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Wealth Revival

A Spiritual Woman’s Path To Thriving Financially

How to Release Financial Fear & Frustration into an empowered
wealth consciousness that has you confidently creating the
wealth you desire.
Confidence to Coach

How your mother The top 7 business The #1 thing holding

wound is directly psychology + spiritual you back from
connected to your beliefs that stop women creating consistent
money wound and from financial success, wealth and how you
which ones you have & can transform that
how to heal both.
how to overcome them.

Own Your Financial Past Own Your Financial Present Own Your Financial Future
Women Must Create Their Own
Financial Abundance…
● Own your worthiness to be wealthy = financial security

● Reprogram your psychology = financial stability

● Align spiritually = financial abundance

● Think bigger = financial support

● Take the right actions = financially sovereign

Women Women's Financial Health Hits Five-Year Low

Must The Financial Dependence

Of Women (JSTOR)
Women always financially lag men.
Covid made it worse (USA Today)
Create Recession With A Difference: Women

Their Own Face Special Burden (The New York Times)

Half of Women Say They Are Financially

Financial Struggling (National Council of Aging)

Here's Why More Women Have Less Than Half Of Women Consider

Abundance Lost Jobs During The Covid

Themselves Financially Independent
(The Independent)

Why women suffer more financial stress
(Financial Mindfulness)
Women Must Create Their Own
Financial Abundance…

The number one thing that created consistent

financial abundance + independence for me?


= consistent money and freedom doing what I love

How your mother
wound is directly
connected to your
money wound and
how to heal both.

Own Your Financial Past

How Your mother wound is directly connected to your money wound
and how to heal both.

● Learn how your mother wound keeps your financial focus on previous mistakes, fear of
failure, and unworthiness.

● Discover how healing your mother wound will ignite your confidence and ability to
create the wealth you deserve.

● I’ll share how healing my mother wound made me a self-made millionaire in 3 years

● The term "mother wound" refers to emotional and psychological injuries that
daughters experience as a result of challenging or dysfunctional relationships
with their mothers.

● The “mother wound” creates a range of emotional scars, including feelings of

inadequacy, abandonment, rejection, or unmet needs (including financial).

● The “mother wound” impacts self-esteem, relationships, the ability to receive

wealth, emotional well-being, and influences a woman’s perception of herself
or others.
Understanding the Mother Wound

1. Early Attachment and Bonding

a. If a child experiences consistent love, care, and emotional attunement from their mother, it sets
the stage for healthy emotional development.
2. Unmet Emotional Needs
a. Lead to feelings of inadequacy, abandonment, or a persistent sense of not being valued or seen
for who you are. (Money connection)
3. Modeling Behavior
a. If a mother demonstrates low self-esteem, struggles with confidence, or has a negative
relationship with success and money, the daughter may internalize these behaviors.
b. Influencing the daughter's approach to career, ambition, and money creation and management.
Understanding the Mother Wound

4. Formation of Beliefs and Patterns:

a. May internalize negative beliefs about her worth, capabilities, and potential for success.
b. Avoiding risks, downplaying achievements, inability to delegate, uncomfortable receiving or
struggling with assertiveness and visibility.
5. Impact on Self-Esteem and Confidence
a. Significantly impact self-esteem by fostering a sense of unworthiness or inadequacy.
b. Struggle to recognize her inherent value and may seek external validation to compensate.
6. Attitudes Towards Money and Success
a. If a mother has an unhealthy relationship with financial matters or success, her daughter may
adopt similar attitudes.
b. This can lead to subconscious associations between success, self-worth, and financial
prosperity, influencing the daughter's approach to career, ambition, and money creation and
Understanding the Mother Wound

In summary, the mother wound develops through early experiences that shape a woman’s
emotional landscape on:

● self-esteem,
● confidence, and
● beliefs about one's worth and capabilities.

The massive role the “mother wound” plays in shaping your beliefs is why it’s necessary to address
and heal these emotional wounds to empower you on your journey to financial success.
The Link Between the Mother Wound + Money

The connection between unresolved mother wounds and a woman's relationship

with money is intricate, impacting every aspects of financial well-being.

