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(AI)Artificial Intelligence

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

2. How it is made?
3. Why is artificial intelligence easing our most significant and difficult work?
4. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of AI.
The world is having a fabulous revolution in the technological
arena one of the most significant ones is AI(Artificial
Intelligence). Artificial intelligence is defined as the
intelligence of machines which is in contrast to the natural
intelligence of humans and animals. In addition, artificial
intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by machines.
AI has also been used in learning, sports, news reading, etc. It
is promisingly the fastest-growing development in the world of
innovation and technology.

Artificial intelligence is discovered most differently, the

technology is used by various companies keeping in mind that it
will solve major challenges and crisis moments easily without
hampering human lives. British mathematician and computer pioneer,
Alan Turing, initiated developments in the then-new field of
artificial intelligence. In 1950, Turing predicted that a machine
would one day be able to replicate human intellect completely.

Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making

intelligent machines that would make human life easier. It is
concerned with getting computers to do tasks that would normally
require human intelligence. AI started showing promising solutions
for industry and businesses as well as our daily lives. The
developments in artificial intelligence were initially slow and
eventually gained pace. But recently, due to the advancement of
the technological era, the popularity of artificial intelligence
got a boost with the evolutionary discoveries being made in the
field. AI is better at processing large amounts of data and
identifying patterns, while human intelligence is better at
creativity, problem-solving, and social interaction. In terms of
raw processing power, AI is far more powerful than human

Therefore, we can conclude that artificial intelligence is

recognized to be the most precious invention of the last decades
which simplifies the contagious working capacity that natural
human beings can't without having any natural feelings as well as
behaviors like humans. Thus we can say more precisely that it is a
blessings to have AI(Artificial Intelligence) in our life.

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