Electromagnetic Waves Class 12

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CLASS 12 – PHYSICS Chapter – 8 – Electromagnetic Waves

(1) Oersted experiment – A magnetic needle kept near a current carrying conductor deflects when a current
is passed through it. Thus he establish the relation that changing electric field can create magnetic field.
(2) Faraday experiment – Electricity can be created by changing magnetic field. Hence a changing magnetic
field produces an electric field
(3)Maxwell experiment – Not only electric current but also time varying electric field generates magnetic
(4) Ampere’s circuital law: The line integral of magnetic field along any closed loop C is proportional to the
current I passing through the closed loop i.e . = μo I.
Note : In this law it is assumed that conduction current flows through the connecting wires charging the
condenser plates but no current flows in the space in between the plates. Actually it is not true.
(5)Conduction current Ic: It is produced due to motion of charge carriers ( free electrons in the connecting
(6)Displacement current : It is produced due to time varying electric field and may flow even in vacuum.
This is the current within the region between capacitor plates.
Expression for displacement current: Consider a capacitor having plates A and B. The capacitor is being
charged by a battery. During charging a current I flows across the wires. This current varies with time. The
current produces magnetic field around the wire. However, no conduction current can flow across the
capacitor plates.
Now consider two loops C1 and C2 ; C1 is just on the left and C2 just on the right of plate A of capacitor, the
plane of loops being parallel to the plates. Now we apply Ampere’s circuital law to loops C1 and C2, we get
For loop C1, . = μo Ic , Since loop C1 encloses current Ic --------------- (1)
For loop C2, . = μo x 0 = 0 --------- (2), Since loop C2 lies in the region between and it does not
enclose and conduction current Ic
As loop C1 and C2 are very close we may expect,

But equation (1) and (2) contradict equation (3) . Therefore Ampere’s Circuital law appears to be

Maxwell’s Assumption of Displacement Current : During the process of charging , the charge on
capacitor plates changes . Suppose at any time t, Q(t) is the charge on the capacitor plates and E(t)
the electric field between the plates.
If A be area of each plate,then surface charge density on capacitor plates ; σ =
Electric field between the plates E = , where = surface charge density

Displacement current Id
If A is the area of the plates then electric flux between the plates = EA
Modification of Ampere’s Circuital law: “The line integral of magnetic field along the boundary
of a closed path is equal to μo times the sum of conduction current and displacement current
enclosed by the path “ . Applying Ampere’s circuital law to loops C 1 and C2 we get,
. = μo ( Ic + Id) = μo (Ic + ) = μo Ic +
Displacement current across a capacitor is equal to conduction current in conducting wires :
Suppose a parallel plate capacitor is being charged and has charge Q on plates at any instant.
The electric field between the plates, E =
If A is the area of the plates then electric flux between the plates = EA=
Displacement current, Id

Conduction current, Ic = dQ/dt ; Id = Ic

In Connecting wires I = Ic, Id = 0, between the plates I = Id, Ic = 0. Hence Id + Ic = I, has the
same value along the entire circuital path, though individually two currents are discontinuous.

Hence Maxwell corrected Ampere’s circuital law as is

. = μo (Ic +Id ) = μo Ic + μo Id = μo Ic + μo
Thus Conduction current arises due to flow of electrons in the conductor. Displacement current
arises due to electric flux changing with time.

(1) Show that during the charging of a parallel plate capacitor, the rate of change of charge on each plate
is equal to Ԑo times the rate of change of electric flux (Ф) linked with it. What is the name given to
terms (CBSE 2008)
(2) If the charging current for capacitor is 0.125A. What is the displacement current across its plate?
(CBSE 1998)

(7) Maxwell’s modification of Ampere’s law: The inconsistency in ampere’s circuital law,
applied to a capacitor was corrected by Maxwell by applying the concept of displacement
current. This idea paves way for electromagnetic waves.
(8) Marconi : He sent electromagnetic waves through air for all long distances. This was a
revolution in the field of wireless communication.
(9) Maxwell’s equation :

(i) Gauss’s Law in Electrostatic: It states that the total electric flux
through any closed surface is equal to times the net charge enclosed by
it. A direct consequence of this equation is that the magnetic monopoles do
not exist.

(ii) Gauss’s Law in Magnetism : The net magnetic flux out of any closed surface
is zero.
(iii) Faraday’s -Lenz law of electromagnetic induction : It states that the induced
emf produced in a circuit is numerically equal to the rate of change of magnetic
flux through it.