Here, we'll explore this connection and dive into common subconscious and
unhealthy manifestations associated with it:
The Link Between the Mother Wound + Money

1. Self-Sabotage:
a. This may manifest as an unconscious belief that you don’t deserve or can’t achieve
financial success or security.
b. underearning, invisibility, not delegating, not receiving guidance or fear of
2. Imposter Syndrome:
a. Persistent self-doubt and a fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of
b. The fear of not being "good enough" or competent hinders your ability to
i. take imperfect action (necessary for success)
ii. charge your worth,
iii. get visible online,
iv. collaborate with bigger fish, or
v. focus on money making activities (because if you keep rebranding your website
you can stay under the radar).
The Link Between the Mother Wound + Money

3. Fear of Success:
a. Anxiety about the changes and responsibilities that come with achievement.
b. Fear that success could lead to disapproval, criticism, abandonment or
over-responsibility or fear of outshining your mother/family..
4. Money as a Measure of Self-Worth:
a. Seek external validation through monetary achievements as a way to compensate for
perceived emotional deficits. Or feel inferior if not accomplished.
b. Aversion to accumulating wealth due to deep-seated beliefs that success and
financial security are associated with negative consequences, abandonment or moral
c. This can lead to an unhealthy relationship with money, where the pursuit of wealth
becomes intertwined with a quest for self-validation.
The Link Between the Mother Wound + Money

5. Complicated Relationship with Authority and Wealth:

a. Trust issues make it challenging to seek or receive guidance or
b. skewed perspectives (wanting the authority figure to be the “too good mother”.
6. Patterns of Financial Dependency or Independence:
a. Unhealthy Financial independence as a way to distance themselves from perceived
emotional ties, (I don’t need anyone)
b. Unhealthy financial dependency for a sense of security.
7. Fear of Failure:
a. Crippling codependency crippling codependency which results in a woman not
having a sense of self. Programmed to obsess and be hyper alert and hyper sensitive
to other people’s opinions, preferences and views of her.
i. Overthinking People pleasing, approval seeking, needing permission from others
and naively handing over power t
The Link Between the Mother Wound + Money

Addressing these dysfunctional manifestations involves recognizing the underlying

emotional triggers associated with the mother wound and actively working
towards healing by empowering one’s self.

Developing a strong business + spiritual psychology around money is an essential

step in breaking these patterns and fostering a healthier relationship with both
personal and financial success.

By understanding and addressing the connection between mother wounds and

financial behaviors, women can develop personal empowerment and financial
Healed Mother Wound in Connection with
Financial Success

1. Improved Self-Esteem and Confidence:

a. Had the confidence to start at $1k intensives….$100k packages and sold 12!
2. Empowered Decision-Making:
a. Decided who my ideal client was vs. being confused
3. Greater Resilience in the Face of Challenges:
a. 2 weeks before my event 5 tickets were sold…day of even 354 women in attendance!
4. Healthy Relationship with Success and Money:
a. Travel the world, invest in real estate, got out of debt, give to charities
Healed Mother Wound in Connection with
Financial Success

5. Enhanced Negotiation Skills:

a. Better leader to my team
6. Entrepreneurial Ventures and Risk-Taking:
a. Hosted high end masterminds, filled sold out events, online courses, wrote a book
b. Started a luxury magazine, leased office space, hired and fired too many to count
7. Building Healthy Support Networks:
a. Hired mentors, team, contractors, agencies
b. Prioritize friendships, communities and mastermind buddies
Healed Mother Wound in Connection with
Financial Success

8. Breaking Generational Patterns:

a. 1st person in my lineage to become a millionaire
9. Increased Focus and Productivity:
a. Focus on effective money-making ventures vs vanity projects
10. Balanced Approach to Work-Life Integration:
a. Love my life


Benefits for women who have healed their mother wounds in connection to financial success are
diverse and impactful. Emotional healing lays the foundation for improved self-esteem, healthier
relationships, and empowered decision-making, creating a positive ripple effect across various
aspects of a woman's life, including her financial journey.
The top 7 business + spiritual psychology beliefs that stop
women from financial success, which ones you have & how to
overcome them.
The top business psychology beliefs that stop women from financial
success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

● After 20 years of working on my own business psychology beliefs + thousands of women in

over 100 countries I’ve synthesized the top 9 archetypes that stop women from financial
● Let’s take a look at what they are and which ones you have
● AND…how to overcome them!
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

Which one(s) are you?

