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No Soal :1



Last January, a study in Nature Cimate snowed tnat the worid's glaciers are the
smallest they have h human history, revealing radiocarbon radiation material that
has not been exposed for 40.000 1veare ocearch Dublished in Nature quantihes
how much the worids Iost glaciers have contributed to risina sea levels

From 1961, when reliable record keeping began, to 2016, the ocean crawled up 27
millimeters as rocult of ice sloughing off the world's non-polar glaciers. Scientists
had known that melting glaciers contrihusto lovel rise. but the new study takes a
comprehensive look at how much and how quickly they're meltina. Thev found
mountain glaciers contribute roughly a third of measured sea-level rise-the same
contribution to sea-level rise as the Greenland ice sheet and more than the
contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet. Their research also highlighted that many of
the world's glaciers may disappear in the next century. In total, NASA estimätes
that sea levels Trise by three millimeters each year. As oceans warm further,
scientists estimate thermal expansion will force sea levels up even more.

The study looked at 19 geologically distinct regions that had been previously
segmented by the Randolph Glacier Inventory. For each of these regions, they
relied on field data from the World Glacier Monitoring Service. In any of these
regions, field measurements are generally only available for one or two glaciers.
To get a more detailed analysis, the researchers used data collected from airborne
and satellite surveys to calculate changes in a glacier's volume. Not only did they
find that sea levels have risen as much as 27 milimeters in the past 50 years, they
also calculated change in glacial mass from 2006 to 2016, finding that sea level
roughly increased one millimeter each year. Their data showed that in the 1960s
and 1970s, glaciers had predictable seasonal changes, losing mass in the summer
and regaining it in the winter. In the 1980s, data showed more was lost than
regained, and by the 1990s, all the glaciers they measured showed they were losing
more volume than they could replace.

To see how much that contributed to rising sea levels, the researchers then divided
the total mass lost from glaciers by the surface of the ocean. Coastal towns are
already beginning to feel the impacts of sea-level rise. In the Outer Banks in North
Carolina, neighborhoods that once looked over the ocean have begun to fall into it.
Major cities like Miami are developing adaption plans for when, not if, seas rise.

Melting glaciers will also impact the inland communities that rely on them. The
Peruvian Andes are home to some of the world's most heavily relied upon glaciers.
Since the Inca, Peru's glaciers have been a crucial source of freshwater for human
consumption and agriculture. A study published last October in the journal
Scientiic Reports estimated that the Quelccaya Ice Cap, a region that spans more
than 9,000 football fields, could reach a tipping point if emissions aren't reduced in
the next 30 years.
Adapted from
11 February 2019)

Which of the following best describe the organization of the text?


Spatial order


Chronological order


Cause and effect order


Definition and example


General to specific order





Dalam mengawali idenya penulis memulai dengan memaparkan bahwa

menghilangnya glasiers menjadi penyebab naiknya permukaan air laut.
Perhatikan:.... howmuch the world's lost glaciers has contributed to rising sea

Key words: Lost of glaciers: cause; the rise of sea levels: effect


No Soal :2



with the increasing concern about use and misuse of pesticides in commercial
agriculture and home gardens, more and more inquiries for organically grown
commodities are received every year. Non-chemical control practices for plant
diseases have been known and recommended for years. The backbone of any
integrated pest control program must always include cultural and sanitation
practices, 5 two important components of non-chemical disease control.
Unfortunately, disease problems may begin as soon as seeds are planted and can
continue into harvest and storage.

Plant diseases may be caused by several different living pathogenic organisms such
as fungi, bacteria, viruses, cytoplasms, and nematodes. In addition to these
parasitic organisms, non-living factors such as deficiencies or excesses of water,
light, temperatures, air pollution, pesticides, and nutrients can either predispose a
plant to disease or directly cause plant injury. Fortunately, many disease problems
can be prevented or controlled without the use of pesticides.

Effective plant disease control must begin at the onset of disease or even before
symptoms, appear. Several non-chemical practices that can reduce plant loss are as
follows. First is resistance. Effective plant disease control through resistance (or a
plant's tolerance or immunity to a disease) is based on the knowledge of diseases
known to occur in an area. Selection of resistant plants may eliminate many
disease problems.

