Unit Overview Rational Unit Map Two Scaffolded Lessons

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Overview and Rational for this Unit: (explanded for the developed lessons below)

Students will aim to enhance their skills in perspective drawing and deepen their understanding of linear perspective by
studying artworks and engaging in hands-on art creation. The lesson involves a examination of various artworks to
understand how artists use perspective techniques for conveying depth and spatial relationships. Students will be
challenged to create two artworks utilizing distinct visual techniques, including color, size variation, texture, line, and
space, to achieve a convincing illusion of depth within their compositions.

Building on the foundation laid in grade 9, the unit emphasizes guided observation and discussion as students analyze
artworks, focusing on how artists manipulate spatial relationships to convey diverse messages or emotions. The
exploration extends to different representational formats, such as realistic, impressionist,abstract, or surrealistic,
allowing students to understand how these choices impact the overall visual impact and interpretation of the artwork.
Following this exploration, students actively engage in hands-on experimentation with space and form, manipulating
these elements while considering the chosen representational format. Overall, the unit aims to create a deeper
appreciation for the role of perspective in art and encourages students to apply diverse visual techniques in their creative

In essence, the unit not only serves as a platform for students to enhance their artistic abilities but also cultivates a
profound understanding of the complex interplay between perspectives, emotions, and aesthetics in the realm of art. The
lessons within the unit are structured around various formats, including criticism, art production, art history, and
aesthetics, which serve as conduits for fostering inquiry, perseverance, expression, keen observation, and introspection.

LESSON PLAN (3) (3.1)

Class Profile C
Grade:Grade 9/10 Lesson Title: Seeing Beyond Sight: Perspective Drawing and Beyond (lesson 3.2)
Lesson Duration: 60mins

Overview of lesson. Write a clear and concise overview that indicates the following: What the lesson is, the purpose/goal of the lesson what
students will do/learn and how the lesson will conclude. *Instructional video in January 14th class give an example of a strong overview and in contrast
an overview that is incomplete.

Grade 9:
The objective of lesson 3 is to introduce students to the concepts of perspective and point of view by closely observing
artworks. Through the examination of diverse images, students will enhance their comprehension of how altering
perspective can evoke varying moods and emotions. To reinforce this understanding, students will participate in a guided
exercise on perspective mapping. Following this practice, students will undertake two studies in their sketchbooks. These
studies will feature the same subject matter but from different points of view, showcasing distinct moods and emotions. This
exercise aims to develop students' ability to apply perspective techniques effectively and to express emotional content within
their artwork.

Grade 10:
In lesson 3, the objective is for students to advance their proficiency in perspective drawing and understanding of linear
perspective by closely studying artworks and engaging in art creation. By examining a variety of artworks, students will
deepen their comprehension of how different artists employ perspective techniques to convey depth and spatial relationships.
During the lesson, students will be tasked with creating two artworks that utilize distinct visual techniques to achieve depth

and perspective. Through experimentation with various artistic methods such as colour, size variation, texture, line and
space, students will explore how these techniques contribute to the illusion of depth within their compositions.

Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives. Carefully select GLE and SLE that pertain to your lesson. Choose selectively and think
carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end of the lesson. Importantly this is connected clearly with the information in your Unit

Grade 9: Grade 9:
Drawing: Students will utilize and organize elements Investigate C: Identify the relationship between changing point of
and principles of art to make compositions view and the subject matter of drawing.
Students will employ art criticism techniques for the
analysis and comparison of art works. (Will not be assessed in this lesson sequence) Articulate and
evaluate A: Compare and contrast ideas of mood and feeling
Grade 10: between one's own work and the works of other students.
Drawing: Develop and enhance their drawing
abilities Grade 10:
Investigate C: Linear perspective is a visual technique that creates
Employ the vocabulary and techniques of art
criticism to evaluate their own works. the illusion of a three-dimensional space within a two-dimensional

(Will not be assessed in this lesson sequence) Articulate and

Evaluate A: Exploring the elements of composition is a
fundamental aspect of developing the language to discuss art.
Give an overview (50 words) of the learning taking place in the select DBAE areas. (The unit as a whole must cover all 4 areas of DBAE framework).
For your individual lessons, choose the DBAE area(s) that your lesson will address and explain how it will address it. Often you will find overlaps of
several areas...but focus on the more predominate areas(s)

Grade 9:
Art Production (Studio): Students will develop their individual projects, where they will apply the skills and techniques
learned to create two unique perspective drawings. Each drawing will depict a different point of view, carefully chosen to
evoke distinct moods and feelings. This hands-on experience will not only deepen students' understanding of perspective
drawing but also foster their ability to use visual elements to communicate complex emotions and narratives within their
Grade 10:
Art Production (Studio): Students will engage in the exercise, and they will be encouraged to explore two distinct points of
view: a faraway perspective and a close-up perspective. In the faraway viewpoint, students will experiment with techniques
to convey the vastness of space and the diminution of objects as they recede into the distance. They will learn how to use
atmospheric perspective, where objects appear lighter and less detailed as they move further away, to enhance the sense of
depth and distance in their drawings. In contrast, the close-up viewpoint will challenge students to capture the intimate
details and textures of objects as they appear up close. By engaging in this guided perspective drawing exercise and
individual project, students will not only deepen their understanding of perspective but also expand their skill of drawing
techniques and develop their artistic skills.

