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Optics & Laser Technology 36 (2004) 223 – 227

Optical characterization of the silicon photodiodes for the establishment

of national radiometric standards
Murat Duraka;∗ , M. Hasan Aslanb
a National  ITAK-UME,
Metrology Institute of Turkey, TUB ˙ Gebze, Turkey
b Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Gebze, Turkey
Received 21 February 2003; accepted 22 August 2003


Optical properties of the silicon photodiodes are investigated in the visible spectral regime. Non-linearity measurement standard was
established by using Hamamatsu S1337-11 type windowless silicon photodiode whose non-linearity value was found to be better than
6 × 10−5 at photocurrent level of 10−9 to 10−4 A. Temperature e5ects on the spectral responsivity for S1337-11, S1337-1010BQ and
S1227-1010BQ type photodiodes were analyzed between 20◦ C and 40◦ C at 488.1, 514.7 and 632:8 nm vacuum wavelengths. The spatial
uniformities of the responsivity for three type photodiodes are performed with a laser beam having 1 mm diameter by using home made
two-axis micro translation system. Results of the re;ectance measurements for three elements of re;ection-based trap detectors were
compared with the predicted values obtained from Fresnel equations.
? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Silicon photodiodes; Spectral responsivity; Spatial uniformity; Trap detectors

1. Introduction a5ect the nonlinearity such as wavelength of the light, size

of the active area of photodiode, diameter of the beam, tem-
Photodetectors are extensively used in the measurements perature, etc. Many of these parameters were investigated
at various branches of industry and research. Many radio- and published in several papers [2]. It was shown that the
metric measurements, especially realization of candela and non-linearity of the silicon photodiodes is wavelength inde-
its derived units at primary level are succeeded by using pendent in the visible range, nevertheless the diameter of
silicon photodiode-based photometers. Therefore, precise the beam, size of the active area and temperature a5ect the
determination of the spectral responsivity and optical char- non-linearity. In the spectral responsivity measurement, the
acteristic of the silicon photodiodes are crucial. It is possible detector should be under-Clled in ideal conditions. When
to calibrate the spectral responsivity of silicon photodiodes the beam incident on the di5erent parts of the active area
with uncertainties at the order of 10−4 by cryogenic radio- of detector it is expected to generate same current. In other
metry [1]. In order to reach such an accuracy, careful de- words, detector should have a spatially uniform responsiv-
termination of optical characteristics of photodiodes is of ity, which has the same value regardless of the position of
primary importance. the incoming beam [3].
When the responsivity is independent of the incident
optical power, a photo detector is deCned to be linear and 2. Experimental
silicon photodiodes have linear response in visible regime
up to some certain points. It is necessary to determine the The change of the responsivity on the surface, called
linearity of photodiodes down to radiant powers of a few spatial uniformity, has been investigated. Uniformity maps
nanowatts for the accurate measurements. Some factors may of the large area research-grade silicon photodiodes, which
were measured on purpose-built set-up, are presented in
Section 3.1. Responsivity of the photodiodes may change
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90-262-653-84-97; due to temperature e5ects as well. These changes must be
fax: +90-262-653-84-90. designated sensitively and photodiodes should be placed
E-mail address: (M. Durak). in the temperature-controlled environment for accurate

0030-3992/$ - see front matter ? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
224 M. Durak, M. Hasan Aslan / Optics & Laser Technology 36 (2004) 223 – 227

Fig. 1. Measurement set-up used for determination of temperature dependence of responsivity.

