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Would you like to have your work published? Join the Verve team!

Editor Sarah Leo Art Director George Dulake Sub-Editor Owen Hughes Features Editor Sam Dury Lifestyle Editor Sharn Rayment Entertainment Editor Jude McArdle Writers Michelle Allan Marta Corato Ester Dewey Thomas Gibson Olly Hunter Jade Jennison Tom Knock Laila Lala Tiffany Phan Anna Reinoso Kam Sandhu Graeme Swanson Angela Yussuf



2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11

Student Societies LMU Amnesty Inernational Socitey Freshers Week Weve summed up the highlights of the week Mastering the Met Maze Our guide through LMU In Print Introducing London Mets many publications London Riots The Aftermath Interview Greg Davies - The Big Man The Facebook Trap Want to leave uni with a degree? Heres how Creative Corner Cock Killing

Students Union

12 Information from your Students Union 16 Interview Olly Hunter speaks to the BBCs Johnathan Pearce 18 New Cheerleading Squad 20 21 22 24 Cocktail OClock Try our exclusive London Met mixtures Beauty How to survive the ultimate crisis Fashion Focus Geek Chic Relationship Column The cheating dilema



26 What We Did Last Summer 28 Lord of the Flies 30 Reviews

Matrix 32 Favourites

Are you a journalist, writer, designer, illustrator or photographer?

Illustrators Matt Davies George Dulake Ann Phillipas Photographers Elsa Buchanan Olga Socha Martina Tomasello

Just drop us an email at or visit our Facebook page, Verve Magazine, to find out what is required to get involved! Verve Magazine is the independent publication of London Metropolitan University, written for students, by students. The monthly magazine, in its current form, was launched in 2009 by Journalism undergraduates with the aim of giving creative and enthusiastic students an outlet for their work, ideas and thoughts. Students can pick up their free copy of Verve from our distribution bins that are located throughout the North and City campuses. We are sure you will find what youre looking for we cover everything from current issues, features, lifestyle, sports and of course entertainment.

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Its that time of year again new term, new modules, new classmates. Our motivation levels are still at the very top and, of course, this time around everything will change. We wont leave our coursework until the very last minute, we will attend every single lecture and we surely wont even consider going out the night before an exam. How long do these thoughts last for you? Two weeks? Maybe three? Probably not for long, and as deadlines approach we are going to curse our lazy flesh yet again. So heres a suggestion: why not really try to make the most of the term? The price of education is incredibly valuable so lets not take our opportunities for granted. Start working on your CV and take up an extra-difficult class; join a society, a sports club or even apply for that internship you always wanted. Theres nothing stopping you, is there? Are you keen on joining Verve? Drop me an email at to find out what is required to get involved. We also want to hear your opinion! Join our Facebook group Verve Magazine, tweet us @VerveLondonMet or write to us at letters. and let us know what you think!

Copyright 2011. Published by the London Metropolitan University Students Union (METSU). All copyrights exist with the indicated staff, written under the Verve name and cannot be reproduced or altered without the respective creators express permission. This publication is for free, non-commercial distribution only. All views represented within the publication are not necessarily those of the writers, editors or London Met Students Union. Contacts: Editor, Sarah Leo, Art Director, George Dulake,



Working to protect Human Rights

LMU Amnesty International Society

Sarah Leo
For 50 years, Amnesty International has been fighting at the forefront to protect human rights all over the world. The NGO, founded in London in 1961, has campaigned, lobbied and sought great media attention for global issues, most notably in their campaign against torture that scored them the Nobel Piece Price in 1977 and, of course, for the case of Nelson Mandela until his release in 1990. An incredible three million supporters in more than 150 countries are part of the initiative. Now, our very own London Met students have decided to pitch in as well. The London Met Amnesty International Society was launched this March, just in time to host this years amnesty@50 anniversary celebrations. On the guestlist: experienced Amnesty activist like Dan Jones, who has been part of the NGO for around thirty years. In collaboration with the Tower Hamlets and City Amnesty Group, the society organised the event that was used to collect signatures for petitions for their current campaigns. Founded by Krystyna Zawal, Kristina Murasova, Cassidy Chiramba, William Lee and Thupten, the societys goal is to provide London Met students with the opportunity to engage with a leading human rights organisation and gain a better understanding of human rights, allowing them to make a real impact with their actions. Currently, the society supports high-profile student campaigns such as Demand Dignity: Petrol, Pollution and Poverty in the Niger Delta, Forced Evictions: Kenya, Zimbabwe & Serbia, Roma Rights and Burma: Solidarity with Burmas Political Prisoners. Krystyna Zawal is responsible for planning the societys upcoming events, as well as maintaining relations with the Student Office, the Amnesty Education & Student Team and guests and speakers. She said: Studying in London is an excellent opportunity to get yourself involved in a range of different NGOs. With the societys close links to the Amnesty Education & Student Team, the society stays informed about Amnestys upcoming events, volunteering opportunities for students and current campaigns. The team also provides lists of available speakers. Earlier this year the society hosted events with Paul Eagle, Business and Human Rights Adviser at Human Rights Action Centre, and Tom Gibson, Central and East Africa Campaigner at Amnesty International Secretariat. Compared to other societies, the founders avoid holding regular meetings very much to their advantage. For full time students every minute is precious, therefore whenever possible we communicate via email. However, to make important decisions democratically, we often have ad-hoc meetings after lectures and seminars at the atrium or at the student bar, Zawal explained. Talks and events organised by the society have a rather informal organisational structure, so that students dont get the impression they are coming to another lecture. There is always enough time left for discussion and questions, she said. The fairly young society has 15 members at the moment and welcomes students from every year and course. We strongly encourage everyone interested in human rights issues to become an active member of the society by getting involved in our work and contributing to the wider community of our university and Amnesty International, said Zawal. For more information about the society, email or join their Facebook group, LondonMet Amnesty International Society. Would you like to see your society featured in Verve? Send a message to features. and let us know!

Freshers Week A nna Reinoso

It's Emily's first year at London Met. She left her home town, saying goodbye to her mum, sister, cat, and the friends she has known all her life, with a mixture of sadness and excitement. Now she's living in the big city, away from home for the first time. What can she expect from her first two weeks as a London Met student? Well, if she makes the most of the University's freshers' week activities, her diary could look something like this: Thursday 22nd September My first day as a student! Went to the Clubs and Societies sign up stall this morning. Joined the music and philosophy societies. There were loads more, Ill have another look later. Did the University Tour and Treasure Hunt just before lunch. It was fun and the building doesn't seem so confusing now! Had lunch with new friend Jessica (who won a prize at the end of the Treasure Hunt!) then we went on the Islington walk. It seems like a really nice area, with lots of shops and stuff to do. I wasn't too interested in seeing the Emirates Stadium but Regent's Canal was pretty. What a busy first day! Friday 23rd September Went to the From Complying to Applying workshop this morning. It was fun and lively and I learned techniques to give me the edge to get ahead of the game. A good way to launch university life! Also went to the Sports Experience and watched a demonstration of Parkour. It looked really cool, maybe I'll try it! Had a nice chilled out lunch at the Rocket watching a film they have lots of screenings so I'll definitely come back. Monday 26th September Did the Setting Goals for Success workshop this morning. It was all about exploring the skills you need to identify your values in life and to focus on actions you need to take in order to maximise your potential. Mum and dad will be impressed when they hear about that! Also went to the Sharing Poetry event, where we all read out poems we like. Met some people who live in my halls! We're all going to the Rocket tonight for Metcard Madness. Tuesday 27th September Felt a bit worse for wear today...shouldn't have mixed drinks but both the vodka shots and the strongbow were only 1.50! Had a fun night playing free games with my new friends, so worth the hangover today...I think! Missed the I Never Think Except When I Sit Down to Write workshop at 10am but I made it to Developing Your Emotional Intelligence workshop, which was really good. It was all about recognising your own feelings and those of others and managing your emotions better. After dinner I went to Karaoke at the Rocket Complex with Jessica, that was a laugh. Really feel like I'm settling into student life now! Wednesday 28th September Today was all about money management. I went to the Money Money Money and How to Find Part-time Work workshops, both were really useful. But just so I don't get too stressed out by all the finance stuff I also went to the Settle Your Mind and Body workshop, where I learnt relaxation techniques. Tonight everyone from halls is going to the UV Glow Rave at the Rocket Complex, can't wait for the free glow sticks and body paint!! Thursday 29th September Hangover number two today...but another great night out with new friends. I made it to the Learn to Cook class and learnt some great tips which means I won't have to rely on beans on toast for the next three years! Also went to the Students and State Benefits workshop to get more advice on money matters. After that I had another chilled out lunch watching a film at the Rocket. Friday 30th September The Find Out About Volunteering workshop today was helpful. It could be a good thing to do in my spare time. It's the Back2School night at the Rocket tonight, can't wait for some retro 80s music! Monday 3rd October Went on the Camden Market trip today. There was so much great food, fashion, arts and crafts a lovely place. Also met some nice new people who love shopping like myself! Tuesday 4th October Went on the China Town trip this morning. It was good to see central London with all its street performers, market stalls, shops and restaurants. Went to Met Mates at the Rocket in the evening, it was like speed dating except the aim was to get to know as many London Met students as possible! Great fun, I've made loads of new friends now! Wednesday 5th October Another London day trip today, this time to the West End. It was the most exciting trip yet! So many theatres, tourist attractions and shops! I love London! Flirt! launch night is on at the Rocket tonight, will probably go with people from halls.

Thursday 6th October Dropped into the Get to Know London workshop, which was a quick guide to the capital, just to catch up on bits I haven't visited yet. I found out how to get around and see some of the city's main attractions like Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London and the Houses of Parliament. Can't wait to see them all! It's Live Music Thursday at the Rocket tonight so will finally get to check out some bands! Friday 7th October Went on the British Museum trip, which was very interesting...and impressive. Apparently its collections number more than seven million objects from all continents and are amongst the largest and most comprehensive in the world! Going to wind down freshers' week with cocktails at the Rocket tonight, then I'd better start getting on with some studying! For information on all of these activities and more, including events for international, postgraduate and mature students, see the Met Fresh guide.