Appreciation for Art: (Both grades): This immersive learning experience deepens students' appreciation for the arts in
several ways. Firstly, by engaging in hands-on activities and guided exercises, students gain firsthand experience in the
technical aspects of perspective drawing. This experiential learning approach allows them to appreciate the skill and
craftsmanship required to create artworks that effectively utilize space and form. Through the analysis of exemplary
artworks and the exploration of how artists use perspective to convey meaning, students develop a deeper understanding of

the creative process. They gain insight into the deliberate choices made by artists and the thought processes behind their
compositions, fostering a greater appreciation for the artistic intent and vision behind each work. As students experiment
with different techniques and styles in their own artistic process, they develop a deeper sense of empathy and respect for the
artistic process. They come to understand the challenges and complexities involved in creating art, leading to a heightened
appreciation for the dedication and creativity of artists.

Learning Objectives. Translate the SLE's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned language. Use Blooms
Taxonomy directing words. *Instructional video in January 14th Class folder reviews this clearly

Grade 9: By the end of the lesson students will identify and examine the correlation between the evolving point of view and
the subject matter depicted in the drawing and analyze how changes in perspective influence the portrayal and interpretation
of the subject matter by depicting different moods and feelings.

Grade 10: By the end of this lesson students will explore elements within perspective drawings that lend itself to the visual
techniques that create the illusion of depth.

Lesson Guiding Questions: Use Bloom's Taxonomy, directing verbs in the areas of: knowledge, skills and attitudes. Be clear on what type of
knowledge/skill/attitudes students are developing and expected to do. This informs the types of questions you develop. Guiding questions must support
this and provoke student thinking and help them understand what they are learning, why they are learning, what they have already learned, what they
still need to learn etc..

-How does it make you feel when objects in the work are super close/ far? Why?
-Does this work make you feel small/large? Why?
-In this perspective artwork, what point of view are we looking at the work from?
-What techniques is the artist using to create the illusion of depth?
-What do you notice about the detail in the work? Does it change as objects get farther away?
-Is there anything other than the point of view that makes you feel that way? Colour? Mark making? Shape? Texture?
-What do you think the artist intended us to feel? Were they successful?
-From where you are sitting, how are you going to convey that point of view in your drawing?
-What two moods will you be trying to convey in your drawings? How are you going to achieve that?
-What elements of art will you be using in this drawing to create depth? Are you using color, texture or another
element to do this?
Annotated Learning Resources List These must be relevant and age appropriate and from a reliable source. If it is on online resource provide
an active link. If it a book, cite the book and author. Provide 1-2 sentences (annotated) to indicate what the resource is and how it support your lesson/
student learning? *you may have more or less than three resources. It depends on your lesson. If you are providing material on First Nations, Métis or
Inuit, it must be an authorized source, from an Indigenous author or Indigenous community. Beth Cormier in the Curriculum Lab has many resources to
help you. If you are not sure connect with her.
Two Point Perspective (youtube.com)
Video of a guided demonstration for perspective (for either the teacher to refresh memory of perspective drawing or for a substitute
teacher to play instead of drawing with the students).

Works to show during group observation and discussion:

Anonymous, Italian, 16th century | Design for a Ceiling | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (metmuseum.org)
Paul Klee | Phantom Perspective | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (metmuseum.org)

Perspective Detective - ART ED GURU

Understanding Linear Perspective in Art : A Guide to Types of Perspective (invaluable.com)

Perspective Drawing - Using a Central Eye Level (artyfactory.com)


Material and Equipment: List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…What you will use AND, therefore what you
will organize ahead of time prior to your lesson

- Epson board
- Extra pencils/ erasers / pencil sharpeners / rulers
- Projector/ desk camera (for guided demonstration) - use a large area of the white board if this is not avalible
- Pencil, eraser, paper, ruler for instructor

Lesson Procedures
Introduction (1 mins): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to
Body. Indicate the timing for each section. This can be written in point form

- Looking at art! Group discussion 15 mins
- Demonstration of two-point perspective 15 mins
- Drawing outside! 25 mins
- Reflection 3 mins
- Clean up 2 mins

Body ( 49min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. Write clearly and concisely. Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify
activities and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of each section. Identify teaching strategies, include any questions that you will use, organization of class etc.
How and when are you using formative assessment in your lesson? Indicate differentiation within the body of your lesson.

