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Rice Production Questions

1. What is the purpose of land preparation?

Land preparation is important to ensure that the rice field is ready for planting

2. Based on your costing present, do you think the farmer can gain profit?
Yes because the rice cost 50 per kilo. And the farmer was able to harvest 65 sacks of
rice and each sack has a weight of 50 kg. The gross income is worth 162,500 minus the
cost of production worth 12,600 equals the net income of 149,900

Yes because the rice cost 50 per kilo. And the farmer was able to harvest 80 sacks of rice
and each sack has a weight of 50 kg. The gross income is worth 200,000 minus the cost
of production worth 13,850 equals the net income of 186,150

3.What do you prefer, the first answer of the farmer or the second answer of the farmer, and
The second farmer because He used 3 varieties of rice to make pest astray, so that
he can produce good production and the important thing he does is he evaluates his
crops to know what insects that may or can attack it.

1. Why is it important to have modernized farm machineries and mechanization in rice farming?
It is important to have modernized farm machinery and mechanization in rice farming
because it will enable early crop establishment, reduce less labor cost, and ease
drudgery (hard,mindless,backbreaking work) in different activities.

2. As a student, what are the advantages of rice farming than sugarcane and vegetables
farming? And why?
For me the advantage of rice farming is that for us Filipinos it is very common and it
is a part of our culture that A filipino meal cannot be complete without rice because it is
our primary source of energy.

3.During your interview , what are the factors that affect farmers in rice farming and how did they
address those factors?
The factors that affect farmers in rice farming are the soil quality, plant diseases,
and lack of financial support. They use their knowledge and resourcefulness.

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