Step 1: Find a Society You can find a list of all LMU societies online on the Intranet, at the Student Office or in the latest MetSU student handbook. There you will find the societies contact details and information about their work. Step 2: Contact Society & Pay Membership Fee If you have further questions about a society or are not sure about the membership fee, contact them and see what it takes to get involved. As soon as you have decided to join, you can pay your fee online or at the Student Office. Step 3: Voil, thats it! After your payment has gone through, you are officially part of the society! The society will stay in touch with you about how to make the most of your participation.

The Verve Guide to

Freshers Week
There are so many events going on in Freshers Week. Here are our


Step 1: The Idea Do you want to start something new? Starting a society is not as difficult as it may seem, so go for it! Step 2: Paperwork Just download the Society Registration form from the Intranets Student Office website and fill it in. Once youre done, email the form to Step 3: Registration Fee As soon as your society has been approved, go online and pay the membership fee for your three initial members. Step 4: Society Induction The founding members have to attend two induction sessions on how to run your society, budgets, etc Step 5: Voil, thats it! Your society has been registered and you can start getting new members, organise events and enjoy your new community!

top tips.

Thursday 22nd September Islington walk 11am - 3pm Friday 23rd September - Cinema screening @ Rocket Monday 26th September - Metcard Madness @ Rocket Tuesday 27th September - Learn to Cook @ Calcutta House and Karaoke @ Rocket Wednesday 28th September - Clubs and Societies sign up stalls and UV Glow Rave @ Rocket Friday 30th September Back2School @ Rocket Monday 3rd October - Camden Market trip Tuesday 4th October - China Town tour and Met Mates @ Rocket Wednesday 5th October - Flirt! launch night @ Rocket Thursday 6th October - Live Music @ Rocket Friday 7th October - British Museum tour and Cocktails @ Rocket


Mastering the London Met Maze

Marta Corato
It doesn't matter if you are a first year student, a postgrad or even a lecturer - finding your way around London Mets North campus will always be one of your biggest problems. Here are a few tips that you might want to keep in mind: Last minute is not an option. Even when you have (finally) found out where BELG-14 is, give yourself an extra ten minutes in case you get lost again. You don't want to be late because the door you used the week before has disappeared. If you get lost, just go back to the courtyard. That rectangle of concrete will be the best point of reference you have. The Piazza will work as well, but in the courtyard you will be able to breathe some fresh air while you figure out where you're going. If youre running late, never take the lift. They're always packed and you will be waiting a lifetime; taking the stairs and running will let you save some time. Never mind the sweating.

North campus


City campus

City campus is not that terrible building-wise, as long as you find the right place. You may want to take a bottle of water with you in case you get thirsty walking up and down Whitechapel High Street looking for Calcutta House, the library or the Student Office. Remember, Brick Lane will always be there, but your lecturers won't be, so go to class and don't let the hipsters distract you. Finally, be careful when you cross the street: bus drivers are pretty wild in East London.

The various publications of

London Met
Sam Dury
Verve is not the only London Met publication run by students, for students. The Business School, the Law School and the Postgraduate College all aim to keep you updated with the latest faculty and industry-related news. Verve Magazine Verve is published once a month during term time and can be collected from the distribution boxes across both campuses, in the lobbies and key meeting points across the university. For the grand price of absolutely nothing, Verve reports on University news, features, top tips, interviews, University sports updates, relationship advice and fashion pages. The magazine reports on anything and everything believed to be of importance to you London Met-ers! Verve is always looking for new writers, so whatever your interests are there is always an opportunity to get involved. Dictum Law Magazine The Dictum Law Magazine is published three times a year in October, January and April for students of Law, Governance and International Relations. The magazine includes news about the industry as well as the law department within London Met. Great guest writers feature in the magazine, the last issue being Justice of the Supreme Court, Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe, as well as pieces written by established lecturers at the University. The magazine also includes reviews of books, alumni pages and an agony aunt section. If you are studying Law at London Met, Dictum is essential reading. The magazines editor James Canlas tells us: Students may collect their hard copies from the law office, the library at Calcutta House, the undergraduate centre and the SU office at City campus. Whenever an issue is published and distributed, the e-version will also be available from the website. Previous issues are available as an e-magazine at LMBS Times The LMBS Times is the London Met Business Schools official magazine, keeping you informed about the latest faculty news,

Londons Anarchy Aftermath

Sam Dury
On August 6 a new light was shed on London, as scenes that have not been witnessed since the Brixton Riots of the 80s dominated our screens. As fires spread across the capital, so did looting, destruction and eventually full-blown anarchy. The catalyst for these actions was the allegedly unprovoked shooting of Mark Duggan by a police officer. But the riots opened a can of worms, with criticisms of the Coalitions cuts, gang culture, unemployment and the closure of youth clubs all in the firing line. With rioters aging from 12 years old, the five day long ordeal portrayed a terrifying view of the youth of Britain. The riots began in London Mets neighbouring borough of Haringey, where unemployment rates are double the national average at 8.8%. Local organisation London Youth Fight for Jobs claimed that youths cannot be blamed, as they had no outlets for their boredom and tensions were already running high within poorer communities. Organiser Suzanne Beishon said: EMA has been cut, eight out of 13 youth clubs have been closed and young people face harassment from the police on a daily basis. Young people on the streets have got nothing to do. Sociology student Helen Edwards, 21, disagreed with Beishon: The riots were shocking; there is absolutely no excuse for that behaviour. These people were not protestors, they were rioters, destroying their own communities. Police have taken a tough stance since the riots as linked arrests reach 2,000, with over 1,100 being charged.Beishon continued: This brutal retaliation from a greedy corrupt government will only isolate and anger young people further. Many believe that, though the riots were inexcusable, they were rooted in mounting tensions between young people, the police and the rise in gang culture. Whatever the


reason or cause, many small businesses were ruined. The most iconic images of the riots came from Croydon, the other side of London to Duggans hometown of Tottenham, and the 144-year-old family run House of Reeves furniture store, which was burnt to the ground in an act of mindless vandalism. Beishon concluded: We oppose rioting. It doesn't help working class communities, it exacerbates tensions. Youth Fight for Jobs held a protest and meeting one week after the riots ended in an attempt to reverse the closures of youth clubs and discuss a way forward for the communitys youths. With such negative representation in the media, its easy to forget that not all of todays youths are rioters or thugs. Many young people disagree with the riots and do not understand the reasoning behind them. Fashion Marketing and Journalism student Sharn Rayment, 22, said: I think people are over-analysing the causes. It's not because youths are concerned about a rise in tuition fees or cuts to youth services, it's just a bit of mindless fun for them. She continued: They see their mates

getting trainers and flat screen TVs for nothing and they jump on the bandwagon. That's why places that are of no interest to them got burnt down. The fact is, the excuse of the rise in tuition fees as a reason for rioting is, well, inexcusable. Most of the rioters were below university age or unemployed and few were university students. Miss Rayment blamed their lifestyle: They seem to have a sense of entitlement, which reflects a lack of discipline in their lives. You can't blame a government for that. The riots began and ended in harmless protests. What came in between, however, justified or not, cast a worrying shadow over todays post-recession society. There is no doubt that there is a link between the deprivation in areas of London and the anger felt within communities, however a medium must be reached; whether youth clubs can save society is somewhat unrealistic, but it may be a start.

business tips and career opportunities. For budding entrepreneurs it gives top tips on how to begin your career and be successful in business. The online newsletter keeps you up to date with industry events, which are great for networking and meeting new contacts

who could potentially launch your career. A great aspect to this publication is its focus on successful alumni, not forgetting a whole section dedicated to upcoming placements and how to get them. For current news and information, visit


plans to stay for the foreseeable future. Following his tour, which he says has given him a basic understanding of the geography of the United Kingdom and probably profound liver damage, Davies will appear as a regular on the second series of Ask Rhod Gilbert in September, as well as a further few projects which are being kept firmly

under wraps for the time being. His other post-tour plans are simple and concise: I am writing like a bastard and losing weight, he said.

have the courage to start earlier than I did, he said. Young people should go after their dreams with un-quashable ferocity.


So after all his success, does he have Wise words from a very tall and very any regrets? Only not getting into funny man. comedy sooner: I cannot believe and am extremely irritated that I didnt

Greg Davis - The Big Man

Sharn Rayment

Greg Davies is tall. Very tall six foot eight to be exact, which makes him impossible to miss. That and the fact that he is quickly becoming a household name due to a variety of high-profile television appearances and a sell-out debut comedy tour. The 43-year-old comedian from Shropshire is not one to shy away from focusing on his height though, as he often plays the tall card as a way of introduction to many of his comedy sets, reliving stories of being constantly taunted for his height and feeling like a genuine fairytale giant in Bangkok. As youve probably guessed, Davies is not scared of poking fun at himself. In fact, he relishes the laughs his self-depreciating comedy style brings, which has led to his success on the circuit. He even confesses that his current Firing Cheeseballs at a Dog tour consists of an out-of-shape, middle -aged man pushing himself to the point of a critical physical breakdown in pursuit of laughs. Its an approach thats been so popular that the tours long run of 43 days has just been extended to an even longer 93. Named after a real life experience that involved actually firing cheeseballs at

a dog, Greg Davies first solo tour was nominated for a Fosters Edinburgh Comedy Award at 2010s Edinburgh Festival, and is now being taken on the road right through to February 2012. Davies has not always been a comedy professional though, starting out in the world of work as a school teacher. He left academia in 2001 to pursue a career in stand-up comedy, which he admits has been his dream since primary school. Davies biggest break came in 2008 when he took on the role of the harsh and resentful head of sixth form Mr Gilbert in British sitcom The Inbetweeners, which escalated him into the big time. Alongside four teens making the transition from school to sixth form played by Simon Bird, Joe Thomas, James Buckley and Blake Harrison - Davies became famous for his portrayal of the intimidating and blunt character, as well as his trademark disapproving facial expressions. He appeared as Mr Gilbert for three series of The Inbetweeners through to 2010, reprising his role for the summer 2011 blockbuster The Inbetweeners Movie, where he bid the students of Rudge Park Comprehensive sixth form a final the

expected condescending manner. However, Davies assures us that the only similarities between Mr Gilbert and Mr Davies are their bodies and heads. As my ex-pupils are very keen to remind me, as a real teacher I was far from feared, he said. In fact, an ex-pupil once nominated me for teacher of the year. It is a serious and respected award and on the official form the only reason she cited was: Hes a well good laugh and he dont make us do no work. Between filming he appeared alongside comedians Steve Hall and Marek Larwood in BBC Threes 2009 series We Are Klang. The series started out as variety sketch show Klangbang, with Davies in lead role of the Deputy Mayor Klangbury. The show gained cult following for its rude and anarchic comedy style, combining the randomness of The Mighty Boosh and the live audience presence of Armstrong and Miller. From that he went on to appear on the panel of BBC Two quiz show Mock the Week three times in 2009, where he made the smooth transition from actor to stand-up comedian, and stayed and

Greg Davies is in London with his stand-up show Firing Cheeseballs at a Dog from 24th November to 26th November at Leicester Square Theatre. A DVD of the show is released on 14th November. Visit



Want to leave University with a degree? Then come back to reality.