Steps and Procedures: Lessons are divided into portions. In the lesson body there should be a least two Identify Teaching
activities and one transition. You may have 3 activities and 2 transitions. An activity can be reading - transition - Strategies/Rational
partner dialogue (as an example). * Style of writing in the lesson plan is descriptive and concise (NOT POINT
FORM). As well, you are not narrating, rather you are describing the activity, the learning, critical information to Example: Direct instructions,
carry out the lesson. Any questions you have developed to use during the learning, to facilitate discussion for pair/share, jigsaw, whole group
instance, are to be written directly into the lesson plan in the area where it occurs. discussion etc. When will you use
these and why? You will list in your
body, but you will explain your
choice here.

Direct instruction - Lecture (Activity

1,2,3): this will serve the purpose of
supplying the students with a
rational and purpose for the learning
activity, expectations of behaviour
and individual project. It will also
be used to inform and refresh
vocabulary terms.

Project based learning - Perspective

Sketching (Activity 2): This will
allow students to develop their
artistic knowledge and apply it to
their drawings.

Independent Learning - Reflection

for individual drawing process
(Activity #3): The reflection activity
at the end of the lesson will allow
students to self-monitor their skills
and practice throughout the learning
process. Reflection builds
confidence in achieving their
personal goals and allows for
higher rates of thinking and

Activity #1: Lecture & Group Discussion [Direct Instruction] (15mins)

Transition: Gather attention via clap response.

Table group formation: Ensure students are seated with peers of their same grade
level before beginning the lesson.
1. Inform the students that their project coming up will be a series of 2 sketches Formative Assessments
and exercises of drawing perspective from different points of view. Type/Name:
Where Assessment Occurs/Purpose
of assessment
- Perspective - Drawing perspective is used in art to create the illusion of
depth. A drawing is 2D, however, we can use lines in a way that creates an
effect that makes our drawing look closer or farther away.
- Checking for
- Point of View - The position of where you are in relation to an object (give an
understanding: (Activity 1)
example - birds eye view, on the ground looking up at something verses on a
Asking if anyone needs
ladder looking down).
clarification from the
2. Inform students that they will engage in a demonstration to learn how to
create a perspective drawing after a group discussion about various artworks
- Observation: (Activity 1)
that depict point of view and perspective.
Assess the group
discussions making sure
each student has the
Group Discussion:
opportunity to share their
1. Inform students that we will be looking at a few perspective drawings to
observe and discuss how different images address different perspective.
- Thumbs up to move on:
The instructor will pull up an artwork that depicts perspective. In table groups,
(Activity 1) Assess if
students will take turns discussing how the point of view in the artwork could change
students understand the
mood and feeling. Inform students they will have 2 minutes to discuss each artwork
expectations of the group
in their group.
On the board have these guiding questions present for the students to discuss in
- Check-in (fist-to-5)
Grade 9:
(Activity 2 - pre assessment
- How does it make you feel when objects in the work are super close/ far?
for competence during
activity #3): To assess
- Does this work make you feel small/large? Why?
students' confidence in
- In this perspective artwork, what point of view are we looking at the work
doing the individual
perspective drawing
Grade 10:
- What techniques is the artist using to create the illusion of depth?
- Active Assessment:
(Activity #3) Circulate
Outlining expectations of behavior for the upcoming activity: Take turns talking and
outside as the students are
ensure that all peers have the opportunity to voice their thoughts. Group discussion
drawing to insure they are
should sound like: One person speaking at a time. Group discussion should look like:
on the right track with their
Calm bodies and body language toawrds the person talking. Group discussion should
feel like: Kind, calm and informative.
- Active assessment (Activity
- Have students give a thumbs up, sideways, or down for their understanding 1,2,3) (informal teacher
of the task they will be completing in this activity. Clarify the instructions if feedback and 1-on-1
more than half of the students have their thumbs sideways or down. questioning).