Exclusion, another non-chemical practice, is preventing the entrance and

establishment of disease causing organisms (pathogens) into areas where plants are
grown. This means avoid bringing diseases into and/or moving them around in the
garden. Use certified, disease-free seeds or transplants. Examine 20 the leaves and
root systems of trans-plants and eliminate or destroy diseased plants. Either raise
your own transplants in sterilized beds or buy them from a reputable dealer. Also,
avoid transporting soil or tools from known disease areas to disease-free areas.

Last but not least is eradication. Eradication is the elimination of the disease-
causing organism after it has become established on a plant. Eradication can be
accomplished by sanitation, crop rotation, fallowing, and soil sanitation treatments.
(Adapted from: non-cemical-methods-for-controlling-diseases-in-the-home-landscape

The author's attitude towards the topic in the passage is...















The King Nalar

Keyword: The authors atitude towards the topic in the passage is.. (Sikap penulis
terhadap topik dalam bacaan adalah...).

Pada bacaan tersebut, penulis menempatkan dirinya dalam sudut pandang orang
ketiga yang menuliskan secara objektif fakta-faktanya tanpa menunjukkan
keberpihakan. Sehingga dari situ ita tahu bahwa sikap penulis terhadap toping
adalah Objective.


No Soal :3



A prolific painter, draftsman, and etcher, Rembrandt is usually regarded as the

greatest artist of Hollands "Golden Age'. He worked first in his native Leiden and,
from 1632 onward, in Amsterdam, where he had studied briefly with the influential
history painter Pieter Lastman. Rembrandt never went abroad, but he carefully
examined the work of Northern artists who had lived in ltaly. In the Leiden period,
Rembrandt also 5 responded strongly to earlier Netherlandish artists, such as Lucas
van Leyden. However, a crucial aspect of Rembrandt's development was his
intense study of people, objects, and their surroundings, "from life"as it is obvious
in paintings like his early self-portraits and the Saint Paul in Prison (1627). Even
by Dutch standards, Rembrandts pre-occupation with direct observation was
exceptional and continued throughout his career. Despite the constant evolution of
his style, Rembrandt's compelling descriptions of light, space, atmosphere
modeling, texture, and human situations may be traced back even from his late
works, such as The Jewish Bride, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, to the foundations of
his Leiden years. It was also this program, in good part that made Rembrandt a
great teacher.

In Amsterdam, Rembrandt became a prominent portraitist, attracting attention with

dramatic compositions like The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp. In securing
commissions, the artist was assisted by the Mennonite art dealer Hendrick
Uylenburgh. The Mennonites advocated personal inter-pretation of scripture,
which probably influ-enced Rembrandt's subjective and often moving treatment of
biblical subjects. The artist became highly successful in the 1630s, when he had
several pupils and assistants, started his own art collection, and lived the life of a
cultivated gentleman, especially in the impressive residence he purchased in 1639.
Now it is known as the "Rembrandt House" museum. Rembrandt exudes
confidence and urbanity in his 20 Self-portrait (1640). It was modeled upon courtly
portraits by Raphael and Titian. These artists probably also inspired his
Amsterdam signature, "Rembrandt"

The tone of the author is best described as...














Jika dilihat dari jenisnya, teks di atas merupakan teks deskriptif, dimana penulis
menjelaskan mengenai Rembrandt. Dalam gaya penulisannya, penulis
mendeskripsikan Rembrandt dengan bahasa yang netral, tanpa kata sifat yang
berlebihan. Selain itu, penulis menyajikan informasi mengenai Rembrandt
berdasarkan fakta. Hal ini bisa kita lihat dari banyaknya penggunaan tahun dan apa
yang terjadi pada tahun itu. Dari informasi yang kita peroleh, maka dapat
disimpulkan bahwa tone penulis adalah (E) objective



No Soal :4



As we sail through the 21st century, technology in the classroom is becoming more
and more predominant. Tablets are replacing out textbooks and we can research
just about anything that we want on our smartphones. Social media has become
commonplace, and the way we use technology has completely transformed the way
we life.