The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

Someone who consistently sacrifices their own needs, well-being, or personal desires for the sake
of others. This behavior may be driven by a sense of duty, a need for validation, low self-esteem,
or a fear of rejection. It can also lead to negative consequences for their own mental and
emotional well-being.

In what way are you a Martyr with money & success?

The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

Little Miss Perfect

"Little Miss Perfect Syndrome refers to a pattern of perfectionistic behavior women characterized
by unrealistically high standards, fear of failure, and a constant need for external validation aka
people pleasing.

In what way are you Little Miss Perfect with money & success?
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

The Victim
Where a woman consistently perceives herself as a perpetual victim of circumstances, often
blaming external factors for their challenges or difficulties, and exhibiting a reluctance to take
responsibility for their own actions or decisions.

In what way are you The Victim with money & success?
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

Avoidant Princess
A mindset or attitude when women avoid challenges, responsibilities, or difficult situations,
expecting others to cater to their needs or shield them from adversity. It might imply a sense of
entitlement or reluctance to confront challenges directly.

In what way are you an Avoidant Princess with money & success?
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

Frugal Frenetic
A woman who excessively prioritizes saving money to the point of being stingy or unwilling to
spend even when reasonable or necessary. Unlike frugality, which involves mindful and wise
spending, being cheap involves cutting corners to an extreme, compromising quality, or
neglecting basic needs. The negative Reluctance to invest in quality goods or services,
sometimes at the expense of one's well-being or the well-being of others.

In what way are you a Frugal Frenetic with money & success?
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

The Dinosaur
The term "dinosaur mentality" is used in the context of men being perceived as the exclusive or
primary handlers of money, it reflects an outdated and gender-stereotyped belief. This
perspective is rooted in traditional gender roles where men were often considered the primary
breadwinners and financial decision-makers within a household.

In what way are you The Dinosaur with money & success?
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

The Defeatist
Pervasive attitude of giving up, pessimism, and acceptance of failure or negative outcomes
without putting up a meaningful effort to overcome challenges. Individuals with a defeatist
mentality often believe that their efforts are futile, regardless of the situation, leading them to give
up prematurely or avoid taking constructive actions. It often involves a sense of hopelessness and
a belief that success is unattainable, contributing to a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecies.

In what way are you The Defeatist with money & success?
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

See the underlying beliefs running the show

& which ones you have?
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

Awareness is the first step to transforming lack-based beliefs into a strong business
Step 1

psychology mindset.

Developing business + spiritual psychology (AKA your inner Queen) has you overcome
Step 2

every limiting (archetype) belief.

The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

Definition of Business + Spiritual Psychology: The mindset and governing rules with how
you view yourself, believe what is or isn’t possible that leads to either

● non-action,
● In-effective action
● incomplete action or
● effective action related to positive business manifestation and prosperity.
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

YOU DON’T GET Example: I want 10 high paying clients


YOU DON’T GET Example: I think I deserve to make 10k/month in

WHAT YOU THINK my business


WHAT YOU HOPE Example: I hope this launch makes $100k

YOU DON’T GET Example: I need 1 new client to sign up to pay

WHAT YOU NEED rent this month
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

You get what you BELIEVE

You get what you are CERTAIN of


The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

How do you develop positive beliefs?

Become aware of your subconscious beliefs

How do you create certainty?

Develop an Unshakable Faith

How do you get your NON-NEGOTIABLES?

Taking the right action

The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

How do I know what my subconscious beliefs are?

The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

When you think you believe…

● You’re worthy of making $10k/month in your biz…

● and you actually make $2k/month,
● there’s a different belief (archetype) in charge
The top 7 business psychology beliefs that stop women from
financial success, which ones you have & how to overcome them

● By all accounts I was working hard and doing everything “right” and really wanted the success but
my actual unconscious beliefs were…
○ I’m afraid to be visible online that people I know will judge me and think I’m just doing this for
the money
○ I felt afraid to go “public” with my business
○ “Who am I” to help others with their lives when I was a hot mess
○ The money’s not there for me
○ I can’t have what I want
○ No one will hire me to mentor them
○ Doesn’t everyone already know this?
○ Shouldn’t I just offer this for free?
○ Other people can have success but not me
The #1 thing holding you back from creating consistent wealth and
how you can transform that today.