2. Put the first artwork on the board and let the students discuss in their table Differentiation: Indicate in brief
groups. Give a time warning (30 seconds and 10 seconds) for students to sentences areas of differentiation.
finish up their discussion. Circulate while students are discussing and ask
guiding questions to facilitate their discussion. Check in with ELL to provide Universal:
extra explanation of needed. - Time awareness: (Activity
- Is there anything other than the point of view that makes you feel that 1,3) Informing students of
way? Colour? Mark making? Shape? Texture?
time where needed.
- What do you think the artist intended us to feel? Were they
successful? Example, informing
- What do you notice about the detail in the work? Does it have the students of how long they
same amount of detail throughout? have to work during
- For grade 10 students, have them jot some of the elements of art that activities. Also incorporated
give the illusion of a three-dimensional object such as colour, texture, into the lesson agenda
shading, shape (jot notes done in sketchbooks). If students need a components to Inform
refresher on elements of art, point to the poster in the classroom with
students of the upcoming
all elements and their descriptions.
3. Go though 5 artworks and repeat the group discussion procedure for each transition.
piece (2 mins per discussion) (continue circulation and 1 on 1 questioning
with table groups). - Variety of instructional
4. Whole group discussion: Allow each table to share one interesting formats / methods:
conversation they had about one of the artworks. throughout the lesson,
visual, written and auditory
Closure and transition to next activity: …
instructions are used.
(Examples: During
Activity #2: Perspective Drawing. | Guided Demonstration. (15 mins) instruction, visual, written
and oral instruction).
Direct instruction: (deliver instructions orally and written with visuals)
- Instruct students to get their sketchbook, pencil, ruler and eraser ready. - Incorporated technology:
Students will be expected to have their own materials. (They may borrow a
(Activity 1,2). Students
set if they don’t have their own). Give students approximately 1 minute to
complete this step. engage in observation of
- Inform students they will follow the steps of a perspective drawing done by artworks depicting
the instructor in their sketchbooks. This will guide them when students head perspective and point of
out of the classroom to complete their individual drawings. view. With the use of
visuals, students who are
Once seated, Go over the procedure and expectations of the demonstration: ELL. Students will have the
- During this demonstration, the instructor will draw a mapping for two point
choice to take a photograph
perspective projected on the epson board for all students to see. The
instructor will go though the process step by step allowing time inbetween for of their point of view to
students to finish the step if needed. develop it outside of class.
- Inform students that they can write notes in their sketchbook to guide them in
their individual perspective drawings - Clear goals and expected
outcomes. (Activity 1):
- Before beginning the activity, ask students to touch their pencil to the top of Introduction, when
their head if they are ready to begin. (wait for all students to do this before informing the daily agenda.
starting the demonstration).

Begin demonstration, pausing for approximately 15 seconds after each step to allow
time for clarification or questions.

- Modeling: Activity 2.
Instructor provides a guided
Transition: Outlining expectations of behavior for the upcoming activity. demonstration for students
- Notify students that we will all be staying together as a group to head outside to follow. This visual
to draw the front of the school using their knowledge of perspective and point demonstration will allow all
of view. Notify students that they will be expected to be quiet and respectful
in the hallways as there are other classes going on. One students are outside, students to understand the
this is not a free period to roam around or explore. They will be expected to process and steps of a
choose the point of view they wat to draw, sit down and begin drawing. perspective drawing no
Inform students that they must stay within a reasonable distance from the matter their language.
front door of the school adn that the instructor must be able to see them and
be within talking distance. - Vocabulary provided:
- All students must bring their sketchbooks, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener
Activity 1. A review of
if needed as well as the outline of the project
vocabulary words
- Inform the grade 9 students they will be expected to create 2 perspective (perspective and point of
drawings in their sketchbook using the 2 point perspective skills they learned view).
during the guided demonstration. The two drawings will be from two
different points of view. Each drawing will convey a different mood or - Providing student choice /
feeling. This will be done in pencil. supportive learning
- Inform the grade 10 students they will be expected to create 2 perspective environment: Activity 2.
drawings using 2 point perspective and also creating the illusion of depth
Choice of point of view and
using elements of art shown in the examples at the beginning of class (colour,
texture, mark making, hatching, shading). Students can use pencil and/or mood or feeling students
coloured pencil or marker and the drawings will be done in their wat to convey in their
sketchbooks. perspective drawings. For
- Have students give a fist to five on how competent they feel in completing grade 10’s they have the
this task. (If 80% of the students put up 4-5 fingers, check in with the choice of what elements of
individual students while the activity takes place. If less than 80% of students art they would like to use to
have 1-3 fingers up, go over the steps with the whole class and answer any
questions they have). create the illusion of a
- Check in individually with ELL to ensure their understanding of the next 3-dimesional object in a
task. 2-dimensional space.

