Misuse of Technology

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Misuse of Technology: Is Technology a weapon or a tool?

Made by Joshua Carlyle H. Carrasca | 10 – SVP | English 10

Do you know that Technology is everywhere, from transportation, medicine, computers we all
use it at some point in our lives? Not even knowing that it is part of Technology. A quote from
Christian Lous Lange "Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master". This essay talks
about the "Misuse of Technology" of people. It has created problems such as Cyberbullying,
Hacking/Data Security, and the use of AI for cheating in schoolwork. This issue holds significant
weight because it is important to dwell upon it because it greatly affects the users’ mental health,
learning capabilities, and privacy. The paper argues that the use of technology has yielded more
negative effects on users.

A study done by a research team from De La Salle University (DLSU) showed Filipino youth
experience a wider range of bullying and harassment on social media. Based on the stories of the
152 Filipino Youths, the study found three main dimensions these include targets, acts, and
spaces (ABS-CBN, 2022). Statistics from UNICEF show that cyberviolence affects almost half
of children aged 13-17, the prevalence of cyberviolence for males (44%) is almost the same for
females (43%). Despite the government law (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013) and the videos on the
internet to address the issue, cyberbullying is still prevalent today in the world.

Academic Dishonesty (Artificial Intelligence)

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools transitioned to online classes for their
learning which has affected the learning capability of students. Data from UPD AI (The
University of the Philippines Diliman Artificial Intelligence) has condemned the reported misuse
of AI tools by students in their academic requirements (ABS-CBN News, 2023). Students are
now increasingly relying on ChatGPT for generating content, resulting in a decline in critical
thinking and research skills.

Data Security Breach

According to research from Unisys, more than a third (36%) of Filipinos report they suffered a
data breach in 2019, with the most common types of attacks being email hacking (experienced
by 16% of respondents), social engineering scams that tricked them into providing information
(13%) and social media profiles hacked (12%). This lack of improvement raises questions about
users’ privacy on the internet. According to the Philstar article, at least 13 million Philippine
Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) members have been affected by the Medusa ransomware
On the other hand, others might argue that Technology can increase productivity and
convenience for its users. It also gives access to educational information such as articles,
research, and statistics to users. While Technology can provide a level of convenience to the
people, it can also make them less productive/lazy. People can be too reliant on Technology
which can hinder their way of learning and even human interactions.

In conclusion, the use of technology has resulted in a rise in the number of negative
repercussions for its users. Despite the challenges of the use of technology, people are still trying
to battle against it with educational videos and proper internet etiquette. The government should
implement better cybersecurity and a better environment on the Internet. Emphasizing the
importance of the privacy of its users and laws/acts on the internet. Lastly, a quote from Matt
Mullenweg “Technology is best when it brings people together”. If we can use technology for
the better, it could be a tool for everyone.

Sources: ABS-CBN News. (2022, July 3). Young Pinoys and cyberbullying: DLSU study sheds light.

ABS-CBN News. https://news.abs-cbn.com/spotlight/07/03/22/young-pinoys-and-cyberbullying-


De Leon, M. (2023, January 23). [OPINION] The academe strikes back: The rise of AI. RAPPLER.


De Lima Omorog, C., & Medina, R. P. (2020). Internet Security Awareness of Filipinos: a survey paper.



Rowegie Abanto, ABS-CBN News. (2023, January 19). Threat or tool? Filipino professors weigh in on

AI tools. ABS-CBN News. https://news.abs-cbn.com/amp/spotlight/01/19/23/threat-or-tool-


The Philippines shows the highest level of concern over security issues; one in five Filipinos have stopped

dealing with an organisation after a data breach - new Unisys Security IndexTM. (2019b,

September 9). https://www.unisys.com/news-release/ph-the-philippines-shows-the-highest-level-


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