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Impedance and Admittance

1. In an electrical circuit, impedance is a measure of:

Answer: B) The total opposition to the flow of alternating current.
2. Admittance in an electrical circuit is the reciprocal of:
Answer: B) Impedance.
3. In a series RL circuit, the impedance is mainly determined by the:
Answer: D) Both resistance and inductance.
4. What happens to the impedance of a parallel RC circuit as the frequency of the AC
source increases?
Answer: B) It decreases.
5. The unit of impedance is:
Answer: A) Ohm (Ω).
6. Admittance is measured in:
Answer: A) Siemens (S).
7. In a circuit with purely resistive impedance, the phase angle between voltage and current
Answer: A) 0 degrees.
8. What is the complex conjugate of the admittance Y = G + jB?
Answer: B) Y* = G - jB
9. The admittance of a purely capacitive circuit consists of:
Answer: C) Only a susceptance.
10. In an AC circuit, if the impedance is purely resistive, the power factor is: Answer: C)
11. Which statement about impedance is correct?
Answer: C) It can be represented by a complex number.
12. The reciprocal of impedance is known as:
Answer: C) Admittance.
13. In a parallel RL circuit, as the inductance increases, the admittance
Answer: B) Decreases.
14. When the impedance of a circuit is purely capacitive, the phase angle between voltage
and current is:
Answer: B) Negative.
15. What happens to the impedance of a circuit if the resistance component increases while
the reactance remains the same?
Answer: B) Impedance increases.
16. The sum of conductance and susceptance in a circuit is referred to as: Answer: B)
17. In an AC circuit, the phase angle between voltage and current is 90 degrees in a circuit
Answer: C) Purely inductive impedance.
18. When the frequency of an AC circuit increases, the reactance of a capacitor:
Answer: B) Decreases.
19. The phase angle between voltage and current in a circuit with a lagging power factor is:
Answer: B) Negative.
20. What is the relationship between impedance and admittance in a circuit? Answer: D)
Impedance is the reciprocal of admittance.

Simple AC Circuit
1. In an AC circuit, what is the frequency of the alternating current?
Answer: C) The frequency is constant and determined by the power source.
2. Which component in an AC circuit resists the flow of electric current
Answer: C) Resistor
3. What happens to the impedance of a capacitor as the frequency of the AC source
Answer: B) It decreases
4. In an AC circuit, what is the relationship between voltage (V), current (I), and resistance
Answer: A) V=I×R
5. What is the phase relationship between voltage and current in a purely resistive AC
Answer: C) Voltage and current are in phase
6. What type of component stores energy in an AC circuit and produces a magnetic field?
Answer: B) Inductor
7. In an AC circuit, what happens to the reactance of an inductor as the frequency increases?
Answer: A) It increases
8. Which of the following devices can change the voltage level of an AC circuit?
Answer: D) Transformer
9. What is the unit of measurement for frequency in an AC circuit?
Answer: B) Hertz
10. In an AC circuit, what is the purpose of a capacitor?
Answer: C) To store and release electrical energy
11. Which of the following components in an AC circuit exhibits reactance?
Answer: B) Capacitor
12. What is the phase relationship between voltage and current in a purely capacitive AC
Answer: B) Voltage lags current by 90 degrees
13. In an AC circuit, what is the purpose of an inductor?
Answer: C) To produce a magnetic field
14. What happens to the impedance of a resistor as the frequency of the AC source changes?
Answer: C) It remains constant
15. Which of the following devices allows current to flow in one direction only in an AC
Answer: D) Diode
16. In an AC circuit, what is the relationship between voltage and current in a purely
inductive circuit?
Answer: A) Voltage leads current by 90 degrees
17. What is the term used to describe the opposition to the flow of alternating current in a
Answer: D) Impedance
18. In an AC circuit, what is the term used to describe the maximum value of voltage or
Answer: C) Peak value
19. Which of the following is true regarding the power factor in an AC circuit? Answer: A) It
is always less than 1
20. What happens to the phase angle between voltage and current in an AC circuit with a
leading power factor?
Answer: D) It becomes negative
1. What is resonance in an electrical circuit?
Answer: C) When the frequency matches the natural frequency of the circuit
2. What happens to the impedance of a resonant circuit at resonance?
Answer: D) It reaches its minimum value
3. In a series resonant circuit, what is the relationship between inductive reactance XL) and
capacitive reactance XC) at resonance?
Answer: XL=XC
4. What is the phase relationship between voltage across the capacitor and voltage across
the inductor in a series resonant circuit?
Answer: A) They are in phase
5. What happens to the current in a parallel resonant circuit at resonance? Answer: B) It
reaches its maximum value
6. What is the condition for resonance in a parallel resonant circuit?
Answer: B) The impedance is minimum
7. What is the Q-factor of a resonant circuit?
Answer: B) The ratio of the resonant frequency to the bandwidth
8. In a series RLC circuit, how does the bandwidth change with an increase in the quality
factor (Q)?
Answer: A) The bandwidth decreases
9. What is the effect of damping on the resonance frequency of a circuit? Answer: B)
Damping decreases the resonance frequency
10. What type of circuit does not exhibit resonance?
Answer: C) Series RL circuit
11. In a resonant circuit, what happens to the power factor at resonance
Answer: C) It becomes unity
12. What happens to the impedance of a resonant circuit above and below resonance?
Answer: A) It increases above resonance and decreases below resonance
13. What is the resonance frequency of a series RLC circuit?
Answer: B) The frequency at which the impedance is minimum
14. In a parallel resonant circuit, how does increasing the capacitance affect the resonance
Answer: A) Increases the resonance frequency
15. What type of curve represents the frequency response of a resonant circuit?
Answer: D) Bell-shaped curve
16. What happens to the current in a series resonant circuit if the frequency of the applied
voltage decreases below resonance frequency?
Answer: A) Current decreases
17. What is the term used to describe the frequency range over which a resonant circuit
responds significantly?
Answer: A) Bandwidth
18. What happens to the phase angle between voltage and current in a parallel resonant
circuit at resonance?
Answer: A) It becomes zero
19. How does the quality factor (Q) affect the sharpness of resonance in a circuit?
Answer: A) Higher Q results in sharper resonance
20. What is the primary function of a resonant circuit in electronic applications?
Answer: A) To filter out unwanted frequencies

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