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Activity/ hazards Risks Persons Likelihoo Conseque Risk Controls Likeliho Consequ Risk

at risk d nce level od ence level

(before) (before) (before) (after) (after)
Falling lights and injury Cast/lig 3 4 12 All equipment 1 3 3
secure with
sound equipment hting clamps and
and backup safety
equipment in
case of failure.
crew And all
must be
checked before
each show
Stage combat injury cast 4 3 9 Cast will work 1 2 2
with a specialist
fight director
and will have
fight calls
before each
Significant flame Burns / Cast/ 4 3 12 All flame effects 2 2 4
must occur at
effects Visual stage least 2 meters
impairm manag away from any
flammable set
ent er
pieces. Fire
are in both
wings. All staff
members are
briefed on
Liquids drunk on Choking cast 3 3 9 all cast 1 2 2
members have
stage / access to all
Allergic consumables
with many
rehearsals and
allergen needs
have been
catered for.
Open liquid Slips/ cast 4 2 8 All liquids have 1 2 2
sealable lids so
containers injury risk of pillage is
onstage reduced when
not in use
Barefoot dancing Falls/inj cast 3 3 9 The cast have 1 1 1
access to a
ury specialist
which they have
rehearsals with
and a run
before each
Flying set pieces injury cast 4 2 8 All flying props 2 2 4
have fixed set
points secured
and are all
hollow or under

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