Tom Knock

Cock Killing
A short story by Graeme Swanson
Every member of the Morrison family was born with enormous teeth and Morag Morrison was no exception. They had been in her head for eighty years and they hung about the front of her mouth like pale, indolent teenagers. She yawned like a donkey and got out of bed. Morag shuffled down the length of the carpet and pulled open the dust-coloured curtains. Two cock-hens stared through the rain at her: one was bright and proud and new, the other, old and dull and dead inside. They reminded Morag of her great-grandson, Whatshisname. Hes old enough now, she thought. The old woman spat into the sink and wiped the white from her mouth. This is Whatshisnames second summer here, and its about time he learned the ways of the land. Nothing dies of old age in the country. You should die under a cow or a bale of hay, not in your bed like a politician or a poet. No. This was Morag Morrison and she was a legend. Theyll talk about her in the Lonely Lamb for years to come. The men will raise a glass and sing about her ways. Whatshisname Morrison was nine and asleep. His Morrison teeth were firmly in place and made his head look small. He felt soft in the bed against the cold candlewick bedspread. It was pink with flowers on it. Big pink and yellow flowers. This is what old people liked and his great-granny looked about a thousand and six. Come on, you, shouted Morag, I need you up. Whatshisname opened his eyes. He heard rain spitting on the corrugated iron roof and felt damp, even though he wasnt. He poked his feet into the corners of the bed and a bolt of cold went straight to his eyes.

dissertation whilst sitting in a large room with all your friends talking over one another. Its practically impossible. Although Mark Zuckerbergs monster is by far the biggest danger to my degree, it is not the only demon. Twitter is also to blame. Its a bit like diet-Facebook - it doesnt allow me to plunge into peoples photos and private lives as much, but it does bombard me with updates from musicians, journalists and celebrities. I find myself using Twitter as a break from Facebook, and that really is bad. Whats more, its not even that easy to get off Facebook. It allows you to deactivate your account without actually deleting it, meaning that all you have to do to get it back is log in with the same credentials. So whats the solution? My advice to you is to change your password to something long and unmemorable, write it down, seal it in an envelope and give it to a trustworthy friend to look after until your work is done. And be strong - the panic attacks will subside after a while.

But the worst thing about it is that it is constantly there. Its hard to switch off. Its like a parallel universe co-existing with real life. And because of that, I sit glued to my Facebook page, waiting for a couple to break up or an equally lost soul to like the status I posted six hours previously. At some time of your university life, there will be the awful, looming sensation of a deadline creeping closer. Procrastination often comes in the form of unnecessary laundry runs, spring-cleaning in the summer and organising your CDs in alphabetical order: anything to get away from the deadline that is hovering on the horizon. In todays world, there is a new danger, and it comes in the form of infamous white writing on a blue background: Facebook. The social networking site is both mindbogglingly genius and soul-crushingly addictive. It serves to connect you with your friends and family around the world for free, whilst leaving you constantly plugged in to the lives of people you dont really know or care about. While I dont make a habit of adding total strangers, I do have people on my Facebook I would pass by in the street, but on Facebook I can see their photos, wall posts, location updates and even phone numbers. Whilst Facebook is excellent for stopping you from watching Loose Women on a lazy afternoon, its your worst enemy when youre actually trying to do something productive, e.g. that important coursework thats due in next week. The quick look always turns in to ten minutes worth of stalking. But worst thing is that it is no longer just on computers - its on our phones too. If theres any activity on my page, my iPhone instantly sends me a notification. Resisting the urge to look is like trying not to sneeze: youre inevitably going to snot everywhere and see what somebody has said about that drunken photo of you. Everything that we do nowadays is linked with Facebook. If something interesting happens to us, we put it on Facebook. Our friends do the same and because of this, trying to do anything productive whilst being logged in is like trying to write a

Teas at the door said Morag. Whatshisnames great-grandmother made the best sweet tea. He had never tasted tea like it and never would again. A piece of perfect toast lay next to the perfect cup. Whatshisname sat on the bed, sucked the tea off his toast and looked out of the window. Two chickens were staring up at him. They looked fed up. Whatshisname knew his great-granny would make him do something awful that day, he just didnt know what. Yesterday she made him kill weeds. She gave him a stick and told him to swipe away at anything that looked out of place; not the sunflowers and not the mint, great-granny liked mint, but nettles, hogweed, cut it all down. Hed imagined faces on the weeds: all the bullies and every wasp. Whatshisname had hit everything, including a lot of mint. The young boy and the old woman had arranged to meet outside. The rain hung in the air like wet towels and refused to sink into the earth, preferring instead to go for the face and shoulders. Whatshisnames raincoat was too big and far too yellow; Morag Morrison wore her dead husbands never-waxed Barber. See that Chicken? Said Morag, pointing at the more disappointed looking of the two cocks. We have to kill him. Oh, said Whatshisname, why? Hes too old and none of the lady chickens

want to dance with him anymore. Oh, said Whatshisname, pulling the strings tightly on his hood. Go and get him. Whatshisname looked up at his greatgranny, then looked at the bird, then looked at his great-granny again. Go on. Whatshisname went over to the coop, snatched hold of the bird and held it as far away as from him as he could. Um, great-granny, I dont Pull its head off. Whatshisname stroked the birds head. It barely moved in his hands. Twist and turn. Very quick and hard. He pulled and he twisted, he twisted and pulled. The cock flapped but knew it was the end. Whatshisname started to cry - it was only half past eight in the morning. He stretched the birds neck as far as it would go, put it between his teeth and bit off its head. Whatshisname was too shocked to move. He stood as still as a scaffold. Somewhere, a chicken clucked. Morag Morrison smiled at the boy and wiped raindrops from her teeth.



Students Union
website is well organised and loaded with information about our Union, activities, and advice and support for students. If you have any questions or queries, please visit our website. Additionally, feel free to write your views or comments on our Students Union blog. You can also follow us on twitter @ londonmetsu, join our Facebook page London MetSU and see our latest activities on YouTube @ MetSULondon. MetSU - putting students first and proud to be at London Met!

Students Union
Message from your Participation and Development Officer Angelo Weekes
Id like to say a very big welcome to all new and returning students to London Metropolitan University. I hope you are all well rested and ready to begin tackling your assignments, coursework and winter exams to the best of your ability. My name is Angelo Weekes and I am the very proud and newly-elected Participation and Development officer of the Students Union MetSU. This is my second year in the Union: previously I was the Diversity & Equality Officer who dealt with Union-related issues pertaining to diversity and equality. At present I am having a lot of fun ordering MetSU merchandise, which will be on offer at our table at the Freshers Fair - they truly are quality products . So come over to our table, say hi to the team and if you sign up to be a volunteer over the next year, youll receive a free MetSU water bottle. Yes, we do our bit for the environment! that thinking positively and working hard to achieve excellent results is the best thing to do. Successful students will receive fantastic opportunities, so use the time you have here to your advantage. There are also many services provided by the University and the Students Union to ease you into university life and help you enjoy your time at London Met. You can find out more about these services at the SU office, the undergraduate/ postgraduate offices and the student services office. As well as this, in my new role throughout the coming year I will be putting on events and activities for you the students, such as a societies reception and a Book Fair; raising student involvement in our awesome Union, which is still growing; encouraging students to start up societies; signing up more enthusiastic volunteers and aiming to develop the Union further. The MetSU executives want the Students Union to be as good as the students we represent, so if you have any ideas in regards to the aforementioned areas, drop by our new swanky offices in the Tower building TMG -75, or the City campus office on the third floor above the HUB bar on Goulston Street. If you would like to email me, you may also do so. Please see my email address at the end. Lastly, I draw your attention to a number of projects Im currently working on, that I would very much like you to help develop and participate in. They include: Time-Banking scheme Do you have a skill any skill - that you believe the Students Union could benefit from in exchange for time credits, which can be used to attend the theatre or cinema? If so, please get in touch. Volunteering Are you interested in getting to know how the Students Union works or would just like to volunteer your time to help with administration? If you are, please contact me. The first 150 students get a free MetSU water bottle; also, it will look great on your CV! Raising and Giving (RAG) Do you want to raise money for a good cause and be in a society with like-minded individuals? Then join the new RAG society I am currently starting up and be part of our RAG activities this year, which will be great fun I promise you! Calling all second and third years Are you a second or third year student who would like to help other students with their studies over the next year? If so, please get in touch. It will greatly help with our work around

Message from your Welfare Officer Jason U. Jackson

Hello fellow students, My name is Jason U. Jackson and I am your Student Welfare Officer. I am also part of the executive team of the MetSU. Knowing that welfare issues play a large role whether or not you do well academically in higher education, I have put in place things that will help reduce the welfare worries you may experience at university. I will be giving a daily DID YOU KNOW? information update on our website and on Twitter about the help you can receive regarding welfare, as well as other University-related information that will aid you while studying here at London Met. I believe the availability of information for students is very important in avoiding unnecessary stress. As your Welfare Officer, my job is to point you in the right direction so that you can have an excellent study experience at London Met. The MetSU team and myself will be happy to help or direct you to the teams that deal with student support at the University, accommodation, health, finance, stress, counselling and any other academic concerns you might have during your time here. I am also committed to making sure any issues you bring to us are dealt with on time and fairly. I promise to give you my full attention to make sure you have a stress-free experience at London Met. Feel free to come and speak to me whenever you see me around campus, or at the Student Union office. You can get more information on all welfare issues through our website, welfare, or follow me on Twitter for more regular updates on welfare events that are taking place around campus, @Jackson4welfare