The negative sign in this equation indicates that the induced emf produced
opposes the rate of change of magnetic flux.
Ampere’s – Maxwell law: = μo Ic + μo
(10) Sources of Electromagnetic waves :

(i) A stationary charges creates an electric field around it but no magnetic field. For
Charges at rest there is no acceleration hence it can’t produce electromagnetic
(ii) When the charge begins to move with constant velocity(Charges in uniform
motion), there will be magnetic fields but it has no acceleration hence it cannot
produce electromagnetic wave
These two cannot produce electromagnetic waves.
(iii) According to Maxwell’s theory only accelerated charge can radiate
electromagnetic waves: When oscillatory charges are accelerated, this
creates a time varying magnetic field . This time varying magnetic field creates a
time varying electric field. Time varying electric field and magnetic field are
mutually perpendicular to each other. Hence an electromagnetic wave is
produced .Charge moving in a circular orbit has an accelerated motion so it can
act as a source of electromagnetic wave

These electromagnetic waves propagate with a velocity of light in a direction mutually perpendicular to and
The electric field Ex is along the x-axis and varies sinusoidally with Z- axis . Ex = Eo sin ( kz – ωt)
The magnetic field By is along the y-axis and again varies sinusoidally with Z-axis , By = Bo sin ( kz – ωt) ,
The electric field Ex and magnetic field By are perpendicular to each other,
where k = 2π / λ, λ= 2π / k , ω = angular frequency = 2π f, ω = 2π f λ/ λ = 2π c/ λ = k c ,

Speed of propagation of the wave c = ω / k, c = f λ , c = m/s,

Magnitude of electric and magnetic field in an electromagnetic waves are related as E / B =c
(The vector sum of electric force and magnetic force on any charged particle is called the Lorentz force )

BOARD QUESTIONS: Which of the following can act as a source of electromagnetic waves (a) charge
moving with constant velocity , (b) charge moving in a circular orbit and (c) A charge at rest . Give reason
(CBSE 2004)

(11) Production of Electromagnetic waves - Hertz experiment (CBSE 2006)

According to Maxwell, an accelerated charge sets up a magnetic field in its neighborhood. The magnetic field,
in turn, produces an electric field in that region. Both these fields vary with time and act as sources for each
other. (Maxwell predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves). As oscillating charge is accelerated
continuously, it will radiate electromagnetic waves continuously.
In 1988, Hertz experimentally demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic wave, apparatus is
shown schematically in fig.

An induction coil ( a source of high voltage) is used to produce a potential difference of several thousand volt
between the metal plates held parallel to each other and separated by nearly 60cm..The two metal plates are
connected to two metal spheres through thick metal rods. Due to high voltage, the air in the small gap gets
ionized and makes the gap conducting . The electrons and ions so produced oscillate back and forth across
the gap. A spark begins to pass between the spheres. As the air in the gap is ionized, it conducts more
rapidly and the discharge between the spheres becomes oscillatory. These charged particles oscillate back
and forth which result in production of electromagnetic waves. Metal plates form a capacitor of low
capacitance C and conducting wires offer a low inductance L.
The frequency of electromagnetic waves f = 1 / 2π√LC , where L =inductance of the medium ,
C = capacitance of the metal sheet

Velocity of electromagnetic wave is given by c = m/s

Board Questions
(i) Name the Scientist who first (a) predicted the existence of electromagnetic wave and (b)
experimentally demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic waves . (CBSE 2003)
(ii) Explain how this experiment enabled him to show that electromagnetic waves travelled
with the speed of light.

(12) History : The Scientists associated with the study of EM waves are Hertz, Jadish Chandra
Bose & Marconi.

(13) Electromagnetic wave - Electromagnetic waves are composed of oscillating electric and
magnetic fields at right angles to each other and both are perpendicular to the direction of
propagation of the wave. Electromagnetic waves differ in wavelength (or frequency).

(14) The important properties of electromagnetic waves: The source that produce them and
methods of their detection are different, but they have the following common properties:
(a) In an electromagnetic wave, the directions of oscillation of the electric and magnetic
fields are perpendicular to each other as well as to the direction of propagation of
the wave
(b) The speed of an electromagnetic wave in space is about 3 x 108 m/s while in any
other medium, it depends on the electric and magnetic properties of the medium
and not on the amplitude of the field variation. c = 1/√μo Ԑo
(c) The electric and magnetic field variations are in phase, i.e. both attain their maxima
and minima at the same time and place.
(d) EM wave is a transverse wave because of which it undergoes polarization effect.
Electromagnetic waves can show interference or diffraction.
(e) Electromagnetic waves need no medium of propagation. The energy from the sun is
received by the earth through electromagnetic waves.
(f) The wavelength ( λ ) and the frequency (f) of electromagnetic wave is related as
c=f λ where The S.I. unit of frequency is Hertz., 1 Hertz = 1 c / s,
The S.I. unit of wavelength is metre, 1 Ã0= 10-10 m , l nm = 10-9 m
The amplitude of electric & magnetic fields are related by
Oscillating or accelerating charged particle produces EM waves.
Note : EM waves also carry energy, momentum and information.
BOARD QUESTION : (i) Write the relationship between amplitude of Electric field and Magnetic field in
free space for an electromagnetic waves. (CBSE 1995, 1994)
(15) Electromagnetic Spectrum: Orderly arrangement of electromagnetic radiation according to
its frequency or wavelength is electromagnetic spectrum.

