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2018 (A) Roll No. © SSC PART-1(9" CLASS) ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (OLD COURSE) — GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 2.10 Hours SUBJECTIVE MAXI KS: 56 NOTE: - Write same question number and its part number on answer book, us giver the question paper. STION-I 2. Answer any five of the following question: 10 (i) Which incident in the story tells about the generosity of Hazrat Asma( "*08#!U3 yy Gi) What do you mean by the term “e-commerce”? (iii) What are the two major Means of Communication? (iv) Are we working according to the expectations of the great leader(Quaid-e-Azam) ? (v) Who was appointed as the architect of the Blue Masjid? (vi) Why did the nurse ask Hira’s sister to come and talk to her? (vil) What is the role of counselling in preventing drug addiction? (viii) What did she want to introduce in universities and why? (Three Days to See) SECTION-IL 3. Translate any go of the following paragraphs into Urdu: 444 (a) Another tradition is to place something sweet such as honey or candy, in a safe place outside overnight, On the first morning of the New Yeur, the first person entering the house brings the sweet stuff into the house as another means of attaining a good New Year (b) The design of the Blue Masjid attained the best of the two centuries of both Ottoman Masjid and Byzentine Church development. Hagia Sophia, a Masjid, which was also one of the wonders of Muslim arehitecture was also Kept in view as a model. (©) There are many forms of drug addiction, but the most dangerous of all is the absolute dependence on it. Long-term use of drugs causes permanent mental and physical sickness The more dangerous a substance is used the more risky it becomes. ts continuous use causes total dependence on the drug. Altemative question for Foreign/English medic Reawrite the above any two paragraphs in simple English, Write down the summary of the poem "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth. 5 OR Paraphrase the following lines into simple English with reference (o the context, Whose woods these are I think I know His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. 5. Use any Five of the following words/phrases/idioms in your own sentences: - 5 (i) Determined (ii) Global Village (ii) Man in the street (vi) Miserable (v) Shaggy (vi) britent (vii) Curative (viii) Solitude 6. Write a lener to your fiend condoling the death of his mother. OR 8 Write a siory with the moral "Haste makes Waste" oR Write a dialogue between a Tailor and # Customer. 7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: - 10 A professional player is quite different from an amateur. His main aim is to make mo: plays the game to eam money or win a name. On the other hand, the amateur player has no such aim, He plays because he gets pleasure in playing. Games not only give him recreation but also physical exercise. He enjoys good health and a sound physique. He plays the game as he should. He observes all the rules and regulations of games. The amateur player plays honestly, He becomes a disciplined gentleman and a responsible citizen. He accepts defeat but does not resort to cheating or other unfair means to win. If he wins a game he feels happy but he is not sad at losing one, Questions: - (i) What is meant by Professional player? (ii) With wt (ii), What makes an amateur player a responsible citizen? (iv) How does an amateur player take his defeat? (v) Who plays a game for the sake of the game? 8. ‘Translate any five of the following sentences into English. 5 aim does he play games’ cont (eed tte cats (il) se f iy hyn, (i) Be EAP Ww (Alternative question for Foreign/English Medium candidates only) ‘Write ten sentences about "Fashion". sch tute» (i) eb Le tn (i) ” 9. Change the voice of the following sentences:- 5 (i She bought five video films. (ii). The boy is climbing the wall iii) They had not done their home work. (iy) He will write a letter, (v) ‘The children are loved by the mother 5-2018(A)- 320 — (MULTAN) Paper Code 2018 (A) Roll No: _-— * | Number: 5013 | SSC PART-I (9" CLASS) - yh 24 “con Xe \GLISH (COMPULSORY) (OLD COURSE) GROUP-I - TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIA MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B,C and D. The choice whieh you think is correct, fill that bubble in front of that question number, Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank, No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. ones Choose the correct form of the verb and fill up the bubbles sheet. (1) Please___ tome. (A) shall listen (B) listen (C) will listen (D) listening 2) 1___the house before it started raining, (A) had lett (B) left (C) will leave (D) shall leave 3) Doyou__ to school everyday? (A) went (B) goes (©) gone (D) go (4) They _ coming to dinner on Sunday (Ajare (B) were (Chis (D) will (3) He__ take the examination next year (A) shall (B) will (C) will have (D) would Choose the words with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. (6) (A) Sickenes (B) Sikness (C) Sicknes (D) Sickness (7) (A)Refeetion (B) Reflektion (C) Reflaction (D) Refluction (8) (A) Wawes (B) Wayves (C) Waves (D) Wavez (9) (A) Patiance (B) Patience (C) Patianse (D) Pateince Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) We are divided into bits and pieces on certain issues. The underlined words mean:- (A) Sections (B) Broken into pieces. (C) Pieces of cloth (D) Gathere (11) Jocund means: (A) Sad (B) Joyous (C) Worried (D) Beautiful (12) Abu Jehl began knocking at the door violently (A) Politely (B) Slowly {D) Peacefully (13) “Keen” means:- (A) Sager (B) Uninterested —(C) Angry (D) Reluctant (14) The students are all geared up. (A) Ready (B) Silent (C) Motivated (D) Keen Choose the correet option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet, (15) Heis fond of cooking. The underlined