An Empowered Sense of Self

Emotional Strength & Stability

Developed Queen of Your Life

The #1 thing holding you back from creating consistent wealth and
how you can transform that today.

The Heroine’s Journey

The Heroine’s Journey is the epic adventure of every ordinary woman who must
leave life as she knows it, face daunting trials, meet mentors, and ultimately
triumphing over adversity. After overcoming life-risking challenges, she returns as
a transformed figure, with newfound wisdom to elevate her world to legendary
12 1
RETURN Mastery of
problem of problem
11 2
Final Increased
attempts; awareness
last minute of need for
danger Return with Ordinary change
Elixir World

Call to
Resurrection Adventure
10 New Fear,
resistance to
and Road Back
Refusal of Call
Meeting the
Consequences of (Seizing the Mentor
Sword) Overcoming
9 of new life 4
Ordeal, Death Crossing the
& Rebirth Threshold

Tests, Allies, &
of Inmost
Attempting Enemies
Cave Committing
big change
to change
(feeling of life
or death)
8 Preparing for Experimenting 5
ACT III major
with new
7 6
The #1 thing holding you back from creating consistent wealth and
how you can transform that today.

The Heroine’s Journey

1. The Ordinary World: The hero begins in a mundane, everyday situation,
unaware of the adventure that awaits.

2. The Call to Adventure: The hero receives a call to action, often in the form
of a problem, challenge, or opportunity that disrupts their ordinary life.

3. Refusal of the Call: The hero hesitates or initially refuses the call, often due
to fear, self-doubt, or a desire to maintain their current life.
The #1 thing holding you back from creating consistent wealth and
how you can transform that today.

The Heroine’s Journey

4. Meeting the Mentor: The hero encounters a mentor figure who provides
guidance, advice, or tools to help them on their journey.

5. Crossing the Threshold: The hero decides to leave their ordinary world and
enter the special world of the adventure, facing new challenges and

6. Tests, Allies, and Enemies: The hero faces a series of trials, meets allies, and
confronts enemies, gaining experience and insight along the way.
The #1 thing holding you back from creating consistent wealth and
how you can transform that today.

The Heroine’s Journey

7. Approach to the Inmost Cave: The hero approaches a central, dangerous
challenge or location, where the ultimate goal or conflict awaits.

8. Ordeal: The hero faces a severe test, often a life-or-death situation, which
requires them to confront their fears and limitations.

9. Reward (Seizing the Sword): After overcoming the ordeal, the hero receives
a reward, such as knowledge, power, or an important object.
The #1 thing holding you back from creating consistent wealth and
how you can transform that today.

The Heroine’s Journey

10. The Road Back: The hero begins the journey back to their ordinary world,
but they may face additional challenges or confrontations.

11. Resurrection: The hero faces a final test, often a more significant and
intensified version of the earlier ordeal, and experiences a rebirth or

12. Return with the Elixir: The hero returns to the ordinary world with the
knowledge, power, or treasure gained during their journey, using it to
improve their world.
● Research shows that entrepreneurs in their 50s and over
are twice as likely to be successful as those in their 20s -
something that can be put down to one main factor:
experience. - FORBES
Louise Hay began her remarkable journey in the world of

There are these publishing at the age of 62 when she founded Hay House
Publishing. Her late-life success revolutionized the self-help
genre, inspiring and uplifting countless individuals through
amazing women who her books and teachings.

found success later

in life, proving it's
never too late to Angel Cornelius, founder of Maison 276, started her beauty
brand at 60. Frustrated with the lack of effective and
pursue your dreams. affordable products, she created the iconic Pomegranate
Kiss Body Butter, which gained recognition through ESSENCE
Let their stories BeautyBox. Maison 776 now offers a range of luxurious,
plant-based beauty products.

inspire you to follow

your passions and
believe in yourself, Arianna Huffington, a successful journalist and author,
founded The Huffington Post at the age of 54. Huffington
no matter your stepped away from her namesake Huffington Post to found
the health and wellness startup Thrive Global, of which she
circumstances. also serves as CEO. Thrive Global launched in November
2016; it aims to reduce stress and burnout through media
and technology.
Martha Stewart achieved remarkable success as a lifestyle
There are these icon, started her company when she was 50. Her passion for
cooking, decorating, and attention to detail made her a
amazing women who household name, inspiring countless individuals worldwide.

