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1. Police power:
- The power of the state to regulate
There are several types of power,
behavior and enforce order within its
jurisdiction for the protection of the
Coercive power: The ability to control general welfare, health, and safety of the
behavior through force or the threat of public.
Reward power: The ability to control
It is based on two (2) Latin Maxims
behavior through the provision of
Welfare of the People is the Supreme
Legitimate power: The power that is
derived from a formal position of
authority, such as a government or an - SIC UTERE TUO UT ALIENUM NON
organization. LAEDAS (Use your Own Property in such
a way that you do not injure other
Expert power: The power that arises
people’s property)
from knowledge or expertise in a
particular field. 2. Power of Eminent Domain:
Referent power: The power that comes - The power of the state to take private
from admiration, respect, or identification property for public use, upon payment of
with a person or group. just compensation to the owner.
Informational power: The power that - Is the right or power of the state or of
comes from access to information or those whom the power has been lawfully
knowledge that is valuable or influential. delegated to take ( or appropriate)
private property for public use upon
Connection power: The power that
paying to the owner a just compensation
comes from having access to people or
to be ascertained according to law.
resources that are important or useful.
(Article. 12, Section 18)
- Each type of power can be used in
different ways to influence the behavior
PATRIMONY, Section 18
of others, and the specific types of power
that are most effective can vary The state may, in the interest of National
depending on the situation. Welfare or defense, establish and operate
vital industries and, upon payment or just
compensation, transfer to public
ownership utilities and other private
enterprises to be operated by the
De Leon Jr.)
1. Existence of Public use.
1. As the authority which exercises the
2. Payment of Just Compensation
3. Observance of Due Process of Law in
– Taxation and police power are exercised
the making,
only by the government,
3. Power of Taxation:
- the exercise of the power of eminent
- The power of the state to impose taxes domain may be granted to public service
and collect revenue to support companies.
government functions and services. This
2. As to Purpose
power is usually exercised by the
legislative branch and is limited by – In taxation, the property (generally in
constitutional provisions and other legal the form of money) is taken for the
restrictions. support of the government
Each of these powers is a significant - In eminent domain, for public use
aspect of government authority, and they
- Police power, the property is taken or
play important roles in shaping the way
destroyed for the purpose of promoting
that governments operate and interact
the general welfare.
with the citizens they serve.
3. As to the Effect
- In taxation, the money contributed
becomes part of public funds.
- In eminent domain, there is a transfer of
the right to property whether it be
ownership or a lesser right
- In police power, there is no such
transfer, or most, there is a restraint in
the injurious use of a property.
4. As to Persons Affected
- In Taxation and usually police power
operate upon a common or a class of
individuals while eminent domain
operates or an individual as the owner of
a particular property.
5. As to Benefits received
- In Taxation, it is assumed that the 2. INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT-
individual receives the equivalent of the established as an independent
tax in the form of benefits and protection government by the inhabitants of a
he receives from the government country who rise in insurrection of the
parent state.
- In Eminent domain, he receives just
Compensation for the property 3. GOVERNMENT OF THE PARAMOUNT
expropriated FORCE- established and maintained by
military forces who invade and occupy a
- In Police Power, the compensation of the
territory of the enemy in the course of
individual is not immediate and usually,
war, and which is denominated as a
annoyance and financial loss are caused
government of paramount force.
to him leaving the reward to be reaped
through his altruistic recognition that the
restraint is for the public good.
The branches of government are the three
1. DE JURE main branches of a government system,
designed to provide checks and balances
and ensure that no single branch becomes
- de facto proper too powerful. The three branches of
government are:
- Independent Government
The Executive Branch: responsible for
- Government of Paramount Force
executing and enforcing laws and policies.
DE JURE GOVERNMENT (GOVERNMENT It is headed by the President.
OF LAW) is an organized government of a
The Legislative Branch: responsible for
state which has the general support of the
making laws. It is headed by a congress or
a parliament.
The Judicial Branch: responsible for
interpreting laws and dispensing justice.
government which actually exercises
It is headed by a supreme court or a
power or control but without legal title.
similar judicial body.