word is a/an:- (A) Gerund (B) Present participle (C) Infinitive (D) Past participle (16) Which of the following is a phrase? (A) Itis of no use (B) He is well (C) Jn an-unwise manner (D) Over her hangs the great dark bel (17) How cold the night is! This is a/an__ sentence. (A) Assertive (8) Interrogative — (C) Exclamatory —_(D) Imperative (18) Some are born great. This underlined word is a/ani~ (A) Possessive pronoun (B) Indefinite pronoun (C) Reflexive pronoun (D) Personal pronoun (19) Wait F return, (A)before — (B) unless. (C)if (D) till 5(0bj Be Le)-2018(A)- 3Qe (MULTAN) eee | Paper Code 2018 (A) Roll No: =~ . Numbess 5018 SSC PART-I (9" CLASS) » Bi ) ee ee 5 Db ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (OLD COURSE) GROUP-II \: oe TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B,C and D. The choice which you think is correct, fill that bubble in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. ‘Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. ONO choose the correct form of the verb and fill up the bubbles sheet. (1) He___ tous tomorrow. (A) comes (B) came (C) will come (D) had come (2) He___ here yesterday (A) has come (B) came (© will come (D) comes (3) She___living in this house since 1970, . (A) bas been (B) have been (©) was (D) will be (4) 1____a book when the bell rang, (A) am reading (B) read (©) was reading (D) will read (3) Theearth around the sun, (A) revolve (B) revolves (©) revolved (D) has revolved Choose the words with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. (6) (A)Enviranment ——(B) Environment (C) Environmant —_(D) Anivorment a (A) Impresive (B) Impressive (C) Impresseve (D) Imprassive (8) (A) Impact (B) Impect (©) Impekt (D) Impakt (9) (A) Convolotions. _—(B) Convulutions.-_(C) convolootions—_(D) Convolutions Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) He gave me an ironic smile. (A)Sad_—(B) Happy (C) Formal (D) Mocking (11) Insuch a jocund company, (A)Sad_—(B) Dull. (C) Beautiful_(D) Happy (12) People begin with cleansing their houses as a general custom of Nauroz. (A) Belier (B) Idea (©) Principle (D) Tradition (13) She remained steadfast and did not reveal the secret. (A) Show (B) Refuse (©) Stop (D) Close (14) Manifold means:- (A) Different types (B) Many layers (C) An object (D)A lotof ‘Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet. (15) Heisthe ___boy inthe class. (A) tall (B)taller. ~— (C)tallest_—(D) long (16) There has not been sufficient rain this year. The underlined word is an adjective of:- (A) Quality (B) Colour (C) Origin (D) Quantity (17) Valour is a/an:- (A) Material Noun (B) Countable Noun (C) Abstract Noun (D) Uncountable Noun (18) Theardanoise____ from behind the room. (A) came (B) coming (C) come (D) will come (19) She faced every calamity ___ life with patience and valour. (A)in (B) of (©) with (D) into Obj Ue Le Ye Ye)-2018(A)-60 (MULTAN) 1" 0 BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION,MULTAN OBJECTIVE KEY FOR SSCIHSS aowott"ANNI {Y EXAMINATION ,2018/ Name of Subject. ENGL! ISH ‘Session: Group dst Group: 2nd 2. | Paper Codo| Paper Code| Paper Code| Paper Code] | @. | Paper Code | Paper Code| Paper Code | Paper Code nos|Sotl |S0t3 [Seis |Sel# | |nos| Sei2 | Selly | Sof | SelB ito |B [BTA :|B A | Ble 2{a [A [BB ale |e [a [SB 3[B |DiTA TSB 3[B |B ie A “(BTA [DTA «;a [oe |B [ec s| A B A D s| Cc B Cc B s[fA [D [Ble e[D [A 1B B 7/1 c¢ A D/1B a ee) fi B s|Z2 |c [A D |B l[BIoD A [oOo [eB Tc Ta ofa [SB TB TD w/c Bia A wl B TDD [oD vnt/ A |B lB IA n[D [A D|D el A c |Z [8 el D |B la [Dd ne - c¢ [8 s[D |[D|B TA w/ BTA A Cc «| Al DID|SB | C A D B «| B ¢ Dic «|B [C A D | C Bic 5 viD |c lc A v| D[BIl[B IC wl A Bictliec wfc [c |B | 8 w]C |DI[B le ef B[Dilc!lB 20 t 20 Key Lal eg dir ber inh oer) ie ol TE el gli old_2¢iQlisn oi f meen eval (Subjective 5 onset Prepared & Checked i Dated: 2023 20/8 Sat Name [Designation Institution n No | Signature 1 | Mascoo Mabaffer | 8.8.7 [Gage Mogf Mey, | wb 2 | Mabnmmed Kafiy | S47 ” “ ‘ *od_4a 3 o Re-Checked By <2 UU -e- JAN. ae arkey" es, carWoL 1 |RbK hx: 52. [pe ey 5 Musa 4 2 | Shafeey_ur Rem | ss Es dele, “| Youn 3 be ofp, lel : a (oh lt Dd. , Sy) BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECt oe INSTRUCTIONS FOR MARKING FOR SSC PART -I (9T# CLASS) PART-WISE (1100 MARKS) ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2018 ENGLISH (Old Course) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBJECTIVE PART (GROUP = 1&1) Q.2 Each and every correct, precise and meaningful answer must be awarded fully. Answer should be relative and appropriate to the concerned question. Q.3 Meaningful, idiomatic, clear diction and correct translation into Urdu of the paragraph must be awarded maximum. If any student belonging to English Medium institution writes the paragraph into simple English, he may be awarded encouraging marks. Q.4 Creative, self descriptive and capsule summary with impressive and elevated words must be awarded maximum For Stanza: Name of Poet : 1/2 mark, Name of Poem ; 1/2 mark, Correct paraphrase (3 marks) with reference to the context (1 marks. Q.5. Each grammatically correct sentence should be given full credit Q.6 For Letter: Address: 1 mark, Date: 1 mark, Salutation: 1 mark, Body: 4marks, Subscription: 1 mark Body of the letter with idiomatic and sublime expression including relevant material must be awarded maximum. Letter with irrelevant body may be awarded Zero’ as a whole. Or Story Relevant story related with the given moral having good and noble diction and correct sentences may be given maximum award, Or Dialogui Maximum Marks must be given for easy, accurate and idiomatic expression Q.7 Each question carries two marks. Correct precise, relevant and to the point answer must be awarded fully. 