Educators, too, have seen firsthand the benefits of technology in the classroom.
According to a study by IT Trade Association CompTIA just released this month,
around 75 percent of educators think that technology has a positive impact on the
education process. Educators also recognize the importance of developing these
technology skills in students so they will be prepared to enter the workforce once
they complete their schooling.

The impact that technology has had on today's schools has been quite significant.
This widespread adoption of technology has completely changed how teachers
teach and students learn. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging
technologies (tablets, iPads. Smart Boards digital cameras, and computers), while
students are using advanced technology to shape how they learn. By embracing
and integrating technology in the classroom, we are setting our students up for a
successful life outside of school.

A few benefits of using technology are obvious. lechnology in the classroom

makes learningmore fun. Technology not only prepares students for the future, but
also improves retention rates. Besides. technology helps studernts learn at their
own pace, and technology connects learning resources with students.

As technology changes very fast, educators neea to Keep up with the times in order
to best prepare students for this ever-changing world that we ive in. while we just
saw how integrating technoloay into the classroom has its beneñts, it is important
to note that traditional learning processes are iust as essential Take time ti learn
about each element of ed-tecn that you will incorporate into your classroom.
(Adapted from:

The outhor holds the assumption that........


Any forms of content designed to facilitate creative children to learn will challenge


Interactive media are any kind of media that include hardware and artifacts of

The integration of technology and interactive media in childhood programs leads to

improved program quality


Applying principles of development and learning of children is secondary in the

use of the interactive media


Technology and media can be used to facilitate learning and establish better
relationships with other children and adults





Soal ini menanyakan asumsi/opini dari penulis. Perhatikan paragraf 2: Interactive

media refers to digital and analog materials, including software programs,
applications (apps), some children's television programming, e-books, the Internet,
and other forms of conternt designed to facilitate active and creative use by
young children and to encourage social engagement with other children and
adults. Artinya: Media interaktif merujuk pada bahan-bahan digital dan analog,
termasuk program perangkat lunak, aplikasi, program TV untuk anak-anak, e-
book, internet dan bentuk lain dari bahan yang didesain untuk memfasilitasi
pengqunaan secara aktif dan kreatif oleh anak-anak dan untuk mendorong
hubungan sosial dengan anak-anak lain dan orang dewasa. Sehingga jawaban yang
paling tepat adalah Technology and media can be used to facilitate learning and
establish better relationships with other children and adults.



No Soal :5


The word gambut (peat) is taken from the name of a village, Desa Gambut (now
Gambut sub-district, which is located about 10 km east of Banjarmasin, South
Kalimantan. It is at this place that for the first time, rice has been successfully
cultivated in peat soiled rice fields. In the soil taxonomy system, peat soils are
grouped into a separate soil order called histosis, which means that the land is
predominantly composed of organic soil materials in the form of the remains of
plant tissues. The nature and characteristics of peat soils can be determined based
on their physical and chemical properties.

Gambut has dark brown to blackish colors. Although its basic materials are gray,
brown, or reddish, after decomposition, the dark humic compounds will appear.
Furthermore, based on the weight of the contents, peat soil or gambut, which has
undergone further decomposition, has a content weight ranging from 0.2 to 0.3 g/
cm3. Due to the low content weight, peat has a large capacity as water storage,
about 2-4 times its dry weight. In fact, moss peat that has not been decomposed can
store up to 12 or 15 even 20 times more water than its own weight. In addition,
peat soil has a large absorption area, which is up to 4 times greater than
montmorillonite clay

Next, peat soil has acidic reaction properties. Decomposition of organic matters
will produce organic acids that accumulate in the body of the soil hence increasing
the acidity of the peat soil. Generally, peat soil shows real resistance to changes in
pH when compared to mineral soils. As a resut, peat soil requires more limestone
to increase the pH at the same level of the value of mineral soil. Thus, peat soil
requires a higher dose of fertilizers than mineral soil.

Furthermore, based on the nutrients contained in it, peat soil is a type of nutrient-
poor soil. High level of N and organic matters in peat soils are also accompanied
by a high N nitrincation process so that the activity of heterotrophic organisms is
not well stimulated and the organisms activein the nitrihcation process can carry
out their activities. Therefore, the levels of P (phosphorus) and K (potassium OT
peat soils are generally lower than that of the mineral soils. Also, the plants
cultivated on the peat s01 die veiyesponsive to the fertilization using P and K.
(adapted from

What most likely motivates the weiter to weite the passage?