Message from Communication and Campaigns Officer Md. Raju Ali

My dear London Met students, I would like to thank you all, both the new students who made the decision to start their higher educational journey with London Met and the returning students who are continuing their studies with us. Welcome to all of you to our University & our Union, MetSU. London Metropolitan University Students Union (MetSU) is an independent, democratic organisation run by students for students. The Students Union provides representation, advice and support to students at the University. We also support our media outlets, such as Verve magazine. Verve is always on the lookout for new writers, editors, photographers, designers, illustrators and layout artists, and last year also saw the launch Verve Radio, so we are now also on the lookout for DJs, presenters and technicians. To complete the package, this year will see Verve TV, so if you have any experience in filming, editing or producing television then get involved. We hope that many of you will take up these opportunities and make the most of them while you can. The Students Union continues to work in partnership with the University as it moves into the future. Do let us know if you have any suggestions, ideas or comments as to how we can make things better for you , the student. On behalf of the entire University, I hope your time studying with us will be enjoyable, exciting and rewarding. London Met Student Union Hand Book & Diary 2011-2012 I am very happy to inform you that this year, MetSU has produced its own Students Union handbook & diary for students. This will be very useful over the next academic year. It is designed to give you an excellent view of our University and Union and you will be able to find loads of information, hints and tips from it. The handbook will also serve as a guide to MetSU & University events, as well as other activities throughout the year. So, please do not forget to collect your exclusive copy from the MetSU office. Its free; its yours! MetSU Website: I am also delighted to announce the live appearance of our new MetSU website. The

Md. Raju Ali Communications & Campaigns Officer Mobile: 020 7133 4698 (North Campus) or 020 7320 2223 (City Campus) Email:

increasing the student experience and aiding student retention. Student Activism Are you a student campaigner, activist or just care about an issue regarding student welfare? Do you want to let out that inner activist you that never knew existed? If yes or even if youre not sure, then please contact me, as you could benefit from our inhouse activist training, which Ill be running in the autumn semester. Email me at acuk and add me on Twitter, @angeloweekes I hope this has helped and I look forward to meeting you all in October and thereafter.

Message from your International Students Officer Saifullah Hamza Maishanu

WELCOME TO LONDON MET A MESSAGE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS I am sure that the long-awaited move to the UK and enrolment at our great citadel of learning, London Metropolitan University, is a dream come true for you! I wish to congratulate you all on your admission and your opportunity to study at London Met. If you are reading this, you are one of the lucky applicants who made it through. I would like to take a brief moment to educate you on what to expect from your time at the University and the opportunities that will come from it. This will be discussed under two sub- topics: 1. You and your studies/ university 2. You, your culture and our campus 1. YOU AND YOUR STUDIES/UNIVERSITY Depending on where you lived and studied before coming to London Met (if not from within the UK), you may find studying here very different. This may be a positive thing or a negative thing, therefore my advice is

2. YOU, YOUR CULTURE AND OUR CAMPUS London Met is one of the largest multicultural universities in UK. It is diverse and unique in many ways and because of this, we hope you will find it to be a home away from home and a place where you can influence what goes on. Dont be afraid to be yourself, get involved and promote your culture; there are a lot of societies that you can join which are beneficiary as well as educational and which will also give you the opportunity to share your great ideas with fellow students, staff and even the general public on occasion. These will also help you develop confidence and skills in leadership and teamwork, which will equip you for your future. Information on how to join societies can be found online at, or by visiting the Students Union office. We hope you will find the above information useful, nevertheless if you need assistance or further information please contact the Students Union as they will be happy to help you. Once again, CONGRATULATIONS! Saifullah Hamza Maishanu International Students Officer, Email:, Tel: 02071334171 (North Campus) or 02073202305 (City Campus)


Information and images provided by London MetSU


Students Union
News for Part-Time students
On Monday 12th Sept 2011, the part-time students officer Jaya Loton, SU President Claire Locke, SU City VP Syed Ali and Equality & Diversity Officer Eustace Akabuogu had a meeting with Professor Malcolm Gillies, ViceChancellor of London Metropolitan University. The main issue for this meeting arose after students began emailing Claire Locke raising concern about the rise of part-time fees per module for existing students, after the University failed to inform continuing students of the these changes. Following the meeting a resolution has been put forward. All existing students in 2011 will pay the index rated 2010/11 fee, new PT students in 2011 will pay the 420 per module fee and new PT students in 2012 will pay 50% of whatever the equivalent full-time fee would be. They have also resolved the communications error and each part-time student will now receive an email with an attached statement regarding the cost of part-time student fees per module. what you want from London Met. We will be kick-starting the year with an exciting event in the Rocket courtyard on Friday 30th September from 1-6pm. The entertainment will be provided by Verve Radio with a range of activities including information and goody stalls, spray painting, body painting, a buffet, video blogging and an ice cream van providing FREE ice cream! Watch out for hallway methodology! Usually we ask students not to write on the walls, but not this time: we will be hanging posters around the campus for students to provide direct feedback to the University. Just write your response on the poster! You can also send in videos and images that portray your opinions, feedback and expectations to Visit where you will be able to debate with other students about what students really want at London Met. Dont forget to follow SocialMet on Twitter and check us out on Facebook: http://www. Are YOU a StAR? Get ready, because its the time to represent your fellow students. How? Simple. By being a StAR (Student Academic Representative), you can put forward the views and concerns of fellow students to various decision-making bodies within the University. StARs are elected on every level of every course at London Met and will sit on various committees to ensure the University takes into account the needs of students in its decision-making processes. By becoming a StAR, you will achieve many transferable skills that will help equip you for Student Charter @ London Met This year, London Met SU will be working in partnership with the University to develop a Student Charter that is realistic and representative of London Met. A Student Charter sets out the rights and expectations of what the University will deliver to students. It will also incorporate the Universitys expectations of students. The Student Charter has been broken up into the following areas: - Learning, teaching, assessment and feedback - Student appeals, complaints and discipline - Student support and guidance - University facilities and services - Student perception and engagement beyond the classroom We will be using various methods to find out your future. You will also make loads of friends and gain valuable experience in dealing with senior members of staff and various decisionmaking bodies. At the end of your time as a StAR you will receive a Training Certificate outlining the skills that you have gained, as well as business cards. If this sounds like something you would be interested in doing, drop into one of the SU offices or speak to your tutor. Be the first to snatch the chance! Syed Ali (Rumman) Vice-President City (Education & Representation) Samuel Tobi Vice-President North (Education & Representation) Celebrating Diversity at London Met Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common; celebrating it is not optional, it is essential. This initiative is an innovative way of highlighting and celebrating what makes us different as an institution, through a range of organised activities that engage our diverse backgrounds and communities. It aims to give students the opportunity to have a better understanding of each other through sharing and exploring cultural heritage in a fun manner. With events ranging from Express Yourself to debates on subjects such as Right or Riot, sexuality, as well as film screenings, the Met Carnival, Back to Black, the Diwali celebration and much more. Get involved! Express Yourself This is not an event but a competition for students who have what it takes to wow music and dance lovers at the Met Carnival. There will be vouchers for first, second and third prize winners. You can enter the competition by sending a YouTube video of your performance to Closing date is 18th October. In addition, if you are a comedian, poet, MC, dancer, actor/actress, or impersonator and would like to perform to a bigger audience, do not be discouraged to send in your YouTube videos to the same address, or you can come to the Students Union office for more information and sign up to our mailing list. Selected students could be performing on our much anticipated Back to Black event and other SU events. Debate on sexuality Students of different sexual orientations will here be able to meet like-minded people, get interactive and make friends. We hope to bring the chaplaincy team and notable figures to engage in this debate. Materials from the NUS will be shared and there will be refreshments available. Date: likely to be Monday 11 November 2011 Venue and time to be confirmed Back to Black This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate Black History Month. Activities will include poetry, drama, film screenings, self-help tips, music and dancing and much more. We are partnering with Voluntary Action Islington and All Night Parties to make this event a funpacked success. Miss it and miss out! Date Thursday 20 October 2011 Venue: the Rocket Met Carnival This event is the first of its kind. It is a sort of culture-fest where the University can celebrate its diverse range of cultures, traditions and ethnicities. Societies are advised to get creative and bring something colourful and vibrant to make this event worthwhile. There will be music, games and cultural dancing, and we will also have the privilege to celebrate Diwali! Diwali is a Hindu religious celebration. There will be students dressed in traditional Indian clothing as well as Mehendi henna-painting activities. There will also be some food and lots of stuff going on to get involved in. Afterwards there is cocktail continuation at the Rocket. Date Friday 28 October 2011 Venue to be confirmed, likely to be the Rocket and the courtyard. STAND OUT SOCIETY Stand Out Society is a multicultural society that aims to meet the extra-curricular needs of students at London Metropolitan University. It organises socio-cultural activities (indoor/ outdoor events) that engage students to bring out the real person inside and provide the opportunity to get a better understanding of each other. It also gives members the platform to propose events they want to see organised by the society. We have and promote a unique mentality of being the best at all times and standing out in real life situations. HOW ARE WE UNIQUE? We represent a multitude of ethnicities, backgrounds and cultures. Students take charge of their society and really have a say in the way it is run. So far, we have been able to organise events such as bowling, rock climbing, ice skating, rockaoke, badminton, tours of historic places, quiz competitions, relationship talks, talent shows, networking evenings, cinema trips and many more. We have a spirit of togetherness, the mind of greatness and the heart to promote the general welfare of members. We plan to go further and do better this semester! AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Increase participation and development of London Met students through events proposed and organised by the society, and share and explore common interests in a fun manner Organise events such as talent competitions, debates on contemporary issues, rockaoke, badminton, Go-Kating, cinema, dinner parties, picnics/cultural days, bowling, ice skating, rock climbing, parkour, relationship talks Provide necessary information from the right sources for better student experience Represent and convey opinions of members in the Student Council Work in partnership with the University to promote activities and events within campus, e.g. participating in the freshers fair and organising employment workshops Promote general welfare of members Create a friendly community and have fun together JOINING THE SOCIETY Students who want to become a member are advised to pay 2 via the University e-shop. Join us and get active! CONTACT DETAILS Join us on Facebook: London Metropolitan University Stand Out Society, or email us at TOGETHER WE STAND STRONG! MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND STAND OUT!