2x 5 = 10 Q.8 Correct and idiomatic translation must be given one mark for each sentence. OR meaningful and grammatically ten correct sentences on given topic must be awarded fully marks. Q.9 Each correct sentence must be given one mark. bed wee Muhammad Re ¥ asm Gov preddel tf ghakmn 5 een “Hessad Weft 88 Oost Mad Ys omabad baler Of _ p56. OM. C—~Pteherpne &/ll8 ple Sher MP9YS feel ea 2018 (A) Roll No. SSC PART-I (9" CLASS) ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP- TIME ALLOWED: 2.10 Hours SUBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 56 NOTE: - Write same question number and its part number on answer book, as given in the question paper. SECTION-I 2. Answer any five of the following questions. 10 (What type of competition was held at Ukaz? (The Saviour of Mankind) (ii) What are the qualities of a patriot? (2 ~ 3 lines) (iii) What are the two major means of communication? (iv) Why was Abu Jehl furious? (Hazrat Asma 6") (y) What do the daffodils represent in the poem? (Daffodils) (vi) What was the Quaid’s concept of our nation? (vii) Who was appointed as the architect of the Masjid? (Sultan Ahmad Masjid) (viii) What are the causes of drug addiction? (2-3 lines) SECTION-II 3. Translate any two of the following paragraphs into Urdu:~ 444 (@) The preparation for this journey was made at the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (-"444'0%, Hazrat Asma (+' ) rendered usefil services in this regard. She prepared food for this journey. She tied the food on the camel back with her own belt as nothing else could be found, (6) Quaid-e-Azam was a man of strong faith and belief. He firmly believed that the new emerging state of Pakistan based on Islamic principles would reform the society as a whole. In his Bid message, September 1945, Quaid-e-Azam said, “Islam is a complete code regulating the whole Muslim society, every department of life collectively and individually.” (©) Long-term use of drugs causes permanent mental and physical sickness, The more dangerous a Substance is used the more risky it becomes. Its continuous use causes total dependence on the drug. Some kinds of drugs that cause disturbance of mind and body are heroin, marijuana, tobacco, valium, cocaine and aleohol Alternative question for Foreign/English medium candidates, Re-write the above any two paragraphs in simple English. 4. Write down the summary of the poem "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth. OR Paraphrase the following lines into simple English with reference to the context. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake, ‘The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. 5. Use any Five of the following words/phrases/idioms in your own sentences: = 5 (i) Everlasting i) Dignity i) Conquest (iv) Motherland (v) Refuge (vi) Mad with anger (vii) Ideology (viii) Influence 6. Write a letter to your brother about the importance of the study of Science subjects. OR 8 Write a story with the moral. "Haste Makes Waste" OR Write a dialogue between a brother and a sister concerning time 7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: - 10 Musa was in Chief Command, and the gates were in his charge. They had been barred when the Christians came in view; but Musa threw them open. “Our bodies,” he said, “will bar the gates.” ‘The young men were kindled by such words, and when he told them, “We have nothing to fight for but the ground we stand on; and without that we are without a home or a country”, they were ready to die with him, With such a leader, the Moorish cavaliers performed feats of | bravery in the plain which divided the camp from the city Questions:- (i) When were the gates barred? (ii) Who threw them open? (iii) ‘What did Musa say? (iv) What effect had his words on the young men? (v) What divided the city from the camp? 8. Translate any five of the following sentences into English. 5 Ze PL iW) by FU ARIE! (il) ep ng tip SyBunah -brnb ker (wy) eG rtyeluy (ii 9. Change the voice of the following sentences: (The mother loves the children. (ii) This house is being bought by them. (iv) They have not done their work. (v) We use milk for making cheese. 5-2018(A)-76000 (MULTAN) 5 ) We did not hear a sound )y Paper Code 2018 (A) Roll No: ’ Number, 1017 SSC PART-I (9" CLASS) i ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-L TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type que: as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the cireles, Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. Q.No.t ‘Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet. (1) After you___ went to sleep. (A) had left (B) have left (©) leave (D) was leaving, (2) 1__a book when the bell rang. (A) is reading (B) have read (C)was reading (D) reading (3) She____ English now (A) spoke (B) is speaking (C) was speaking (D) speak (4) ‘The earth ____around the sun. (A) revolving (B) are revolved (C) revolving (D) revolves (3) mangocs __ the market by April (A) reach (B) should reached (C) reaching (D) will have reached Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. (6) (A) Genurous (B) Generous (C) Genarus (D) Genorus (7) (A) Saletudde (B) Solitude (C) Solitude (D) Solitude (8) (A) Tredision (8) Tradition (C) Tradition (D) Tradetion (9) (A) Conesious (B) Conscious (C) Consous (D} Concous Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) Jocund means:~ (A) Sad (B) Happy (©) Ugly (D) Gloomy (11) Geared up means:- (A) Week (B) Reluctant {C) Ready (D) Lazy (12) Impressive means: (A) Rudy (B) Unimpressive (©) Ugly (D) Remarkable (13) Infuriated means:- (A) Pleased (B) Enraged (C) Lazy (D) Hopeful (14) Integral means:- (A) Out dated (B) Hegel (C) Intemational (D) Essential Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet, (15) Ashfag Ahmad was a writer. (A) well famed (B) famously (C) famed (D) famous (16) ‘How cold the night is!” This is a/an___ sentence. (A) interrogative (B) assertive (C) imperative (D) exclamatory (17) The police dispersed the crowd. The underlined word is a/an___ noun, (A) uncountable (B) abstract (C) collective (D) material (18) He came after ni ‘The underlined clause is adverb clause of it had falter (A) reason (B) condition (C) place (D) time (19) You will hurt yourself, ‘The underlined word is a/an pronoun. (A) reflexive (B) petsonal (C) possessive (D) indefinite SOE WE WE LX).2018(4)-76000 (MULTAN) 2018 (A) Roll No. SSC PART-L (9"" CLASS) ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-IL TIME ALLOWED: 2.10 Hours SUBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 56, NOTE: - Write same question number and its part number on answer book, as given in the question paper. SECTI Answer any five of the following questions. 