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THE RATTRAP - Selma Lagerléf Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlof was a Swedish author and teacher. She published her first novel, Gésta Berling's Saga, at the age of 33. She was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, which she was awarded in 1909. ‘street in Jerusalem, named for © Lageriot HOW DID PEDDLER MAKE A LIVING? He was a poor vagabond [ one who roams without any purpose] He used to sell rattraps made of wire. But the business was not very profitable. So he also resorted to begging and petty thievery[robbery]. His cheeks were sunken [went inside]and hunger gleamed [to shine] in his eyes. . WHAT IDEA PEDDLER HAD ONE DAY? WHY? The world was unkind to the peddler. No one had sympathy for him. He was not welcomed in any home. So he also didn’t like people. One day he fell into a line of thought. He thought that world is a rattrap, money, luxury and riches are the bait [ a piece of eatable or anything to attract someone]. Man is a rat and gets tempted towards the bait. Once trapped inside the trap, he loses his happiness and peace forever. [ chasing money is a never ending process] * He got immense pleasure thinking ill about others as others were always unkind to him. ee }. PEDDLER STOLE THIRTY KRONORS |. IRONMASTER MISTAKEN |. CROFTER WELCOMED PEDDLAR |» PEDDLER CAUGHT IN RATTRAP * Crofter was an old and lonely man not having wife or &. children, + He happened to work in an iron mill earlier but now he sold milk of a bossy [ fat] cow. He was unusually happy to see the peddler at his door. He welcomed the peddler, gave him food, played cards with him and gave him cigar to smoke. * In his excitement of having a company, he told the peddler that he had thirty kronors [ currency] in a pouch hanging on a window. That was a temptation for the peddler. he was not welcomed by anyone. He was tempted when the crofter told him about thirty kronors in a pouch hanging on a window. Next morning, both of them went out, but the peddler returned and smashed the window. He took out the pouch, thrust thirty kronors in his pocket and went away. Peddler was surprised at the unusual welcome by the crofter as ‘Ss Apa * Peddler got tempted by the thirty kronors in crofter’s home and stole it and ran away. * To avoid being caught, he went through woods and lost his way. * Every time he reached the same place from where he would start. + He understood that he was himself caught in the rattrap as he thought about others, by stealing thirty kronors. * He was hungry and scared and felt that was the end of his life. Ironmaster mistook the peddler as his long lost friend, the Captain. He insisted the peddler to come with him to his home. He said that his wife had died, two sons were abroad and only his daughter stayed with him. But the peddler knew that the ironmaster’s invitation was nothing but another bait to catch him into the rattrap of his house and he refused. . EDLA’S PERSUASION * Edla, the ironmaster’s daughter, convinced the peddler that he could come and leave as and when he desired. * She said that the peddler should accept the invitation as it would be an honour for her and her father on the auspicious ‘occasion of Christmas. o }. REALITY EXPOSED + The peddler was groomed up [cleaned and washed] by the | ¢ servants of the ironmaster and he came out. * * The ironmaster understood that the peddler was an imposter [fraud]and got annoyed [angry]. + He threatened to call the police but later asked him to leave at once. * Edla interceded [to interfere and solve the issueJand requested her father to allow the vagabond one day of happiness and peace on the auspicious [holy]occasion of Christmas and ironmaster agreed. ). GIFT OF PEDDLER © Ironmaster and his daughter came to know at the Church that a man had stolen thirty kronors of a crofter and the details resembled the man in their house. * They came home and ironmaster was certain that everything must have been stolen by the peddler who must have run away by then. * But to their surprise, nothing was touched and the peddler had left a rattrap having thirty kronors and a letter for Edla. * In his letter of gratitude [to be thankful], he said that Edla és reminded him that he was still a human and kindness does a exist. * He signed himself as the captain, symbolizing that he was no more a rat but has been raised to a high level of goodness and honesty. The metaphor of the rattrap and the element of loneliness are important aspects of this chapter along with few more. Contact: WhatsApp: 8758488368

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