found success later

in life, proving it's
never too late to Julia Child didn't become famous until she was in her 50s,
after she wrote the cookbook "Mastering the Art of French
pursue your dreams. Cooking." Her subsequent TV show, "The French Chef," was a
hit and propelled her to fame. She went on to write several

Let their stories more cookbooks and host other TV shows, and she died with
a net worth of around $38 million.

inspire you to follow

your passions and
believe in yourself,
Joyce Meyer is a Christian author, speaker, and president of
no matter your Joyce Meyer Ministries. She began her ministry in her 40s
and has since built a successful multimedia organization,

circumstances. reaching millions of people worldwide with her teachings

Mary Kay Ash was in her 40s when she founded Mary Kay

There are these Cosmetics, and the business quickly took off. She went on to
become one of the most successful female entrepreneurs in
history, and her company is now worth over $3 billion.
amazing women who
found success later
in life, proving it's
never too late to Vera Wang had been a figure skater and a fashion editor
pursue your dreams. before she started designing wedding gowns in her 40s. Her
gowns quickly became popular with celebrities, and she
expanded her business to include a range of clothing and
Let their stories accessories. She's now worth over $400 million.

inspire you to follow

your passions and
believe in yourself, Lynda Weinman founded her eponymous computer
no matter your training website Lynda.com at 40 years old after stints as
an animator for Dreamquest and a computer instructor. Two
decades after the website was founded, LinkedIn purchased
circumstances. it for a whopping $1.5 billion.
You’ve Learned

Confidence to Coach

How your mother The top business + The #1 thing holding

wound is directly spiritual psychology you back from
connected to your beliefs that stop women creating consistent
money wound and from financial success, wealth and how you
which ones you have & can transform that
how to heal both.
how to overcome them.

Own Your Financial Past Own Your Financial Present Own Your Financial Future

Own Your (Financial) Throne is an 9-week program that reveals the business and spiritual psychology of wealth
that unlocks the mystery behind your financial limitations and opens you up to unlimited power and freedom.
Unlike Others Courses ...
Own Your Financial Throne uniquely and thoroughly focuses on your
Business + Spiritual Psychology and this combination is your foundation
for financial success.

Leading your journey of transformation whether you’re new to personal

and spiritual development or decades into your adventure.
How You Will Do This…


Starts Wednesday January 31st

8am PT/ 11am ET/4pm BT

2 Hours training + LIVE Coaching

Overview Of Your Curriculum
Worthy of Wealth: Embark on Mother Wound Money Wound Eliminate Financial
your own empowered financial Connection: The most overlooked Self-Sabotage By Integrating
journey key to your financial breakthrough the “Shadow Self”
The Ordinary World Call to Adventure & Meet Mentor Tests, Allies & Enemies

You will learn how to: You will learn how to: You will learn how to:

✔ Cultivate a prosperous mindset ✔ Identify ways you were ✔ Handle Shadow Emotions that
that eliminates financial anxiety emotionally orphaned & exiled that keep you stuck financially and how
hinder your income earning to transform them.
✔ Confront specific limiting beliefs abilities
around receiving compensation ✔ Understand why you react to
that keeps you stuck ✔ Heal the mother wound even certain situations the way you do
when life’s setback tempt bitterness and have recurring triggering
✔ Identifying the difference and depression money patterns
between the masculine and
feminine approach to wealth ✔ Receive support and guidance ✔ Empower yourself and give
creation. from mentors that loving guide you yourself permission to make choices
to your success in line with your unique destiny.
Overview Of Your Curriculum
Become Powerful & Prosperous Faith in Your Financial Future
“For such a time as this”
The invisible forces working behind
What are you meant for? Discover Your Divine Assignment
the scenes on your prosperity

Refusal of the Call & Cross Threshold Approach Inmost Cave & Ordeal Tests, Allies & Enemies

You will learn how to: You will learn how to: You will learn how to:

✔ Awaken your inner Queen in ✔Navigate economic challenges & ✔ Set healthy financial boundaries
charge of your financial financial uncertainties by and make empowered choices
transformation embracing courage + strategic regardless of other voices.
✔ Show up for your purpose (even if ✔ Build success over time. Prepping
you don’t know what it is) & face ✔ Create relationships and for the marathon creates financial
challenges confidently & alliances and that financially stability and consistency. It’s not
unapologetically. empowered women rely on always about the sprint.

