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As an Indian DTC brand,

do you really know your

we think we know better...

DTC Report 2023

We have tracked over

4M+ 12M+ 28.5B+

customers online transactions revenue

The following insights have been gathered using this data!

Who’s buying DTC Brands in India?

(Only 2% of India's
internet users actually
buy DTC online!)
Who Are They?

Interestingly, 30% more Indian DTC

Buyers identify as Working Professionals
than as Home-makers
Young Adults, comprising of students
and entry level workforce, dominate the
DTC buyer segment, mirroring their
digital spending influence in the country

What Life Roles

are they playing?
Where are they located?

More than 40% of

India’s active online
buyers reside in Tier 1
How does their buying
behavior vary across

Interestingly enough, the distribution of

affluence segments remains fairly
consistent across all tiers, with premium
buyers dominating (>60%) everywhere
Is any one gender
buying more across But as we move up tiers,

the prevalence of male
buyers gradually
decreases, with female
buyers ultimately taking
over in Tier 1 with a 51%

On the whole, Male DTC

Buyers outnumber their
female counterparts by a
narrow margin of 5%
What are they buying the most?

While Apparel and Food

predictably dominate the
DTC sector, the expansion
of previously offline
sectors like Home &
Garden and Arts &
Entertainment deserves
Are all sectors Equally Popular?

The most pronounced parity between

top cities and other regions is observed in
the F&B and Home & Garden sectors,
with Tier 1 having >2X customers
compared to any other tier
While it's expected for electronic purchases
to be dominated by men, it's intriguing to
note that men also lead in F&B (60%) and
Home & Garden (56%) categories

Can you
breakdown their
preferences by
gender ?
While women tend to shop more when it
comes to the luxury segment, both
Are women genders display a strikingly similar
interest in seeking bang-for-the-buck
Splurging more
than Men?
How much are they spending?

Despite having similar customer share,

the AOV for Home & Garden products is
almost 50 times that of Arts &
Expressing individuality
through consumer choices is
Contemporary DTC consumers prioritize both
also very important for them
their external appearance and inner well-being

What Goals drive

these shoppers
the most?
How many are DTC loyalists?

Apparel buyers have shown

preference for DTC sites for some
time, and now we're witnessing a
similar positive trend for F&B,
with more consumers choosing
DTC websites for initiating trials
over online marketplaces
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& understand who’s buying from you...
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