10 (What type of land Arabia is? Gi) How will you define Patriotism? (ii) How will Hazrat Asma ( #09" ) be remembered? (iv) What was the Ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e-Azam? (¥) — Why’is Sultan Ahmad Masjid also known as Blue Masjid? (vi) What is an L.C.U, in a hospital? (vii) What are the causes of drug addiction? (viii) How do you define noise pollution? SECTION-IL ‘Translate any two of the following paragraphs into Urdu:- 444 (a) Patriotism means love for the motherland or devotion to one’s country. A patriot loves his country and is willing to sacrifice when the need arises. The word patriot comes from the Latin word “patriota” which means countryman. It is considered a commendable quality. (b) “Do not be overwhelmed by the enormity of the task,” he said in a speech at Lahore, “There are many examples in the history of young nations building themselves up by sheer determination and force of character. You are made of sterling material and second to none. Keep up your morale, Do not be afraid of death. Do your duty and have faith in Pakistan. It has come to stay.” (©) Noise pollution is a serious issue and needs more attention at local and state level. People must develop more awareness about the dangerous impact of noise on human health. It is, therefore, a need to acquire more civic sense and responsible attitude to avoid the unnecessary use of this irritant in the environment. Only then our country would be a much quieter and much more peaceful place to live in. Alternative question for Foreign/English medium candidates, Re-write the above any two paragraphs in simple English. 4. Write down the summary of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. OR Paraphrase the following lines into simple English with reference to the context. A poet could not but be gay. In such a jocund company! I gazed ~ and gazed — but little thought ‘What wealth the show to me had brought: 5. Use any Five of the following words/phrases/idioms in your own sentences: - (i) Need (ii) Social Gii) Fit of fury (iv) Fall a prey (v) Road (vi) Human (vii) Blind (viii) Spirit 6. Write a letter to your mother about the test you have just taken, oR 8 Write a story with the moral “All that glitters is not gold" OR Write a dialogue between a teacher and a student for coming late, 7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: - 0 Ona hot summer day, a fox felt very thirsty. He went about in search of water but could not find water. At last, he reached a well. He peeped into it. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell into the well. A goat happened to pass by the well and looked into it. What are you doing here, uncle? The cunning fox replied, “Dear niece! | am enjoying a swim down here. It is very pleasant, come down and enjoy yourself too.” The goat was also thirsty, she jumped into the well. Questions: - (i) What happened to the thirsty fox? (ii) Who passed by the well just then? iii) What did the goat do? (iv) What did the goat say to the fox? (v) What did the fox say in reply? 8. Translate any five of the following sentences into English. 5 Peeve Gy) 2 RIL Ci Sere () bin br (vil) Lyne ferns Heda ttlhne wi) Lun lita wy (Alternative question for Foreign/English Medium candidates only Write ten sentences about "My Schoo!" 9. Change the voice of the following sentences:- 8 (i) The mother loves the children, (ji) She gave me five films. (iii) They had gained nothing. (iv) He will give you a box of chocolates. (Vv) A letter will be written by him. 7-2018(A)-67000 (MULTAN) __ | ePaper Code ~ 2018 (A) 1018 Ninth SSC PART-I (0" CLASS) ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-IL TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct, fil that bubble in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNo.t Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet. (1) Ishali have _writing this novel by June next year. (A) finish (B) finishes (C) finishing (D) finished (2) Thesun_____ in the east. (A) tise (B) rising (©) risen (D) rises (G3) She __since morning. (A) sleep (B) has been sleeping (C) sleeps (D) slept (4) ft___ to rain an hour ago, (A) began (B) begins (C) begun (D) begin (3) They will___for London tomorrow. (A) leaving (B) leaves Olek (D) leave Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. (6) (A) Melloe (B) Mello (C) Mellow (D) Malowe (~~ (A) Crumble (B) Corumble (C) Caramble (D) Corumbble (8) (A) Inetagrat (B) Integral (C) Intageral (D) Ientegrul (9) (A) Aeptitode (B) Aptetudde (C) Aptetode (D) Aptitude Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) Gradually means:- (B) Speedily (C) Steadily (D) Hurriedly (11) Abu Jehl began knocking at the door (A) Politely (B) Slowly (©) Foreefully (D) Happily (12) jonish means:- (A) Maks (B) Mix (©) Separate () Surprise (13) Keep up your morale. (A) Wealih (B) Self-esteem (C) Section (D) Voice (14) Do not be aftaid of death. (A) Attended to (B) Scared (C) Squared (D) Aggressive Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet. (15) The moment which is lost is lost forever. The underlined word is a/an pronoun, (A) Indefinite (B) Reflexive (C) Possessive (D) Relative (16) ‘alour” is afan__noun. (A) Material (B) Countable (C) Abstract (D) Proper (17) Some are born great. The underlined word is a/an : (A) Possessive pronoun (B) Indefinite pronoun (C) Reflexive pronoun (1) Personal pronoun (18) Thedog sat___his master. (A) beside (B) along (C) across (D) over (19) Ifyou had studied hard, you___suceeeded. (A) would ®) will (©) will have (D) would have Obj) CWE WL VE LK) .2018(4)-67000 (MULTAN) ee” (fh = he BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND S§CONDARY EDUCATI hile _ a_i NUAUSUPPLY EXAMINATION 2018 ) name of sujet Eels. Session ) Group Group: 2nd Ge 2. | Pap Cove] Paper Cato] Papr Cate] Paper oxo] | 2. [ Paper Code| Paper cate] Paper Coe | Paper Cade nos|/oM | /2/3| fe /5| /o!7 | |nos| 7072 [re /G [Jo Hh |/ 2/8. 