✔ Set achievable goals and develop ✔ Confidently step out of your ✔ The Power of Humility: In an age
actionable steps towards financial comfort zone when facing the of relentless self-promotion, selfies
abundance. unknown or potential risks aren’t more powerful than Spirit.
Overview Of Your Curriculum
Communicate with Transform your financial The Ultimate financial
Confidence: Own your influence struggles: Increase your transformation From
& Communicate like a Queen consciousness and confidence Ordinary to extraordinary
Reward The Road Back & Resurrection Return with the Elixir

You will learn how to: You will learn how to: You will learn how to:
✔ Develop resilience in the face of
✔ Get over your fear of ✔ Artfully navigate life transitions
financial obstacles and setbacks.
confrontation and speak your truth from a feminine perspective.
and confront difficult people ✔ No matter how much it looks like
without crumbling ✔ Embrace your inherent
a dead end, God has a plan
worthiness and power in finances.
✔ Not be compliant or defiant with ✔ How to rewrite subconscious
your words, and instead ✔ Celebrate your personal growth
contracts that hold you back from
communicate in an aligned way and financial achievements.
✔ Own the influence you have over
your financial destiny.
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Value $697
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Value $297
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Financial struggle?

Business + Spiritual Psychology Roadmap

Business Psychology Plus Spiritual Psychology

1. Life Purpose Project 1. Audacity to Be Queen
2. Personal Brand w/ Natalie Ellis 2. Prayers & Meditations
3. Live & Luxurious (FAST ACTION BONUS) 3. Mother Wound Masterclass
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5. Men & Money 5. 2-Day Live Event
Own Your (Financial) Throne
Own Your (Financial) Throne 9-week course (Value $997)
Reimbursement Audacity to Be Queen (Value $27)
28 Prayers & Meditations (Value $47)
Private Own Your Throne Facebook group (Priceless)
Own Your (Financial) Throne
Own Your (Financial) Throne 9-week course (Value $997)
Reimbursement Audacity to Be Queen (Value $27)
28 Prayers & Meditations (Value $47)
Private Own Your Throne Facebook group (Priceless)
Life Purpose Project course (Value $797)
Men & Money course (Value $697)
Mother Wound Masterclass (Value $297)
2-Day Live Event (Value $997)
Live & Luxurious (FAST ACTION BONUS) (Value $1497)
Boundaries with Terri Cole (Value $97)
Personal Brand with Natalie Ellis (Value $197)
Podcast Academy with Ashley Stahl (Value $397)
Own Your (Financial) Throne
Own Your (Financial) Throne 9-week course (Value $997)
Reimbursement Audacity to Be Queen (Value $27)
28 Prayers & Meditations (Value $47)
Private Own Your Throne Facebook group (Priceless)
Life Purpose Project course (Value $797)
Men & Money course (Value $697)
Mother Wound Masterclass (Value $297)
2-Day Live Event (Value $997)
Live & Luxurious (FAST ACTION BONUS) (Value $1497)
Boundaries with Terri Cole (Value $97)
Personal Brand with Natalie Ellis (Value $197)
Podcast Academy with Ashley Stahl (Value $397)


Own Your (Financial) Throne
Own Your (Financial) Throne 9-week course (Value $997)
Reimbursement Audacity to Be Queen (Value $27)
28 Prayers & Meditations (Value $47)
Private Own Your Throne Facebook group (Priceless)
Life Purpose Project course (Value $797)
Men & Money course (Value $697)
Mother Wound Masterclass (Value $297)
2-Day Live Event (Value $997)
Live & Luxurious (FAST ACTION BONUS) (Value $1497)
Boundaries with Terri Cole (Value $97)
Personal Brand with Natalie Ellis (Value $197)
Podcast Academy with Ashley Stahl (Value $397)



$99/MONTH FOR 12

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