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Needs Analysis on the Installation of Sanitary Vending Machine

Belan, Brianna Faith M.

Benito, Kiel Andrei F.
Galo, Athena Joie M.
Luma, Euniqua Rain O.
Morong, Vincekyle A.
Nepomuceno, Faith V.
Talento, Joana Rose M.
Villadoz, Ariane Zchaina P.

Integrated Basic Education Department

Siena College of Taytay
English 10
Grade 10 – Integrity - Group 3

Mr. Aupert John R. Junio Jr., LPT, MA (C)

Research Adviser

Ms. Sharmane Joy S. Mamaril, LPT

Research Teacher

May 11, 2023




TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………….................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………...………….. 2
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………….……………………...………….... 3
ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………..…………................ 4

INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………….…….…………….. 5
Review of Related Literature ………………………………………….…...…….……… 5
Research Gap ……………………………………………………………………....…… 8
Scope and Delimitations ……………………………………………………..….……..... 8
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………… 8

METHODS………………………………………………………...…………………............... 10
Research Design……………………………………………………………...…………. 10
Locale of the Study ……………………………………………………...……………… 10
Sampling Techniques……………………………………………..…………………….. 11
Participants of the Study ………………………………………………...……………… 11
Research Instruments …………………………………………………..……….………. 12
Data Gathering Procedures ……………………………………………...……………… 12
Statistical Treatment of Data ……………………………………………………………. 12
Ethical Considerations …………………………………………………………...……... 13

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION……………………………………….………………………. 15

Conclusions …………………………………………………………..……………….... 19
Recommendations ………………………………………………………..…………….. 20

REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………………….... 21
APPENDICES………………………………………………………………………………… 22
Appendix A- Proposal Matrix ………………………………..………….…………….. 22
Appendix B- Research Tool..……………………………….….……….……………… 23

PROPONENTS…………………………………………………………….………………….. 28



Table Number Table Titles Page

1 Student’s health hygiene 15

2 Student’s sanitation 16
resource and access
Impact of sanitary
3 vending machine and 18
menstruation to students


Lack of access to sanitary products affects women's economic empowerment (Kavya
Rao, 2022). Menstrual Health Management (MHM) has a significant impact on girls' health and
academic performance. Considering this study, the researchers analyze the need for a sanitary
vending machine at Siena College of Taytay. More specifically, the study looks at the impact of
sanitary vending machines on menstrual hygiene and management of students.

The researchers used the descriptive research design to observe and measure the data
gathered from one hundred eighty-three (183) respondents in JHS from Siena College of Taytay.
By grade level, the surveys were totaled, and the total number was calculated. The outcomes are
explained using the weighted mean.

Results indicated that the majority of Junior High Schools in SCT strongly agree to most
of the statements with a mean higher than 3.26. The findings demonstrated a high number of
students agreeing that menstruation and proper hygiene have an impact on a student's academic
performance. And a sanitary vending machine is highly needed to install in Siena College of



The menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is a global issue affecting women and girls,

particularly in rural areas of developing countries, the report highlights that over 2 billion women

and girls lack access to basic menstrual hygiene facilities and services, including WASH facilities

and sanitary products (UNICEF, 2019). The Free Sanitary Pad Invention Programme in Tolon

District, Ghana, demonstrated that providing free sanitary pads and education on menstrual

hygiene can improve MHM practices among adolescent girls. However, schools in the district need

to improve their toiletry and disposal systems. In India, ongoing research focuses on manufacturing

low-cost sanitary pads and making them more affordable and accessible, including through

vending machines that accept non-cash transactions. According to literature reviews, MHM has a

significant impact on girls' health and academic performance, but it is challenging to determine

the specific impact of period poverty on economic empowerment compared to other issues

affecting women and girls in different contexts. Nonetheless, it is crucial to continue researching

and implementing solutions to improve MHM and reduce period poverty globally.