Hint to memories the electromagnetic spectrum in decreasing order of its frequency.

Gandhiji’s X-rays Used Vigorously In Medical Research


Wave length Range
Type Production Detection Uses
Frequency Range
Gamma ray <10-3nm Radioactive Photographic - Nuclear reaction & structure of atoms
(similar to radiations emitted ( 10-10mto less decay of the film, & Nuclei.
during decay of radioactive than 10 m)
-14 nucleus Geiger tube, - To destroy cancer cells
nuclei) Upper frequency ionization
range of EM spectrum chamber
3x1018 to 5x1022

X-rays 10nm to 10-4nm X-ray tubes or Photographic - Study of crystal structure & atom,
(transverse in nature 3x1016 to 1021 Hz inner shell film, - photograph of internal parts of human
diffraction and polarization) electrons Geiger tube, body (like fracture of bones).
Bombard a ionization - Treatment for certain forms of cancer
metal target by chamber
energy electrons
Ultraviolet 400nm to 1nm Inner Shell Photocell & - Sterilizing the surgical equipment’s,
( absorbed from sunlight by 8x1014 to 8x1017Hz electron in atom photographic film - preserving food stuff by killing
ozone layer in the atmosphere moving from one bacteria and germs,
at an altitude of about 40 – energy level to a - detecting Invisible writing, forged
50Km) lower energy documents and finger prints ,
UV produced by special lamps level - kill germs in water purifier ,
and very hot bodies. - Due to its shorter wavelengths, UV
Ozone layer in the atmosphere radiation can be focused into very
plays a protective role and narrow beams for high precision
hence its depletion by applications such as LASIK(laser
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) assisted in situ keratomileusis) eye
gas (such as Freon) is a matter surgery,
of international concern - UV radiation is absorbed by ordinary
glass hence one cannot get tanned or
sunburn through glass windows
Exposure to UV radiation induces the
production of more melanin, causing
tanning of the skin
- Welders wear special glass goggles or
face masks with glass windows to
protect their eyes from large amount of
UV produced by welding arcs.
Visible Light 700nm to 400nm Electron in an Eye, Photocell, - Photography,
4 x 1014 to 7x1014 Hz atom emit light Photographic - Illuminations, Emit & reflect by the
when they move Film objects.
from one energy - Snakes can detect infrared waves and
level to a lower the visible range of many insects
energy level extend well into the Ultraviolet
during transition

Infrared ( referred to as heat 1mm to 700nm Vibration of Thermopiles, - Physical therapy,
waves because water 3x 1011 to 3x 1014 Hz atom or Bolometer - remotes-TV, video recorders
molecules present in most molecules Infrared - maintain the earth’s warmth or
materials readily absorb Photographic average temperature through the
infrared waves many other Film Green House effect – incoming visible
molecules e.x CO2, NH3 also light (which passes relatively easily
absorb infrared waves after through the atmosphere is absorbed
absorption their thermal by the earth’s surface and reradiated
motion increases that is they as infrared (longer wavelength)
heat up their surroundings) radiations this radiations is trapped as
green house gases such as carbon
dioxide and water vapour,
- photograph of sky during night and
foggy condition,
- Ariel mapping- Infrared detectors are
used in Earth satellite both for
military and to observe growth of
Microwave (short wavelength 0.1m to 1mm Special Point contact - Radar system used in aircraft
radio waves) 3x 108 to 3x 1011 Hz vacuum diodes navigation- it can travel in a straight
tubes(called . line in the form of beam ,
Klystron valve, - Radar also provides the basis for the
magnetron speed guns used to time fast balls.
valve and Tennis serves and automobiles
gunn diodes) - Microwave oven – frequency of the
microwaves is selected to match the
resonant frequency of water molecules
so that energy from the waves is
transferred efficiently to the kinetic
energy of the molecules. This raises
the temperature of any food containing
Radio waves ( adjacent to >0.1m Rapid Receiver’s aerials - Short radio waves – satellite
the low frequency end of the 500 KHz to acceleration and communication Radio, TV
electromagnetic spectrum) 1000 MHz deceleration of Communication.
electrons in - Amplitude modulated band is from
aerials 530KHz to 1710KHz
- Higher frequencies upto 54MHz are
used for short wave bands
- Frequency modulated band is from
88MHz to 108MHz
- TV wave range is from 54MHz to



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