Growing plants on peat soil is considered ineffective to provide maximum yields

People think peat soil can only be found on the banks of rivers or seas


People's knowledge about planting crops on peat soil is still limited


The society needs information about peat soil as agricultural lands


Not many people know the acidity of peat soil in nature.





Ingat! Ingat!

Cara menjawab soal tipe ini adalah dengan memahami keseluruhan bacaan dengan
cara menemukan main idea dari tiap paragraf.

Bacaan ini membahas tentang pengenalan lahan gambut (paragraf 1), sifat fisik dan
kimiawinya paragraf 2,3), dan pupuk yang cocok (paragraf 3). Jadi kita bisa
menyimpulkan bahwa yang memotivasi penulis adalah The society needs
information about peat soil as agricultural lands (Masyarakat membutuhkan
informasi mengenai lahan gambut sebagai lahan pertanian



No Soal :6



Scientists expect that the ocean will eventually absorb about 85% of anthropogenic
CO, but because the ocean takes 1000 years to mix, this process will take many
hundreds to thousands of years. An increasing sink is expected through 2100. It is
because the increasing CO, in the atmosphere will drive more carbon into the
ocean by the solubility mechanism. However, because of the chemistry of carbon
in seawater, the ability of the ocean to absorb carbon decreases as the concentration
increases. Anthropogenic forcings may slow down the large-scale overturning
circulation of the ocean. As a result, they will reduce the efficiency of the Ocean
sink. Predictive models suggest significant regional changes in biological removal
of carbon to the deep ocean, but a small net effect on globally-integrated ocean
carbon uptake.

Uncertainties in the ocean carbon uptake include the degree to ocean circulation.
The ocean circulation will change with climate change and how this will modify
carbon uptake. Model prediction suggest small future changes to the "biological
pump"of carbon to the deep ocean. These models, however, do not account for
potentially-important ecosystem shifts or for changes in carbon cycling in the near-
surface ocean. Carbon cycling in coastal systems is poorly quantifed. The carbon
cycling includes estuaries and marshes, and the continental shelves. These are
areas of active research.

There are aditional consequences to the ocean's uptake of carbon. CO, dissolves in
seawater and forms carbonic acid. It eventually makes the ocean more acidic. From
preindustrial times to present the pHof the ocean has declined 0,1 pH units, from
8.21 to 8.10, and it is likely to decline by another 0,-0,4 pH units by the 2100,
assuming atmospheric CO, is about 800 ppmv by that time. Acidification will
damage coral reefs. It likely places significant stress on species important to ocean
food chain, as well, particularly in the Southern 20 Ocean. Scientists are working
hard to better-understand the impacts on organisms and the integrated effects on
ocean ecosystems.

In presenting the ideas, the author starts by....


Explaining the ocean absorbs carbon


Stating the problem of carbon


Theorizing the process of carbon absorption by the ocean


Supporting the scientists'expectation on carbon absorption


Exposing conditions for the carbon absorption to take place





Dalam menampilkan ide-idenya, penulis meng- awali tulisan dengan menjelaskan

boahwa lautan dapat menyerap karbon dioksida. Pernyataan tersebut dapat kita
lihat pada kalimat pertama, yaitu Scientists that the ocean will eventually absorb
about 85% of anthropogenic CO, but because the Ocean takes 1000 years to mix,
this process will take many hundreds to thousands of years. Sehingga jawaban
yang tepat adalah Explaining the ocean absorbs carbon.



No Soal :7



Most people would agree with the definition of good health as being a state where
you are free from sickness. Despite this, there are many different opinions about
howa person can actually have good health. People used to only think of their
health when they were sick. But these days more and more people are taking
measures to make sure that they do not get sick in the first place. In this article I
will describe a fewof the most common things that you can do to stay healthy.

One of the best things you can do for your body is exercise. But how much is
enough? Not everyone agrees on exactly how much people should exercise each
day. Some people think that doing simple things like cleaning the house are
helpful. Other people do heavy exercise everyday such as running or swimming.
One thing experts do agree on is that any kind of exercise is good for you.