Assessing the Impact of Free Sanitary Pad Distribution on Menstrual Hygiene Management

This study aims to examine the Free Sanitary Pad Invention Programme for Girls’

Education and School Retention in Tolon District in the Northern Region of Ghana. The data entry

and analysis were done using the SPSS version 20 software package. The study concluded that

there was a frequent distribution of free sanitary pads among the beneficiaries’ schools. The study

also indicated that the education given to the respondents during the distribution of the free sanitary

pads led to improved menstrual hygiene management practices. It is recommended that schools

within the Tolon district should put in place the necessary and adequate toiletry and disposal

systems to ensure menstrual hygiene among students especially, girls, during that time of the


month. It is also recommended that the Government should make it a priority to provide every

school with some sanitary products and drugs to cater to the female student taken by surprise by

their monthly flow or the pain associated with menstruation not interfering with their academic

work (Kumbeni et al., 2020). This study investigated adolescent girls' menstrual hygiene

management in Junior high schools in rural northern Ghana. The issue of menstrual hygiene is

lacking address and requires further research. Sanitation facilities affect the hygiene management

of students through Sanitary pads that are crucial during menstruation. Without hygienic menstrual

practices, they are vulnerable to emotional and physical challenges during their periods. The results

discussed that in-school adolescent girls in Ghana menstrual hygiene is average and should

improve water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities in schools and pads in rural schools.

Improving Access to Sanitary Napkins through Vending Machines

The availability of sanitary napkins is a major factor in promoting menstrual health for

women in India. Unfortunately, there are cultural taboos and financial restraints that make it

difficult for many women to access these products, leading to the use of homemade cloth pads that

are unhygienic and uncomfortable. There are ways to make sanitary napkins more affordable,

based on the Research being done, but it is also important to ensure that they are available when

and where needed. For example, in public places such as airports, railway stations, and bus stations,

it can be difficult to find stores that sell napkins, making it necessary to have vending machines

available to provide easy access. The downside of this system is that it may take time to refill the

machines after the stock has been used up. To combat this, vending machines that accept non-cash

transactions and can alert maintenance personnel when the stock is low can be implemented to

ensure steady availability. Research is ongoing in manufacturing low-cost sanitary pads that cater


to women's hygiene and meets menstrual emergencies. People find it hard to locate napkin sales

in public places and schools. Thus a sanitary vending machine is necessary for easy access and

availability for the urgency of needs (D Vijendra Babu et al,2020). Travelers may have trouble

locating stores or shops that sell napkins in schools and colleges or in public locations like train

stations, airports, and bus stops. It is necessary to have a vending machine for accessibility and

availability at all times. The system's flaw is that it takes some time for the stocks to also be refilled

after they are consumed. This can be solved by having a vending machine that accepts non-cash

transactions and that can inform the maintenance people of the stock position.

Period Poverty and Women's Economic Empowerment

The purpose of this review was to present the most recent research on period poverty, which refers

to the lack of access to sanitary products, WASH facilities, dignity, and information about how

menstruation affects women's economic empowerment. Girls' health and academic performance

both significantly benefit from improving management hygiene management (MHM). According

to the reviewed literature, MHM has an effect on women's and girls' lives. Qualitative,

participatory, and descriptive methods provide the majority of the evidence due to a lack of tools,

information, and methods. The researchers had trouble figuring out how much economic

empowerment is affected by period poverty and how much it is different from other problems

women and girls face in the context they were studying (Tull, K, 2019). To sum up this analysis,

the researchers present some evidence to support their claim that women's economic empowerment

is impacted by period poverty. Menstrual health management (MHM) has an effect on women's

lives, according to the literature. The majority of the evidence is presented using descriptive,

participative, and qualitative techniques. Yet it might be challenging to assess the effect of period


poverty from qualitative studies. The impact of period poverty in comparison to other issues

affecting women and girls in the contexts under study, as well as its influence on any of these

outcomes or economic empowerment, could still be determined by the researchers.

Research Gap

Despite the reviewed literature shedding light on the impact of period poverty on women's

economic empowerment, there is a notable research gap regarding the specific magnitude of this

influence compared to other challenges faced by women and girls in different contexts. While

qualitative, participatory, and descriptive methods have provided valuable insights into the issue,

there is a need for more quantitative studies employing rigorous research designs to establish

causal relationships and quantify the economic implications of period.

Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of this study was to identify the needs and preferences of the users, and

to assess whether the installation of sanitary vending machine with the provision of accessible and

affordable hygiene products would positively influence and impact the users' menstrual needs and

health effectively. Only the data gathered from the respondents were used. Any data gathered

beyond the scope or timeframe were not considered.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to examine the needs analysis of sanitary vending machines in Siena

College of Taytay. Specifically, this study intended to provide answers and solutions to the

following questions:

1. How does the sanitary vending machine benefit the health of students in terms of:

1.1 Menstrual Hygiene; and



1.2 Hygiene Management?

2. How the Sanitary Vending Machine accommodates the needs of students in terms of:

2.1 Availability; and

2.2 Affordability?

3. What is the significant impact of sanitary vending machines on the stigma surrounding

menstruation of students in terms of:

3.1 Education of Students; and

3.2 Health of Students?



Research Design

In this study, the researchers used quantitative descriptive research to determine how

crucial sanitary vending machines are at Siena College of Taytay. Also, to identify how

menstruation affects the students. Quantitative descriptive research is a non-experimental type of

research, variables are measured using numerical terms although the researcher does not

manipulate the variables under interrogation. Quantitative descriptive uses two

methodologies/designs, namely; observational research and survey research methodologies

(AccountingNest). Contrary to experimental research, the researchers do not control or manipulate

any variables but only observe and measure the variable's type (Shona McCombes, 2019).

Researchers used descriptive research design to explore the effect of installing sanitary vending

machines inside the school.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at Siena College of Taytay located at E. Rodriguez Ave. Taytay,

Rizal during the School Year of 2022-2023. The study was conducted at school to allow the

researchers to be familiar with the environment and the people involved in the study. This can

make the research process smoother and more efficient. And to address and analyze the needs of

the students and personnel in the school. Additionally, SCT is the only location that was advised

to conduct this study.



Sampling Technique

In this study, the controlled quota sampling technique is employed. It is a non-probability

sampling that chooses individuals in line with quotas, or classifications, that reflect specific

qualities of the chosen audience (Vijayamohan, 2023). The researchers selected respondents are

male and female JHS students in Siena College of Taytay. The total population of JHS is 992

including male and female students. The sample size was limited to 240 with a quota of 60 students

divided into segments of grade level; Sixty (60) students in Grade 7, sixty (60) students in Grade

8, sixty (60) students in Grade 9, And sixty (60) Students in Grade 10. Specifically, 10 students

were selected throughout the 6 sections per grade level. the class number of boys 1 to 5 and Girls

1 to 5 was chosen per section. The target respondents are 240 yet the researchers were only able

to survey 183 JHS students. The researchers chose this technique as it is recommended for swift

sampling and to observe participants based on their grade level and how they managed their

hygiene, with a focus on women's menstrual hygiene management. Sixty (60) students in each

grade level from seventh to tenth grade are selected with developing and peak puberty.

Participants of the Study

The respondents of this study are the Junior High School students in Siena College of

Taytay, specifically the first five (5) in the list of boys and girls in each class since they’re the ones

who are very familiar with a sanitary vending machine, with a total of two hundred forty (240)

target respondents. But due to the difference in the schedule of the respondents and researchers.

Other sections were not able to respond, while others were absent on the day the survey

questionnaire was handed out. The reason why the total number of students who were able to

respond dropped to one hundred eighty-three (183).



Research Instrument

The questionnaire titled “Needs Analysis on the Installation of the Sanitary Vending

Machine” was used to collect data for this study. Many questions were asked to identify whether

the respondents agree or disagree that the installation of sanitary vending machines will help ease

the menstrual problems of women in school. The respondent's answers would be measured using

a 4-point Likert scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. This will help the researchers to

identify whether Sanitary Vending Machine is needed in school or not.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers considered proposing a study on the installation of sanitary vending

machines in school after reviewing studies on the issues inside the school. Researchers first

gathered data through a study of reviewed literature. Before creating research tools and

instruments, researchers must investigate theoretical frameworks. Create a research question and

an introduction after that. In order to gather data, researchers create questionnaires and distribute

them to respondents. While the researchers are waiting for responses, the researchers got to work

on the project's other components, namely the sampling technique, research design, and locale of

the study. The researchers started calculating the mean when they had finished collecting the

questionnaires. includes a list of the results, sorted out by grade level, together with the total

number of respondents. The manuscript was finalized by the researchers, who then printed it.

