without using and, but or so. [4]
Choose the correct option.
1. The water is murky. It must be purified before use.
(a) The water is murky and it must be purified before use.
(b) As the water is murky, it must be purified before use.
(c) When the water is murky, it will be purified before use.
(d) If the water is murky, it is purified before use.

2 We encountered heavy traffic on the way. We reached the

destination on time.
(a) Despite having encountered heavy traffic, we reach the
destination on time.
(b) Despite heavy traffic being encountered, we reached the
destination on time.
(c) Despite of encountering heavy traffic, we reached the
destination on time.

(d) Despite encountering heavy traffic, we reached the

destination on time.


rushed her
3. The winds started getting stronger. The mother

children indoors.
started getting stronger when the
(a) Hardly had the winds
mother rushed her children
Hardly had the winds started getting stronger so
mother rushed her children
had the winds started getting stronger then the
(c) Hardly
mother rushed her children
Hardly did the winds started getting stronger than
mother rushed her children

acclaim. The storyline was
4. The movie received critical storyline
critical acclaim however the
(a) The movie received
was confusing.
acclaim, the storyline
(b) The movie despite receiving critical
was confusing.
critical acclaim, the storyline
(c) Though the movie received
was confusing.
critical acclaim but the
(d) Though the movie receives
storyline was confusing.

(iv Choose the correct option to rewrite the following according
the instructions given after each sentence.

strong) [8
1. Sundar is the strongest wrestler in this taluka. (Use:
(a) No other wrestler in this taluka is as strong as
(b) Sundar is a strong wrestler in this taluka.
(c) No other wrestler in this taluka is stronger than Sundar.
(d) Sundar is as strong as any other wrestler in this taluka


My sister completed the puzzle without any
(Use: effortlessly)
a puzzle.
(a) My sister effortlessly completed
(b) My sister completed the puzzle
(c) Mysister completed the puzzle a little
(d) My sister completed a puzzle with

(Remove too)
3. The river is too shallow for boats to navigate.
(a) The river is so shallow that boats cannot navigate.
(b) The river is so shallow and boats cannot navigate.
(c) The river is so shallow for boats to navigate.
(d) The river is So shallow, moreover, boats cannot navigate.

4. As soon as the chef finished preparing the dish. The waiter

brought it to the customer.
(Begin with: No sooner........)
(a) No sooner did the chef finished preparing the dish when
the waiter brought it to the customer.

(b) No sooner had the chef finished preparing the dish then
the waiter brought it to the customer.
(c) No sooner did the chef finish preparing the dish than the
waiter brought it to the customer.
(d) No sooner has the chef finished preparing the dish, the
waiter brought it to the customer.

5. The construction workers completed the project two days ago.

(Begin with: It has.)
(a) It has been two days for the completion of the project by
the construction workers.

- 10 -
(b) It has been tWo days
ago that the project was
by the
construction workers. completed
(C) It has been two days for
the construction workers'
Completion of the project.
(d) It has been two davs since the
construction workers
completed the project.
6. The students have completed several assignments before the
summative examination.
(Begin with: Several assignments...)
(a) Several assignments were completed by the students
before the summative examination.
(b) Several assignments are being completed by the
before the summative examination.
(c) Several assignments have been completed by the
students before the summative examination.
(d) Several assignments had been completed by the students
before the summative examination.

7. The event will proceed only if there is

sufficient attendance.
(Use: 'unless')
(a) The event will proceed
unless there is sufficient
(b) Unless there is sufficient
attendance, the event will not
(c) The event will
proceed unless there is not enough
(d) Unless there is not sufficient attendance, the event will

- 1|

8. " will be meeting the youth of this parish tomorrow," he


(Begin with: He announced...)

(a) He announced that he will be meeting the youth of this
parish the next day.
(b) He announced that he would meet the youth of the parish
the following day.
(c) He announced that he will be meeting the youth of that
parish tomorrow.
(d) He announced that he would be meeting the youth of that
parish the next day.


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