The separation of powers among these
1. DE FACTO PROPER- the government branches is an important aspect of many
that gets possession and control of, or modern democratic systems, and it is
usurps by force or by the voice of the intended to prevent any one branch from
majority, the rightful legal government becoming too powerful and dominating
and maintains itself against the will of the the others.
 What is Politics?  STATE
Politics is a way in which we understand - A Community of persons more or less
and order our social affairs, the principle numerous, permanently occupying a
underlying this, and the means by which definite portion of territory, having
some people or groups acquire a greater government of their own to which the
control over the situation. (Prof. B. great body of inhabitants render
Danton and D. Gill, 1982) obedience, and enjoying freedom from
external control.
Any activity including human beings
associated in relationship of power and FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT (De Leon
authority where conflict occurs (Robert A. and De Leon Jr.)
Dahl, 1965)
ARTICLE 2. SECTION 4 enunciates the
Politics in a broad sense, is the art and first and foremost duty of government is
science of the governance; means by to serve and protect its people.
which the will of community is arrived at
and implemented; the activities of a
government, politician, or the political - Compulsory function of the government
party. It can also be the pursuit and
- The protection of society and its
exercise on political power necessary to
member, the security of persons and
make binding policy decisions for the
property, the administration of justice,
community and to distribute patronage
the preservation of the state than external
and other governmental benefits (Dannug
danger, dealings of the state from external
and Campanilla 2004)
danger foreign power.
- Not compulsory
- The advancement of the physical
economic, social, and cultural well being
for the people.
- Government and its policy shall
intervene against on abusive and
negligent parent, legal guardian, and to
act as the parent of any child or individual
who is in need of protection.
There are several types of citizenship, Political Ideology: Political ideologies
including: refer to a set of beliefs and values that
shape an individual's political views.
Birthright Citizenship: Citizenship
Examples of political ideologies include
acquired automatically by being born
liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and
within the territory of a country,
regardless of the citizenship of one's
parents. State and Government: A state is a
geographical entity that has a defined
Naturalized Citizenship: Citizenship
territory, population, and sovereignty.
acquired through a legal process, typically
The government is the institution or
after living in a country for a certain
group of institutions that holds the power
period of time and meeting other
to govern a state and make decisions on
requirements, such as passing a test on
behalf of its citizens.
the country's history and government.
Political Systems: Political systems are
Dual Citizenship: Citizenship held by a
the structures, institutions, and processes
person in two or more countries
that govern the distribution of power and
decision-making within a state. Examples
Jus soli Citizenship: Citizenship acquired of political systems include democracy,
based on the principle of "right of the dictatorship, monarchy, and federalism.
soil," meaning that a person is a citizen of
Political Institutions: Political institutions
a country if they are born within its
are the specific organizations and
structures that implement the decisions
Jus sanguinis Citizenship: Citizenship of the government. Examples of political
acquired based on the principle of "right institutions include the executive branch,
of blood," meaning that a person is a legislative branch, and judiciary.
citizen of a country if they have a parent
Political Parties: Political parties are
who is a citizen of that country.
groups of individuals who organize
Stateless Citizenship: The status of themselves to participate in the political
individuals who are not considered process and influence the government.
citizens of any country, often due to They are often divided by ideology, such
political or other circumstances. as conservative or liberal, and are
typically aligned with one of the major
political systems.
Elections: Elections are the process by
which citizens of a state vote to choose
their representatives or leaders. Elections
are an essential component of democratic
systems and are used to determine the
political direction of a country.
Public Policy: Public policy refers to the
decisions and actions taken by the
government to address public issues and
concerns. It includes the laws, regulations,
and programs that are designed to meet
the needs of the population.
International Relations: International
relations refer to the relationships and
interactions between different states and
their governments. This includes
diplomacy, trade, military alliances, and
cultural exchanges.
Political Economy: Political economy is
the study of the relationship between
economic systems and political systems.
This includes the impact of economic
policies, such as taxation and trade, on
political stability and growth.
Civil Society: Civil society refers to the
network of organizations, groups, and
individuals that exist outside of the state
and government. Civil society plays a
critical role in shaping public opinion,
advocating for political change, and
holding the government accountable.

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