Students Union
Black Like Me
by Loreen Paris Jack, 2nd year Performing Arts I am a black, British, ambitious student of London Metropolitan University. As Black History Month approaches, I sit and think of the things we have to be proud of. I see the stereotypes and the way black people are portrayed in the media and I find it frustrating that when I ask people to name a famous black person, they answer with names such as Beyonc, Will Smith and Usain Bolt. Is that all we have to look up to? I am not questioning the talent of the above, as I am myself am a Performing Arts student and whilst talking specifically about performing I regard them as very successful. Though the stereotypical view that black people are great entertainers and sportsmen may be flattering, I find this very patronising. The way we are represented in the media portrays us as being more likely to win a Grammy or VMA than a Noble prize. As a young person I refuse to accept that these are the only people we have to be proud of in society. It is time we started recognising the people who have worked hard but seem to get overlooked. Black history month needs to not only be about looking back at people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, who have already proved that we can achieve great things, but about continuing to revolutionise and defeat stereotypes. It is not just about the past, it is about recognising the present and creating inspiration for the future. Black culture needs to be rebranded. This October, Id like to see recognition of the people of yesterday and people of today. Not just musicians and dancers but scientists, philosophers and politicians. I believe it is important to remember where you originate from and to continue certain traditions, as it is part of who you are. But looking to the future means not just looking at who you already are, but also making something of yourself. To bring positive change, we need to look at what will actually make a difference in the world and bring positive change, and look up to people like Barak Obama, Chi Onwurah, Nelson Mandela and the many others who make these things happen. Black History Month should be about learning from the past, whilst making tomorrows history even better.


Information and images provided by London MetSU




The Curious Life of

Olly Hunter
There is the threat of Alex, whos got a thunderbolt in his boot Oh what a screamer! These were the words of BBC commentator Jonathan Pearce describing the Brazilian defenders pile-driver free kick (and his Herculean footware). Words are Pearces living. Regarded by many as the BBCs lead commentator, he has been a broadcaster and working in and around football for 35 years. Pearce has been all over the world covering European Championships and World Cups, but there is more to him than football. For example, many people dont know that he was at one point a commentator for seven seasons of the smash hit TV show Robot Wars, or that his best friend was the late former England World Cup winning captain Bobby Moore. He has also just run his second London Marathon for the Lily Foundation, a mitochondrial disease charity he cofounded and is now the chairperson of. Pearce was born in Plymouth in 1959 but, despite his adult profession, cant recall the 1966 World Cup final and Kenneth Wolstenholmes famous they think its all over quote. I was six then, but I can remember Richard Dimblebys voice at the Churchill funeral, he said. I loved radio commentators voices. His earliest sporting memories were not football, but boxing. I used to listen after bedtime. Id have a transistor radio on underneath the sheets in the old crackly radio days, listening to fights from abroad - Muhammad Ali and Maurice Hope. Then there was the [1970] Mexico World Cup. I loved it all. Pearce was around football from an early age; his father worked for Bristol City. At 15 he was told he wouldnt be good enough to play professionally, so he began to videotape the clubs games for coaching purposes. The club was low in the league, but was way ahead of anyone else in the country in terms of making tactical tapes out of them, so I was on gantries and in press rooms and, with the exposure to journalists, one or two gave me advice, he explained. With the help of the football club, his first job was with BBC Radio Bristol covering his beloved City games. After four years of university in Birmingham where he received a degree in English, Pearce then gained a scholarship at the National Broadcasting School and, upon finishing, went back to Bristol to look for work. Having found that there wasnt a job at the BBC, Pearce went to Radio West, where he originally thought he was in line for some freelance work. However, on the first morning the program controller was struck down with peritonitis and Pearce was told he had a half hour show to do that night.Ive been so incredibly lucky, he said. I thought if I got six months work as a freelancer a year Id be doing really well. That was 30 years ago and I havent been out of work since. After a few years at Radio West and by way of BT ClubCall and BBC Radio 2, Pearce moved to Capital Radio, where he saw a potential audience in Londoners: We sort of saw a niche in the market to go for, Pearce explained. People in London werent really serviced for football: for clubs they supported in a passionate way, there was only a sort of dispassionate Radio 2 report and that was it. So we thought for an area of 15 million thats what they needed, and thats what we provided. Capital Gold Sport was launched and saw Pearce commentating on the matches of the London teams, then the games of the European Championships and the World Cup. This success brought more success, as he became the first commentator on football for the recently launched Channel 5. It was quite an honour, he admitted. [It was] a bit feel it and fumble through the first games because they wanted to do it in a completely bizarre way. For instance, the England/Poland game in Poland was presented from a pub back home. Whilst at Capital, Pearces co-commentator was Bobby Moore, the revered England captain of the 1966 World Cup winning side. Bobby died from cancer in 1993, just seven days after commentating on the England vs San Marino game at Wembley with Pearce. Bobby Moore was one of the finest men Ive ever met in my life, Pearce said. He had the ability to treat every person the same, whether it be a prince or a pauper; he let every football fan he met feel that their opinion of football was just as important as his. Pearce recalled how, after winning a Sony Award (Radios Oscars) for their show in 1991, Bobby took the entire sports department out for the night, even the reporters that worked for expenses on Saturdays: Bobby thought they were all as important as the main presenters, thats what he was like really, he said. He was very generous. When we were doing the 92 European Championships in Sweden we had a lad out there called Julian Walters. Capital were pulling Julian back for cost reasons after England were knocked out and Julian was heartbroken. So Bobby paid everything for Julian to stay out there, just so long as nobody knew about it at the time. That was just typical of Bobby really. He never talked himself up - he used to be self-deprecating about his own ability...he was a very very fine man. Pearce was at Capital Radio seven days a week, doing the games for Channel 5 as well as working for Sky occasionally. But along with having a wife and two children, something had to give; in 2002 he left Capital to work for BBC Radio 5 Live covering the Japan/Korea World Cup and left Channel 5 when he joined the BBCs flagship football television program Match of the Day. Pearce explained that before each game he conducts hours of preparation, updating

Jonathan Pearce
following April. She had old eyes in a young body; an old soul. Lily taught us a lot about ourselves. As a family they created the Lily Foundation and since then the charity has received support from the likes of Sir Alex Ferguson, Rafa Benitez and Arsene Wenger, as well as from other football managers such as Tony Pulis, Alan Pardew and Mick McCarthy. At the last fundraising dinner WBA Heavyweight champion David Haye made an appearance, and in August, Pearce also ran the London Marathon to raise money for the charity. Half the 26 miles I was in tears, Pearce explained. People came up to Dave, Lilys dad, and myself and kept saying: Youre the inspiration why were running. If I can run a marathon anyone can, and if people are taking that on board and raising money for their own charities, I think its great. Its very rewarding.
Image: Wikimedia Commons

his computers statistic-loaded database on each club and player hes covering that week: If the game is big enough, good enough, you shouldnt be using too many stats to cloud it. The pictures should tell the story and youre there adding and explaining things that are going on that the audience may not appreciate at the time. Its a bit like parrot learning at school: you learn it until it sticks. I have a head full of useless football facts. Aside from sports commentating, Pearce installed himself as a cult figure after lending his voice to Robot Wars, a BBC2 program that replaced The Simpsons. Robot Wars was great fun, he said. It was great working with Craig Charles. I only used to go up there and be on site for one day of filming to do my links, otherwise I used to do it in post-production. I think the best thing about Robot Wars was how much were we taking the mick. Pearce left

the show after seven seasons. I couldnt do it anymore, he said. I thought wed run the course. Im really pleased I did it though - Ive done something different that other commentators havent. Jonathan Pearce is also the co-founder and chairperson of the Lily Foundation, a charity set up in memory of his niece, Lily, who died at the age of 14 months from the relatively unknown mitochondrial disease, a condition that affects the amount of energy a cell produces. Pearce said: In one year I lost my best friend [Bobbie Moore], my dad and my grandmother. But nothing gets you ready to see a tiny little coffin being carried into church. She was such a brave little girl. Pearce recalled how the family was told in September 2007 that Lily would die that weekend and was taken home to be at peace with relatives: She fought until the

Since being established, the Lily Foundation has met its targets and has, in Pearces words, blossomed. Their original target of raising 400,000 has now been achieved. Our next target is a million, Pearce stated. However, Pearce also believes that more needs to be done to raise awareness and money for research: We are a remarkable giving society in this country; you only have to look at Children in Need and Red Nose Day. Its remarkable and it needs to keep on going. These things wont go way. Children die and we have to stop them dying. Jonathan Pearce is a fund-raiser and campaigner, a cult figure and a runner, a father and a husband. But if you dont recognise his face, you may well recognise his voice. Hes been a commentator on TV and radio for decades and plans to continue doing so for the foreseeable future. On the final day of the 10/11 football season he sounded off with: Its maddening, its enthralling, its the English Premier League and theres nothing quite like it.