Along with exercise, having a healthy diet can help promote good health. Foods
like vegetables and fruits should be eaten several times each day. It is also
important to eat foods high in fiber such as beans, grains, fruit and vegetables.
Fiber helps your body to digest the food you eat. It also helps your body in other
ways such as decreasing the chance of getting some cancers, heart disease and
diabetes. Avoiding foods with a lot of sugar, salt and fat is a good idea.

In today's modem world, we all have some level of stress in our lives. Different
things cause stress for different people. Money problems, work and relationships
with other people can all cause stress. Instead of trying to remove stress, people
need to be aware of what causes them and find ways to reduce the impact that
stress has on their lives.

There are several ways to fight against stress in your life. Exercise and sports are a
great way to reduce stress.Other activities like Tal Chi, yoga or taking a walk also
help reduce stress. Changing the way you think can also reduce stress.Try living
for now, and do not worry about the future..
(Adapted from: http:/

The author's attitude regarding good health in the passage is .............














Pada kalimat pertama dan kedua paragraf pertama, penulis memberikan definisi
mengenai seperti apa "good helath! Kemudian penulis menjelaskan bagaimana
orang mulai menjaga kesehatan. Di kalimat trakhir paragraf pertama, penulis
mengatakan bahwa ia akan menunjukkan cara untuk tetap sehat yang kemdian
disebutkan pada paragraf-paragraf selanjutnya. Dengann demikian, sikap penulis
berkaitan dengan good health" adalah (C) objective.



No Soal :8



With a growing number of consumers demanding more Earth-friendly practices

from the fashion world, scientists are developing new ways to produce textiles that
could help meet rising expectations. They report in the ACS journal lIndustrial &
Engineering Chemistry Research one such method that can dramatically reduce the
amount of energy it takes to bleach cotton while improving the quality of the
popular material.

These scientists point out that the cotton industry's current whitening techniques
require bleaching the natural fiber at very high tempera-tures with hydrogen
peroxide. Although this method results in the bright white material con-sumers
have grown so fond of, it also lowers the quality of the material and takes a lot of
energy to carry out. Multiply that by the 7.3 billion pounds of cotton produced in
the US. alone, and the energy needs soar. To cut down on the energy the textile
industry uses to make cotton, they targeted their efforts toward lowering the
bleaching technique's high temperatures.

This group of scientists developed a novel compound that, when used with
hydrogen per-oxide, drops the bleaching temperature down to 140 degrees
Fahrenheit from 200 degrees. It is estimated that 60 degree difference would result
in a process requiring less than half the energy as the commercial technique. It also
produced less waste water, improved the weight of the ma-terial and performed its
original function 15 whitening the cotton. Since many materials des-tined to
become clothing eventually take on vari-ous hues. the scientists also tested dyes
and found the cotton bleached at the lower tempera-ture could be made iust ds
viDrant as its high-heat counterpart. They successfully showed the treatment's
effectiveness on knitted cotton fabric in commercial scale trials.

The tone of this passage could be best described as...















Teks tersebut diawali dengan penjelasan mengenai cara produksi tekstil baru untuk
memenuhi permintaan konsunmen agar dunia fashion lebih ramah lingkungan.
Kemudian pada paragraf- paragraf selanjutnya, dijelaskan mengenai metode
produksi yang sudah ada, metode baru dan keuntungan metode baru bagi
lingkungan. Maka, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa tone bacaan tersebut adalah
(B) informative.


emational : emosional

informative : informatif

disinterested : tidak tertarik

concemed : dibesar-besarkan

critical : prihatin



No Soal :9



explanation shows that life condition is becoming more and more uncondusive for
good-quality life. Therefore, today more people than ever are looking for ways to
improve their health, increase energy, reduce stress, restore or enhance
functionality, relieve aches and pains, balance emotions, and sharpen mental focus.
Because of the demands of modern life, most people want those ways to be
relatively simple and not time consuming. If you still have not found something to
fit your needs, you may want to consider Chinese healing exercises.