Finally, the defense was launched.

Statistical Treatment & Data Analysis

The researchers selected mean to gather data because the study is currently looking at the

relationship between two variables.



Weighted Mean – The statistical tool was used to compute the weight of the responses in

the questionnaire assigned by the respondents during the actual data gathering procedure.


WM = Weighted Mean

∑ = Summation Symbol

F = Frequency for each option

W = Assigned weight

N = Total number of Frequencies

Ethical Considerations

The protection of human subjects through the application is important.

This study considered the following ethics:

1. Honesty and Integrity. All the data gathered and used will not extrapolate to mislead

anyone that will utilize this study for future reference.

2. Objectivity. This study avoids bias in any aspect, such as design, data analysis,

interpretation, and peer review. The researchers disclose any personal or financial interest

that may affect the study.

3. Respect for Intellectual Property. This study did not plagiarize. Proper citation of all

literature and studies was observed by the researchers.

4. Legality. This study did not violate any law that governs the researcher's work.


5. Confidentiality and Human Subjects Protection. The respondents of the study were

given the utmost privacy of their personal information. This study did not violate but rather

respect the respondent's rights including the right to privacy and autonomy. Parents’

consent was asked through a letter informing them that their child was chosen to be a part

of the study.



Verbal Interpretation

Scale Mean Range Verbal Interpretation(VI)

4 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51 - 3.25 Agree

2 1.76 - 2.50 Disagree

1 1.00 - 1.75 Strongly Disagree

Table 1

Students Health Hygiene

Students Health Hygiene Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Mean Verbal

Agree Interpretation

The Sanitary Vending Machine 118 60 4 1 3.61 Strongly Agree

can improve female student’s
menstrual hygiene.

I believe that allowing Sanitary 116 64 2 1 3.61 Strongly Agree

Vending Machine to be installed
can improve menstrual
management of Students.

The Evaluation of the free 119 56 6 2 3.60 Strongly Agree

Sanitary pad intervention have the
potential to improve every female
student’s menstrual hygiene.


Letting young students use a 110 65 7 1 3.55 Strongly Agree

Sanitary Vending Machine will
promote health habits.

I believe that allowing the 118 58 6 1 3.60 Strongly Agree

Installation of a Sanitary Vending
Machine will help students better
manage their menstrual periods.

Weighted Mean 3.59 Strongly Agree

Table 1 depicts the effect of Sanitary Vending Machine's on student's Health. The tallied

answers of the respondents about Health Hygiene. The table determines Junior High school

Students views on Sanitary Vending Machine as a reliable facility which shows most respondents

strongly agree to the questions and statements shown.

A majority of Junior High School Students Strongly Agree to every statement with

respect to Student’s Health Hygiene. It can be gleaned that the installation of Sanitary Vending

Machine is necessary as adequate toiletry and disposal systems to ensure menstrual hygiene among

students (Kumbeni, Otupiri,Ziba 2020). Equipping the girls with knowledge to safely manage their

menstrual hygiene through the use of safe hygiene materials. This demonstrates the relationship of

Sanitation facility affecting the student’s hygiene management.

Table 2.