Laila Lala

Last year was fantastic

for the LMU Mets, our very own competing University cheerleading team! With new uniforms, poms, two competitions (one in London, one in Telford), the MTV Hellcats win (after all, we got 1000, not to brag) and last but not least a fantastic sports tour to Rimini, Italy. It is a student initiative that works, respectively without any financial help from the University. Its a lot of practice and hard work but we absolutely love what were doing and everyone is so enthusiastic about learning a new stunt, throwing our flyers higher and performing a new routine, said Jenny Williams, former captain of the squad. Cheer this year will be a bit different, explained new captain Philippa Smith. In terms of competitions, we will compete at the same ones (Winter Wonderland in London Sunday, December 4th 2011 and BCA University Competition in Telford Friday, April 6th 2012) at level three. Additionally, this year we will also enter in the Hip-Hop & Pom Dance categories and for April were also planning on competing with a stunt team. So, for this all-girl squad, there is a lot of work coming up. But first there will be tryouts. As a few of their cheerios graduated last year there are spots open, and for the dance team there are still a number of terrific people they are looking out for. Gee Serry, co-captain of the squad, explained a little about the decision process: We really want to see that you want to make this a priority. Cheer practice is not something to just miss whenever you feel like it because it lets your teammates down and your stunt team, and hinders everyone to reach aims. Saying that, you wouldnt want to miss cheer anyway, because everyone has so much fun at practice. Of course ability counts in the decision as well, but that shouldnt stop you from trying out. Its not

the only criteria. So get your calendars out and make a note on October 4th Cheer Tryouts! But cheer is not only about practice. With lots of socials - sometimes at the Rocket, sometimes at the movies or elsewhere and maybe a flashmob in a club - the girls have grown to be friends. Last year there was a Christmas dinner at Covent Garden and then a summer parting party in a teamcoloured purple and silver party bus. And tour well, what happens on tour And if you arent convinced yet and want to see for yourself how the team works and meet some of the girls during freshers week, they will be practicing in the courtyard in North campus and of course, selling cupcakes. So drop by, say hi and support them by buying some scrumptious, home-made confectionary! For more info about the squad, photos, videos and the current show reel, check out their Facebook fan page. Find it by searching for London Metropolitan University Cheerleaders, The LMU Mets Fan Page` and leave a comment or pre-sign up for tryouts.

Cheer Calendar 2011 Tues 4th Oct: TRYOUTS! In TM1-14 (Tower Main, first floor) Cheer from 5pm, Dance from 7pm Thurs 6th Oct: Open Stunt Class. Look out for more info Oct/Nov: Cheerleader and Jock auction. Dont miss this opportunity to buy your personal cheerleader/jock for the night to enter into lots of fun look out for more details! Sun 4th Dec: Future Cheer Winter Wonderland competition at Crystal Palace, London Thurs/ Fri 5th/6th Dec: BCA University competition, Telford

Images: Alex Fine/BCA





Cocktail OClock
Jade Jennison
LONDON MET MOONSHINE (Alcoholic) You will need: 1 oz of Gin 1 oz triple sec 2oz Blue Curacao liqueur 2 oz cranberry juice Raspberries A handful of ice cubes 1. Mix the gin, triple sec and liqueur in a tall glass 2. Add a handful of ice, cover the top and shake well 3. Pour in the cranberry juice 4. Throw in a few raspberries, kick back and enjoy! LONDON MET FRUIT FUSION (Non- alcoholic) You will need: Strawberries Blackcurrants or blueberries Pineapple slices The juice of half a lemon and half an orange A handful of ice cubes A blender 1. Blend together three strawberries 2. Blend a handful of blackcurrants or blueberries together with the strawberries, as well as a slice of pineapple 3. Squeeze the lemon and orange juice into the mix 4. Blend the ice until it is finely crushed and mix in with the fruit 5. Stir well and pour into a large glass 6. Garnish with a strawberry on the rim of the glass and enjoy!
The time is upon us when youngsters, newbies and a few oldies look to make new friends, have fun and grab a stiff drink. This is what we like to call freshers week. Those who are new to London Met get the chance to socialise and explore their new surroundings and for those who are familiar with London Met, the first two weeks of term are just another reason to party! However you decide to spend freshers week, indulging in a cocktail is always a good way to start. For the newbies, making a cocktail is not only a fun activity but a good conversation starter - socialising over drinks is a great way to get to know those who you are sharing your halls with. For the non-drinkers, or those who have moved to university for a quieter life, a non-alcoholic cocktail and a night on the sofa will always be welcome. Of course, not forgetting those who want a cheeky tipple before hitting London Mets prime partying spot the Rocket! For you, cocktails are a creative and cheap way of pre-drinking. A good place to start is to choose your favourite spirit, favourite mixer and favourite fruit; shake them together well, or follow a recipe. For a great selection, visit or try out one of our fun recipes here. Enjoy experimenting with flavours, and as always, drink responsibly.

How to survive a uni beauty crisis...

Michelle Allan
Here you are at the beginning of your university life or returning to lectures after a summer of re-sits and relaxation. Time for a fresh start and a new you, so here are a few tips to help you cope on your way, no matter what London Met may throw at you... All products can be purchased at Boots, prices may vary: Looking pale and tired? The eyes are the main focal point of the face, so if they look sore and puffy your whole demeanour will look tired and run down. So start by placing either a cold slice of cucumber or a cold camomile teabag to the eyelids for 10 15 minutes. This will brighten the whites of the eyes and help clam any puffiness. Now cleanse your skin by mashing up Hungover from freshers week? a cucumber and brushing it onto your To recover quickly from the night before, face. Leave it on for 10 minutes to set your alarm for an hour before you cleanse and close pores, then rinse it are due to get up for lectures. When the off. Finally, smother your face with a dreaded alarm rings, take a paracetamol daily moisturiser (Oil of Olay complete with a glass of water containing a care, 7.65, is a good all-round cream, vitamin tablet to replenishing any lost which contains SPF 15 to protect your vitamins and minerals (Berocca, 4.99, skin from the sun). is a hangover favourite). Go back to sleep for an hour, but dont forget to Want to hide behind makeup? reset your alarm! For breakfast have Sometimes when we look tired it is bread, butter and golden syrup - this easy to pile on the makeup, but this replenishes potassium, sodium and can make you look worse. Simply apply fructose in your body, speeding up some liquid foundation to your face recovery. Avoid coffee as its a diuretic and some concealer under your eyes and will cause further dehydration. and across your cheek bones to make Also avoid aspirin and fizzy drinks as they may upset the stomach. Running late with bed head? For quick and easy, clean-looking hair, spray it with a dry shampoo (Batiste, 3.04, is a cult favourite which caters for all hair colours and ensures no white partings). Part your hair, apply some volumising powder to your roots and massage it into your scalp with your fingertips to give automatic lift (GOT2B Schwarzkopf, 4.07, is effective and affordable). Now give your hair a good brush out and if more volume is needed, back-comb the roots and give it a quick squirt of hairspray (Silvikrin, 1.01, is handy and cheap). If your ends are looking a little dry, rub a dab of straightening serum (Pantene Pro-V ice shine serum, 4.51) into your palms and run it through the ends of your hair.

your face look brighter (Bourjois brush concealer, 7.49, is perfect). Next, lightly brush a bronzing powder on top and finish off with a lick of mascara and lipstick. If you dont have time to apply a whole face of makeup, just pop on a red lipstick. This will pull the attention to the lips and make you look sassy and natural. Finally, to keep your makeup on all day, give your face a quick squirt of hairspray. Handbag essentials! A few items can help you get through those hard days. First of all, a small tin of Vaseline (Lip therapy with Aloe Vera, 1.39) always comes in handy in the winter to combat chapped dry hands and lips, and in the summer it protects the skin. It will also stop frizzy hair if you pull a little through the ends with your palms. Secondly, clear nail varnish not only helps with chipped nails but also stops a run in your tights. It can also stop you losing a loose button by applying it to the breaking thread. Lastly, plasters are a must-have in any bag. They can help with minor accidents as well as stopping an unravelling hem and, if your shoes are flopping on and off, you can stick a plaster or two in the heel.




Geek Chic


Sharn Rayment

Youre probably more familiar with back to school signs hanging in stationery shops and uniform outfitters rather than in the windows of fashion stores. But as we return to or begin our first term at university, its time to give our wardrobes a much-needed academic overhaul. The usual student kit of hoodies, jeans and t-shirts, comfortable as it may be, conforms to the lazy and low-effort student stereotype, making you just another note-taking youngster in the rows of the lecture theatres. Instead of chucking on the first thing you find on your bedroom floor, linking your fashion choices with your intellectual ones could be the answer to standing out in the classroom and proving yourself as a professional. This is where geek chic comes in.

A trend that brings the old school in line with the new, adopting elements of geek chic is the perfect way to add professionalism to your look and make you memorable as the serious student. This simple trend is made up entirely of retro elements, with heavy influences from the stereotypical American high school days. Its the nerd glasses, check shirts, satchels and bulky shoes which define the look. In fact, geek chic is almost the anti-fashion, full of items that have until now been unacceptable. Think dadstyle beige chinos, your grandads red braces, smart shirts buttoned up the top and tucked into crisply ironed trousers that are pulled up way too high, making your ankle socks visible. Never before would people admit to wanting to look like their mum dressed them until now. Its the proverbial two fingers to all the cool kids. But geek chic is not a new term. As well as the clothes coming from another age, geeky dressing has been around for a while too. Many fashionistas will remember the explosion of clear lens Ray Ban style nerd glasses onto the fashion scene about two years ago, which have become so acceptable that the likes of rappers Tinie Tempah and Chris Brown are rarely

seen without theirs. And Johnny Depp has been wearing his round frame specs since the start of time. So isnt it funny that theyre still fashionable? Thats the good thing about geek chic styling its always in. Katie McDowall is a personal stylist and ex-London Met student who has been nominated for Emerging Stylist of the Year 2011 and writes for New Yorks luxury lifestyle magazine Haute Living. Her looks have appeared in Red magazine and the Metro, and she even styled TV presenters Sharon Osbourne and Jayne Seymour for CBSs Royal Wedding coverage this April. Her strong sense of style and glittering career is obvious on her website, To Katie, geek chic has passed the trend phase and worked its way in to fashion permanently: In the late seventies and eighties it was a look that would only be associated with librarians and computer nerds who were outcasts for how they dressed, but now, particularly in the last year and half, geek chic is still growing strong, she said. Sure, parts of the trend will go out of fashion eventually, but not for a while. American programmes such as Ugly Betty and Glee have really influenced the trend, as well as celebrities such as Kanye West, Mark Ronson and Alexa Chung. Two great stores for geek chic styles are Urban Outfitters and American Apparel. The presence of geek chic was clear on the catwalks this season as Chanel, normally pioneers of old Parisian glamour, swapped skirts and heels for tapered trousers and brogues at Paris Fashion Week, combining powerful style and practicality for autumn/winter 2011-12. Similarly, Scottish designer Christopher