Chinese healing exercises make up a branch of Chinese medicine. It is almost

never taught as a separate system of healing. Rather, it is used in many practices
you probably recognize. Some are part of the oldest of Chinese medical practices,
including acupressure and tuina, a type of Chinese massage therapy. Others have
their origins in ancient self-healing or spiritual practices, such as Chinese forms of
yoga and meditation. They are routinely taught together with more detailed and
complex practices, such as taiji (t'ai chi) qigong (chi gung), and other advanced
medical, spiritual, or martia practices. They are intended to prepare a student for
those more demanding disciplines. They are also conducted as adjunctive exercises
that can make some aspects of the main practices easier to perro Some sources are
less well known in the west, like medical qigong and paidagong. They are tapp and
patting techniques used to break up qi blockages.
Qi is life force and is responsible for all healthy functionality, animation, vitality,
emotional balance, and mental clarity. Chinese exercises have a unique positive
impact on all those qualities. Chinese healing exercises can amplify the benefits
from taiji or qigong if you already have such a 20 practice. In that context, they
will open targeted areas of physical or energetic restriction, deepen your sensitivity
to qi sensations, and increase qi flow. They root you more securely, thereby
improving your overall performance.
(Adapted from:

The author's attitude towards the topic in the passage is.















Dalam teks ini penulis menunjukkan persetujuannya dan dukungannya untuk

menggunakan latihan penyembuhan Cina untuk meningkatkan kesehatan. Hal ini
bisa kita lihat dalam paragraf ke 3 dimana penulis menekankan betapa unik dan
penuh manfaat penyembuhan Cina tersebut.
Chinese exercises have a unique positive impact on all those qualities. Chinese
healing exercises can amplifty the benefits from taiji or qigong if you already have
such a practice!"

Dengan demikian maka sikap penulis adalah Positive (menyatakan kesetujuan dan


critical : kritis

positive : positif

Sceptical : skeptis

doubtful : diragukan

realistic : realistis



No Soal :10


There are numerous consequences due to illegal logging and illegal activities in the
forestry sector. Revenues lost by governments caused by illegal logging results in
decrease of their ability to invest in the forestry sector. This has an effect on
poverty levels, primarily because of the revenue lost by governments. As a result,
this reduces their financial capability as well as the programs that could be
implemented to help the poor.

Moreover, poor people are not in a position to influence political bodies. This
keeps them from accessing the forest resource. Finally, the resource's low cost
contributes to an increase in waste and provides very little incentive to buy timber
harvested from forests managed in a sustainable manner. Inadequate forest law
enforcement and governance in other countries can also threaten sustainable forest

As for the direct negative consequences of illegal logging on the wood products
industry, their effect is to simultaneously increase harvesting and increase the
availability of timber, thus lowering the price for producers. The price decrease
suffered by producers can lead to unfair competition, thus reducing the profitability
of legal companies. llegal logging is a disincentive to sustainable forest
management. The illegal timber trade threatens not only the viability of legal trade,
but also its reputation.

Despite the negative impacts, some stakeholders might benefit from illegal forest
activities, such as consumers who could benefit from lower prices and national
industries that could increase their competiveness by having access to lower timber

Several initiatives have emerged to combat illegal logging and illegal activities in
the forestry sector.Among them, it is important to mention the policy statements
issued by wood producers' associations, government 20 initiatives which range
from procurement policies to the signature of memoranda of understanding
between countries, and the procurement policies of major do-it-yourself centers.

Other more practical solutions are being put forward to reduce illegal logging and
trade. Some of those solutions relate more to timber trade. There is no doubt that
forest certification is seen, for some, as a tool, among many others, that enables
control over the illegal wood trade, especially when it comes to the chain 25 of
custody. Also, there are other methods presently used or put forward to help
combat illegal logging and illegal trade. They include log tracking systems, legality
license-based verification systems such as labeling, private and public procurement
policies, international cooperation and coordination on trade statistics, information
exchange on illegal logging and illegal trade, and study of possible trade-relate
Adapted from UNECE


The authors bias regarding impacts of llegal logging is that...


