Long Quiz

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Direction: Read each statement carefully.Identify what is being asked.(2 pts.)


________1.the phrase has been used to encourage people in a search to understand self.
________2.the greatest thinkers, have immersed themselves in the pursuit for knowledge.

________3. He supported the idea that a person has two parts: a body and a soul. Plato discussed that
the soul is separate from the body and is eternal.

________4. firmly believed that there is no such thing as a true self.

________5. He considered that the body was a key part of the subjective self.

________6.argues that a person develops his or her characteristics biologically.

________7.is how a person feels about being part of a group.

________8. He stated in his Social Self Theory that a sense of self is formed through social interactions
such as watching and talking to other people
________9.an important part of a person's sense of self because it makes them feel like they belong to
the cultural values, kinship, and beliefs of a certain group.

________10.the highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others.

________11.His theory of self-knowledge that all our experiences with the world around us determine
what we know about ourselves.

________12.believed in the view that our identity is inextricably related to our consciousness, which he
defined as a man's awareness of the activities that take place within his own mind.

_________13.He claimed representation, which is mental imagery based on past sensations and
experiences, happens through our senses as a piece of the outer self.

_________14.Stated "I act therefore Iam".

__________15. The Father of Modern Philosophy

_________16.He rejects dualism and believes that our sense of self is derived from the physical brain.

________17.Perception, attitudes, and values all contribute to the formation of an individual's.

_______18.which may be defined as the way in which other people view or perceive an individual

______19.His theory called the Looking-Glass Self.

______20.a person develops his or her characteristics through the influence of external factors such as
the environment and the society.


21-31. The Philosophers

32-35. The three (3) parts of human soul.

36-37. The two(2) parts of dualism.

38-39. The two (2) fundamental rules of Aquinas.


Direction: Please read clearly and Louder your Voices.

Yes, I know it was very draining, but in the end we all deserve to have a good rest and recharge. Go out
with your friends or family, go sleep, go play your favorite games, go binge watch movies. We have our
own definition of “rest”, so just go for it because you deserve it!

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