1 2 B 5 A 1] D g D z 2 D ¢ 2/2 D alc DTD B 3|A_|D D BS 716 [Alo [p]|Glo [a [F474 s[D [c |A|D s[D [dD [|A|[D «|B [ec B B 6|A B | Dd Cc { 7|@ [8B le |B 7|Z D Cc A 71618 12 [ec [dD le [A ]|24 ele |G B sfe [A [2D w[D |D [ce [6 wf | D [4 le Y [e812 [op Te n[D [alte lc , (2c DTG [D x[B | 6 |e |d XS [sD [Bp Ts s| 4 |e [dD 12 “(|G [C [2 [Dd w[c |e [42/2 wl|A [ec [2D Z| [sfe [2 |p [P w[: zZz|D [C |D «|B [A [bd [ec tw [a[D [TA [Dd Te [A [pd [e [8 [Cc Z| A | D wi[D |D |2 [A «of D [D Zz, A w/OD |€ [A |? Ly Kovnbialegl sooner itp te fey at. dir pe VV Set{byAL Syllabus 272< WKY (Subjective & Objectives 2S AE6 Rubies! ibe tp BPE rE erp e Sakey Ziinfoe yhrburit Als Prepared & Checked By: Dated:_20- 23 Ae/B Sit Name Designation Institution ™ o | Signature ; Z| 1 (Steed Monae Lengel | PE Belle 7 say 2 |Ghapery/—w-Relonmy $5 cat phbten 6h hens 3 abe sh- x " : \ Poy Re-Checked By -q 2 NUP WP dieLety Koy FPS crilbokg 1 |rmbarornad Cbg) sot [Ft PEASY nl = “1b 2 [Het Horeffin | 8-8-7 [Ae MPV |e Ae 3 (Fh New) Afr BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION, MULTAN, Instructions for Marking for SSC (9™ Class) ANNUAL Examination 2018, ENGLISH (New Course) General Instructions For Subjective Part (Group - Ij @.2 Each and every correct, precise and meaningful answer must be awarded fully. Answer Should be relative and appropriate to the concerned question. 2.3 Meaningful, idiomatic, clear diction and correct translation into Urdu of any two of three paragraphs must be awarded fully. f any student Belonging to English Medium instfution writes the paragraph into simple English, he may be awarded encouraging marks, 2.4 Creative, self descriptive and capsule summary with impressive and elevated words must be awarded maximum. FOR STANZA: Name of Poet: Robert Frost 4/2 mark, Name of Poem: Stopping by woods on a snowing Evening 1/2 mark, Context: 1 mark, Correct paraphrase 3 marks, Q.5 Each grammatically correct sentence should be given full credit. Q6 — Fortetter: Address: 1 mark, Date: 1 mark, Salutation; 1 Mark, Body: 4 marks, Subscription: 1 mark Body of the letter with idiomatic and sublime expression including relevant material must be awarded maximum. Letter with irrelevant body may be awarded ‘Zero’ asa“ whole. Or Story Relevant story related with the given moral having good and noble diction and correct sentences may be given maximum award, Or Dialogue Maximum Marks must be given for easy, accurate and idiomatic expression. 0.7, Each question carries two marks. Correct precise, relevant and to the point answer must be awarded fully Q8 Correct and idiomatic translation must be given one mark for each sentence. OR meaningful and grammatically ten correct sentences on given topic must be awarded fully marks. i. We read the newspaper daily/Everyday. Baby has been crying/weeping for two hours. i. The teacher taught the lesson very well iv. Children were making a noise. V. The sun will be rising. Vi. The Cock had been crowing since morning. Wy ar i, Ye reprinting nari ipa will. The rainy season has set in/started. % bits @9 Each correct sentence must be given one mark. be, i. The children are loved by the mother. ii, They are buying this house. iil, A Sound was not heard by us. iv. Their work has not been done by them. ~aM v. Milk is used by us for making cheese. OR aha Milk is used for making cheese by us. eS Jeno 3 ( Gh New? (2k 2b ” 5 BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATIO! ULTAN i Instructions for Marking for SSC (9™ Class) ANNUAL Examination 2018. ENGLISH (New Course) General Instructions For Subjective Part (Group Q.2 Each and every correct, precise and meaningful answer must be awarded fully. Answer should be relative and appropriate to the concerned question. Q3 Meaningful, idiomatic, clear diction and correct translation into Urdu of any two of three paragraphs must be awarded fully. if any student belonging to English Medium institution writes the paragraph into simple English, he may be awarded encouraging marks. Q.4 Creative, self descriptive and capsule summary with impressive and elevated words must be awarded maximum. FOR STANZA: Name of Poet: William Wordsworth 3/2 mark, Name of Poem: Daffodils 1/2 mark, Context: 1 mark, Correct paraphrases 3 marks. Q.5 Each grammatically correct sentence should be given full credit. Q.6 Fortetter: ‘Address: 1 mark, Date: 1 mark, Salutation: 1 Mark, Body: 4 marks, Subscription: 1 mark Body of the letter with idiomatic and sublime expression including relevant material must be awarded maximum. Letter with irrelevant body may be awarded ‘Zero’ as a whole Or Story Relevant story related with the given moral having good and noble diction and correct sentences may be given maximum award. Or Dialogue Maximum Marks must be given for easy, accurate and idiomatic expression Q.7 Each question carries two marks. Correct precise, relevant and to the point answer must be awarded fully. Q.8 Correct and idiomatic translation must be given one mark for each sentence. OR meaningful and grammatically ten correct sentences on given topic must be awarded fully marks. Itis evening, |. One dozen eggs were rotten. . This butcher gives short measures. iv. 1s the national anthem sung in the morning? v. We waited for you. i. The Peon had not rung the bell