It provides affordable timber for the poor


Various disastrous impacts result from it


It gives incentive for forest management

Local industries increase their level of competitiveness


International market are flooded by timber logged illegally





Keyword: The author's bias

Prasangka penulis terhadap dampak penebang an liar adalah terjadinya berbaqai

dampak ber- bahaya dari penebangan liar (Various disastrous impacts result from



No Soal :11


There are numerous consequences due to illegal logging and illegal activities in the
forestry sector. Revenues lost by governments caused by illegal logging results in
decrease of their ability to invest in the forestry sector. This has an effect on
poverty levels, primarily because of the revenue lost by governments. As a result,
this reduces their financial capability as well as the programs that could be
implemented to help the poor.

Moreover, poor people are not in a position to influence political bodies. This
keeps them from accessing the forest resource. Finally, the resource's low cost
contributes to an increase in waste and provides very little incentive to buy timber
harvested from forests managed in a sustainable manner. Inadequate forest law
enforcement and governance in other countries can also threaten sustainable forest
As for the direct negative consequences of illegal logging on the wood products
industry, their effect is to simultaneously increase harvesting and increase the
availability of timber, thus lowering the price for producers. The price decrease
suffered by producers can lead to unfair competition, thus reducing the profitability
of legal companies. llegal logging is a disincentive to sustainable forest
management. The illegal timber trade threatens not only the viability of legal trade,
but also its reputation.

Despite the negative impacts, some stakeholders might benefit from illegal forest
activities, such as consumers who could benefit from lower prices and national
industries that could increase their competiveness by having access to lower timber

Several initiatives have emerged to combat illegal logging and illegal activities in
the forestry sector.Among them, it is important to mention the policy statements
issued by wood producers' associations, government 20 initiatives which range
from procurement policies to the signature of memoranda of understanding
between countries, and the procurement policies of major do-it-yourself centers.

Other more practical solutions are being put forward to reduce illegal logging and
trade. Some of those solutions relate more to timber trade. There is no doubt that
forest certification is seen, for some, as a tool, among many others, that enables
control over the illegal wood trade, especially when it comes to the chain 25 of
custody. Also, there are other methods presently used or put forward to help
combat illegal logging and illegal trade. They include log tracking systems, legality
license-based verification systems such as labeling, private and public procurement
policies, international cooperation and coordination on trade statistics, information
exchange on illegal logging and illegal trade, and study of possible trade-relate
Adapted from UNECE


What is the author' attitude towards illegal logging?














Keyword : The authors bias

Prasangka penulis terhadap dampak penebang an liar adalah terjadinya berbaqai

dampak ber- bahaya dari penebangan liar (Various disastrous impacts result from



No Soal :12



Further research, conducted by Dean Mobbs, then at Stanford University in

California, uncovereda secon point of activity in brain's limbic system-associated
with dopamine release and reward processing- which may explain the pleasure felt
once you 'get" the joke. Examining on particular part of the limbic system-the
ventral striatum was especially revealing, as its level of activity coresponded with
the perceived funninessof a joke. "It's the same region that is involved in many
different types of reward, from drugs, to sex and our favourite music' says Mobbs,
now at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, UK. "Humour
thus taps into basic reward systems that are important of our survival'"
Yet humour a far more multifaceted process than primeval pleasure like food. In
addition the two core processes of getting the joke and feeling good about it, jokes
also active regions of the frontal and cingulate cortex, which are linked with
association formation, learning and decision-making. The team also found
heightened activity in the anterior cingulate cortex and the frontoinsular cortex
region that are only present in humans and, in a less developed form, great apes.
Indeed, the fact that these regions are involved suggest that humour is an advanced
ability which may have only evolved in early human, says Watson, who conducted
the research.

No two brains are the same, however, and how these differences are reflected in
our sense of humour is the subject of much research. Men and women, for
example, seem to process jokes slightly differently Although both sexes laugh at
roughly the same number of jokes, women show greater activity in the left
prefrontal cortex than men. "This suggests a greater degree of executive processing
and language - based decoding' says Mobbs. As result, women take significantly
much longer those men to decide whether they 20 find something funny, though
that does not seem to spoil their enjoyment of the joke. Indeed, women show a
greater response in the limbic system than men, suggesting they feel a greater sense
of reward.

Which of the following statements in the text above contains an opinion?