Students Sanitation and Resource And Access


Students Sanitation And Strongly Agree(3) Disagree(2) Strongly Mean Verbal

Resource And Access Agree(4) Disagree(1) Interpretation
The sanitary
products are always available in 65 104 12 2 3.27 Strongly
Sanitary Vending Machines. Agree


The prices
of sanitary items in Vending 55 104 23 1 3.16 Agree
Machines are reasonable and

The sanitary
vending machines are
convenient 126 56 0 1 3.68 Strongly
for women in public places Agree
especially in school.

vending machines should be
installed in school places to 124 56 3 0 3.66 Strongly
improve accessibility to sanitary Agree

I believe that the availability

of sanitary vending machines 99 79 4 1 3.51 Strongly
affects menstruation. Agree
Weighted Mean 3.38 Strongly
Table 2 shows the result answers of the respondents according to students' sanitation and

resource and access. Using the average of the weighted mean calculated through Likert scale

computation, the results show that every statement has a strongly agree interpretation. The data

shown in Table 2, shows that most of the respondents strongly agreed with every statement in

Students Sanitation Resource and Access. The results of Table 2, show that the majority of the

respondents strongly agree with every statement, and the result shows that installing sanitary

vending machines could be a reliable source of quality and affordable sanitary products. The

majority of respondents strongly agree with every statement with a mean higher than 3.15 and a

weighted mean of 3.38 regarding the Students' Sanitation Resources and access. As concluded, the

installation of the sanitary vending machine could relieve the worry of students about where they

can get sanitary products if needed.



Table 3

Impact of Sanitary Vending Machine and Menstruation to Students

Impact of Sanitary Vending Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Mean Verbal

Machines and Menstruation Agree Disagree Interpretation
on Students (4) (3) (2) (1)

Menstruation affects my 78 85 16 4 3.30 Strongly Agree

academic performance as a
student in school

I believe that the Installation 102 70 10 1 3.49 Strongly Agree

of Sanitary Vending Machine
help to manage the menstrual
health of students

I believe that the student’s 88 73 19 3 3.34 Strongly Agree

hygiene practice affects their
performance in school

I believe that the lack of 77 82 20 4 3.27 Strongly Agree

access to sanitary products
affects women's

I believe that managing 103 71 7 2 3.50 Strongly Agree

menstrual health impacts
every female student

Weighted Mean 3.38 Strongly Agree

The respondents' totaled responses to the statements of how menstruation and sanitary

vending machines affect students are shown in Table 3. The results of the table, which shows that

the majority of respondents strongly agree with the assertions presented, and shows Junior High

School students' perspectives on the influence of menstruation among them and how installing

sanitary vending machines as a reliable source for sanitary materials impacts them. A majority of


Junior High School Students Strongly Agree to every statement with a mean higher than 3.26 and

a weighted mean of 3.38 regarding the Impact of Sanitary Vending Machine and Menstruation to

Students. It can be gleaned that the Installation of Sanitary Vending Machine as an essential

provision and disposal systems, ensures menstrual hygiene and improves school performance

among students, As Menstruation among female students impacts their performance in School.


In conclusion, the survey results indicate a strong consensus among students regarding the

positive impact of sanitary vending machines on menstrual hygiene and management. The majority

of students believe that these machines can improve female students' menstrual hygiene. They also

perceive the availability of sanitary items in vending machines as convenient, affordable, and

crucial in reducing the stigma surrounding menstruation. Additionally, students acknowledge the

influence of menstrual health on academic performance and recognize the importance of access to

sanitary products for women's empowerment. Efforts to address menstrual hygiene needs in

schools, such as the installation of sanitary vending machines, have shown potential benefits in

improving access to menstrual products. These initiatives aim to provide convenient and affordable

access to sanitary items and promote and create a supportive environment for students.

Furthermore, the presence of these machines helps reduce the stigma associated with menstruation,

allowing students to focus on their education without feeling ashamed or embarrassed. It is

essential to conduct a needs analysis before installing sanitary vending machines to design

effective solutions that cater to the specific requirements and preferences of the target population.

By addressing factors such as availability, affordability, and stigma, the installation of sanitary

vending machines can significantly contribute to promoting menstrual health and empowering


students (Kumbeni et al., 2020; Vijendra Babu et al., 2020). Overall, the findings support the need

for the installation of sanitary vending machines to ensure the well-being of female students. The

installation of sanitary vending machines has proven to be an effective solution for improving

menstrual hygiene and hygiene management among students, as highlighted in studies (Kumbeni

et al., 2020; Vijendra Babu et al., 2020).