- Checking for understanding

(Activity 1,2,3) Provide
Activity #3 Individual perspective drawings [Individual Guided/ Experiential
extra support and check in
Learning] (25 minutes)
frequently with students
- Inform students that the class will be heading outside to create their first who may need further
perspective drawing (1 of 2). They will be doing the second one and continue explanation.
to develop both the following class
- Provide students with a handout outlining the project (seperate outline for
grade 9 and 10) Have 1 student from each table come and get one for each of
their peers at the front. Ensure they attain the right outline for their grade
- Ask students to line up at the door table by table (table 1,2 line up, table 3,4
line up)

- Lead the students outside to the front of the school and allow them to choose
a spot to sit to begin drawing. While students begin to draw, circulate and
insure all students are on the right track. Allow students to take a picture of
where they are sitting or take one for them so they can continue to develop
their drawings outside of class. (If taken on the instructors phone, email the
picture to the students email after class so they are able to access it).
- While drawing have 1 on 1 discussions with students and ask these guiding
1. From where you are sitting, how are you going to convey that point
of view in your drawing?
2. Grade 9: What two moods will you be trying to convey in your
drawings? How are you going to achieve that?
3. Grade 10: What elements of art will you be using in this drawing to
create depth? Are you using color, texture or another element to do
-Give students a 10 minute warning, 5 minute warning and 2 minute warning
before stopping and lining up to go back inside.
- Get the attention of all students by counting down from 3 and notify students
to close their sketchbooks and line up outside the front door of the school
(depending on how the students are spread out a loud voice may be needed).
- Gather attendance to ensure all students are there before entering the school.
- Walk all students back to the classroom.
Consolidating. 3 mins In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned and understood what was intended in the
lesson. If they haven't you will need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach (if necessary). Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole
group and/or small group discussion. This part of the lesson can act also as a transition from lesson body into cleanup and getting ready for the next class. Don't
forget to time this and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure. Provide clear steps and indicate the process.

[Independent Learning] Brainstorming/ Reflecting:

Inform students that the next class period they will continue their project drawing outside the school.
They should have the mapping for their first drawing and their second drawing will be of the same object, however they
will need to choose another point of view.

Allow students 3 minutes to reflect on a small piece of paper that will be handed in at the end of class.
- Ask 3 students to get the paper from the instructor and hand it out to all students
- Have students write their name on the paper
- Ask students to reflect on the drawing they just did outside - provide these prompts written on the board:
Grade 9: How will you develop your drawing to convey a certain mood or feeling?
Grade 10: How will you create depth in your drawingusing two different elements of art?

Clean up ( 2 ) mins *Remember, particularly in studio processes, clean up must be well orchestrated. It is not a matter of saying "time for clean-up" and expect
that your students will know what to do. You may assign students to certain tasks to accomplish clean up in a timely and efficient manner. Outline your detailed plans here:
Be very clear of your timing. Typically student move slower than you'd like them during clean up.

Have students put away their materials (all materials they use in this lesson will be provided by the students - sketchbooks,
pencils, erasers)
Have all students pack their backpacks and wait for the bell at their tables.

Reflection (after the lesson respond to these questions in brief. It is important that this reflective process is done after each lesson. These become points of extended reflection and conversation in post
conference with TA and UC)

How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:

Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
What must be addressed to improve this plan?
How I have grown from this teaching experience:

Other Notes:

Following this lesson, lesson 3.2 will have a studio class where student will continue to develop their perspective drawings. The last
lesson (3.3) will engage students in a critique to discuss and interpret the outcomes of the lesson as a whole.

LESSON PLAN (4) (4.1)

Class Profile C
Grade:Grade 9/10 Lesson Title: Sketching the Unseen; Space, Form and Visual Effects Lesson Duration: 60mins

Overview of lesson. Write a clear and concise overview that indicates the following: What the lesson is, the purpose/goal of the lesson what
students will do/learn and how the lesson will conclude. *Instructional video in January 14th class give an example of a strong overview and in contrast
an overview that is incomplete.

Grade 9: The objective of this lesson is to provide students with an opportunity to explore artworks that share identical forms
while examining how their spatial relationships can be manipulated to create diverse presentations. Through guided
observation and discussion, students will analyze these artworks to identify various approaches to spatial composition.
Students will engage in hands-on experimentation with space and form, actively manipulating these elements to create
compositions that intrigue them. They will have the chance to discuss and compare their creations, reflecting on the
compositional choices that they find most compelling. Building on this exploration, students will apply their newfound
compositional knowledge to begin planning their individual projects, selecting subjects that resonate with their interests and
creative vision. Throughout the planning process, they will consider how to effectively utilize space and form to enhance
their compositions and communicate their artistic intentions.

Grade 10: This grade level will build on the grade 9 outcome: Through guided observation and discussion, students will
analyze artworks focusing on how artists manipulate spatial relationships to convey diverse messages or emotions. By
considering various representational formats such as realistic, abstract, or surrealistic, students will explore how these
choices impact the overall visual impact and interpretation of the artwork. Following this exploration, students will engage
in hands-on experimentation with space and form, actively manipulating these elements while also considering the chosen
representational format.