Kane went for crocheted granny cardigans and schoolgirl Mary Jane shoes, as did London-based designer Henry Holland, who added knee-high striped socks into the mix. Each of these looks screamed quirky yet practical, keeping hold of the boundary-pushing nature of modern fashion while not forgetting the classic, never-fading elements. As well as looking cool and fashion conscious, incorporating geeky pieces into your wardrobe can also help change the way people view you and your work ethic. Louise Gillespie-Smith is an image consultant and confidence coach, who helps people assert themselves through their fashion choices and get noticed in a sea of fashion mediocrity. She cofounded image consultancy company CreateYourself in 2006 after eight years of styling experience, starting with a passion for clothes and colour. For Louise, geek chic styling not only adds fashion credentials, but can also help form a good first impression. When you make an

effort with your appearance it shows you are taking good care of yourself and care about creating a good impression, she said. The geek chic style will naturally make you look intelligent as usually it involves wearing glasses and the clothes give an air of sensibility, as opposed to turning up in the sports trend or nu rave. Blazers are smart and give the impression that you mean business. So, if you want to get noticed in a lecture hall of a hundred other students, those thick rimmed glasses or a bold retro blouse might be the one thing that stops you from fading into the background, and could become a distinguishing feature that tricks your tutor into believing you know more than you really do. Remember, as notorious US Vogue editor Anna Wintour said when she picked up her Webby award for Sometimes geek can be chic.
Styling & Photography: Sharn Rayment Models: Jade Jennison & Thomas Gibson





Is it worse to be the cheater

A guys view by Thomas Gibson In any relationship there is always the dominant and the submissive partner. Connotations aside, it seems one half of a couple appears to have a tighter grip on the reins, while the other tends to exist in the background, blinded by love and rationalising away any red flags that may appear. Meet the cheatee - the unfortunate yang segment to the relationship who will do nothing but deliver love and affection, only to be rewarded with a broken heart and a significant hole that will take a substantial period of time to fill.
According to a UK online survey, it is estimated that almost fifty percent of participants in a serious relationship will cheat on their partner at some point. As an individual who has been cheated on in the past, it seems a daunting prospect that when looking for my perfect person - a mission in itself - I am shadowed by a fifty-fifty chance of heading into a union that will end in deception, followed by a hefty platter of heartbreak, hurt and misery. Is it worse to be the cheater or the cheatee? In my opinion, its a no-brainer - the cheatee. Whilst talking with friends I have been unpleasantly surprised by the ease in which people approach being unfaithful in a relationship. When questioned why, I have received vacant and inane answers like he would have deserved it or he wouldnt have cared. Is there any real justification behind dishonesty and callousness? In a society that sees more people holding mobile phones than anothers hand, I think we should question what has happened to the twentieth centurys outlook on real love and relationships. It doesnt matter what your perception is on being a good samaritan; when somebody gives you their heart, Im pretty sure they are doing so under the acknowledgment that youre not going to break it. Its true that the cheater may not be able to hold their head up with shame, and Im sure there will never be a valid reason behind cheating, but for anyone that has been deceived by a partner they will comprehend that its one of the worst feelings possible and that you hurt in ways that you didnt even know were possible. Incurring sleepless nights, constant failed endeavours to make yourself feel significant again, often aided by heavy shopping or drinking, you blame yourself and wonder where you went wrong or how you may have pushed him or her away. For these reasons, I will adhere to my initial conclusion the cheater may have lost their pride, but the cheatee will have lost their trust, self-esteem and faith in relationships. Leopards can't change their spots and neither can cheaters.

or the cheatee?

A girls view by Sharn Rayment The answer is obvious isnt it? The cheater, of course. Or is it? We all know what a cheater is, but people often disregard the role of a cheatee as a dangerous one. To be clear, a cheatee is the person that someone cheats on their partner with. A close friend of mine, who has asked not to be named, is a self-confessed serial cheatee out of a mixture of choice and chance. When I posed the question to her, she agreed that being the cheater is the worse of the two roles, but being a cheatee can be just as bad. Youre lying to the persons partner as much as they are, instantly making yourself a brand new enemy, whether you asked for one of not. And in the case that you know the persons partner, which with my close friend has been a common occurrence, youre outright deceiving them.

But if youre young, free and single then you should have the freedom to do whatever you want, partner or no partner. Theoretically the responsibility of remaining faithful lies with the person in the relationship; its up to them to not go looking to get their kicks elsewhere. The cheatee has no obligation to ensure their hook-ups are taken or not, but it does help. The cheatee usually doesnt have to suffer the same dire consequences as a cheater, but they dont always get an easy ride. Beware of the backlash from an angry boyfriend/girlfriend who has just been cheated on and has your name bookmarked as the offending party. In the case of my anonymous friend, this has ranged from threatening e-mails from a girl shed never met to a full fist fight on the streets of London. Not a desirable outcome as Im sure you will agree. These sorts of situations always make me think of the Jeremy Kyle Show. Two butch women fighting over a scrawny man because one of them is accusing the other of sexual contact with their boyfriend (only the lie detector can really tell), but why are they screaming at each other and not the guy who did the actual cheating? Is it really the cheatees fault that someones boyfriend came running to her? Is she wrong for dangling her sexy single and available status in his face? Is he wrong for not holding back? The bottom line is: dont cheat. You wont be able to walk away as freely as your cheatee and you cant guarantee theyll be there waiting to greet you with open arms youve got a lot more to lose. Do you feel differently? Tweet me @Sharnlr





What We Did Last Summer...

Cinema: Arriety (2010)
dubstep act Foreign Beggars among many many others. Ms Dynamite also headlined at Boomtown in the Bassline Circus tent, and before her performance I was able to press pass my way into the backstage area and catch up with her.

DVD: Winters Bone (2010)

From the Japanese studio that brought us Spirited Away and Howls Moving

650 tickets released this year sold out quickly, so become a fan on Facebook to make sure you dont miss your chance in 2012. Jude McArdle, 26, Journalism and Music & Media Management student

London Fashion Week: SS 2012

September is an unremarkable month for most people, but surely the most important for the fashion world. I was lucky enough to attend my second London Fashion Week, which is like Christmas come early for fashionistas and for me particularly, as I got to attend some real-life fashion shows! Most people dont realise that the catwalk shows are only part of London

Festivals: Boomtown Fair

This summer I was fortunate enough to attend three different festivals, one of my favourites being Boomtown Fair, where I witnessed some great acts including reggae/ska/dub band The Skints, Gorgol Bordello and grime and

Ms Dynamites first single from her new album is out now and is called Neva Soft. The album, which is still in production, will be out in the new year. Angela Yussuff, 25, Nutrition and Journalism student

Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959) Aliens, zombies, vampires and a doomsday weapon - all in 79 minutes! Sarah Leo, 23, AMC & Journalism student

Images: Getty Images/Wikimedia Commons/Sharn Rayment

The Road meets Deliverance. A fantastic film that caused a lot of buzz earlier this year. Its a bleak tale set in the Great Plains of the U.S, following a teenage girl with everything to lose. Her father has Q. Any tips for first time festival goers? put up their family home as bail bonds A. Dont bring you nicest clothing, wear and the only people who can help are comfortable shoes and come with a her very neighbours. A bleak story with really open attitude. When I first went an unfolding story. Probably the best to a festival I was 14 and thats the only film Ive seen this year. Event: Notting Hill Carnival festival Ive ever been to as a partaker and not as a performer, and I hated it. Jude McArdle, 26, Journalism and Music Notting Hill Carnival is something It was raining, the mud was up to my & Media Management student everyone should experience. Pumping knees and I locked myself in my tent sound systems, jerk chicken galore, and away from my friend for the whole 1 million people taking over the streets weekend, other than to come out with I Trash (Movies) in W11 to celebrate this West Indian a bucket (which I was really pissed off festival. Amidst fears over the recent about) to fill it up with water so I could Dont you sometimes just feel like riots, London was looking and feeling go and have a strip wash. I couldnt watching a light movie, without positive. Its good to see the capital like believe there were no showers! I dont having to analyse the breath-taking this. Dont miss next year! know what I was expecting, but basically cinematography, an ingenious script the moral is to come with a really open or the amazing cast? Not an easy pick if mind! Oh and bring wet wipes...also, you loathe rom-coms, action flicks and warm clothes and an umbrella because everything Twilight just as much as I do. Book: Catch 22 this is England. The solution? Start to appreciate the I shouldnt have waited so long to read fabulousness of Z-class trash movies! this classic. It tells the story of one Here are my personal favourites: mans struggle to remain sane in a world of illogical bureaucratic reasoning The Happening (2008) something we have all experienced Killer trees attack humanity. Need I say in our lives in some way. Both comic more? and tragic, the events unfolding into the infamous double binds or catch The Room (2003) 22s are beautifully spun by the writer Also known as the Citizen Kane of bad Joseph Heller, with a host of excellent movies. characters to boot. Never have I smiled so much throughout a book. You must Chain Letter (2010) read it. Lesson learned - better forward those chain letters if you want to live. Kam Sandhu, 23, Journalism and Music Q. Is there a song you cant stop listening I Come with the Rain (2003) & Media Management student to at the moment? Detective Josh Hartnett on an berA. Heaven by Emeli Sande gory mission in Hong Kong.