To the future researchers, researchers should conduct comparative studies to assess the

impact of interventions such as free sanitary pad distribution programs, menstrual hygiene

education, improvement of sanitation facilities, and implementation of sanitary vending machines.

They should also consider cultural factors that influence menstrual hygiene practices to design

interventions that address the specific challenges women and girls face in different regions.

Longitudinal studies can help to understand the long-term effects of interventions on school

retention, academic performance, and overall well-being of women and girls. Involving

stakeholders, including facility managers, policymakers, healthcare professionals, and users, is

crucial to designing interventions that meet the specific needs and preferences of the target

population. Incorporating technology and exploring innovative solutions such as mobile

applications for menstrual hygiene education, online platforms for product distribution, and

sustainable manufacturing techniques for sanitary pads can also enhance the effectiveness and

sustainability of interventions. Finally, researchers should address the implications of the COVID-

19 pandemic on menstrual hygiene management and the use of sanitary vending machines to

mitigate its impact.




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Appendix A- Proposal Matrix



Appendix B- Research Tool


Statements: Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (3) (2) Disagree
(4) (1)
1. The Sanitary Vending Machine can improve
female student’s menstrual hygiene.
2. I believe that allowing Sanitary Vending
Machine to be installed can improve menstrual
management of students.
3. The evaluation of the free sanitary pad
intervention have the potential to improve every
female student’s menstrual hygiene.
4. Letting young students use a Sanitary Vending
Machine will promote health habits.
5. I believe that allowing the Installation of a
Sanitary Vending Machine will help students
better manage their menstrual period.


Statements: Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (3) (2) Disagree
(4) (1)
1. The sanitary products are always available in
sanitary vending machine.
2. The prices of sanitary products in vending
machines are reasonable and affordable.
3. The sanitary vending machines are convenient
for women in public places especially in school.
4. Sanitary vending machines should be installed
in school places to improve accessibility to
sanitary items.
5. I believe that the availability of sanitary
vending machines affects menstruation.


Statements: Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (3) (2) Disagree


(4) (1)
1. Menstruation affects my academic
performance as a student’s in school.
2. I believe that the Installation of Sanitary
Vending Machines can help to manage the
menstrual health of students.
3. I believe that the student’s hygiene practice
affects their performance in school.
4. I believe that the lack of access to sanitary
products affect women's empowerment.
5. I believe that managing menstrual health
impacts every woman student.






Name of Member 1: Brianna Faith M. Belan

Address: #21 Magilas St. Barangay Dolores, Taytay Rizal
Email and Contact Number:, 09393574359
Main Task: Introduction, Conclusion, Recommendation

Name of Member 2: Kiel Andrei F. Benito

Address: 285 San Isidro St. Muzon Taytay Rizal
Email and Contact Number:, 09991081245
Main Task: Research Instrument, Data gathering procedure, Results

Name of Member 3: Athena Joie M. Galo

Address: 226 Aida Street Marick Subdivision Cainta, Rizal
Email and Contact Number:, 09174770530
Main Task: Research Gap, Results

Name of Member 4: Euniqua Rain O. Luma

Address: Lot 11 Champaca Street Gregoria Heights San Isidro Taytay, Rizal
Email and Contact Number:, 09686825019
Main Task: Locale of the study, Results

Name of Member 5: Vince Kyle A. Morong

Address: #22 Narra Street, Saint Anthony Subdivision San Isidro, Taytay, Rizal
Email and Contact Number:, 09065571829
Main Task: Sampling Technique, Results


Name of Member 6: Faith V. Nepomuceno

Address: Villanueva Ext. St. Brgy. San Juan Taytay, Rizal
Email and Contact Number:,
Main Task: Abstract, Research design, Participants of the Study, Data gathering
procedure, Results

Name of Member 7: Joana Rose M. Talento

Address: Blk.36 San Juan Floodway A Taytay Rizal
Email and Contact Number:, 09451274680
Main Task: Research design, Results

Name of Member 8: Ariane Zchaina P. Villadoz

Address: Lot 2 Blk 12 Namajai St. Muzon Taytay Rizal
Email and Contact Number:, 09068056618
Main Task: Scope and Delimitation, Results

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