Appreciation for the Arts: (All students): through their exploration of perspective drawing and its application in artistic
compositions, all students will develop a deeper appreciation for the aesthetics inherent in the visual effects and formats that
artists strategically choose to achieve their desired impact. By immersing themselves in hands-on activities and guided
exercises, students will gain firsthand experience in manipulating space, form, and composition to create visually compelling
artworks. As they experiment with different techniques and styles, they will come to understand the significance of artistic
decisions regarding color, line, texture, and other elements of art in shaping the overall aesthetic appeal of a piece. Students
will be introduced to the influential pop art movement and the works of Andy Warhol. Through analysis and discussion of
Warhol's compositional decisions, such as repetition, rhythm, and the innovative use of everyday imagery, students will gain

insights into how artists use these elements to challenge traditional notions of art and explore new forms of expression. By
studying Warhol's works, students will develop a deeper understanding of how artists can use composition to convey
complex ideas, evoke emotions, and provoke thought, ultimately broadening their appreciation for the diverse possibilities
within the realm of art.

Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives. Carefully select GLE and SLE that pertain to your lesson. Choose selectively and think
carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end of the lesson. Importantly this is connected clearly with the information in your Unit

Grade 9: Grade 9:
Composition: Students will analyze how altering Organization B: Create visual effects by presenting a work that
color, space, and form can impact the visual style of demonstrates altering spatial relationships with identical form. And
an image.
describe how visual effects are presented differently by altering
Grade 10: spacial relationships with identical forms.
Composition: Students will develop different
representational formats through experimentation Grade 10: Organization A: Different materials can change the
representational formats and processes employed to achieve specific
intended effects.

Give an overview (50 words) of the learning taking place in the select DBAE areas. (The unit as a whole must cover all 4 areas of DBAE framework).
For your individual lessons, choose the DBAE area(s) that your lesson will address and explain how it will address it. Often you will find overlaps of
several areas...but focus on the more predominate areas(s)

Grade 9: Art Production (Experimental Studio): Students will experiment with drawings that have a repeated object within a space. They
will create a series of experiments in their sketchbooks that explore spacial relationships and how they can employ repeated objects to
resonate with their creative visions

Grade 10: Art Production (Experimental Studio): Students will develop their skills of artistic choices as they explore different
representational formats and how they can acheive

All students: Aesthetics: Students will understand the human nature of repetition and how it can bring us pleasure or displeasure.
Students will explore both of these elements in their exploration of other artists works as well as their own art making experience. Grade
10 students will further their experience of how representational formats can add to their intended aesthetic choices as artists.
Learning Objectives. Translate the SLE's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned language. Use Blooms
Taxonomy directing words. *Instructional video in January 14th Class folder reviews this clearly

Grade 9: By the end of the lesson students will engage in the exploration of identical forms and spacial relationships.

Grade 10: By the end of this lesson studnets will develop skills in the use of various representational formats to achieve differeing

Lesson Guiding Questions: Use Bloom's Taxonomy, directing verbs in the areas of: knowledge, skills and attitudes. Be clear on what type of
knowledge/skill/attitudes students are developing and expected to do. This informs the types of questions you develop. Guiding questions must support
this and provoke student thinking and help them understand what they are learning, why they are learning, what they have already learned, what they
still need to learn etc..

- What is your emotional response to the image?

- How does it make you feel when there is one object in the space? Would this change if the object was
repeated many times within the space?
- How does Andy Warhol use repetition in his works? What about rhythm?
- How does he use colour? Other elements of art?

- What compositional decisions are being made here?

- What do you think he wanted the viewer to see in this piece?
- What can you tell me about the different relationship between your first and second work? Does it create a
different feeling?

- How are you finding the use of different representational formats? Which one intrigues you the most?

Annotated Learning Resources List These must be relevant and age appropriate and from a reliable source. If it is on online resource provide
an active link. If it a book, cite the book and author. Provide 1-2 sentences (annotated) to indicate what the resource is and how it support your lesson/
student learning? *you may have more or less than three resources. It depends on your lesson. If you are providing material on First Nations, Métis or
Inuit, it must be an authorized source, from an Indigenous author or Indigenous community. Beth Cormier in the Curriculum Lab has many resources to
help you. If you are not sure connect with her.
» Pattern, repetition and rhythm, variety and unity (smarthistory.org)
Jackson Pollock, Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), 1950, enamel on canvas, 266.7 x 525.8 cm (The Metropolitan Museum of
Hypostyle hall, Great Mosque at Cordoba, Spain, begun 786 and enlarged during the 9th and 10th centuries (photo:
wsifrancis, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