Style: A to Zoe
On 18 September, with London Fashion Week in full swing, keen fashionistas bypassed their usual Sunday roasts and headed for Selfridges to hear stylist Castle, this animated tale, based on the Rachel Zoe give a talk on how to get classic childrens story The Borrowers, into fashion as part of Marie Claires invites us into a fantastical world InSpire and Mentor Campaign. The imagined out of the ordinary (a family mainly fashion-fanatical, 20-something home and garden). Its a film that raises crowd gathered in a stark, white room more questions than it answers and to listen to the stylist/designer give a leaves the audience wishing more had talk on how she got into the industry. happened. An enjoyable film, but the Zoe as skinny and botoxed as youd characters are confined to a semi- imagine was quizzed by Marie Claires reality, and these constraints do not Charlotte Moore, opening up about allow the story to reach the whimsical her previous work experience, how she heights of Ghiblis most famous worked her way up to become one of the creations. most sought-after stylists in Hollywood and about single-handedly honing the styles of stars such as Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan. Event: In The Woods Festival She patiently answered questions from the audience, offering useful Magical and hassle-free one day/one night festival in the idyllic setting on dos and donts, and motivated young the grounds of a beautiful Tudor manor hopefuls with the notion that anybody house in a secret location in Kent (only with a strong desire and drive has a revealed a couple of days beforehand). good chance of making it. She also A massive party where the sun shone stayed true to her confidentiality crux by not offering any juicy tit-bits about her celebrity clientle. To add to the disappointment, her answer to the allimportant question, how did you get your big break? was: Well, it was a bit of a fluke really, at which point you could see the smiles of countless young hopefuls slide off their faces. Overall it was an informative but not particularly candid discussion, which conveniently coincided with her new clothing line for Selfridges. For many though, it meant a fashion-orientated the whole day, the burgers were top way to spend the day, made better still notch and dancing to Three Trapped by capturing a glimpse of a stye icon Tigers, Pete and the Pirates and Man and not forgetting the goody bags and Like Me under a canopy of lit-up trees free champagne! were unforgettable experiences. All Ester Dewey, 23, Journalism student

Fashion Week, which is mainly made up of market-style stalls where press and buyers speak to designers about their products. However, the shows are the best part, and I managed to get tickets to shows from Todd Lynn, Mark Fast, Danielle Scutt and undoubtedly the biggest of them all: Burberry Prorsum. Ive now marked my experience of that very show as one of the most surreal moments of my life. There I am, standing in my topshop dress and vintage (i.e. charity shop) blazer and opposite me I spy a front row consisting of Kanye West, Ellie Goulding, Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, Gemma Arterton and Sienna Miller. Taking as many pictures as I possibly could, I was constantly thinking what am I doing here? Thats when I try to look as cool as possible and breathe in the fashion goodness, which was just as good as the free champagne afterwards. Oh, the life of a journalism student is such a hard one sometimes... Sharn Rayment, 22, Fashion Marketing & Journalism student




F li e s
Tiffany Phan A bunch of screaming 14-year-old boys running around in their underwear,isn't something you would typically pay 30 quid to see. But when it's for a new adaptation of Lord of the Flies, it's certainly worth it. Directed by Timothy Sheaders and written by Nigel Williams, this stage adaption is not only impeccably choreographed but visually stunning.

Lo r d o f the


Regents Park Open Air Theatre, London

The appreciation of the natural surroundings gradually faded however, as the grip of the cold London evening set in. The audience didnt feel any warmer while watching the cast run Based on William Golding's classic 1954 around practically naked during the novel, Lord of the Flies tells the tale of entire second half (bless those boys). a group of young boys stranded on a deserted island after their plane is shot Set design aside, the storytelling and down. They soon conspire to survive choreography was equally impressive. and how to get rescued. With conflicting The use of well-choreographed slowviews on what is the best way to act, motion and standstill effects (the the boys soon find themselves in two latter to tell the two teams stories competing factions. The story gives a simultaneously), gave the narrative frightful insight into human nature in a twist and made it a joy to watch. All of which outweighed the mediocre its most primary form. acting from the teenage cast. However, Cleverly staged at Regents Park Open the question of time and historical Air Theatre, the surrounding greenery correctness still remained. While the together with the life-sized crashed dialogue had been neatly modernised, plane gave the play an authenticity the laptop on the beach and talk of (even the socks hanging from the trees the war left us wondering whether were brilliant). It was so engaging that the show is a modern take on World 40 minutes into the show, one was War II, reference to the conflict in tempted to jump up and down and join Afghanistan/Iraq, or if the laptop was the boys in shouting: "Kill the pig! Spill simply misplaced. its blood!"





Tom Knock

Beyonce 4
Sharn Rayment
Who isnt a little bit in love with Beyonc at the moment? Post-Glastonbury the world has gone mad for Queen B, who in a wise move released her fourth studio album a day after her festival headlining slot. However, new fans of Beyonc who have picked up 4 to start their love affair with the musical icon and her music will not be getting the same aural experience as the long-term collectors of her albums. 4 isnt the same mix of lively pop, R&B and power ballads her previous albums have proved to be - its a little bit more grown up. The record starts as it means to go on with Bs latest single 1+1 a big, smooth, emotional ballad about life and love, which calls to mind Whitney Houstons power songs of the eighties. Similar, more delicate love songs follow, such as I Miss You, Start Over and Rather Die Young, which make up most of the album, with big orchestral backing and bold yet controlled vocals from Miss Knowles. There are a selection of R&B party tracks on the album, including Countdown, End of Time and Party, but again theyre quite restrained and not at all like Beyoncs big sexy pop tunes with splashings of gangster of the past. This girl has definitely grown up. But do not fear: shes not lost her Sasha Fierce, as she proves on tracks such as I Care, I Was Here and Girls (Who Run The World?), which are positively dripping with her trademark attitude and inherent swagger. Times have changed and so has Beyonc. Mature, refined and professional Queen B is now both credible and cherished.

Jane Eyre
Marta Corato
Its not the first time Charlotte Bront rolls in her grave but it truly is a pity that Cary Fukanagas adaptation turned out to be so plain. All the conditions were there: a great classic of literature, the excellent cast with Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender as leads and beautiful cinematography. On the other hand, the screenwriting really brings it down. The plot of Jane Eyre is complex, full of subtexts that

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Friends with Benefits

Marta Corato
There has been an excess of friends with benefits in the latest movie productions from Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman in the not-so-great No Strings Attached, to Jon Hamm and Kristen Wiig in Bridesmaids, to Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway in Love and Other Drugs. Are there really that many friends with benefits in real life? Maybe not, but Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis give a fun twist to the usual friends who want to stay friends but then fall for each other formula. The protagonists of Friends With Benefits, tired of the romcom clichs just as much as cinemagoers are (damn you Katherine Heigl!), meet for professional reasons: Jamie (Kunis) is a headhunter and she has to convince art director Dylan (Timberlake) to leave Los Angeles and start working for GQ. They become friends, then friends with benefits, and then all the rest.Its not easy to make a film that follows the rules and makes fun of them at the same time, but Will Gluck (Easy A) did a great job. The screenwriters must have competed in writing the best line of the movie, especially when it came to the funny bits, and the very sad parts never reach the sappy side. Even the secondary characters are great. Emma Stone and Andy Samberg open the film with a boom; Woody Harrelson is a gay sports editor who is the opposite of every stereotype; Patricia Clarkson is the immature, absent-minded mum of poor Mila Kunis. Speaking of Mila Kunis, her face and her acting are great for comedy, more than you would expect after her dark role in Black Swan. As for Justin Timberlake, going into acting was the best career move he could possibly make.

Marta Corato
When you think of espionage films, the first that comes to your mind is 007. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is the opposite. In the early seventies, retired secret agent George Smiley (Gary Oldman) is called back to MI6 to discover the identity of a mole who has been passing information to the Soviets. But there is more to it than he expects: they all are high-ranking members of the Intelligence Service. Of course, the truth is buried very deep and protected

Cloud Boat Lions On The Beach

Im not a massive fan of the prefixes future or post when it comes to classifying a genre of music. I find it slightly pretentious and mildly irritating as people try to be different. However, I lay down the towel when it comes to acts such as Cloud Boat. The two piece, also known as Tom Clarke and Sam Ricketts, have taken the UK underground music scene by storm after touring with the troubadour of electronic music, James Blake. Thats not to say they havent achieved things off their own back and their 10 debut vinyl, Lions On The Beach, is proof of that. The first and title track is a future garage gem, combining Toms haunting vocals with Sams ringing guitars and massive sub drops to create something entirely unique to electronic music. The second track, titled Bastion, is a gentler, more emotive song using acoustic guitars to juxtapose the first track. Though bass fiends neednt worry, when Bastion drops, it holds its own just as well as the first track does. I love and hate Cloud Boat at the same time. Whilst I am an advocate for genuinely good music, I hate having to invent genres for them. So although I love what Cloud Boat are doing, I hate them for cornering me in to using the term future garage. The difference, however, is that it isnt pretentious. They have genuinely earned the right to label themselves whatever they want. Keep an eye on Cloud Boat. Theyre going to be massive.

Images: Getty Images

have been cut to avoid a four hour long film, but the holes havent been filled properly and the film keeps jumping here and there without really making any sense. Whats worse is Michael Fassbender playing Edward Rochester. There is basically no trace of emotion on his face in the whole film. Rochester is not exactly Mr Nice Guy, but Fassbender reduces him to a grumpy, insufferable little man, who suddenly becomes super sweet and head-over-heels in love with no transition between the two states. With no strong characters and little if any attention to the secondary elements, it misses pretty much everything that is good about the novel. Its still a nice film, especially for someone who hasnt read the book, but its not much more than the effort of someone who really really wanted to make a costume drama, then got bored in the process.

in every possible way. Jumping back and forth in time, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is built on a thick and intriguing mystery. There might be no huge action scenes and luxurious casinos, but the story is so compelling and everyone is so doublefaced that its impossible to even get close to boredom. The cast of the movie is exclusively made of men girls only appear as pretty secretaries and wives and each of them is more than great. There is Gary Oldman, of course, but also John Hurt, Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, Mark Strong and Toby Jones to name a few. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is beautiful to watch thanks to the gorgeous 70s set design, but its grey and almost gloomy. It is a thrilling, haunting film that will drive you insane as you try to figure out whats really going on.




Things we liked This MonTh!

@AidanJohnMoffat I wish Debbie Harry fancied me in 1983. Yes, that would make her a paedophile, but I wouldnt have told anyone. Except all my mates.

VERVEMEDIA.ORG.UK Coming soon! Our very own website featuring all the latest buzz about university and all other beautiful things in life.

Theyre essentially house slippers you can wear outside with huge pom poms on the front. Whats not to love?

A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: Ugh, thats the ugliest baby Ive ever seen! The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: The driver just insulted me! The man says: You go up there and tell him off. Go on love, Ill hold your monkey for you.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution The long-awaited prequel to the universally-acclaimed Deus Ex hits the mark with slick visuals, beautiful design, a captivating narrative and plenty of cybernetic augmented awesomeness.

28, Topshop



Melancholia (2011) Director: Lars von Trier Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Kiefer Sutherland Two sisters find their already strained relationship challenged as a mysterious new planet threatens to collide into the Earth. IMDB

Neighbors film a burning car in Hackney during the London riots. Picture by Elsa Buchanan

Radio Protector by 65daysofstatic Available on iTunes for 0.79.

Heineken The Entrance (2011) Created by Wieden+Kennedy


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