measurements. For this purpose, a temperature-controlled dual-axis translation stage. The spatial uniformity was
housing, whose stability is better than 0:01◦ C, was estab- measured by scanning in equal steps for both directions.
lished and the changes in the responsivity due to the tem- Before each scan, surface of the photodiodes was aligned
perature for di5erent type photodiodes were observed and perpendicular to the optical axis at the four corners and the
presented in Section 3.2. Investigations of the linearity prop- center of the photodiode by using the re;ected beam. The
erties of the S1337-11 type photodiode can be found in scanned area was 12 × 12 mm2 for the 1 cm2 photodiodes
Section 3.3. Spectral responsivity of a silicon photodiode with 0:5 mm steps in both directions. Measurements were
is determined by using both internal quantum eJciency normally carried out under the dark environmental condi-
and re;ectance values. In the last section of this paper, tions. The photodiode were also placed in a closed box with
theoretical spectral re;ectance calculations and experimen- the interior painted black in order to reduce the in;uence
tal measurements are discussed. Three p–n type photodi- of stray light. The result of the measurements is shown in
odes manufactured by Hamamatsu were selected as samples; Fig. 2. The relative standard deviations of two sets of mea-
namely, S1337-11, S1337-1010BQ and S1227-1010BQ 16. surements (to obtain the mean relative responsivity values
S1337-11 is a windowless type photodiode and the others within the 50% central area) of S1337-11, S1337-1010BQ
have quartz windows. The active areas of all photodiodes are and S1227-1010BQ photodiodes are 4 × 10−4 , 9 × 10−4
10 × 10 mm2 . Homemade apparatus of UME; the so-called and 8 × 10−4 , respectively. Responsivity of the S1337-11
optical laser stabilization system, atomized two-dimensional windowless type single photodiode has better ;atness in
micro translation stage and temperature-controlled housings terms of uniformity compared to other 1010BQ type single
were used during the measurements. Fig. 1 demonstrates the photodiodes.
experimental set-up designed for determining dependency
of responsivity on temperature in silicon photodiodes. Laser 3.2. Temperature dependence of the responsivity
beams at wavelengths 632.8, 488.1 and 514:7 nm are used as
sources in the system. Power stabilization of lasers is satis- Stabilized He–Ne laser at 632:8 nm and a tunable
Ced by a commercial controller system having electro-optic argon–ion laser at 488 and 514 nm wavelengths were used
modulators fed by the measured output signal. Clean proCle as monochromatic radiation sources in the system. In the
of the beam was arranged by a spatial Clter, which consists system; one of the most important part is the temperature
of a 10× objective and a 25 m pinhole. Employing two iris controller jacket (TCJ) in which photodiode is placed. This
diaphragms minimized noise to almost none with the help jacket was made up of copper and a peltier element was
of dark environmental conditions attained by locating a box used to control the temperature. The front side of the Peltier
whose interior is painted black. element is connected to copper oven and the backside is
connected to an aluminum plate. Two pieces of Pt-100 sen-
sors were used to control temperature of system and mon-
3. Results and discussion
itoring the temperature of the housing. Both sensors were
3.1. Spatial uniformity measurements placed closely to where the photodiode located in the copper
mount. The resistance values of the Pt-100 were measured
The spatial uniformity measurements were performed by using IEEE connected 5.5-digit multimeter. The signal of
using stabilized laser system and a computer-controlled the photodiode was measured with a decade transimpedance
M. Durak, M. Hasan Aslan / Optics & Laser Technology 36 (2004) 223 – 227 225

Fig. 2. Spatial variation of responsivity of the silicon photodiodes at 632:8 nm wavelength.

1.05 1.05
633 nm
1.00 1337-1010BQ 1.00

Relative Responsivity
488 nm
1227-1010BQ 0.95
Relative Responsivity

0.70 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
(a) Tem perature ( °C)
0.60 Signal
Relative Responsivity

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Temperature
Temperature (°C)

Fig. 3. Relative spectral response vs. temperature at 632:8 nm for two 1

S1337-1010BQ and a S1227-1010BQ.


ampliCer connected to 8.5-digit multimeter. Measurements

were carried out under the dark environmental conditions to 0.9996
reduce the in;uence of stray light. The values of the mea- 0 50 100 150 200 250
(b) Operating Time (minute)
surement results were automatically recorded through GPIB
bus by using Lab-view-based software. During the mea- Fig. 4. (a) Relative spectral response vs. temperature at 488 and
surements the general stabilization level was determined as 632:8 nm for S1227-1010BQ. (b) Aging of relative spectral response for
±0:005◦ C. When temperature of system was reduced con- S1227-1010BQ at 35◦ C.
densation e5ect arises and when temperature of the system
was increased damage e5ect may occur, therefore mea-
and Ar–Ion laser lines. These results show that temperature
surements were carried out between 20◦ C and 40◦ C. Mea-
dependency of responsivity is higher at longer wavelengths
surements were done in ascending and descending order to
Fig. 4a. We have measured the S1337-11 type window-
eliminate any errors coming from hysteresis e5ects. Re-
less photodiode at di5erent temperatures. Obtained results
sults of the measurements for the S1337-1010BQ and
showed that responsivity changes are smaller than 0.2%.
S1277-1010BQ type photodiodes are shown in Fig. 3. It
Measurements for S1227-1010BQ type photodiode were
is shown that S1337-1010BQ type photodiodes are more
taken at 35◦ C to see the photodiode stability and to check
temperature dependent than S1227-1010BQ types. The
the long-term behavior of our system in Fig. 4b.
temperature dependency of responsivity for S1337-1010BQ
S1277-1010BQ type photodiodes can be determined using
Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively, as 3.3. Nonlinearity measurements

y1 = −0:006827x + 1:136148; (1) We have established a measurement set-up based on

intensity-stabilized laser beam due to the diJculties faced
y2 = −0:012225x + 1:242984: (2) with when performing non-linearity measurements in the
Relation between wavelength and temperature depen- case of using monochromatic radiation of thermal sources
dency of responsivity is also measured by using He–Ne [4]. He–Ne laser was used as the light source and stability
226 M. Durak, M. Hasan Aslan / Optics & Laser Technology 36 (2004) 223 – 227

0.0010 type neutral Clter is placed inside of temperature controlled

housing, the linearity is within 6 × 10−5 . The data points
can be well approximated by the polynomial Ct functions
given in Eqs. (4) and (5), respectively, as
NL = −2:95829E + 07A3 + 7:92935E + 03A2

−1:28615E + 00A + 1:83456E − 05; (4)