(2) New Messages! (maddoxgallery.com)

Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe. 1967, MOMA

Radical repetition: a collector’s guide to Andy Warhol prints | Christie's (christies.com)

Andy Warhol (1928-1987), Truck, 1985. The complete set of four screenprints in colours, on Lenox Museum Board
Andy Warhol (1928-1987), Scotch Broth from Campbell’s Soup II, 1969. Screenprint in colours, on smooth wove paper
Material and Equipment: List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…What you will use AND, therefore what you
will organize ahead of time prior to your lesson

- pencils
- sketchbooks
- eracers
- epson board
- exit slip paper
- coloured pencils
- markers

Lesson Procedures
Introduction (5 mins): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to
Body. Indicate the timing for each section. This can be written in point form

Play the ted-ed video “The pleasure of poetic pattern” as the students settle after the bell rings
The pleasure of poetic pattern - David Silverstein (youtube.com)

Video - 5mins
Looking at Repetition and Rhythm in art- 15mins
Experimentation and Exploration in sketchbooks - 30mins
Exit slip reflection - 8mins
Clean up-2 mins
Body ( 49min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. Write clearly and concisely. Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify
activities and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of each section. Identify teaching strategies, include any questions that you will use, organization of class etc.
How and when are you using formative assessment in your lesson? Indicate differentiation within the body of your lesson.

Steps and Procedures: Lessons are divided into portions. In the lesson body there Identify Teaching Strategies/Rational
should be a least two activities and one transition. You may have 3 activities and 2 transitions. An Example: Direct instructions, pair/share, jigsaw,
activity can be reading - transition - partner dialogue (as an example). * Style of writing in the
lesson plan is descriptive and concise (NOT POINT FORM). As well, you are not narrating, whole group discussion etc. When will you use
rather you are describing the activity, the learning, critical information to carry out the lesson. these and why? You will list in your body, but you
Any questions you have developed to use during the learning, to facilitate discussion for instance, will explain your choice here.
are to be written directly into the lesson plan in the area where it occurs.

Direct instruction; Lecture (Activity 1): This will

serve the purpose of supplying the students with a
rational and purpose for the learning activity and
individual project. It will also be used to inform
and refresh vocabulary terms and introduce the
Pop art movement and the infamous Andy Warhol.

Experiential Learning - Project based learning

(Activity #2): This art exercise will scaffold
students and guide them when creating their
project in the following lesson. This will allow
students to experiment with various artistic
decisions involving space, repetition, rhythm and
representational formats

Independent Learning - Exit Slip (Activity #3):

The reflection/ brainstorm activity at the end of
the lesson will allow students to self-monitor their
skills and practice throughout the learning process.
Reflection builds confidence in achieving their
personal goals and allows for higher rates of
thinking and learning.

Activity #1: Lecture [Direct Instruction] (15mins)

Transition: Gather attention via clap response.

Table group formation: Ensure students are seated with peers of their
same grade level before beginning the lesson.
Formative Assessments Type/Name:
Where Assessment Occurs/Purpose of assessment
1. Inform students they will be looking at images on the epson
board. The images that will be looked at explore rhythm and
- Checking for understanding (Activity
repetition. Ask students to pay attention to the different
1,2,3) Asking groups of students during
compositional decisions the artists made. Emphasize the way
the activities if they need further
artist uses repeated forms. Encourage students to jot down
explanation for understanding. Individual
notes in their sketchbook of the art they found pleasing and
check-ins with ELL learners.
which ones they did not and why.
2. Review vocabulary (delivered in written, auditorily and
- Observation (Activity 1) Observe students
vidually in the slideshow):
as they engage in the lecture.
- Repetition: Works with patterns to make the work of
art seem active and creates unity within the art.
- Active assessment (Activity 2) (informal
Rhythm Created when one or more elements of design
teacher feedback and 1-on-1 questioning)
are used to create organized movement and can create
during the experimentation and
a mood like music.
exploration of their art making
- Grade 10’s: Representational formats -Realism is an
accurate, detailed depiction of a natural subject, while
- Self-reflection/Exit Slip (Activity 3).
idealism portrays an aesthetically ideal realistic
Students will reflect on as a way to assess
depiction. Impressionism portrays an artist's visual
what compositional decisions and
impression of a subject, and stylization is a simplified
representational formats they found most
representation of a subject.
interesting and why.
3. Guide the students through the images one by one and ask
these guiding questions (this will be an open discussion and
anyone in the class can contribute their thoughts):
- What is your emotional response to the image?
- How does it make you feel when there is one object in
the space? Would this change if the object was
repeated many times within the space?
Introduce the works of Andy Warhol and give a brief explanation of the
Pop Art Movement (located on slideshow)
- How does Andy Warhol use repetition in his works?
What about rhythm?
- How does he use colour? Other elements of art?
- What compositional decisions are being made here?
- What do you think he wanted the viewer to see in this

4. Notify the students that they will be applying these ideas to

their experiments during the next activity.