Basic rewards system associated with humour are vital to human continued


The interior cingulate cortex and the frontoinsular cortex regions belong to


Womans limbic system reacts more responsively that men's does to a humor


Different types of reward like drugs and our favourite music are linked to the
ventral striatum.

Joke funniness relates with the amount of dopamine release an reward processing.





ingat! Ingat!

Pernyataan opini dapat dilihat dari kalimat yang dicuplik dari pendapat orang lain
(berupa kalimat langsung ataupun tidak langsung).

Pernyataan opsi yang menyatakan pendapat (opini) ialah Basic rewards system
associated with humour are vital to human Continued existence (Sistem pemberian
hadiah sama halnya dengan humor merupakan hal yang penting dalam menjaga
keberadaan manusia). Hal tersebut merupakan opini karena merupakan cuplikan
ONO pendapat ahli, yaitu, says Mobbs, now at the MRC Cognition and Brain a
Sciences Unit in Cambridge, UK. "Humour thus taps into basic reward systems
that are important of our Survival"



No Soal :13



Strategic flooding is a highly risky tactic. It can only be successful if there's a well-
thought-out backup plan and a plan for fast repairs. Flood can result in loss of life
and damage homes and businesses, and when the water remains inland for a long
time, it can change the landscape through erosion and deposition, forming During
the Eighty Years War, as the Spanish army fought to recapture territory in what is
now northern new tidalchannels and creeks.

Belgium and southwestern Netherland in the late sixteenth century, the Dutch
rebels led by William of Orange decided to use the low-lying, flood-prone
landscape to their advantage. In an attempt to liberate Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp
from Spanish dominance and defend their territory, the rebels destroyed seawalls at
strategic places from 1584 to 1586 to cause deliberate, large-scale floods

The area flooded during the Eighty Years War became part of strategic line of
defense and remained inundated for more than 100 years in some places, with
profound consequences for the landscape. The plan got completely out of hand,
and it came at the expense of the countryside of northtern Landers, now Zeeland

After water receded, a thick layer of clay covered all remnants of buildings and
roads in the area. As sea water was used, soil salinity increased, affecting
agricaltural yields, being as damaging as floods caused by heavy rainfall or storm

The tone of the author is best described as...














Dalam teks tersebut penulis menjelaskan mengenai strategic flooding, pengertian,
penggunaan strategi dalam sejarah dan akibat penggunaan strategi tersebut.
Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tone author terhadap topik adalah
objektif (C)


Sympathetic : Simpatik

Objective : Objektif

Upset : Kesal

Disastrous : Bencana

Nostalgic : Rindu



No Soal :14



Uranus, the irst planet discovered in modern times, was named after the Greek
deity, the eaniet God. It was discovered by William Herschel while systematically
searching the sky with his telescope on March 13, 1781. It had actually been seen
many times before but ignored as simply another star. The earliest recorded
sighting was in 1690 when John Flamsted classified it as 34 Tauri. Herschel named
it "the Georgium Sidus" (the Georgian Planet) to honor his patron King George ll
of England. Others called it "Herschel" The name "Uranus" was first recommended
by Bode, but it was not commonly used until 1850. Uranus has been visited by
only one spacecraft, Voyager 2 on Jan 24, 1986.

Most of the planets spin on an axis nearly perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic,
but Uranus' axis is almost parallel to the ecliptic. At the time of Voyager 2s
passage, Uranus' south pole was pointed almost directly at the Sun, so Uranus'
polar regions receive more energy input from the Sun than do its equatorial
regions. Uranus is nevertheless hotter at its equator than at its poles. The
mechanism underlying this is unknown.
Actually, there's an ongoing battle over which of Uranus' poles is its north pole.
Either its axial inclination is a bit over 90 degrees and its rotation is direct, or it's a
bit less than 90 degrees and the rotation is retrograde. The problem is that you need
to drawa dividing line somewhere because in a case like Venus, there is little
dispute that the rotation is indeed retrograde (not a direct rotation with an
inclination of nearly 180)

The tone of the author is best described as.















Penulis menyajikan teks dengan bahasa netral. netral. menyajikan fakta-fakta

mengenai Uranus. Tone penulis dalam teks tersebut adalah Objektif (C)


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