before | entered the school. i. The Engineers will be repairing the bridge. d | The sun will have set in. yer 9 _ Each correct sentence must be given one mark -t ty i. The children are loved by the mother. MeO if ii, Five films were given to me by her. OR P Iwas given five films by her. wy |. Nothing had been gained by them. /. You will be given a box of chocolates by him. OR ‘A box of chocolates will be given to you by him. Ll fe Ww v. He will write a letter. ieckas >] 2018 (A) Roll No: | 24) 4" [Nein 1011 jj SSC PART-I (9" CLASS) ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-L TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, Cand D. The choice which you think is correct, fill that cirele in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the cireles, Cutting or filling Qo or more circles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. Q.NoL Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet. (1) These mangoes ___the market by April. (A) reach (B) should reached (C) reaching (D) will have reached @) After you___T went to sleep. (A) had left (B) have let (©) leave (D) was leaving G3) 1__abook when the bell rang. (A) is reading, (B) have read (C) was reading (D) reading (4) Sh English now (A) spoke (B) is speaking (C) was speaking (D) speak (5) Theearth ___around the sun, (A) revolving (B) are revolved (©) revolving (D) revolves Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. (8) (A) Conesious (B) Conscious (C) Consous (D) Coneous qa (A) Genurous (B) Generous (C) Genarus (D) Genorus (8) (A) Saletudde (B) Solitude (©) Sollitude (D) Solittude ) (A) Tredision (B) Tradittion (C) Tradition (D) Tradetion Choose the correet meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) Integral means: (A) Out dated (B) Illegal (C) International (D) Essential (11) Jocund means:- A) Sad (B) Happy (C)Ugly (D) Gloomy (12) ed up means:- (A) Week (B) Reluctant (C) Ready (D) Lazy (13) Impressive means:- (A) Ruay (B) Unimpressive (©) Ualy {D) Remarkable (14) Infuriated means:- (A) Pleased (B) Enraged (C) Lazy (D) Hopefal Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet. (15) You will hurt yourself. ‘The underlined word is a/an pronoun, (A)reflexive (B) personal (C) possessive (D) indefinite (16) Ashfaq Ahmad wasa___ writer (A) well famed (B) famously (C) famed (D) famous (17) ‘How cold the night is!” This is a/an sentence. (A) interrogative (B) assertive (C) imperative (D) exelamatory (18) The police dispersed the crowd. The underlined word is an ____noun. (A) uncountable (B) abstract (C) collective (D) material (19) He came after night had fallen. ‘The underlined clause is adverb clause of _-_ (A) reason (B) condition (©) place (D) time S(Objy 2018(A)-76000 (MULTAN) [PaperCode 2018 (A) Roll No: 1013 PART-1 (9" CLASS) ea Number ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW. COURSE) GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, By C and D. The choice which you think is correct, fil that cirele in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the cirel Cutting or filling ovo or more circles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this shect of OBJECTIVE PAPER. Q.No.l Choose the correet form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet, (1) She____English now (A) spoke (B) is speaking (C) was speaking (D) speak (2) Theearth around the sun. (A) revolving (B) are revolved (C) revolvin (D) revolves (3) These mangoes ____the market by April (A) reach (B) should reached (C) reaching (D) will have reached (4) After you _ sleep (A) had leit (B) have left (C) leave (D) was leaving (3) T___a book when the bell rang (A) is reading (B) have read (O)wasreading ——(D) reading Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet, (6) (A) Tredision (B) Tradittion (©) Tradition (D) Tradetion a (A) Conesious (B) Conscious (©) Consous (D) Concous (8) (A) Genurous (B) Generous (©) Genarus (D) Genonis % (A) Suletudde (B) Solitude (C) Sollitude (D) Solitude Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) (B) Unimpressive (C) Uply (D) Remarkable qu) (B) Enraged (C) Lazy (D) Hopeful (12) Integral means:~ (A) Out dated (B) legal (C) International —_(D) Essential a3) jound means:- ) Sad (8) Happy (C) Ugly (D) Gloomy (4) Geared up ineansi- (A) Week (B) Reluctant (C) Ready (D) Lazy Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet, (15) The police dispersed the crowd. ‘The underlined word is@/an noun (A) uncountable (B) abstract (C) collective (D) material (16) He cam lernight had (A) reason (B) condition (C) place () time in, The underlined clause is adverb clause of (17) You will hurt your If, ‘The underlined word is a/an____ pronoun. (A) reflexive (B) personal (C) possessive (D) indefinite (18) Ashfaq Ahmad was a____writer (A) well famed (B) famously (C) famed (D) famous (19) ‘How cold the night is!” This isa/an___ sentence. (A) imecrogative (B) assertive {C) imperative (D) exelamatory S(Ob)) AC WL)-2018(4)-76000 (MULTAN) 2018 (A) SSC PART-1 (9" CLASS) ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is eorreet, fill that cirele in front of that question number, Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in ease BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNo.l Choose the correet form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet. (1) 1__ a book when the bell rang. (B) have read (©) was reading (D) reading @) She___English now. (A) spoke (B) is speaking (C)was speaking (1D) speak @) The earth around the sun (B) are revolved (©) revolving (D) revolves a mangoes __ the market by April. (A) reach (B) should reached (© reaching (D) will have reached (5) Afleryou___I went to sleep. (A) had left (B) have (©) leave (D) was leaving Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles she (6) (A) Saletudde (B) Solitude (©) Sollitude (D) Solitude () (A) Tredision (B) Tradittion (©) Tradition (D) Tradetion (8) (A) Conesious (B) Conscious (©) Consous (D) Concous () (A) Genurous (B) Generous (C) Genarus (D) Genoras Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) Geared up means:- (A) Week (B) Reluctant (©) Ready (D) Lazy (11) Impressive means:- (A) Rudy (B) Unimpressive (©) Ugly (D) Remarkable (12) Infuriated means:- (A) Pleased (B) Enraged (©) Lazy (D) Hopeful (13) Integral means:- (A) Out dated (B) Megat (C) Intemational (D) Essential (14) Jocund means:- (A) Sad (B) Happy (©) Ugly (D) Gloomy Choose the correet option according to grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet, (13) “How cold the night is!” This isa/an sentence. (A) interrogative (B) assertive (C) imperative (D) exclamatory (16) The police dispersed the crowd. ‘The underlined word is a/an___ noun, (A) uncountable (B) abstract (©) collective (D) material (17) He came after night had fallen. ‘The underlined clause is adverb clause of (B) condition (C) place (D) time (18) The underlined word is a/an___ pronoun (A) reflexive (B) personal (C) possessive (D) indefinite (19) Ashfaq Ahmad wasa____ writer (A) well famed (B) famously (C) famed (D) famous 5(Obj)C WEA e).201814)-76000 (MULTAN) 2018 (A) Roll No: SSC PART-I(9" CLASS) a NGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles, Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leaye others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. Q.No.1 Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet. (1) Afteryou___I went to sleep. (A) had left (B) have left (C)leave (D) was leaving 2) 1__a book when the bell rang. (B) have read (C)was reading (D) reading B) (A) spoke (B) is speaking (C) was speaking (D) speale (4) Theearth____around the sun (A) revolving (B) are revolved (©) revolving (D) revolves angoes___ the market by April, (A) reach (B) should reached (©) reaching (D) will have reached the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. ©) (A) Genurous (B) Generous (©) Genarus (D) Genorus (ea) (A) Saletudde (B) Solitude (C) Sollitude (D) Solittude (8) (A) Tredision (B) Tradittion (©) Tradition (D) Tradetion (9) (A) Conesious (B) Conscious (C) Consous (D) Concous ‘Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet, (10) Jocund means: (A) Sad (B) Happy (Ugly (D) Gloomy (uly Geared up means:- (A) Week (B) Reluctant (C) Ready (D) Lazy (12) Impressive means:- (A) Rudy (B) Unimpressive (C) Ugly (D) Remarkable (13) rated means:- (B) Enraged (©) Lazy {D) Hopeful (14) Integral means:- (A) Out dated (B) Ilegal (C)International —_(D) Essential Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet. (1S) Ashfaq Ahmad was a writer, (A) well famed (B) famously (©) famed (D) famous (16) ‘How cold the night is!” This is a/an sentence, (A) interrogative (B) assertive (C) imperative (D) exclamatory (17) The police dispersed the crowd, The underlined word is a/an noun, (A) uncountable (B) abstract (C) collective (D) material (18) He came after night had fallen, The underlined clause is adverb clause of (A) reason (B) condition (C) place (D) time (19) You will hurt yourself. The underlined word is a/an _ pronoun. (A) reflexive (B) personal (C) possessive (D) indefinite S(Ob)CEK VE VE VE )-2018(a)-76000 (MULTAN) PaperCode 2018 (A) Roll No; > bi - [Numbers 1012 SSC PART-I 6" CLASS) ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-IL TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes. OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct, fill that bubble in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles, Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNo.1 Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet. (Q) Thesun____inthe east. (A) rise (B) rising (©) risen (D) rises, Q) She ____since morning. (A) sleep (B) has been sleeping (©) sleeps (D) slept (3) It___torrain an hour ago, (A) began (B) begins (©) begun (D) begin (4) They will____ for London tomorrow. (A) leaving (B) leaves (left (D) leave (8) Ishall have __ writing this novel by June next year (A) finish (B) finishes (C) finishing (D) finished Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. (©) (A) Crumble (B) Corumble (C) Caramble (D) Corumbble (A) Inetagral (B) Integral (C) Intageral (D) lentegrul (8) (A) Aeptitode (B) Aptetudde (C) Aptetode (D) Aptitude (9) (A) Melloe (B) Melloo (©) Mellow (D) Malowe Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) Abu Jeh! began knocking at the door violently. (A) Politely (B) Slowly (©) Forcefully (D) Happily (11) Astonish means:- Make (B) Mix (©) Separate (D) Surprise (12) Keep up your morale. (A) Wealth (B) Self-esteem (©) Section (D) Voice (13) Do not be afraid of death. (A) Attended to (B) Scared (©) Squared (D) Aggressive (14) Gradually means:- (A) Quickly (B) Speedily (C) Steadily (D) Hurriedly Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet. (15) “Valour” is a/an noun. (A) Material (B) Countable (© Abstract (D) Proper (16) Some are born great. The underlined word is a/an (A) Possessive pronoun (B) Indefinite pronoun (C) Reflexive pronoun _(D) Personal pronoun (17) The dog sat____his master. (A) beside (B) along (©) across () over (18) {fyouhad studied hard, you___sueceeded. (A) would (B) will (© will have (D) would have (19) The moment which is lost is lost forever. ‘The underlined word is @/an ___ pronoun, (A) Indefinite (B) Reflexive (©) Possessive (D) Relative Ob|y WK)-2018(A)-67000 (MULTAN) [Pier Coe — 2018 (A) Roll No: } [Number 1014 | SSC PART-I (9" CLASS) 2 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for cach objective type question as A, B, Cand D. The choice which you think is correct, fill that bubble in front of that question number, Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled, Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. Q.No.l Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet. (1) She__since morning. (A) sleep (B) has been sleeping (C) sleeps (D) slept 2) t___torain an hour ago. (A) began (B) begins (©) begun (D) begin (3) ‘They