Ouline the Sketchbook exploration of Spacial Decision Making:

- Inform students that they will be experimenting in their
sketchbooks to create a drawing of a found object within a
space. (eg. mug on a counter top or an apple laying on the

- Inform students that this drawing practice will guide them in Differentiation: Indicate in brief sentences areas of
their upcoming creative project next class where they will differentiation.
explore spacial compositions using repetition and rhythm
(grade 10 students will use different representational formats) Universal:
- Students will get out their sketchbooks, pencils and eracers and - Variety of instructional formats / methods:
wait to be called up to gather their object from the table. throughout the lesson, visual, written and
- Check-in with ELL learners to ensure they understand the task
auditory instructions are used. (Examples:
Transition (2 mins) Students gather materials and wait to be called to During instruction, on the board, outline
get their object. of exploration instructions)

Activity #2: Sketching Exploration. | Experiential Instruction. (30 - Informing students of time where needed.
mins) Example, informing students of how long
they have to work during activities. Also
Students will individually work for the time allotted to experiment with
incorporated into the lesson agenda
repeated objects
- Direct instruction: (Delivered in written, visual and orally) components to Inform students of the
Notify grade 9 students that their task is to explore the object in upcoming transition.
different spaces and experiment repeating the object multiple
- Vocabulary provided: (Activity 1) A
times in the same space
review of vocabulary words (rhythm,
repetition, representational formats).
- (Delivered in written, visual and orally) Notify grade 10
students that their task is to explore their object using different
- Clear goals and expected outcomes.
representational formats.
(Activity 1): Introduction, when informing
the daily agenda.
- Call tables one by one to pick their object (table 1,2,3,4) Allow
students to come up the the table with the objects and pick one,
- Incorporated technology: Activity 1.
then have a seat back at their table and begin their drawings.
Students engage in observation of
artworks depicting different ways artists
- While students are exploring and experimenting, circulate and
use repetition, rhythm and
have one-on-one discussions and ask these guiding questions:
representational formats
- What can you tell me about the different relationship between
- Providing student choice / supportive
your first and second work? Does it create a different feeling?
learning environment: Activity 3: Allow
students to choose what spacial decisions
- How are you finding the use of different representational
and representational formats they will use
formats? Which one intrigues you the most?
in their exploration.

Transition: Raise hand (give 5) to grab 100% attention before

moving to the last activity

Activity #3 Exit Slip Reflection [Individual Guided] (8 minutes)

- Direct Instruction: (When I say go) Ask students to take 10

seconds to figure out who’s birthday is coming next. Have the
student whos birthday is next to grab a piece of paper for each
person sitting at their table.

- Notify students that they will be reflecting on their experience

of experimenting with repetition and rhythm, spacial decisions
and different representational formats.

(Deliver these questions orally and written on the board)

Grade 9: Which compositional decision did you find the most
interesting? Why?

Grade 10: Which representational format worked the best or your

intended outcome? Why?

Instruct students to hand in their exit slips on the way out the door.

Have all students respond to this prompt: What are you thinking for
your project? What ways will you use the techniques learned from

Consolidating. In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned and understood what was intended in the lesson. If they
haven't you will need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach (if necessary). Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole group and/or
small group discussion. This part of the lesson can act also as a transition from lesson body into cleanup and getting ready for the next class. Don't forget to time
this and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure. Provide clear steps and indicate the process.

Inform students that the experiments they explored in their sketchbooks today will provide guidance in their project
that they will develop during the next class period.

Clean up ( 2 ) mins *Remember, particularly in studio processes, clean up must be well orchestrated. It is not a matter of saying "time for clean-up" and expect
that your students will know what to do. You may assign students to certain tasks to accomplish clean up in a timely and efficient manner. Outline your detailed plans here:
Be very clear of your timing. Typically student move slower than you'd like them during clean up.

Have all students pack their backpacks and wait for the bell at their tables (mateirals provided by students).

Reflection (after the lesson respond to these questions in brief. It is important that this reflective process is done after each lesson. These become points of extended reflection and conversation in post
conference with TA and UC)

How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:

Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
What must be addressed to improve this plan?
How I have grown from this teaching experience:

Other Notes:

Following this lesson, 4.2 will allow students to plan and begin their art making project where they will either paint or draw images if
repeated form within an interesting spacial composition.

Following lesson 4.2, lesson 4.3 will engage students in critique to share ideas about one anothers works.

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