Exemple de Cercle Lingüístic

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Language Circle

Person 1


son 2

s r

4 on
n 3
so r

Kurdish Mix English

This is a tool to explore language practices, code-switching, family power

Introduction practices in multilingual homes. It dynamics, conflicts and tensions related
allows us to step back and observe to languages. Revealing the prevalence
everyday practices we may not have of translanguaging and code switching
thought about before, maybe noticing practices in multilingual families can help
new things we had not been conscious students feel more comfortable about
of. The language circle can uncover their language use in the home.
complex interactions, translanguaging
Language circle
showing one
student’s home
language practices

Preparation You will need A4 paper and different coloured felt pens.

1. Tell students draw a circle to fill an A4 sheet.

2. Then they write the names of all the people who live in their home, either
permanently or temporarily. Add frequent visitors, for example friends, neighbours
and other family members. Include Skype calls to friends and family members in
different places.
3. They then draw lines between people to show languages spoken using a different
coloured pen for each language and a separate colour to show language mixing.
4. They should use arrows to indicate who is speaking to whom because often
one person will speak one language and the other person will reply in a different
5. Include a colour key to show the different languages represented (see picture

[You might want to demonstrate to students on the board, using your own household]
When students have finished, they find a partner, show
their circles and tell each other about the languages in their

Helpful These words will help students talk about their language circle.

o c c a s i o n a l l y
hardly ever
don’t /
when doesn’t
Language circle – follow on activity

Copy your language circle here

Write a paragraph to describe the languages Now write the same thing
you speak at home. Use your “first” language in English.
(ie. not English) if you can.

j How was it to translate your writing?

Discuss with j Did it make writing in English easier?
a partner:
j Were any words or phrases difficult to translate?
j Do you prefer/find it easier to write in English or your “first” language?

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