will___ for London tomorrow. (A) leaving (B) leaves Oleft ©) leave (4) [shall have _ writing this novel by June next year. (A) finish (B) finishes (©) finishing (D) finished (5) Thesun__ in the east. (A) rise (B) rising (C)risen (©) rises Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. (6) (A) Inetagral (B) Integral (C) Intageral (D) Ientegrul (7) (A) Aeptitode (B) Aptetudde (©) Aptetode (D) Aptitude (8) (A) Melloe (B) Melloo (©) Mellow (D) Malowe () (A) Crmble (B) Corumble (C) Caramble (D) Corumbble Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) means:- (B) Mix (C) Separate (D) Surprise (lL) Keep up your morale. (A) Wealth (B) Self-esteem (© Section (D) Voice (12) Do not be affraid of death. (A) Attended to (B) Scared (©) Squared (D) Aggressive (13) Gradually means:~ (A) Quickly (B) Speedily (C) Steadily (D) Hurriedly (14) Abu Tehl began knocking at the door violently. (A) Politely (B) Slowly (©) Foreefully (D) Happily Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet. (15) Some are born great. ‘The underlined word is a/an__ (A) Possessive pronoun (B) Indefinite pronoun (C) Reflexive pronoun (D) Personal pronoun (16) The dog sat____ his master. (A) beside (B) along © across (D) over (17) Ifyou had studied hard, you__ succeeded. (A) would (B) will (©) will have (D) would have (18) The moment which is lost is lost forever. The underlined word is a/an__ pronoun. (A) Indefinite (B) Reflexive (©) Possessive (D) Relative (19) Valour" isa/an____ noun, (A) Material (B) Countable (C) Abstract (D) Proper Odin WE VK)-2018(4)-67000 (MULTAN) Paper Co o - 2018 (A) Roll No: ole | Number: 1016 SSC PART-I (9"" CLASS) (Soe ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-IE TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A,B, C and D, The choice which you think is correct, fill that bubble in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles, Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. Q.No.1 Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet. (They will____for London tomorrow. (A) leaving (B) leaves ©left (D) teave (2) Ishall have _ writing this novel by June next year. (A) finish (B) finishes (©) finishing (D) finished @) Thesun____in the east. (A) rise (B) rising (© tisen (©) rises (4) She __ since morning, (A) sleep (B) has been sleeping (O)sleeps (D) slept (3) It___ train an hour ago. (A) began (B) begins (©) begun (D) begin Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. © (A) Aeptitode (B) Aptetudde (C) Aptetode (D) Aptitude (A) Melloe (B) Melloo (C) Mellow (D) Malowe (8) (A) Crumble (B) Corumble (© Caramble (DP) Corumbble (©) (A) Inetagral (B) Integral (©) Intageral (D) entegrul Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) Do not be afraid of death, (A) Attended to (B) Seared (©) Squared (D) Aggressive (11) Gradually means:- (A) Quickly (B) Speedily (©) Steadily (D) Hurriedly (12) Abu Jehl began knocking at the door violently (A) Politely (B) Slowly (©) Forcefully (D) Happily (3) Astonish means:- (A) Make (B) Mix (C) Separate (D) Surprise (14) Keep up your morale. (A) Wealth (B) Self-esteem (©) Section (D) Voice Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet. (15) Ifyou had studied hard, you succeeded (A) would (B) will (©) will have (D) would have (16) The moment which is lost is lost forever. The underlined word is a/an____pronoun, (A) Indefinite (B) Reflexive (© Possessive (D) Relative (17) “Valour” is an ___noun. (A) Material (B) Countable (©) Abstract (D) Proper (18) Some are born great. ‘The underlined word is wan (A) Possessive pronoun (B) Indefinite pronoun (C) Reflexive pronoun (D) Personal pronoun (19) The dog sat___his master. (A) beside (B) along (C)across (D) over (Ob) WE -LX)-2018(4).67000 (MULTAN) ff cPaperCode | 2018 (A) Roll No/ | INSEE 1018 SSC PART-I (9" CLASS) = Lf ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-IL TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 19 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B,C and D. The choice which you think is correct, fill that bubble in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNo.t Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet, (1) Tshall have writing this novel by June next year. (A) finish (B) finishes (©) finishing (D) finished 2) Thesun____in the east, (A) rise (B) rising (C) risen (D) rises @) She since morning, (A) sleep (B) has been sleeping (©) sleeps (D) slept @ of to rain an hour ago, (A) began (B) begins (©) begun (D) begin (5) They will____ for London tomorrow (A) leaving (B) leaves left (D) leave Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. (©) (A) Melloe (B) Melloo (C) Mellow (D) Malowe (7) (A) Crumble (B) Corumble (©) Caramble (D) Corumbble (8) (A) Inetagral (B) Integral (©) Intageral (D) Ientegrul (9) (A) Aeptitode (B) Aptetudde (C) Aptetode (D) Aptitude Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet. (10) Grad (A) Quickly (B) Speedily (C) Steadily (D) Hurriedly (11) Abu Jehl began knocking at the door violently. (A) Politely (B) Slowly (©) Foreefully (D) Happily (2) (B) Mix (C) Separate (D) Surprise (13) Keep up your morale (A) Wealth (B) Self-esteem (C) Section (D) Voice (14) Do not be afraid of death (A) Attended to (B) Seared (C) Squared (D) Ageressive Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet. (15) The moment which is lost is lost forever. The underlined word is a/an pronoun. (A) Indefinite (B) Reflexive (©) Possessive (D) Relative (16) “Valour” isa/an noun, (A) Material (B) Countable (C) Abstract (D) Proper (17) Some are born great. ‘The underlined word is a/an (A) Possessive pronoun (B) Indefinite pronoun (C) Reflexive pronoun (D) Personal pronoun (18) The dog sat__ his master. (A) beside (B) along (C)across (D) over (19) Ifyou had studied hard, you___succeeded, (A) would (B) will (©) will have (D) would have (Obj) WE WE LE L).2018(4)-67000 (MULTAN)

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