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1501100: Introduction to IT (English)

Spring 2023-24
Lab 2: Visual Programming – Drawing & Motion
Part B
(Project Name: ID_Lab2B)
Expected Result/Output: Video Link

Create a Scratch Program to draw the UAE flag using the Button1 sprite. Change the Sprite name to YOUR-ID.
Draw the flag with 3 rectangles at different positions on the stage. A rectangle has 2 sides of equal length and
2 sides of equal width (opposite sides are equal length) with angles of 90 degrees each.

Step 0: Delete the Cat sprite. Add the Button1 sprite. Add the Pen extension to draw.

Step 1: When the space key is pressed (event),

− Set the sprite size to 25%

− Go to [x = - 75, y = 100] on the stage, point in the right direction and erase the stage
− Set the pen size to 10
− Put Pen down

Step 2: Start drawing the flag: Draw the green rectangle first

− Set the pen color to any shade of green

− Draw the green rectangle with length 200 and width 70
[ i.e. draw the first side with 200 steps, turn 90 degrees (clockwise), draw the second side with 70 steps,
turn 90 degrees, draw the third side with 200 steps, turn 90 degrees, draw the last side with 70 steps]

Step 3: Draw the black rectangle

− Go to [x = - 75, y = - 40]
− Change pen color to any shade of black
− Point in direction: 90
− Draw the second rectangle with length 200 and width 70 (use move and turn blocks)
Step 4: Draw the red rectangle

− Lift the Pen up and Go to [x = - 175, y = 100]

− Set pen color to any shade of red
− Put Pen down and Point in direction: 90
− Draw the third rectangle with length 100 and width 210

Step 5:

− Lift the pen up

− Button1 says “UAE” for 3 seconds
− OPTIONAL: Wait for 0.5 seconds between each rectangle side.

*Submit Part B only on Blackboard*

Save the project to your computer (Scratch Projects have the extension .sb3). Upload on BB.

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