-0.0005 NL = −1:03396E + 07A3 + 7:09408E + 02A2

−7:64171E − 01A + 6:89844E − 06; (5)
1.E -10 1.E - 09 1.E - 08 1.E - 07 1.E -06 1.E -05 1.E -04 1.E-03 where NL is the non-linearity, and A is the photocurrent.
(a) Photocurrent (A)

0.0010 3.4. Spectral responsivity measurements

The absolute spectral responsivity scale is realized by us-

0.0005 ing trap detectors. Ideally, each photon incident on the pho-
todiode create one electron–hole pair that can be measured

as photocurrent. Theoretically, the responsivity of the trap

detector is given as [6]
R( ) = [1 − ( )][1 − ( )] ; (6)
-0.0005 hc
where ( ) is the re;ectance of detector, ( ) is the internal
quantum deCciency of the photodiode, e is the elementary
1.E-10 1.E-09 1.E - 08 1.E - 07 1.E - 06 1.E - 05 1.E - 04 1.E- 03 charge, is the wavelength in the vacuum, h is the Planck
(b) Photocurrent (A) constant, and c is the speed of the light in vacuum. Deter-
mination of the photodiode responsivity depends on both
Fig. 5. Measured and interpolated nonlinearities of S1337 type photodiode.
re;ectance ( ) and internal quantum deCciency measure-
(a) When the temperature of the absorbing neutral density Clter is not
controlled, (b) when the temperature of the absorbing neutral density ments ( ). These parameters are measured at several laser
Clter is controlled at 25◦ C. wavelengths and then can be extrapolated to cover the whole
visible range. Detailed measurements of internal quantum
eJciency can be found in [6]. Re;ectance value of re;ec-
of laser was controlled with an electro-optic modulator. tion type trap detector was measured at 488.1, 514.7, and
Measurement set-up contains; metallic neutral density Cl- 632:8 nm laser wavelengths. Results are shown in Fig. 6.
ters whose transmittances are 1%, 10%, 50% and an ab- Output of a laser is directed to the trap detector by using a
sorbing Clter, which has 0.1% transmittance. Filters were ;at mirror. Then re;ected beam is directed to other trap de-
mounted on the linear translating stages, which have sen- tector. The re;ectance of the Crst trap detector is obtained
sitive moving capabilities. Transmittance values of the from the ratio of signals measured by two trap detectors.
absorbing Clters may change due to temperature e5ects. Silicon photodiodes, used in this work, are described as a
Therefore absorbing neutral density Clter was placed in the thin layer SiO2 on the silicon substrate. The calculation of
temperature-controlled housing during the measurements the re;ectance of silicon photodiode was based on thick-
and the temperature of the Clter was stabilized at 25◦ C. ness of the SiO2 layer and refractive indices of both SiO2
Beam-addition method was used in order to evaluate the and silicon. If photodiodes, which are used in the trap are
linearity characteristics of silicon photodiodes [5] and the the same type, the re;ectance of the trap detectors can be
nonlinearity of a photodiode deCned as calculated from re;ectance values of silicon photodiodes by
IA + IB using Fresnel equations [7]. The coeJcients for p-polarized
NL = 1 − ; (3) and s-polarized beams are given below respectively, as
nn cos m − nm cos n
where IA and IB are the photocurrents, which was generated rmn = ; (7)
with the light beam incident on the photodiode in two arms nn cos m + nm cos n
and IA+B is the combined beam current. The results of the nm cos m − nn cos n
rmn = : (8)
two independent measurements are shown in Fig. 5(a) and nm cos m + nn cos n
(b) for the S1337 type photodiode. Linearity of the photodi- Thus the re;ectance of the trap detector is
ode is within ±1 × 10−4 in the photocurrent level of 10−9 –
10−4 for the Crst condition. In addition, when the absorbing tuzak = (0◦ ) · 2 ◦
S (45 ) · 2 ◦
P (45 ): (9)
M. Durak, M. Hasan Aslan / Optics & Laser Technology 36 (2004) 223 – 227 227

0.7 %

0.6 %

Reflectance (%)

0.5 %

0.4 %

0.3 %

0.2 %
450 550 650
Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 6. Measured (triangle) and calculated (dashed curve) re;ectances of the re;ection trap detector.

Theoretical re;ectance values are calculated according detector, which will be used in establishing absolute optical
to Eq. (9) whereby the experimental results could be power scale. We have also decided to use 1227-1010BQ type
compared. photodiodes for the Photometer Heads and 1337-1010BQ
type photodiodes as transfer standards. The agreement be-
tween measured and calculated re;ectance values is better
4. Conclusion than 1×10−4 in the wavelength region from 480 to 650 nm,
therefore acquired results verify that Fresnel formulas can
Nonlinearity of photodiodes started to increase after be applied to interpolate spectral re;ectance of trap detector
∼ 160 A photocurrent level and it is observed that the with high accuracy. Outcome of all these results are to be
change increased rapidly after 290 A photocurrent thresh- used for the detector-based realization of candela and other
old. Mean deviations of linearity within the generated pho- derived units at UME.
tocurrents are 3:21 × 10−5 and 2:36 × 10−5 , respectively.
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the absorbing Clter was stabilized. This result suggests that References
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